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北京和云南地区西花蓟马对多杀菌素类药剂产生抗药性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】了解我国西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)对多杀菌素等药剂的抗药性现状,为西花蓟马的有效防治提供参考。【方法】2011—2015年,采用叶管药膜法对北京和云南地区西花蓟马进行了抗药性监测。【结果】与室内敏感品系相比,北京地区西花蓟马田间种群对多杀菌素的抗性倍数达到80~150倍,对乙基多杀菌素抗性倍数高达7 730倍,对乙基多杀菌素的LC50值5年间最高增加了258倍,对甲维盐和噻虫嗪具有中等水平抗性,对阿维菌素和虫螨腈处于敏感或低水平抗性;昆明地区西花蓟马对乙基多杀菌素的抗性水平达到305倍的极高抗水平,对其它药剂相对敏感或处于低水平抗性。【结论】北京和云南地区西花蓟马对多杀菌素类药剂已经产生高水平抗药性,应密切关注抗性发展动态,同时进一步研究其抗性机制。  相似文献   

西花蓟马对吡虫啉抗性机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解大规模应用吡虫啉防治西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)的抗性风险,本文研究了吡虫啉与多杀菌素和啶虫咪的交互抗性并比较了多功能氧化酶系(mixed-function oxidases,MFO)的3个组分细胞色素P450、细胞色素b5、甲氧试卤灵O脱甲基酶(methoxyresorufin O-demethylase,MROD)在西花蓟马敏感品系(S)、抗吡虫啉品系(BK)和北京田间品系(BJ)中的含量以及活性。生物测定表明北京田间品系(BJ)对多杀菌素已经产生了较高抗性(RR50=35.38),而对啶虫咪(RR50=3.05)和吡虫啉(RR50=1.82)处于敏感,交互抗性研究结果表明西花蓟马对吡虫啉与多杀菌素(RR50=1.31)和啶虫咪(RR50=3.20)无交互抗性。生化研究表明:西花蓟马抗吡虫啉品系的3个组分含量均显著高于S品系西花蓟马的含量(P<0.05),其中细胞色素P450在是S品系WFT的4.5倍,细胞色素b5含量是S品系WFT的4.23倍,MROD活性是S品系WFT的5.99倍,表明多功能氧化酶系与西花蓟马对吡虫啉的抗药性密切相关。  相似文献   

张敏敏  赵巍巍  慕卫  刘峰  张友军  吴青君 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1171-1179
【目的】西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)是重要的入侵害虫,是番茄斑萎病毒(TSWV)最有效的传播媒介,TSWV对西花蓟马的生长发育有一定的影响。多杀菌素是防治西花蓟马最有效的药剂之一,但已有田间西花蓟马对多杀菌素产生抗药性的报道。TSWV对抗性西花蓟马是否也有影响及程度如何尚不清楚。本研究通过对此问题进行深入研究,以期为进一步了解TSWV对西花蓟马的影响提供依据。【方法】应用特定年龄-龄期及两性生命表的方法,研究用番茄斑萎病毒处理和未处理的多杀菌素抗性和敏感西花蓟马种群的生物学特性;用叶管药膜法测定不同处理种群对3种药剂(多杀菌素、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐和虫螨腈)的敏感性变化。【结果】对于抗性品系,TSWV处理后西花蓟马的发育历期缩短,雌成虫寿命和产卵量略高,但与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),内禀增长率(r)和净生殖率(R0)分别为0.0433 d-1和2.210,显著高于对照组(分别为0.0356 d-1和1.972)(P ≤ 0.001)。对于敏感品系,TSWV处理后西花蓟马的发育历期缩短,雌雄成虫寿命均显著延长(P ≤ 0.001),产卵量也略有提高,R0为4.125,显著高于对照组(3.979)(P ≤ 0.001)。TSWV处理后敏感和抗性西花蓟马对多杀菌素的敏感性没有发生明显变化,对甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐和虫螨腈的敏感性显著降低。【结论】番茄斑萎病毒对多杀菌素敏感和抗性西花蓟马均有直接有利影响,病毒处理的西花蓟马发育历期缩短,繁殖能力增强,成虫寿命延长,对药剂的敏感性降低。  相似文献   

西花蓟马田间种群对常用杀虫剂的抗性现状及防治对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis在中国是一种严重危害温室蔬菜的入侵害虫。本研究旨在了解该害虫在中国的抗药性现状,为防治该害虫提供理论支持。【方法】采用Munger cell法测定了北京,山东寿光和青岛以及云南晋宁和呈贡等5个地区西花蓟马田间种群对多杀菌素、毒死蜱、阿维菌素、甲维盐、氟氯氰菊酯、溴虫腈、灭多威、吡虫啉和啶虫脒9种杀虫剂的抗药性水平,同时利用这些田间种群测定了多功能氧化酶抑制剂胡椒基丁醚(PBO)、谷胱甘肽S 转移酶抑制剂顺丁烯二酸二乙酯(DEM)和羧酸酯酶抑制剂三丁基三硫磷酸酯(DEF)对多杀菌素、吡虫啉和甲维盐的增效作用。【结果】生物测定结果表明,北京、晋宁及呈贡种群分别对多杀菌素产生了34.45, 47.45和64.45倍的高水平抗性;晋宁种群对灭多威和甲维盐分别产生了16.58和11.03倍的中等水平抗性;呈贡种群对甲维盐、啶虫脒、吡虫啉、阿维菌素、溴虫腈分别产生了24.17, 21.69, 20.05, 16.45和10.31的中等水平抗性;青岛种群对啶虫脒和吡虫啉产生了17.70和12.49倍的中等水平抗性;寿光种群没有对任何杀虫剂产生高等或中等水平抗性。增效剂生物测定结果表明,对于吡虫啉和甲维盐,多功能氧化酶抑制剂PBO在所有田间种群上均有显著的增效作用。谷胱甘肽S-转移酶抑制剂DEM在呈贡、寿光和青岛种群中对吡虫啉存在显著增效作用;在北京、呈贡和寿光种群中,DEM对甲维盐存在显著增效作用。羧酸酯酶抑制剂DEF在呈贡、晋宁和青岛种群中对吡虫啉存在显著增效作用;在北京、呈贡和晋宁种群中,DEF对吡虫啉存在显著增效作用。但所有增效剂在各田间种群中对多杀菌素均无显著增效作用。【结论】结果提示:在使用多杀菌素防治西花蓟马时,应与其他杀虫剂轮换使用;此外,可通过添加酶抑制剂来增强甲维盐和吡虫啉对西花蓟马的防效。  相似文献   

颜改兰  王圣印 《应用生态学报》2020,31(10):3282-3288
噻虫胺是具有内吸和触杀等多种作用方式的新烟碱类杀虫剂,常用于防治入侵害虫西花蓟马。为明确抗性风险,本文研究了西花蓟马抗噻虫胺种群对多种杀虫剂的交互抗性及其机制。经过45代筛选,西花蓟马对噻虫胺产生了高水平抗性(56.8倍)。生物测定结果表明: 西花蓟马高抗噻虫胺种群与噻虫嗪、吡虫啉、毒死蜱、三氟氯氰菊酯、甲维盐存在中等水平交互抗性(18.6>RR50>11.3),对辛硫磷及灭多威具有低水平交互抗性,与溴虫腈和多杀菌素不存在交互抗性。胡椒基丁醚(PBO)与磷酸三苯酯(TPP)对杀灭西花蓟马抗噻虫胺种群(CL)、云南田间种群(YN)和敏感种群(S)均有显著增效作用。西花蓟马抗噻虫胺种群细胞色素P450含量(3.6倍)、细胞色素b5含量(2.9倍)及O-脱甲基酶活性(4.9倍)和羧酸酯酶活性(2.5倍)均显著高于敏感种群,表明多功能氧化酶及羧酸酯酶活性增强是西花蓟马对噻虫胺产生抗性的重要机制。  相似文献   

西花蓟马的抗药性及其治理策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)是世界性的园艺作物上的重要害虫,几乎对每种类型的杀虫剂均产生了抗药性,包括有机磷、氨基甲酸酯、拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂和多杀菌素等。本文对国外西花蓟马的抗药性发展现状和抗性机制进行了总结,并提出了抗性治理策略,即科学合理使用杀虫剂,结合栽培防治、物理防治、生物防治和寄主植物抗性等方式降低杀虫剂对西花蓟马的选择压,从而达到抗性治理的目的。  相似文献   

在室内进行了西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)种群对多杀菌素的抗性筛选和抗性遗传方式分析。经过2年多的汰选,抗性水平相比较初始种群提高了30倍,与同时测定的敏感品系相比抗性达到80.8倍。抗性遗传方式分析结果表明,正、反交后代显性度分别为0.51和0.43,二者差异不显著,说明西花蓟马对多杀菌素的抗性为常染色体、不完全显性遗传;剂量对数死亡机率值曲线分析结果显示回交后代在死亡率50%处,自交后代在死亡率25%和75%处未出现明显平坡,回交和自交后代实测值卡方检验进一步证实抗性为多基因控制。  相似文献   

为明确西花蓟马对辛硫磷的抗性风险,研究了西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群对其他杀虫剂的交互抗性及其对辛硫磷的抗性机制.交互抗性测定结果表明,西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群对辛硫磷与毒死蜱、高效氯氟氰菊酯和灭多威存在中等水平的交互抗性,对溴虫腈、吡虫啉、甲维盐和多杀菌素存在低水平交互抗性,对啶虫脒和阿维菌素不存在交互抗性.酶抑制剂与辛硫磷的增效剂测定结果表明,胡椒基丁醚(PBO)、三丁基三硫磷酸酯(DEF)和磷酸三苯酯(TPP)对西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群(XK)、田间种群(BJ)和敏感种群(S)均起到了显著的增效作用(P<0.05),马来酸二乙酯对西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群和敏感种群增效作用均不显著,但对田间种群增效作用显著(P<0.05).生化测定发现:除田间种群西花蓟马乙酰胆碱酯酶活性提高不显著外,西花蓟马抗辛硫磷种群和田间种群的细胞色素P450含量(2.79和1.48倍)、细胞色素b5含量(2.88和1.88倍)及O-脱甲基酶活性(2.60和1.68倍)、羧酸酯酶活性(2.02和1.61倍)和乙酰胆碱酯酶活性(3.10倍)均显著高于敏感种群(P<0.05);谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶酶活性也有一定程度提高(1.11和1.20倍),但不显著(P>0.05).表明其体内解毒代谢酶和靶标酶活性提高是西花蓟马对辛硫磷产生抗性的重要原因.  相似文献   

外来入侵害虫西花蓟马防控技术研究与示范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对入侵害虫西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)在我国部分地区暴发成灾的形势,公益性行业科研专项"外来入侵害虫西花蓟马防控技术研究与示范"项目组在除西藏、台湾、香港和澳门以外的30个省、区和直辖市开展了西花蓟马的调查、监测、预警和综合防控技术研究与示范。结果表明西花蓟马在北京、云南、浙江、山东等14个省市发生危害,尤以云南和北京两地最为严重,在全国呈快速蔓延趋势。明确了西花蓟马在我国的成灾机制;建立了西花蓟马高效诱捕技术;筛选出4种对西花蓟马具有显著控害潜力的本土天敌昆虫及病原微生物;筛选出5种对西花蓟马高效、对环境友好的防治药剂;明确西花蓟马重要发生区域北京和云南种群对主要化学药剂的抗性和机制;分别组建了基于农业措施防治、色板与引诱剂应用的引诱技术、生物防治和高效环保化学农药综合应用的10套西花蓟马防控技术体系,在我国北京、云南、山东和浙江等西花蓟马主要发生区域累计推广面积2.65万公顷,有效控制了西花蓟马的为害和扩散蔓延。  相似文献   

颜改兰  王圣印 《应用生态学报》2020,31(10):3289-3295
为明确使用新烟碱类杀虫剂烯啶虫胺、噻虫胺和噻虫嗪防治入侵害虫西花蓟马的抗性风险及抗性稳定性,本研究采用芸豆浸药法对西花蓟马敏感种群初羽化雌成虫进行连续筛选获得抗性种群,根据抗性现实遗传力计算公式分析西花蓟马对上述3种杀虫剂的抗性风险,预测其抗性发展速度,并测定抗性稳定性。结果表明: 经过30代抗性筛选,西花蓟马对烯啶虫胺、噻虫胺和噻虫嗪均达到高水平抗性(44.7、45.5和32.7倍)。西花蓟马对噻虫胺、烯啶虫胺和噻虫嗪的抗性发展速度依次降低,抗性现实遗传力分别为0.1503、0.1336和0.1258。对抗性种群在无选择压力下继续饲养10代,西花蓟马对烯啶虫胺、噻虫胺和噻虫嗪的抗性水平均出现一定程度的下降,但均未能恢复到敏感性水平。抗性选育后,西花蓟马若虫与成虫对杀虫剂的敏感性差异显著缩小,西花蓟马敏感种群及抗性种群若虫对上述3种杀虫剂的敏感性显著高于成虫。西花蓟马对烯啶虫胺、噻虫胺和噻虫嗪均存在高抗风险,噻虫嗪的抗性上升速度较慢且抗性稳定性最低。因此,在西花蓟马若虫期使用噻虫嗪有利于西花蓟马防治。  相似文献   

Selected commercial and technical grade pesticides were tested against the egg, preparasite and adult stages of Agamermis unka , a nematode parasite of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens . The commercial insecticide, diazinon (LC = 0.37 ppm), was most toxic to the 50 preparasites, followed by phenthoate (LC = 0.43 ppm), BPMC (LC = 0.44 ppm), IBP 50 50 (LC = 0.46 ppm), cartap hydrochloride (LC = 0.82 ppm) and buprofezin + isoprocarb 50 50 (LC = 1.11 ppm). The least toxic commercial pesticide tested was the fungicide, pencycuron 50 (LC = 2.19 ppm). Out of 12 technical grade insecticides tested, phenthoate, monocrotophos, 50 diazinon and carbofuran (LC = 0.37-0.46 ppm) were highly toxic to the preparasites, followed by 50 buprofezin, BPMC and fenitrothion (LC = 0.74-0.86 ppm). Fenthion, etofenprox, chlorpyrifos, 50 imidacloprid and MIPC (LC = 1.11-2.19 ppm) were the technical grade insecticides least toxic 50 to the preparasites. Most preparasites survived for up to 24 h at the low insecticide concentrations (0.63 and 0.31 ppm). Preparasites that were exposed to BPMC for 24 h at concentrations as high as 5.0 ppm and survived the treatments infected brown planthopper nymphs. Four selected insecticides-chlorpyrifos, BPMC, imidacloprid and carbofuran-had significant adverse effects on A. unka egg hatching. Eggs that were in the insecticide solution for 168 h fared poorly with imidacloprid having the best survival ( > 2% of the eggs hatching at 0.04 ppm). No eggs hatched from the other insecticide treatments. Three selected insecticides, BPMC, imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos, tested against adult A. unka showed that most adults survived the exposure to the insecticides between 0.31 and 2.5 ppm. At 5.0 ppm of BPMC or chlorpyrifos none of the adults survived, whereas with imidacloprid 70% of the adults survived. Egg deposition by the surviving adults was greatly reduced in those treated with the insecticides compared with those in the controls. Imidacloprid had some negative impact on the preparasites' ability to infect BPH nymphs, but it had the least detrimental effect of the insecticides tested on preparasite survival and on the eggs and adults of A. unka .  相似文献   

Interventions to control the vectors of human diseases, notably malaria, leishmaniasis and dengue, have relied mainly on the action of chemical insecticides. However, concerns have been raised regarding the management of insecticides in vector-borne disease-endemic countries. Our study aimed to analyze how vector control insecticides are managed in selected countries to extract lessons learned.A qualitative analysis of the situation of vector control insecticides management was conducted in six countries. Multi-stakeholder meetings and key informer interviews were conducted on aspects covering the pesticide lifecycle. Findings were compared and synthesized to extract lessons learned. Centrally executed guidelines and standards on the management of insecticides offered direction and control in most malaria programs, but were largely lacking from decentralized dengue programs, where practices of procurement, application, safety, storage, and disposal were variable between districts. Decentralized programs were better at facilitating participation of stakeholders and local communities and securing financing from local budgets. However, little coordination existed between malaria, visceral leishmaniasis and dengue programs within countries. Entomological capacity was concentrated in malaria programs at central level, while dengue and visceral leishmaniasis programs were missing out on expertise. Monitoring systems for insecticide resistance in malaria vectors were rarely used for dengue or visceral leishmaniasis vectors. Strategies for insecticide resistance management, where present, did not extend across programs or sectors in most countries. Dengue programs in most countries continued to rely on space spraying which, considering the realities on the ground, call for revision of international guidelines.Vector control programs in the selected countries were confronted with critical shortcomings in the procurement, application, safety measures, storage, and disposal of vector control insecticides, with implications for the efficiency, effectiveness, and safety of vector control. Further international support is needed to assist countries in situation analysis, action planning and development of national guidelines on vector control insecticide management.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of cocoons and adults of Glyptapanteles militaris (Walsh) were studied. One organophosphate insecticide (trichlorfon), one organochlorine insecticide (endosulfan), one pyrethroid (deltamethrin) and a commercial formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Kurstaki were selected for testing. All the tests were carried out with fresh solutions of commercial insecticides applied on host larvae at the recommended concentration. One- and 6-day-old cocoons were sprayed with the insecticide solutions by means of a Potter Tower and held for adult emergence. Adults were exposed to residues of insecticides inside plastic vials. The B. thuringiensis formulation had no harmful effect on the cocoons nor on the adults. Trichlorfon and endosulfan were highly toxic to all the tested stages. Deltamethrin was highly toxic to adults but relatively safe when applied on parasitoid cocoons. Based on these results, field applications of deltamethrin would be least disruptive of tested insecticides to populations of G. militaris.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity (48 hr LC50) of seven herbicides, three acaricides and eight insecticides used in the Control of agricultural pests in Sri Lanka to the fry and fingerlings of Oreochromis mossambicus Peters were investigated in freshwater at 28–29°C under static laboratory conditions. The fry were more susceptible to the pesticides tested than were the fingerlings. Most of the pesticides tested induced severe behavioural changes in the exposed fish. Exposure to some herbicides and insecticides resulted in lateral and upward bending of the body, while higher concentrations of some pesticides caused excessive mucous secretions, rupturing of eyes and production of haemmorrhagic patches. Of the pesticides tested on fry and fingerlings, Ronstrar, Elsan and Endosulfan are the most toxic herbicide, acaricide and insecticide, respectively, while Basfapon, Rogor and Azodrin 60 are, respectively, the least toxic herbicide, acaricide and insecticide.  相似文献   

A problem for growers attempting to implement integrated pest management programs is the lack of information regarding the compatibility of insecticides with natural enemies. To provide information about this problem, we evaluated the acute and residual effects of 11 commonly used insecticides on nymphs of Pristhesancus plagipennis (Walker) under both laboratory and field conditions. For each insecticide, the length of time that weathering residues caused > 50% mortality was evaluated and compared against the LC50 (acute-toxicity) divided by the recommended field rate. Plots thus combined the acute and residual toxicity of each insecticide. Results suggested that carbaryl, esfenvalerate, endosulfan, and deltamethrin had low residual and acute toxicity to P. plagipennis, whereas chlorpyrifos, methomyl, and monocrotophos were highly toxic at low concentrations and left persistent harmful residues. Cypermethrin, methidathion, malathion, and dimethoate were moderately toxic. The potential use of these insecticides to supplement the control activity of P. plagipennis is discussed.  相似文献   

The study reports the results of toxicity tests for several insecticides which are allowed to be used on greenhouse plants (Admiral, Mospilan, Spintor, and BT), as applied to different developmental stages of the predatory bugs Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter and Macrolophus pygmaeus H.-S. (family Miridae), which feed on whiteflies, aphids, thrips, and spider mites. The juvenoid Admiral is found to be the least toxic to these species, whereas the spinosyn Spintor is most toxic. The neonicotinoid Mospilan and a microbiological insecticide BT are intermediate in their effects. The timing of application of insecticides most favorable to the predatory mirids when both pest management methods are used together is discussed.  相似文献   

Five selected insecticides were applied to four substrates and evaluated in laboratory studies for repellency and toxicity against the Pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis (L.). We tested both repellent and nonrepellent formulations on outdoor (concrete and mulch) and indoor (ceramic and vinyl) substrates. Repellency was evaluated using a behavioral bioassay in which colonies were given a choice to leave the treated zone and move into empty nests provided in the untreated zone. We used a novel experimental design whereby ants walked on a Slinky coil suspended from a metal support frame, thus permitting a long foraging distance with a minimum use of space and resources. Cypermethrin, a repellent pyrethroid insecticide, resulted in colony budding, although the response was delayed. Toxicity of insecticides was evaluated as worker, queen, and brood mortality. The most effective treatment was fipronil, which provided 100% reduction in pretreatment activity by 2 d posttreatment on both concrete and mulch. Chlorfenapyr was highly effective on both outdoor and indoor substrates. Significant substrate effects were observed with insecticides applied to nonabsorbent substrates (ceramic tile), which performed better than insecticides applied to absorbent substrates (vinyl tile). Other highly absorbent materials (mulch and concrete), however, did not reduce insecticide efficacy. This is because ants relocated nests into and/or under these attractive nesting materials, thus increasing their exposure to toxic insecticide residues. Our results demonstrate efficacy of nonrepellent liquid insecticides as indoor treatments for the control of Pharaoh ants and possibly as exterior perimeter treatments.  相似文献   

Homalodisca coagulata Say, adults from three locations in California were subjected to insecticide bioassays to establish baseline toxicity. Initially, two bioassay techniques, petri dish and leaf dip, were compared to determine the most useful method to establish baseline susceptibility data under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Comparative dose-response data were determined by both techniques to endosulfan, dimethoate, cyfluthrin, and acetamiprid. Toxic values were similar to some insecticides with both techniques but not for all insecticides, revealing susceptibility differences among the three populations of H. coagulata. In subsequent tests, the petri dish technique was selected to establish baseline susceptibility data to various contact insecticides. A systemic uptake bioassay was adapted to estimate dose-mortality responses to a systemic insecticide, imidacloprid. A 2-yr comparison of toxicological responses showed all three populations of H. coagulata to be highly susceptible to 10 insecticides, including chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, endosulfan, bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, acetamiprid, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam. In general, two pyrethroids, bifenthrin and esfenvalerate, were the most toxic compounds, followed by two neonicotinoids, acetamiprid and imidacloprid. The LC50 values for all insecticides tested were lower than concentrations used as recommended field rates. Baseline data varied for the three geographically distinct H. coagulata populations with the petri dish technique. Adult H. coagulata collected from San Bernardino County were significantly more susceptible to select pyrethroids compared with adults from Riverside or Kern counties. Adults from San Bernardino County also were more sensitive to two neonicotinoids, acetamiprid and imidacloprid. The highest LC50 values were to endosulfan, which nonetheless proved highly toxic to H. coagulata from all three regions. In the majority of the tests, mortality increased over time resulting in increased susceptibility at 48 h compared with 24 h. These results indicate a wide selection of highly effective insecticides that could aid in managing H. coagulata populations in California.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe current body of research on insecticide use in Peru deals primarily with application of insecticides offered through Ministry of Health-led campaigns against vector-borne disease. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding the individual use, choice and perceptions of insecticides which may influence uptake of public health-based vector control initiatives and contribute to the thousands of deaths annually from acute pesticide poisoning in Peru.MethodsResidents (n = 49) of the Alto Selva Alegre and CC districts of peri-urban Arequipa participated in seven focus group discussions (FGD). Using a FGD guide, two facilitators led the discussion and conducted a role-playing activity. this activity, participants insecticides (represented by printed photos of insecticides available locally) and pretended to “sell” the insecticides to other participants, including describing their qualities as though they were advertising the insecticide. The exercise was designed to elicit perceptions of currently available insecticides. The focus groups also included questions about participants’ preferences, use and experiences related to insecticides outside the context of this activity. Focus group content was transcribed, and qualitative data were analyzed with Atlas.ti and coded using an inductive process to generate major themes related to use and choice of insecticides, and perceived risks associated with insecticide use.ResultsThe perceived risks associated with insecticides included both short- and long-term health impacts, and safety for children emerged as a priority. However, in some cases insecticides were reportedly applied in high-risk ways including application of insecticides directly to children and bedding. Some participants attempted to reduce the risk of insecticide use with informal, potentially ineffective personal protective equipment and by timing application when household members were away. Valued insecticide characteristics, such as strength and effectiveness, were often associated with negative characteristics such as odor and health impacts. “Agropecuarios” (agricultural supply stores) were considered a trusted source of information about insecticides and their health risks.ConclusionsIt is crucial to characterize misuse and perceptions of health impacts and risks of insecticides at the local level, as well as to find common themes and patterns across populations to inform national and regional programs to prevent acute insecticide poisoning and increase community participation in insecticide-based vector control campaigns. We detected risky practices and beliefs about personal protective equipment, risk indicators, and safety levels that could inform such preventive campaigns, as well as trusted information sources such as agricultural stores for partnerships in disseminating information.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine potential interactions between kaolin particle film and three insecticides on neonate larvae of the obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Kaolin did not significantly affect the toxicity of azinphosmethyl or indoxacarb to an insecticide-susceptible population when applied simultaneously with either insecticide in a 7-d leaf disk bioassay. Methoxyfenozide was slightly more toxic to the same leafroller population when coapplied with kaolin. When these bioassays were repeated on a multiresistant laboratory strain of C. rosaceana, mixtures of kaolin with either azinphosmethyl or indoxacarb were significantly more toxic than the insecticides alone, 3.1- and 7.7-fold more toxic for azinphosmethyl:kaolin and indoxacarb:kaolin, respectively. Mixtures of kaolin and methoxyfenozide did not differ in toxicity to the resistant leafroller population from the toxicity of methoxyfenozide alone. Kaolin alone had no effect on leafroller mortality over the 7-d duration of the bioassay. Although the toxicities of mixtures of kaolin with azinphosmethyl or indoxacarb are only moderately higher than those of the insecticides alone, they may be high enough to provide control of leafroller populations that have become difficult to manage due to the development of insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

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