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再生水回灌对地下水水质影响研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
再生水回灌地下水是一种缓解水资源危机的有效方式.由于再生水中含有硝酸盐、重金属、新型污染物等污染物质,因此在再生水地下水回灌利用时存在一定的环境风险.为推动我国再生水人工回灌地下水的发展,促进我国再生水的安全利用,本文分析了国内外相关文献及实践经验,总结了不同回灌方式下再生水回灌对地下水水质的影响.地表回灌方式下,地下水中盐分、硝态氮都有增加趋势,重金属污染风险较小,新型污染物是目前的研究热点,且其风险存在很多的不确定性,病原微生物对地下水的污染风险较小但不能排除一些活性较强的病毒等污染地下水;井灌方式下,对沉积含水层中As的释放应给予重点关注.最后,提出了相关建议以减小我国再生水回灌风险.  相似文献   

农业用水量占我国总用水量的80%。由于灌溉方式不合理,灌溉用水的有效率只有25%~40%。同时,我国的国土面积一半以上为干旱与半干旱地区,可耕地的一半以上为无灌溉旱地。因此,摆脱目前“靠而吃饭”的状况是农业发展的当务之急。滴灌技术是用滴灌管或滴灌带(统称灌水器)排在农作物根部的土面或土下,以低压、持续、均匀和受控方式同时向全田补充水分(及养分)消耗,可使水分与肥料的利用率达到90%以上。滴灌时行间与沟里不给水,又减少土面蒸发;还能将土壤里的盐碱排斥到根系以下或根系两侧之外,使污水或淡海水也能用作灌溉。这…  相似文献   

再生水灌溉对苜蓿生长发育和品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过盆栽试验,研究了再生水不同灌溉方式对苜蓿生长发育和品质的影响.结果表明:与清水灌溉相比,再生水能显著增加苜蓿的株高、侧枝数及产草量,但对苜蓿叶面积有一定的抑制作用;再生水灌溉、再生水与清水混灌和轮灌使苜蓿体内可溶性蛋白含量分别增加78.43%、83.68%、72.53%,但再生水灌溉不利于苜蓿可溶性糖的累积.再生水灌溉下,苜蓿植株体内的Ca、Mg含量较清水灌溉分别增加了27.78%、26.61%;再生水灌溉及混灌下,苜蓿体内的Fe含量较清水灌溉分别降低28.71%、10.09%;再生水灌溉、轮灌和混灌下苜蓿地上部Cd含量较清水灌溉分别增加98.6%、89.5%和59.0%,但苜蓿体内重金属Pb、Cd含量仍低于国家卫生标准(GB 13078—2001)规定限量值.说明再生水是苜蓿可利用的灌溉
资源,但其长期效应仍需进一步研究.     相似文献   

黄淮海地区是中国粮食主产区和农业发展的核心区.自1998年以来,农业用水整体呈下降趋势,但农业用水比例仍在70%以上,总量维持在1000亿m3左右.黄淮海地区农业面临着较为严重的用水危机,其农业水资源可持续性利用的障碍性因素主要有水资源总量相对匮乏、水质恶化、农业用水被挤占、农业用水效率低以及极端水文事件及全球气候变化等.黄淮海地区用水安全的保障性对策主要是:实施南水北调工程和非常规水资源利用,提高农业供水量;加强农业面源污染等水污染治理,改善水质;加强节水型农业建设,合理配置农业水资源,提高用水效率/效益;建设土壤墒情监测和灌溉预报系统,提高农业用水应急处理能力;改革农业水资源管理体制等.  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理系统研究及性能改进分析   总被引:109,自引:3,他引:106  
人工湿地污水处理系统是有效的污水处理与水资源再用相结合的方法,与传统的污水处理法相比具有基建、运行费用低,操作与维护简单等优点。该系统已被广泛应用于生活污水的处理,并通过工艺创新有向工业污水、农业废水等特殊污水处理方向发展的趋势。本文总结了人工湿地系统的研究现状,预测其研究与应用发展的趋势,探讨不同类型的污水在人工湿地系统中的净化过程,分析影响人工湿地污水处理性能的因素及技术性能改进的一些措施,并探讨人工湿地污水处理系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

付波  周玲  李冲 《工业微生物》2023,(3):178-180
对污水再生利用微生物的控制,是确保再生水水质安全、减少环境污染的重要前提。由于中国污水再生利用微生物控制的技术标准不健全,污水处理和再生存在一定的难度。文章分析了相关概念,梳理了中国污水再生利用微生物控制标准制定存在的问题,提出了污水再生利用微生物的控制标准及制定方法以有效保证中国再生水质的安全,减少环境污染。  相似文献   

再生水浇灌方式对芦苇地土壤水文生态特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏江宝  谢文军  陆兆华  贾琼  董立杰 《生态学报》2010,30(15):4137-4143
为提高再生水资源在芦苇群落生态恢复中的高效利用,采用温室内模拟实验的方法,以未灌溉(CK)为对照,对再生水(FS)、再生水清水轮灌(QF)及清水灌溉(QS)等3种浇灌方式下的芦苇地盐碱含量及水文物理参数进行测定分析,以其阐明不同浇灌方式下芦苇地的土壤水文生态效应。结果表明:清水灌溉、清废轮灌降盐压碱效果显著(P0.001),而再生水灌溉后土壤含盐量增加12.8%。与未灌溉相比,3种浇灌方式均使土壤容重减小,孔隙度增大,改善土壤水文物理效果表现为清废轮灌清水灌溉再生水灌溉。Horton模型比较适合描述灌溉后芦苇地土壤水分入渗过程,清水灌溉、清废轮灌改善了土壤水分的渗透性能,初渗率和稳渗率均比未灌溉增加,而再生水灌溉后初渗率下降15.0%。3种浇灌方式均能增强芦苇地贮蓄和保持土壤水分的能力,清废轮灌、清水灌溉、再生水灌溉的饱和蓄水量分别比未灌溉增加11.5%、4.3%、2.4%,涵蓄降水和供植物生长有效水分贮存能力表现为清废轮灌最好,其次为清水灌溉,而再生水灌溉则较差。  相似文献   

Xue YD  Yang PL  Ren SM  Liu H  Wu WY  S u YP  Fang YX 《应用生态学报》2011,22(2):395-401
通过田间试验,研究再生水不同灌溉处理对黄瓜、西红柿植株各部位养分元素的分布特征及果实品质的影响.结果表明:再生水灌溉对西红柿的生长发育有促进作用,对黄瓜的生长发育有一定的抑制作用.再生水灌溉后,氮具有向植株地上部分运输的特征;钾易于在黄瓜叶片中富集,不易于在西红柿根部富集;钠主要富集在根系中,叶片中的浓度较低,不会对作物造成伤害;对各部位Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-的分配没有显著影响.再生水灌溉对黄瓜、西红柿品质无显著影响,果实中硝态氮浓度分别增加了5.3%和32.9%,但均低于国家标准限值.  相似文献   

本文通过小区实验,研究再生水灌溉对葡萄叶片抗氧化酶及土壤酶的影响。结果表明,再生水灌溉的葡萄叶片MDA含量和CAT活性均高于清水对照的,而清水对照的葡萄叶片SOD和POD活性高于再生水灌溉的,但差异均不显著。再生水灌溉的土壤CAT活性比清水对照低;2011年的脲酶活性显著高于其他两年,而同年份间不同处理的土壤脲酶活性无显著差异。2011年再生水灌溉的土壤蔗糖酶低于清水对照,后两年则逐渐高于对照。土壤磷酸酶高于清水对照。再生水灌溉的葡萄产量高于清水对照的。  相似文献   

介绍了武汉生物工程学院(武生院)生活污水的现状以及污水处理工程,讨论了武生院生活污水再生利用的可行性;提出了各种再生水利用模式及其水质要求、再生利用的主要工艺及其要求,以及武生院生活污水经过处理后的水资源化技术方案。  相似文献   

Irrigation of agricultural land with wastewater will increase crop production, but also heavy metal concentrations and the rate of infection of farmers with pathogens. The risks associated with the use of wastewater are reduced by treating the wastewater, but treatment also reduces organic material, phosphorus and inorganic N for crops. We investigated characteristics, e.g. heavy metal concentrations, of soils of the valley of the Mezquital (Mexico) irrigated with waste from Mexico City water since 1912, 1925, 1965, 1976, 1996 or 1997, or not irrigated at all, and dynamics of C and N when soil was amended with wastewater or drainage water. Concentrations of total Mg, Hg, Mo, Ca, Cu and Cr, available concentrations of Pb, Cd and Cu increased significantly with length of irrigation (P < 0.05), but were not at hazardous concentrations. Although organic C, total N, microbial biomass C and N, and microbial activity, as witnessed by CO2 production, increased with length of irrigation, N mineralization did not. Oxidation of NO2- was inhibited and could be due to increases in salinity, toxic compounds or heavy metals. We found that N mineralization was low or absent so it will not compensate for the loss of N when the wastewater is treated and application of N fertilizer will be required to maintain the same level of crop production. The characteristics of the soils appear not to have deteriorated after years of application of wastewater, but further irrigation even with treated wastewater might increase sodicity and salinity and pose a threat to future crop production.  相似文献   

Long-term irrigation using wastewater from paper industry may cause seriously problems to the receiving soil. This work surveyed and monitored the soil quality of a wastewater irrigation wetland system in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province in China in 2014 and 2015. Τhe wetland soil showed different soil properties and TX, AOX, heavy metal contents after long-term wastewater irrigation. Long-term irrigation also accumulated the heavy metals such as Cu, Cd, Zn, and Pb in the wetland soil. Compared to the control, TX in the irrigated soil increased by 47.7–69.8% (2014) and 61.5–83.1% (2015). AOX varied in concentration from 1.7 to 55.0 mg kg?1 (2014) and 11.0 to 53.0 mg kg?1 (2015). The long-term irrigation of wastewater to wetland systems caused the accumulations of heavy metals, TX, and AOX in the soil and the levels of accumulations were related to several factors including soil properties, wastewater quality, and irrigation time.  相似文献   

论张士污水灌区的重金属环境容量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,国内外就环境容量的科学含义、影响机制、定量化及实际应用等方面,开展了一系列研究,西村肇(1977)报道了濑户内海海洋环境的容量计算。美国William(1976)报道用每周灌水量计算污灌区的负苛。北京西郊污灌协作组,利用酚、氰在环境中的自净率提出了酚、氰的区域净化量。北京东南郊污灌协作组,在评价工作中提出了土壤重金属污染容纳量概念。 我们自1971年秋开始从事张士污灌区的环境质量评价工作,体会到对一个受到重金属污染的老污灌区,应用环境容量的概念与计算,以达到控制污染的目的,具有实践意义。  相似文献   

Dietary exposure to heavy metals (viz., Ni, As, Fe, Cr, Mn, Co, Mo, Cu, Zn, Se, Cd, and Pb) has been recognized as a potential hazard to human health. This study investigates the level of contamination at two different sites in Pakistan, one irrigated with canal water (Site-I) and the other with urban wastewater (Site-II). At Site-II, irrigation with wastewater resulted in a significant increase in heavy metals and metalloids in soil and a subsequent build-up in two vegetables selected for study (Solanum tuberosum [potato] and Pisum sativum [pea]). Results showed that mean concentrations of heavy metals and metalloids in soil at Site-I were lower than those of Site-II. Mean concentrations of As and Cd in soil at both sites and for both vegetables were found above maximum permissible levels, while for both vegetables As at both sites and Cd, Mo, and Pb exceeded the suggested maximum levels for vegetables. High levels of some metals in the soils and vegetables could be due to unnecessary use of fertilizers and disposable water for irrigating the soils and the environmental cues prevalent in the areas, such as presence of ions that may bind the metals, often play an important role in uptake.  相似文献   

Wastewater irrigated fields can cause potential contamination with heavy metals to soil and groundwater, thus pose a threat to human beings . The current study was designed to investigate the potential human health risks associated with the consumption of okra vegetable crop contaminated with toxic heavy metals. The crop was grown on a soil irrigated with treated wastewater in the western region of Saudi Arabia during 2010 and 2011. The monitored heavy metals included Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn for their bioaccumulation factors to provide baseline data regarding environmental safety and the suitability of sewage irrigation in the future. The pollution load index (PLI), enrichment factor (EF) and contamination factor (CF) of these metals were calculated. The pollution load index of the studied soils indicated their level of metal contamination. The concentrations of Ni, Pb, Cd and Cr in the edible portions were above the safe limit in 90%, 28%, 83% and 63% of the samples, respectively. The heavy metals in the edible portions were as follows: Cr > Zn > Ni > Cd > Mn > Pb > Cu > Fe. The Health Risk Index (HRI) was >1 indicating a potential health risk. The EF values designated an enhanced bio-contamination compared to other reports from Saudi Arabia and other countries around the world. The results indicated a potential pathway of human exposure to slow poisoning by heavy metals due to the indirect utilization of vegetables grown on heavy metal-contaminated soil that was irrigated by contaminated water sources. The okra tested was not safe for human use, especially for direct consumption by human beings. The irrigation source was identified as the source of the soil pollution in this study.  相似文献   

Mangrove soils as sinks for wastewater-borne pollutants   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
N. F. Y. Tam  Y. S. Wong 《Hydrobiologia》1995,295(1-3):231-241
Soil column leaching experiments were conducted to assess the retention of nutrients and heavy metals in two types of mangrove soils receiving strong wastewater throughout a period of 5 months. NH4 +-N was the dominant form of nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate were in relatively low concentrations in all leachate collected. The concentrations of NH4 +-N in leachate collected from columns packed with Sai Keng of Hong Kong mangrove soil were higher than those packed with soils collected from Shenzhen of China. The leachate NH4 +-N contents of Shenzhen columns were significantly lower than that of the synthetic wastewater even at the end of the experimental period, indicating Shenzhen soils had very high capacity to bind nitrogen, and the amount of ammonium added from wastewater did not exceed the binding capacity of mangrove soil. The data also suggest that soils collected from Shenzhen mangrove swamp had higher capacity in retaining wastewater nitrogen than the Sai Keng soils. In contrast, leachate from Sai Keng columns had significantly lower ortho-P contents than those from Shenzhen columns. Actually, the leachate P concentrations of the Sai Keng columns treated with wastewater were similar to those receiving seawater (< 0.1 mg l). This finding implies Sai Keng soils were very effective in retaining wastewater P. Throughout the experiment, most heavy metals, including Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni and Cr were not detected in all leachate samples by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, indicating that both types of mangrove soils were capable of trapping wastewater-borne heavy metals. The study demonstrates that mangrove soils were good traps to immobilize wastewater-borne phosphorus and heavy metals but they were less efficient in retaining nitrogen from wastewater.  相似文献   

In this study, heavy metal phyto-accumulation potential of selected cultivars of two leafy vegetables on irrigation with municipal wastewater and human health risks were investigated. Municipal wastewater chemistry was recorded significantly different from groundwater control and led to the two-fold high enrichment of soil heavy metal contents (Ni, 19.46; Pb, 23.94; Co, 4.68; Cd, 1.4 in mg/kg, respectively). Interactive effects for phyto-accumulation of most heavy metals were also recorded significant at p?相似文献   

Constructed tide tanks were used to examine the accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in various components of a simulated mangrove ecosystem. Young Kandelia candel plants grown in mangrove soils were irrigated with wastewater of various strengths twice a week for a period of one year. The amounts of heavy metals released via tidal water and leaf litter were monitored at regular time intervals. The quantities of heavy metals retained in mangrove soil and various plant parts were also determined. Results show that most heavy metals from wastewater were retained in soils with little being uptake by plants or released into tidal seawater. However, the amounts of metals retained in plants on a per unit dry weight base were higher than those in soils as the biomass production from the young mangrove plants was much smaller when compared to the vast quantity of soils used in this study. A significantly higher heavy metal content was found in roots than in the aerial parts of the mangrove plant,indicating that the roots act as a barrier for metal translocation and protect the sensitive parts of the plant from metal contamination. In both soil and plant, concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni increased with the strengths of wastewater, although the bioaccumulation factors for these metals decreased when wastewater strengths increased. These results suggest that the mangrove soil component has a large capacity to retain heavy metals, and the role of mangrove plants in retaining metals will depend on plant age and their biomass production. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated the effect of groundwater and wastewater irrigation on lead (Pb) accumulation in soil and vegetables, and its associated health implications. A pot experiment was conducted in which spinach (Spinacia oleracea), radish (Raphanus sativus), and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) were irrigated with groundwater and wastewaters containing varying concentrations of Pb. Lead contents were measured in wastewaters, soils and root and shoot of vegetables. We also measured health risk index (HRI) associated with the use of vegetables irrigated by wastewaters. Results revealed that Pb contents in groundwater and wastewater samples (range: 0.18–0.31 mg/L) were below the permissible limits (0.5 mg/L) set by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Application of Pb-containing groundwater and wastewater increased Pb concentration in soil and vegetables. Lead concentrations in all soils ranged from 10 to 31 mg/kg and were below the permissible limits of 300 mg/kg set by the European Union. Significant Pb enrichment was observed in the soils whereby all types of vegetables were grown and assessed for Pb risk. Our data showed that Pb contents, in all three vegetables (21–28 mg/kg DW), were higher than the permissible Pb limit of FAO (5 mg/kg Dry Weight (DW)). The HRI values were > 1.0 for radish and cauliflower. It is proposed that Vehari city wastewater/groundwater must be treated prior to its use for irrigation to avoid vegetable contamination by Pb, and as such for reducing Pb-induced human health risk.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to probe the agronomic response of hybrid cultivar of okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. var. JK 7315) grown in secondary treated municipal wastewater irrigated soil with field investigations. The concentrations of the municipal wastewater viz., 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% along with the control (groundwater) were used for the irrigation of the H. esculentus. The study revealed that the concentrations of the municipal wastewater showed significant (p < 0.05/p < 0.01) effect on the soil parameters after wastewater fertigation in comparison to groundwater in both the seasons. The maximum agronomic performance of the H. esculentus was recorded with 60% concentration of the municipal wastewater in both the seasons. The contamination factor of heavy metals varied in the H. esculentus plants and soils. In the H. esculentus plants, following fertigation with municipal wastewater, the contamination factor of manganese was the highest, while that of chromium was the lowest. Intermediate contamination factor were observed for zinc, copper, and cadmium. Therefore, secondary treated municipal wastewater can be used as an agro-fertigant after appropriate dilution (up to 60%) to achieve the maximum yield of the H. esculentus.  相似文献   

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