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蔡红  陈惠  李凡  陈海如   《微生物学通报》2003,30(1):34-37
对自然表现典型黄化症的长春花植株总RNA进行植原体核糖体蛋白基因(ribosomal protein gene,rp gene)PCR扩增,得到约1.3kb的特异片段。将此特异片段与pGEM-T Easy载体连接并转化到大肠杆菌JM109感受态细胞中,通过PCR鉴定、限制性内切酶(EcoRI)酶切分析、核苷酸序列测定及分析,结果表明该株系核糖体蛋白基因片段长1,44bp,包含rp122、rps3基因,分别编码129和252个氨基酸,且这两个基因为重叠基因。该植原体核糖体蛋白基因特性与其它植原体相似。  相似文献   

柳树黄化病植原体的分子分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]柳树黄化病是一种重要的植原体病害,本研究旨在明确柳树黄化病植原体(Willow Yellow phytoplasma,WY)的分类地位,为进一步开展致病性和防治研究奠定基础.[方法]采用植原体特异引物通过PCR方法从患病植株DNA中扩增植原体16S rDNA基因和核糖体蛋白基因(ribosomal proteins gene,rp),对所得的序列进行分析,构建同源进化树,并用限制性片段长度多态性(RFTJP)对巢式PCR产物进行分析.[结果]首次从柳树黄化病植原体中分离出了16S rDNA基因和rp基因,大小分别为1246 bp和1212 bp.通过对植原体16S rDNA和rp基因的核苷酸同源性比较和RFLP分析,发现该分离物与16S rI组的核苷酸同源性均在99%以上,与16S rI-C亚组中的小麦蓝矮病植原体同源性高达99.8%(16Sr DNA)和99.6%(rp),且RFLP分析与16SrI-C亚组的植原体有相同的酶切条带.[结论]柳树黄化植原体应划分于16SrI-C亚组.  相似文献   

【目的】了解杏褪绿卷叶植原体新疆分离物的系统发育关系及遗传分化,确定其分类地位。【方法】利用植原体核糖体蛋白(rp)基因的特异性引物rpF1/rpR1对新疆轮台县托克逊县杏褪绿卷叶病植株总DNA进行PCR扩增,并对部分扩增片段克隆、测序及序列分析。【结果】获得杏褪绿卷叶植原体新疆分离物rp基因片段大小为1196 bp,该片段包含部分rpS19以及rpL22和rpS3基因的全部序列。序列相似性和系统进化分析表明,杏褪绿卷叶植原体新疆分离物与16SrⅤ-rp亚组中的各代表性植原体的rp基因核苷酸序列相似性达到95.7%~99.3%,其中与rpⅤ-C亚组的甜樱桃绿化植原体和枣疯病植原体的相似性最高,核苷酸及氨基酸相似性分别达到99.2%~99.3%和98.3%~98.4%。进一步虚拟RFLP分析,发现杏褪绿卷叶植原新疆分离物rp基因的酶切图谱与rpⅤ-C亚组成员相似性最高,但在MseⅠ、SspⅠ和TaqⅠ的酶切位点上存在差异。综上初步判断其可能属于16SrⅤ组(榆树黄化组)中的一个新rp亚组。【结论】本研究首次报道了杏褪绿卷叶植原体新疆分离物的rp基因序列,确定了其分类地位,为杏褪绿卷叶病的早期诊断和检测提供了基础。  相似文献   

从四川攀枝花芒果园中表现为丛枝、小叶和黄花等症状的坡柳植株发病样品中,利用植原体16S rDNA基因的通用引物R16m F2/R16m R1和R16F2n/R16R2,对发病植株总DNA进行巢式PCR检测,同时设计植原体抗原膜蛋白基因(AntMP)的保守引物AntMP-F/AntMP-R进行PCR验证。结果显示,坡柳样品巢式PCR的第一轮、第二轮DNA条带大小分别为1 400 bp和1 200 bp左右,经NCBI序列相似性比较均为植原体16S rDNA序列,Gen Bank登录号为KT957205和KT957206;PCR结果显示抗原膜蛋白基因大小约600 bp,与目标基因大小一致。将测得的16S rDNA基因序列与Gen Bank数据库中登录的16SrⅠ~ⅩⅤ组植原体16S rDNA序列进行同源性比对,构建系统进化树,结果显示四川坡柳丛枝植原体(DOVI-SC)属于16SrⅠ组(即翠菊黄花组),与已报道的5个16SrⅠ组(AY101386,AY566302,AY389822,L33760和KP662119)同属一个组。利用植原体亚组分类鉴定软件iPhy Classfier对获得的2条植原体16S rDNA序列进行虚拟RFLP分析,结果显示KT957205,KT957206与16SrⅠ-B亚组洋葱黄化植原体(NC-005303)相似度分为1.0、0.97,归属于16SrⅠ-B亚组。本研究对引起四川坡柳丛枝的植原体病原进行检测,为坡柳植原体病害的早期诊断、快速检测以及预防措施制定提供科学线索。  相似文献   

【目的】对3个枣疯病病原物泰安株系进行分子鉴定。【方法】采用植原体通用引物对R16F2n/R16R2,通过直接PCR技术,扩增枣疯病植原体16S rDNA基因,通过16S rDNA基因序列分析和在线模拟16S rDNA-RFLP分析,并将其16S rDNA基因序列提交到GenBank数据库。【结果】3个枣疯病病原物16S rDNA基因片段与16SrⅤ-B亚组中枣疯病植原体(AB052876和AF279272)、樱桃致死黄化植原体(AY197659)及杏卷叶植原体(FJ572660)的同源性高达99.5%99.7%,分别命名为枣疯病植原体泰安圆铃1号株系(Jujube witches’-broom phytoplasma strain Yuanling1,JWB-Yuanling1,TA)、枣疯病植原体泰安鲁北冬枣株系(Jujube witches’-broom phytoplasma strain Lubeidongzao,JWB-Lubeidongzao,TA)和枣疯病植原体泰安大白铃株系(Jujube witches’-broom phyto-plasma strain Dabailing,JWB-Dabailing,TA),基因登录号分别为:HM989946、HM989947和HM989948。【结论】3个枣疯病植原体泰安株系均归属于16SrⅤ-B亚组。  相似文献   

植原体寄主种类多, 危害范围广, 开展其遗传多样性、关键基因调控等方面研究有助于提高该病害综合防治水平。通过长片段PCR引物扩增我国PaWB-sdyz、PaWB-fjfz和LY-fjya1植原体株系tuf基因及其上游6个基因的片段, 进行植原体基因启动子保守区域序列特征和多位点序列分析。利用启动子探针载体pSUPV4检测植原体tuf基因上游序列的启动子活性。扩增获得PaWB-sdyz、PaWB-fjfz、LY-fjya1株系tuf基因上游12,745-12,748 bp序列, 比较分析发现PaWB-sdyz、PaWB-fjfz、LY-fjya1、OY-M、AYWB、PAa、SLY、AT植原体株系tuf与其上游6个基因的结构顺序皆为5’-rplL-rpoB-rpoC-rps12-rps7-fusA-tuf-3’。推测出可能的植原体启动子保守区域模式序列: T90T100G92T75G67A85 (-35区); T90A96T92A98T73T90 (-10区)。基于8个植原体株系的rplL-tuf核苷酸序列编码基因、非编码序列、氨基酸序列的多位点序列分析可将不同植原体株系以较高的支持率清晰地区分, 不同植原体株系rplL-tuf核苷酸非编码区变异水平更高。16SrI组植原体tuf基因上游序列存在3种变异类型, 其代表株系PaWB-fjfz、LY-fjya1 tuf基因上游130 bp片段和CWB-hnsy1 tuf基因上游129 bp片段皆具有启动子活性。  相似文献   

【目的】枣疯病是一种重要的植原体病害,本研究旨在明确北京及河北地区枣疯病植原体的分类地位,为枣疯病在亚组水平上分类提供一定的参考依据。【方法】利用植原体通用引物fTufu/rTufu和rp(v)F1A/rp(v)R1A对北京和河北地区枣疯病植原体延伸因子tuf基因和核糖体蛋白基因(rp)进行PCR扩增并进行核苷酸序列测定及相似性分析。【结果】获得北京地区JWB-XFSZ株系、JWB-XFDO株系以及河北地区JWB-TXSZ株系的tuf基因片段均为824 bp;北京地区JWB-XFSZ株系的rp基因片段为1196 bp。经序列相似性比较表明:tuf基因与16SrV组的葡萄黄叶病(Flavescence dorée)相似性最高,为92.84%,而与已经公布的其它地区(陕西杨凌)的枣疯病植原体tuf基因相似性较低,为57.29%;关于rp基因,北京地区枣疯病JWB-XFSZ株系与16SrV组的枣疯病泰山株系(JWB-Taishan)以及大麻丛枝病植原体(HFWB)相似性最高,均为99.83%,与16SrV组的成员相似性均在96%以上。【结论】北京与河北地区枣疯病植原体具有较高的相似性,而在tuf基因水平上,与陕西地区枣疯病植原体具有较大的差异;本研究中北京与河北两地区枣疯病植原体归属于16SrV组。  相似文献   

【目的】对新疆小叶白蜡丛枝病植原体进行检测,通过其16S rRNA基因分析确定其分类地位。【方法】利用苯胺蓝和4′,6-二脒基-2-苯基吲哚(DAPI)染色,在荧光显微镜下观察新疆小叶白蜡嫩茎横切片;采用植原体16S rRNA基因的通用引物对P1/P7和R16F2n/R16R2进行直接和巢式PCR扩增,对得到的16S rRNA基因的序列进行RFLP和构建系统进化树分析。【结果】表现丛枝病症状的新疆小叶白蜡中存在植原体,暂命名为Fraxinus sogdianaBunge witches’broom phytoplasma(Fraxinus sogdianaBunge WB);其16S rRNA基因的序列GenBank登录号为KF061042,RFLP图谱与16Sr V-B亚组的枣疯病植原体相同,系统进化地位与枣疯病菌株AB052876相同。【结论】新疆小叶白蜡丛枝病植原体为16Sr V-B亚组成员。  相似文献   

【目的】探究泡桐丛枝和枣疯病植原体tuf基因上游序列结构、功能差异及其遗传多样性。【方法】利用热不对称交错式PCR(TAIL-PCR)扩增枣疯病植原体tuf基因上游未知序列,利用启动子探针载体pSUPV4构建了泡桐丛枝和枣疯病植原体tuf基因上游序列的大肠杆菌异源表达体系,分析泡桐丛枝、苦楝丛枝、莴苣黄化、桑萎缩、长春花绿变等16SrI组和枣疯病、樱桃致死黄化、重阳木丛枝等16SrV组株系tuf基因上游调控序列的遗传变异特征和启动子活性。【结果】泡桐丛枝等16SrI组植原体株系tuf基因和其上游fus A基因之间的间区序列长129-130 bp,预测有完整的启动子保守结构。泡桐丛枝植原体tuf基因上游130 bp片段具有启动子活性,此间区序列在5种35株16SrI组株系中存在4种变异类型;枣疯病植原体等16SrV组株系fusA和tuf基因间区长53-54 bp,未预测到完整启动子结构。枣疯病植原体tuf基因上游144 bp和346 bp片段均未检测到启动子活性,fus A和tuf基因间区序列在3种20株16SrV组株系中存在2种变异类型。fus A-tuf基因间区序列相对保守,基于此序列构建的进化树可清晰区分不同组别的植原体株系。【结论】研究方法和结果为深入研究植原体基因表达与调控、揭示植原体生长繁殖规律及其致病机理等奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

研究假臭草丛枝病植原体的多样性,并确定其分类地位,对于利用假臭草丛枝病植原体对假臭草进行生物防治具有重要的意义.本研究采集了海南省8个地区的假臭草丛枝病样品,采用PCR以及巢式PCR方法扩增了假臭草丛枝病植原体的16S rDNA序列片段,进一步选用AfaⅠ、Alu Ⅰ、EcoR Ⅰ、HaeⅢ、HpaⅡ、HhaⅠ、HinfⅠ、Kpn Ⅰ、Sau3A Ⅰ、Taq Ⅰ和Xsp Ⅰ等11种限制性内切酶对巢式PCR产物进行酶切分析(RFLP),并对16S rDNA序列进行测序,确定假臭草丛枝病植原体多样性和生物学地位.结果发现:假臭草丛枝病的病原确为植原体;8个地区的假臭草丛枝病植原体的酶切图谱基本一致,与已知植原体的相似度为0.26~0.97;8个地区假臭草丛枝病植原体的序列同源性均在99.4%以上,应为同种植原体;假臭草丛枝病植原体与16S rRNAⅡ-A组的花生丛枝病(PnWB)的同源性最高达到99.1%,说明假臭草丛枝病植原体在分类学地位上应归属于植原体16S rRNAⅡ-A组.  相似文献   

In 2012, yellowing of camellias was observed in Tai'an in Shandong province, China. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed phytoplasma in the phloem sieve tube elements of symptomatic plants. A specific fragment of phytoplasma 16S rRNA gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the universal phytoplasma primers P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. Sequence and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses allowed us to classify the detected phytoplasma into the elm yellows (EY) group (16SrV), subgroup 16SrV‐B. Sequence analyses of the ribosomal protein (rp) gene confirmed a close relationship with phytoplasmas belonging to the rpV‐C subgroup. Thus, the phytoplasma associated with yellows disease in camellia, designated as ‘CY’, is a member of the 16SrV‐B subgroup. This is the first report of phytoplasma associated with camellia.  相似文献   

长春花黄化植原体(PY)株系的检测与鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植原体 (Phytoplasma) (原称类菌原体Mycoplasma likeOrganism ,简称MLO)是一类无细胞壁、存在于植物筛管细胞内的原核生物。植原体自 1 967年被日本学者土居养二首次发现后 ,迄今为止 ,世界上报道的植物植原体病害多达 30 0余种 ,早期对植原体的鉴定主要是通过生物学特性 ,如症状特征、与昆虫介体的相互关系等进行的。这些方法费时费力 ,结果往往也不是很可靠。 80年代 ,随着血清学、分子探针以及PCR技术的发展应用 ,为植原体的检测提供了一种相对简单、灵敏、可靠的方法。通过对 1 6SrRNA基…  相似文献   

In 2010 and 2011, willow proliferation disease was observed in Erdos, Inner Mongolia, China. The phytoplasma‐specific 16S rRNA gene fragment of 1.2 kb was amplified by a nested PCR with universal primer pair P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R2. Phylogenetic and virtual RFLP analyses revealed that the phytoplasma associated with willow proliferation was a member of subgroup 16SrVI‐A. The field survey indicated that the incidence of willow proliferation in Erdos was approximately 36.84%. To our knowledge, this is the first record of group 16SrVI phytoplasma infecting willow in China.  相似文献   

In Alberta, Canada, valerian grown for medicinal purposes and sowthistle, a common weed, showed typical aster yellows symptoms. Molecular diagnosis was made using a universal primer pair (P1 / P7) designed to amplify the entire 16S rRNA gene and the 16 / 23S intergenic spacer region in a direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. This primer pair amplified the DNA samples from valerian and sowthistle and reference controls (AY‐27, CP, PWB, AY of canola, LWB). They produced the expected PCR products of 1.8 kb, which were diluted and used as templates in a nested PCR. Two primer pairs R16F2n / R2 and P3 / P7 amplified the DNA templates giving PCR products of 1.2 and 0.32 kb, respectively. No PCR product was obtained with either set of primers and DNA isolated from healthy plants. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to analyse the partial 16S rDNA sequences (1.2 kb) of all phytoplasma DNA samples after restriction with four endonucleases (AluI, HhaI, MseI and RsaI). The restriction patterns of these strains were found to be identical with the RFLP pattern of the AY phytoplasma reference control (AY‐27 strain). Based on the RFLP data, the two strains are members of subgroup A of the AY 16Sr1 group. We report here the first molecular study on the association of AY phytoplasmas with valerian and sowthistle plants.  相似文献   

Nine vegetable plants species exhibiting phytoplasma suspected symptoms of white/purple leaf, little leaf, flat stem, witches’ broom, phyllody and leaf yellowing were observed in experimental fields at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi from December 2015 to July 2016. Total DNA extracted from the three healthy and three symptomatic leaves of all the nine vegetables were subjected to PCR assays using phytoplasma specific primers P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2 and 3Far/3Rev to amplify the 16S rDNA fragments. No amplifications of DNA were observed in first round PCR assays with primer pair P1/P7 from any of the symptomatic samples. However, phytoplasma DNA specific fragments of ~ 1.3 kb were amplified from Apium graveolens L. (two isolates), Brassica oleracea vr. capitata L. (one isolate) and Solanum melongena L. (one isolate) by using 3Far/3Rev primer pair and 1.2 kb fragment was amplified from Lactuca sativa L. (one isolate) by using R16F2n/R16R2 primer pair. No DNA amplification was seen in other symptomatic vegetable samples of tomato, carrot, cucurbit, bitter gourd and Amaranthus species utilizing either P1/P7 primer pair followed by 3Far/3Rev or R16F2n/R16R2 primer pairs. Out of three leafhopper species collected from the symptomatic vegetable fields, only Hishimonus phycitis was found positive for association of phytoplasma. No DNA amplifications were observed in healthy plant samples and insects collected from non-symptomatic fields. Comparative sequence comparison analyses of 16S rDNA of positive found vegetable phytoplasma strains revealed 100% sequence identities among each other and with phytoplasma strains of ‘clover proliferation’ (16SrVI) group. Phytoplasma sequences, virtual RFLPs and phylogenetic analyses of 16S rDNA sequence comparison confirmed the identification of 16SrVI subgroup D strain of phytoplasmas in four vegetables and one leafhopper (HP) species. Further virtual RFLP analysis of 16S rDNA sequence of the vegetables phytoplasma strains confirmed their taxonomic classification with strains of ‘clover proliferation’ subgroup D. Since, H. phycitis feeding on symptomatic vegetable species in the study was also tested positive for the 16SrVI phytoplasma subgroup-D as of vegetables; it may act as potent natural reservoir of 16SrVI-D subgroup of phytoplasmas infecting vegetable and other important agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Typical phytoplasma yellows symptoms were observed in parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) plants grown around Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Examination of ultrathin sections of leaf midribs by electron microscopy revealed numerous phytoplasma bodies localized in the phloem cells. DNA extracted from the infected leaves was amplified with a 16S rDNA universal primer pair P1/P6 giving the expected PCR product of 1.5 kb. The phytoplasma was confirmed as a member of the aster yellows (AY) group by amplification with the specific primer pair R16(1)/F1/R1 that was designed on the basis of AY phytoplasma 16S rDNA sequences. In the nested PCR assays, the expected DNA fragment of 1.1 kb was amplified with this specific primer set. Similar restriction patterns were found for the 1.1 kb PCR products of the phytoplasma isolated from parsnip and an AY phytoplasma control after digestion with restriction endonucleases AluI, HhaI, KpnI and RsaI. This is the first reported observation of aster yellows in parsnip in Canada.  相似文献   

Symptoms of unknown aetiology on Rhododendron hybridum cv. Cunningham's White were observed in the Czech Republic in 2010. The infected plant had malformed leaves, with irregular shaped edges, mosaic, leaf tip necrosis and multiple axillary shoots with smaller leaves. Transmission electron microscopy showed phytoplasma‐like bodies in phloem cells of the symptomatic plant. Phytoplasma presence was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction using phytoplasma‐specific, universal and group‐specific primer pairs. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 16S rDNA enabled classification of the detected phytoplasma into the aster yellows subgroup I‐C. Sequence analysis of the 16S‐23S ribosomal operon of the amplified phytoplasma genome from the infected rhododendron plant (1724 bp) confirmed the closest relationship with the Czech Echinacea purpurea phyllody phytoplasma. These data suggest Rhododendron hybridum is a new host for the aster yellows phytoplasma subgroup 16SrI‐C in the Czech Republic and worldwide.  相似文献   

Sandal (Santalum album) is an industrially important forest species in India, where it is devastated by sandal spike (SAS) disease. Diseased S. album trees show characteristic witches’ broom symptoms suspected to be caused by phytoplasma. Since the first report of occurrence of this disease at the end of 19th century, studies mainly have been carried out to detect SAS phytoplasma through various approaches. The causative agent, however, has remained poorly characterised at a molecular level. The present investigation was aimed to characterise the pathogen at this level. In nested PCR, a 1.4‐kb 16S rDNA fragment was amplified and analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism using 17 restriction enzymes. The patterns were identical to those of strains AY1 and APh of the aster yellows subgroup 16SrI‐B, except for BfaI, which gave a different pattern. After cloning and sequencing, a phylogenetic analysis revealed the closest relationship to aster yellows subgroup 16SrI‐B members. Nucleotide sequence identity ranged from 99.2% to 99.5% with this subgroup. On the basis of these results, the SAS phytoplasma was classified as a member of subgroup 16SrI‐B.  相似文献   

香蕉束顶病(BBT)是一种发生在蕉类作物的严重病害。从带有典型香蕉束顶病症状的香蕉植株中按照检测植原体的方法提取DNA,扩增患病植株中植原体16SrDNA片段,证明香蕉束顶病中有植原体存在。对此扩增片段进行限制性酶切片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析和核酸序列分析,并与已知植原体的序列进行同源性比较,构建进化树。结果显示该片段与Gr1的亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   

A new cauliflower disease characterised by the formation of leaf‐like inflorescences and malformed flowers occurred in a seed production field located in Yunnan, a southwest province of China. Detection of phytoplasma‐characteristic 16S rRNA gene sequences in DNA samples from diseased plants linked the cauliflower disease to phytoplasmal infection. Results from phylogenetic and virtual restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that the cauliflower‐infecting agent is a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’‐related strain and is a new member of the peanut witches'‐broom phytoplasma group, subgroup A (16SrII‐A). Multilocus genotyping showed close genetic relationship between this cauliflower phytoplasma and a broad host range phytoplasma lineage found only in East Asia thus far. Molecular markers present in the secY and rp loci distinguished this phytoplasma from other members of the subgroup 16SrII‐A.  相似文献   

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