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海水实验围隔中桡足类对海洋原甲藻摄食的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现场研究了发生严重海洋原甲藻(Prorocentrummicans)水华后海水实验围隔中桡足类火腿许水蚤(Schmackeriapoplesia)和长腹剑水蚤(Oithonasp.)的摄食强度.结果表明,体长在125mm以上的火腿许水蚤成体及其部分桡足幼体对海洋原甲藻的摄食率平均为12140cels·ind-1·d-1;体长不到125mm的部分火腿许水蚤桡足幼体和长腹剑水蚤成体及其桡足幼体的摄食率仅为1133cels·ind-1·d-1.实验期间围隔中海洋原甲藻的浓度为850~16170cels·ml-1,该藻的种群增长率为-0.002~0.150.当海洋原甲藻细胞处于生长期时,桡足类的摄食不足以抑制该藻种群的增长,因此围隔中桡足类不可能阻止海洋原甲藻水华发生或使水华发生后迅速消退  相似文献   

春季东海中华哲水蚤对有害藻华物种的选择性摄食   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2005年4月27日—6月5日在东海有害藻华高发区的6个典型站位采样,分析了浮游植物的群落结构,并采用现场实验研究了中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)的选择性摄食.结果表明,中华哲水蚤对浮游植物的选择性摄食具有食物密度依赖性.低浮游植物细胞丰度下中华哲水蚤具有明显的选择性摄食行为,高浮游植物细胞丰度下中华哲水蚤摄食选择性由偏好转变为排斥,浮游植物细胞丰度329 cells·ml-1是中华哲水蚤由偏好趋于排斥摄食的阈值.中华哲水蚤的选择性摄食还与食物组成有关,对于食物中的微型浮游动物,中华哲水蚤无选择性或排斥摄食.有害藻华发生区中华哲水蚤对具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum)的偏好摄食以及对米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)的排斥摄食,促使藻华的物种演替最终向米氏凯伦藻水华方向发展.  相似文献   

氮、磷对镍在食物链上传递的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明华  王桂忠  李少菁 《生态学报》2007,27(7):2889-2895
采用放射性同位素示踪法,研究氮或磷添加对镍在东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaienseLu)和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)胞内累积的影响;并将其分别投喂中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)后,探讨镍在桡足类体内的吸收和生理周转。结果表明,经过24h暴露后,氮或磷显著影响这两种藻类对镍的吸收,且高浓度氮或磷均能促进镍在这两种藻类细胞内的累积,因而促进镍在中华哲水蚤体内的吸收;而镍在中华哲水蚤体内的生理周转率却不受氮或磷浓度的影响,似乎更受动物个体的生理状态影响;中华哲水蚤对镍的吸收率与藻类细胞内镍含量呈极显著相关(p<0.001),证明了"桡足类只吸收饵料细胞内的水相金属库"的假说。由此可见,近海富营养化可促进浮游植物对镍的吸收,进而影响该金属在浮游生物食物链上的传递。  相似文献   

通过饵料浓度差法在实验条件下研究了不同浓度的金藻、三角褐指藻和巴夫藻对中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)摄食和消化酶活性的影响,结果表明:不同藻类和浓度对中华哲水蚤的摄食有明显的影响.(1)中华哲水蚤对3种饵料藻的摄食存在一饱和浓度,低于饱和浓度,摄食率随着食物浓度的增加而增加;高于饱和浓度,摄食率呈下降趋势.实验浓度下,中华哲水蚤对金藻、三角褐指藻和巴夫藻的最大摄食率分别为4664、6021 cells ml-1和4524 cells ml-1.滤水率随着食物浓度的增加而呈单一性的下降.(2)中华哲水蚤消化酶活性随藻类种类和浓度的变化而变化.不同藻类和浓度下,昆布多糖酶活性都明显高于麦芽糖酶和纤维二糖酶的活性,而麦芽糖酶活性又稍高于纤维二糖酶的活性.不同藻类喂养条件下,中华哲水蚤3种消化酶的活性发生了不同程度的变化,以巴夫藻喂养时酶活性稍高.  相似文献   

姜晓东  王桂忠  李少菁 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1550-1557
中华哲水蚤是中国全球海洋生态系统动力学(China-GLOBEC)研究中的关键次级生产者,是浮游植物与高营养级生物之间的中间纽带。为了阐明中华哲水蚤的卵沉降动力学,采用密度梯度离心法研究了中华哲水蚤的卵密度,研究结果表明:在厦门湾中华哲水蚤平均卵密度为1.0733gcm^-3。按照斯托克斯定律,中华哲水蚤卵的沉降速率为43.9~67.5md^-1。对中华哲水蚤卵沉降时间与孵化时间的比较表明,在厦门湾中华哲水蚤卵能够在孵化之前就沉降到海底。并对中华哲水蚤卵快速沉降的生态学意义展开了讨论。  相似文献   

霍铱萍  王小冬  王艳 《生态学报》2020,40(16):5834-5843
浮游动物的摄食信息能增大棕囊藻囊体体积,囊体形成被认为是棕囊藻的诱导性防御机制。利用桡足类火腿伪镖水蚤和异养甲藻海洋尖尾藻释放的摄食信息,研究了诱导性防御对球形棕囊藻和布氏双尾藻的竞争的影响。结果表明,球形棕囊藻接收了火腿伪镖水蚤和海洋尖尾藻释放的摄食信息之后形成更大的囊体。防御启动后的球形棕囊藻比未接收摄食信息的球形棕囊藻更快地形成囊体,且囊体维持的时间更长。对照组和火腿伪镖水蚤摄食信息诱导的球形棕囊藻的生物体积比布氏双尾藻更高,且球形棕囊藻在竞争中占优势;而海洋尖尾藻摄食信息诱导的球形棕囊藻生物体积低于布氏双尾藻,且球形棕囊藻相对布氏双尾藻的竞争力下降。微型浮游动物海洋尖尾藻摄食信息导致球形棕囊藻相对硅藻布氏双尾藻的竞争力的下降,有利于解释硅藻先于棕囊藻发生藻华。  相似文献   

分离自象山港的15种海洋微藻脂肪酸比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在160μmol.m-2.s-1光强、(20±2)℃条件下对分离自象山港的15种海洋微藻进行培养,在稳定期离心收集,冷冻干燥后用Bligh-Dyer法提取总脂,皂化衍生化后用气相色谱-质谱联用分析系统对其含有的脂肪酸进行定量和定性的分析。结果表明,这15种微藻总脂含量均较高,其中有9种微藻的总脂含量超过干重的10%,中心硅藻纲中共有的含量相对较高的主要脂肪酸为C14∶0、C16∶0、C16∶1(n-7)脂肪酸和EPA,针胞藻纲的赤潮异湾藻则含有高比例的C16∶0、C18∶4(n-3)和EPA,纵裂甲藻纲和甲藻纲中共有的含量相对较高的主要脂肪酸为C16∶0、C18∶4(n-3)、C18∶5(n-3)和DHA,而隶属于定鞭藻门颗石藻纲的颗石藻含量相对较高的主要脂肪酸分别为C16∶0、C18∶4(n-3)和DHA。这些藻是否可以作为生物饵料还需实际养殖投喂效果决定。  相似文献   

王延清  李超伦  刘梦坛  孙晓霞 《生态学报》2014,34(16):4632-4639
度夏过程对黄东海中华哲水蚤其种群延续具有重要的意义。通过2011年08月黄东海现场调查航次研究了中华哲水蚤夏季种群的分布和脂类含量,探讨了中华哲水蚤度夏期间的能量利用策略。结果表明,夏季在黄海中部以及浙江近岸存在中华哲水蚤的密集分布区域。其中,黄海冷水团内的中华哲水蚤以C5期(平均为77.4%)个体为主,而冷水团周边及浙江近岸站位则主要由C5期(分别为32.3%和33.2%)和雌体(分别为41.3%和51.8%)组成。脂类含量结果显示,冷水团内的C5期中华哲水蚤的总脂含量最高(平均43.1μg/个),浙江近岸雌体的总脂含量(平均24.6μg/个)和黄海冷水团周边雌体的总脂含量(平均18.2μg/个)较低。在完全饥饿的假设下,冷水团内的C5期中华哲水蚤具有明显的代谢优势,其储存的脂类可以维持超过18天的代谢需求。而在浙江近岸以及冷水团周边,中华哲水蚤储存的脂类则只可维持3—6d的需求。由此推测,黄海冷水团内的C5期中华哲水蚤依靠储存的油脂和较低的摄食率度夏,而冷水团以外的种群则需要在适宜温度下积极摄食才能顺利度夏。  相似文献   

韩希福  王荣  王军萍 《生态学报》2001,21(5):820-826
用最优化适合度种群生态模型模拟研究了中华哲水蚤和小拟哲水蚤种群在渤海生态系统中的垂直移动模式。生命周期、世代时间、繁殖力和产卵量是决定这两种桡足类垂直移动的主要因素。在中华哲水蚤生活史类型中,无水平流动或水平流动速率很小时,昼夜的垂直移动能使其获得最优的生态适合度。水流的增加或方向的改变会使其在底层的停留时间增加。在小拟哲水蚤生活史类型中,随着水流的增加及其随之而来的损失率增高,其垂直移动的倾向逐步提高。  相似文献   

长江口桡足类数量分布与变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于1999年枯水期(2~3月份)、丰水期(8月份)、2000年枯水期(2~3月份)对长江河口浮游动物桡足类采样调查,研究了长江河口桡足类的数量分布与变动.结果表明:1999年枯水期,桡足类在整个长江河口区的平均数量相对不大,为76ind/m3,但却占同期浮游动物平均数量的95.61%;1999年丰水期桡足类平均数量为254ind/m3,占同期浮游动物平均数量的84.29%;2000年枯水期桡足类平均数量为97ind/m3,占同期浮游动物总数量的84.46%.从优势度看,1999、2000年枯水期主要优势种为华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus sinensis);1999年丰水期主要优势种为火腿许水蚤(Schmackeria poplesia).虫肢歪水蚤(Tortanus vermiculus)、真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta)则在枯、丰水期均为优势种.从种类数看,桡点类在1999年、2000年枯水期均为14种,1999年丰水期为枯水期的近2倍,达25种.对于长江河口主要桡足类而言,华哲水蚤的季节变化明显,适宜生活在盐度较低水域.虫肢歪水蚤数量年际变化较大,其适盐范围比华哲水蚤较宽、较高.真刺唇角水蚤的适盐范围与虫肢歪水蚤相似且更高一些,但该种在枯水期数量较少,丰水期数量较多,变化显著,更适宜在较高温时生长.火腿许水蚤适盐范围宽,能适应很大范围盐度变化,枯水期数量少,丰水期数量大,较高温度生长良好.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been used as biomarkers in pelagic ecosystems although previous studies have failed to quantify the timing of conservation of dietary PUFAs in pelagic fishes and invertebrates. Here we investigated the influence of diet upon the timing of conservation of PUFAs throughout multiple trophic exchanges in larval and juvenile cobia (Rachycentron canadum) and their prey. Cobia, rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis), and Artemia (A. franciscana) were fed laboratory processed or natural diets resembling prey and dietary modification of fatty acid signatures was quantified using two-source mixing models. Specimens were collected throughout the experiment to track dietary influences over time. Cobia larvae underwent significant dietary modification of PUFAs after 24 h and conserved > 90% of dietary PUFAs after an average of 6 days. Similar results were identified in juvenile cobia as significant dietary modification of PUFAs took place after 3 days and > 90% were conserved after an average of 12 days. In addition, no significant ontogenetic changes in PUFA signatures were identified in juvenile cobia throughout the 30-day experiment. PUFA signatures in prey items (rotifers and Artemia) underwent significant dietary modification in 24 h, with over 90% incorporation after 5-7 days. Results from this study support the premise that fatty acids are promising dietary indicators and may be useful for future studies examining trophic relationships in marine ecosystems and habitat use of marine fishes.  相似文献   

The transfer of fatty acid (FA) biomarkers was assessed by an experimental food chain comprising three trophic levels: leaves of the mangrove Avicennia marina, the grapsid crab Parasesarma erythodactyla, and the blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus. FA compositions for each trophic level were investigated through a feeding/starving regime designed to reveal the transfer of FAs along the food chain. Comparison of the FA profiles of the mangrove leaves, the tissues and faecal material of P. erythodactyla suggests that the crab, contrary to previous studies, lacks the necessary enzymes to incorporate some FAs in its diet. Long chain FAs were egested while polyunsaturated acids seemed to be efficiently assimilated. The polyunsaturated FAs 18:2ω6 and 18:3ω3 were identified as useful biomarkers of the mangrove leaves for tracing their transfer to the higher trophic levels. The contribution of these markers to the FA profiles of the crabs was investigated and it was found that both 18:2ω6 and 18:3ω3 could be successfully traced across the first trophic transfer. However, only 18:3ω3 demonstrated a clear second transfer into the tissues of P. pelagicus. Multivariate analysis of the FA profiles of the study organisms was found to be a potentially useful tool for demonstrating differences in diet within a species and also what FAs, and therefore dietary items, are responsible for those differences. MDS analysis of the FA profiles of faecal material from P. erythodactyla showed that this species provides an important ecological link in estuarine systems by providing a substrate for the colonisation of bacteria.  相似文献   

李云凯  汪惠琼  陈新军  贡艺 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5418-5423
同域近缘种由于进化选择的压力,会形成不同的行为适应策略。研究同域近缘种生态位格局,有助于理解近缘物种的竞争和共存机制,是深入了解种群动态变化的基础性问题。选取东太平洋赤道海域的柔鱼科头足类近缘种茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼为研究对象,利用生物地球化学示踪物(稳定同位素和脂肪酸)分析两种头足类的营养生态位及相互关系。结果显示,茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼肌肉的部分必需脂肪酸(C18∶2n6、C20∶2n6、C20∶3n3、C20∶4n6和C20∶5n3)含量存在差异,说明二者食物来源不同,但其碳、氮稳定同位素比值无显著差异,可能是因为相同个体大小的茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼营养级相近,且摄食空间相似。这些结果在营养生态位的分析结果中也得到了验证,稳定同位素营养生态位的重叠程度高于脂肪酸营养生态位,表明脂肪酸组成更能体现同域近缘种的食性差异。本研究可加深对头足类进化过程中摄食行为适应机制的理解,并为评估同域近缘种的营养生态位关系提供有益参考。  相似文献   

The development of industrial, anthropogenic, and agricultural activities is the main factor leading to contaminants’ increasing in marine ecosystems. Contaminants include the great variety of pesticides and heavy metal pollutants. One of the major environmental concerns about herbicides and heavy metals contamination is their bioaccumulation in the ecosystem's primary producers and its subsequent propagation through the trophic chain. Over the last decades, the use of biochemical markers considerably contributed to the evaluation of contamination hazards. The fatty acid composition proved to be a good bioindicator to assess contamination levels. This paper provides a review of current knowledge on the fatty acids response in marine species after exposure to the chemical stressors including organic and inorganic pollutants, mainly pesticides and heavy metals. This review underlines the consistent directional trends in changes of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and summarizes the mechanisms of action leading to their alteration and possible consequences of these changes to marine species from different trophic levels.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition and degree of fatty acid saturation during temperature stress in thermo-intolerant (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) and thermo-tolerant (Chaetoceros muelleri) marine diatoms were investigated. A greater number of fatty acids were observed in C. muelleri than in P. tricornutum regardless of treatment. The major fatty acids detected were 14:0, 16:0, 16:1, 16:2, 16:3, 18:0, 18:1(n-9)c, 18:2(n-6) and 20:5(n-3) with additional fatty acids 18:1(n-9)t and 20:4(n-6) detected in C. muelleri. Short duration (2 h) temperature increase above optimal growth temperature had a greater effect on fatty acid composition in C. muelleri than in P. tricornutum and the degree of fatty acid saturation was affected more by temperature in C. muelleri than in P. tricornutum during both short and long duration (24 h) treatments. Total protein assay results suggest that P. tricornutum, but not C. muelleri, was undergoing stress under our growing conditions although lipids in both diatoms were affected by increased temperature. Immunodetection of proteins with anti-rubisco indicates that the rubisco large subunit was undergoing greater turnover in C. muelleri than in P. tricornutum. However, the integrity of rubisco as a suitable indicator of lipid status needs further study. This work supports the hypothesis that a particular temperature, and not treatment duration, has the greater effect on changes in fatty acid composition. Furthermore, changes in fatty acid composition and degree of fatty acid saturation occurred more quickly in the diatoms in response to increased temperature than previously observed in nutrient starvation studies. Since diatom lipids represent an important resource for growth and reproduction of marine animals, the rapid alteration of their lipid composition under temperatures normally encountered in marine environments warrants further study.  相似文献   

Rapid extraction of phycobiliproteins from cultured cyanobacteria samples   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cyanobacteria are a valuable and ubiquitous component of marine picophytoplankton that contribute significantly to total carbon biomass and primary productivity of the oceans. They contain water soluble, natively highly fluorescent proteins, phycobiliproteins, that can be considered ideal marker pigments for understanding the distribution and trophic dynamics of picoplankton populations. However, there is no standard protocol for extracting and quantitating these proteins from cyanobacterial cells. Ideally, the cells would be disrupted quickly and efficiently with complete extraction and recovery of the released proteins. For that purpose, we describe a method for extracting phycobiliproteins from a Synechococcus CCMP 833 cyanobacteria culture that utilizes 3% 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethyammonio]propanesulfonic acid (Chaps) 0.3% asolectin combined with nitrogen cavitation. Extraction efficiencies of greater than 85% were achieved by this method, which requires less than 3h. The analysis of the extracted samples was carried out by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection.  相似文献   

The marine algal biotoxin, domoic acid (DA), is produced by certain members of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia. This neurotoxin has been responsible for several mass mortality events involving marine birds and mammals. In all cases, the toxin was transferred from its algal producers through marine food webs by one or more intermediate vectors. The ability of some copepod taxa to serve as vectors for DA has been demonstrated; however, the role played in DA trophic transfer by Calanus finmarchicus, which often dominates N. Atlantic zooplankton assemblages and is a primary dietary component of the highly endangered N. Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), has been uncertain. In the present study, we examined the ability of C. finmarchicus to consume DA-producing algae and retain the toxin. Results of grazing and toxin accumulation/depuration experiments showed that C. finmarchicus consumed DA-producing Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries regardless of the presence or absence of morphologically similar, but non-toxic, P. pungens, across initial cell concentrations ranging from 1000-4000 cells mL− 1. Furthermore, C. finmarchicus did not appear to preferentially consume or avoid either Pseudo-nitzschia species tested. After ingestion of P. multiseries, copepods accumulated DA and retained it for up to 48 h post-removal of the toxin source. These findings provide evidence for the potential of C. finmarchicus to facilitate DA trophic transfer in marine food webs where toxic Pseudo-nitzschia is present.  相似文献   

Major glyco- and phospholipids as well as betaine lipid 1,2-diacylglycero-O-4'-(N,N,N-tri-methyl)-homoserine (DGTS) were isolated from five species of marine macrophytes harvested in the Sea of Japan in summer and winter at seawater temperatures of 20-23 and 3 degrees C, respectively. GC and DSC analysis of lipids revealed a common increase of ratio between n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of polar lipids from summer to winter despite their chemotaxonomically different fatty acid (FA) composition. Especially, high level of different n-3 PUFAs was observed in galactolipids in winter. However, the rise in FA unsaturation did not result in the lowering of peak maximum temperature of phase transition of photosynthetic lipids (glycolipids and phosphatidylglycerol (PG)) in contrast to non-photosynthetic ones [phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)]. Different thermotropic behavior of these lipid groups was accompanied by higher content of n-6 PUFAs from the sum of n-6 and n-3 PUFAs in PC and PE compared with glycolipids and PG in both seasons. Seasonal changes of DSC transitions and FA composition of DGTS studied for the first time were similar to PC and PE. Thermograms of all polar lipids were characterized by complex profiles and located in a wide temperature range between -130 and 80 degrees C, while the most evident phase separation occurred in PGs in both seasons. Polarizing microscopy combined with DSC has shown that the liquid crystal - isotropic melt transitions of polar lipids from marine macrophytes began from 10 to 30 degrees C mostly, which can cause the thermal sensitivity of plants to superoptimal temperatures in their environment.  相似文献   

The effects of season and qualitative selection capacity on trophic relationships between two sympatric invasive suspension-feeders, Crepidula fornicata and Crassostrea gigas, were investigated in Bourgneuf Bay (France) from January 2003 to June 2004. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic deviations, δ13C and δ15N, of common Atlantic slippersnails and Pacific oysters were analysed relative to isotopic composition and availability of end-members.Slippersnail deviations were less variable over the sampling period compared with those of oysters. Significant differences between δ13C and δ15N of C. fornicata and C. gigas were found from winter to early summer, and linked to major isotopic changes in oysters. We identified three distinct seasonal periods: January to March when oysters were 15N-enriched compared to slippersnails and to themselves at other times of the year, April to June-July when oysters showed a 15N-depletion and a more marked 13C-depletion compared to slippersnails and to themselves at other times of the year, and July-August to December when both species presented similar carbon and nitrogen deviations. Species-specific differences in qualitative selection capability may explain these seasonal differences in isotopic deviations. Whereas the isotopic composition of the indiscriminate suspension-feeding slippersnails reflects the composition of the seston throughout the year, the oyster is capable of qualitative selection. The oyster isotopic compositions are consistent with a facultative activation of selection mechanisms under conditions of qualitative and quantitative food limitation, notably the preferential ingestion and assimilation of the dominant organic source in the suspended pool.We conclude that C. fornicata and C. gigas are trophic competitors only in winter and spring at this site, where detrital end-members are major POM components. These results underscore (1) the importance of long-term (annual) studies in the evaluation of potential trophic competition, and (2) the necessity to include the qualitative selection capacities of suspension-feeders in future interpretations of trophic relationships in marine coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

The interspecific variability of fatty acid (FA) composition and RAPD profiles was used to examine biochemical and genetic relationships among six pomegranate cultivars, which dominate pomegranate production in Southern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Fatty acid composition of pomegranate leaves was determined by using gas chromatography. Differences in the FA composition were found among cultivars. In particular, cv. kirli hanim had a distinct fatty acid profile that differs from the other cultivars. Linoleic acid was not detected in this cultivar, whereas the other cultivars had various levels of linoleic acid. RAPD data also showed that this cultivar formed a unique pattern. The differences in the composition of fatty acids among pomegranate cultivars suggested that fatty acid profiles could be used to differentiate among some of the pomegranate cultivars. RAPD analysis was also useful for grouping the pomegranate cultivars.  相似文献   

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