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化学药剂诱导玉米孤雌生殖植株的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
对化学药剂诱导玉米孤雌生殖获得的植株的染色体组成及其稳定性进行了研究。试验用2%二甲基亚砜(DMSO)+0.1%秋水仙碱;40%ppm马来酰胼(MH)+0.1%秋水仙碱;40ppm MH+2% DMSO三种处理,共获得130粒孤雌生殖种子。本文对孤雌生殖种子的植株及后代进行了细胞遗传学分析、讨论。试验分析了145株孤雌生殖植株和对照植株的根尖细胞,和其中的88株的花粉母细胞。有半数以上植株的根尖细胞为混倍体,但除1株外,其余的混倍体植株的花粉母细胞均为二倍体。这一异常植株的花粉母细胞仍为混倍体,其子代中有二倍体和各种非整倍体植株。这一结果表明,用这种方法不仅能获得二倍体纯系,而且还可以获得非整倍体。  相似文献   

对18株毛花猕猴桃(Actinidia eriantha Benth.)原生质体再生植株的体细胞染色体数做了观察,其中12株为整倍体:二倍体(2n=58)和四倍体(2n=116)各6株;另外6株为混倍体,其染色体数目变化在59~203之间。还发现原生质体再生植株有丝分裂间期细胞存在多核现象,有多核细胞的共10株,细胞核数目以双核和三核较常见,最多的有7个核。对照植株为2n=2x=58,未发现多核细胞。  相似文献   

玉米单倍体胚性细胞无性系二倍化的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文研究了长期继代培养的玉米单倍性胚性细胞无性系的加倍方法。用无菌的0.05%秋水仙碱溶液进行间隙和连续处理胚性细胞团48小时,其结果可使二倍体细胞从原来的2.7%提高到50%左右。结合镜检采用不断分离挑选措施,淘汰单倍体细胞团,从而获得了二倍化的胚性细胞无性系。二倍化细胞系再生植株中90.5%是二倍体。  相似文献   

小麦花粉愈伤组织植株体细胞染色体的变异   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了用花药培养方法诱导出来的小麦花粉愈伤组织和54个当代植株体细胞染色体的变异情况。发现它们大多是混倍体,但根据其染色体基数的不同,大量的花粉小麦是单倍体和纯合二倍体植株。同时,我们还首次获得了用花粉培养诱导的小麦5x植株和典型的混倍体植株在花粉愈伤组织中观察到染色体双着丝化现象。 离体培养和花粉的单倍性容易引起植物体细胞的核内有丝分裂,核融合,多极有丝分裂以及染色体断裂等现象。这些有丝分裂的异常过程,是产生染色体加倍、混倍体以及染色体变异的各种新类型的重要原因。 研究花粉发育时期在花药培养中的作用,改进培养条件和方法,不仅可以提高诱导花粉植株和提高花粉植株自然加倍的频率,同时还可能获得染色体和染色体组发生变异的新类型,为研究染色体工程和染色体组工程开辟新途径。  相似文献   

用六倍体小黑麦Rosner与普通小麦科冬58的杂种F_1为材料进行了花药培养。观察了27株花粉植株根尖细胞的染色体,其中有17株非整倍体、9株混倍体和1株单倍体。从花粉植株PMC的染色体构型表明,在单倍水平的植株中以单价体为主,在二倍水平植株中以二价体为主。用Giemsa显带技术鉴定花粉植株的染色体组成,其中黑麦染色体为2—7条,小麦染色体为18—21条。提示用花药培养的方法,可以将六倍体小黑麦与普通小麦杂种F_1理论上可以形成的花粉的染色体组成在植株水平显现出来。  相似文献   

秋水仙碱诱变甜菊多倍体的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用0.1%秋水仙碱溶液处理甜菊实生苗生长点,可诱变产生甜菊多倍体(四倍体)植株,用8次点滴处理,诱变率可达31.25%。染色体数鉴定表明:四倍体甜菊染色体数是2n=44,而二倍体甜菊染色体数是2n=22.形态学和解剖学的观察表明,四倍体比二倍体甜菊植株的茎矮壮,叶片增大,长度增长2.1倍,宽度扩大2.3倍,叶片加厚1.7倍,叶色更浓绿,叶片气孔数减少,气孔变大。叶片糖苷含量测定表明:四倍体的叶片含量为15.7%,而二倍体的叶片含量为10.8%,前者比二倍体叶片含量提高4.9%。  相似文献   

石刁柏花粉植株诱导及其起源鉴定的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆朝福  周维燕 《遗传学报》1993,20(6):531-535
采用高渗蔗糖溶液预处理石刁柏花药可以显著抑制花药体细胞分裂和提高花粉愈伤组织诱导率。愈伤组织在转入含低浓度激素的培养基中分化得到了花粉植株。其中单倍体、二倍体、四倍体和非整洁体分别占4.3%、64.5%、17.2%和14.0%。单倍体的频率随愈伤组织培养时间延长而下降,石刁柏幼茎中莽草酸脱氢酶同工酶的多态性表现稳定,用其作为遗传标记结合细胞学方法可以鉴定花粉植株的起源。  相似文献   

四倍体盾叶薯蓣生物学特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以离体诱导获得的四倍体盾叶薯蓣(Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H.Wight)为材料,对其进行生物学习性观察、花粉育性鉴定以及人工授粉试验。研究结果表明:四倍体植株试管苗移栽到大田后生长发育基本正常,但四倍体植株相对二倍体植株表现出各生长发育时期滞后的现象;两年生植株分化形成了雌、雄株,花粉活力为41%,与二倍体植株互为父母本的结实率分别为8.2%和6.3%;四倍体雌株与四倍体雄株受精结实的后代经检测为四倍体。表明离体诱导的四倍体盾叶薯蓣具有较低的育性,其多倍体倍性可稳定遗传。  相似文献   

广藿香毛状根多倍体诱导及其植株再生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高药用植物广藿香的次生物质广藿香醇含量,采用秋水仙素人工诱导染色体加倍技术,进行了广藿香毛状根多倍体诱导及其植株再生、倍性鉴定和挥发油组分广藿香醇含量的测定。结果表明,广藿香毛状根多倍体诱导的最佳条件为0.05%秋水仙素处理36 h,其多倍体诱导率可达40%以上;经秋水仙素加倍的广藿香毛状根在MS+6-BA 0.2 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L培养基中培养60 d后可获得毛状根多倍体再生植株。与对照(二倍体植株)相比,广藿香毛状根多倍体再生植株根系更发达、茎更粗、节间变短、叶片的长度、宽度和厚度均较二倍体明显增大。根尖细胞染色体压片观察证实,所获得的广藿香毛状根多倍体再生植株为四倍体,其根尖细胞染色体数约为128;同时,其叶片的气孔保卫细胞体积及其叶绿体数目均约为对照的两倍;但其气孔密度则随着倍性增加而下降,二倍体植株叶片的气孔密度约为四倍体植株叶片的1.67倍。GC-MS测定结果表明,广藿香毛状根多倍体再生植株的广藿香挥发油组分广藿香醇的含量为4.25 mg/g干重,约为二倍体植株的2.30倍。该结果证实毛状根多倍体化可提高药用植物广藿香的广藿香醇含量。  相似文献   

籼稻体细胞培养再生植株染色体变异的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以IR36及IR54等品种的成熟种子及幼穗为外植体,获得籼稻体细胞培养再分化植株,并研究了再生植株当代(即第一代,SC_1)的染色体变异。在319株SC_1植株中发现四倍体10株,占总数的3.1%。在二倍体中发现不育株7株(占2.2%),其中经细胞学分析发现2株(1984及1985年各发现1株)为多染色体相互易位杂合子。减数分裂的研究表明,MRT植株终变期时染色体构形呈十分复杂的情况。除正常的12 Ⅱ外,还呈现出一系列的多价体。配对最高价性为拾价体,7 Ⅱ+1Ⅹ的构形占各种染色体构形总数的50.7%,分布最多。在这类染色体构形中,拾价染色体或呈环形(以7 Ⅱ+1⑩表示),或呈链形(以7 Ⅱ+1(?)表示)。这表明该植株12对染色体中有5条非同源染色体发生了相互易位,而这两株植株正是这种染色体易位的杂合子。  相似文献   

We have developed improved procedures for recovery of haploid and doubled haploid (DH) melon plants, using hybrids derived from crosses of lines with multiple virus resistance. Seeds formed after pollination with irradiated pollen were cultured in liquid medium for 10 days before excision of the embryos for further culture. This made it easier to identify the seeds containing parthenogenetic embryos, thereby reducing the effort required and increasing the percentage of plants recovered. The plants obtained (approximately 175) were transferred to a greenhouse for evaluation. Three fertile lines were identified, and selfed seeds were obtained for evaluating virus resistance. Flow cytometry of leaf tissues showed that two of these lines were spontaneous DH and the third was a mixoploid containing haploid and diploid cells. The other plants remained sterile through the flowering stage. Flow cytometry of 20 sterile plants showed that all were haploid. Attempts to induce chromosome doubling by applying colchicine to greenhouse-grown plants were unsuccessful. Shoot tips from the haploid plants were used to establish new in vitro cultures. In vitro treatment of 167 micropropagated haploid shoots with colchicine produced 10 diploid plants as well as 100 mixoploid plants. Pollen from male flowers that formed in vitro on the colchicine-treated plants was examined. High percentages of viable pollen that stained with acetocarmine were found not only in the diploids but also in >60% of the plants scored as mixoploid or haploid by flow cytometry. Efficient recovery of DH from hybrid melon lines carrying combinations of important horticultural traits will be a valuable tool for melon breeders.  相似文献   

Summary Anther culture of the Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum; 2n=2x=24) was attempted in order to evaluate its potential in generating haploids for the production of hybrid cultivars. The effects of genotype, temperature (low temperature treatment of buds and high temperature treatment of cultures), sucrose concentration and growth regulators were tested. The most important factors for callus induction were the genotype and the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Pre-treatments at low or high temperature had no apparent effect, while high sucrose concentration was inhibitory. Callus was derived from 28 of the 108 genotypes tested and plants were regenerated. Phenotypic variations were observed among these regenerants. Somatic chromosome numbers were determined in 42 plants derived from 10 donor genotypes. Thirteen plants were diploid and 29 were mixoploid with chromosome numbers ranging from 11 to 26. Four of the mixoploid plants had a high proportion of cells with haploid chromosome numbers, particularly at early stages of development. Meiosis was examined in plants with flower buds. Most plants had 12 bivalents at Metaphase I, but also aneuploids were observed. Other irregularities included bridges and laggards at Anaphase I. The occurrence of high frequencies of haploid cells (up to 80%) in root tips suggests that some plants may be of gametic origin. Research was supported by the Easter Lily Research Foundation, the Ohio Floriculture Foundation, the Gloeckner Foundation and the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station (technical paper no. 8398).  相似文献   

Summary In order to determine the ploidy of individual embryo-like structures (ELSs) following chromosome doubling treatments, a method was developed to determine the DNA content (ploidy level) of nuclei from single ELSs weighing as little as 1 mg using flow cytometry. About half (53%) of the ELSs which formed during anther culture of the maize inbred line used in control medium were haploid, 27% mixoploid and 20% diploid. Gibberellic acid (GA3) increased the diploid percentage to 52% without affecting the mixoploid frequency (26%). A four day treatment with the chromosome doubling agent colchicine (50M) increased chromosome doubling while oryzalin eliminated the diploidy and mixoploidy. When regenerable callus cultures were initiated from the ELSs none were found to be mixoploid but the haploid and diploid proportions were similar to that of the ELSs analyzed. Regenerable cultures could not be initiated from the colchicine treated ELSs, however. These studies show that with the genotype used here, GA3 and colchicine increased the amount of chromosome doubling of the ELSs while oryzalin and pronamide did not. The mixoploidy which existed in about 25% of the ELSs was never observed in calli apparently because these structures do not initiate callus or cells of only one ploidy level grew.Abbreviations ELS embryo-like structure - GA3 gibberellin A3  相似文献   

Gynogenetic plants of pot gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) were successfully produced from cultures of unpollinated ovulesin vitro. Genotypic variations in the number of ovules that formed callus were found among the lines tested. One particularly responsive genotype was found among 17 genotypes tested where the frequency of callus-forming ovules was 17.5%. Four genotypes formed no callus at all. The frequency of shoot formation from the callus varied from 0–19.6% in nine genotypes. Ploidy was determined by flow cytometry, and 37 (80.4%) regenerants were haploid, seven (15.2%) were diploid, and two (4.3%) were mixoploid with both haploid and diploid cells. The doubling of chromosomes was achieved by treatment with 0.05% colchicine for 2–6 din vitro, and 24.2–34.1% of treated haploid plants were found to have been diploidized.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - DAPI 4 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) basal medium  相似文献   

本文报道了伊贝母愈伤组织在不同培养基上继代培养的的染色体变异和分化频率。结果表明,随着继代培养的进程,二倍体细胞频率逐渐减少。亚二倍体和超二倍体细胞频率迅速增加。同时还观察到比率不等的亚单倍体、单倍体,超三倍体和超四倍体细胞。于是培养物最终变成为只有少量整倍体而多数为非整倍体染色体数的混倍体细胞群体。不同培养基对染色体变异的效应是2,4-D+KT>IAA+KT>NAA+KT。分化频率随继代次数的增加而下降。同时还观察到了各种类型的染色体结构变异和有丝分裂异常。根据试验结果,对继代培养中染色体变异的原因以及与分化频率的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Thin cell layers (TCLs) were cultured from inflorescences of diploid (2n=4x=48) and haploid (2n=2x=24)Nicotiana tabacum L. "Samsun" and the subsequent flowers formed in vitro were then compared to in vivo flowers. Plants derived from TCLs possessed flowers that were typical of their seed or androgenetically-derived counterparts, whereas de novo flowers from TCLs were abnormal when compared to their counterparts. The TCLs of haploid plants produced more flower buds than diploid TCLs, and did so in a shorter period of time. In vitro flowers and anthers at both ploidy levels were considerably smaller than the in vivo flowers; in vitro flowers also had variable numbers of anthers and pistils. The embryogenic capacity of anthers taken from in vivo diploid flowers was 5 times greater than that of in vitro diploid or haploid anthers. In vivo haploid anthers produced no embryoids, whereas in vitro haploid anthers did produce embryoids. Observations of mitotic cells in root tips of plants derived from anther cultures of in vitro haploid flowers revealed a mixoploid nature. Diploid meiosis was regular and haploid meiosis was irregular regardless of the origin (in vitro or in vivo) of the flowers.Supported by state Hatch funds.  相似文献   

High-resolution flow cytometry, using avian erythrocytes as an internal standard, was employed to study constitutive genome size variation of G2-phase nuclei of Physarum polycephalum strains during the macroplasmodial stage of their life cycle. Our results document a previously unknown extent of genome size variation and mixoploidy in this organism. The unimodal diploid strain Tu 291 displayed the largest genome of the strains tested; in contrast, the Colonia strain displayed only half of the Tu 291 G2-phase fluorescence, confirming its haploid nature. An additional strain, derived from a recent cross between Lu897 and Lu898 amoebae, must have arisen by selfing (propagation of only one of the parental genomes to the macroplasmodial stage), since its nuclei display close to the haploid G2-phase DNA content. The observation of a small fraction of corresponding diploid nuclei within the haploid population of this strain, while maintained as microplasmodia, supports the notion that meiosis in haploid strains may require the presence of diploid nuclei. Two of the descendants of the prototype haploid Colonia strain, which were kept for extended periods of time in submerse culture, proved to be near diploid and mixoploid. Polyploidization and subsequent loss of DNA thus seems to contribute to the extremes of genome size variation in Physarum. In addition to unimodal fluorescence distributions, a number of diploid strains displayed bi- and even trimodal distributions within harvests of a single G2-phase macroplasmodium. Analysis of these mixoploid strains by means of gaussian curve-fitting suggests that the smaller genome size differences in Physarum may arise in step-wise diminution of DNA in approximate units of 3-5% of the original Tu 291 genome.  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Qiu F  Liu Y  Ma K  Li Z  Xu S 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(12):1851-1860
In vivo haploid production induced by inducer lines derived from Stock 6 is widely used in breeding program of maize (Zea mays L.), but the mechanisms behind have not yet been fully understood. In this study, average frequency of haploid induction in four inbred lines by Stock 6-derived inducer line HZI1 was above 10%. About 0.2% kernels from the cross Hua24 x HZI1 had mosaic endosperm showing yellow shrunken parts from Hua24 to normal parts with purple aleurone from HZI1. Individual lagged chromosomes and micronuclei were observed in mitotic cells of ovules pollinated by HZI1. Above 56.4% of the radicles from the kernels with purple aleurone and colorless embryos were mixoploid (2n = 9-21), and more than 45.22% cells were haploid cells (2n = 10) in three crosses. More than 62.5% of the radicles from the kernels with purple aleurone and purple embryos were mixoploid (2n = 9-21) having 54.27% cells with 2n = 20. SSR analysis showed that all haploids from the cross Hua24 x HZI1 shared the same genomic compositions as Hua24 except for plants Nos. 862 and 857 with some polymorphic DNA bands. The results revealed that chromosome elimination after fertilization caused the haploid production in maize.  相似文献   

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