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记述中国斑织蛾属Ripeacma Moriuti,Saito et Lewvanich 4新种.梯斑织蛾Ripeacma trapezialis sp.nov.采自贵州梵净山,与疣斑织蛾Ripeacma verruculosa Wang et Li 外表相似,可通过外生殖器特征区别:新种雄性颚形突的侧臂短于腹板,抱器腹背缘无突起,囊形突略呈三角形;雌性交配孔两侧呈齿轮状突出,囊突具小齿.杯斑织蛾Ripeacma cotyliformis sp.nov.采自湖北五峰,与秦岭斑织蛾Ripeacma qinlingensis Wang et Zheng外部特征近似,可通过雄性外生殖器特征加以区别:新种爪形突小三角形,颚形突前缘生出一杯状突起,抱器腹明显具端突,阳茎基环略呈矩形.毛斑织蛾Ripeacma setosa sp.nov.采自贵州梵净山,与Ripeacma yaiensis Moriuti,Saito et Lewvanich相似,但其雄性爪形突短三角形,颚形突不呈带状,抱器腹端突具稠密的刚毛,可与后者区别.茎裂斑织蛾Ripeacma bilobata sp.nov.采自贵州梵净山和湖南桑植,可通过以下特征与该属所有已知种区别:前翅前缘基部及中部偏外各有一个大三角形黑斑延伸至翅中部,雄性颚形突呈"X"状;雌性生殖板强烈骨化.该文同时首次报道了角斑织蛾Ripeacma trigonia Wang et Li的雌性个体.文中提供了新种的成虫及外生殖器特征图.模式标本保存在南开大学生物系.  相似文献   

本文报道中国异宽蛾属Agonopterix 4新种和2中国新记录种。西藏异宽蛾A.tibetana Wang,sp.nov.采自西藏林芝,与A.liturosa(Haworth)近似,但雄外生殖器之抱器瓣形状和雌性囊形突形状与后者的不同;尖瓣异宽蛾A.acutivalvula Wang,sp.nov.采自陕西宁陕火地塘,与A.yamatoensis Fujisawa相似,但新种雄性外生殖器之颚形突较后者的大,阳茎基环后缘深凹,雌性外生殖器之交配孔形状与后者的也不同;东方异宽蛾A.orientalis Wang,sp.nov.采自甘肃榆中兴隆山,与A.cnicella Treitschke相似,但尾突不明显突出,颚形突近卵形,阳茎中部弯曲;膨异宽蛾A.dilatata Wang,sp.nov.采自甘肃榆中兴隆山,可通过颚形突略呈圆形,抱器腹端突端部圆形膨大,阳茎端半部突然变尖等特征与其他已知种区别。中国新记录种卷异宽蛾A.capreolella(Zeller)分布新疆(巩留),西欧,土耳其,土库曼,俄罗斯;金丝桃异宽蛾A.liturosa(Haworth)分布于西藏(林芝),欧洲,俄罗斯和北非。文中提供了成虫和外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院标本室。  相似文献   

本文报道了中国草蛾2新种和2新记录种。新种大茅山草蛾Ethmiadamaoshanaesp.nov.采自江西,该种个体小,翅面上无明显的斑点或斑纹,雄性外生殖器之抱器端圆形膨大,密具长毛,末端钩状,向上弯,可与所有已知种相区别。新种景东草蛾Ethmiajingdongensissp.nov.采自云南,与湖南草蛾EthmiahunanensisLiu相似,但该种雄性外生殖器爪形突分叉不明显,颚形突口部、尾部均具刺;前翅斑纹亦不同,很容易识别。模式标本保存于西北林学院  相似文献   

尖顶小卷蛾属Kennelia全世界已知2种,中国均有分布.本文记录3种,包括1新种:凹尖顶小卷蛾K.apiconcava sp.nov..文中给出了尖顶小卷蛾属的分种检索表,提供了成虫图和外生殖器特征图.研究标本及模式标本均保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室.新种与鼠李尖顶小卷蛾K.xylinana(Kennel)在雄性外生殖器上相似,两者的主要区别是:前者较后者个体小;爪形突末端凹陷呈"M"状,不膨大;尾突端部尖锐;抱器瓣颈部很细,约为抱器端宽的1/4;抱器端近圆形.鼠李尖顶小卷蛾K.xylinana(Kennel)个体较大;爪形突端部膨大,末端平截;尾突端部钝圆;抱器瓣颈部粗,约为抱器端宽的1/2;抱器端斜卵圆形.  相似文献   

列出了黄阔祝蛾属Lecitholaxa Gozmany世界已知7种的名录,包括1新种和2新组合种。新组合种Lecitholaxa pogonikuma(Wu et Park)和L.Mesosura(W u et Park)系由祝蛾属Lecithocera中移入。新种南林黄阔祝蛾Lecitholaxa adonia sp.nov.采自中国湖南,新种与L.kumatai Gozmany近缘,但本种雄性外生殖器的抱器瓣较短,阳茎内有片状的阳茎针;雌性外生殖器第8腹板的尾缘几乎直,囊突大而呈椭圆形。L.kumatai Gozmany则抱器瓣较长,阳茎内无片状阳茎针;雌性第8腹板的尾缘深凹,估小而呈横条状。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

对褐巢蛾属 Metanomeuta Meyrick进行了修订,重新描述了模式种,讨论了其形态变异;记述2个新种,即岳西褐巢蛾 Metanomeuta yuexiensis sp.nov.和疏刺褐巢蛾 Metanomeutaspinisparsula sp.nov..文中提供了成虫和外生殖器特征图,给出了分种检索表及分布图.模式标本保存在南开大学昆虫标本室.岳西褐巢蛾,新种 Metanomeuta yuexiensis sp.nov.(图3,10,13)该种与金冠褐巢蛾 Metanomeuta fulvicrinis Meyrick外部相似,但可通过外生殖器特征区别:颚形突卵圆形,末端钝圆;雌性后阴片中部微凹,前阴片不明显,囊导管基部2/3具瘤突,交配囊长卵形.正模♂,安徽岳西温泉(30°52'N,116°22'E),1995-08-08,胡祥富采,外生殖器玻片号JQ07191.副模:8♂♂,1♀,安徽岳西温泉,1995-07-25~08-22,胡祥富采. 疏刺褐巢蛾,新种Metanomeuta spinisparsula sp.nov.(图4,11,14)该种与金冠褐巢蛾Metanomeuta fulvicrinis 相似,区别在于:体为深褐色,翅面无任何斑纹;雄性颚形突略呈舌状,末端突出,抱器腹除端部有一枚较大刺突外,无明显小刺或小刺束;雌性导管端片小且非杯状,囊导管仅基部1/2 具瘤突.正模♂,湖南石门县壶瓶山江坪(29°35'N,111°22'E;480m),2002-01-05,于海丽采,外生殖器玻片号JQO6091;副模1♀,采集资料同正模.  相似文献   

记述了潜蛾属(潜蛾亚科)1新种,枇杷潜蛾Lyonetia eriobotryae sp.nov..该文提供了成虫外形、茧与幼虫的危害状照片及雌雄外生殖器解剖图.模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.成虫将卵产在枇杷嫩叶反面的端部边缘,位于内外表皮之间.卵孵化后向叶基部钻蛀,沿叶片的主脉蛀入嫩梢内,导致嫩梢枯死,严重影响枇杷的生长和结实.老熟幼虫爬到一片新叶的背面结一白色丝茧,在其中化蛹.在云南省蒙自县枇杷的受害株率达80%~90%.该虫在云南蒙自1年发生多代,世代重叠.枇杷潜蛾,新种Lyonetia eriobotryae sp.nov.(图1~8)正模♂,副模5♂♂,5♀♀,云南省蒙自县,2005-07-10,武春生、李正跃采.新种的外生殖器与桃潜蛾L.derkella(Linnaeus)很相似,但成虫前翅无中室端斑,雄性外生殖器的颚形突末端小四叉形(桃潜蛾为大二叉形),雌性外生殖器的囊突明显长于桃潜蛾.成虫花纹与台湾产的石楠潜蛾L.anthemopaMeyrick(也分布在日本)相似,但新种前翅缺前缘纹,雌性外生殖器有1枚长的囊突(石楠潜蛾前翅有前缘纹,雌性外生殖器无囊突).词源:新种名来自寄主植物的属名.  相似文献   

本文记述了锦织蛾属五新种和中国二新纪录种。迄今为止 ,中国已知锦织蛾 33种。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系标本室。饰带锦织蛾Promalactisinfulata新种 .正模♂ ,河南信阳鸡公山 ,70 0m ,1997 Ⅶ 9,李后魂采 ;副模 3♀♀ ,1997 VII 11,其它采集资料同正模。本种可通过下列特征与该属其它已知种区别 :前翅表面斑纹较多 ;雄性外生殖器之抱器背短 ,阳茎角状器极长 ;雌性外生殖器之囊导管中部膨大。宝天曼锦织蛾Promalactisbaotianmanensis新种 .正模♂ ,河南内乡县宝天曼 ,1350m ,1998 Ⅶ 15,李后魂采 ;副模 15♀♀ ,1998 Ⅶ 13~ 15,其他采集资料同正模。本新种与PromalactispulchraWangetZheng外形相似 ,但可通过外生殖器特征与之区别 :新种雄性爪形突后缘中部凹入 ,两侧突出 ,阳茎端部无分支 ;雌性外生殖器导管端片后部呈三齿状。密纹锦织蛾Promalactisdensimacularis新种 .正模♂ ,江西井冈山小溪洞 ,1978 Ⅶ 7;副模 3♀♀ ,1978 VII 4~ 6,资料同正模。本种的前翅斑纹独特 ,雄性外生殖器颚形突端部两侧突出 ,形成不规则的突起 ,雌性外生殖器导管端片后缘呈三角形凹入等特征可与该属其它已知种区别。短瓣锦织蛾Promalactisbrevivalvaris新种 .正模♂ ,甘肃天水 ,1988 Ⅷ 10 ,武星煜采。本种与P  相似文献   

记述了我国圆点小卷蛾属EudemisHbner的种类,共4种,其中包括1新种:郑氏圆点小卷蛾E.zhengi sp.nov.。提供了分种检索表、新种的形态特征图和生殖器图。模式标本保存在南开大学昆虫标本室。郑氏圆点小卷蛾,新种Eudemis zhengi sp.nov.(图1~2)新种与杨梅圆点小卷蛾E.gyrotis(Meyrick)相似,但可通过下列特征区别:雄性外生殖器之颚形突中部的突起宽短,同时侧缘还具尖角状突起并被细齿,抱器瓣仅在抱器腹近基部具1簇刺丛;后者颚形突中部的突起长指状,侧缘无突起,抱器瓣腹缘具3簇刺丛,分别位于抱器腹基部和端部及抱器端基部2/5处。正模♂,云南勐腊补蚌(21°29′N,101°33′E;海拔650m),25Aug.2005,任应党采;玻片号YHL05159。词源:新种种名以郑哲民教授的姓氏命名,以示对郑先生在我国昆虫系统学研究领域做出显著贡献的敬意。  相似文献   

中国锦织蛾属五新种及一新纪录种(鳞翅目:织蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了中国织蛾5新种和1新纪录种,绘制了雌雄外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。三线锦织蛾,新种Promalactis trilineata sp.nov.,本种外形与P.enopisema(Butler)相似,雄性外生殖器特征与朴锦织蛾P.parki Lvovsky相近,但该种雄性外生殖器爪形突末端圆形,抱器背中部具圆形突起,可与前两种区别。拟银锦织蛾,新种Promalactis  相似文献   

A review of studies on Pichavaram mangrove, southeast India   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
K. Kathiresan 《Hydrobiologia》2000,430(1-3):185-205
We studied a tropical mangrove ecosystem, situated at Pichavaram, southeast India. We found 13 species of mangrove trees, with Avicennia marinaand Rhizophora species predominant, besides 73 spp. of other plants, 52 spp. of bacteria, 23 spp. of fungi, 82 spp. of phytoplankton, 22 spp. of seaweeds, 3 spp. of seagrass, 95 spp. of zooplankton, 40 spp. of meiobenthos, 52 spp. of macrobenthos, 177 spp. of fish and 200 spp. of birds. The bacteria performed activities like photosynthesis, methanogenesis, magnetic behaviour, human pathogens and production of antibiotics and enzymes (arysulphatase, L-glutaminase, chitinase, L-asparaginase, cellulase, protease, phosphatase). The microzooplankton included tintinnids, rotifers, nauplius stages of copepods and veliger larvae of molluscs, with a predominance of tintinnids. Tintinopsis spp. alone accounted for 90% of abundance. The macrozooplankton consisted of 95% of copepods and coelenterates. The meiofauna was rich with nematodes (50–70% of the component), followed by foramifera. The macrofauna included polychaetes, bivalves, gastropods, tanaids, isopods, amphipods, cirripedes, crabs, hermit crabs and shrimps. The mangrove harboured a large number of juvenile fishes, especially during summer and post-monsoon. The water was fertile and productive in having several fold-higher levels of nutrients, microbes, plankton and other biological resources, than the adjoining estuarine, backwater and neritic environments. The gross primary production was 8 g cm-3 d-1; about 21% of which was contributed by phytoplankton of 5–10 m size. Unfortunately, 90% of the mangrove cover in the study area was degraded. Possible factors that cause degradation of the ecosystem are detailed and remedial measures suggested. Techniques for regeneration of the degraded areas are proposed.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the infection status with helminth in a group of feral cats in Korea. More than 29 helminth species including adults or eggs were detected in visceral and fecal samples of the examined cats. Among these were a host of nematodes, including toxocarids, Ancylostoma sp. and the larva of Anisakis simplex; trematodes, including Clonorchis sinensis, Paragonimus westermani, Eurytrema pancreaticum, Pharyngostomum cordatum, Metagonimus spp., Heterophyes nocens, Pygidiopsis summa, Heterophyopsis continua, Stictodora fuscata, Stictodora lari, Acanthotrema felis, Stellantchasmus falcatus, Centrocestus armatus, Procerovum varium, Cryptocotyle sp., Echinostoma revolutum, Echinostoma hortense, Echinochasmus japonicus, Stephanoprora sp., Plagiorchis muris, Neodiplostomum sp. and diplostomulum. We also detected a variety of cestodes, including Spirometra erinacei, Taenia taeniaeformis and unidentified species of tapeworm. We also found examples of the acanthocephalan, Bolbosoma sp. In our assessment of the stools, we detected at least 12 species of helminth eggs. These findings confirmed that feral cats in Korea are infected with a variety of helminth parasite species. Furthermore, among the helminths detected, E. pancreaticum, S. fuscata, S. lari, A. felis, S. falcatus, C. armatus, P. varium, Cryptocotyle sp., E. revolutum, E. japonicus, Stephanoprora sp., P. muris, Neodiplostomum sp. and Bolbosoma sp. represent helminth fauna which have not been reported previously in feral cats in the Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

本文对代表豆科云实亚科紫荆族全部五个属.即紫荆属、腺叶紫荆属、格里芬豆属、拟羊蹄甲属和羊蹄甲属的几乎全部系或亚组的134个种或种下分类单元的叶脉序进行了研究,并描述了本族20个基本脉序类型.在紫荆族中,腺叶紫荆属和拟羊蹄甲属的脉序式样非常相似;紫荆属的种类的脉式样以全绿叶,一级脉不及绿等特征组合有别于本族其它属;格里芬豆属的脉序高度特化,有别于紫荆亚族的所有类群;羊蹄甲属是叶脉序式样最多样化的类群.在羊蹄甲属中,羊蹄甲亚属和显托亚属的脉序式样非常多样化.Elayuna亚属的两个组和Barklya亚属的脉序式样非常相似.Barklya亚属的仅有种了香叶羊蹄甲的脉序仅以其叶全缘区别于Elayuna亚属.脉序性状支持把Cansenia系、白花羊蹄甲系、羊蹄甲系、绿花羊蹄甲亚组、总状花羊蹄甲亚组、Elayuna亚属、伞房系、Chloroxanthae系、棒花系、掌叶组和萼管组等作为自然类群的观点.在本族植物的脉序类型中,一级脉及缘、全缘叶、发育完好的脉岛等性状常相关出现;另一方面,一级脉不及缘,具二小叶或叶深裂,脉岛发育不完善及盲脉多分枝等性状常相关出现.如同形态和花粉性状,脉序性状能为紫荆族的分类提供另一方面的佐  相似文献   

On molecular taxonomy: what is in a name?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Gene sequences of small portions of the genome are often used for premature detailed taxonomic changes, neglecting polyphasic taxonomy, which should also consider phenotypical characteristics. Three examples are given: (i) Recently, members of the genera Eperythrozoon and Haemobartonella have been moved, correctly so, from the Rickettsiales to the Mycoplasmatales, but were assigned to the genus Mycoplasma, mostly on the basis of 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Not only is the 16S rRNA sequence similarity between 'classical' Mycoplasma and these species of Eperythrozoon and Haemobartonella less than that between some other well-recognised bacterial genera, but their biological differences amply justify their classification in different genera of the Mycoplasmatales. Furthermore, the move creates considerable confusion, as it necessitates new names for some species, with more confusion likely to come when the 16S rRNA sequences of the type species of Eperythrozoon, a name which has priority over Mycoplasma, will be analysed. (ii) In the Rickettsiales, members of the genera Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Cowdria, Neorickettsia and Wolhbachia are so closely related phylogenetically on the basis of 16S rRNA sequences, and for some also of groESL operon sequences, that they have recently been fused, correctly so, into one family, the Anaplasmataceae, while the tribes Ehrlichieae and Wolbachieae have been abolished. Sequence diversity within the 'classical' genus Ehrlichia has led to classifying E. phagocytophila (including E. equi and the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis), E. platys and E. bovis in the genus Anaplasma, while others have been retained in Ehrlichia, which also includes Cowdria ruminantium. E. sennetsu and E. risticii have been transferred to the genus Neorickettsia. 16S rRNA and GroEL sequences of 'classical' Anaplasma and some members of 'classical' Ehrlichia do show a close relationship, but differences in citrate synthase gene sequences, the GC content of this gene, and sequences of the gene encoding the beta-subunit of RNA polymerase, not to speak of the phenotypical differences, do not justify the fusion into one genus. Because of the phylogenetical diversity in Ehrlichia it is recommended that a new genus name be created for the E. phagocytophila genogroup (and E. platys and E. bovis). (iii) One of the conclusions of studies on the phylogeny of ticks of the subfamilies Rhipicephalinae and Hyalomminae, based on nucleotide sequences from 12S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase I, the internal transcribed spacer 2, 18S rRNA, as well as morphological characters, is that Boophilus should be considered as a subgenus of Rhipicephalus. While Boophilus and Rhipicephalus are undoubtedly close, the obviously important morphological and biological differences between the genera Rhipicephalus and Boophilus are thus overruled by similarities in the sequences of a number of genes and this leads to considerable confusion. Polyphasic taxonomy amply justifies maintaining Boophilus as a separate genus, phylogenetically near to Rhipicephalus. This note is a plea for a cautious and balanced approach to taxonomy, taking into account molecular genotypical information, as far as is possible from different genes, as well as phenotypical characteristics.  相似文献   

The mycoflora of hair of 111 cows, donkeys, rabbits, cats, and dogs were analysed and the frequency of occurrence and the relative importance value of the different fungal species isolated were calculated. Total numbers of species 56, 45, 48, 23, and 11 were recovered from cows, donkeys, rabbits, cats, and dogs respectively. The majority of the keratinophilic fungi isolated were either well-known mycotic agents or have been recovered from various animal and human lesions. These comprised 87.8%, 66.7%, 61.4%, 59.3%, and 55.2% of the hair mycoflora in cats, dogs, rabbis, cows, and donkeys respectively. Seven species of dermatophytes were isolated: Trichophyton mentagrophytes, T. verrucosum, Microsporum gypseum, M. nanum, T. ajelloi, and M. canis. Cats harboured the largest number of dermatophytes (5 species), followed by cows (4 spp), rabbits (3 spp), and donkeys and dogs (1 sp). The role of these animals in the persistence and transmission of pathogenic fungi is discussed.  相似文献   

记述新革螨属1新种:泰安新革螨Neogamasus taianensis Ma et Sun, sp. nov.,并对峨眉常革螨Vulgarogamasus emeishanensis Ma et Wang.1996和异形新革螨Neogamasus anomalus Ma et Yan,1998进行补充描述。  相似文献   

记述革板螨属3新种和派伦螨属1新种:井冈山革板螨Gamasholaspis jinggangshanensis sp.nov.,何氏革板螨Gamasholaspis hochyicheni sp.nov.,新阿革板螨Gamasholaspis novakimotoi sp.nov.和沙县派伦螨Parholaspulus shaxianensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

Dipteran predators of Simuliid blackflies: a worldwide review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Haematophagous female blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) are serious biting pests and obligate vectors of vertebrate pathogens, namely filarial Dirofilaria, Mansonella, Onchocerca and protozoal Leucocytozoon. Immature stages of Simuliidae inhabit lotic waterways, the sessile larvae filter-feeding and often forming a large proportion of the benthic biomass, usually aggregated in well-oxygenated sections of streams, rivers, waterfalls and spillways. Simuliid control practices depend on larvicidal chemicals, biological products (bacteria, nematodes) and environmental modification. The potential use of predators for biological control of Simuliidae has not been exploited. Predators of Simuliidae include examples of at least 12 families of Diptera and other predaceous arthropods (Crustacea and insects: Coleoptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Trichoptera), invertebrates (notably Turbellaria), as well as browsing fish. Diptera impacting upon simuliid populations comprise mainly Chironomidae, Empididae and Muscidae, although several other families (Asilidae, Dolichopodidae, Phoridae, Drosophilidae, Scathophagidae) play a significant role as predators. Details of predator and prey species and life stages are presented, by zoogeographical region, including the prevalence of cannibalism among Simuliidae.  相似文献   

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