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Release of transgenic plants: biodiversity and population-level considerations   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Many transgenic plant gene products introduced into soil are likely to degrade so quickly that they will have little impact upon the ecosystem. Some products, however, will be more recalcitrant and thus may exhibit potentially adverse effects upon the soil ecosystem. Potential changes in specific groups of organisms, functional groups of organisms and biodiversity are discussed. Methods to detect changes and the impact of changes are considered.  相似文献   

释放后的转抗病虫基因作物对土壤生物群落的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
土壤生物,尤其是土壤微生物多样性与活性的保持是农业生态系统健康稳定的基础,农业活动尤其是农作物植被类型的改变对土壤生物的群落结构和活性具有显著的影响。释放后的转基因作物作为生态系统的一种新的生物组分,被引入农田生态系统之间后所引发的农田生物群落(包括土壤微生物群落)的变化及其对农业生态系统的健康与稳定产生的影响,已成为研究热点,本文对转抗虫Bt基因作物、转T4-溶菌酶基因作物,转蛋白酶抑制剂I基因作物的基因产物、作物残体在土壤中的行为(如降解产物的存留形态与生物活性)及其对根际或残体周围土壤中各类生物,尤其是微生物群落结构与功能的影响进行了简要综合评述,指出基因表达产物的后效肯定是存在的且长远的,由其引发的土壤生物群落结构的变化是复杂的,因而有必要对不同类型的转基因作物释放后的生态效应做长期的跟踪研究,建议未来的研究工作应集中在以下3个方面:(1)不同的转基因表达产物在环境中的迁移、结构变化、消长动态及其对生物保持毒杀性的时间;(2)不同类型转基因的植物对土壤生物群落结构的影响趋势;(3)在实验条件下,研究分离纯化的各种转基因表达产物对土壤各生物功能类群的影响。  相似文献   

Transgenic plants and biogeochemical cycles   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Classic plant breeding has increased the beauty and utility of ornamental plants, but biotechnology can offer completely new traits for plants used in homes and gardens. The creation of blue petal color in carnations and roses are examples where biotechnology has created novelty that conventional hybridization cannot match. However, all innovations have benefits and risks, and future commercialization of transgenic ornamental plants raises complex questions about potential negative impacts to managed landscapes and natural ecosystems. Predictive ecological risk assessment is a process that uses current knowledge to estimate future environmental harms or benefits arising from direct or indirect exposure to a genetically-modified (GM) plant, its genes, or gene products. This article considers GM ornamental plants in the context of current ecological risk assessment principles, research results, and current regulatory frameworks. The use of ecological risk assessment by government agencies to support decision-making is reviewed in the context of ornamental plants. Government risk assessments have usually emphasized the potential for pollen-mediated gene flow, weediness in managed areas, invasion of natural areas, and direct harm to nontarget organisms. Some of the major challenges for predictive risk assessment include characterizing gene flow over time and space, plant fitness in changing environments, and impacts to nontarget organisms, communities and ecosystems. The lack of baseline information about the ecology and biodiversity of urban areas, gardens, and natural ecosystems limits the ability to predict potential hazards, identify exposure pathways, and design hypothesis-driven research. The legacy of introduced ornamental plants as invasive species generates special concern about future invasions, especially for GM plants that exhibit increased stress tolerance or adaptability. While ecological risk assessments are a valuable tool and have helped harmonize regulation of GM plants, they do not define the acceptable level of risk or uncertainty. That responsibility belongs to regulators, stakeholders and citizens.  相似文献   

转基因植物对传粉蜂类影响的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘标  许崇任 《生态学报》2003,23(5):946-955
随着转基因作物的大规模商业种植,其对非靶生物的安全性问题已经成为转基因生物风险评估的重要内容。有些转基因植物是需要蜂类传粉的显花植物.有些则可作为蜂类的食物来源。抗性转基因植物可能对蜂类产生直接和间接的影响。转基因植物的花粉或者花蜜可能对蜂类产生直接影响,测试化学杀虫剂安全性的相同方法被用来评估这种影响。很多研究测试了纯化的转基因蛋白质(如Bt,蛋白酶抑制剂)对蜜蜂和熊蜂的影响。间接影响来自于遗传转化可能使转基因植物的表型产生的异常变化,特别是花的改变。这种影响是用转基因植物进行评估的。转基因植物对蜂类的影响研究所测定的参数包括蜂类的肠道生理、取食和嗅觉学习行为、经口毒性和寿命等。对在实验室中以幼蜂或者成年蜂为对象、在封闭条件下针对蜂群的研究以及蜂类在转基因植物上的取食行为方面的研究进行了总结。结果表明,转基因植物是否对传粉蜂类产生影响以及影响的大小主要取决于转基因植物的生物学特征、转基因蛋白的性质和表达量。一般来说,Bt毒素蛋白和葡聚糖酶等蛋白质对蜂类没有影响;而某些蛋白酶抑制剂和几丁质酶则可能对蜂类产生不利影响,蜂类所摄取到这类蛋白质的剂量将决定影响的程度。然而,由于采用的研究方法各不相同,难以对不同的研究结果进行分析和比较,并得出明确的结论。  相似文献   



White-rot fungi are primarily the major degraders of lignin, a major obstacle for commercial exploitation of plant byproducts to produce bioethanol and other industrially important products. However, to improve their efficacy for lignin degradation, it has become necessary to genetically modify these organisms using appropriate vectors. Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a soil phytopathogenic bacterium, generally transforms plants by delivering a portion of the resident Ti- plasmid, the T-DNA (transfer DNA). The trans-Kingdom gene transfer is initiated by the activity of Ti-plasmid encoded vir (virulence) genes in response to low-molecular-mass phenolic compounds such as acetosyringone. A. tumefaciens played a major role in plant genetic engineering and basic research in molecular biology, accounting for nearly 80% of the transgenic plants produced so far. Initially, it was believed that only dicotyledons, gymnosperms and a few monocotyledonous species could be transformed by this bacterium; but recent reports have totally changed this scenario by demonstrating that many 'recalcitrant' species not included in its natural host range can also be transformed, especially filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

转转基因植物对根际土壤生态系统的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全世界转基因植物种植的普及,转基因植物对生态环境的影响也受到人们的广泛关注。本文针对转基因植物对土壤生态系统带来的潜在风险做了较全面的探讨,概述了转基因植物在土壤中的残留、外源基因的水平转移及其表达产物对土壤生物、土壤理化性质的影响,为今后更安全利用转基因植物提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Procedures for the selection of species for ecotoxicological risk assessment of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) gene products in the epigeal and hypogeal environments are proposed. Although species can be selected on the basis of ecological realism and functional importance, the number of organisms requiring testing and the nature of the test procedures remain uncertain with such a selectively toxic material. The heterogeneity of the soil environment, the stratification of plant material at different stages of breakdown and decomposition and the aggregation and patterns of movement of the soil fauna and flora impose problems for the design of ecologically relevant test methods. Similarly, the impact upon beneficial invertebrates, if toxic effects are detected, will be mediated by the scale and pattern of transgenic plant release in the fragmented agricultural landscape. To properly assess the ecological risks posed by a widely released toxin with a narrow spectrum of effects, a combination of laboratory tests, field experiments and longer-term monitoring will be required.  相似文献   

Large quantities of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn plant residue are left in the field after harvest, which may have implications for the soil ecosystem. Potential impacts on soil organisms will also depend on the persistence of the Bt toxin in plant residues. Therefore, it is important to know how long the toxin persists in plant residues. In two field studies in the temperate corn-growing region of Switzerland we investigated degradation of the Cry1Ab toxin in transgenic Bt corn leaves during autumn, winter and spring using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In the first field trial, representing a tillage system, no degradation of the Cry1Ab toxin was observed during the first month. During the second month, Cry1Ab toxin concentrations decreased to approximately 20% of their initial values. During winter, there was no further degradation. When temperatures again increased in spring, the toxin continued to degrade slowly, but could still be detected in June. In the second field trial, representing a no-tillage system, Cry1Ab toxin concentrations decreased without initial delay as for soil-incorporated Bt plants, to 38% of the initial concentration during the first 40 days. They then continued to decrease until the end of the trial after 200 days in June, when 0.3% of the initial amount of Cry1Ab toxin was detected. Our results suggest that extended pre- and post-commercial monitoring are necessary to assess the long-term impact of Bt toxin in transgenic plant residues on soil organisms.  相似文献   

提高植物磷营养效率(候选)基因研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
低磷限制植物产量提高和品质改良是全球亟待解决的土壤养分问题之一,利用现代转基因技术结合常规育种手段培育磷高效新品种是解决这一问题的有效途径。目前,已有百余个磷营养效率候选基因被克隆,但真正用于植物转基因育种实践的却寥寥无几,且进展缓慢。究其原因可能是由于现有候选基因种类繁杂且未系统分类,有些基因的功能尚未明确,缺少克隆与育种交流平台等问题。鉴于此,本文将目前已克隆的植物磷营养效率候选基因按照其功能不同进行分析,对基因的生物学功能及其潜在应用价值进行归纳总结。这不仅为分子生物学家选择目标基因,解析植物磷高效分子机制提供参考,同时为育种学家进行基因转化,培育磷高效新品种搭建平台。  相似文献   

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