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松毛虫赤眼蜂滞育诱导及解除条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】以柞蚕Antheraea pernyi卵为繁殖寄主,对松毛虫赤眼蜂Trichogramma dendrolim滞育诱导及解除条件进行研究,以解决赤眼蜂工厂化生产和大面积应用中面临的的中、长期储存问题。【方法】通过观测不同发育阶段(寄生柞蚕卵在26℃培养40、96和144 h)、滞育诱导温度(10、13和16℃)和诱导时间对松毛虫赤眼蜂滞育的影响,确定松毛虫赤眼蜂滞育诱导条件;通过观测滞育诱导温度和滞育后的贮藏温度对滞育解除的影响,确定松毛虫赤眼蜂滞育解除条件。【结果】在松毛虫赤眼蜂的不同发育阶段对其进行持续的低温刺激均能使其导入滞育,但以小幼阶段(26℃培养40 h)开始效果最佳,寄生卵在26℃培养40 h后,转入10℃和13℃下连续诱导31 d,滞育率可达100%和99.12%。滞育诱导温度和滞育后的贮藏温度对松毛虫赤眼蜂解除滞育所需时间和解除滞育后的羽化出蜂率有较大影响,10℃诱导滞育后置于1℃冷藏的赤眼蜂解除滞育所需时间最短,解除滞育后的羽化出蜂率和单卵出蜂数更高,更耐储存。此条件下冷藏约30 d开始打破滞育,在正常发育下温度下羽化出蜂,60 d羽化出蜂率达到95.24%,冷藏4个月后羽化出蜂率仍在60%以上,单卵出蜂数高于50头。【结论】松毛虫赤眼蜂最佳滞育诱导条件为26℃培养40 h后,转入10℃连续低温诱导31 d;最佳滞育解除条件为1℃低温储存,但储存期不能超过4个月。  相似文献   

昆虫滞育持续时间的影响因子及其对滞育后生物学的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
滞育持续时间(diapause duration)是昆虫的一种生理特性,它主要由特定环境条件下的滞育强度或滞育发育速率来决定,滞育强度或滞育发育速率通常以将滞育状态的昆虫转移至解除滞育的条件(如低温处理、光周期的转换)后,滞育消除所需时间的长短来衡量。文章系统综述昆虫滞育持续时间的影响因子及其对滞育后生物学的影响。  相似文献   

滞育是昆虫度过不良环境的一种生存适应策略,营养物质的利用、积累和转化影响昆虫的滞育。滞育期间,昆虫体内发生一系列生理生化变化,包括脂类、碳水化合物和氨基酸等内源营养物质呈特异性地积累或转化,保障了滞育个体在逆境中存活及滞育解除后发育的能量需求。外源营养物质对昆虫滞育的影响较复杂,其种类、丰度、质量能通过"食料-寄主-天敌"营养关系进行传递,影响昆虫体内营养物质的积累和转化,改变昆虫的耐寒性、滞育率等,制约昆虫的滞育深度、滞育存活率。滞育昆虫营养物质积累、利用机制复杂多样,胰岛素信号通路-叉头转录因子以及激脂激素的调控效应在滞育诱导及营养物质转化中起到了关键的调控作用,但滞育的系统性调控仍需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

昆虫滞育研究进展   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
首先对昆虫滞育的若干名词概念作出解释,按照滞育过程的阶段特点划分为3个时期:(1)滞育前期(包括滞育诱导和滞育准备);(2)滞育期(包括滞育进入、滞育维持和滞育解除);(3)滞育后期。然后重点介绍这3个阶段近期分子和细胞水平上的重要工作,对一些科学问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

光温条件明显影响棉铃虫的滞育强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明不同地理种群棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera滞育强度的地理变异, 本研究系统地比较了光温条件(光照时数 11~16 h, 恒温20, 22, 25, 28和31℃及变温)对来自中国的4个地理种群(广东广州、 江西永修、 山东泰安和辽宁喀佐)棉铃虫滞育强度的影响。结果表明: 滞育诱导的光周期对继后棉铃虫的滞育强度有明显影响。在光照时数11~14 h范围内, 各地理种群的滞育持续期均随着光照时数的增加而延长。滞育强度也受到滞育诱导的温周期影响, 当光期温度相同时, 低纬度的GZ种群温周期比恒温有更强的诱导效应; 中纬度的YX种群温周期与恒温具有相同的滞育诱导强度; 高纬度的KZ和TA种群温周期所诱导的滞育强度一般低于恒温。滞育解除过程中的温度也显著影响到滞育的解除, 在20~31℃下, 温度愈高滞育解除愈快; 滞育持续期同时受到滞育诱导温度的影响, 对于北方的泰安种群和喀佐种群, 较高的滞育诱导温度能诱导更强的滞育。  相似文献   

茧蜂滞育的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉艳  张礼生  陈红印 《昆虫学报》2010,53(10):1167-1178
滞育现象在多种茧蜂类天敌昆虫中存在, 通过调控茧蜂滞育, 可达到延长产品货架期、延长防控作用时间、提高产品的抗逆性和繁殖力的目标, 对茧蜂的扩繁和应用具有重要意义。本文通过总结1910年以来的2 545篇国内外滞育文献, 统计得出有明确滞育诱导或滞育解除报道的茧蜂有37种, 分属7亚科16属, 其中对滞育特征有详细描述的有23种。茧蜂大多以预蛹进入滞育, 其次为幼虫滞育, 少数为成虫滞育, 其滞育敏感阶段因种不同而异。滞育持续期相对较长, 大多可维持数月, 最长的可达14个月。光周期、温度和寄主是影响茧蜂滞育的主要因子, 湿度、亲代和寄主植物也可在一定程度上影响滞育进程。目前, 茧蜂滞育的研究仅限于生物学观察阶段, 对茧蜂滞育的生理学特征、激素调控和分子调控等尚未有研究报道, 有许多问题有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

家蚕滞育的分子机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐卫华 《遗传学报》1999,26(2):107-111
滞育激素是由食道下神经节分泌的重要昆虫神经肽,诱导昆虫的滞育。选择具有RNA聚合酶能够识别的的质粒载体,将滞育激素cDNA克隆进去,在体外大量合成单一滞育激素cDNA为参照,测定食道下神经节分泌带育激素mRNA量来确定滞育激素的分泌量。结果证明食道下神经节分泌的滞育激素的数量决定昆虫的滞育。  相似文献   

滞育激素是由食道下神经节分泌的重要昆虫神经肽,诱导昆虫的滞育。选择具有RNA聚合酶能够识别的启动子的质粒载体,将滞育激素cDNA克隆进去,在体外大量合成单一的滞育激素cRNA为参照,测定食道下神经节分泌滞育激素mRNA量来确定滞育激素的分泌量。结果证明食道下神经节分泌的滞育激素的数量决定昆虫的滞育。  相似文献   

滞育是昆虫长期适应不利环境的重要对策之一,对昆虫的生存、繁衍和进化都具有重要意义。滞育一般分为滞育前期、滞育期和滞育后期3个阶段,其中,滞育前期包括滞育诱导期和滞育准备期,是确保昆虫顺利进入滞育的重要时期。本文首先简要概括了光周期、温度、湿度、食料等外界环境因素在不同昆虫滞育诱导中的作用;然后系统综述了滞育激素、保幼激素、蜕皮激素、促前胸腺激素和胰岛素等内分泌激素,生物钟通路的节律基因,以及DNA甲基化、小RNA和组蛋白修饰等表观遗传修饰在昆虫滞育过程,尤其是滞育诱导调控中的作用,并以黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster的生殖滞育为例,总结了昆虫滞育诱导调控的分子通路;最后就目前昆虫滞育诱导调控研究中亟待解决的问题和后续重点研究方向进行了探讨,展望了将昆虫滞育研究应用于害虫防控实践的主要策略和前景。  相似文献   

滞育是多数天敌昆虫固有的遗传属性,掌握天敌昆虫滞育诱导、维持和解除技术,能及时将扩繁的天敌昆虫以滞育状态进行储存,在释放前再打破滞育使其进入活跃状态以防控害虫。开展天敌昆虫滞育研究,还有助于掌握其发育特点与发生动态,提高害虫防治效率,加深对天敌昆虫发育机制的认识,探寻昆虫对环境适应机制及进化途径。因此,滞育调控及机理研究成为近年来昆虫学研究的一个重要领域。抑制性消减杂交技术(Suppression Subtractive Hybridization, SSH)是近年来发明的用于挖掘差异性调控或特异表达cDNA探针和构建文库的一种方法。本文在总结抑制性消减杂交技术的测试原理及其优越性的基础上,归纳了该技术在昆虫滞育研究中的应用,概述了通过构建抑制性消减文库,在鞘翅目、直翅目、鳞翅目、双翅目等昆虫中探明的滞育差异表达基因,进一步探讨了差异表达基因与滞育的关系。随着昆虫全基因组测序和转录组测序的信息增加,抑制性消减杂交技术将更广泛的应用于昆虫学各个领域的差异基因的筛选与挖掘,促进昆虫分子生物学科学体系的发展。  相似文献   

Diapause development is a complex process involving several eco‐physiological phases. Understanding these phases, especially diapause termination, is vital for interpreting the life history of many insect species and for developing suitable predictive models of population dynamics. The pine processionary moth is a major defoliator of pine and a vertebrate health hazard in the Mediterranean region. This species can display either univoltine or semivoltine development, with a pupal diapause extending from a few months to several years, respectively. Although the ecological and applied importance of diapause is acknowledged, its physiological regulation in either case remains obscure. In the present study, we characterize pre‐termination, termination and post‐termination phases of pupae developing as univoltine or remaining in prolonged diapause. Changes in metabolic activity are monitored continuously using thermocouples, comprising a novel method based on direct calorimetry, and periodically by use of O2 respirometry. The two methods clearly detect diapause termination in both types of pupae before any visible morphological or behavioural changes can be observed. Univoltine individuals are characterized by an increase in metabolic activity from pre‐termination through to termination and post‐termination, ultimately resulting in emergence. Remarkably, a synchronous termination is observed in individuals that enter prolonged diapause instead of emerging; however, in these pupae, the increased metabolic activity is only transient. The present study represents a starting point toward understanding the eco‐physiology of diapause development processes in the pupae of the pine processionary moth.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The interaction of photoperiod and temperature in the regulation of the induction and termination of the larval diapause of the Southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar (Lepidoptera), was examined. A population originating from south-eastern Missouri had critical daylengths for diapause induction of about 15h 5min (ecological threshold) and llh (physiological threshold). The ecological threshold was more stable than was the physiological threshold at temperatures lower than 25°C. Above 25°C the diapause response was suppressed. The insect appears to measure photoperiods in a stationary manner since a stepwise increase or decrease in photoperiod did not affect the incidence of diapause. In the critical region of the photoperiodic response curve, a higher incidence of diapause was found among females than among males. Females entered diapause later than did males, but resumed active development earlier than males. The rate of diapause development was more temperature dependent than was the rate of diapause induction, yet it was also clearly under photoperiodic control. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for this process was about 4. Several other factors including sex-linkage, age, and geographic adaptations are involved in controlling the rate of diapause development, even more so than they are in controlling diapause induction. In the laboratory, the intensity of diapause declined gradually without larvae being exposed to non-diapause inducing conditions. Incubation of field-collected larvae revealed that their sensitivity to diapause maintaining photoperiods had ended by January. Three generations of selection of a Mississippi population of D. grandiosella at 30°C and LD 12:12 led to the production of an essentially diapause-free strain and a diapause strain.  相似文献   

二斑叶螨滞育特性的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
诱导滞育实验表明 :短日照和低温是诱导二斑叶螨发生滞育的主要因子。测定我国天水种群 ,在 15℃条件下 ,诱导其滞育的临界日照长度为 9小时 4 2分 ,在每日 8小时光照条件下 ,诱导其滞育的临界温度为 15.5℃。解除滞育实验表明 :在每日 13小时的光照条件下 ,温度越高 ,解除越冬雌成螨滞育的速度越快 ;低温处理滞育雌成螨的时间越长 ,解除其滞育的速度也越快。  相似文献   

Curculio sikkimensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) requires one or more years to complete its life cycle, owing to prolonged larval diapause. To compare the effects of temperature cycles and total periods of chilling on the termination of prolonged diapause, larvae were subjected to different chilling (5 degrees C) and warming (20 degrees C) cycles ranging from 30 to 720 days, and all cycles were repeated until the sum of chilling and warming periods reached 720 days. The prolonged diapause of C. sikkimensis was more effectively terminated by repeated cycles of chilling and warming than by prolonging the continuous chilling period. However, extremely short temperature cycles were not highly effective in enhancing diapause termination, even when such cycles were repeated many times. To examine the role of warming periods on diapause termination, diapause larvae were subjected to a sequence of chilling (120 days at 5 degrees C) and warming (240 days at 20 degrees C) with a warming period (0-120 days at 20 degrees C) inserted in the chilling period. Diapause larvae that were not reactivated in the first chilling period required exposure to a certain period of warming before they were able to complete diapause development in the subsequent chilling. Thus, C. sikkimensis appears to spread its reactivation times over several years in response to seasonal temperature cycles.  相似文献   

Adults of the chestnut weevil Curculio sikkimensis emerged over a 3-year period under laboratory and quasi-field conditions due to a prolonged diapause that occurred at the mature larval stage. Variable proportions of the larvae remained in diapause after a single cold (5 degrees C) treatment of 120 days. Extension of the chilling period to as long as 540 days did not increase the percentage of diapause termination, and excessively long chilling actually reduced the percentage. Chilling was not indispensable to the termination of larval diapause. Diapause intensity was very high and variable, and more than 1000 days at 20 degrees C was necessary to reactivate all diapause larvae. When the diapause larvae were exposed to cycles of low (5 degrees C for 120 days) and high (20 degrees C for 240 days) temperatures, the percentage of diapause termination reached 100% after two or three such cycles. Thus, the prolonged diapause of C. sikkimensis has characteristics similar to the common short winter diapause in other insects, but has unique characteristics that ensure polymodal reactivation over several years.  相似文献   

The possible role of juvenile hormone (JH) in the induction and termination of larval diapause in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, was investigated using topical applications of both JH I and a JH mimic as well as by monitoring JH titers with the Galleria bioassay. Neither JH nor the JH mimic ZR515 was capable of influencing diapause termination when administered topically. The Galleria bioassay revealed little or no JH in the hemolymph of mid diapause (>30 days) insects, indicating no demonstrable role for JH in diapause maintenance. When ZR515 was administered to nondiapause, newly ecdysed fifth instar larvae the pupal molting cycle was delayed. By use of photoperiodic regimes we were able to show that the molting delay was not equivalent to diapause induction. The Galleria bioassay showed differences in JH titer profiles between diapause and nondiapause animals during the final larval stadium. The nondiapause insects showed titers that decline rapidly to trace amounts following the molt to fifth instar then rose prior to pupation. The diapause insects had generally higher titers and exhibited a more gradual decline after the molt. No evidence was obtained to support the hypothesis that JH plays a key role in the induction, maintenance, or termination of larval diapause.  相似文献   

Nutrient metabolism is crucial for the survival of insects through the diapause. However, little is known about the metabolic mechanism of prolonged diapause. The sawfly, Cephalcia chuxiongica (Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae), is a notorious defoliator of pine trees in southwest China. One of the distinguishing biological characteristics of this pest is the prolonged diapause of about 1.5 years. In this study, the body lipid, carbohydrate (total body sugar, glycogen, trehalose, and glucose), protein, and glycerol contents were measured in diapausing larvae of C. chuxiongica. The results showed that the changes of biochemical composition in C. chuxiongica are associated with the diapause initiation, maintenance, and termination phases. During the initiation phase, trehalose, glucose, and glycerol increased significantly, but glycogen decreased sharply. In general, the lipid, carbohydrate, and glycerol levels decreased gradually across the maintenance phase. At termination phase, the contents of glycogen and lipid persistently decreased, while an increase of trehalose, glucose, and glycerol contents were detected. The protein level was significantly higher at maintenance phase than at initiation and termination phases. It was also found that elevation of trehalose, glucose, and glycerol contents occurred in winter. These implies that the metabolites with altered levels in diapausing larvae of C. chuxiongica are responsible for maintaining a prolonged development and overwintering.  相似文献   

【目的】克隆柞蚕Antheraea pernyi海藻糖合成酶(trehalose-6-phosphate synthase,TPS)基因,并对其进行组织表达分析,探讨该基因在柞蚕滞育蛹解除滞育过程中的表达规律,为阐明柞蚕滞育期间碳水化合物代谢规律与蛹滞育解除的关系提供数据支持。【方法】利用PCR及3'RACE技术从柞蚕幼虫脂肪体组织中克隆得到TPS基因,并进行生物信息学分析;RT-PCR检测该基因在柞蚕幼虫各组织中的表达分布,进一步采用Real-time PCR分析柞蚕滞育蛹解除滞育过程中该基因在脂肪体组织和血淋巴中的表达量变化。【结果】克隆获得柞蚕海藻糖合成酶基因并命名为ApTPS。其开放阅读框长2 487 bp,编码828个氨基酸,蛋白预测分子量为93.19 k D,等电点(p I)4.61;无信号肽,无跨膜区。蛋白质亚细胞定位预测该蛋白定位于细胞质中;蛋白质结构域分析表明,ApTPS有两个保守功能区:TPS(第22-497位氨基酸)和TPP(第532-772位氨基酸)。组织特异性分析表明,ApTPS基因在柞蚕幼虫脂肪体中表达量最高;柞蚕解除滞育过程中,ApTPS在脂肪体和血淋巴中的表达量均有所升高,且显著高于对照组(P0.05),但血淋巴中表达量的升高滞后于脂肪体。【结论】结果提示ApTPS参与了柞蚕蛹滞育中碳水化合物代谢调控并在其中发挥重要作用,与柞蚕蛹滞育解除关系密切。  相似文献   

昆虫夏滞育的调控及其遗传基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
几十年来对昆虫夏滞育的研究不断深入 ,阐明了不少昆虫夏滞育的生态机理。目前 ,探讨其内在的机制已成为研究的方向。该文着重论述夏滞育的生理生化特征、夏滞育的调控及其遗传基础  相似文献   

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