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目的:研究左归丸对小鼠未成熟卵母细胞体外核成熟的影响。方法:制备左归丸含药血清,将生发泡(germinal vesicle,GV)期卵母细胞分别在不同采血时间获取的左归丸含药血清培养液中进行体外培养,观察左归丸含药血清对生发泡破裂(germinal vesicle breakdown,GVBD)和第一极体(the first polar body,PB1)排出的时效关系。结果:药物血清组卵母细胞GVBD的发生率高于正常血清组和对照组,于培养后4h差异最显著(P〈0.01);药物血清组卵母细胞PB1的发生率高于正常血清组和对照组,于培养后18h差异最显著(P〈0.01)。结论:2~2.5h左归丸含药血清对未成熟卵母细胞体外核成熟具有明显促进作用。  相似文献   

一氧化氮供体硝普纳对小鼠卵母细胞体外自发成熟的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨一氧化氮供体—硝普纳 (SodiumNitroprusside ,SNP)对昆明小鼠卵母细胞体外自发成熟的影响。方法 利用体外培养方法 ,在培养的不同时间观察卵母细胞的成熟情况 ,研究SNP对卵母细胞自发成熟的动力学影响。结果  (1) 1mmol LSNP能够明显延迟卵丘卵母细胞复合体 (CEOs)的自发成熟 ,与对照组相比 ,CEOs的生发泡破裂 (GVBD)和第一极体 (PB1)释放分别延迟了 8h和 10h。但在培养结束 (2 4h)时 ,CEOs处理组的PB1释放率与对照组相比有明显的降低 ,而处理组的生发泡破裂 (GVBD)百分率和对照组相比没有明显变化 ;1mmol LSNP能够明显延迟裸卵母细胞 (DOs)的自发成熟 ,与对照组相比 ,DOs处理组的GVBD和PB1释放分别延迟了 6h和 12h。且在培养 2 4h后 ,DOs处理组的GVBD和PB1释放率与对照组相比有显著的降低。 (2 ) 1mmol LSNP能够明显促进CEOs中卵丘细胞的离散 ,造成CEOs互相粘连在一起。 (3) 1mmol LSNP能够明显影响体外培养的DOs的形态 ,但对CEOs的卵母细胞却没有影响。而 1μmol LSNP对CEOs和DOs的自发成熟都没有影响。 结论高浓度的SNP对小鼠卵母细胞体外自发成熟有抑制作用  相似文献   

以卵胞浆单精注射(intracytoplasmic sperm injection,ICSI)后废弃的未成熟人类卵母细胞(生发泡期卵母细胞(the germinal vesicle,GV)和第一次减数分裂中期卵母细胞(the metaphase,MI))为材料,使用卵母细胞体外成熟培养液培养未成熟的卵母细胞,分别在人类绒毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotrophin,hCG)注射后45、60、84 h观察卵母细胞成熟情况.分别使用钙离子载体(calcium ionophore,CI)A23187联合6-二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-DMAP)法或精子提取物卵胞质内注射(sperm extracts intracytoplasmic injection,SEII)法两种不同的激活方法对体外成熟MII的卵母细胞进行孤雌激活,评价其体外发育潜能.MI卵子体外成熟率要显著高于GV(75.2%vs 30.6%)(P<0.01).与CI/6-DMAP法相比使用SEII/6-DMAP法在激活率(87.5%vs 70.2%)上要明显高于CI/6-DMAP法(P<0.05),但在卵裂率(65.7%vs 72.5%)和桑囊率(0%vs 5.0%)上SEII/6-DMAP法要低于CI/6-DMAP法.注射hCG 45 h组的卵母细胞激活率(91.3%vs 57.9%)、卵裂率(85.7%vs 57.9%)及桑囊率(9.5%vs 0%)均显著高于注射hCG 60 h组(P<0.01).56.8%(117/206)的ICSI废弃的未成熟卵母细胞可以在体外发育成熟,激活后具有一定的发育潜能,卵龄对卵母细胞的质量和发育能力影响较大.  相似文献   

目的:探讨褪黑素(MT)对小鼠卵母细胞的体外成熟的影响.方法:通过卵母细胞自发、次黄嘌呤(HX)阻滞和激素诱导成熟三种体外培养模型研究了褪黑素(MT)对小鼠卵母细胞体外成熟的影响.结果:①0.1 g/L、0.02g/L、0.004 g/L及0.0008 g/L浓度的MT均能显著抑制小鼠卵丘卵母细胞复合体(CEOs)自发成熟过程中第一极体(PB1)的释放(P<0.01);②动力曲线分析表明,MT对自发成熟的CEOs的GVBD和PB1有显著的推后作用,与对照组相比,处理组的GVBD和PB1分别被推后8~10 h和3~4 h;③0.1 g/L和0.02 g/L两有效浓度的MT还能显著抑制促性腺激素(FSH)诱导的HX阻滞的CEOsGVBD的发生(P<0.05),对PB1的排出虽有一定的抑制作用,但没有统计学意义;④MT和次黄嘌呤(HX)对CEOs的自发成熟有协同抑制作用(P<0.01),但在裸卵(DO)自发成熟的阻滞中没有协同效应.结论:MT是调节哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟的重要激素之一,其作用机制可能是通过卵丘细胞实现的.  相似文献   

哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)是一种Ser/Thr激酶,属于PIKK超家族,对调节细胞周期、蛋白质合成等具有重要作用,是细胞生长、增殖、分化、凋亡的中心调控器,但在哺乳动物卵母细胞中的研究还未见报道.以小鼠卵母细胞为研究对象,采用免疫荧光为主要研究方法,对mTOR在小鼠卵母细胞中的表达进行研究,并通过mTOR的特异性抑制剂雷帕霉素( rapamycin,RAPA )对卵母细胞进行处理,对mTOR在卵母细胞成熟过程中的作用进行研究.结果显示:小鼠卵母细胞成熟过程中,生发泡( germinal vesicle,GV )期mTOR主要集中在核膜处表达,生发泡破裂 ( germinal vesicle breakdown,GVBD )后mTOR伴随染色体分布,第二次减数分裂中期( second metaphase,MⅡ期 ) mTOR伴随纺锤体分布;雷帕霉素处理后,小鼠卵母细胞的成熟受到抑制,且这种抑制作用具有浓度依赖性,同时其mTOR的表达部位和形态也发生变化.研究表明,在小鼠卵母细胞成熟过程中,mTOR在各个时期的表达及分布具有阶段特异性,并对小鼠卵母细胞GVBD的发生和第一极体的排放都具有重要作用.  相似文献   

目的:本文采用体外培养技术观察原癌基因c-myb对孕酮诱导的生发泡(GV)期小鼠裸卵体外成熟的影响。方法:建立小鼠裸卵体外培养模型,用不同浓度反义C-myb寡脱氧核苷酸(c-myb ASODNs)与GV期小鼠裸卵共孵育观察其对孕酮诱导的小鼠裸卵体外成熟的影响并探讨其机制。结果:在M199培养液中体外培养GV期小鼠裸卵24h,10μmol/L孕酮组与5μmol/L孕酮组比较有显著性差别(2 h GVBD% P〈0.05,8 h PBI% P〈0.05).与20μmol/L孕酮组比较无显著性差别。10μmol/L c-myb AFODNs能抑制孕酮(10μmol/L)诱导的小鼠裸卵体外成熟(2 h GVBD% P〈0.05,8 h PBI% P〈0.01)。1×10^-4μmol/L dbcAMP、10μg/ml肝素钠可分别单独抑制孕酮诱导的GV期小鼠卵母细胞体外成熟(2 h GVBD%均P〈0.01,8 h PBI%均P〈0.01).也可和反义c-myb ODN协同抑制孕酮诱导的卵母细胞体外成熟(2 h GVBD%均P〈0.01,8 h PBI%均P〈0.01)。结论:孕酮、原癌基因c-myb和cAMP、Ca^2+参与了GV期小鼠卵母细胞的体外成熟,孕酮、cAMP和Ca^2+调控卵母细胞成熟的机理可能与原癌基因c-myb表达有关。  相似文献   

本实验室已报道中华大蟾蜍卵母细胞的p28蛋白具泛素羧基末端水解酶活性,称作tUCH,它和哺乳类中发现的UCH L1的氨基酸序列具高度同源性,二级结构同源性比较发现,二者可能具类似的功能。本文实验表明:未成熟卵母细胞和成熟卵母细胞的可溶性蛋白中均含有tUCH,约占提取物中蛋白质总量的2%。根据测定所得到的GST-tUCH和GST-UCH L1对底物Ub-AMC的酶动力学参数,说明卵母细胞中tUCH可能与小鼠UCH L1有类似的生物学功能;anti-tUCH单抗可以与原核细胞表达的tUCH和显性失活突变类型tUCH C(90)S特异结合,但不识别小鼠的UCH L1。Anti-tUCH单抗能够和tUCH结合但不能封闭它的UCH活性。当anti-tUCH单抗注入卵母细胞内,则孕酮诱导的生发泡破裂(germinal vesicle breakdown,GVBD)过程受到抑制,足见tUCH参与GVHD调节并不依赖其UCH活性。  相似文献   

生发泡(germinal vesicle,GV)移植到去核的GV期卵母细胞后,获得重构卵,重构卵在体外能成熟,受精和进行胚胎发育。GV移植到去核的第二次减数分裂中期(metaphase Ⅱ,MII)卵母细胞后,重构卵能发生GV破裂,但难以排出第一极体。GV移植后,通过连续核移植,重构合子具有发育到终期的能力。GV移植为研究卵母细胞的发育提供了一种重要工具。  相似文献   

本实验室巳报道中华大蟾蜍卵母细胞的p28蛋白具泛素羧基末端水解酶活性,称作tUCH,它和哺乳类中发现的UCH Ll的氨基酸序列具高度同源性,二级结构同源性比较发现,二者可能具类似的功能。本文实验表明:未成熟卵母细胞和成熟卵母细胞的可溶性蛋白中均含有tUCH,约占提取物中蛋白质总量的2%。根据测定所得到的GST—tUCH和GST—UCH Ll对底物Ub—AMC的酶动力学参数,说明卵母细胞中tUCH可能与小鼠UCH L1有类似的生物学功能;anti—tUCH单抗可以与原核细胞表达的tUCH和显性失活突变类型tUCH C(90)S特异结合,但不识别小鼠的UCH Ll。Anti-tUCH单抗能够和tUCH结合但不能封闭它的UCH活性;当anti-tUCH单抗注入卵母细胞内,则孕酮诱导的生发泡破裂(germinal vesicle breakdown,GVBD)过程受到抑制,足见tUCH参与GVBD调节并不依赖其UCH活性。  相似文献   

c-mos基因在动物卵母细胞减数分裂调控中起作用,但其作用机制目前仍不清楚。本实验通过RT-PCR、免疫荧光激光共聚焦检测方法检测了猪卵母细胞在体外成熟培养过程中c-mos基因在转录水平、翻译水平上的表达以及蛋白的分布,并应用注射小干扰RNA(siRNA)方法对其进行了RNA干扰(RNAi)研究。结果显示,猪卵母细胞在体外成熟培养过程中c-mos基因mRNA量逐渐增高,电激活后6h接近完全降解;MOS(c-mos基因蛋白产物)在GV卵母细胞生发泡中有一定量的表达,生发泡破裂(GVBD)前表达量增加且开始向卵母细胞胞质弥散,成熟培养44h未成熟卵母细胞中的MOS表达量要高于成熟卵母细胞,激活后6h核区MOS明显减少,但仍然有少量MOS分布于胞质中;成熟培养前干扰c-mos基因,所用三个siRNA都能成功敲低mRNA量,分别是同时期对照组mRNA量的0.08±0.03,0.11±0.06和0.20±0.06倍,干扰后虽然没有完全剔除MOS,但MOS量比同期卵母细胞有明显下降,仍可以引发成熟卵母细胞染色体解凝集。研究结果揭示了猪卵母细胞体外成熟及发育进程中c-mos基因在转录和翻译水平上的动态表达规律,建立了猪卵母细胞c-mos基因RNAi体系,为MOS在猪卵母细胞发育过程中的功能研究建立了重要的基础。  相似文献   

Germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of bovine oocytes was completely blocked by cycloheximide added to culture medium at concentrations of 1-20 micrograms/ml. Nevertheless, under such conditions a certain degree of chromatin condensation inside the germinal vesicle was observed. The inhibitory effect was not influenced by the presence or absence of cumulus cells and was fully reversible; but the process of GVBD was then significantly accelerated. The critical period in which the proteins necessary for GVBD are synthesized lasts approximately the first 5 h of culture. When germinal vesicle-arrested oocytes are fused to maturing bovine oocytes containing condensed chromosomes, GVBD of immature oocytes occurs within 3 h, even in the presence of cycloheximide. In the mouse, GVBD cannot be inhibited by protein synthesis inhibitors. When immature mouse oocytes are fused with immature bovine oocytes and the giant cells are then cultured in cycloheximide-supplemented medium, both GVs are observed, or only mouse GVBD occurs in common cytoplasm after 8 h of culture. We conclude that protein synthesis is necessary for GVBD of bovine oocytes. Our results also suggest that maturation-promoting factor (MPF) is not autocatalytically amplified in mammalian oocytes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested a critical role for purines in the maintenance of mouse oocytes in meiotic arrest. If so, then disrupting specific purine metabolic pathways in vivo might induce the resumption of oocyte maturation. To test this hypothesis, immature mice were primed with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin and 24 h later received, by i.p. injection, one of several drugs that inhibit specific enzymes in the purine metabolic pathways. Cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes were isolated from the ovaries at varying times after drug treatment and assessed for germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). The inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors, mycophenolic acid (MA) and bredinin (Br), each induced GVBD in a dose-dependent fashion, Br being the more effective agent. When the kinetics of oocyte maturation were examined, 71% of the oocytes from MA-treated mice had undergone GVBD 21-22 h after drug administration. Moreover, 100% GVBD was observed in oocytes from Br-treated mice after 6 h. The action of these drugs appeared to be a direct one and not mediated through stimulation of pituitary gonadotropin release or atresia. Azaserine, an inhibitor of de novo purine synthesis, also induced GVBD in a dose-dependent manner. However, sodium hadacidin and dl-alanosine, inhibitors of adenylosuccinate synthetase, failed to elicit a maturational response in oocytes in vivo. These data support an essential role for guanyl and/or xanthyl derivatives in the maintenance of meiotic arrest in vivo.  相似文献   

Cell fusions have been used to determine the biological activity of the MPF complex in murine oocytes during their progression through anaphase and telophase to metaphase II. Oocytes (1) at metaphase I, (2) during the anaphase-telophase transition, or (3) at metaphase II were fused to germinal vesicle-staged (immature) oocytes. The hybrids were cultured for 1 h in the presence of db cAMP before fixation and nuclear evaluation. Metaphase I oocytes invariably induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in the immature partner. By contrast, anaphase/telophase oocytes never induced GVBD in immature oocytes. The capacity to induce GVBD reappears after the formation of the second metaphase plate. In a second study, histone H1 kinase activity was measured during mouse oocyte maturation in single oocytes. H1 kinase activity was low in GV oocytes, increased sharply at MI, declined during anaphase and telophase and increased again at MII. After egg activation, H1 kinase activity was reduced to basal levels. These results provide direct evidence that a drop in activity of MPF in murine oocytes occurs concomitantly with the exit from metaphase I; MPF activity remains low until the cell re-enters metaphase.  相似文献   

Fully grown, meiotically immature mouse oocytes were isolated and cultured under varying conditions with the aim of determining a) whether the inhibitory effects of testosterone on oocyte meiotic maturation require the synthesis of new oocyte proteins and b) if the meiosis-inhibiting effects of testosterone and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) are distinct and can be differentiated. We found that the inclusion of puromycin in culture medium containing testosterone has no effect on the meiosis-inhibiting potency of testosterone or upon the reversibility of testosterone effects. We conclude that testosterone inhibits oocyte meiosis by a mechanism that is independent of protein synthesis. We also found that oocytes exposed to testosterone recover more rapidly, as evidenced by the timing of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) following placement in a control medium, than do oocytes exposed to dbcAMP. Through further investigation of this phenomenon we have determined the sequence of testosterone and dbcAMP effects relative to the time course of GVBD. A testosterone-sensitive event occurs 20 min prior to GVBD, while the dbcAMP-sensitive event precedes GVBD by 41 min. The nature of this difference may involve the differential interaction of testosterone and dbcAMP with a set of puromycin-sensitive proteins that are required for GVBD. When oocytes were initially cultured in medium containing both puromycin and either testosterone or dbcAMP and then moved to medium containing puromycin alone the incidence of GVBD was reduced relative to oocytes never exposed to puromycin. This observation suggests that mouse oocytes contain proteins that are required for GVBD and that experience a high turnover rate. The degree of reduction in GVBD was a function of the length of puromycin exposure and was significantly greater in dbcAMP- than in testosterone-exposed oocytes. If oocytes were initially cultured in medium containing puromycin and dbcAMP, the rate of GVBD upon removal of dbcAMP was initially slow but increased with time. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that dbcAMP inhibits oocytes at a point prior to the functioning of the puromycin-sensitive proteins. However, if oocytes were cultured in medium containing puromycin and testosterone the rate of GVBD following testosterone removal was not significantly reduced relative to oocytes that were not exposed to puromycin. This observation suggests that testosterone acts to inhibit meiosis at a site beyond the function of the puromycin-sensitive proteins or that testosterone causes a reduction in the turnover rate of these proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

夏国良 《动物学报》1996,42(4):408-413
实验研究了小鼠卵母细胞体外过程中卵丘-卵母细胞间的相互作用。实验小鼠为雌性B6D2杂交一代。激素处理48小时后分离出卵后天和卵母细胞复合体,并培养在含有次黄嘌呤的培养液中。24小时后检查卵母细胞核成熟情况。  相似文献   

Porcine immature oocytes require protein synthesis for meiotic resumption, thus the importance of Cdc2 inhibitory phosphorylation in their meiotic arrest remains controversial. We examined the involvement of Cdc2 phosphorylation in the meiotic arrest of porcine oocytes with a special focus on Wee1B, an oocyte-specific Wee1 family member recently reported in mouse oocytes. We cloned a Wee1B homologue of pig by RT-PCR followed by 5’- and 3’-RACE. Overexpression of pigWee1B in porcine immature oocytes by the injection of pigWee1B mRNA almost completely blocked the germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) under the low cAMP concentration, which could not block their spontaneous meiotic resumption by itself. The MPF activation and cyclin B synthesis were inhibited in these oocytes. Conversely, downregulation of pigWee1B expression by the injection of specific antisense mRNA induced GVBD in the oocytes, the spontaneous meiotic resumption of which was blocked by the high concentration of cAMP (dbcAMP). In these oocytes, the MPF activity was elevated and cyclin B was accumulated. Downregulation of pigMyt1, another Wee1 family member, could not induce the GVBD under the same condition. The inhibition of tyrosine phosphatase by vanadate blocked the GVBD even in the pigWee1B-downregulated oocytes. These results suggest that the inhibitory phosphorylation of CDC2, which is catalyzed by pigWee1B, but not pigMyt1, is involved in the meiotic arrest of porcine oocytes, and that the inactivation of Wee1B in combination with the phosphatase activation induces the conversion of pre-MPF to the active MPF and starts the cyclin B synthesis, follwed by a further increase of MPF and meiotic resumption.  相似文献   

Growth factors have been shown to play an important role in the regulation of ovarian function. In this study, we examined the effects of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) on the meiotic maturation of immature mouse oocytes in vitro. Cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes were exposed to TGF-alpha with or without the meiotic inhibitor hypoxanthine (HX), and oocyte maturation was assessed by germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Likewise, mechanically denuded oocytes were examined for GVBD following exposure to HX and TGF-alpha. When cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes were exposed to TGF-alpha (1 microgram/ml) in the presence of HX (4 mM), an increase in GVBD was observed first after 5 hours of culture. Maximal stimulation was reached at 24 hours when 70% of the oocytes underwent maturation in the presence of TGF-alpha and HX as compared to 33% with HX only. Concentrations of TGF-alpha as low as 0.1 ng/ml produced a similar stimulatory response after 24 hours of culture. Spontaneous maturation in the presence of TGF-alpha, but without HX, was also enhanced. The stimulation of GVBD by TGF-alpha showed an increase over time both with and without HX. When denuded oocytes were exposed to TGF-alpha in the presence of HX, no effect was observed. Our results suggest that TGF-alpha is a potent stimulator of mouse oocyte maturation in vitro and that its effect is mediated by the surrounding cumulus cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study was carried out using the method of electrofusion, or treatment with okadaic acid (OA), to determine whether protein synthesis at the onset of culture was required for the meiotic resumption of bovine follicular oocytes. Germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) occurred in bovine oocytes at 6 hr after separation from their follicles in vitro. Following this, immature germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes, preincubated for 0,2,4, and 6 hr, were fused to mature oocytes. When immature oocytes, preincubated for 0 hr, were fused to mature oocytes and then cultured for 3 hr in basic medium, GVBD was observed in all fused cells, whereas in the case of cultivation in medium supplemented with the protein synthesis inhibitor (25 μg/ml cycloheximide; CX), 39% of the fused cells possessed an intact GV within their cytoplasm. In immature oocytes preincubated for 4 or 6 hr, however, this proportion was significantly reduced to 7% and 4%, respectively, without protein synthesis after fusion. In addition, the CX-dependent block of GVBD could be overcome in only 13% of bovine follicular oocytes by the addition of 2 μM OA, although 51% of oocytes which synthesized the protein during the first 6 hr of culture induced GVBD in subsequent culture with CX plus OA. Thus, we conclude that the initiation of GVBD in bovine oocytes requires protein synthesized at the onset of meiosis, which is related to the autocatalytic amplification of the maturation-promoting factor. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A burst of protein phosphorylation and an appearance of maturation-promoting factor have been reported to occur shortly before germinal vesicle (nucleus) breakdown (GVBD) in 1-methyladenine-induced oocyte maturation of starfish. To detect if a protein kinase is activated before GVBD, protein kinase activity was compared in maturing oocytes which were just undergoing GVBD and immature oocytes of Asterina pectinifera. The oocytes were homogenized in a buffer modified from that used for extracting amphibian maturation-promoting factor. When the supernatant protein of homogenized immature oocytes was used as a substrate, protein kinase activity in the supernatant of the maturing oocytes was 7-fold higher than that of immature oocytes. The protein kinase in the supernatant of the maturing oocytes showed a high substrate specificity for histone H1 among the exogenous substrates examined, and the activity of the maturing oocytes for histone H1 was 6- to 7-fold higher than that of immature oocytes. The protein kinase detected in the maturing oocytes was very labile and was inhibited neither by ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl ether)N, N, N′, N′-tetraacetic acid nor by the heat-stable inhibitor protein of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. These results indicate that a calcium- and cyclic AMP-independent, labile “maturation-specific protein kinase” appeared before GVBD in maturing oocytes, and suggest its participation in the phosphorylation burst in vivo. The possible correlation of this kinase with maturation-promoting factor and chromosome condensation was discussed.  相似文献   

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