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白鹇食性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高育仁 《动物学研究》1993,14(2):194-196
白鹇的食性,以往我国学者在分类和区系工作中有过少量零星记述(郑作新等,1964,1978;中国科学院昆明动物研究所鸟类组,1980;谭耀匡等,1981; 广东省昆虫研究所动物室等,1983; 王紫江等,1983;吴至康等,1986),国外记述类似(Delacour,1977)。以定性记录为主,涉及的地区和亚种较广泛。李炳华等(1984)对皖南白鹇作过初步定性定量分析。  相似文献   

为了解白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)whiteheadi亚种与红原鸡(Gallus gallus)jabouillei亚种的生境选择。利用2018年9月至2020年9月在海南热带雨林国家公园五指山片区东北部获得的红外相机数据,分析生境因子对同域分布的白鹇和红原鸡分布的影响。结果显示,白鹇偏好低地雨林和山地雨林,红原鸡偏好次生林和低地雨林;白鹇分布的海拔、坡向较均匀;红原鸡分布海拔呈单峰,旱季分布海拔峰值575.8 m,雨季分布海拔峰值497.7 m,偏好阳坡;白鹇坡度选择呈双峰型,旱季其选择坡度峰值为19.7°和34.5°,雨季峰值为20.1°和34.3°;红原鸡旱季选择坡度呈单峰,峰值35.7°,雨季呈双峰,峰值12.5°和35.1°;白鹇和红原鸡二者温度选择均呈单峰型,旱季二者峰值均为20.3 ℃,雨季白鹇峰值为22.2 ℃,红原鸡峰值为26.1 ℃。两物种海拔的生态位重叠度最低,旱季和雨季,二者海拔因子上的生态位重叠度分别为0.375 1和0.353 2,温度和坡向的生态位重叠度较高。本研究结果表明,白鹇的环境适应性优于红原鸡,二者主要通过对海拔的选择来实现生态位分化,其他环境因子中也存在不同程度的分化特征。  相似文献   

黑腹滨鹬亚种分类研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑腹滨鹬Calidris alpina因繁殖季节其腹部有黑斑而得名,是北半球最常见的鸻形目鸟类之一.黑腹滨鹬历史上共命名过11个亚种,经过2次主要的系统厘定后,目前认为分化有10个亚种.亚种间除在量度性状、体色性状和地理分布有区别外,还在换羽模式、线粒体谱系组成等方面有所不同,从而使其成为研究种群分化的理想对象之一.本文介绍了黑腹滨鹬的亚种分类性状、分类修订以及亚种分类系统,并就非繁殖期的相关研究作了概述.由于混群,非繁殖地的亚种鉴定与繁殖地的亚种鉴定在性状的使用侧重上有很大的不同.非繁殖地亚种的划分,以环志回收结果和线粒体DNA谱系组成为主,其它性状为辅.中国究竟有几个亚种分布还需要进一步研究后才能确定.  相似文献   

黄眉姬鹟种组的鸣声差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张雁云  王宁  张洁  郑光美 《动物学报》2006,52(4):648-654
黄眉姬鹟种组包括白眉姬(Ficedulazanthopygia)和黄眉姬(F.narcissina)。对于该种组内有关类群的分类地位,不同的学者有不同的看法。本文对有分类争议种(亚种)的领域歌曲(录自48只雄鸟)进行了分析,从领域歌曲分化的角度探讨了各种(亚种)的分类地位。结果表明:白眉姬鹟领域歌曲中,句子的结构、单支歌曲的时间和频率特征与其他类群差异显著,为该种组中最独特的一个类群,鸣声的分化支持其为一个独立的种;羽色明显不同的黄眉姬elisae亚种和narcissina亚种,其领域歌曲的差异也非常显著,已经明显地形成2个独立进化的单元,黄眉姬elisae亚种应为一个独立的种———FicedulaelisaeWeigold,1922;羽色上差异明显的elisae的亚成体和成体的鸣唱非常相似,在各个主要特征上均无明显差异,表明亚成体在发声方面的发育已接近成鸟.  相似文献   

由吴至康等同志编著的我国第一部鸟类省志《贵州鸟类志》,已由贵州人民出版社出版发行。全书共记述贵州鸟类417种和51个亚种。其中有一个新亚种(白鹇榕江亚种)。有13°个种和亚种为贵州省新纪录。对每种都详尽地记述了形态、生态和分布,并对一些种还进行了分类讨论,内容比较全面系统。本书有以下特点:1.本书所依据的资料比较丰富。贵州鸟类区系以往未进行过全面系统的调查研究。作者在编志过程中,经历十余年,行程一万八千多公里,采集点遍布贵州各地,共积累标本八千余号。本志就是在掌握了大量第一手资料的基础上进行编写的,是贵州鸟类研究现…  相似文献   

《云南鱼类志》 (上、下册) 褚新洛 陈银瑞等 编著 本志上册主要内容包括绪论和分类叙述两大部分。绪论部分介绍云南鱼类研究简史,云南主要水系及其分布、鱼类分类系统及鲤科的亚科检索、分类性状及术语说明。分类叙述部分记述鲤科鱼类220种(包括亚种),其中新种两个,国内新记录属3个,新记录种6个。下册记述除鲤科以外的所有原产鱼类173种和亚种,其中新种5个,新记录属1个,新记录种6个。下册还以上、下两册所记述的382种原产鱼类为基础,分析了云南区系及地理分布,  相似文献   

中国大(尉虫)属六新种(等翅目:尉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大尉属各个种内的个体大小变异颇大,小兵的种间特征多不鲜明。因此,一些常见种在历史上遗留下若干似是而非的亚种。考据诸家记载的各已知种量度,也甚难统一。对本属的分类似乎不容易区分、归并亦甚难。本文使用和探求下列特征,上颚端的弯度,  相似文献   

正白鹇Lophura nycthemera是一种体型较大的雉科鸟类,分布于中国南部及东南亚,共15个亚种(del Hoyo et al.,2013)。其中,我国有9个亚种,四川省仅1个亚种,即峨眉亚种L.n.omeiensis(郑光美,2011)。该亚种的鉴别特征为:雄鸟上体白色,密布以"V"形黑纹;羽冠蓝黑色,下体黑褐色;尾长,大都白色。雌鸟通体橄榄褐色,枕冠近黑;跗蹠赤红色(李桂垣,1985)。  相似文献   

白颈长尾雉与白鹇秋冬季空间生态位比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年9月-2009年2月,在江西官山国家级自然保护区对白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti)和白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)及其栖息地生态因子进行调查,通过8个资源轴分析了2个种的多维生态位宽度、重叠及种间竞争.结果表明,白鹇和白颈长尾雉综合空间生态位宽度分别仅为0.268和0.294;白鹇的海拔和坡度空间生态位大于白颈长尾雉.而白颈长尾雉的坡向生态位宽度大于白鹇,在其他资源轴上二者接近;白颈长尾雉和白鹇的栖息地生态位相似性为0.425,竞争系数为0.584,竞争比较激烈.应加强低海拔地区植被及水源的保护,减少人为干扰.  相似文献   

中国柳莺属分类现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
柳莺属Phylloscopus一直是中国鸟类分类学中问题最多,研究最不完善的类群。在上世纪末的10年中,新增加了12种柳莺,包括新发现的3种和亚种被提升到种地位的9种。本文回顾和介绍了我国柳莺属分类研究概况,包括四川柳莺P.sichuanensis,海南柳莺P.hainanus和峨眉柳莺P.emeiensis3个新发现种。黄腰柳莺青藏亚种P.proregulus chloronotus和甘肃亚种P.p.kansuensis,黄腹柳莺P.affinis subaffinis亚种。黄腰柳莺青藏亚种P.proregulus chloronotus和甘肃亚种和P.c.sindianus亚种,黄眉柳莺P.inormatus humei亚种等的分类地位已由亚种升为种,但黑眉柳莺P.ricketti goodsoni亚种分类地位仍存在着争议,最后提出了目前我国柳莺属分类上尚存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

The ability to identify distinct taxonomic groups of birds (species, subspecies, geographic races) can advance ecological research efforts by determining connectivity between the non‐breeding and breeding grounds for migrant species, identifying the origin of migrants, and helping to refine boundaries between subspecies or geographic races. Multiple methods are available to identify taxonomic groups (e.g., morphology, genetics), and one that has played an important role for avian taxonomists over the years is plumage coloration. With the advent of electronic devices that can quickly and accurately quantify plumage coloration, the potential of using coloration as an identifier for distinct taxonomic groups, even when differences are subtle, becomes possible. In this study, we evaluated the degree to which plumage coloration differs among the four subspecies of the willow flycatcher Empidonax traillii, evaluated sources of variation, and considered the utility of plumage coloration to assign subspecies membership for individuals of unknown origin. We used a colorimeter to measure plumage coloration of 374 adult willow flycatchers from 29 locations across their breeding range in 2004 and 2005. We found strong statistical differences among the mean plumage coloration values of the four subspecies; however, while individuals tended to group around their respective subspecies’ mean color value, the dispersion of individuals around such means overlapped. Mean color values for each breeding site of the three western subspecies clustered together, but the eastern subspecies’ color values were dispersed among the other subspecies, rather than distinctly clustered. Additionally, sites along boundaries showed evidence of intergradation and intermediate coloration patterns. We evaluated the predictive power of colorimeter measurements on flycatchers by constructing a canonical discriminant model to predict subspecies origin of migrants passing through the southwestern U.S. Considering only western subspecies, we found that individuals can be assigned with reasonable certainty. Applying the model to migrants sampled along the Colorado River in Mexico and the U.S. suggests different migration patterns for the three western subspecies. We believe that the use of plumage coloration, as measured by electronic devices, can provide a powerful tool to look at ecological questions in a wide range of avian species.  相似文献   

We examined barriers to gene flow in a hybrid zone of two subspecies of the song sparrow (Melospiza melodia). We focused on how mating signals and mate choice changed along an environmental gradient and gathered data on the morphology, genetics, ecology, and behavior across the zone. Melospiza m. heermanni of the Pacific slope of California and M. m. fallax of the Sonoran Desert, each distinct in plumage, meet across a steep environmental gradient in southeastern California. Although both subspecies occur in riparian habitat, their occupied habitat differs structurally, the former subspecies occurring in areas with denser understory and greater vertical heterogeneity. Song elements varied concomitantly, as predicted by the acoustic adaptation hypothesis, with heermanni having lower-pitched, more widely spaced elements. Females of both subspecies responded more strongly to homotypic than heterotypic song, and addition of subspecific plumage cues increased response if song was homotypic but not if heterotypic. Females thus assess multiple male traits, weighing song more heavily. Males of both subspecies showed significantly greater agonistic response to homotypic song. Microsatellite variation is correlated significantly with plumage variation across the zone and suggests limited gene flow between the taxa. The association of song and plumage with the environment and in turn with assortative mating suggests a means by which reproductive isolation may evolve or be maintained in hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the melanocortin‐1 receptor (MC1R) locus is responsible for color variation, particularly melanism, in many groups of vertebrates. Fairy‐wrens, Maluridae, are a family of Australian and New Guinean passerines with several instances of dramatic shifts in plumage coloration, both intra‐ and inter‐specifically. A number of these color changes are from bright blue to black plumage. In this study, we examined sequence variation at the MC1R locus in most genera and species of fairy‐wrens. Our primary focus was subspecies of the white‐winged fairy‐wren Malurus leucopterus in which two subspecies, each endemic to islands off the western Australian coast, are black while the mainland subspecies is blue. We found fourteen variable amino acid residues within M. leucopterus, but at only one position were alleles perfectly correlated with plumage color. Comparison with other fairy‐wren species showed that the blue mainland subspecies, not the black island subspecies, had a unique genotype. Examination of MC1R protein sequence variation across our sample of fairy‐wrens revealed no correlation between plumage color and sequence in this group. We thus conclude that amino acid changes in the MC1R locus are not directly responsible for the black plumage of the island subspecies of M. leucopterus. Our examination of the nanostructure of feathers from both black and blue subspecies of M. leucopterus and other black and blue fairy‐wren species clarifies the evolution of black plumage in this family. Our data indicate that the black white‐winged fairy‐wrens evolved from blue ancestors because vestiges of the nanostructure required for the production of blue coloration exist within their black feathers. Based on our phylogeographic analysis of M. leucopterus, in which the two black subspecies do not appear to be each other's closest relatives, we infer that there have been two independent evolutionary transitions from blue to black plumage. A third potential transition from blue to black appears to have occurred in a sister clade.  相似文献   

We document a case of intraspecific variation in plumage colouration in Bearded Vultures that may have arisen as a functional response to climate conditions. Two subspecies, Gypaetus barbatus barbatus (Eurasia and North Africa populations) and Gypaetus barbatus meridionalis (Eastern and Southern Africa), have been described on the basis of plumage colour differences. The plumage of G. b. barbatus tends to be darker in comparison with that of G. b. meridionalis. The plumage of the two subspecies differ in the feathering of the tarsi (more abundant in G. b. barbatus) and presence/absence of dark ear tufts (only present in G. b. barbatus, and this being the most useful character to distinguish adult specimens of both subspecies). When exposing skins under the sun or to electric bulbs in a cold room, temperature increases were significantly higher in the black ear tufts than in the frontal region of the head, suggesting that the melanized ear patch of G. b. barbatus serves, at least, to heat up the air entering the ear channel and perhaps also the underlying skin. In addition, G. b. barbatus, which inhabits mountainous regions with harsh and long winters, would benefit more from feathered tarsi to prevent heat loss through the legs.  相似文献   

We document a case of intraspecific variation in plumage colouration in Bearded Vultures that may have arisen as a functional response to climate conditions. Two subspecies, Gypaetus barbatus barbatus (Eurasia and North Africa populations) and Gypaetus barbatus meridionalis (Eastern and Southern Africa), have been described on the basis of plumage colour differences. The plumage of G. b. barbatus tends to be darker in comparison with that of G. b. meridionalis. The plumage of the two subspecies differ in the feathering of the tarsi (more abundant in G. b. barbatus) and presence/absence of dark ear tufts (only present in G. b. barbatus, and this being the most useful character to distinguish adult specimens of both subspecies). When exposing skins under the sun or to electric bulbs in a cold room, temperature increases were significantly higher in the black ear tufts than in the frontal region of the head, suggesting that the melanized ear patch of G. b. barbatus serves, at least, to heat up the air entering the ear channel and perhaps also the underlying skin. In addition, G. b. barbatus, which inhabits mountainous regions with harsh and long winters, would benefit more from feathered tarsi to prevent heat loss through the legs.  相似文献   

The bearded manakins in the genus Manacus are lekking, neotropical passerines. Male plumage colour varies with geographical location and classification is based solely on these plumage patterns. It has recently been suggested that in this group of birds, plumage patterns may be a misleading taxonomic character. In this study we used microsatellite variation in a collection of museum samples to establish the amount of genetic divergence between the previously described bearded manakin species/subspecies. We found substantial genetic substructuring between species/subspecies and that plumage patterns indeed may be a misleading taxonomic character because the presence of yellow in male nuptial plumage is found in most divergent forms. We did not detect a significant isolation by distance relationship although the P -value was close to significance. Physical barriers such as rivers and mountains may affect gene flow and play a role in shaping genetic structure of the genus Manacus . Accordingly, boundaries between species/subspecies often coincide with large rivers, mountains and seas.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 439–447.  相似文献   

Sexual selection on multiple signals may lead to differential rates of signal introgression across hybrid zones if some signals contribute to reproductive isolation but others facilitate gene flow. Competition among males is one powerful form of sexual selection, but male behavioral responses to multiple traits have not been considered in a system where traits have introgressed differentially. Using playbacks, mounts, and a reciprocal experimental design, we tested the hypothesis that male responses to song and plumage in two subspecies of red‐backed fairy‐wren (Malurus melanocephalus) explain patterns of differential signal introgression (song has not introgressed, whereas plumage color has introgressed asymmetrically). We found that males of both subspecies discriminated symmetrically between subspecies’ songs at a long range, but at a close range, we found that aggression was equal for both subspecies’ plumage and songs. Taken together, our results suggest that male behavioral responses hinder the introgression of song, but allow for the observed asymmetrical introgression of plumage. Our results highlight how behavioral responses are a key component of signal evolution when recently divergent taxa come together, and how differential responses to multiple signals may lead to differential signal introgression and novel trait combinations.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that traits under positive selection may introgress asymmetrically across a hybrid zone, potentially driven by sexual selection. Two subspecies of the red-backed fairy-wren (Malurus melanocephalus) differ primarily in a sexual signal used in mate choice—red versus orange male back plumage colour—but phylogeographic analyses suggest asymmetrical introgression of red plumage into the genetic background of the orange subspecies. We hypothesized that this asymmetrical introgression may be facilitated by sexual selection if red males have a mating advantage over orange males. We tested this hypothesis with correlational data and a plumage manipulation experiment where we reddened the back plumage of a subset of orange males to mimic males of the red subspecies. There was no correlational evidence of a mating advantage to naturally redder males in this population. Experimentally reddened males sired a similar amount of within-pair young and lost paternity at the same rate as orange males, but they sired significantly more extra-pair young, leading to substantially higher total reproductive success. Thus, we conclude that sexual selection via extra-pair mating is a likely mechanism responsible for the asymmetrical introgression of plumage colour in this system, and is potentially driven by a sensory bias for the red plumage signal.  相似文献   

The plumage colour of nestling and adult Great tits Parus major major L. was studied at Trondheim (63 °N, 10 °E), Norway. Nestlings reared in deciduous woodland were yellower than those reared in coniferous woodland, those reared in 1983 were yellower than those in 1982, and the later in the breeding season they were reared the more yellow they were. Furthermore, adults were yellower than nestlings, and for both groups the males were yellower than the females. Experimental interchange of eggs between nests showed that the variation in plumage colour observed between broods was related primarily to the food and not to genetic differences. Sampling, by the neck-collar method, of the food brought by the parent birds showed that the yellower nestlings received a greater proportion of lepidopteran larvae, in particular greenish-coloured ones, than did the nestlings with a paler plumage. A speculation is whether or not the variation in plumage colour has some adaptive value (viz. background matching).
In avian systematics, plumage coloration has been used to distinguish and describe subspecies. The present study shows that such a classification should only be made with certain reservations, until possible variation in the food quality of the subspecies is known to have no influence on plumage coloration.  相似文献   

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