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报道东亚环柄菇属的一个新记录种———锥鳞环柄菇Lepiota jacobi Vellinga & Knudsen, 标本采自中国云南。该种的鉴别特征是菌盖密被灰色至暗褐色的锥状鳞片; 担孢子椭圆形, 腹部近平直, 极小; 囊状体缺如。  相似文献   

王汉臣  胡尚勤  袁涛 《菌物研究》2011,9(4):216-218,223
报道了环柄菇属距孢环柄菇组的2个中国新记录种:红斑环柄菇(Lepiota erythrosticta)和黄栗环柄菇(Lepiota luteocastanea).根据中国的标本对其特征进行了详细的描述,并就重要显微特征进行绘图,讨论了它们与相近种的区别,总结了其分布、生境等特点.  相似文献   

为了探讨油松菌根根际放线菌与菌根真菌及油松猝倒病的关系,该实验从油松菌根根际土中分离、纯化得到170株放线菌,采用平板对峙培养法对油松猝倒病病原真菌立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)和茄腐皮镰孢霉(Fusarium solani)进行生防放线菌的初筛,得到7株对病原真菌抑制效果较好的放线菌.用初筛选的7株放线菌菌株分别与外生菌根真菌灰鹅膏菌(Amanita vatinata)、灰环粘盖牛肝菌(Suillus laricinus)和血红铆钉菇(Gomphidius viscidus)进行纯培养互作复筛,得到2株放线菌(菌株19#、菌株110#)对外生菌根真菌灰鹅膏菌和血红铆钉菇均具有促生作用.将菌根真菌灰鹅膏菌、放线菌菌株19#、病原真菌立枯丝核菌进行纯培养互作试验表明,菌株19#能协同灰鹅膏菌拮抗立枯丝核菌.经形态特征、培养特征、生理生化特性测定和16SrDNA序列分析,确定菌株19#为苯胺紫链霉菌(Streptomyces mauvecolor).  相似文献   

刘远超  徐济责  李丹  李玉 《菌物研究》2014,(1):13-15,21
报道了采自辽宁省浑河源自然保护区和海棠山国家级自然保护区的8个辽宁省新记录伞菌,分别是红鳞环柄菇(Lepiota squamulosa T.Bau&Yu Li)、红鳞白环菇[Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus(Peck)Singer]、天鹅色环柄菇[Leucocoprinus cygneus(J.E.Lange)Bon]、银丝包脚菇[Volvariella bombycina(Schaeff.)Singer]、二孢蜡蘑[Laccaria tortilis(Bolton)Cooke]、黑毛桩菇[Tapinella atrotomentosa(Batsch)utara]、酒红褐鳞伞(Pholiota vinaceobrunnea A.H.Sm.&Hesler)、赭红方孢粉褶蕈[Entoloma quadratum(Berk.&M.A.Curtis)E.Horak]。文中描述了这些种的宏观和微观特征。  相似文献   

吉林省担子菌补记(七)   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
报道了吉林省新记录分布担子菌6种,即肉褐鳞环柄菇(Lepiota brunneoincarnataChodat&C.Martín)、短柄金舌囊蘑[Melanoleuca brevipes(Bull.)Pat]、紫皮丽蘑[Calocybe ionides(Bull.)Donk]、皮尔松湿伞(HygrophoruspersooniiArnolds)、微黄拟锁瑚菌[Clavulinopsis helvola(Pers.)]和弹球菌(Sphaerobolus stellatusTode)。其中,弹球菌属为吉林省新记录属。凭证标本存放于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

鹅膏环肽类毒素主要存在于鹅膏属Amanita、盔孢伞属Galerina和环柄菇属Lepiota蘑菇中。如果不慎摄入,可能会给人类和动物带来严重的健康风险。快速准确地鉴定蘑菇和生物样品中的这些毒素对于确保食品安全以及诊断和治疗蘑菇中毒至关重要。本文综述了文献报道的各类检测方法,重点介绍高效液相色谱与质谱联用法,这是测定复杂基质中鹅膏肽类毒素的主要分析方法。此外,本文还提出了鹅膏环肽类毒素检测的当前趋势,并对未来现场快速检测及仪器定量检测进行了展望。  相似文献   

在中国真菌志编研中,作者发现有必要对其中几种环柄菇类真菌进行必要的分类处理。根据形态特征和部分ITS和n LSU序列分析结果,本文提出6个新组合,即红鳞囊小伞Cystolepiota squamulosa、暗色锥鳞环柄菇Lepiota ompnera、黑鳞白环蘑Leucoagaricus atrosquamulosus、滴泪白环蘑Leucoagaricus lacrymans、雪白小白环蘑Leucoagaricus nivalis和紫红白环蘑Leucoagaricus purpureoruber。  相似文献   

环柄菇属卵孢环柄菇组(Lepiota sect.Ovisporae)含有一些剧毒的物种。但在中国人们对这些物种认识仍然不足。对采自华中地区中毒现场的标本进行了研究,形态学和分子系统发育证据均表明该种是尚未正式记载的物种。文中描述了此新种,即毒环柄菇Lepiota venenata。该种的主要鉴别特征是盖表密被褐色至棕褐色反卷的细小鳞片,担孢子长椭圆形、偶椭圆形或圆柱形;褶缘囊状体窄棒状,盖表鳞片栅栏状,顶端细胞披针形至近圆柱形;具锁状联合。  相似文献   

中国环柄菇属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发表中国环柄菇属一新种 ,即红鳞环柄菇 (LepiotasquamulosaB .TolgoretY .Li) ,模式标本存放在吉林农业大学菌物标本馆 (HMJAU)。  相似文献   

本文报告了西藏地区鹅膏菌属(Amanita)的真菌26种。其中灰鳞鹅膏菌(Amanita griseofarinosa Hongo),红鹅膏菌[A.parcivolvata(Peck)Glib.],浅杏黄鹅膏菌[A.Crocca(Quél.)Kühn.& Romagn.],黄赭毒鹅膏菌(A.flavorubescens Atk.),黄毒蝇鹅膏菌(A.flavoconia Atk.),史米斯鹅膏菌(A.smithiana Bas),褐黄鹅膏菌:(A.umbrinoluteaSeer.)等是我国新纪录种。西藏地区的首次新纪录13种。该属真菌均是树木的外生菌根真菌,有毒种多,具有重要的经济价值。  相似文献   

The mushroom Lepiota josserandii Bon and Boif. has been identified as the cause of an unintentional, fatal intoxication in New York. The course of the symptoms, beginning with a 9 h latent period, was similar to what would be expected in a case of Amanita phalloides-type intoxication. Despite supportive medical care the victim expired 110 h after ingestion. Thin layer chromatography detected the presence of alpha- and gamma-amanitin and radioimmunoassay confirmed a level of 3.5 mg/gm dry weight of amatoxins in mushrooms from the same location.Published as New York State Museum Journal Series No. 440.  相似文献   

α-鹅膏毒(环)肽和二羟鬼笔毒(环)肽是剧毒的鹅膏菌和其它几种致死毒菌中由一些修饰氨基酸组成的环肽毒素.由于α-鹅膏毒肽对真核生物的mRNA合成的专一性抑制和和二羟鬼笔毒肽对肌动蛋白的专一性束缚,因而它们在分子生物学和细胞学研究中具有重要应用,对其需求逐步增加.为此,作者使用了一种改良的毒素提取方法,以制备高效液相色谱从灰花纹鹅膏菌中分离制备α-鹅膏毒肽和二羟鬼笔毒肽,并通过紫外吸收光谱和质谱进行鉴定,表明α-鹅膏毒肽和二羟鬼笔毒肽的分离效果好,纯度高.本方法对其它毒菌中的α-鹅膏毒肽和二羟鬼笔毒肽的分离制备具有同样的应用价值.  相似文献   

鹅膏菌毒素及其毒理研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
鹅膏菌是一类真菌的 称,误食野生蘑菇的中毒事件中,95%以上由鹅膏菌引起,国外自六十年代起,对其毒理进行了深入的研究,而国仙则只是在九十年代才刚开始这方面的工作。为促进国内鹅膏菌毒素毒理的研究,作者概括了国内外各方面的资料,写就本文。本文概述了鹅膏 多肽毒素的种类、鹅膏菌毒素中毒反应及病理学症状、机体对鹅膏菌毒素的吸收、鹅膏菌毒素的生和毒理以及鹅膏菌毒素在生命科学研究中的应用,为国内这方面的研究提  相似文献   

Amatoxins, including α-amanitin, are bicyclic octapeptides found in mushrooms (Agaricomycetes, Agaricales) of certain species in the genera Amanita, Galerina, Lepiota, and Conocybe. Amatoxins and the chemically similar phallotoxins are synthesized on ribosomes in Amanita bisporigera, Amanita phalloides, and Amanita ocreata. In order to determine if amatoxins are synthesized by a similar mechanism in another, distantly related mushroom, we obtained genome survey sequence data from a monokaryotic isolate of Galerinamarginata, which produces α-amanitin. The genome of G. marginata contains two copies of the α-amanitin gene (GmAMA1-1 and GmAMA1-2). The α-amanitin proprotein sequences of G. marginata (35 amino acids) are highly divergent from AMA1 of A. bisporigera except for the toxin region itself (IWGIGCNP in single-letter amino acid code) and the amino acids immediately upstream (N[A/S]TRLP). G. marginata does not contain any related toxin-encoding sequences besides GmAMA1-1 and GmAMA1-2. DNA from two other α-amanitin-producing isolates of Galerina (G. badipes and G. venenata) hybridized to GmAMA1, whereas DNA from the toxin non-producing species Galerinahybrida did not. Expression of the GmAMA1 genes was induced by growth on low carbon. RNASeq evidence indicates that both copies of GmAMA1 are expressed approximately equally. A prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) is strongly implicated in processing of the cyclic peptide toxins of A. bisporigera and Conocybe apala. G. marginata has two predicted POP genes; one, like AbPOPB of A. bisporigera, is present only in the toxin-producing isolates of Galerina and the other, like AbPOPA of A. bisporigera, is present in all species. Our results indicate that G.marginata biosynthesizes amatoxins on ribosomes by a pathway similar to Amanita species, involving a genetically encoded proprotein of 35 amino acids that is post-translationally processed by a POP. However, due to the high degree of divergence, the evolutionary relationship between AMA1 in the genera Amanita and Galerina is unclear.  相似文献   

-鹅膏毒(环)肽和二羟鬼笔毒(环)肽是剧毒的鹅膏菌和其它几种致死毒菌中由一些修饰氨基酸组成的环肽毒素。由于-鹅膏毒肽对真核生物的mRNA合成的专一性抑制和和二羟鬼笔毒肽对肌动蛋白的专一性束缚,因而它们在分子生物学和细胞学研究中具有重要应用,对其需求逐步增加。为此,作者使用了一种改良的毒素提取方法,以制备高效液相色谱从灰花纹鹅膏菌中分离制备-鹅膏毒肽和二羟鬼笔毒肽,并通过紫外吸收光谱和质谱进行鉴定,表明-鹅膏毒肽和二羟鬼笔毒肽的分离效果好,纯度高。本方法对其它毒菌中的-鹅膏毒肽和二羟鬼笔毒肽的分离制备具有同样的应用价值。  相似文献   

Recent and still little known fungus poisonings This research paper gives an overview of recent fungus poisonings, their symptoms, and, as far as known, their toxins. Intoxications often are the consequence of the confusion with edible or “medicinal” mushrooms. The toxic species Freckled Dapperling (Lepiota aspera), Angel's Wing (Pleurocybella porrigens), Jack O'Lantern (Omphalaotus olearius) and Clitocybe amoenolens are found in Central Europe. It is little know that a rich morel dish can cause neurologic symptoms. Species from Asia became acquainted, that can provoke most serious intoxications. The “Yunnan Sudden Unexplained Death‐Syndrome” could be explained by the consumption of the “Little white mushroom” (Trogia venenata). The often fatal rhabdomyolysis after the consumption of Russula subnigricans can be traced back to the effect of Cycloprop‐2ene‐carboxylicacid. Particularly fatal is the confusion of the mushroom “Reishi” (Ganoderma lucidum), highly esteemed as the “mushroom of immortality”, with Ganoderma neojaponicum or with Podostroma cornu – damae, the most poisonous mushroom worldwide.  相似文献   

A Study of Cultural Bias in Field Guide Determinations of Mushroom Edibility Using the Iconic Mushroom, Amanita muscaria , as an Example. Mushroom field guides teach identification skills as well as provide information on the edible or toxic qualities of each species of wild mushroom. As such they function as modern-day village elders for an increasingly urban, nature-ignorant population. This paper identifies underlying cultural bias in the determination of mushroom edibility in English-language field guides, using the iconic mushroom, Amanita muscaria, as an example. We explore a selection of ethnographic and medical texts that report the use of A. muscaria as a food, and we accept parboiling as a safe method of detoxifying it for the dinner table. Mushroom field guides, however, almost universally label the mushroom as poisonous. We discuss the cultural underpinnings and literary form of mushroom field guides and demonstrate that they work within a mostly closed intellectual system that ironically shares many of the same limitations of cultural bias found in traditional folk cultures, but with the pretense of being modern and scientific. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The number of cases of mushroom poisoning is increasing as a result of the increasing popularity of “wild” mushroom consumption. Amanitin and phalloidin cytotoxins found in some Amanita and Galerina species produce the most severe and frequent life-threatening symptoms of Amanita phalloidestype poisoning. Delay in onset of symptoms, individual susceptibility variation and lack of rapid and reliable identification have contributed to the significant morbidity and mortality of this type of poisoning.A rapid chromatographic assay for identifying the potent cytotoxins and apparently successful management using thioctic acid of two cases of A. phalloides-type mushroom poisoning are reported. All known cases of A. phalloides-type mushroom poisoning treated with thioctic acid in the United States are summarized.  相似文献   

低浓度(5-10ngml-1)的鹅膏毒肽(amatoxins) 能专一性抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅱ的活性,高浓度(为RNA聚合酶Ⅱ103-104倍的浓度)也能抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的活性,因而影响细胞mRNA的转录和蛋白质的合成,抑制种子的萌发和生长。根据此原理我们建立了一种以植物种子萌发试验检测鹅膏毒肽的方法,称之为“抑芽法”(bud-inhibited assay)。该方法简便、实用、准确。操作流程:45℃干燥至恒重的鹅膏菌等子实体菌盖;水提法提取毒素并用氯仿沉淀蛋白质等;粗毒液浓度为0.025-0.05gml-1干子实体;萝卜或绿豆种子培养温度为28℃,培养时间为24-72h。绿豆芽下胚轴生长被抑制率在95%以上,可能为鹅膏毒肽含量高的剧毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在60-80%,可能为鹅膏肽含量较低的微毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在30%以下时,可能是不含鹅膏菌肽的鹅膏菌。  相似文献   

T. Oda  C. Tanaka  M. Tsuda 《Mycoscience》2002,43(4):0351-0355
 Two new species from Japan, Amanita areolata and Amanita griseoturcosa, are described. The former, found in a broad-leaved forest in Aichi Prefecture, is a medium- to large-sized mushroom characterized by an areolate, brownish pileus, a nonstriate and appendiculate margin of the pileus, and amyloid basidiospores. The latter, found in forests with Fagaceae or Pinaceae in Tokyo, Chiba Prefecture, and Miyagi Prefecture, is a medium-sized mushroom characterized by a grayish-turquoise pileus, a nonstriate margin of the pileus, a saccate volva, an apical membranous annulus, and amyloid basidiospores. Received: July 10, 2001 / Accepted: June 5, 2002  相似文献   

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