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菊头蝠耳长与叫声频率的相关性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
小蝙蝠亚目 (Microchiroptera)的蝙蝠利用高频声学信号定向并感知周围环境 ,很多种类还利用回声定位探测和捕捉猎物。生境的不同使蝙蝠进化出多种捕食策略 ,并形成相应多样的回声定位叫声类型 (Fenton ,1982 ;Neuweiler,1989;张树义等1999a) ,其基本类型有两种 :调频 (Frequencymodulated ,FM )叫声和恒频 (Constantfrequency ,CF)叫声 (Metzner ,1991;张树义等 ,1999b)。旧大陆热带的菊头蝠科 (Rhinolophidae)和蹄蝠科(Hipposider…  相似文献   

本研究于 2 0 0 2年 5月初至 2 0 0 3年 9月中旬在北京房山区霞云岭四合村蝙蝠洞进行 ,分析了共栖同一山洞四种蝙蝠的形态特征、食性和回声定位信号。大足鼠耳蝠食谱中以宽鳍等三种鱼为主 (体积百分比为5 3% ) ,回声定位主频 4 1 87± 1 0 7kHz;马铁菊头蝠主要掠捕鳞翅目昆虫 (73% ) ,恒频叫声主频 74 70± 0 13kHz ;中华鼠耳蝠以近地面或在地表活动的鞘翅目昆虫步甲类和埋葬甲类为主要食物 (6 5 4 % ) ,声脉冲主频较低 35 73± 0 92kHz;白腹管鼻蝠捕食花萤总科和瓢虫科等鞘翅目昆虫 (90 % ) ,回声定位信号主频为 5 9 4 7±1 5 0kHz。结果证实同地共栖四种蝙蝠种属特异的回声定位叫声和形态结构的差异 ,以及不同的捕食生境和捕食策略 ,导致取食生态位分离是四种蝙蝠同地共栖的原因  相似文献   

澳门翼手类物种多样性调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009~2012年,对澳门翼手目(蝙蝠)物种多样性进行了调查.结果共捕捉到10个物种,属5科8属,其中包括澳门原来记载的2个物种,即蹄蝠科的大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)和蝙蝠科的东亚伏翼(Pipistrellus abramus);本研究新增加8个物种,即狐蝠科的犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)和棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti),鞘尾蝠科的黑髯墓蝠(Taphozous melanopogon),菊头蝠科的菲菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pusillus),以及蝙蝠科的大足鼠耳蝠(Myotis ricketti、普通伏翼(P.pipistrellus)、普通长翼蝠(Miniopterus schreibersi)和南长翼蝠(M.pusillus).另外,通过野外录音和分析,并与已发表物种声音特征比较核对,发现菊头蝠科和蹄蝠科各一种,前者可能是泰国菊头蝠(R.siamensis)或者中菊头蝠(R.affinis),后者可能是果树蹄蝠(H pomona)或者三叶蹄蝠(Aselliscus stoliczkanus).本文对已捕捉10种蝙蝠的分布、形态特征和回声定位叫声特征进行报道,同时对其种群数量和保护现状进行了讨论.保护蝙蝠栖息生境(洞穴、古老建筑和蒲葵树等)对保护澳门蝙蝠物种多样性至关重要.  相似文献   

马铁菊头蝠不同行为下的回声定位叫声   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
蝙蝠回声定位的研究自50年代以来在世界范围内经久不衰,从行为生态学及神经生物学两方面研究回声定位又是该领域最近十几年的热点.其中从行为生态学角度主要研究蝙蝠回声定位对其所处生境及捕食行为的适应性;神经生物学则研究蝙蝠通过回声定位而"观察"周围世界的神经生理学基础.相比之下我国对蝙蝠的回声定位行为研究较少,孙心德等对鲁氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus rouxi)进行过回避障碍物及听觉神经机理的研究,而对于蝙蝠回声定位超声波信号的研究则基本是空白.  相似文献   

同一山洞中五种蝙蝠的回声定位比较及生态位的分化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对同一山洞中5种蝙蝠的回声定位叫声和外部形态作了比较分析,根据蝙蝠回声定位叫声,形态特征与捕食策略之间的联系,并结合部分的野外观察研究,推断其捕食生境及捕食策略,并对洞中5种共栖蝙蝠的生态位分化进行了分析;研究结果如下:(1)南蝠(Ia io)在地面或树冠中间的开阔空间捕食个体较大的昆虫;(2)大鼠耳蝠(Myotis myotis)主要以掠食性方式(gleaning) 捕食森林或草地地表面的昆虫;(3)黄大蹄幅(Hipposideros pratti)主要在树冠周围或树冠上方进行捕蝇器式(Fly-catching)(即倒挂于一固定枝条或地点,探索周围飞行或接近的昆虫,探索到后捕捉回原倒挂地点再进食)或飞行捕食,它主要捕食个体较大的甲虫;(4)角菊头蝠(Rhinolophus cornutus)主要在较密集树木中(枝叶间),农田及树木周围捕食型较小的翼拍动昆虫;(5)三叶蹄幅(Aselliscus wheeleri)是在树木,灌丛或在其周围空间内捕食较小的翼拍动昆虫,但其食性可能菊头蝠不同,根据以上研究结果,认为这5种蝙蝠的取食生态位存在着明显的分化。  相似文献   

环境噪声影响动物的活动及其叫声特性,已成为动物面对的一种重要选择压力。为应对噪声的干扰,多数动物类群会远离噪声区域和改变其叫声的频谱时间结构,如延长叫声持续时间、提高叫声频率等,但有些动物的活动和叫声频谱时间结构并不受环境噪声的影响。本研究在自然条件下,研究不同环境噪声强度对蝙蝠活动和回声定位声波的影响。选取噪声强度有差异的12个样点,分别录制各样点大卫鼠耳蝠、西南鼠耳蝠、亚洲长翼蝠及未知蝙蝠的回声定位声波,分析其持续时间、起始频率、峰频、终止频率和带宽,统计蝙蝠通过次数。回归分析结果显示:环境噪声强度与大卫鼠耳蝠、西南鼠耳蝠、亚洲长翼蝠及未知蝙蝠的活动无显著相关性(P0.05),与回声定位声波的脉冲持续时间、起始频率、峰频、终止频率及带宽均不显著相关(P0.05)。暗示低频低强度(20 k Hz,67.5 d B)的环境噪声可能对高频回声定位蝙蝠的叫声及活动没有显著影响。  相似文献   

本研究于2006年5-8月在桂林市七星公园七星岩洞进行,比较分析了共栖2科(蹄蝠科和蝙蝠科)6种共75只蝙蝠的同声定位信号和翼型特征.普氏蹄蝠的回声定位叫声为短而多谐波的CF/FM型,主频率为61.2±0.8 kHz,具有高翼载、低翼展比和中等翼尖指数;大蹄蝠的回声定位叫声为单CF/FM型,主频率为68.6±0.7 kHz,具有高翼载、低翼展比和中等翼尖指数;中蹄蝠的回声定位叫声为单CF/FM型,主频率为85.2±0.5 kHz,具有中等翼载、低翼展比和中等翼尖指数;高颅鼠耳蝠的回声定位叫声为长带宽的FM型,主频率为50.7±3.8 kHz,具有低翼载、中等翼展比和低翼尖指数;大足鼠耳蝠回声定位叫声为FM型,主频率为39.9±3.2 kHz,具有中等翼载、低翼展比和高翼尖指数;绒山蝠回声定位叫声为短而多谐波的FM型,主频率为49.0±0.4 kHz,具有高翼载、中等翼展比和低翼尖指数.经单因素方差分析表明,6种蝙蝠之间绝大部分的形态和声音参数差异显著(One-way ANOVA,P<0.05).以上结果说明,6种同地共栖蝙蝠种属特异的回声定位叫声和形态结构体现出了相互之间的生态位分离,从而降低了种间竞争压力,使得6种蝙蝠能够同地共存.  相似文献   

从2006年6月至2009年11月对玉林市翼手类物种多样性进行了初步调查.玉林市共有蝙蝠15种,隶属5科7属.其中东洋型种类有13种,占86.7%,季风型(东亚伏翼Pipistrellus abramus)和南中国型(灰伏翼Pipistrellus pulveratus)各1种,分别占蝙蝠种类的6.67%.玉林市蝙蝠可分为3种栖息类型:菊头蝠属Rhinolophus、蹄蝠属Hipposideros和棕果蝠Rousettus leschenaultia为洞穴型蝙蝠;犬蝠Cynopterus sphinx为树栖型蝙蝠;东亚伏翼和灰伏翼为房屋型蝙蝠.蝙蝠在该地区自然生态系统中占有重要地位,食虫蝙蝠捕食蚊、蛾等害虫,是控制害虫的有效天敌之一,食果蝙蝠对荔枝、龙眼、香蕉等水果造成一定危害.目前,由于栖息环境破坏和乱捕滥杀,蝙蝠种类和种群数量均有所下降,应加大保护力度.  相似文献   

两种鼠耳蝠回声定位叫声的比较   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
对鼠耳蝠属两种蝙蝠飞行状态下的声发射进行了比较研究.结果表明两种鼠耳蝠声发射信号的声谱图都呈调频(FM)型,但在波形及频率范围上有明显差异.大鼠耳蝠(四川亚种)的声脉冲宽度很小(1.6±0.3ms),能率环较低(4.0%),其主频率(DF=44.6±4.3kHz)也较低;而水鼠耳蝠的声脉冲宽度较大(4.2±1.6ms),能率环(9.6%)及主频率(DF=83.0±4.0kHz)也较高.文中结合两种蝙蝠的形态及食性分析了回声定位对捕食生境及捕食策略的适应性.  相似文献   

南蝠海南岛分布新纪录、回声定位信号和ND1分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2007年11月于海南省保亭黎族苗族自治县毛感乡网捕到5只蝙蝠标本.形态特征及线粒体DNAND1基因序列的研究证实其为蝙蝠科南蝠属南蝠(Ia io),该物种为海南岛翼手目新纪录.本文详述了海南岛南蝠的形态与回声定位信号特征,并与该物种已报道的数据进行了比较.  相似文献   

False Vampires ( Megaderma lyra ) are gleaning bats which emit brief (1 ms) and faint echolocation signals consisting of four harmonics of a shallow frequency downward modulated fundamental (27–19 kHz). The complete signal spans a frequency range from 100 to 19 kHz. In sound recordings from three experimental animals we show that Megaderma lyra shifts the dominant frequency in the echolocation signals in relation to the type of prey offered and to flight style. During roaming flights the mean peak frequency was 63.2 ± 9 kHz (third harmonic). In prey catching flights, peak frequencies were shifted into the fourth harmonic. In flights towards a dish of crawling mealworms, mean peak frequency was raised to 91.2 ± 3.3 kHz. When the bats flew towards living mice the dominant frequency was further increased to 99.8 ± 5.2 kHz, and the second and third harmonic were at least 10 dB fainter or no longer recordable. The additional frequency shift when flying towards mice was not only a consequence of the dominance of the fourth harmonic but also of an additional rise of the fundamental harmonic by nearly 2 kHz. These prey-correlated frequency shifts in echolocation calls showed little variation between the three experimental animals and were reproducible over time. They occurred at or even before take-off of the bats. This is the first report of target-correlated transient adaptations in echolocation calls of any bat species.  相似文献   

2005 ~2009年,野外采集大卫鼠耳蝠(Myotis davidii)的回声定位声波、翼型数据及粪便样本,分析了其回声定位声波、翼型特征和夏季食性.结果表明,大卫鼠耳蝠回声定位声波主频为(60.4±10.0)kHz (Mean±SD),带宽为(54.7±8.5)kHz,能率环为7.4%±3.5%;翼展比为6.2±0...  相似文献   

An evolutionary war is being played out between the bat, which uses ultrasonic calls to locate insect prey, and the moth, which uses microscale ears to listen for the approaching bat. While the highest known frequency of bat echolocation calls is 212 kHz, the upper limit of moth hearing is considered much lower. Here, we show that the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, is capable of hearing ultrasonic frequencies approaching 300 kHz; the highest frequency sensitivity of any animal. With auditory frequency sensitivity that is unprecedented in the animal kingdom, the greater wax moth is ready and armed for any echolocation call adaptations made by the bat in the on-going bat–moth evolutionary war.  相似文献   

皮氏菊头蝠回声定位声波与年龄的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皮氏菊头蝠 (Rhinolophuspearsoni)雌性成体 5只和幼体 2只采自贵州省贞丰县珉谷镇。采用超声波探测仪 (D980 ,ULTRASOUNDDETECTOR)接收皮氏菊头蝠的回声定位声波 ,转换到原频率的 1 / 1 0后导入计算机 ,然后用专业声谱分析软件 (Batsound 3 1 0 )进行分析。成蝠在飞行和悬挂状态下的声波结构相似 ,只是声波各项参数值略有不同 :它们发射FM CF FM型声波 ,具有 2~ 3个谐波 ,主频率在飞行时为 5 6 80± 0 6 2kHz ,悬挂时为 5 8 0 5± 0 2 4kHz ;声脉冲时间和间隔在飞行时分别为 3 4 6 2± 5 2 9ms和 86 5 0± 1 9 72ms ,悬挂时分别为 4 1 0 8± 5 87ms和 1 1 7 2 9± 6 6 4 4ms ;能率环飞行时为 ( 4 4 0 6± 1 2 5 8) % ,悬挂时为 ( 4 6 0 0±2 4 2 5 ) %。幼蝠声波为CF FM型 ,谐波数为 5~ 8个 ,主频率明显低于成体 ,FM带宽窄于成体 ,声脉冲时间和间隔短于成体 ,能率环低于成体。皮氏菊头蝠回声定位声波与年龄有关 ,这可能因成体的声波主要是探测食物和周围环境的详细信息 ,而幼体主要是与母蝠进行交流。  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-eight echolocation calls of 63 free-flying individuals of five bat species (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum,Myotis formosus,Myotis ikonnikovi,Myotis daubentoni and Murina leucogaster)were recorded (by ultrasonic bat detector (D980)) in Zhi'an village of Jilin Province,China.According to the frequency-time spectra,these calls were categorized into two types:FM/CF (constant frequency) / FM (R.ferrumequinum) and FM (frequency modulated)(M.formosus,M.ikonnikovi,M.daubentoni and M.leucogaster).Sonograms of the calls of R.ferrumequinum could easily be distinguished from those of the other four species.For the calls of the remaining four species,six echolocation call parameters,including starting frequency,ending frequency,peak frequency duration,longest inter-pulse interval and shortest inter-pulse interval,were examined by stepwise discriminant analysis.The results show that 84.1% of calls were correctly classified,which indicates that these parameters of echolocation calls play an important role in identifying bat species.These parameters can be used to test the accuracy of general predictions based on bats' morphology in the same forest and can provide essential information for assessing patterns of bat habitat use.  相似文献   

Schoeman MC  Jacobs DS 《Oecologia》2003,134(1):154-162
The allotonic frequency hypothesis proposes that certain insectivorous bat species can prey upon moths that can hear bat echolocation calls by using echolocation frequencies outside the sensitivity range of moth ears. The hypothesis predicts that the peak frequencies of bat echolocation calls are correlated with the incidence of moths in the diets of these bats. The aim of this study was to test this prediction on a bat community dominated by bats using low duty cycle echolocation calls, i.e. aerial foraging, insectivorous species using frequency modulated calls. The community consisted of nine species, two molossids, Sauromys petrophillus and Tadarida aegyptiaca, five vespertilionids, Eptesicus capensis, Eptesicus hottentotus, Miniopteris schreibersii, Myotis tricolor, and Myotis lesueuri, one rhinolophid, Rhinolophus clivosus, and one nycterid, Nycteris thebaica. The insect fauna in the habitat used by the bat community was suited to the testing of the allotonic frequency hypothesis because more than 90% of the moths comprising the insect fauna were tympanate. These included Pyralidae (3.8%), Geometridae (44.9%), Notodontidae (3.8%), Arctiidae (4.6%), Lymantriidae (0.8%) and Noctuidae (32.4%). As predicted, peak echolocation frequency was correlated with the incidence of moths in the diets of these nine species (r=0.98, df=7, P<0.01). Furthermore, multivariate analysis revealed that echolocation frequency (t=9.91, n=129, P<0.001) was a better predictor of diet than forearm length (t=5.51, n=129, P<0.001) or wing area (t=-3.41, n=129, P<0.001). This suggests that the selection pressure exerted by moth hearing might have acted directly on call frequency and secondarily on body size and wing morphology, as part of the same adaptive complex. It is unlikely that dietary differences were due to temporal and spatial differences in the availability of prey because the pattern of differences in skull morphology of the nine species supported our dietary analyses. The skull morphology of a bat represents a historical record of the kind of diet it has become adapted to over its evolutionary history. These results suggest that prey defences may mediate other factors structuring bat communities, e.g. competition. Competition may be reduced for those species of bats that can circumvent prey defences.  相似文献   

The echolocation calls of bats function in prey capture and navigation but are not commonly regarded as communicative signals. However, because bats' echolocation calls show patterns of variability, they may transmit information about a bat, such as its age, individual identity or sex. For echolocation calls to function in this manner, variation in calls must be reliably linked to the characteristics of the bat, as has been shown in a number of studies. However, few studies have asked whether bats respond to this variation. We tested whether female big brown bats can identify the sex of an unfamiliar bat from playbacks of its echolocation calls. Playback consisted of a 30-s preplayback period, a 60-s playback period of either male or female echolocation calls, and a 30-s postplayback period. In the playback and postplayback periods the vocalization rates of female bats changed significantly relative to the preplayback period depending on the sex of the playback stimulus, indicating that they could determine sex from the echolocation calls. These findings support the possibility that echolocation calls play a role in communication in big brown bats.  相似文献   

2005年11月和2006年5、7、9月在贵州兴义研究了南蝠(Iaio)的食性。通过对南蝠粪便分析,发现7、9和11月份,鸟的残留羽毛在粪便中占很大比例,尤其是在11月份,鸟的羽毛占了食物组成的82%(体积百分比,下同),结果证实南蝠是一种食鸟蝙蝠。但在5月份的粪便中未发现鸟毛,而鞘翅目所占比例很大(85%);7和9月份,鸟的羽毛和鞘翅目残遗物所占的比例相当(7月份分别为44.6%和48.7%;9月份分别为51.1%和43.4%)。5、7、9、11月份南蝠取食鸟类的比例逐渐增加,而对鞘翅目的取食则逐渐减少。除取食鞘翅目外,南蝠还捕食鳞翅目、半翅目、直翅目和膜翅目等昆虫。对比捕食区内潜在的食物,发现南蝠对部分昆虫表现出明显的选择性,说明南蝠为选择性捕食者。  相似文献   

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