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60Coγ射线辐照对花魔芋同工酶与品质的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文开展了^60Coγ射线辐照对花魔芋酶类与球茎品质影响的研究。结果表明:辐照诱发了花魔芋同工酶谱的变异,经等电聚焦电泳分析,不同剂量处理,酯酶和多酚氧化酶同工酶酶带呈现多态性,有稳定带和可变带,带型和带数的变化从分子水平揭示了魔芋辐射敏感性,是诱变效应和农艺性状突变的分子基础;经采后球茎品质检测,辐照引起了魔芋品质变化,数据分析表明干物质含量、葡甘聚糖含量、葡甘聚糖粘度与辐照剂量均呈二次曲线关系,总生物碱含量与剂量呈线性负相关。以葡甘聚糖的量和质为评价依据,中等辐射剂量范围内的辐照处理可提高魔芋品质。  相似文献   

60 Coγ射线辐照花魔芋诱变效应的主成分分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文应用主成分分析法对60Coγ射线辐照花魔芋的诱变效应进行了研究。从20项性状指标中提取出了3个诱变效应主成分,累积方差贡献率96.3%。依据主成分对原性状的综合能力,进行了生物学意义分析,3个主成分可分别解释为农艺性状与细胞学效应因子、抗性与品质效应因子和酶活效应因子,并建立了主成分方程。结合育种实际,认为第2主成分较全面反映了育种目标,为期望诱变效应,是魔芋诱变育种的主要参考性状组合。各处理组的第1、2、3主成分值计算结果表明,7 Gy处理组的第2主成分最大,为8.34,远高于其它处理组,且第1、3主成分值适中,为最适宜的辐照剂量。  相似文献   

60Coγ射线辐照处理对枇杷次生枝果实品质性状的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
探讨了60Coγ射线照射解放钟枇杷枝条,对次生枝果实外观品质和口感品质性状的诱变规律。结果表明:在14.4 Gy~28.8 Gy辐照剂量范围内,对风味品质、果肉颜色、果皮颜色、锈斑、肉质、汁液等有较强的诱变效应(诱变频率0.48%~44.06%);诱变效应为风味>果肉颜色>果皮颜色>肉质>锈斑>汁液,有益诱变效应为:风味>果皮颜色>汁液>肉质;综合比较认为,要改善解放钟枇杷果实外观品质和口感品质,宜选用24.0 Gy左右的辐照剂量。  相似文献   

60Coγ射线辐照对花魔芋农艺性状的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本试验开展了^60Coγ射线辐照对花魔芋(Amorphophallus konjac)农艺性状影响的研究。结果表明:辐射诱发了大量有利的或损伤的数量性状变异。这些可观察或可检测的变异有形态异常,主要表现为植株矮小及叶片畸形(包括叶片黄化、缺刻、叶卷曲及主叶脉粘连不分离等);还有其它的性状变化,如生长期、根系、鞭状茎分化、耐寒性,球茎增重和产量等。观察发现,辐射效应的主要特征是抑制和损伤,并有一定程度的生理修复。通过分析,这些数量性状的变化符合统计规律,如植株叶片面积的变化与辐射剂量关系可拟合成三次曲线,其它的性状变化与剂量成二次曲线。在花魔芋生长期间发现了大叶片植株、耐寒植株、少鞭状茎分化植株和高球茎增重系数植株等有益突变。大叶片可增加光合作用面积,提高产量;少鞭状茎分化可减少球茎物质分流,使积累更加有效;耐寒抗寒既可延长生长期,也可扩大种植范围和向适宜地区推广。通过实验,得出花魔芋的辐射敏感性强,诱变效应显著,性状变异有可选择性,辐射诱变育种和种质改良可行。此外,魔芋种植多采用无性繁殖方式,有些有利的变异性状可直接作为育种和引种驯化的基础材料利用。  相似文献   

余蓉培  李杨  李东  詹选怀  石雷 《植物学报》2015,50(5):565-572
以荚果蕨(Matteuccia struthiopteris)绿色球状体(GGB)为辐照材料,使用不同剂量的~(60)Coγ射线进行辐照处理,采用辐射诱变和组织培养技术相结合的方式进行荚果蕨GGB的辐射敏感性研究。结果表明,荚果蕨GGB的存活率与~(60)Coγ射线辐照剂量之间存在显著的线性关系,线性回归方程为:y=-0.797x+104.719,计算得到半致死剂量约为69 Gy。随着辐照剂量的增加,荚果蕨GGB的增殖和分化能力下降且分化时间延长。GGB~(60)Coγ辐射的表型损伤表现为颜色变深、单个绿色颗粒死亡、增殖及分化受到抑制;细胞学损伤表现为微核、细胞核解体和胚性细胞减少。  相似文献   

目前,在国内外的水稻辐射诱变育种工作中,仍普遍采用辐照种子进行诱变。但一般说来,诱变频率都比较低。近年来不少育种工作者为了提高诱变频率,做了许多理化因素综合处理种子的诱变研究。而有关辐照水稻植株的研究,迄今除在γ圃进行慢性辐照外,在钴室里进行急性辐照的研究还不多。据了解,国内已有不少单位正在进行;在国外,Ken-chi Osone等(1970)曾报道用X射线辐照水稻开花后1—11天植株的M_1效应;Kaneo Adechi等(1974)也报道了用X射线辐照水稻开花当日至7天植株的M_0细胞胚胎学效应。本试验研究的目的是探讨Co~(60)-γ射线辐照水稻胚胎不同发育时期植株的辐射敏感性及适宜剂量,并试图用γ射线辐照水稻植株的方法提高辐射诱变育种的效率。  相似文献   

重离子束辐照牧草的细胞学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用80MeV/u^20Ne^10 叶离子束贯穿处理豆科与禾本科牧草种子,从实验室种子萌发和根尖细胞的观测分析,随着贯穿剂量的增加,幼苗生长明显减弱,呈负相关性;而染色体总畸变率和徽核率随剂量的增加而显著增加,呈正相关性。结果表明:禾本科牧草比豆科牧草对重离子辐射敏感性强,禾本科牧草适宜剂量为20Gy~30Gy,豆科牧草辐照剂量应高于150Gy。  相似文献   

CO_2激光与γ射线辐照花生的效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CO ̄2激光对花生的诱变效应跟 ̄50Co-γ射线对花生的诱变效应相仿,能诱发花生根尖细胞染色体畸变,且畸变率随辐照剂量的增加而上升;也能使花生的一些生物学特征发生变异,其变异性状能向继代遗传。  相似文献   

利用日本千叶重离子医用加速器 HIMAC 提供的碳离子束,对人类唾液腺细胞 (HSG) 在剂量率为 0.5 Gy/h 的低剂量率条件下进行了辐照,运用标准的克隆形成法得到了 3 种不同剂量平均线性能量转移 (LET) 碳离子束辐照 HSG 细胞的剂量存活效应 . 与先前 HSG 细胞在治癌剂量率 (1~5 Gy/min) 下对相近剂量平均 LET 碳离子束辐照的剂量存活效应数据相比, HSG 细胞对高 LET 碳离子束辐射表现出明显的剂量率效应 . 为在相同条件下得到碳离子束对 HSG 细胞的相对生物学效应 (RBE) ,利用 60Co-γ射线在剂量率为 0.5 Gy/h 的条件下辐照了 HSG 细胞,得到该细胞系对低 LET 射线响应的剂量存活效应 . 与先前在治癌剂量率下得到的 RBE 值相比,低剂量率条件下得到的 RBE 值总体减小 . 由实验发现的剂量率效应及低剂量率条件下 RBE 值的减小,表明由高 LET 碳离子束造成的辐射损伤在低剂量率条件下也存在着显著的修复效应 . 据此,对辐射造成细胞致死的原因进行了探讨 .  相似文献   

用组织培养结合辐射诱变的方法进行药用植物阳春砂的育种,对于加快其育种速度、实现高产优质具有重要意义.本研究通过不同浓度的6-BA和NAA配比筛选阳春砂组织培养不定芽的最适培养基,再以组培不定芽为材料,设置不同辐射剂量,进行60Co-γ射线辐射诱变;采用ISSR分子标记技术,对部分诱变材料进行遗传变异分析.结果表明,添加4.0mg/L6-BA和0.1mg/L NAA的MS培养基不定芽诱导率和出芽倍数最高,分别达到91.4%和2.44;用于阳春砂组培不定芽γ射线辐射的合适剂量为16Gy;ISSR分析结果显示,16Gy辐照获得的2个植株AV16-1和AV16-2在遗传上发生了明显变异,与对照的遗传相似系数分别为0.549和0.563.本研究建立了组织培养结合辐射诱变培育阳春砂新种质的方法,为基于ISSR分子标记技术的诱变育种提供了参考.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a 70-MeV proton beam in the induction of chromosome aberrations was studied. We employed peripheral lymphocytes and analyzed the frequencies of dicentrics and rings after irradiation at doses ranging from 0.1 to 8.0 Gy at various depths within a Lucite phantom. The frequency of chromosome aberrations after irradiation with an unmodulated proton beam at 5 mm showed a dose-response relationship similar to that of 60Co gamma rays. However, irradiation at greater depths with the spread-out Bragg peak induced higher aberration frequencies at doses lower than those with gamma rays. Furthermore, the distribution curve of chromosome aberration frequencies as a function of depth was found to be slightly different from the physically measured depth-dose curve. With the spread-out Bragg peak the biological effects were more marked at greater depths, resulting in a distribution of relative biological effectiveness values. The results obtained from chromosome aberration analysis may not be related directly to those for the relationship between dose and cell killing. Slight differences in values for relative biological effectiveness due to the change of dose and site of proton beam irradiation may not be important for practical proton beam therapy, but may be important in the prevention of late radiation injuries.  相似文献   

Konjac glucomannan (KGM) was irradiated at 5, 20, 50 and 100 kGy and the effects of γ-irradiation on some physiochemical properties of KGM were studied by using viscosimeter, colorimeter, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric (TG) analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). γ-irradiation led to significant degradation of KGM according to the significant reduction of the weight-average molecular weight (Mw). The apparent viscosity of KGM decreased with increasing dose, while the viscosity stability was improved after irradiation. The colour of KGM became more intense brown with increasing dose up to 20 kGy. FT-IR spectra indicated that γ-irradiation introduced no significant changes into the structure but UV spectra showed a distinct absorption peak at about 265 nm, increasing with irradiation dose, which was attributed to the formation of carbonyl groups or double bond. High irradiation dose (100 kGy) caused a small decrease of thermal stability but presented no visible fissures or splitting of KGM granules according to the TG analysis and SEM microphotographs.  相似文献   

The radiosensitivities of three mouse strains (BALB/cLacY, C3H/SnY, and 101/HY) have been compared using the following parameters: survival after irradiation at a dose of 6-7 Gy, chromosome aberration frequency in bone marrow cells after irradiation at a dose of 1.5 Gy, and the change in testis weight and frequency of abnormal sperm heads (ASHs) after irradiation at doses from 0.5 to 4 Gy. Strain BALB/c is the most radiosensitive with respect to the survival and chromosome aberration frequency in the bone marrow but the most resistant with respect to the change in testis weight and the frequency of abnormal sperm heads. Strain 101/HY was the most resistant with respect to survival and chromosome aberration frequency in bone marrow after irradiation but the most radiosensitive with respect to testis damage.  相似文献   

The radiosensitivities of three mouse strains (BALB/cLacY, C3H/SnY, and 101/HY) have been compared using the following parameters: survival after irradiation at a dose of 6–7 Gy, chromosome aberration frequency in bone marrow cells after irradiation at a dose of 1.5 Gy, and the change in testis weight and frequency of abnormal sperm heads (ASHs) after irradiation at doses from 0.5 to 4 Gy. Strain BALB/c is the most radiosensitive with respect to the survival and chromosome aberration frequency in the bone marrow but the most resistant with respect to the change in testis weight and the frequency of abnormal sperm heads. Strain 101/HY was the most resistant with respect to survival and chromosome aberration frequency in bone marrow after irradiation but the most radiosensitive with respect to testis damage.  相似文献   

The results of the comparative study of radiation effects of the pulse reactor BARS-6 either in single pulse or continuos irradiation mode on human G0 lymphocytes are presented. Under identical doses the cytogenetic efficiency was observed to be higher for continuous irradiation (1 hour) than for single pulse irradiation with ultrahigh dose rate (0.5-3) x 106 Gy/minutes (pulse duration 65 x 10(-6) s). The difference averaged about 37% on total aberration frequency and 27% on the sum of dicentrics and centric rings. The influence of the dose rate and of the mixed gamma-neutron irradiation on the obtained results is discussed.  相似文献   

Laser accelerated radiotherapy is a potential cancer treatment with proton and carbon-ion beams that is currently under development. Ultra-fast high-energy laser pulses will accelerate ion beams that deliver their dose to a patient in a "pulsed mode" that is expected to differ from conventional irradiation by increasing the dose delivery rate to a tissue voxel by approximately 8 orders of magnitude. In two independently performed experiments at the ion microprobe SNAKE of the 14 MV Munich tandem accelerator, A(L) cells were exposed either to protons with 1-ns pulse durations or to protons applied over 150 ms in continuous irradiation mode. A slightly but consistently lower aberration yield was observed for the pulsed compared to the continuous mode of proton irradiation. This difference was not statistically significant when each aberration type was analyzed separately (P values between 0.61 and 0.85 in experiment I and P values between 0.32 and 0.64 in experiment II). However, excluding the total aberrations, which were not analyzed as independent radiation-induced effects, the mean ratio of the yields of dicentrics, centric rings and excess acentrics scored together showed (with 95% CI) a significant difference of 0.90 (0.81; 0.98) between the pulsed and the continuous irradiation modes. A similar tendency was also determined for the corresponding RBE values relative to 70 kV X rays. Since the different findings for the comparisons of individual chromosome aberration types and combined comparisons could be explained by different sample sizes with the consequence that the individual comparisons had less statistical power to identify a difference, it can be concluded that 20 MeV protons may be slightly less effective in the pulsed mode.  相似文献   

本文首次报道用~(6O)Coγ线照射一种革螨——上海真厉螨引起的染色体畸变的研究。用~(6O)Coγ线(剂量1—50Krad)照射雌性革螨,引起的染色体畸变类型有:染色体裂隙、断片、微小体、环形染色体、粉碎化和多倍体,染色体断片是最常见的畸变类型,并观察到微核的形成。染色体畸变率随照射剂量增加而增高,辐射剂量与畸变率之间存在密切相关(相关系数为0.85,P<0.025),配得曲线回归方程为Y=3.27+14.49lg(X+1)。  相似文献   

A study was made of the dose dependence of the chromosome aberration frequency in human lymphocytes exposed to 60Co-gamma radiation and neutrons (mean energy of 0.85 MeV) at the G0 stage and in different periods of the G1 and G1/S stages of the cycle. With gamma irradiation the dose dependence for cells at the G1 and G1/S stages was at a higher level than that for cells at the G0 stage, whereas the opposite picture was observed for cells exposed to neutron radiation. The difference was also noted in the time-response curves where gamma radiation increased and neutrons, on the contrary, decreased the aberration yield in the cells that passed from G0 to G1 stage. The experimental data obtained are attributed to activation of repair system at the G1 stage which is mainly conditioned by chromatin decondensation; the activating, that is, the functional factor influences the aberration induction with gamma irradiation, while the decondensation, that is, the structural factor, with neutron irradiation.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic effect of bleomycin (BLM) in human lymphocytes was studied after exposure to different doses during the G0 and G2 phases. BLM produced a marked specific effect on the cell cycle. The main aberration types after exposure in tg0 were dicentrics and deletions; and after exposure in G2, open chromatid breaks. A linear dose--response was calculated for all these aberration types as well as for the number of aberrant cells. In the G2 experiments, partially and totally pulverized cells also increased linearly with dose. The intercellular distributions of the most frequent aberration types after exposure in G0 and G2--the dicentrics and chromatid breaks, respectively--showed over-dispersion. These results show that the cytogenetic effect of BLM may be compared with that of densely ionizing irradiation. Preliminary results of chromosome analysis of three cancer patients in the course of BLM therapy showed effects similar to those in the G0 experiments.  相似文献   

Chronological changes of chromosome aberration rates related to accumulated doses in chronically exposed humans and animals at a low-dose-rate have not been well studied. C3H female specific pathogen-free mice (8 weeks of age) were chronically irradiated. Chromosome aberration rate in mouse splenocytes after long-term exposure to low-dose-rate (LDR) gamma-rays was serially determined by conventional Giemsa method. Incidence of dicentrics and centric rings increased almost linearly up to 8000 mGy following irradiation for about 400 days at a LDR of 20 mGy/day. Clear dose-rate effects were observed in the chromosome aberration frequencies between dose rates of 20 mGy/day and 200 Gy/day. Furthermore, the frequencies of complex aberrations increased as accumulated doses increased in LDR irradiation. This trend was also observed for the incidences of micronuclei and trisomies of chromosomes 5, 13 and 18 in splenocytes, detected by micronucleus assay and metaphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method, respectively. Incidences of 2-4 micronuclei and trisomy increased in mouse splenocytes after irradiation of 8000 mGy at a LDR of 20 mGy/day. These complex chromosome aberrations and numerical chromosome aberrations seem to be induced indirectly after radiation exposure and thus the results indicate that continuous gamma-ray irradiation for 400 days at LDR of 20 mGy/day induced chromosomal instability in mice. These results are important to evaluate the biological effects of long-term exposure to LDR radiation in humans.  相似文献   

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