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环境影响评价中人文因素作用的空间计量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙克  徐中民 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1563-1570
辨明人文因素对环境影响作用的大小,并依此找寻发展的对策是当前可持续发展研究的核心问题之一.采用中国2000年各省(区、市)的水足迹作为环境影响测算指标,运用空间自相关模型,分析了中国2000年水足迹的空间分布特征,结果表明:中国各省市的水足迹具有明显的空间相关性,在地理上存在集聚现象.进而在传统的人文驱动因素的随机回归影响模型--STIRPAT模型的基础上,通过加入空间项构建空间滞后模型和空间误差模型,定量地检验了中国的人口数量和富裕程度等人文因素对环境的影响,结果表明:人口数量对环境影响显著,而富裕程度对其影响较小;转变传统的经济增长方式,走新型工业化道路对环境影响显著,城市化率对环境没有显著影响;在控制人口变量的基础上,现有样本数据支持倒U形的环境Kuznets曲线假说,其拐点值为10560.92元;在技术水效率方面,海南的技术水效率最高,而青海和内蒙古的技术水效率最低.  相似文献   

刘宁  李华姣  边志强  刘晓佳 《生态学报》2022,42(22):9335-9347
随着中国水资源供需矛盾加剧,虚拟水成为地区水资源管理中不可或缺的一环,为提高地区水资源综合利用效率和探索水资源区域一体化管理提供了新思路。采用"自下而上"法核算了山东省17个城市农业、工业、生活、生态与灰水足迹,在分析2009-2018年水足迹时空分布规律基础上,综合运用探索性空间数据分析方法、面板数据STIRPAT模型和空间杜宾模型,揭示了水足迹的空间自相关特征,量化分析了人口数量、富裕程度、技术进步、城镇化和产业升级等影响因素对水足迹的本地影响效应与空间溢出效应。结果显示:①2009-2018年山东省水足迹总量均呈现波动上升的变化趋势;空间布局上呈现东部沿海和西部平原水足迹高,中部山地水足迹低的特点。②山东省水足迹具有正向的空间自相关性,相比地理位置相邻,水足迹的空间相关性受人口数量因素影响更大,表现出明显的"高高"聚集和"低低"聚集特征,但是受到经济因素的主要影响,区域间水足迹空间相关性随时间发展逐渐下降。③人口数量是山东省水足迹增长的重要来源,经济增长是推动各地区间水资源竞争关系的最重要因素。城镇化能够缓解本地水资源压力,技术进步和产业升级不仅能缓解本地水资源压力,而且通过空间溢出效应有效缓解临近地区水资源压力,是实施水资源区域一体化管理策略的重要着眼点。  相似文献   

水足迹研究进展   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
马晶  彭建 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5458-5466
水为生命之源,水资源的合理分配与科学管理是区域可持续发展与流域综合管理的核心环节;水足迹作为一种全面核算人类活动对水资源真实占用的综合指标,将人类消费终端与水资源利用密切关联,为维护流域水资源安全、提高区域水资源利用效率提供了重要的科学依据,已成为当前国际水资源管理的前沿研究领域。在明确水足迹及水资源生态足迹相关概念的基础上,对比分析了水足迹与生态足迹、水资源生态足迹模型的异同,明晰了过程、产品及区域等不同研究对象的水足迹核算方法,系统梳理了产品和区域水足迹评价、基于水足迹的区域水资源安全研究、区域水足迹可持续性分析等水足迹主要研究内容的近今进展,并展望了进一步的重点研究方向,即水足迹综合研究、水足迹评价不确定性分析、水足迹与物质流核算的关联研究,以及基于足迹整合的可持续发展多维测度等。  相似文献   

路杨  刘秀位  张喜英 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3207-3214
水是人类生产生活的重要资源,科学合理地评价人类活动对水资源的影响是实现水资源可持续利用的重要保障.水足迹概念的提出创新性地将人类活动消耗的水资源区分为绿水、蓝水和灰水,拓展了水资源可持续利用的评价思路.基于虚拟水(VW)的水足迹理论和基于生命周期(LCA)的水足迹理论将水质与水量的概念相结合,成为了农业水资源管理研究的热点内容.基于VW的水足迹理论主要包括绿水足迹、蓝水足迹和灰水足迹的计算,以及水环境可持续性评价,而基于LCA的水足迹理论体现了水资源的消耗和污染及其对环境造成的综合影响.本文详细介绍了这两种水足迹理论的计算方法与环境可持续评价的研究进展,对比分析两种水足迹理论在描述农产品生产用水及其环境影响方面的差异性,并对其研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

城市水资源生态足迹核算模型及应用——以沈阳市为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
水资源生态足迹可以直接反映区域人类社会经济活动对水资源的压力.本研究在现有的生态足迹模型基础上,充分考虑城市自然生态系统对水资源的需求,建立了包括居民日常生活用水、生产运营用水、公共服务用水和生态需水4类帐户的城市水资源生态足迹核算模型,并结合沈阳市实际情况,确定了模型中的相关参数,对沈阳市水资源生态足迹和生态承载力进行分析.结果表明:2000-2009年,沈阳市人均水资源生态足迹总体呈下降态势,但各年度均为水生态赤字;2005年较2000年水资源生态足迹人均下降0.31 hm2,2006、2007年有小幅回升,2008、2009年趋于平稳,说明沈阳市水资源可持续利用状况有一定改善,但仍处于不可持续状态.  相似文献   

赵雪雁  毛笑文 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5397-5406
农户作为我国最主要的经济活动主体与最基本的决策单位,已成为影响生态环境的最重要单元,当前急需理解农户的环境影响,并依此为依据找寻缓解环境压力的对策.以甘肃省张掖市、甘南藏族自治州、临夏回族自治州为研究区,以生态足迹作为测度环境影响的指标,利用入户调查资料,基于成分法核算了农户的生态足迹,对比分析了汉、藏、回族地区农户的环境影响,并利用STIRPAT模型分解了各因素对农户环境影响的作用.研究发现:(1)甘南州农户的人均生态足迹高于张掖市与临夏州,其中甘南州农户的人均草地足迹远高于张掖市与临夏州,而张掖市农户的人均化石能源地足迹远高于甘南州与临夏州;(2)3个地区农户对耕地影响的差距均较小,但对水域、林地、草地影响的差距都较悬殊;(3)农户的家庭规模、富裕水平、受教育程度、非农化水平是影响生态环境的主要驱动因子,扩大家庭规模、提高富裕水平将加剧对环境的影响,而提高农户的受教育程度及非农化水平将减缓对环境的影响,但它们引起的环境影响变化速度均低于其自身的变化速度;(4)民族属性对农户的环境影响具有显著作用,张掖市、甘南藏族自治州、临夏回族自治州的现有样本数据支持环境Kuznets曲线假说.  相似文献   

白天骄  孙才志 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6314-6325
促进我国整体水资源利用率和水环境质量的提升,已成为当前亟待解决的问题。为探究生产要素和其他传统因素对人均水资源环境差异的影响,基于对中国31省区(港、澳、台尚未统计) 2000—2014年人均灰水足迹的测算,应用Theil指数和扩展的Kaya恒等式对其区域差异及驱动因子进行探究。结果表明:1)近年全国人均灰水足迹差异缓幅波动,组间差异指数逐渐提升,组内差异为总体差异的主要来源,西部地区组内差异最大。2)在单一要素方面,资本深化和技术效率为全国差异的主导因素,也分别为中、东部组内差异的主导因素;经济活度对各类差异的驱动效应最小,且西部除该效应外,都为驱动差异的重要因素。3)相互作用成分中,除西部资本产出效应与单位GDP灰水足迹相互作用的贡献值最高外,其他地区资本深化效应与单位资本存量灰水足迹相互作用的贡献较大。在技术效率效应与环境效率效应相互作用方面,技术效率的提升可以带动东、西部灰水足迹所占比重下降和中部灰水足迹比重提高。经济活度效应与就业人口人均灰水足迹相互作用的贡献最小。  相似文献   

基于投入产出表的中国水足迹走势分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王艳阳  王会肖  张昕 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3488-3498
水足迹是近年来国内外研究水资源压力的常用方法.基于投入产出表的水足迹分析方法,分析了我国1997-2007年的水足迹状况,改进了耗水系数的计算方法,研究了基于稀释理论的灰水足迹计算方法,计算了外部水足迹及额外水足迹负重以及相应系数,分析了我国水足迹消费的商品(服务)结构.结果表明,1997-2007年我国年均水足迹总量为2.83万亿m3,总体呈现下降趋势,其中蓝水足迹为2183亿m3,灰水足迹为2.62万亿m3(以Ⅲ类水标准核算).在水足迹总量中,间接水足迹占据比例达到90%,可见水资源压力的产生主要基于商品或服务的消费.我国水足迹基本上依靠自给,同时我国承担其他国家的水资源压力的比例很大,但是整体上呈现下降趋势.从水足迹消费商品(服务)结构上看,与饮食相关的商品或服务占较大比例.  相似文献   

我国几种典型棉纺织产品的工业水足迹评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严岩  贾佳  王丽华  杜冲  刘馨磊  付晓  刘昕  吴钢 《生态学报》2014,34(23):7119-7126
产品水足迹评价能够揭示人类活动在产品全生命周期中的水资源综合影响,可以为提高水资源利用与管理水平和引导绿色消费提供重要的科学依据和技术手段,是当前水资源评价与管理领域的热点研究方向。纺织品是日常生活最主要的消费品之一,其工业生产过程需要利用大量的水资源,同时排放出的工业废水还会对周围水环境造成严重影响。为了揭示纺织品生产过程的水资源综合影响,运用工业水足迹的概念与原理,探讨和明确了纺织品工业水足迹评价的系统边界与内容,建立了相应的核算方法,并选择了花灰布、漂白布、染色布、色织布等四种典型棉纺织产品进行了工业水足迹评价。结果显示,漂白布的工业水足迹较小为36.51L/lb,花灰布次之为37.84L/lb,染色布的平均工业水足迹为61.52L/lb,色织布水足迹最大,平均值为81.51L/lb。比较同种类型、不同颜色纺织品的工业水足迹,由大到小依次为深色中色浅色,即颜色越深对水资源的影响程度最大。从水足迹构成来看,棉纺织产品的工业水足迹主要来自于直接工业水足迹,间接工业水足迹占比较小;在直接工业水足迹的构成中,蓝水足迹的贡献较大。  相似文献   

孙才志  刘玉玉  陈丽新  张蕾 《生态学报》2010,30(5):1312-1321
水足迹可以衡量人类对水资源的真实占有量,而水足迹强度则表征了人类对水资源的利用效率水平。在计算出1997-2007年中国各地区水足迹的基础上,借助于基尼系数和锡尔指数计算方法,探索分析中国近11a水足迹强度发展的空间格局变化规律。结果表明:中国水足迹强度整体呈下降趋势,水资源利用效率有所提高,但是区域发展不平衡;水足迹强度区域总差异经历了"先增大后缩小"的过程,中东西三大地带空间发展呈先极化后趋同的态势,南北区差异总体有所缩小;对水足迹强度区域内部差异贡献份额南方大于北方、东部大于中西部;促使空间差异格局变化的主要因素为区域发展策略、经济发展水平和市场发育程度等;另外,发现中国水污染足迹强度区域差异极化现象非常严重,说明随经济的发展部分地区水污染问题很严峻。最后针对发现的问题提出了协调我国经济发展与水资源利用的相应建议。  相似文献   

关于我国国民环境的态度调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
曹世雄  陈军  陈莉  高旺盛 《生态学报》2008,28(2):735-741
2004年10月随机抽取了北京、上海、河北、河南、湖南、陕西六省市对5000余位国民做了环境态度问卷调查.了解我国民众的生态观念、制约因素、以及潜在的保护环境的动机.调查结果显示,91%的被访者感到我国环境已严重恶化,78%的被访者支持政府耗资3000多亿元人民币开展退耕还林项目.居民的环境意识同经济收入、受教育水平、年龄、职业、居住环境有着密切关系,其中经济收入和受教育水平是影响居民环境意识变化的首要因素.区域差异分析结果表明,我国现阶段的环境压力主要集中在贫困的边远山区和快速崛起的城市周边地区,把发展经济、改善教育、提高居民的生活质量与环境修复有机地结合起来,是生态政策管理的根本途径.  相似文献   

A Framework for Quantified Eco-efficiency Analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Eco-efficiency is an instrument for sustainability analysis, indicating an empirical relation in economic activities between environmental cost or value and environmental impact. This empirical relation can be matched against normative considerations as to how much environmental quality or improvement society would like to offer in exchange for economic welfare, or what the trade-off between the economy and the environment should be if society is to realize a certain level of environmental quality. Its relevance lies in the fact that relations between economy and environment are not self-evident, not at a micro level and not at the macro level resulting from micro-level decisions for society as a whole. Clarifying the why and what of eco-efficiency is a first step toward decision support on these two aspects of sustainability. With the main analytic framework established, filling in the actual economic and environmental relations requires further choices in modeling. Also, the integration of different environmental effects into a single score requires a clear definition of approach, because several partly overlapping methods exist. Some scaling problems accompany the specification of numerator and denominator, which need a solution and some standardization before eco-efficiency analysis can become more widely used. With a method established, the final decision is how to embed it in practical decision making. In getting the details of eco-efficiency better specified, its strengths, but also its weaknesses and limitations, need to be indicated more clearly.  相似文献   

Eco-efficiency and Its xsTerminology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eco-efficiency has been defined as a general goal of creating value while decreasing environmental impact. Leaving out the normative part of this concept, the empirical part refers to a ratio between environmental impact and economic cost or value. Two basic choices must be made in defining practical eco-efficiency: which variable is in the denominator and which is in the numerator; and whether to specify environmental impact or improvement and value created or cost. Distinguishing between two situations, the general one of value creation and the specific one of environmental improvement efforts, and leaving the numerator-denominator choice to the user, as diverging practices have developed, four basic types of ecoefficiency result: environmental intensity and environmental productivity in the realm of value creation; and environmental improvement cost and environmental cost-effectiveness in the realm of environmental improvement measures.  相似文献   

This debate series paper argues that the scientific and socio-economic dimensions of environmental problems are inherently inseparable. The author proposes that understanding this inseparability is the foundation of successful environmental problem-solving, and a prerequisite to the effective use of formal decision-making tools.  相似文献   

The reform in environmental regulations being considered at both federal and state levels is intended to enhance the value and effectiveness of a rule by incorporating risk assessment and cost benefit analysis in the rule making process or regulatory implementation. Although a risk based approach may not provide a panacea to all environmental problem solving, it offers some obvious advantages over the status quo. In particular, it establishes a scientifically defensible basis for evaluating the trade off between risks, costs and benefits in making prudent environmental decisions and developing effective regulatory policies. This paper presents a conceptual framework for risk reduction, summarizes the current status in risk-based legislation at the federal level, provides examples of how various states are using risk based approaches in their regulatory programs, addresses aspects of technical and policy challenges in rule making and other policy and enforcement decisions and provides suggestions for meeting these challenges.  相似文献   

中国水稻生产的环境成本估算——湖北、湖南案例研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
水稻是中国农业生产中的一种重要作物,其对中国GDP的直接贡献大约2000亿元,占全国农业总产值的10%,然而如同其它农业活动一样,水稻生产也带来了一些环境问题,其成本并未得到全面的评价,也未体现于政策制订中,研究选定湖南和湖北两个省,分别对水稻生产的环境成本作了估算和评价。经过估算,两个省1995年的环境成本为25-110亿元,约为农业总产值的1%-4.5%,考虑目前水稻生产的发展趋势以及国家环境政策变化,这些成本在2020年将可能达到3倍以上。  相似文献   

Abstract  The goal of the different national and supranational ecolabelling programs is to encourage consumers to choose products which are the least damaging to the environment. It is clear that the involvement of product and service users is essential to the establishment of sustainable consumption patterns. For this reason, ecolabelling must necessarily limit any risks of uncertainty. To this end, labels must take into account all the impacts of a product’s life cycle and use a reliable and verifiable evaluation method. In general, the organizations in charge of ecolabelling programs claim that a multi-criteria approach is used to define the exact labelling criteria appropriate for the product categories in question. These organizations generally maintain that their approach is based on the completion of exhaustive and complete life cycle analyses, which take into account all of the impacts caused by a product throughout its life cycle. And yet, the real situation is often far less clear-cut, and these simplified approaches, which tend to reconcile economic realism and methodological coherence, constitute the usual procedure for criteria definition. Thus, the procedures involved in criteria development often rely on a ‘semi-qualitative’ approach to the life cycle which uses both qualitative and quantitative data in order to identify the product’s significant stages on the environment. Presently, the ecolabel is a ‘non-verifiable expert property’ for the consumer. The ecolabel’s lack of objectivity in its criteria and its lack of transparency, resulting from non standardized methods whose accuracy cannot be measured, can only damage this sustainable development tool’s credibility. In effect, the primary hindrance to ecolabel development lies precisely within this difficulty of finding a compromise between economic feasibility and the scientific and methodological rigor which are indispensable to the label’s credibility and veracity.  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is increasingly used for biomonitoring and research of fish populations and communities by environmental resource managers and academic researchers. Although managers are much interested in expanding the use of eDNA as a survey technique, they are sceptical about both its utility (given that information is often limited to presence/absence of a species) and feasibility (given the need for proper laboratory facilities for sample processing). Nonetheless, under the right circumstances, eDNA analysis is cost-effective compared to many traditional aquatic survey methods and does not disturb habitat or harm the animals being surveyed. This article presents a case study in which eDNA analysis was successfully used to document the presence of a rare fish species in a waterway earmarked for restoration. The authors discuss the conditions that allowed this study to occur quickly and smoothly and speculate on how the goals of researchers and managers can be integrated for efficient and informative use of this tool.  相似文献   

The actual evidence observed in studies of LEK (local environmental knowledge) is nearly always talk about the environment, or what we refer to as LET (local environmental talk), with the claim of studying LEK usually being built upon the implicit assumption that talk about the environment is the expression of knowledge about the environment. We suggest that it is critically important for researchers to question this assumption, especially when the distinction between LET and LEK is also emphasized by local people themselves. In the case we present here, residents of small fishing villages on the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland are routinely skeptical about what other local residents say about the environment; that is, they engage in LES (local environmental skepticism). We suggest that paying explicit attention to LES can help distinguish LEK from LET.  相似文献   

综述了我国2种主养的淡水螯虾(克氏原螯虾和红螯螯虾)在生理生态学与环境毒理学方面的研究进展。总结了淡水螯虾的环境条件(盐度、温度和pH)适应范围、毒性污染物(氨氮、亚硝酸盐、重金属和农药等)的半致死浓度和安全浓度,以及环境胁迫和毒性污染物暴露对淡水螯虾生长、组织结构、生理代谢和免疫功能等的影响,为淡水螯虾养殖的水环境监测与调控提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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