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湖南境内珍稀,濒危水生植物产地的考察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
湖南茶陵湖里沼泽(北纬26°50'、东经113°40')为一山地沼泽,面积0.15平方公里,海拔150米。对该沼泽的生境及水生植物进行了考察。采集到维管植物62种,其中,普通野稻(Oryza rufipogon)、长喙毛莨泽泻(Ranalisma rostrata)等为珍稀、濒危植物,总种数和珍稀、濒危植物种数多于我国大部分湖泊、沼泽。物种多样性程度之高与其水生生境的复杂性与稳定性有关。建议对这些珍稀、濒危水生植物及其生境采取保护措施。  相似文献   

本刊1955年第6期登载了蔡以欣同志的大白菜和甘蓝的花序嫁接试验。作者於1953年春在宜兴農校二年级下学期也曾进行花序嫁接的试验,惟选用之材料及结果则不同。十字花科植物的花轴其构造和一般双子叶草本植物的茎相同,因此嫁接是完全可能的。本试验以瓢儿白作接穗,小油菜作砧木分三种方式嫁接:一种是接穗瓢儿白的花轴不带抱茎叶,嫁接後将砧木小油菜的基部的花芽随时摘去使砧木所制造的养料集中的输送给接穗;一种是接穗瓢儿白之花轴不带抱茎叶,但嫁接後並不摘除砧木之花芽;另一种是接穗瓢儿白之花轴  相似文献   

人工培养冬虫夏草研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
俞永信 《菌物研究》2004,2(2):42-46
冬虫夏草 [Cordycepssinensis (Berk .)Sacc .]是名贵中药和珍稀滋补品 ,是由其无性型中国被毛孢 (Hir sutellasinensisX .J .Liu ,Y .L .Guo ,Y .X .Yu&W .Zeng)侵染蝠蛾属 (Hepialusspp .)幼虫形成的菌虫复合体 ,分布在我国青海、西藏、四川、云南和甘肃等地的海拨 35 0 0~ 5 0 0 0m高寒灌丛草甸。自 1980年至今持续进行冬虫夏草的人工培养研究 ,分离获得了冬虫夏草的无性型菌株 ,经鉴定为中国被毛孢新种 ,并对其进行了一系列培养试验 :在培养基上能产生子座 ;低海拔环境下规模化室内饲养寄主昆虫成功 ,人工条件下 1年可完成寄主昆虫一个生活周期 ,且幼虫个体大 ;室内人工培养冬虫夏草取得成功。  相似文献   

我们根据花序的概念要求,试制了一套花序模型。因能组装变换,故使学生对几种花序的异同点有深刻印象。花序模型分别由花、花柄、花轴组成,由于花的位置、花柄有无及花轴长短不同,组成了不同的花序。花序的制做过程如下: 花直径1.5厘米的木质小球21个,各钉去帽小钉一个,以便入花柄或花轴。花柄长3厘米,粗1厘米的木质小圆棒21根。一端的截面向内凹陷(利于接花时吻合)并钻一个钉孔,另一端的截面为内弧形(利于与花轴吻合)并钉无帽小钉一个。  相似文献   

一品红花轴培养成完整植株   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物名称:一品红(Euphorbia pulcherrima)又名圣诞花。材料类别:花轴。培养条件:将花轴用饱和漂白精片浸出液消毒4~6分钟,后用无菌水冲洗4~5次,于超净台上将花轴切成1cm左右的切段,接种于BA2mg/l和NAA0.2mg/l组合的MS固体培养基诱导产生  相似文献   

在花一节的教学中,花柄、花梗、花轴、花序轴、花葶、花序梗是几个极易混淆的名词。这些名词在单生花和簇生花中,有时含意不相同。花柄又称花梗,是指单生花的柄或簇生花的每朵花着生的小枝(如图a、c、e)。花轴对单  相似文献   

神农架地区珍稀植物沿河岸带的分布格局及其保护意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
在神农架香溪河流域从源头到河口的不同海拔高度沿河岸带共设置 4 0个与河流方向平行的10 0m× 10m的样带 ,进行了植物群落学调查研究 .结果表明 ,沿河岸带分布有珍稀植物 14种 ,占神农架地区珍稀植物总数的 4 2 .4 % .这些珍稀物种主要分布在海拔 12 0 0~ 180 0m山地常绿阔叶落叶阔叶混交林带 ,珍稀植物种类的物种丰富度在中等海拔高度上最大 .珍稀植物的种类可划分为低海拔、中等海拔和高海拔 3组 .针对珍稀植物的分布特点 ,明确指出应重视河岸带在生物多样性、尤其是珍稀物种保护方面的重要作用 .  相似文献   

测定和分析了具钩竖毛螯石蛾成虫和幼虫及黄氏竖毛螯石蛾成虫的mtDNA-COⅠ、Ⅱ及tRNA-Leu基因序列,发现具钩竖毛螯石蛾成虫与幼虫的序列歧异度为1%,而具钩竖毛螯石蛾的成、幼虫与黄氏竖毛螯石蛾成虫的序列歧异度为14%和13%.对我国特有种具钩竖毛螯石蛾幼虫的形态特征进行了描述.  相似文献   

河南大别山区野生珍稀濒危植物资源初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
论述了河南大别山区野生珍稀濒危植物资源现状、地理分布和生境特点,分析了珍稀濒危植物产生的原因,提出了保护和开发利用珍稀濒危植物资源相应对策.  相似文献   

陕西圈养珍稀野生动物肠道寄生虫感染及其形态观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2007年11~12月对陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养研究中心中的珍稀野生动物进行了寄生虫感染情况及其种类、形态的观察.采用生理盐水涂片法、碘液染色法对18种75头/只野生动物的粪便进行检查,对检出的寄生虫进行数码显微摄片.结果共检出11种寄生虫,总感染率为88.9%,以芽囊原虫(Blaaocyais sp.)、阿米巴原虫感染较为突出.  相似文献   

The arctic vascular hemiparasite Pedicularis dasyantha has a lower diffusion resistance for water vapour than any associated species. Excised leaves die within one hour of drought stress under laboratory conditions, in spite of a high succulence. Transpiration rates of P. dasyantha in the field are almost two times higher than in Dryas octopetala , which is the most important host within investigated sites.
Diffusion resistances are higher in inflorescences than in leaves, probably because the dense pubescence reduces transpiration rates and raises temperatures in inflorescences to 14°C above air temperature on clear days.
Pedicularis dasyantha contains significantly more N, P, and especially K than its host. The high rate of transpiration probably enables the hemiparasite to capture a larger fraction of nutrients supplied by the xylem of its host.  相似文献   

Our research involves of how Paraguayan migrants who are living in Misiones, Argentina, manage medicinal plants in home gardens, and how this practice can be related to the landscape. We examine the relationship between the richness of home garden medicinal plants and landscape variables (e.g., distance to the forest) by applying PLS analysis, which combines principal component analysis with linear regression. We surveyed 60 home gardens localized in a rural area, and we characterized the surrounding landscape with geospatial tools. Paraguayans’ home gardens are extremely diverse sites (total of 136 medicinal species), where both native (82) and introduced species (50) are managed. People who live close to the native forest or mixed use areas (e.g., farms, secondary vegetation) tend to possess less native plants in their gardens because they are available nearby. While gardeners, who live in proximity to tree crops (e.g., pine plantations), have reduced access to wild medicinal resources; therefore, their effort is concentrated on maintaining native plants. These results reflect a relationship between accessibility to medicinal plants in the landscape and the management practices in the home gardens, a neglected driver in explaining the richness and composition of the medicinal plants in home gardens so far. Thus, we contributed evidence in support of the environmental scarcity compensation hypothesis. Finally, our study supports the idea that home gardens appear to function as a springboard for plant domestication.  相似文献   

谷颐 《植物研究》2006,26(6):763-768
通过对长春市园林地被植物的初步调查研究,报道了长春市常见园林地被植物有95种,隶属76属37科。介绍这些地被植物的园林应用及生态习性,指出了长春市园林地被植物绿化中存在的问题,提出了发展长春市园林地被植物的建议。  相似文献   

段建强  张桦 《生物信息学》2018,25(11):29-32
豫园与寄畅园是两座始建于明代的古典园林。两园造园各具特色,是明清两代交替时江南园林的代表,其中对两园园林格局产生深远影响的,是两座园林中的假山。本文通过对两园的掇山格局尺度、堆掇技法、造景逻辑3方面进行比较,探讨我国古典园林假山堆掇在晚明清初园林营造中的若干艺术发展趋向与问题。  相似文献   

安徽植物区系新增补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报导了安徽植物地理分布新记录种6种。分别是:麻椰树、膜叶椴、细枝绣线菊、毛花绣线菊、巴东胡颓子、紫斑风铃草。  相似文献   

A mismatch of resource availability in certain periods can lead to spillover of insects between habitats, resulting in temporal differences in insect diversity. Urban gardens are important anthropogenic habitats but it is unknown whether, when and why spillover of beneficial insects occurs between gardens and agricultural habitats. We used trap nests for Hymenoptera to monthly monitor bee and wasp abundance and species richness in 12 gardens and 12 rapeseed fields. Half of the gardens and rapeseed fields were located in the urban–rural interface and bordered each other (a garden paired with a rapeseed field) and the other half were isolated in the rural landscape (isolated rapeseed fields) and in the urban city centre (isolated gardens). In general, gardens in the urban–rural interface comprised the highest richness of bees and wasps. The abundance of bees but not of wasps was highest in paired habitats and peaked at full rapeseed blooming, indicating that mass-flowering rapeseed offers foraging resources for bees nesting in adjacent gardens. Thus, bees nest and increase their populations in both areas, benefiting from the mass-flowering resource in the agricultural habitat as well as the nesting resources from gardens, suggesting spillover of bees but not of wasps between paired gardens and rapeseed fields. Our study highlights the value of gardens in the urban–rural interface for the biodiversity of functionally important insects. Implementing urban gardening and small-scale agriculture in cities and suburban habitats can promote local pollinator populations and benefit adjacent croplands.  相似文献   

在总结中国植物园发展历史及当前国际植物园发展趋势的基础上,论述了中国植物园面对对世纪所必须重视的5个方面。(1)植物园整体质量和特征化,作者列举了10个方面的差距。(2)药用植物的栽培、利用和保护。从药用植物分类学研究,有效成分的分析及动态研究,药用植物栽培化和“地道药材”问题4个方面论述植物园的优势和潜力。阐明了“栽培化”的涵义。(3)引种和物种保护,指出广泛引种的重要性和重点种类迁地保护的必要性,并首次提出了“濒危生境”这个术语及其概念。指出了未来引种理论研究的方向及其对农业生产的意义。(4)活植物收集圃信息系统。(5)科普教育。作者认为,虽然不少植物园目前还面临着或多或少的困难,但就整体而言,未来的10年将是植物园继续较大发展的10年。  相似文献   

Domestic gardens associated with residential zones form a major component of vegetated land in towns and cities. Such gardens may play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity in urban areas, but variation in the abundance of organisms in gardens has been little explored. We report the results from a case study of 61 domestic gardens in the city of Sheffield, UK. Across 22 invertebrate groups, the median number of individuals recorded per garden was 49, 178, and 1012 in litter collections, pitfall and Malaise trap samples, respectively. Abundance was analysed by stepwise multiple regression and hierarchical tree analysis in relation to garden and landscape variables. The amount of variation explained in regression models ranged from 4 to 56%, for data based on pitfall and litter samples, and from 16 to 92% for data from Malaise traps. In total, 31 out of 36 explanatory variables entered into stepwise regression models, and 29 of them did so more than once. Although there was strong evidence only for approximately half of such relationships, in these cases the two methods of analysis corroborated one another. General correlates of invertebrate abundance were lacking, and likely reasons for inconsistencies in the relationships are discussed in the context of sampling and species biology. Correlates of the greatest significance occurred at both landscape (e.g. altitude) and garden scales (e.g. area of canopy vegetation). These factors were associated with species richness as well as abundance.  相似文献   

在对广州、深圳和珠海公园普遍踏查的基础上,选取9个海绵设施应用较多的公园作为调查样地,针对应用的海绵设施类型、结构、规模、植物景观等进行实地调查分析。结果表明,公园绿地应用较多的海绵设施类型以植草沟、雨水花园和旱溪为主;海绵设施应用的植物有87种,隶属49科79属,以禾本科、豆科种类居多;海绵设施不同种植区域选择植物时应根据积水情况综合考虑植物的耐涝性;从海绵设施应用的植物种类及配置景观来看,雨水花园和旱溪最为丰富;最后,针对公园绿地海绵设施应用普遍存在的问题,分别从植物选择、景观配置及后期维护等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

何云核 《植物研究》1997,17(3):313-314
报导了安徽植物地理分布新记录种6种。分别是:麻椰树、膜叶椴、细枝绣线菊、毛花绣线菊、巴东胡颓子、紫斑风铃草。  相似文献   

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