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海洋碳循环研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
海洋碳循环是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,是影响全球变化的关键控制环节。海洋作为一个巨大的碳库,具有吸收和贮存大气CO2的能力,影响着大气CO2的收支平衡,研究碳在海洋中的转移和归宿,对于预测未来大气中CO2含量乃至全球气候变化具有重要意义。综述了海洋CO2通量,海水中碳的迁移和海洋沉积物及河口通量的研究状况,介绍了生物泵作用,碳循环模型的发展以及分析方法的最新发展等,并展望了海洋碳循环研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

海洋二甲基硫观测技术及其海-气通量分析研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭丽英  孙军 《生态学报》2020,40(2):428-439
二甲基硫(DMS)海-气交换是全球硫循环的主要参与者,对全球气候变化产生重要影响。有关海洋DMS排放及其海-气交换过程研究已引起人们的广泛关注,并成为现今国际上的研究热点之一。从海洋DMS观测技术及海-气通量估算两方面进行了系统总结,并指出了它们的最新进展和发展趋势,具体包括:虽然遥感技术在获取DMS时空分布及大面数据方面具有独特优势,但气相色谱法是目前应用最为广泛的观测技术,而质谱也越来越受到研究者们的青睐;直接观测技术在提升分析性能的同时朝着自动化、智能化现场实时观测的方向发展;观测对象从单一DMS扩展至其前体、二甲基亚砜等其他物质,同时所获数据呈多元化趋势,准确度也逐渐提升;以滞膜模型为代表的模型估算和以涡旋相关法为代表的直接测量法是目前DMS海-气通量分析的主要方法,而多元化数据则促进了两种或两种以上通量分析方法的联合及对比;深入探究海洋环境因素对海-气交换过程的影响,进一步完善速率常数计算和通量估算方法,是获得适用性更广、准确度更高的DMS传输率常数及提高通量估算准确度的重要途径;将直接观测技术和遥感卫星观测技术相结合,开展时间、空间维度上的全球海域DMS大数据调查研究,并深入评估DMS对海洋环境及气候变化的影响将是未来研究的重要内容;基于大数据基础构建海洋DMS排放趋势模型,实现未来DMS排放的准确预测是DMS观测及其海-气通量分析研究的重要目标。  相似文献   

通量观测是定量描述土壤-植被-大气间物质循环和能量交换过程的基础。涡度相关技术作为直接测量植被冠层与大气间能量与物质交换通量的技术手段, 已经逐步发展成为国际通用的通量观测标准方法。随着涡度相关技术在全球碳水循环研究中的广泛应用, 长期连续的通量观测正在为准确评价生态系统碳固持能力、水分和能量平衡状况、生态系统对全球气候变化的反馈作用、区域和全球尺度模型的优化与验证、极端事件对生态系统结构与功能影响等方面的研究提供重要数据支撑和机制理解途径。通过站点尺度通量长期动态观测, 明确了不同气候区和植被类型生态系统碳水通量强度基线及其季节与年际变异特征。通过多站点联网观测, 在区域和全球尺度研究生态系统碳通量空间变异特征, 揭示了区域尺度上温度和降水对生态系统碳通量空间格局的生物地理学控制机制。该文概括地介绍了涡度相关技术的基本原理、假设与系统构成, 总结了涡度通量长期联网观测在陆地生态系统碳水通量研究中的主要应用, 并对通量研究发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

中国天然林保护工程的固碳能力估算   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
胡会峰  刘国华 《生态学报》2006,26(1):291-296
大气中CO2浓度的升高作为引起全球气候变化最主要的驱动力已经得到广泛的认同。为此。2005年2月16号生效的《京都议定书》明确提出了植树造林、再造林是一条行之有效的减缓全球气候变化的重要措施。我国作为世界上人工林面积最大的国家,实施的一系列林业政策和工程,对大气中CO2的减排起到了重要作用。以天然林保护工程为例,利用我国第4次森林资源清查资料和林业统计年鉴,依据估算森林碳储量的材积源——生物量方法对该工程实施5a来(1998—2002)的固碳能力进行初步研究,以期为我国的国际气候和外交谈判提供理论依据和数据佐证。研究结果表明,天然林保护工程实施5a来,工程区累计造林302.6 10^4hm^2、新增人工林累计固C21.32Tg(1Tg=10^12 g),其中,东北、长江上游、黄河中上游3个地区分别累计固碳6.39、12.59、2.34强。另外,天然林保护工程实施后,5a内累计减少木材产量964.98 10^4m^3,累计减少22.75Tg的碳释放。总体而言,天然林保护工程实施5a来累计固碳44.07Tg,平均年际固碳8.81Tg/a,相当于我国每年CO2排放量的1.2%。  相似文献   

森林生态系统具有吸收大气CO_2、缓解气候变化的作用。造林再造林作为京都议定书认可的大气CO_2减排途径,是提高森林固碳能力的低成本、有效策略。森林生态系统固碳能力还受森林采伐、气候变化、大气CO_2浓度升高、火灾以及虫害等自然因素和人为因素的强烈影响。综述了全球和区域造林再造林的固碳能力,以及目前较受重视的一些因素(森林采伐、气候变化、大气CO_2浓度升高、火灾以及虫害)对森林生态系统固碳能力的影响。结果表明,全球造林再造林固碳能力为148—2400TgC/a;采伐造成的全球森林碳损失最大为900 TgC/a,其次是火灾为300 TgC/a,虫害造成森林碳释放最小在2—107 TgC/a之间。建议在今后的研究中,应关注固碳措施和多种环境因素对森林生态系统固碳能力,尤其是对森林土壤固碳能力的影响,严格控制森林采伐和火灾发生,以及减少或避免造林再造林活动引起的碳泄漏。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统与大气间CO2交换是全球碳循环的最重要组成部分,科学地测定其CO2交换通量一直是陆地生态系统碳循环研究的核心工作之一。提高观测的效率和减少观测对自然的干扰,是科学精确地估算区域和全球尺度上的陆地生态系统与大气间CO2交换量的关键。在参考国内外已有的陆地生态系统与大气间CO2交换通量箱式法观测技术的基础上,发展了一套多通道全自动通量箱系统用来连续观测陆地生态系统或土壤与大气间的CO2交换通量。在黄土高原中国科学院长武农业生态试验站的麦田和苹果园中进行了系统测试,结果表明,该系统不但能够实现自动、连续、多点观测,而且对自然环境的影响比较小,在田间的实验观测中,该系统运行稳定,能够比较客观地得到陆地生态系统与大气间的CO2交换通量。  相似文献   

海草生态系统的固碳机理及贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由海草、红树林、盐沼草等植被组成的滨海和海洋生态系统是地球中高效的碳汇热点,它们所固定的碳被称为"蓝碳".作为全球生态服务功能价值最高的生态系统之一,海草生态系统所固定的碳是蓝碳里的重要组成部分.高生产力、高效过滤及高稳定性造就了海草生态系统巨大的固碳能力,进而对全球碳循环具有深刻影响.然而,人为影响以及全球气候变化使全球海草床加速衰退,成为地球生物圈中退化速度最快的生态系统之一.当前,国内外对海草床等滨海生态系统固碳能力的关注、研究深度与广度仍远远不足,对全球海草固碳的评估仍存在诸多不确定性.为了能更准确地评估全球海草床的碳埋存,一些基础性的科学问题应优先考虑:1)全国和全球海草的准确分布面积;2)不同海草优势种类或不同地域的海草床碳汇能力的差异;3)人为干扰和全球气候变化对海草生态系统碳捕获和碳埋存的影响.  相似文献   

铁作为浮游植物所必需的微量元素,限制了全球超过三分之一海域的初级生产力,尤其是在高营养盐、低叶绿素海域(high nutrient low chlorophyll,HNLC)。长期以来海洋铁施肥被认为是一项可以降低大气二氧化碳含量的地球工程策略。然而通过13次海洋人工铁施肥(artificial ocean iron fertilization,aOIF)实验发现,铁的额外添加对海洋深层碳输出量的促进作用要显著低于预期。本文简要地总结了碳在海洋和大气中的循环过程,回顾了人工铁施肥实验对生物碳泵和碳通量等的影响,分析了从海洋铁施肥到海洋碳汇关键生物地球化学过程的影响因素。综上分析发现,科学界对生物碳泵过程及其调控机制的认识仍十分浅薄,考虑到海洋铁施肥还会对海洋生态系统带来一定的负面作用,铁施肥能否作为降低大气中CO2的有效手段,以达到碳中和并缓解温室效应仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

王兴昌  王传宽 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4241-4256
全球气候变化与森林生态系统碳循环息息相关,定量评估森林碳收支是生态系统与全球变化研究的重要任务。30年来森林生态系统碳循环研究已经取得了长足的进展,但全球和区域森林碳收支仍然存在很大的不确定性。这一方面与森林生态系统本身的复杂性有关,另一方面也与具体研究方法有关。评述了森林生态系统碳循环的基本概念和主要野外测定方法,为我国森林生态系统碳循环研究提供可参考的方法论。从生态系统碳浓度、密度、通量、分配和周转5个方面回顾了碳循环相关概念,指出碳浓度和碳储量是对碳库的静态描述,而碳通量和碳周转是对碳库的动态描述。净初级生产力是测量最普遍的碳通量组分,但大多数情况下因忽略了一些细节而被系统低估。普遍使用的净生态系统生产力,由于没有包含非CO2形式的水文、气象和干扰过程产生的碳通量,通常情况下高于生态系统净碳累积速率。在详细介绍碳通量组分的基础上,改进了森林生态系统碳循环的概念模型。重点讨论了碳通量的3种地面实测方法:测树学方法、箱法和涡度协方差法,并指出了其注意事项和不确定性来源。针对当前碳循环研究的突出问题,建议从4个方面减小碳循环测定的不确定性:(1)恰当运用生物量方程估算乔木生物量;(2)尽可能全面测定生态系统碳组分;(3)给出碳通量估算值的不确定性;(4)多种途径交互验证。  相似文献   

通量观测是定量描述土壤-植被-大气间物质循环和能量交换过程的基础。涡度相关技术作为直接测量植被冠层与大气间能量与物质交换通量的技术手段,已经逐步发展成为国际通用的通量观测标准方法。随着涡度相关技术在全球碳水循环研究中的广泛应用,长期连续的通量观测正在为准确评价生态系统碳固持能力、水分和能量平衡状况、生态系统对全球气候变化的反馈作用、区域和全球尺度模型的优化与验证、极端事件对生态系统结构与功能影响等方面的研究提供重要数据支撑和机制理解途径。通过站点尺度通量长期动态观测,明确了不同气候区和植被类型生态系统碳水通量强度基线及其季节与年际变异特征。通过多站点联网观测,在区域和全球尺度研究生态系统碳通量空间变异特征,揭示了区域尺度上温度和降水对生态系统碳通量空间格局的生物地理学控制机制。该文概括地介绍了涡度相关技术的基本原理、假设与系统构成,总结了涡度通量长期联网观测在陆地生态系统碳水通量研究中的主要应用,并对通量研究发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Carbon captured by marine organisms helps sequester atmospheric CO2, especially in shallow coastal ecosystems, where rates of primary production and burial of organic carbon (OC) from multiple sources are high. However, linkages between the dynamics of OC derived from multiple sources and carbon sequestration are poorly understood. We investigated the origin (terrestrial, phytobenthos derived, and phytoplankton derived) of particulate OC (POC) and dissolved OC (DOC) in the water column and sedimentary OC using elemental, isotopic, and optical signatures in Furen Lagoon, Japan. Based on these data analysis, we explored how OC from multiple sources contributes to sequestration via storage in sediments, water column sequestration, and air–sea CO2 exchanges, and analyzed how the contributions vary with salinity in a shallow seagrass meadow as well. The relative contribution of terrestrial POC in the water column decreased with increasing salinity, whereas autochthonous POC increased in the salinity range 10–30. Phytoplankton‐derived POC dominated the water column POC (65–95%) within this salinity range; however, it was minor in the sediments (3–29%). In contrast, terrestrial and phytobenthos‐derived POC were relatively minor contributors in the water column but were major contributors in the sediments (49–78% and 19–36%, respectively), indicating that terrestrial and phytobenthos‐derived POC were selectively stored in the sediments. Autochthonous DOC, part of which can contribute to long‐term carbon sequestration in the water column, accounted for >25% of the total water column DOC pool in the salinity range 15–30. Autochthonous OC production decreased the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in the water column and thereby contributed to atmospheric CO2 uptake, except in the low‐salinity zone. Our results indicate that shallow coastal ecosystems function not only as transition zones between land and ocean but also as carbon sequestration filters. They function at different timescales, depending on the salinity, and OC sources.  相似文献   

‘Blue Carbon’, which is carbon captured by marine living organisms, has recently been highlighted as a new option for climate change mitigation initiatives. In particular, coastal ecosystems have been recognized as significant carbon stocks because of their high burial rates and long‐term sequestration of carbon. However, the direct contribution of Blue Carbon to the uptake of atmospheric CO2 through air‐sea gas exchange remains unclear. We performed in situ measurements of carbon flows, including air‐sea CO2 fluxes, dissolved inorganic carbon changes, net ecosystem production, and carbon burial rates in the boreal (Furen), temperate (Kurihama), and subtropical (Fukido) seagrass meadows of Japan from 2010 to 2013. In particular, the air‐sea CO2 flux was measured using three methods: the bulk formula method, the floating chamber method, and the eddy covariance method. Our empirical results show that submerged autotrophic vegetation in shallow coastal waters can be functionally a sink for atmospheric CO2. This finding is contrary to the conventional perception that most near‐shore ecosystems are sources of atmospheric CO2. The key factor determining whether or not coastal ecosystems directly decrease the concentration of atmospheric CO2 may be net ecosystem production. This study thus identifies a new ecosystem function of coastal vegetated systems; they are direct sinks of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

The Arctic is undergoing unprecedented environmental change. Rapid warming, decline in sea ice extent, increase in riverine input, ocean acidification and changes in primary productivity are creating a crucible for multiple concurrent environmental stressors, with unknown consequences for the entire arctic ecosystem. Here, we synthesized 30 years of data on the stable carbon isotope (δ13C) signatures in dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C‐DIC; 1977–2014), marine and riverine particulate organic carbon (δ13C‐POC; 1986–2013) and tissues of marine mammals in the Arctic. δ13C values in consumers can change as a result of environmentally driven variation in the δ13C values at the base of the food web or alteration in the trophic structure, thus providing a method to assess the sensitivity of food webs to environmental change. Our synthesis reveals a spatially heterogeneous and temporally evolving δ13C baseline, with spatial gradients in the δ13C‐POC values between arctic shelves and arctic basins likely driven by differences in productivity and riverine and coastal influence. We report a decline in δ13C‐DIC values (?0.011‰ per year) in the Arctic, reflecting increasing anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Arctic Ocean (i.e. Suess effect), which is larger than predicted. The larger decline in δ13C‐POC values and δ13C in arctic marine mammals reflects the anthropogenic CO2 signal as well as the influence of a changing arctic environment. Combining the influence of changing sea ice conditions and isotopic fractionation by phytoplankton, we explain the decadal decline in δ13C‐POC values in the Arctic Ocean and partially explain the δ13C values in marine mammals with consideration of time‐varying integration of δ13C values. The response of the arctic ecosystem to ongoing environmental change is stronger than we would predict theoretically, which has tremendous implications for the study of food webs in the rapidly changing Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

To limit global warming below 2°C by 2100, we must drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and additionally remove ~100–900 Gt CO2 from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide removal, CDR) to compensate for unavoidable emissions. Seaweeds (marine macroalgae) naturally grow in coastal regions worldwide where they are crucial for primary production and carbon cycling. They are being considered as a biological method for CDR and for use in carbon trading schemes as offsets. To use seaweeds in carbon trading schemes requires verification that seaweed photosynthesis that fixes CO2 into organic carbon results in CDR, along with the safe and secure storage of the carbon removed from the atmosphere for more than 100 years (sequestration). There is much ongoing research into the magnitude of seaweed carbon storage pools (e.g., as living biomass and as particulate and dissolved organic carbon in sediments and the deep ocean), but these pools do not equate to CDR unless the amount of CO2 removed from the atmosphere as a result of seaweed primary production can be quantified and verified. The draw-down of atmospheric CO2 into seawater is via air-sea CO2 equilibrium, which operates on time scales of weeks to years depending upon the ecosystem considered. Here, we explain why quantifying air-sea CO2 equilibrium and linking this process to seaweed carbon storage pools is the critical step needed to verify CDR by discrete seaweed beds and nearshore and open ocean aquaculture systems prior to their use in carbon trading.  相似文献   

Concurrent changes in climate, atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, and increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) affect ecosystems in complex ways. The DayCent-Chem model was used to investigate the combined effects of these human-caused drivers of change over the period 1980–2075 at seven forested montane and two alpine watersheds in the United States. Net ecosystem production (NEP) increased linearly with increasing N deposition for six out of seven forested watersheds; warming directly increased NEP at only two of these sites. Warming reduced soil organic carbon storage at all sites by increasing heterotrophic respiration. At most sites, warming together with high N deposition increased nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions enough to negate the greenhouse benefit of soil carbon sequestration alone, though there was a net greenhouse gas sink across nearly all sites mainly due to the effect of CO2 fertilization and associated sequestration by plants. Over the simulation period, an increase in atmospheric CO2 from 350 to 600 ppm was the main driver of change in net ecosystem greenhouse gas sequestration at all forested sites and one of two alpine sites, but an additional increase in CO2 from 600 to 760 ppm produced smaller effects. Warming either increased or decreased net greenhouse gas sequestration, depending on the site. The N contribution to net ecosystem greenhouse gas sequestration averaged across forest sites was only 5–7 % and was negligible for the alpine. Stream nitrate (NO3 ?) fluxes increased sharply with N-loading, primarily at three watersheds where initial N deposition values were high relative to terrestrial N uptake capacity. The simulated results displayed fewer synergistic responses to warming, N-loading, and CO2 fertilization than expected. Overall, simulations with DayCent-Chem suggest individual site characteristics and historical patterns of N deposition are important determinants of forest or alpine ecosystem responses to global change.  相似文献   

林晓雪  黄佳芳  李慧  仝川 《生态学报》2022,42(22):9186-9198
河口感潮沼泽是全球重要的蓝碳生态系统,具有很强的固碳能力。碳收支研究是量化生态系统碳源/汇过程及固碳规模的基础。本研究运用透明箱和不同遮光率布遮盖+红外气体分析仪/气相色谱相结合的方法,模拟不同光照条件,测定闽江河口鳝鱼滩半咸水芦苇沼泽和短叶茳芏沼泽的瞬时净生态系统二氧化碳(CO2)交换量(net ecosystem exchange,NEE)、生态系统呼吸(ecosystem respiration,ER)以及甲烷(CH4)排放通量,并通过对总光合吸收量(gross ecosystem exchange,GEE)与光合有效辐射的拟合以及ER与气温的拟合,外推2个沼泽生态系统CO2气体在月、年尺度上的NEE和ER,评估其年固碳量。2个沼泽生态系统的NEE和ER均具有明显的季节变化,春夏秋季为大气中CO2的汇,而冬季则转化为大气中CO2的源,芦苇沼泽年尺度固碳能力显著高于短叶茳芏沼泽。芦苇沼泽与短叶茳芏沼泽CH4排放通量差异不显著。综合考虑CH4排放,闽江河口鳝鱼滩半咸水芦苇沼泽、短叶茳芏沼泽生态系统年固碳量分别为(5371.52±336.97) g CO2-eq/m2和(2730.32±503.67) g CO2-eq/m2。研究表明:闽江河口半咸水沼泽湿地在年尺度上是一个较强的碳汇,在缓解全球变暖方面发挥着重要的角色。  相似文献   

韩广轩 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8170-8178
潮汐盐沼湿地具有高的碳积累速率和低的CH_4排放量,是地球上最密集的碳汇之一。同时,气候变暖和海平面上升可能使得盐沼湿地更迅速的捕获和埋藏大气中的CO_2,因此盐沼湿地的"蓝碳"在减缓气候变化方面扮演着重要角色。潮汐盐沼湿地与其他湿地类型最大的区别和最显著的特征是在周期性潮汐作用下出现淹没和暴露,同时伴随盐分表聚与淋洗的干湿交替,可能是控制盐沼湿地碳交换过程和碳收支平衡的关键因素。但是,当前潮汐水动力过程及其周期性干湿交替对盐沼湿地碳交换关键过程和碳汇形成机制的影响尚不十分清楚。另外,以往相关研究通常孤立地考虑垂直方向上CO_2或CH_4交换或横向方向上的可溶性有机碳(DOC)、可溶性无机碳(DIC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)交换通量对盐沼湿地碳平衡进行评估,显然不够准确。因此,为了精确评估和预测盐沼湿地蓝碳的吸存能力,必须系统研究潮汐不同阶段对盐沼湿地碳交换过程的影响;深入分析潮汐作用下盐沼湿地碳交换的微生物机制;关注潮汐水动力作用对盐沼湿地DOC、DIC和POC产生、释放以及向邻近水体输出的影响;阐明潮汐作用对盐沼湿地碳汇形成机制的影响;纳入潮汐水动力过程作为变量,建立盐沼湿地碳循环模型。  相似文献   

Significance of ocean carbonate budgets for the global carbon cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Changes in the trace gas composition of the atmosphere over glacial–interglacial cycles are linked to changes in the oceanic carbon cycle. This paper examines the role of biologically driven fluxes of organic and inorganic carbon in modifying the carbon dioxide chemistry of the oceans, and the corresponding implications for the partitioning of CO2 between the atmosphere and ocean. Relevant details of the marine carbon system are presented together with an assessment of the significance of remineralization and dissolution processes. Recent estimates of the marine carbonate fluxes show significant uncertainties and inconsistencies which must be resolved in order to assess fully the role of the oceans' biota in the marine carbon system. Various types of ocean carbon cycle models have been developed in order to interpret the changes in past atmospheric carbon dioxide. Some take account of the role of the oceans' biota, focussing in the main on the cycling of organic matter. Relatively few have considered the role of the carbonate pump and the subtle interactions between organic and inorganic carbon cycling. The significance of carbonate formation and dissolution, and of the effects of global change on the marine carbonate system, for air–sea fluxes of CO2 are discussed. Finally some recommendations for future research are made in order to improve our understanding of how spatial and temporal variation in marine carbonate fluxes, in conjunction with processes determining the oxidation and burial of organic matter in the oceans, affect levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

We compared the effect of CO2 concentration ([CO2], ranging from ∼5 to ∼34 μmol l−1) at four different photon flux densities (PFD=15, 30, 80 and 150 μmol m−2 s−1) and two light/dark (L/D) cycles (16/8 and 24/0 h) on the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. With increasing [CO2], a decrease in the particulate inorganic carbon to particulate organic carbon (PIC/POC) ratio was observed at all light intensities and L/D cycles tested. The individual response in cellular PIC and POC to [CO2] depended strongly on the PFD. POC production increased with rising [CO2], irrespective of the light intensity, and PIC production decreased with increasing [CO2] at a PFD of 150 μmol m−2 s−1, whereas below this light level it was unaffected by [CO2]. Cell growth rate decreased with decreasing PFD, but was largely independent of ambient [CO2]. The diurnal variation in PIC and POC content, monitored over a 38-h period (16/8 h L/D, PFD=150 μmol m−2 s−1), exceeded the difference in carbon content between cells grown at high (∼29 μmol l−1) and low (∼4 μmol l−1) [CO2]. However, consistent with the results described above, cellular POC content was higher and PIC content lower at high [CO2], compared to the values at low [CO2], and the offset was observed throughout the day. It is suggested that the observed sensitivity of POC production for ambient [CO2] may be of importance in regulating species-specific primary production and species composition.  相似文献   

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