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木瓜实蝇属于我国进境检疫性害虫。为明确该虫对不同寄主果实的选择性,以评价其危害风险,本研究选择橙子、苹果、番石榴、杨桃、木瓜、西红柿、辣椒7种果实作为供试寄主,在室内选择性条件下比较了木瓜实蝇在不同寄主上的产卵量和幼虫发育的适合性。结果表明,以寄主气味诱导产卵器采卵时,雌虫在番石榴、橙子上产卵量明显高于其它所有供试寄主;以果实直接诱导产卵时,则以番石榴饲养出的幼虫数最多,而在橙子、西红柿上的幼虫数为0。在非选择性条件下将幼虫接入果实供试,表明木瓜实蝇幼虫在不同供试寄主上的存活率(化蛹率)均较高,最高为木瓜和杨桃,分别为92.0%和91.3%,最低为苹果,达到66.0%。不同供试果实对木瓜实蝇幼虫的发育历期、存活率(化蛹率)和蛹重有显著影响,但各适合性指标在不同寄主间的变化趋势不一致。上述结果表明,寄主气味及果皮特征对成虫的产卵选择性具有明显的影响,以产卵选择性和幼虫发育为综合指标,认为木瓜实蝇对番石榴的选择性最高。  相似文献   

庾琴  杜恩强  封云涛  郭晓君  张润祥  郝赤 《昆虫学报》2019,62(11):1297-1304
【目的】明确梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta在寄主果实上的钻蛀率和蛹重与寄主种类和果实发育阶段的关系,为其田间预测预报和综合防控提供技术依据。【方法】在室内条件下测定了接卵后72 h梨小食心虫初孵幼虫在不同发育阶段的3个种共6个品种水果[苹果Malus pumila (嘎啦苹果), 桃Amygdalus persica (大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃和霞光油桃), 梨Pyrus bretschneideri (砀山酥梨和玉露香梨)]果实上的钻蛀率以及在不同果实状态的4个水果品种(大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃、砀山酥梨和玉露香梨)果实上72 h的钻蛀率;比较了接卵后24 h和72 h初孵幼虫在不同发育阶段的3个苹果品种(嘎啦苹果、富士苹果和金冠苹果)果实上的钻蛀率;并测定了不同发育阶段的金冠苹果、富士苹果、嘎啦苹果、砀山酥梨和丰白毛桃上的梨小食心虫蛹重。【结果】接卵后72 h梨小食心虫初孵幼虫在6个不同水果品种果实上的钻蛀率从高到低依次为:霞光油桃>嘎啦苹果>砀山酥梨>玉露香梨>大久保毛桃>丰白毛桃;除霞光油桃外,其他5个水果品种果实的发育阶段显著影响初孵幼虫钻蛀率。对于嘎啦苹果,接卵后72 h初孵幼虫在其幼果上的钻蛀率最高(73.69%),在其着色期果实上钻蛀率最低(32.51%);在大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃、砀山酥梨和玉露香梨上,接卵后72 h初孵幼虫的钻蛀率均随果实生长发育而增加。初孵幼虫在3 个苹果品种着色期和成熟期果实上的钻蛀率随处理时间的增加而显著下降,而在其幼果上变化不显著。寄主种类及其发育阶段也显著影响梨小食心虫蛹重,成熟毛桃和梨饲养的雌、雄蛹重显著高于未成熟果实饲养的蛹重,着色期苹果不利于蛹重的增加。【结论】果实种类及发育阶段显著影响梨小食心虫初孵幼虫钻蛀率和蛹重,取食成熟期梨和桃的梨小食心虫初孵幼虫钻蛀率和蛹重显著高于取食未成熟果实的个体。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella Linne是为害苹果Malus pumila Mill.、梨Pyrus spp.、桃Amygdalus persica L.等仁果类和核果类果树的重要蛀果害虫之一.为明确寄主颜色在苹果蠹蛾产卵中的作用,本文研究了不同颜色对苹果蠹蛾雌成虫产卵选择性的影响.试验采用彩色硫酸纸模拟寄主...  相似文献   

检疫性害虫橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis和番石榴实蝇Bactrocera correcta是近缘种。本研究显示,两种实蝇对已被产卵寄主的识别与产卵选择性极相似。当寄主中至少含有600粒新鲜卵时,橘小实蝇或番石榴实蝇的雌成虫在其上继续产卵的数量才被抑制,而对同种实蝇卵和异种实蝇卵的反应几乎没有差异;两种实蝇在已被产卵的寄主中再次产卵,并没有刻意回避原产卵孔;寄主中的卵孵化为幼虫对后续实蝇的产卵行为产生了显著的抑制作用,随着幼虫数量的增多与龄期的增长,便不再有雌蝇选择该寄主产卵。因此,寄主中幼虫的存在是驱避橘小实蝇和番石榴实蝇在其上继续产卵的重要因素。两种实蝇幼虫寄主标记信息素的鉴定与利用将是今后研究的重点,利用其进行有害实蝇的种群控制将有很大的应用前景。  相似文献   

【目的】本文旨在明确营养状况不同造成的梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)雌、雄蛹重量差异对其羽化的成虫产卵量、产卵期、寿命及下一代(F1)幼虫发育的影响。【方法】室内条件下,通过不同的饲养方法,获得个体重量不同的梨小食心虫雌、雄蛹,待其羽化交配后,记录其产卵量、产卵时间和成虫寿命;卵孵化前后,分别测量卵和初孵幼虫大小,计算卵孵化率,统计幼虫发育历期。【结果】雌蛹重量对梨小食心虫的成虫产卵量影响显著,其重量与产卵量呈正相关(y=15.505x-59.292);同一条件下,雌蛹与雄蛹重量也呈正相关(y=0.823x-0.538)。同时,雌蛹重量对成虫产卵期影响也较大,蛹重大的个体羽化的雌虫比蛹重小的个体羽化的雌虫产卵高峰期提前1 d;较重、中等和较轻蛹羽化出的雌虫个体每天产卵量高于10粒/雌的时间分别为9~10,7和5~6 d;产卵量高于5粒/雌的时间分别为12~13,9和6~7 d。而雄蛹重量对产卵量、雄成虫寿命影响没有明显影响。较轻的蛹羽化的雌成虫寿命比较重蛹羽化的雌成虫短2~3 d;而雄蛹重量对其羽化的雄成虫寿命影响没有明显规律。雌、雄蛹重量对其羽化成虫的卵孵化率、卵和初孵幼虫的大小影响均不显著,对F_1幼虫发育历期影响也不显著。【结论】梨小食心虫雌蛹重对羽化成虫的产卵量和产卵期等影响显著,田间防治时应注意在不同条件下完成发育的个体,尤其是雌虫,由于营养差异引起的个体大小对随后种群增长的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确不同世代的梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck)如何应对不同寄主进行产卵地点的选择。【方法】本文以受孕雌虫为研究对象,在室内进行受孕雌虫产卵对不同种类(桃、梨和苹果)的寄主嫩捎和果实的选择性试验。【结果】结果表明:(1)不同世代的受孕雌虫的产卵地点受到不同寄主种类的显著影响。越冬代、第2代和第3代受孕雌虫偏爱在梨果、桃梢上产卵,而第1代受孕雌虫偏爱在桃果和梨果上产卵。苹果梢和果实的引诱率最低。(2)卵的孵化率的变化趋势与受孕雌虫的落卵率一致。除了不同世代受孕雌虫在梨果上产的卵的孵化率存在差异以外,卵孵化率在同一世代的不同寄主果实、不同寄主嫩梢以及同一寄主的不同世代间差异不显著。【结论】因此,桃梢稳定吸引梨小食心虫产更多的可育卵,而桃果仅吸引第1代成虫产较多的可育卵,梨果吸引其余3代成虫产较多的可育卵。可见,梨小食心虫的产卵选择行为具有试探性,为后代占据优势生态位提供保障。  相似文献   

【背景】对寄生蜂与寄主之间关系的研究是寄生蜂有效利用的基础。寄生蜂雌蜂通常选择最适于子代蜂发育的寄主进行产卵。【方法】在室内26℃条件下,研究了橘小实蝇蛹体型大小对蝇蛹俑小蜂产卵和生长发育的影响。采用饥饿方法处理3龄橘小实蝇幼虫以获得体型大小(用体质量表示)差异较大的寄主蛹,供寄生蜂选择寄生。【结果】蝇蛹俑小蜂显著偏好寄生体型中等的寄主蛹,然而,随着寄主体型的增大,后代雌性比率增大,且寄主蛹个体大小与后代雌蜂体型大小存在显著的正相关;橘小实蝇蛹个体大小对蝇蛹俑小蜂后代发育历期和寿命无显著影响。【结论与意义】蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂能够根据寄主蛹质量来调整后代数量和性比,以使后代适应度最大化。  相似文献   

植食性昆虫对寄主植物的选择适应性是研究昆虫和植物协同进化关系的核心内容之一。评估寄主植物对植食性昆虫种群的适合度,需要综合分析昆虫对寄主的产卵选择性和寄主对昆虫的取食适合性。以桔小实蝇和番石榴实蝇为研究对象,分别测定了这两种实蝇对6种寄主果实:番石榴、香蕉、杨桃、木瓜、甜橙、番茄的产卵选择性以及幼虫取食后对其生长发育的影响。寄主产卵选择性实验分别采用完整寄主果实直接供试产卵和块状寄主果实气味引诱产卵两种处理方式;在生长发育适应性实验中,以幼虫和蛹的存活和生长发育等相关参数作为评价指标。实验结果表明,寄主的供试方式不同,两种实蝇的选择性均有明显差异;对寄主气味选择性强的寄主更适合于两种实蝇后代的生长发育。两种实蝇对6种寄主果实的产卵选择性和后代发育适合性两者相关性不显著,与许多文献报道单一地采用发育适合性(如发育历期、存活率或蛹重等)作为评价寄主选择性的结果不一致。两种实蝇之间对6种寄主果实的产卵选择和幼虫取食适合性既具相似性也具差异性,表明这两种实蝇在寄主生态位上既有重叠性又有分化性。  相似文献   

为探讨南瓜实蝇和瓜实蝇对不同寄主的产卵选择性及其与子代生长发育的关联度,采用生态测定方法,研究2种实蝇对南瓜、黄瓜、姜柄瓜、西葫芦、丝瓜和苦瓜6种寄主果实的产卵选择以及幼虫取食6种寄主后对其生长发育的影响。在产卵选择性试验中,2种实蝇对6种寄主的产卵选择性较为一致,均偏向于在丝瓜和黄瓜上产卵。在非产卵选择性试验中,南瓜实蝇在黄瓜和姜柄瓜上的产卵量较多;瓜实蝇在丝瓜和姜柄瓜上的产卵量较多;2种实蝇都对姜柄瓜有一定的偏好。在气味诱导的产卵选择性试验中,南瓜实蝇在姜柄瓜和黄瓜上的产卵量较多;瓜实蝇在黄瓜和丝瓜上的产卵量较多;2种实蝇都对黄瓜气味有一定的偏好;且南瓜实蝇和瓜实蝇都不偏好在苦瓜上产卵。南瓜实蝇分别取食黄瓜、苦瓜时,其幼虫期、蛹期较短;取食姜柄瓜时,蛹重最大;分别取食南瓜和黄瓜时的化蛹率、羽化率最高。瓜实蝇取食西葫芦时,幼虫期较短;取食丝瓜时,蛹期较短,且蛹重最大;分别取食黄瓜和南瓜时的化蛹率、羽化率最高。南瓜实蝇和瓜实蝇对不同寄主果实的产卵选择性均存在明显差异,寄主外部物理性状对实蝇的产卵选择有显著影响,2种实蝇对6种寄主果实产卵选择性和幼虫生长发育适应性的相关性不显著。  相似文献   

【背景】蝇蛹俑小蜂是实蝇类害虫蛹期重要的寄生蜂之一。有关植物果实和寄主挥发物在蝇蛹俑小蜂寻找寄主过程中的作用尚不明确。【方法】采用"Y"型嗅觉仪测试了寄主和果实(健康果实和虫害诱导果实)对蝇蛹俑小蜂的引诱作用。【结果】虫伤1 d的番石榴和杨桃果实对蝇蛹佣小蜂雌蜂具有显著的引诱作用;寄主蛹——3日龄橘小实蝇蛹和4日龄瓜实蝇蛹对蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂也具有显著的引诱作用。蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂对雄蜂有显著的吸引作用。橘小实蝇性诱剂甲基丁香酚对蝇蛹俑小蜂的搜索行为则无显著影响。【结论与意义】寄主蛹和幼虫危害1 d的果实能释放对蝇蛹俑小蜂有引诱作用的物质,这可为利用蝇蛹俑小蜂防治实蝇类害虫提供基础信息。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Oriental fruit moth (OFM) Grapholita molesta Busck (Lep., Tortricidae) is one of the most important pests of commercial stone fruit orchards in the Goulburn-Murray Valley region of Victoria, Australia. OFM populations have been successfully controlled by the use of the mating disruption (MD) technique for many years, but damage to shoot tips and fruit has now started to increase. The most severe damage under MD is found at the edge of peach blocks, adjacent to the pear blocks under insecticide treatment. In 1997–98, OFM infestation levels were examined in a newly planted peach block surrounded by older peaches, pears, apples and pasture. The infestation distribution was followed up for four consecutive years. No treatments were used against OFM for the first 2 years in the newly planted peaches, but in years 3 and 4 the whole block was treated with MD. At the end of year 2, shoot tip damage was randomly distributed throughout the newly planted peach block with no 'edge effect'. After MD was applied in year 3, the damage was confined to the edges of the block adjacent to insecticide-sprayed apples and pears. No 'edge effect' was detected along the border with an older peach block treated with MD or on the border with pasture. Extending the MD treated area for 25–30 m into the neighbouring apples and pears in year 4 reduced the 'edge effect'.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare some bioactive compounds in apples, peaches and pears and their influence on lipids and antioxidant capacity in rats. The content of total polyphenols (g/100g) was 0.23 +/- 0.03; 0.22 +/- 0.03 and 0.68 +/- 0.1 in peeled fruits and 0.48 +/- 0.04, 0.47 +/- 0.04 and 1.2 +/- 0.12 in peels of peaches, pears and apples, respectively. Caffeic, p-coumaric and ferulic acids and the total radical-trapping antioxidative potential (TRAP) values in peeled apples and their peels were significantly higher than in peaches and pears, respectively. Contrarary, no significant differences in the content of dietary fiber among the studied fruits were found. The content of all studied indices in peels was significantly higher than peeled fruits (p < 0.05 ). A good correlation between the total polyphenols and the TRAP values was found in all fruits. Diets supplemented with apples and to a less extent with peaches and pears have improved lipid metabolism and increased the plasma antioxidant potential especially in rats fed with added cholesterol. The highest content of biologically active compounds and the best results in the experiment on rats makes apple preferable for dietary prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases.  相似文献   

蔷薇科植物果实花青苷积累研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔷薇科植物是植物界重要组成成员,除了观赏类植物月季、玫瑰等,还包含苹果、梨和桃等食用类果树。蔷薇科果实因为富含花青苷而具有丰富多彩的颜色,深受消费者喜爱。近年来,果树学家们围绕果实花青苷积累进行了较为深入的研究,主要探究环境因素或激素信号参与花青苷积累的分子机制。综述了蔷薇科果实着色的分子调控机制,对如何提高果实花青苷积累进行了思考总结,旨为提高蔷薇科果实的商品性和内在品质作出理论支持。  相似文献   

Five species ofAspergillus were isolated from post-harvest decays of pears, apples, peaches, grapes, strawberries, melons and tomatoes.A. niger was the most common species and was isolated from all types of fruits. Next in frequency wasA. flavus, which was infrequently isolated from stored grapes, tomatoes and peaches.A. wentii, A. ochraceus andA. tamarii were each cultured from only one type of stored fruit.All the fruit-decay Aspergilli were typical inhabitants of the atmospheres of store-rooms. Of these,A. niger was by far the most ubiquitous species, comprising about 80% of the total airborne Aspergilli. Each of the four other pathogenic Aspergilli comprised 0.2–0.4% of the total. However, some of the most common airborne Aspergilli such asA. versicolor (6.6% of the total), have never been isolated from any fruit decay and were also very limited in their potential pathogenicity.The highest potential pathogenicity was attributed toA. niger, which was capable of infecting all inoculated fruits except eggplants, followed by a 2–3-day incubation period. The other Aspergilli cultured, pathogenic as well as airborne, showed selective potential pathogenicity when artificially inoculated into the fruit. Fruit tissues of apples, pears and tomatoes, followed by those of peaches and grapes, were found the most suitable for Aspergilli development, whereas strawberries and, more so, eggplants were mostly resistant to infection.  相似文献   

Oriental fruit moth (OFM) Grapholita molesta Busck (Lep., Tortricidae) is a very important pest in commercial orchards in Victoria, Australia. Pheromone‐mediated mating disruption (MD) applied in stone fruit orchards successfully controlled OFM populations for many years, but damage to shoot tips and fruit at the edge of peach blocks located adjacent to pear blocks under insecticide treatments has become problematic. To improve protection of stone fruit against edge damage and outbreaks of OFM, all orchards were treated with sex pheromone dispensers for MD on an area‐wide basis. Area‐wide MD treatment, including all pome and stone fruit orchards in a discrete area, successfully controlled edge infestations of OFM, but was expensive. To reduce the cost of OFM control, sex pheromone dispensers for MD were applied as barrier treatments to 54–60 m of neighbouring pears adjacent to peaches under MD. Detailed monitoring of the OFM population, shoot tip and fruit damage assessments indicated that application of MD barriers on pears during two consecutive seasons provided sufficient control of OFM on peaches. This MD barrier treatment was able to reduce the number of OFM caught in all experimental peach blocks, with damage to shoot tips and fruit giving similar results to MD treatment of the whole neighbouring pear block. Extending the MD treatment area for 54–60 m into the neighbouring pear block significantly reduced the edge damage in MD‐treated peaches in the first season and almost eliminated OFM damage in the second season.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾成虫产卵特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是全球温带地区果园主要害虫之一,是中国的重要检疫性有害生物,对我国苹果、梨等水果的安全生产造成极大危害及威胁。为详细了解苹果蠹蛾的产卵特性,从而为进行有效的监测与防控提供基础信息,作者于2006年在甘肃省山丹县梨果园中对树冠不同高度与朝向的蛀果率进行了调查,并于2010在内蒙古阿拉善左旗对梨树果枝上不同部位的产卵量进行了详细调查。主要研究结果如下:1)树冠2.5m以上的蛀果率显著高于2.5m以下的蛀果率,树冠东面的蛀果率最高,南面的蛀果率最低;2)在整个果园中,靠近北侧的果树上果实受害程度要高于南侧果树上的果实受害程度,整个果园中蛀果率由北向南逐渐降低;3)叶片上的卵数最多,占总卵数的73.1%,果实上的卵数次之,占总卵数的14.6%,枝条上的卵数最少,占总卵数的12.2%;4)在产卵的叶片上,卵主要产在叶背面,叶片背面卵量是叶正面的6.65倍。鉴于以上研究结果,在开展化学防治或颗粒体病毒防治时,应注意充分喷施果树上层树冠,且在对果实进行处理的同时,叶片和枝条也需要充分喷药。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to test the feasibility and efficacy of using physical barriers (Maggot Barrier® nylon mesh bags) for control of three internal pests of tree fruit (codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.), apple maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh)) and peach twig borer (Anarsia lineatella Zeller)) and three groups of external direct pests (stink bugs (Pentatomidae), plant bugs (Miridae) and birds). Two types of Maggot Barrier® were tested (regular and heavy duty), and two methods of securing the bags: knotting the bag on itself (‘self‐ties’) and using plastic‐coated wire ‘twist‐ties’. Bags were applied to eight cultivars of both apples and peaches, selected to give a range of maturity dates. Apples were bagged when fruit was approximately 27 mm in diameter, and peaches when the fruit was approximately 36 mm in diameter. Unbagged fruits served as controls. On apples, bagging had no effect on damage due to birds, stink bugs or apple maggot (which was present only in very low numbers), but reduced codling moth damage by 20–25% compared with unbagged controls; there were no significant differences due to bag type or tie type. In apples, a significantly higher proportion of the heavy duty bags were reusable after harvest, but on peaches, which were bagged for a shorter time, there was no difference between bag types in this respect. Bagging significantly reduced the percentage of peach fruits damaged by twig borer, birds and stink bugs, but increased the percentage of fruit with skin marks; there were no significant differences between bag or tie types. In peaches, there were significant effects on the time taken to apply bags due to both tying method and differences between individual operators. Cultivar affected pest‐related damage in both fruit types, underlining the importance of appropriate cultivar choice in pest management, particularly for organic growers and home gardeners.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是我国重大植物检疫性有害生物,对苹果属以及梨属的水果生产造成严重的危害。该虫以初孵化的1龄幼虫蛀入果肉,在果实内部取食为害并完成发育,老熟幼虫在黑暗中离开果实并寻找场所结茧化蛹。为掌握苹果蠹蛾幼虫进入及脱出果实时的行为特性,从而为实施有效的防治措施提供基础信息,本文在内蒙古格棱布楞滩对苹果蠹蛾幼虫的蛀果与脱果特性开展了详细研究。取得的主要研究结果如下:1)在苹果蠹蛾种群密度较高的情况下,单个果实平均蛀孔数可达5.25个,初期蛀入果实的幼虫在2~8头之间;2)苹果及梨蛀果中的幼虫数量与蛀孔数无关,虽然果实上的最高蛀孔数可达14个,但一般情况下受害果实中的幼虫数不超过3个;3)当果实表面蛀孔数较多时(苹果超过5个,梨超过2个),苹果蠹蛾幼虫向种室钻蛀的行为发生偏移,通常转入在果肉中为害;4)落果后5d内,落果内的幼虫近半数脱果(43.1%),落果后15d内,落果内的幼虫几乎全部脱果(99.9%);5)在脱果幼虫中,94%选择在夜间脱果,6%在日间脱果;6)至试验结束,蛀果中还有64%的幼虫滞留。以上研究结果表明,在种群密度较高的情况下,苹果蠹蛾幼虫存在激烈的种内竞争;及时清除苹果蠹蛾幼虫蛀果后造成的落果对未脱果幼虫有很好的防治效果。  相似文献   

The development of postharvest quarantine treatments can be both expensive and time-consuming. It is necessary to determine the species and stage of the pest most tolerant to the treatment, if more than one species is the target of the treatment. Initial laboratory studies often include infesting the commodity with various egg and larval stages of the pest and performing treatments and evaluations of the fruit. In collaboration with others, I have previously developed combination high temperature under controlled atmosphere treatments against two quarantine pests in apples (Malus spp.) and peaches and nectarines (both Prunus spp.). I decided to develop an artificial system that can be used for these initial tests without the need for infesting large quantities of the fruit. I tested the system on the immature stages of the pests under regular air and controlled atmospheres by using the controlled atmosphere water bath system. This system can be used for rapid assessment of the most tolerant stage and species of a pest to a combination heat and controlled atmosphere treatment without the expense of infesting, treating, and evaluating the commodity.  相似文献   

Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) is recognized as a pest of citrus, apples, and blackberries in South America. In Mexico, it is mainly found in fruit of the family Myrtaceae and has never been reported infesting citrus. Here, we sought to determine whether females stemming from Mexican A. fraterculus populations (collected in the state of Veracruz) would lay eggs in 'Valencia' oranges and 'Ruby Red' grapefruit and, if so, whether larvae would hatch and develop. We worked under laboratory and seminatural conditions (i.e., gravid females released in fruit-bearing, bagged branches in a commercial citrus grove) and used Anastrepha ludens (Loew), a notorious pest of citrus, as a control species. Under laboratory conditions, A. ludens readily accepted both oranges and grapefruit as oviposition substrates, but A. fraterculus rarely oviposited in these fruit (but did so in guavas, a preferred host) and no larvae ever developed. Eggs were deposited in the toxic flavedo (A. fraterculus) and nontoxic albedo (A. ludens) regions. Field studies revealed that, as was the case in the laboratory, A. fraterculus rarely oviposited into oranges or grapefruit and that, when such was the case, either no larvae developed (oranges) or of the few (13) that developed and pupated (grapefruit), only two adults emerged that survived 1 and 3 d, respectively (5-17% of the time necessary to reach sexual maturity). In sharp contrast, grapefruit exposed to A. ludens yielded up to 937 pupae and adults survived for >6 mo. Therefore, the inability of Mexican A. fraterculus to successfully develop in citrus renders the status of Mexican A. fraterculus as a pest of citrus in Mexico as unsubstantiated.  相似文献   

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