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天目山自然保护区悬钩子属药用植物资源研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
田春元  周秀佳 《广西植物》2004,24(4):297-301
通过野外调查、采集标本、分类鉴定和查阅文献相结合的方法对浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区悬钩子属植物的药用资源状况进行了较为系统的调查研究。结果发现 :该保护区有悬钩子属植物 1 6种和 1变种 ,它们都可以作为药用植物入药 ,且资源蕴藏量大 ,具有较高的开发利用价值。该项研究有助于该保护区悬钩子属药用植物的开发利用 ,对扩大该属植物药源和发展地方经济都将起到积极的促进作用  相似文献   

对近年来生物技术在忍冬属植物快速繁殖、种质资源鉴定和药用活性有效成分生产方面的研究进展进行了综述,包括忍冬属植物的组织培养、染色体核型分析、生物化学和分子生物学的研究。  相似文献   

中国悬钩子属植物的利用价值概述   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
主要报道中国悬钩子属植物作为果树种质资源和药用植物的利用价值及果实色素和香味成分的利用潜力。经过十余年的调查1引种栽培和观测评价,发现一些种类可以作为野生小果类果树直接利用,其中23种4变种是悬钩子类果树选育种的优良种质。据文献记载和民间调查发现。45种4变种悬钩子植物可以作为中草药治疗多种疾病。对灰白毛莓、高梁泡、蓬、掌叶复盆子和黑莓果实色素的研究结果表明:悬钩子果实色素以醇提法为佳,水提法效果  相似文献   

为揭示西藏察隅河流域药用种子植物资源多样性特征及保护现状,采用线路和典型样地、样方套、野外标本采集等方法对该区药用种子植物进行了深入调查,对植物生活型、药用部位、药性、药味、药用功效、野生重点药用植物、区系成分等进行系统分析,为研究区药用种子植物的合理利用和科学管理提供理论依据和参考价值。结果表明,(1)察隅河流域药用种子植物共有114科427属846种(含变种),包含裸子植物4科8属14种,被子植物110科419属832种,单种科、寡种科和单种属、寡种属是研究区药用种子植物科和属水平上的主要构成部分。(2)生活型以草本类药用植物为主。(3)药用部位以全草、根及根茎类入药较多,分别占总种数的45.51%和44.21%。(4)温性药用植物占总种数的27.66%,居药性植物资源之首。(5)苦味类药用植物占总种数的61.94%,在药用植物药味中占比最高。(6)清热是察隅河流域药用种子植物的主要功效,占总种数的29.43%。(7)药用植物区系呈现热带成分向温带成分过渡的性质,分布类型复杂多样。研究表明,为提高对察隅河流域药用种子植物资源的利用效率,可以将草本类药用种子植物作为高原特色产业原材料...  相似文献   

熊先华  徐波  鞠文彬  高云东  邓亨宁  高信芬 《广西植物》2018,38(11):1411-1903/11/21
该文在野外调查、标本采集、标本查阅与鉴定及文献考证的基础上,对西藏墨脱县产的蔷薇科悬钩子属植物进行了系统整理。结果表明:目前发现该区共有悬钩子属植物28种4变种,其中Rubus lineatus Reinw. var. glabrior Hook. f.为中国分布新记录植物,小柱悬钩子(R. columellaris Tutcher)、红毛悬钩子(R. wallichianus Wight et Arn.)、独龙悬钩子(R. taronensis C. Y. Wu ex T. T. Yu et L. T. Lu)和疏松悬钩子(R. efferatus Craib)为西藏分布新记录植物。该文还对《中国植物志》和Flora of China中该属部分学名的不恰当使用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为全面了解江苏宝华山区药用维管植物资源现状,依据“第四次全国中药资源普查”项目的要求,采用线路调查和样方调查相结合的方法,对该区域药用维管植物的种类组成、科属构成、生活型、濒危现状和中药学特征以及重点药用维管植物的资源状况进行了调查和分析。结果显示:宝华山区共有药用维管植物164科620属1089种(含种下等级),分别占江苏省药用维管植物科、属、种数的88.2%、87.3%、81.0%,其中,蕨类植物25科33属50种、裸子植物7科13属16种、被子植物132科574属1023种;在科属构成上均以包含单种和寡种的小科、小属为主。从该区域药用维管植物的生活型看,以草本最为丰富,有734种;乔木和灌木(含木质藤本)较少,分别有125和230种。从所在的植被类型看,阔叶林数量最多,其后依次为针阔混交林、灌草丛、人工植被,针叶林数量最少。从地理分布看,与同区域种子植物的地理分布特征基本吻合,具有亚热带向温带过渡的特点。从珍稀濒危状况看,该区域现存中国特有属14属、国家级珍稀濒危药用维管植物18种、江苏省省级保护药用维管植物32种。从中药材上看,有道地药材17种和重点药用维管植物130种,但各种类的数量总体上较少。从该区域药用维管植物的中药学特征看,在药用部位上以全草(株)类、根和根茎类较多,分别占总种数的44.2%和24.0%;在药性上以平性最多,占30.9%;在药味上以苦味最多,占40.0%;有毒的药用植物占12.9%,其中小毒种类最多。综合分析结果显示:宝华山区药用维管植物种类丰富,其中,道地药材占有一定比例,但重点药用维管植物数量有限且分布频度总体较低。根据上述调查结果,对宝华山区药用维管植物资源的保护和利用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

陈曦  邢怡  王蒙  殷华  张大维 《西北植物学报》2012,32(10):2035-2039
利用扫描电子显微镜对黑龙江悬钩子属植物的叶表皮形态结构进行比较研究。结果显示:(1)悬钩子属植物叶的上表皮细胞呈多边形,垂周壁平直,或无规则形,垂周壁浅波纹;下表皮细胞无规则形,垂周壁浅波纹或深波纹。(2)表皮毛类型有单细胞直立不分支、卷曲不分支,头状腺毛和盾状腺毛四种类型。(3)气孔器均分布于下表皮,且气孔器类型为无规则形;气孔外拱盖单层、内缘平滑或不规则波状。研究表明,黑龙江悬钩子属植物的叶表皮微形态学特征表现出一定差异性,对种间的划分和鉴定具有一定的分类学意义。  相似文献   

通过对河南省鸡公山国家级自然保护区悬钩子属植物资源的系统调查研究,发现该保护区有悬钩子属植物15种和1变种,且资源蕴藏量大。它们在食品、医药及工业等方面都有很重要的用途,有较大的开发利用潜力,尤其是其中的山莓Rubus corchorifolius L.f.、茅莓R.parvifolius L.等食用、药用具佳,更可作为工业原料用于酿酒和提制栲胶,具有很高的商品开发价值。如能有计划地加以开发利用,对当地经济发展将会起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

悬钩子属基因库的建立与维护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江苏省中国科学院植物研究所在进行了7个省悬钩子属种质资源调查的基础上,1993年获得国家自然科学基金资助,在南京建立了我国第一个悬钩子属基因库,开展了悬钩子属种质资源评价的研究。  相似文献   

江西悬钩子属的分类和地理分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过野外调查和查阅大量标本和文献,对江西悬钩子属植物的分类和地理分布进行了较为系统的研究。江西境内共有悬钩子属植物43种7变种2变型,其中红花悬钩子Rubus inopertus(Diels)Focke,大红泡R.eustephanus Focke ex Diels,深裂锈毛莓R.reflexus Ker var.lanceolobus Metc为江西新分布。编制了检索表,并讨论了江西悬钩子属植物的地理分布。  相似文献   

悬钩子属植物资源及其利用   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:34  
悬钩子属Rubus L.植物资源丰富,分布广泛,我国已发表201种98变种,种类之多仅次于北美中心,在分布上自西向东,自南而北有逐渐减少的趋势,西南部为分布中心,利用上有果用和药用两个主要途径,本文在进行国内资源考察的基础上,回顾了国内外悬钩子属植物的利用历史及其栽培化进程,并提出了我国野生悬钩子属植物中具有圈在果用潜力的11个种,本属许多种类是生态适应性很强的地被植物,从保护环境的角度出发,其在水土保持和美化环境方面的价值也值得注意。  相似文献   

秦巴山区悬钩子植物的种质资源   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
秦巴山区有野生悬钩子38种12变种,是我国悬钩子属植物比较集中的分布区之一,对秦巴山区悬钩子种质资源的系统调查和综合分析结果表明:1.悬钩子类果实中维生素类(尤其是维生素E)和SOD等生物活性物质的含量异常高,蛋白质、氨基酸、有机酸和矿质元素含量不同程度地高于栽培水果,是一种急待开发利用的野生果树。2.黄果悬钩子、粉枝莓、华中悬钩子、弓茎悬钩子、喜阴悬钩子、插田泡、茅莓、山莓和高粱泡等具有直立生长、植株健壮、少刺或无刺、丰产、抗寒耐旱等经济性状,是悬钩子类果树选种和育种的优良种质材料,其中有些种类还可以直接引种栽培。3.悬钩子植物的美化环境和水土保持作用及药用保健价值也应受到重视。  相似文献   

The purpose of the research is to study the development of response surface methodology for optimization of chebulinic acid extraction from composition of medicinal herbs such as Terminalia chebula, Phyllanthus emblica and seeds of Dimocarpus longan. Optimization of extraction parameters such as weight dosages, pH and time were carried out by response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions determined for extraction of chebulinic acid through response surface methodology were dosage (6.25 g), pH (5.7) and time (24.23 h). These results showed that the developed model is satisfactory and relevant for the extraction of chebulinic acid. The analysis of variance showed a high goodness of model fit and the performance of the RSM method for improving chebulinic acid extraction from the composition of medicinal herbs. Quantitative estimation of chebulinic acid in the composition of medicinal herbs by HPLC studies revealed that 0.712% w/w of chebulinic acid content was present in the composition of herbal powder.  相似文献   

糖基化是植物次生代谢产物生物合成中重要的修饰反应。目前已报道的以二萜为底物的UDP-糖基转移酶(UGT)数量稀少。本研究基于甜叶悬钩子叶片的转录组数据,利用生物信息学分析手段,选定可能具有二萜类催化活性的UDP-糖基转移酶基因进行克隆。最终克隆得到18条UGT基因序列,在大肠杆菌中进行了异源表达,并对克隆的基因进行了初步的序列分析。本研究为进一步挖掘和验证甜叶悬钩子中UGT的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A family of polyketide synthase genes expressed in ripening Rubus fruits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kumar A  Ellis BE 《Phytochemistry》2003,62(3):513-526
Quality traits of raspberry fruits such as aroma and color derive in part from the polyketide derivatives, benzalacetone and dihydrochalcone, respectively. The formation of these metabolites during fruit ripening is the result of the activity of polyketide synthases (PKS), benzalcetone synthase and chalcone synthase (CHS), during fruit development. To gain an understanding of the regulation of these multiple PKSs during fruit ripening, we have characterized the repertoire of Rubus PKS genes and studied their expression patterns during fruit ripening. Using a PCR-based homology search, a family of ten PKS genes (Ripks1-10) sharing 82-98% nucleotide sequence identity was identified in the Rubus idaeus genome. Low stringency screening of a ripening fruit-specific cDNA library, identified three groups of PKS cDNAs. Group 1 and 2 cDNAs were also represented in the PCR amplified products, while group 3 represented a new class of Rubus PKS gene. The Rubus PKS gene-family thus consists of at least eleven members. The three cDNAs exhibit distinct tissue-specific and developmentally regulated patterns of expression. RiPKS5 has high constitutive levels of expression in all organs, including developing flowers and fruits, while RiPKS6 and RiPKS11 expression is consistent with developmental and tissue-specific regulation in various organs. The recombinant proteins encoded by the three RiPKS cDNAs showed a typical CHS-type PKS activity. While phylogenetic analysis placed the three Rubus PKSs in one cluster, suggesting a recent duplication event, their distinct expression patterns suggest that their regulation, and thus function(s), has evolved independently of the structural genes themselves.  相似文献   

We present here a new selection criterion for prioritizing research on efficacious drugs for the fight against COVID-19: the relative toxicity versus safety of herbal medications, which were effective against SARS in the 2002/2003 epidemic. We rank these medicines according to their toxicity versus safety as basis for preferential rapid research on their potential in the treatment of COVID-19. The data demonstrate that from toxicological information nothing speaks against immediate investigation on, followed by rapid implementation of Lonicera japonica, Morus alba, Forsythia suspensa, and Codonopsis spec. for treatment of COVID-19 patients. Glycyrrhiza spec. and Panax ginseng are ranked in second priority and ephedrine-free Herba Ephedrae extract in third priority (followed by several drugs in lower preferences). Rapid research on their efficacy in the therapy - as well as safety under the specific circumstances of COVID-19 - followed by equally rapid implementation will provide substantial advantages to Public Health including immediate availability, enlargement of medicinal possibilities, in cases where other means are not successful (non-responders), not tolerated (sensitive individuals) or just not available (as is presently the case) and thus minimize sufferings and save lives. Moreover, their moderate costs and convenient oral application are especially advantageous for underprivileged populations in developing countries.  相似文献   

Natural products have been used for many medicinal purposes for centuries. Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) have utilized this rich source of small molecule therapeutics to produce several clinically useful treatments. ADCs based on the natural product maytansine have been successful clinically. The authors further the utility of the anti-cancer natural product maytansine by developing efficacious payloads and linker-payloads for conjugating to antibodies. The success of our approach was realized in the EGFRvIII targeting ADC EGFRvIII-16. The ADC was able to regress tumors in 2 tumor models (U251/EGFRvIII and MMT/EGFRvIII). When compared to a positive control ADC, the efficacy observed was similar or improved while the isotype control ADCs had no effect.  相似文献   

药用植物引种驯化原理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
药用植物作为一种重要的资源,其价值主要体现在具有防治疾病的功能,这种功能的物质基础在于植物内部合成的有效成分。药用植物引种驯化的主要目的是为了扩大其资源量,能更好地开发药用植物和可持续利用。因此,药用植物引种驯化不仅要保证药用植物在引种地的生长发育和繁殖,还需保证药效成分的维持与提高,其引种驯化成功的标志是从"药效"到"药效"。为此,该研究在对近年来药用植物药效成分的形成与稳定、药用植物的发源以及药用植物引种与驯化等方面进行综述整理的基础上,提出了药用植物引种驯化的原理,对于目前大量药效成分复杂不清的药用植物,不提倡复杂引种驯化。针对这类药用植物提出了药用植物发源中心假设,即先确定其发源中心,在此中心内收集引种群体和生态各因子的信息,以此为基础,在引种地上保证与药效形成和稳定相关因子不变,确保引种驯化后药用植物的药用功效不减弱或丧失,并通过多种方法综合评价药用植物的药效,从而达到药用植物引种驯化的目的。  相似文献   

Medicinal plants have been used world-wide for thousands of years and are widely recognized as having high healing but minor toxic side effects. The scarcity and increasing demand for medicinal plants and their products have promoted the development of artificial cultivation of medicinal plants. Currently, one of the prominent issues in medicinal cultivation systems is the unstable quality of the products. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) affects secondary metabolism and the production of active ingredients of medicinal plants and thus influence the quality of herbal medicines. In this review, we have assembled, analyzed, and summarized the effects of AM symbioses on secondary metabolites of medicinal plants. We conclude that symbiosis of AM is conducive to favorable characteristics of medicinal plants, by improving the production and accumulation of important active ingredients of medicinal plants such as terpenes, phenols, and alkaloids, optimizing the composition of different active ingredients in medicinal plants and ultimately improving the quality of herbal materials. We are convinced that the AM symbiosis will benefit the cultivation of medicinal plants and improve the total yield and quality of herbal materials. Through this review, we hope to draw attention to the status and prospects of, and arouse more interest in, the research field of medicinal plants and mycorrhiza.  相似文献   

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