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<正>国家棉花种质中期库依托于中国农业科学院棉花研究所,1979年始建,目前所用种质库为2001年重建,2002年投入使用,库房面积50m~2,库容1万份,2011年6月又建成一座集干燥、冷藏于一体的现代化种质库,库房面积300m~2,库容4万-5万份,2012年开始投入使用。中期库库温为0℃±2℃,相对湿度50%±7%,种子可安全保存15年。目前棉花种质资源中期库有专职研究人员8人,其中研究员1人、副研2人。国家棉花中期库根据国家整体需求,负责收集国内外棉花种质资源、经整理、鉴定评价、繁殖更新、入库保存和向全国棉花育种、生产等单位分发利用。截至2013年11月,国家棉花种质中期库共保存来自世界53个产棉国棉花种质资源9682份,其中陆地棉8282份、海岛棉836份、亚洲棉546份、草棉19份。近5年发放种质12634份次。  相似文献   

项目实施13年。收集、保护了一批濒临灭绝的黍稷种质;对国家长期库黍稷种质进行了繁殖更新与补充鉴定;研究制定了黍稷种质资源繁种更新与鉴定评价技术规范;为国家长期种质库提供了黍稷新的种质资源、数据资源;建立国家黍稷种质中期保存库;评价创新了一批黍稷种质资源,为生产、育种、加工提供了优异种质(品种),取得了明显的社会经济效益。  相似文献   

利用SRAP和SSR分子标记检测分析29份棉花种质遗传完整性   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
利用SRAP和SSR分子标记检测29份棉花种质遗传完整性。结果表明,无论每一份不同更新发芽率水平繁殖后代的种质之间,还是每一份不同繁殖世代数种质之间,其等位基因频率差异不显著,也没有检测到稀有等位基因缺失的情况。本试验表明不同更新发芽率水平和繁殖世代数差异没有对棉花这种常异花授粉作物种质遗传完整性变化产生影响。  相似文献   

总结了我国麻类种质资源在收集保存、繁殖更新、鉴定评价和分发利用等方面的最新进展.10年来,新增麻类种质697份,保存资源数量增至9764份,居世界第1位;繁殖更新麻类资源5343份次,基本解决了麻类资源安全保存和供种等问题;完成农艺性状、经济性状及特性鉴定6543份次,筛选出麻类优异种质296份;向全国50家单位分发种质4296份次,资源利用效率大幅提高.并针对当前存在的问题,提出了下一步工作的明确目标和任务.  相似文献   

中国野生稻资源考察、鉴定和保存概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本综述了我国野生稻种质资源的考察收集、农艺性状鉴定、编目、繁种、入库保存等情况。到目前为止,我国收集了野生稻种资源近万份,编目7324份,种子入国家种质库长期保存5599份,种茎进国家野生稻圃长期保存8933份,显示出我国野生稻资源丰富的遗传多样性,并得到较完善的保存。介绍了鉴定选出的一批具有优良性状的种质资源。作还提出加强野生稻资源保护和研究的6点建议。  相似文献   

中国稻种资源收集、保存和更新现状   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
截止2003年,我国共编目稻种资源77541份,其中各种类型所占百分比大小顺序为:地方稻种(68.68%)、国外引进稻种(12.65%)、野生稻种(9.45%)、选育稻种(6.96%)、杂交稻"三系"资源(2.09%)、遗传标记材料(0.16%);在国家长期库中共保存稻种资源69133份,其中各种类型所占百分比大小顺序为:地方稻种(71.38%)、国外引进稻种(12.16%)、野生稻种(8.09%)、选育稻种(6.52%)、杂交稻"三系"资源(1.54%)、遗传标记材料(0.18%)、其他(0.12%).加强选育品种、品系、突变体的收集和保存;重视国外稻种资源的收集与引进;开展地方稻种的纯系筛选与保存;持续开展稻种资源的繁种更新;开展已筛选优异种质资源的确认和提供利用,这是今后稻种资源收集和保存工作的重要研究任务.  相似文献   

基于棉花参比种质的SSR多态性核心引物筛选   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
棉花品种间遗传多样性的评价和遗传图谱构建都需要大量多态性的SSR标记。本研究通过构建棉花参比种质(panel), 高效快速地筛选出棉花多态性核心引物。本实验选用12份表型性状和遗传差异较大的棉花种质作为参比种质, 对来自Cotton Microsatellite Database (CMD)网站上 (http://www.cottonssr.org) 的5,914对棉花SSR引物进行了PCR扩增。结果表明: 在不同棉种间多态性的引物有4,800对, 约占有效扩增引物(5,300对)的90.6%; 能区分不同品种间差异的引物大约有500对, 占有效扩增引物的9.4%。我们推荐其中319对扩增效果好、条带清晰的引物作为棉花种质资源鉴定和分子指纹分析的核心引物, 其中277对能把陆地棉品种间的差异鉴别出来。此外, 我们还找到了在陆地棉、海岛棉及亚洲棉三大栽培棉中都有差异的13对共同SSR引物, 建议作为分子指纹分析和种质鉴定的首选引物。本研究公开了319对核心SSR引物及其多态性信息, 有利于规范引物筛选程序、提高引物筛选效率, 对棉花种质资源的遗传多样性分析、指纹图谱构建, 以及种子真伪性和纯度的鉴定等都具有现实意义。  相似文献   

棉花种质资源光子性状的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sun YL  Jia YH  He SP  Zhou ZL  Sun JL  Pang BY  Du XM 《遗传》2012,34(8):1073-1078
文章利用来源于不同国家和地区的102份陆地棉材料和85份海岛棉材料分别与陆地棉遗传标准系TM-1和海岛棉毛子品种新海13号杂交,得到陆地棉和海岛棉两种F1群体,同时从陆地棉F1群体中随机选取呈隐性性状的材料"库光子"、"SA65"和"陆无絮"后代,配制3个F2分离群体,用于进一步研究陆地棉和海岛棉光子性状遗传特征。结果表明:(1)同一材料种植于不同生态区,其种子短绒多少存在变化,新疆和海南要少于安阳,说明棉花短绒多少和生态环境有关系;(2)陆地棉光子材料中26份(25.49%)呈显性遗传,8份(7.84%)呈不完全显性遗传,22(21.57%)份呈隐性遗传;海岛棉光子材料中5份(5.88%)呈显性遗传,16份(18.82%)呈部分显性遗传,9份(10.59%)呈隐性遗传。其余为隐性性状或显性性状不明显材料和毛子材料;(3)库光子的光子性状由两对隐性等位基因控制,并且有互补效应;陆无絮的光子性状由两对隐性等位基因控制,基因间呈积加作用;SA65的光子性状由单隐性基因控制。大量光子材料的初步鉴定为深入研究棉花纤维发育和育种利用提供了基础材料和理论依据。  相似文献   

陆地棉是棉属中最主要的一个栽培棉种,其产量占世界棉花总产的95%以上.我国对于陆地棉的引种、栽培和育种已有百年历史,在陆地棉不断改良的过程中,其遗传基础逐渐变得狭窄.为了拓宽陆地棉遗传基础,近十几年来,我国以及世界棉花基础研究和育种工作者通过有性杂交创建了棉花远缘杂交遗传群体和优异种质资源;与此同时,随着分子生物学的兴...  相似文献   

中国茶树种质资源研究的主要进展和展望   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
茶树种质资源是生产利用、品种创新和生物技术研究的物质基础,具有十分重要的价值和意义.本文系统阐述了近20年中国茶树种质资源考察收集、保存编目、鉴定评价、分子标记、遗传稳定性等研究的主要成就与进展.着重提出近期继续征集、在资源个体与基因水平上深入鉴定评价、加强种质创新不断提供新基因源、建立核心种质、建立种质资源共享平台等研究工作的建议和展望.  相似文献   

Exploring the elite al eles and germplasm acces-sions related to fiber quality traits wil accelerate the breeding of cotton for fiber quality improvement. In this study, 99 Gossypium hirsutum L. accessions with diverse origins were used to perform association analysis of fiber quality traits using 97 polymorphic microsatel ite marker primer pairs. A total of 107 significant marker-trait associations were detected for three fiber quality traits under three different environments, with 70 detected in two or three environments and 37 detected in only one environment. Among the 70 significant marker-trait associations, 52.86% were reported previously, implying that these are stable loci for target traits. Furthermore, we detected a large number of elite al eles associated simulta-neously with two or three traits. These elite al eles were mainly from accessions col ected in China, introduced to China from the United States, or rare al eles with a frequency of less than&amp;nbsp;5%. No one cultivar contained more than half of the elite al eles, but 10 accessions were col ected from China and the two introduced from the United States did contain more than half of these al eles. Therefore, there is great potential for mining elite al eles from germplasm accessions for use in fiber quality improvement in modern cotton breeding.  相似文献   

Commercial varieties of upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum) have undergone extensive breeding for agronomic traits, such as fiber quality, disease resistance,and yield. Cotton breeding programs have widely used Chinese upland cotton source germplasm(CUCSG) with excellent agronomic traits. A better understanding of the genetic diversity and genomic characteristics of these accessions could accelerate the identification of desirable alleles. Here, we analyzed 10,522 high-quality singlenucleotide polymorphisms(SNP) with the CottonSNP63 K microarray in 137 cotton accessions(including 12 hybrids of upland cotton). These data were used to investigate the genetic diversity, population structure,and genomic characteristics of each population and the contribution of these loci to heterosis. Three subgroups were identified, in agreement with their knownpedigrees, geographical distributions, and times since introduction. For each group, we identified lineagespecific genomic divergence regions, which potentially harbor key alleles that determine the characteristics of each group, such as early maturity-related loci. Investigation of the distribution of heterozygous loci, among 12 commercial cotton hybrids, revealed a potential role for these regions in heterosis. Our study provides insight into the population structure of upland cotton germplasm. Furthermore, the overlap between lineagespecific regions and heterozygous loci, in the high-yield hybrids, suggests a role for these regions in cotton heterosis.  相似文献   

棉花是世界上种植最广泛的纤维作物,随着人们生活水平的提高和棉纺织工业的发展,对棉花的纤维品质提出了更高的要求。本研究利用渐渗系ZP171为亲本,该材料以陆地棉中棉所8号为遗传背景携带了纤维品质优异的海岛棉Pima90-53片段,构建遗传群体并选育优异种质材料。基于群体在多环境下的纤维品质鉴定结果,发现纤维长度和比强度与其他纤维品质性状间存在显著的相关性,遗传力较高,可稳定遗传;基于方差分析及主成分分析发现,群体内含有丰富的遗传变异且群体可通过4个主成分进行评价;综合上述分析结果,筛选出在纤维长度或者纤维比强度上显著优于中棉所8号的19个株系,为棉花优质育种及纤维品质性状精细定位提供了新材料。  相似文献   

中国绿豆应用型核心样本农艺性状的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为提高种质资源在育种中的利用效率,建立了我国绿豆(Vigna radiata)应用型核心样本。该样本既包括了资源库中具有特异性状的种质和曾经在生产上大面积种植的品种,也包括了在育种中使用频繁的亲本及苗头品系等。农艺性状变异分析表明,该核心样本具有丰富的表型变异,是绿豆种质资源的代表性样本。聚类分析可将核心样本分为4大类,但类别内种质与其地理来源相关性不明显。不同来源表型数据的分析发现,不同性状间的一致性存在差异。但产量相关性状的表现均与当前育种目标相接近,说明该核心样本具有较高的实用性。  相似文献   

Because the genetic basis of current upland cotton cultivars is narrow, exploring new germplasm resources and discovering novel alleles relevant to important agronomic traits have become two of the most important themes in the field of cotton research. In this study, G. darwinii Watt, a wild cotton species, was crossed with four upland cotton cultivars with desirable traits. A total of 105 introgression lines (ILs) were successfully obtained. By using 310 mapped SSRs evenly distributed across the interspecific linkage map of G. hirsutum?×?G. barbadense, these 105 ILs and their corresponding parents were analyzed. A total of 278 polymorphic loci were detected among the 105 ILs, and the average length of introgression segments accumulated to 333.5?cM, accounting for 6.7?% of the whole genome. These lines included many variations. However, high similarity coefficients existed between lines, even between those derived from different parents. Finally, all the ILs and their upland cotton parents were used for association mapping of fiber quality in three environments. A total of 40 SSRs were found to be associated with five fiber quality indexes (P?相似文献   

为提高种质资源在育种中的利用效率,建立了我国绿豆(Vigna radiata)应用型核心样本。该样本既包括了资源库中具特异性状的种质和曾经在生产上大面积种植的品种,也包括了在育种中使用频繁的亲本及苗头品系等。农艺性状变异分析表明,该核心样本具有丰富的表型变异,是绿豆种质资源的代表性样本。聚类分析可将核心样本分为4大类,但类别内种质与其地理来源相关不明显。不同来源表型数据的分析发现,不同性状间的一致性存在差异。但产量相关性状的表现均与当前育种目标相接近,说明该核心样本具有较高的实用性。  相似文献   

Cotton is the most important textile plant in the world and is one of the most important crops for the production of oilseed. Because of its worldwide economic importance, new cultivars are constantly being released in the world and consequently in the Greek market, as Greece is the largest producer in Europe. We used simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for the identification and the phylogenetic analysis of the most widely cultivated cotton cultivars in Greece. Initially, we used 12 pairs of SSR molecular markers for the analysis of 29 cultivars of Gossypium hirsutum and an interspecific hybrid (G. hirsutum x G. barbadense). Of the 12 pairs of SSR primers, 11 amplified polymorphic products, while one pair did not amplify any product. Globally, 17 polymorphic marker loci were identified. Two to four different alleles were amplified at each genomic locus, with a mean of 2.53 alleles per locus. Among the 30 genotypes that we analyzed, the polymorphism information content ranged from 0 to 0.548, with a mean of 0.293. Three main groups were formed among the 30 genotypes when a phylogenetic analysis was performed using UPGMA. Computational analysis of each molecular marker separately showed an association of SSR markers with agronomic traits such as fiber quality. To our knowledge, this is the first in-depth molecular analysis of cotton cultivars grown in Greece using SSR markers. An analysis of association of SSR markers with fiber quality traits of 29 cotton cultivars is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

以中国花生种质资源数据库中记录的6390份花生资源为材料,以其基本数据、特征数据和评价数据为信息,采用分层、层内分组聚类以及随机取样与必选资源相结合的方法,构建了由576份资源组成的花生核心种质,占基础收集品的9.01%。对核心种质的植物学类型组成和遗传多样性指数的分析,以及对各性状特征值、符合率和包含的主要抗病资源抗性等级及重要农艺性状资源的检测结果表明,本研究建立的核心种质是有效的。基础收集品中各种性状的遗传变异在核心种质中均存在,所用15个性状的各种特征值符合率均在90%以上,其中绝大部分性状的符合率达96%以上。  相似文献   

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