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应用植物解剖学、组织化学及植物化学方法对白鲜营养器官根、茎、叶的结构及其生物碱的积累进行了研究。结果显示:(1)白鲜根的次生结构以及茎和叶的结构类似一般双子叶植物;白鲜多年生根主要由周皮、次生韧皮部、维管形成层以及次生木质部组成,根次生韧皮部中可见大量的淀粉、草酸钙簇晶、韧皮纤维以及油细胞;茎由表皮、皮层、维管组织和髓组成;叶由表皮、栅栏组织、海绵组织和叶脉组成;在茎和叶初生韧皮部的位置均分布有韧皮纤维,在叶表皮上分布有头状腺毛和非腺毛;在茎和叶紧贴表皮处分布有分泌囊。(2)组织化学分析结果显示:在白鲜多年生根中,生物碱类物质主要分布在周皮、次生韧皮部、维管形成层和木薄壁细胞中;在茎中,生物碱主要分布在表皮、皮层、韧皮部、木薄壁细胞及髓周围薄壁细胞中;在叶中,生物碱主要分布在表皮细胞、叶肉组织和维管组织的薄壁细胞;此外在分泌囊和头状腺毛中亦含有生物碱类物质。(3)植物化学结果显示,秦岭产白鲜根皮/白鲜皮、根木质部、茎和叶中白鲜碱含量分别为0.041%、0.012%、0.004%和0.002%,其中木质部中白鲜碱含量和其他部分地区白鲜皮中白鲜碱含量类似。研究表明,在秦岭产白鲜营养器官中,除根皮/白鲜皮外,在根木质部亦含有大量的白鲜碱,且在茎和叶中亦含有一定的白鲜碱,具有潜在的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了葛(Pueraria lobata)叶的解剖学特征。结果表明,葛叶片的上、下表皮都只有一层表皮细胞,上表皮比下表皮厚。上、下表皮都有腺毛和非腺毛。气孔主要分布在下表皮,下表皮的气孔密度为(261±17)mm-2,上表皮只有(6±3)mm-2。叶肉由两层栅栏组织细胞和一层海绵组织细胞构成。叶肉细胞中有丰富的叶绿体。在栅栏组织和海绵组织之间有一层平行于叶脉的薄壁细胞。叶脉中含有大量的草酸钙晶体。葛叶的这些形态特征与其喜阳、耐旱的特点相适应。  相似文献   

碱蒿营养器官的扫描电镜观察研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用扫描电子显微镜对碱蒿(Artemisia anethifolia)营养器官的解剖学特征进行了观察与研究。结果表明:碱蒿属于典型的泌盐盐生植物。叶肉质化,表皮上气孔为无规则型气孔,密集下陷,有较多的盐囊泡和分杈腺毛分布,表皮细胞外壁加厚,外壁的外层角质化,为等面叶,栅栏组织细胞排列疏松,叶中央为发达的储水组织,木质部有多束维管束;茎表皮上有少许气孔,并分布有腺毛和众多盐囊泡,表皮细胞外壁加厚形成角质层,皮层宽度较小,皮层薄壁组织细胞内可见淀粉粒,中柱后生木质部为口径大的导管,原生木质部为口径小的导管,管内充满盐晶体,中间有发达的贮水薄壁细胞;根的表皮细胞排列疏松,外皮层细胞排列紧密而整齐,中部皮层薄壁细胞层数较多,细胞中贮藏有许多淀粉粒,内皮层细胞排列紧密,初生木质部导管发达,内部周围存在大量盐晶体,根的次生木质部有通气组织。这些解剖结构均表现出碱蒿具有适应盐碱、干旱生境的结构特征。  相似文献   

陈曦  邢怡  王蒙  殷华  张大维 《西北植物学报》2012,32(10):2035-2039
利用扫描电子显微镜对黑龙江悬钩子属植物的叶表皮形态结构进行比较研究。结果显示:(1)悬钩子属植物叶的上表皮细胞呈多边形,垂周壁平直,或无规则形,垂周壁浅波纹;下表皮细胞无规则形,垂周壁浅波纹或深波纹。(2)表皮毛类型有单细胞直立不分支、卷曲不分支,头状腺毛和盾状腺毛四种类型。(3)气孔器均分布于下表皮,且气孔器类型为无规则形;气孔外拱盖单层、内缘平滑或不规则波状。研究表明,黑龙江悬钩子属植物的叶表皮微形态学特征表现出一定差异性,对种间的划分和鉴定具有一定的分类学意义。  相似文献   

运用植物解剖学方法研究了喜树各器官的结构,对喜树不同器官中喜树碱含量进行了HPLC法测定。结果表明:(1)喜树根尖纵切面的结构由根冠、分生区、伸长区和根毛区4个部分组成。根和茎的初生结构都由表皮、皮层和维管柱3部分组成;在根和茎初生结构的皮层和髓部具有被锇酸染成黑色的嗜锇细胞;在次生生长中,根的木栓形成层起源于中柱鞘,茎的木栓形成层起源于皮层细胞;随着次生维管组织的增加,茎的中央形成髓腔。(2)叶片由表皮、叶肉和叶脉组成,叶肉细胞中分布有嗜锇细胞;光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察显示,喜树叶的上表皮没有气孔器分布;下表皮气孔器的保卫细胞呈肾形,没有副卫细胞,被几个表皮细胞不规则的围绕,属于无规则型;在上下表皮均分布着单细胞非腺毛和2种类型的腺毛,其中下表皮的分布相对稠密;上表皮腺毛呈球形,下表皮腺毛大部分为长卵形,其中间杂着一些球形腺毛;观察发现,越幼嫩的叶中,分布的腺毛和非腺毛越多。(3)喜树不同器官中喜树碱含量以幼叶和种子中较高,木质部中较低,髓中含量最少;随着叶的发育成熟,叶中喜树碱的含量逐渐降低,且同一叶的不同部位,喜树碱含量也有差异;喜树幼苗发育过程中喜树碱含量也在不断变化。  相似文献   

利用离析法、扫描电镜和石蜡切片法对安徽产2种3居群山罗花属植物的叶进行了微形态比较研究,结果表明:该属植物叶表皮细胞形状为不规则形,垂周壁呈波状、深波状至重波状;表皮细胞内含叶绿体;角质层具条状纹饰;表皮上有表皮毛和腺毛分布,扫描电镜下表皮毛具瘤状突起的纹饰;栅栏组织只有1层,排列比较疏松,海绵组织有发达的胞间隙;气孔器多为无规则型,极少数仅有一个副卫细胞,仅分布于下表皮,扫描电镜下气孔外拱盖内缘近光滑或浅波状。2种植物在垂周壁式样、表皮毛密度、气孔器长宽比、栅栏组织和海绵组织的厚度比以及中脉的结构特征等具有明显的差异,而山罗花3居群间的差异不明显。  相似文献   

银线草营养器官结构及主要成分的组织化学定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用植物解剖学和组织化学定位方法研究银线草营养器官的显微结构和萜类、黄酮类化合物在营养器官中的分布规律.结果表明:银线草的根皮层细胞排列整齐,细胞间隙较小,韧皮部狭窄;茎皮层细胞也排列整齐,在韧皮部外方包围有多层束状纤维;叶为异面叶,栅栏组织和海绵组织分化明显,叶片上、下表皮均无毛被,气孔器多为不规则型.组织化学定位结果显示萜类和黄酮类化合物分布在根的皮层、茎的皮层和韧皮部细胞中.  相似文献   

为了解柿属(Diospyros)植物的叶表皮特征,在光学显微镜下观察了46种2变种植物的叶表皮微形态特征,并进行了主成分分析。结果表明,柿属植物的叶表皮微形态可分为2组:A组的表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁浅波状或深波状;B组的表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁平直或弓形。气孔全部位于下表皮,以无规则型为主,但同时有辐射型、环列型和十字型气孔存在。大多数种具有表皮毛,表皮毛有非腺毛和头状腺毛的区别。柿属植物的叶表皮微形态特征类型多样,能够为部分类群的分类提供较好的形态学证据。  相似文献   

怀地黄块根内含梓醇结构的组织化学和超微结构研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用半薄切片、组织化学和透射电子显微镜观察相结合的方法,研究了梓醇在地黄块根中的贮存位置及其细胞的超微结构。结果表明,地黄块根的韧皮部和木质部的薄壁细胞是梓醇的贮存场所。  相似文献   

中国蒿属植物比较形态和解剖学研究——(Ⅰ)叶表皮结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜,观察国产菊科蒿属2亚属7组30种代表植物成熟叶片的表皮细胞、气孔器、表皮毛的特征和气孔形状、气孔外拱盖及拱盖内缘、角质膜和蜡质纹饰。其中表皮细胞多角(边)形,大小不等,垂周壁平直、弓形,或者表皮细胞形状不规则,大小不等,垂周壁波浪状或波纹状。下表皮均有气孔器,上表皮有或无气孔器,气孔器类型有无规则型。无规则四细胞型、不等细胞型、十字型、横列型和平列型。大多数种类具多细胞单列毛。多细胞双列毛和腺毛仅发现在腺毛蒿组。这些微形态特征在组间存在着某些差异,具有一定的分类学和生态学意义。  相似文献   

冬凌草腺毛的形态学及组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜对药用植物冬凌草地上部分腺毛的形态、分布和组织化学进行了研究。结果表明:(1)冬凌草的叶表皮有3种形态显著不同的毛,即非腺毛、盾状腺毛和头状腺毛;盾状腺毛和头状腺毛均具1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和头部;成熟的盾状腺毛的头部一般由4个分泌细胞组成,而头状腺毛头部由2个分泌细胞组成。(2)组织化学鉴定结果显示:2种腺毛中均含有黄酮类成分,盾状腺毛中还含有单萜、倍半萜等萜类成分;冬凌草甲素可能只存在于盾状腺毛中,但需要更直接的证据证明。研究认为,高密度的盾状腺毛可以作为筛选冬凌草高甲素含量品种的一项重要依据。  相似文献   

Cotton leaves are more physiologically active than the bractand the capsule wall of the fruiting structures. To elucidatethe disparities in their physiological behaviour, epidermalcell density, stomatal index, stomatal size, trichome densityand type, and epicuticular wax ultrastructure of cotton leaf,bract and capsule wall were delineated using scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM). The epidermal cells of the outer periclinalwalls on both surfaces of the leaf and bract were raised andconvex. Conversely, the capsule wall epidermal cells were polygonalwith flat outer periclinal walls. The stomatal complex in theleaf and bract was paracytic, whereas in the capsule wall thestomatal complex was anomocytic. The adaxial and abaxial stomataof the leaf were coplanar to the epidermal surface, as opposedto the raised adaxial stomata on the bract. On the contrary,the stomata on the capsule wall surface appeared to be slightlysunken. Furthermore, the capsule wall stomata were larger thanthe stomata on either surface of both the leaf and the bract.The stomatal index was greater on the abaxial surfaces of theleaf and the bract (18.4 and 9.4, respectively) than their correspondingadaxial surfaces (14.4 and 4.7, respectively). Leaves had thehighest stomatal index followed by the bract and the capsulewall. The indumentum consisted of glandular and nonglandulartrichomes, the density of which was greater on the abaxial surfacesthan on the adaxial surfaces of the leaf and bract. The capsulewall indumentum lacked nonglandular trichomes. Epicuticularwax occurred in the form of striations. However, the striationpattern varied among the organs. This study clearly illustratesmorphological disparities in the epidermal features of leaf,bract and capsule wall, helping to explain their physiologicaldivergence. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Gossypium hirsutum, epicuticular wax, raised stomata, scanning electron microscopy, stomatal index, trichomes  相似文献   

The anatomical and micro-morphological alterations as induced by the auxinic herbicide, 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) have not yet been elucidated for a commercially important fruit crop such as grapevine despite its super sensitivity to 2,4-D. Light and scanning electron microscopy techniques were employed to examine 2,4-D induced internal and external structural abnormalities in Merlot grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Healthy leaves were dorsiventrally flattened with well developed patterns of cellular structure and composition involving adaxial palisade parenchyma and abaxial spongy mesophyll. Dorsiventral variations in epidermal features involved large epidermal cells on the adaxial surface, and trichomes and stomata with turgid elliptical guard cells on the abaxial surface. The 2,4-D injured leaves were small and enated; the veins were fasciated with rugose bands of lamina existing between fasciated veins. The epidermal cells aggregated instead of being positioned coplanar to the epidermal plane. The adaxial elongated palisade parenchyma cells were transformed into an ovoid shape with intercellular spaces. An extensive development of replacement tissues took place on the abaxial surface wherein the stomata became roundish and were either raised or sunken with collapsed and cracked guard cells that developed abnormal outer stomatal ledges. These abnormalities are expected to severely perturb the vital functions of photosynthesis and transpiration ultimately leading to vine death attributable, at least in part, to the injured leaves.  相似文献   

山东广义苦荬菜属(菊科)叶表皮微形态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高召兰  李法曾   《广西植物》2007,27(3):435-439
对山东广义苦荬菜属植物叶表皮微形态进行了光镜下的观察研究。结果表明:山东广义苦荬菜属9种植物叶表皮微形态可分为四种类型:(1)小苦荬型:上、下表皮均有气孔器,气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上、下表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁波状;(2)黄瓜菜型:上表皮无气孔器,下表皮气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上、下表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁深波状;(3)沙苦荬型:上、下表皮均有气孔器,气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上、下表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁平直、弓形;(4)苦荬菜型:上、下表皮均有气孔器,气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁波状,下表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁弓形;与中国植物志把广义苦荬菜属划分为4个属的意见相一致。  相似文献   

The micromorphology of foliar trichomes of Hypoestes aristata var. aristata was studied using stereo, light and scanning microscopy (SEM). This genus belongs to the advanced angiosperm family Acanthaceae, for which few micromorphological leaf studies exist. Results revealed both glandular and non-glandular trichomes, the latter being more abundant on leaf veins, particularly on the abaxial surface of very young leaves. With leaf maturity, the density of non-glandular trichomes decreased. Glandular trichomes were rare and of two types: long-stalked capitate and globose-like peltate trichomes. Capitate trichomes were observed only on the abaxial leaf surface, while peltate trichomes were distributed on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

西安市常见绿化植物叶片润湿性能及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用接触角测定仪测定了西安市21种常见绿化植物叶片表面的接触角,探讨了叶片表面特性如蜡质、绒毛、气孔对接触角的影响。结果表明,植物叶片正背面、物种间的接触角差异均显著,叶片正面和背面接触角大小在40°~140°。接触角大小与变异系数呈负相关,可能由于接触角小的润湿叶片在不同的生境和位置下,受到环境条件的影响较大而出现大的变异;接触角较大的非润湿性叶片,环境物质持留时间较短,对叶片形态和组成影响较小,因而出现小的变异。植物叶片表面的接触角随蜡质含量的升高而增大。表皮蜡质去除后大部分叶片接触角明显降低,尤其是疏水性较强的银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、月季(Ro-sa chinensis)和紫叶小檗(Berberis thunbergii)。女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)正背面、加杨(Popu-lus canadensis)背面等亲水型的叶片蜡质去除后接触角反而增大。叶片绒毛的多少及其形态、分布方式对接触角具有重要的影响,不同的作用方式表现出润湿和不润湿的特征,人为将其去除可以增加叶片的润湿性。背面气孔密度与气孔长度、保卫细胞长度呈负相关;接触角则与气孔密度呈负相关,与气孔长度呈正相关。  相似文献   

The azimuth of vertical leaves of Silphium terebinthinaceum profoundly influenced total daily irradiance as well as the proportion of direct versus diffuse light incident on the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface. These differences caused structural and physiological adjustments in leaves that affected photosynthetic performance. Leaves with the adaxial surface facing East received equal daily integrated irradiance on each surface, and these leaves had similar photosynthetic rates when irradiated on either the adaxial or abaxial surface. The adaxial surface of East-facing leaves was also the only surface to receive more direct than diffuse irradiance and this was the only leaf side which had a clearly defined columnar palisade layer. A potential cost of constructing East-facing leaves with symmetrical photosynthetic capcity was a 25% higher specific leaf mass and increased leaf thickness in comparison to asymmetrical South-facing leaves. The adaxial surface of South-facing leaves received approximately three times more daily integrated irradiance than the abaxial surface. When measured at saturating CO2 and irradiance, these leaves had 42% higher photosynthetic rates when irradiated on the adaxial surface than when irradiated on the abaxial surface. However, there was no difference in photosynthesis for these leaves when irradiated on either surface when measurements were made at ambient CO2. Stomatal distribution (mean adaxial/abaxial stomatal density = 0.61) was unaffected by leaf orientation. Thus, the potential for high photosynthetic rates of adaxial palisade cells in South-facing leaves at ambient CO2 concentrations may have been constrained by stomatal limitations to gas exchange. The distribution of soluble protein and chlorophyll within leaves suggests that palisade and spongy mesophyll cells acclimated to their local light environment. The protein/chlorophyll ratio was high in the palisade layers and decreased in the spongy mesophyll cells, presumably corresponding to the attentuation of light as it penetrates leaves. Unlike some species, the chlorophyll a/b ratio and the degree of thylakoid stacking was uniform throughout the thickness of the leaf. It appears that sun-shade acclimation among cell layers of Silphium terebinthinaceum leaves is accomplished without adjustment to the chlorophyll a/b ratio or to thylakoid membrane structure.  相似文献   

Trichomes have been implicated as a mechanism which can confer resistance to both plant pests and drought. A study was conducted to provide information regarding genetic variability for trichome distribution and density among three diverse dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars, and to characterize the types of trichomes present among the cultivars. Trichomes on the leaf surfaces were micrographed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and counted using a stereomicroscope on both the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces of the cultivars ‘Bill Z’, ‘Pompadour Checa’ and ‘Diacol Calima’. Straight, hooked, and glandular trichomes were observed on the leaf surfaces of each cultivar. SEM micrographs are presented for the leaf surfaces of each cultivar and trichome type. The abaxial leaf surface had more straight trichomes than the adaxial leaf surface for ‘Pompadour Checa’ and ‘Diacol Calima’, however ‘Bill Z’ had more on the adaxial surface. The opposite relationship existed among the cultivars and leaf surfaces for the hooked trichomes.  相似文献   

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