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应用SRAP标记对莲藕资源的聚类分析   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
利用一种新的分子标记SRAP技术对17个莲藕品种进行了DNA多态性分析。选取7对引物扩增基因组DNA,共获得168条带,其中159条为多态性条带,每对引物平均提供24个标记信息。由UPMGA方法得到的聚类分析结果表明了17个品种间的遗传关系:(1)亚洲莲与美洲莲之间有明显的差异;(2)在亚洲莲内部,藕莲和花莲有明显的遗传分化,在花莲内部亚洲莲与美洲莲的杂交后代和其它花莲品种之间存在明显的差异;(3)SRAP标记是作分子图谱的好标记,但很难区分遗传关系较近的品种。  相似文献   

古代“太子莲”及现代红花中国莲种质资源的RAPD分析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
采用40个10碱基随机引物及8个锚定SSR引物,对寿命为(580±70)年的古代“太子莲”以及哈尔滨、河北、江西、湖南等地区的红花中国莲(NelumbonuciferaGaertn.)野生居群或农家栽培品种的基因组DNA进行了RAPD及微卫星(SSR)DNA多态性检测,共筛选出能产生多态性标记的RAPD引物13个、SSR引物2个。这15个引物共扩增出135个位点,其中多态性位点71个,占526%。琼脂糖电泳表明“太子莲”与哈尔滨红花莲表现出高度的遗传一致性,上述15个引物未能在两组样品内检测到任何遗传变异。来自河北、江西、湖南的红花莲皆表现出不同程度的居群内或品种内分化。根据MEGA程序中的UPGMA聚类分析结果,“太子莲”与哈尔滨、河北两地区的红花莲聚为一支。“太子莲”与河北红花莲的遗传距离最近(005),它们拥有共同的祖先。古代“太子莲”与其它4个地区的红花莲比较起来只缺少OPMO6300一条带,仍属于红花中国莲这个种。湖南红花莲与江西红花莲之间可能有基因交流,彼此亲缘关系密切,聚为另一支。它们与“太子莲”遗传距离较远(067)。  相似文献   

甘薯品种的SRAP遗传多样性分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
利用分子标记SRAP技术,对36个甘薯品种进行了DNA多态性分析。选取6对引物扩增甘薯基因组DNA,共获得112条带,其中110条为多态性条带,平均每对引物提供18个标记信息。由UPMGA方法得到的聚类分析结果表明了36个品种间的遗传关系。相似系数在0.62~0.92之间,品种间有较高的遗传相似性;在聚类树中,亚洲品种和美洲品种之间没有明显的遗传分化,表明甘薯品种间没有明显的地理差异;近缘野生种与育成品种聚在一起,没有明显的遗传分化,这意味着它们之间有较高的遗传相似度;中国育成品种聚在一起,表明它们之间的遗传相似度很高。  相似文献   

中国北部高原地区谷子品种遗传差异的SSR分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用60对谷子SSR分子标记,对中国北部高原生态区6个谷子农家品种和14个谷子育成品种的遗传差异进行分析.结果表明: 60对谷子SSR引物中,只有7对引物扩增出了特异性条带;7对引物共检测出19条特异性带,平均每对引物检测出2.71条带.引物AC408-2检测出的特异性带最多(5条),引物P24检测出的特异性带最少(1条).基于SSR分子标记的聚类结果表明,品种间的遗传距离介于0.11~0.86,20个品种可归为四大类,其中6个农家品种分别归属于三大类中,农家品种遗传变异较育成品种大.  相似文献   

甜樱桃品种及其砧木的RAPD分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用RAPD技术,从130个随机引物中筛选出46个引物,对欧洲甜樱桃、欧洲酸樱桃、马哈利樱桃和野生中国樱桃4个类型樱桃种,以及欧洲甜樱桃与中国樱桃的种间杂交种共15个品种的基因组遗传变异进行分析。结果表明,46个随机引物均得到了稳定可重复的RAPD图谱,扩增出的DNA条带大小在100~2625bp之间,多态性位点数517个,多态性位点百分率为98.85%,每个随机引物扩增出的多态性DNA条带数在4~23条。品种间Nei遗传距离在0.166~0.479之间,平均遗传距离0.329;甜樱桃新品种‘秦樱1号’与‘秦岭玛瑙’、‘CDR-1’等10个樱桃砧木之间的遗传距离在0.248~0.376,并且根据遗传距离可以相互区分,所分析的15个樱桃品种均扩增出了特有的DNA条带,每个樱桃特有标记带在2~17个之间,共扩增出149个特有标记,据此可以进行樱桃品种及砧木的RAPD鉴定。研究认为利用RAPD技术可以在分子水平上对甜樱桃品种及其砧木进行快速鉴定。  相似文献   

采用SSR技术对黄淮麦区以1B/1R类品种为抗源育成的38个小麦品种进行聚类分析。39个SSR引物共扩增出186条谱带,其中143务为多态性条带,占76.9%。每个引物可扩增出1~9条多态性条带,平均3.7条。位点多态性信息含量PIC变幅为0.320-0.857,平均为0.634。聚类分析表明,在遗传距离GD值0.32水平上38个小麦品种可聚成六大类。品种间遗传距离GD变幅为0.10769~0.48571。SSR标记揭示出这38个具有黑麦血缘的小麦品种遗传变异较小,遗传基础比较狭窄。  相似文献   

利用RAPD和ISSR标记分析烤烟品种间遗传关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用RAPD和ISSR标记对22份烤烟(Nicotiana tabacumL.)品种进行了遗传关系研究。在RAPD分析中筛选到13个引物,共扩增出167条带,其中多态性带50条,多态性比率为29.9%;在ISSR分析中筛选出7个引物,共扩增出96条带,其中多态性带44条,多态性比率为45.8%。两种标记相结合估算出的品种间遗传相似系数在0.881~0.979之间,平均为0.933。单独基于RAPD标记和ISSR标记的聚类结果有一定差异;两种标记结合起来的聚类分析结果与系谱信息吻合程度更高。定向选择可能对烤烟品种间遗传关系有较大影响;国外引进品种与国内育成品种并未完全分开,表明分子水平的遗传关系和地理来源间缺乏必然联系。  相似文献   

不同类型莲资源的RAPD聚类分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
利用17个随机引物对32份莲属(Nelumbo)品种资源进行RA PD分析.扩增形成207条谱带,其中多态带193条,占93.23%,显示该属植物在我国具有丰富的遗传多样性.结果还表明:(1)莲属种质资源可分为3个品种群:花莲、子莲和藕莲,与传统的园艺学分类相吻合.(2)美洲黄莲与中国莲的花莲之间在DNA水平上差异不大,遗传背景与花莲更相似.(3)藕莲、子莲和花莲可能由不同遗传背景的野莲演化而来.  相似文献   

利用RAPD与ISSR分子标记检测手段,分析了哈茨木霉T2-16肽类代谢产物处理豇豆土著根瘤菌,对其遗传性状的影响,同时,比较了RAPD和ISSR两种不同分子标记在检测根瘤菌种间的遗传相似性以及遗传变异性的分辨力.实验中,从100条引物中筛选到具有多态性的ISSR引物5条,从80条引物中筛选到具有多态性的RAPD引物6条,用5条ISSR引物扩增出54条带,多态性条带比率为75.93 %;6条RAPD引物扩增出61条带,多态性条带比率为68.85 %.两种分子标记均能揭示出处理前后根瘤菌间的遗传差异,但ISSR标记比RAPD标记可检测到更大的遗传变异.根据两种标记的结果,对供试的根瘤菌进行聚类分析,结果表明,土著根瘤菌经木霉肽类代谢产物处理后,与出发菌株相比,表现出一定程度的遗传分化和遗传差异性.  相似文献   

SSR分子标记检测出的花生类型内遗传变异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
花生是我国重要的食用油和蛋白质来源作物,鉴定其DNA分子多态性对品种改良和资源评价具有重要的意义。从已公布的花生Genomic-SSR和EST-SSR引物中筛选出34对引物,用来分别鉴定花生4大类型各24份共96份品种资源的分子变异,其中龙生型资源全部来自广西,普通型资源中有11份从国外引进,有13份来自广西和国内其他省市,多粒型资源只有两份来自中国,其他22份分别来自印度、美国和非洲等地,珍珠豆型资源中有22份是来自中国各地的育成品种或农家品种,有2份来自国外。研究结果为:分别有10~16对SSR引物能在4大类型花生资源中扩增出多态性DNA片段;这些多态性SSR引物都具有多位点特性;首次为SSR分子标记设立了一个新的评价指标——区别指数,多态性SSR引物的区别指数最高达0.992;资源间的平均遗传距离,多粒型为0.59,普通型为0.48,珍珠豆型为0.38,龙生型为0.17。根据遗传距离采用最长距离法对4大类型花生资源分别进行了聚类分析,构建了资源间的遗传关系图,花生4大类型可进一步分成不同类群,资源间的亲缘关系与其来源相关。观察到PM15和PMc297的扩增产物具有类型特异性,PM15能在龙生型、普通型和多粒型花生资源中扩增出多态性条带,而在珍珠豆型花生中扩增条带完全相同,PMc297也有相似的扩增结果。由于在多粒型花生资源中检测出的遗传多样性最丰富,研究结果支持西班牙专家Krapovickas 1994年公布的花生栽培种分类系统。总之在花生4大类型内资源中能检测出丰富的SSR分子标记,开发出更多的SSR分子标记将能充分揭示花生分子水平的变异,从而使花生遗传图谱构建、分子标记辅助育种成为可能。  相似文献   

Nelumbo nucifera (lotus) is a perennial aquatic crop of substantial economical and ecological importance. Currently, the evaluation of the genetic variation of lotus germplasm accessions using codominant simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers is significant, and it is essential for understanding the population structure of N. nucifera. Here we report the genetic diversity and differentiation of 92 N. nucifera accessions (82 cultivated varieties and 10 wild lotus) using 50 polymorphic SSR markers. A total of 195 alleles were detected, with an average of 3.9 alleles/locus. The mean polymorphic information content (PIC) and the mean expected heterozygosity were 0.43 and 0.50, respectively. The genetic relationships among accessions were estimated using an unweighted pair‐group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA) cluster and principal coordinate analysis (PCA). Both methods revealed that the lotus accessions from China and those from its adjacent Asian countries formed a single cluster, respectively. The cultivated varieties were correlated with their major characteristics in cultivation (the seed, rhizome and flower type) rather than their geographic distribution. On the basis of the Bayesian model‐based analyses, two genetically distinct groups (the seed lotus group and the rhizome lotus group) were generated, with a strong differentiation between them (FST = 0.57). The seed lotus group exhibited higher genetic diversity than did the rhizome lotus group. The results herein indicated that the current levels of genetic diversity and differentiation between the lotuses have been greatly influenced by artificial selection.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(2):141-146
Despite the economic importance of Nelumbo nucifera, there have been no molecular studies on genetic relationships among cultivars in the species. In the present study 38 accessions were sampled including 37 accessions of N. nucifera or hybrids between N. nucifera and Nelumbo lutea and a single accession of N. lutea. In the ITS analyses, Chinese and Japanese lotus comprise a single cluster with a moderate bootstrap support 68% indicating there is very high similarity between them. Moreover, these ISSR and RAPD results also indicate that there is very close genetic relationship between Chinese and Japanese lotus. In the ISSR and RAPD analyses, although 38 accessions all are distinctly separately into two groups, viz. N. nucifera and N. lutea, there is a high Jaccard similarity coefficient (0.785 and 0.656) between the two species. In N. nucifera the two different groups of the species, viz. flower lotus and rhizome lotus accessions show clear genetic variations. Seed lotus accessions do not form a distinct cluster but are interspersed among the flower accessions indicating that seed lotus is phylogenetically close to flower lotus and they might originate from close wild lotus in genetic relationship. In flower lotus, big-flower type accessions and medium-small type accessions have obvious genetic variation, indicating height is an important criterion in the classification system of flower lotus.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of nine upland and four lowland rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) was investigated at the DNA level using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Forty-two random primers were used to amplify DNA segments and 260 PCR products were obtained. The results of agarosegel electrophoretic analysis of these PCR products indicated that 208 (80%) were polymorphic. All 42 primers used in this experiment were amplified and typically generated one-to-four major bands. Only two primers showed no polymorphisms. In general, a higher level of polymorphism was found between japonica and indica subspecies while fewer polymorphisms were found between upland and lowland cultivars within the indica subspecies. A dendrogram that shows the genetic distances of 13 rice cultivars was constructed based on their DNA polymorphisms. Classification of rice cultivars based on the results from the RAPD analysis was identical to the previous classification based on isozyme analysis. This study demonstrated that RAPD analysis is a useful tool in determining the genetic relationships among rice cultivars.  相似文献   

Identified germplasm is an important component for efficient and effective management of plant genetic resources. Traditionally, cultivars or species identification has relied on morphological characters like growth habit or floral morphology like flower colour and other characteristics of the plant. Studies were undertaken for identification and analysis of genetic variation within 34 rose cultivars through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Analysis was made by using twenty five decamer primers. Out of twenty five, ten primers were selected and used for identification and analysis of genetic relationships among 34 rose cultivars. A total of 162 distinct DNA fragments ranging from 0.1 to 3.4 kb was amplified by using 10 selected random decamer primers. The genetic similarity was evaluated on the basis of presence or absence of bands. The cluster analysis indicated that the 34 rose cultivars form 9 clusters. The first cluster consists of eight hybrid cultivars, three clusters having five cultivars each, one cluster having four cultivars, two clusters having three cultivars each and two clusters having one cultivar each. The genetic distance was very close within the cultivars. Thus, these RAPD markers have the potential for identification of clusters and characterization of genetic variation within the cultivars. This is also helpful in rose breeding programs and provides a major input into conservation biology.  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)方法,对13个花椰花品种的基因组DNA进行多态性分析。选用20个10bp随机引物,共扩增出175条DNA片段,其中多态性片段118例,占67.4%,结果表明,花椰花品种间具有丰富的遗传多样性。依据扩增结果进行遗传相似系数分析,构建聚类分析树状图。初步探讨了各品种间的遗传变异关系及RAPD技术在花椰花种质资源分类鉴定和育种工作中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Six parent and their 12 gamma ray-induced somatic flower colour mutants of garden rose were characterized to discriminate the mutants from their respective parents and understanding the genetic diversity using Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Out of 20 primers screened, 14 primers yielded completely identical fragments patterns. The other 7 primers gave highly polymorphic banding patterns among the radiomutants. All the cultivars were identified by using only 7 primers. Moreover, individual mutants were also distinguished by unique RAPD marker bands. Based on the presence or absence of the 48 polymorphic bands, the genetic variations within and among the 18 cultivars were measured. Genetic distance between all 18 cultivars varied from 0.40 to 0.91, as revealed by Jaccard’s coefficient matrix. A dendrogram was constructed based on the similarity matrix using the Neighbor Joining Tree method showed three main clusters. The present RAPD analysis can be used not only for estimating genetic diversity present in gamma ray-induced mutants but also for correct identification of mutant/new varieties for their legal protection under plant variety rights.  相似文献   

Influential Upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties are those that have the higher genetic contributions to modern Upland cultivars than other germplasms. Our previous research has shown significant differences in general combining ability (GCA) effects for yield, yield components, and fiber properties among ten influential cotton varieties. In this study, we used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data to evaluate DNA variation of these ten varieties. Of 86 random decamer primers screened for their capability of amplifying DNA via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 63 generated a total of 312 DNA fragments. Forty two bands were polymorphic, which showed a low percentage (13.5%) of DNA variation among these influential varieties. Genetic similarities among the ten varieties based on RAPD data were from 92.7% to 97.6%. All of the varieties were individually identified by variety specific markers in genetic fingerprinting. One primer, UBC-149, amplified a 1,430-bp DNA fragment that was absent in five varieties and present in the other five varieties. This RAPD marker had significant negative relationships with GCA-effect estimates for seed cotton yield, lint yield, number of bolls per plant and micronaire, and significant positive relationships with GCA effects for boll size and seed index. This finding, for the first time, identifies a DNA fragment in cotton that is a potential DNA marker linked to a yield gene(s) or a yield-related gene(s).  相似文献   

Sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera or lotus) is an important aquatic plant in horticulture and ecosystems. As a foundation for exploring genomic variation and evolution among different germplasms, we re‐sequenced 19 individuals from three cultivated temperate lotus subgroups (rhizome, seed and flower lotus), one wild temperate lotus subgroup (wild lotus), one tropical lotus group (Thai lotus) and an outgroup (Nelumbo lutea). Through genetic diversity and polymorphism analysis by non‐missing SNP sites widely distributed in the whole genome, we confirmed that wild and Thai lotus exhibited greater differentiation with a higher genomic diversity compared to cultivated lotus. Rhizome lotus had the lowest genomic diversity and a closer relationship to wild lotus, whereas the genomes of seed and flower lotus were admixed. Genes in energy metabolism process and plant immunity evolved rapidly in lotus, reflecting local adaptation. We established that candidate genes in genomic regions with significant differentiation associated with temperate and tropical lotus divergence always exhibited highly divergent expression pattern. Together, this study comprehensive and credible interpretates important patterns of genetic diversity and relationships, gene evolution, and genomic signature from ecotypic differentiation of sacred lotus.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to characterize genetic diversity and genetic distinctiveness of Andropogon gerardii from remnant Arkansas prairies. Six oligonucleotide primers, which generated 37 RAPD bands, were used to analyse 30-32 plants from six Grand Prairie populations, Baker Prairie (Arkansas Ozarks), two Illinois prairies and two cultivars. Genetic diversity of the Arkansas remnants ranged from 82.7 to 99.3%, with 89% of the total genetic variation within and 11% among populations. The partitioning of genetic variation was consistent with that reported for other outcrossing perennial grasses, using the more conservative allozyme markers. Principal component analysis indicated a northern and southern association within Arkansas' Grand Prairie. Although there was no genetic structuring at the landscape level, the Illinois prairies and cultivars were different from all Arkansas prairies tested. There was significant within-population structuring in four of the seven Arkansas remnants, with a negative relationship between genetic similarity and geographical distance. The three nonstructured populations were from a linear railroad remnant, suggesting different population-level dynamics from nonlinear prairies. The results of this study indicated that small isolated remnant big bluestem populations were not genetically depauperate and that genetic relationships among populations could not be predicted solely on geographical proximity.  相似文献   

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