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通过田间试验研究了播种期和种植密度对冬油菜籽粒产量和含油率的影响.结果表明: 播种期主要影响分枝花序籽粒产量,而种植密度不仅影响分枝花序籽粒产量,还对主花序籽粒产量产生一定影响;籽粒含油率不受播种期的影响.主花序籽粒产量占单株籽粒产量的比例随种植密度的增加而升高,主花序籽粒含油率比分枝花序高约1%,因此小区籽粒含油率随种植密度的增加显著升高.研究区冬油菜播种期不能晚于10月中旬,10月下旬播种会显著降低籽粒产量;种植密度在每平方米36~48株可以提高冬油菜籽粒产量和含油率.  相似文献   

温室盆栽试验条件下,设置渍水和对照2个水分处理,每个水分处理下设置3个施氮水平(0.05、0.2、0.3 g N·kg-1土),研究了花后渍水逆境下氮素营养对两个氮高效基因型‘Monty’、‘湘油15’和两个氮低效基因型‘R210’、‘Bin270’油菜产量、产量性能及氮肥利用效率的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,花后渍水处理显著降低了油菜的单株角果数、千粒重、每角粒数和籽粒产量.在适宜水分条件下,增施氮肥显著增加了油菜籽粒产量,而在渍水逆境处理下,增施氮肥对油菜籽粒产量的形成贡献不大.氮高效基因型较氮低效基因型对花后渍水逆境下的籽粒灌浆充实具有一定的促进作用.在同一水分处理下,花后渍水明显降低了油菜氮肥利用率、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学利用率、氮素吸收效率和氮收获指数,渍水显著影响了不同基因型油菜的氮素吸收利用能力,而氮高效基因型在渍水逆境下较氮低效基因型更有利于将氮素转运、再分配到角果中,提高籽粒生产效率.油菜产量性能参数存在显著的水氮互作效应,水分、氮肥及水氮互作对油菜籽粒产量和产量性能参数的影响因基因型的不同而异.  相似文献   

本试验以春油菜品种阳光85为材料,采用正交试验设计,研究了密度、氮肥、磷肥对春油菜产量的影响,了解春油菜生产中合理施肥和科学调控群体结构。结果表明,不同密度和施肥水平对春油菜株高,分枝部位高,有效分枝数、主轴角果数、单株角果数和角果粒数均影响显著,但对千粒重影响不显著。株高和分枝部位随密度的增大而升高,也随氮肥施用量的增加而升高,但与施磷量没有规律性变化。随种植密度的增加有效分枝数大大减少,群体主轴角果比例增大,主轴角果数决定大田产量的29.4%变异,角果粒数决定大田产量的20.7%变异,全株产量决定大田产量的30.1%变异,这三个主要因子决定了大田产量80.2%变异。说明在春油菜生产中单株产量起着关键性作用,需较高的氮肥水平促进个体发育。从施肥量与密度的互作效应可以看出,施氮量190 kg/hm~2,施磷量40 kg/hm~2,种植密度提高到44万株/hm~2时增产效果最好。  相似文献   

以‘秦优7号’油菜品种为材料,设置叶片和角果遮光及摘除叶片处理,通过田间试验测定分析终花后角果和叶片的光合特性及其对籽粒产量、含油量及脂肪酸组成的影响。结果显示:(1)终花后油菜角果遮光使籽粒的千粒重、产量、含油量分别显著降低54.7%、62.1%、44.2%,且籽粒中硫甙含量及脂肪酸中棕榈酸、硬脂酸含量显著升高,亚麻酸含量显著降低。(2)叶片遮光和摘除叶片分别显著降低角粒数11.7%、11.3%,降低籽粒千粒重22.5%、17.9%,单株产量分别降低35.3%、44.7%,使籽粒脂肪酸中亚油酸、亚麻酸等含量显著增加,但对籽粒含油量无显著影响。(3)终花后油菜绿色角果皮最大面积是绿叶面积的1.54倍,角果叶绿素a、b以及类胡萝卜素含量显著低于叶片,但角果的净光合速率、蒸腾速率显著高于叶片;且角果层的光辐射强度显著高于角果层下的叶片层;角果响应光辐射强度的光补偿点、光饱和点均显著高于叶片;即角果能够适应较高强度光辐射环境。研究发现,油菜结角期角果层接受大部分光辐射,角果的光合活性显著高于叶片,是主要的光合器官,角果光合状况对籽粒产量、含油量及脂肪酸组成有显著影响。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜育种亲本单株产量与农艺性状相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油菜是我国重要的油料作物,提高油菜产量是油菜育种的首要目标之一。油菜育种中,考察和分析油菜种质的主要农艺性状是筛选育种亲本材料配制优良组合的前提基础,可以为高效开展重要性状的改良提供有效的科学依据。以213份长江流域油菜主产区育种单位提供的甘蓝型油菜育种亲本为材料,采用相关分析、通径分析、多元回归分析及主成分分析等方法,探讨在成都平原气候条件下,油菜单株产量与10个相关农艺性状之间的关系,明确甘蓝型油菜产量形成的主要决定因子。结果表明,不同地区油菜资源农艺性状存在较大差异;单株产量与株高、主序有效长度、一次有效分枝数、主序有效角果数、角果长度、每角果粒数和千粒重呈极显著正相关,与营养生长天数呈显著负相关;对单株产量直接影响最大的是株高,其次是每角果粒数和一次有效分枝数,间接作用最大为主序有效长度,其次是主序有效角果数和一次有效分枝高度。逐步回归分析表明,株高、每角果粒数、一次有效分枝高度和一次有效分枝数是决定单株产量的主要因子;通过主成分分析,可将相关性状综合为4大类:株高控制因子、生育期控制因子、产量性状控制因子和株型控制因子。本生态区域内决定产量形成的关键性状为株高、每角果粒数、一次有效分枝高度和一次有效分枝数,本研究得出的结果对于充分利用各育种单位亲本材料优良性状提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

不同冬小麦品种不同叶位叶片在个体产量形成中的作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以黄土高原南部半湿润区土垫旱耕人为土为供试土壤进行大田试验,在不同施氮水平基础上,以NR 9405、9430、偃师9号、小偃6号、陕229号、西农2208、矮丰3号和商188等8个冬小麦品种为供试材料,研究不同年度、不同农艺性状冬小麦不同叶位叶片在个体产量形成中的作用.结果表明,冬小麦旗叶和倒二叶长度、宽度及其叶面积同时受品种和施氮控制,施氮后显著增加.旗叶和旗叶以下余叶对冬小麦籽粒产量形成起着重要作用.与不去叶处理相比,开花期去旗叶、留旗叶去其余叶、去所有叶对单穗粒数影响不大,各处理粒数变化在32.91~34.95粒/穗之间.但去旗叶后穗粒重有一定程度下降,比对照植株下降8.7%;留旗叶去其余叶和去所有叶处理,分别比对照植株减少18.2%和29.3%;去叶处理对单粒体积的影响与对单穗粒重的影响相一致;去旗叶、留旗叶去其余叶和去所有叶处理单粒重极显著降低,分别比对照下降7.0%、13.3%和25.1%.花后单株叶对产量的贡献大体上在1/4~1/3之间.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜若干农艺性状与单株产量的关系分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以38个甘蓝型油菜品种为材料,对单株产量、有效分枝部位高度、主轴花序长度等11个农艺性状进行了方差分析、通径分析和聚类分析.结果显示:所有调查性状在品种间存在显著的差异;主花序长度、主序有效角果数与单株产量都有显著的遗传相关性,两者都通过有效分枝部位高度对单株产量产生较大的正向间接作用;有效分枝部位高度对单株产量的影响也较显著,高产品种具有相对较高的有效分枝部位高度;总角果数对单株产量的直接遗传通径系数虽小,但它具有最大的直接表型通径系数,它通过主序有效角果数和有效分枝数对单株产量产生了两个较大的间接作用;要获得3130kg/hm~2的产量,重点应具备果多、枝多的特征,总角果数不少于657个,有效分枝数不少于18个.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜数量性状遗传变异的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本试验采用单因素遗传设计,连续两年分别研究了42个和50个稳定遗传的甘蓝型油菜品种22个数量性状的平均表现和遗传变异,结果表明,开花期、株高、分枝高度、着粒密度、每果粒数、千粒重、一次分枝数、总角果数、单株产量和含油量的表现受大环境的影响较大。开花期、果长、千粒重、主花序长度的遗传力高,总角果数、单株产量、着果密度、分枝高度、每果粒数的遗传力较低。随着芥酸含量的降低,开花期延迟,主花序变短,主花序角果数减少。无芥酸品种的总角果数和单株产量显著低于有芥酸品种。中国的高芥酸品种具芥酸含量显著高于国外的高芥酸品种。  相似文献   

开放式空气二氧化碳浓度增高对小麦产量形成的影响   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
利用农田开放式空气CO2浓度增高(FACE)系统平台,以弱筋小麦宁麦9号为供试品种,研究大气CO2浓度增高和不同施氮水平对小麦生育期、株高、产量和产量构成因素的影响.结果表明:FACE处理的小麦播种至抽穗期、抽穗至成熟期及全生育期天数分别比对照缩短1.3、1.3和2.6 d,但均未达到显著水平;FACE处理的小麦穗长、穗下第1和第2节间长度显著变长,成熟期株高显著增加,比对照增加4.0%;低、中、高氮条件下,FACE处理小麦的籽粒产量分别比对照提高15.2%、21.4%和35.4%,平均增产24.6%,均达极显著水平;FACE处理小麦的单位面积穗数极显著增加,比对照增加17.8%,使穗粒数和粒重显著增加,分别比对照增加了2.9%和4.8%.FACE处理使小麦显著增产主要是由于单位面积穗数显著增加,而单位面积穗数的增加主要是由于小麦的分蘖能力明显增强所致.  相似文献   

不同方式处理牛粪对大豆生长和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型养殖场粪便堆积造成严重的环境污染,对这类废弃物开展资源化利用研究具有重要生态学和经济学意义。以不施肥料处理(CK)为对照,研究了生态养殖场牛粪经腐熟(DD)和蚯蚓处理(RD)后对大豆生长与品质的影响。研究表明:生态养殖场牛粪经过两种处理后,在一定施用量范围(DD≤30 t/hm2,RD≤45 t/hm2)内,可显著增加大豆株高、分株数、干物质积累,促进植株生长,增加单株荚数、籽粒数、籽粒重,提高大豆产量(P<0.01)。施入腐熟牛粪30 t/hm2株高和单株结荚数比CK分别增加24.2 cm、63%;经蚯蚓处理后,可以提高牛粪施用量的上限,施入蚯蚓处理过的牛粪45 t/hm2时产量最高、单株结荚数最多,比CK分别增加72%和75%(P<0.01);施入蚯蚓处理过的牛粪15 t/hm2时,粗蛋白含量、蛋脂总量最高,比CK分别增加7%和6%(P<0.01)。本研究可为大型养殖场牛粪资源化利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Crop growth and disease epidemics in sprayed and non-sprayed bean plots, artificially infected with rust (Uromyces appendiculatus) 3 weeks after emergence. were assessed weekly in two cultivars, at two locations for two seasons. Disease intensity was regulated by the application of a fungicide at 5 spray frequencies. Fungicide application influenced leaf area index (LAI) and reduced rust intensity. The fungicide had no significant effect on other diseases and dead leaf area. Fungicide application increased seed yield (SY) by increased numbers of pods per plant (PP). Rust severity was strongly correlated with pustule density but the overall relationships among rust assessment parameters depended on cultivar and location. Seed yield and pods per plant were highly correlated with LAI. The relationships between LAI and seeds per pod or seed weight depended on cultivar and location. Overall rust assessment parameters (rust severity and pustule density) showed close, negative relationships with seed yield. seed weight and pods per plant but not with seeds per pod. The relationships obtained in the partially resistant line 6-R-395 were less definite than those in the susceptible line Mexican 142. The yield parameters seed yield and pods per plant, showed strong positive relationships.  相似文献   

Cao CX  Zhou Q  Han LL  Zhang P  Jiang HD 《应用生态学报》2010,21(8):2057-2062
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of different acidity simulated acid rain on the physiological characteristics at flowering stage and yield of oilseed rape (B. napus cv. Qinyou 9). Comparing with the control (pH 6.0), weak acidity (pH = 4.0-5.0) simulated acid rain stimulated the rape growth to some extent, but had less effects on the plant biomass, leaf chlorophyll content, photosynthetic characteristics, and yield. With the further increase of acid rain acidity, the plant biomass, leaf chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate, antioxidative enzyme activities, and non-enzyme antioxidant contents all decreased gradually, while the leaf malonyldialdehyde (MDA) content and relative conductivity increased significantly. As the results, the pod number per plant, seed number per pod, seed weight, and actual yield decreased. However, different yield components showed different sensitivity to simulated acid rain. With the increasing acidity of simulated acid rain, the pod number per plant and the seed number per pod decreased significantly, while the seed weight was less affected.  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):65-73
Components of seed yield of cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) andcv. Unicrop (L. angustifolius L.) were measured when grown atthree densities. The low density (10 plants m–2) Unicropyield (34 g seed per plant) was 1.8 times that of Ultra as ithad more branches, pods and seeds per pod. Ultra seeds (310mg per seed) were heavier than Unicrop seeds (180 mg). The branchingpattern of Ultra was less dependent on plant density, henceat 93 plants m–2 it gave a higher per plant yield (7.4vs 6.4 g) than Unicrop at lower densities (83 plants m–2).Density had most influence on pod formation and only small effectson seeds per pod and seed weight. Yield components on the main-steminflorescence were influenced less by density than componentson branch inflorescences. Later formed, higher order generationsof inflorescences were most affected by increased inter- andintra-plant competition. Pod numbers on the main-stem were similarfor both species. Pods formed at higher flower nodes in Unicrop,but the lower flower nodes were less fertile than those in Ultra.Node position of flowers had no influence on seed set in main-stemUnicrop pods, but pods from higher nodes in Ultra formed fewerseeds. Seed weights in Unicrop were similar among main-stemnodes but in Ultra seed weights tended to increase at highernodes. Lupinus spp, lupins, seed yield, planting density  相似文献   

Abstract:  Yield-related responses of cowpea plants to artificial infestation of Aspavia armigera , at the onset of podding, at different densities, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 pairs per cage were studied on cowpea in caged pots and field plots. With increasing insect density there was a corresponding significant increase (P < 0.05) in pod and seed damage, and reduction in pod length, numbers of pods per plant and seeds per pod, seed weight and total yield. Pod production was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in infested plants than in the control; at 1- and 16-pair levels, pod production increased by 75% and 81% over the uninfested control in the pot and field experiments respectively. Then again, with increase in insect density there was a progressive high-magnitude increase in pod abortion reaching 252.6% and 200% at the 32-pair level on potted and field cowpea, respectively, resulting in drastic reductions in the number of harvestable pods. Cowpea compensation mechanism was lost completely as insect population increased. The lowest density of A. armigera at which significant reduction (P < 0.05) occurred in total seed yield compared with the control was one pair. The relationship between insect density and pod damage, and yield was best described by a quadratic + linear fit, while that between insect density and seed damage was best fit as polynomial with very high significant r -values. Chi-squared analysis showed that the models derived from pot and field data were similar.  相似文献   

Phenotypic correlation coefficients and heritability of the characters controlling seed yield of long-raceme forms of alfalfa was determined. It was found that seed yield per plant, which was positively correlated with 10 out of 12 analysed characters, depended upon the number of pods per raceme and the number of seeds per pod. Variability of these characters determined about 60% of the variability of seed yield. Multiple linear regression and phenotypic correlations show that simultaneous selection for increased pod number per raceme and increased seed number per pod and raceme length resulted in enhanced seed yield potential. The share of the additive genetic effects in the phenotypic variance for number of pods per raceme was low and about 21-23%, while for number of seeds per pod and per raceme amounted to about 50%. The expected genetic progress in recombination breeding for number of seeds per pod and number of seeds per raceme will be of medium magnitude, while one cannot expect any rapid and considerable progress in the number of pods per raceme. Considering the high positive correlation between raceme length and number of pods and seeds per raceme, one should conclude that raceme length can be an important criterion in selection of plants showing a high seed productivity.  相似文献   

Delay in sowing the cultivars Ostlers (Viciafaba var. equina) and Herz Freya (V.faba var. minor) beyond late February depressed yield. Densities of at least sixty plants per m2 were required to ensure that yield was not limited by sowing rate. Differences in yield in response to changes in density were reflected particularly in changes in numbers of pod-bearing nodes per plant, but also to a lesser extent in numbers of pods per pod-bearing node. The inherently larger seed weight of cv. Ostlers compared with cv. Herz Freya did not confer any yield advantage, differences in number of beans per pod and number of pods per pod-bearing node tending to equalize the yield of the two cultivars. The most stable component of yield throughout was number of beans per pod, and the least stable was number of pod-bearing nodes per plant.  相似文献   

The heritability, the number of segregating genes and the type of gene interaction of nine agronomic traits were analysed based on F2 populations of synthetic oilseedBrassica napus produced from interspecific hybridization ofB. campestris andB. oleracea through ovary culture. The nine traits—plant height, stem width, number of branches, length of main raceme, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, length of pod, seed weight per plant and 1000-seed weight—had heritabilities of 0.927, 0.215, 0.172, 0.381, 0.360, 0.972, 0.952, 0.516 and 0.987 respectively, while the mean numbers of controlling genes for these characters were 7.4, 10.4, 9.9, 12.9, 11.5, 21.7, 20.5, 19.8 and 6.4 respectively. According to estimated coefficients of skewness and kurtosis of the traits tested, no significant gene interaction was found for plant height, stem width, number of branches, length of main raceme, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight. Seed yield per plant is an important target for oilseed production. In partial correlation analysis, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight were positively correlated with seed yield per plant. On the other hand, length of pod was negatively correlated (r = -0.69) with seed yield per plant. Other agronomic characters had no significant correlation to seed yield per plant. In this experiment, the linear regressions of seed yield per plant and other agronomic traits were also analysed. The linear regression equation wasy = 0.074x8 + 1.819x9 + 6.72x12 -60.78 (R 2 = 0.993), wherex 8, x9 and x12 represent number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight respectively. The experiment also showed that erucic acid and oil contents of seeds from F2 plants were lower than those of their maternal parents. However, glucosinolate content was higher than that of the maternal plants. As for protein content, similar results were found in the F2 plants and their maternal parents. It was shown that the four quality traits, i.e. erucic acid, glucosinolate, oil content, and protein content, had heritability values of 0.614, 0.405, 0.153 and 0.680 respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A brassinosteroid-deficient mutant faba bean (Vicia faba 'Rinrei') shows dwarfism in many organs including pods and seeds. 'Rinrei' has normal-sized seeds together with dwarf seeds, suggesting that dwarfism in the seed may be indirectly caused by brassinosteroid deficiency. The mechanism of seed size reduction in this mutant was investigated. METHODS: The associations between seed orientation in the pod, seed numbers per pod and pod lengths with seed sizes were analysed in 'Rinrei' and the wild-type plant. KEY RESULTS: 'Rinrei' seeds are tightly arranged in pods containing two or three seeds. Seed size decreased as the number of seeds per pod increased or as the length of the pod decreased. Where no physical restriction occurred between seeds in a pod, the wild-type faba bean seeds had a nearly constant size regardless of seed number per pod or pod length. 'Rinrei' seeds in pods containing single seeds were the same size as wild-type seeds. Brassinolide treatment increased the seed size and the length of pods containing three seeds in 'Rinrei'. CONCLUSION: Seed size of 'Rinrei' is mainly regulated through a reduction of pod length due to brassinosteroid deficiency; physical restriction within pods causes a reduction in seed size. These results suggest a possible mechanism for increasing faba bean yields to optimal levels.  相似文献   

Khattak GS  Haq MA  Ashraf M  McNeilly T 《Hereditas》2001,134(3):211-217
Additive, dominance, and epistasis genetic basis of seed yield per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, and 1000 seed weight in mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) have been examined, using Triple Test Cross (TTC) analysis. The material for TTC test was evaluated in two seasons i.e., kharif (July-October) and spring/summer (March-June), at the research station of the Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad, Pakistan. Epistasis was present significantly for number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod when grown in the spring/summer season (March to June). Partition of epistasis showed that additive x additive ('i' type) interaction was an important component of number of pods per plant, and number of seeds per pod was found to be of both types 'i' type, and additive x dominance, and dominance x dominance ('j' and 'l' type) interactions. This indicated that epistasis might be a non-trivial factor in the inheritance of pods per plant, and seeds per pod in mungbean. The expression of epistasis was influenced differentially by particular genotypes, indicating that a limited number of genotypes may not be sufficient to detect non-allelic interactions for a trait in mungbean. Additive and dominance genetic components were significant for all four traits in kharif season (July to October) but only for seed yield and 1000 seed weight in spring/summer season. This suggests that the genes controlling seed yield per plant, and 1000 seed weight are equally sensitive to the environment. The predominance additive gene action in those traits is not significantly influenced by epistasis, suggesting that improvement of the traits can be achieved through standard selection procedures.  相似文献   

This study examined whether increased K supply in conjunction with BAPcould increase lupin seed yield and harvest index by enlarging sink volume (podnumber), increasing assimilate and improving assimilate partitioning to filltheadditional pods induced by BAP treatment. Narrow-leafed lupin(Lupinusangustifolius, cv. Danja abs mutant) was grown inaglasshouse, in pots containing sandy soil with four K treatments (0, 15, 60 and120 mg K/kg soil). BAP (2 mM) was applied daily toallmain stem flowers throughout the life of each flower from opening to senesced.BAP application did not affect assimilate production (as measured by totalabove-ground biomass), but changed assimilate partitioning. On BAP-treatedplants, there were greater proportions of seed to pod wall dry weight on themain stem but smaller proportions on the branches, and an increased weightratioof seed to pod wall overall which meant more assimilate was used for seedgrowthrather than pod wall growth. BAP increased the number of pods per plant by35% and this more than compensated for the decreases in seeds per podandseed weight. Therefore, there was an increased harvest index (+11%)and seed yield per plant (+13%) in BAP-treated plants. BAP alsoincreased the number of pods with filled seeds (146%) on the main stemand main stem seed K+ concentration (from 0.81% to0.87%). Added K increased biomass but only slightly affected assimilatepartitioning. As applied K increased, relatively more assimilate was used forpod wall growth rather than seed growth. Added K increased seed yield per plantby about 14% due to increases in seed weight and the number of pods onthe main stem. Moreover, K+ concentration in seeds and shootsincreased with increasing level of applied K. Seed yield was enhanced more byBAP when K was supplied at high levels. Increasing K supply interactedpositively with added BAP by increasing narrow-leaf lupin seed yield andharvestindex through increases in assimilate supply and its partitioning into seeds.  相似文献   

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