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【目的】为探究母代越冬经历对中华通草蛉Chrysoperla sinica子代生长发育、滞育诱导和繁殖能力的影响,【方法】采用年龄-龄期两性生命表方法研究了越冬初期(11月份)、越冬中期(1月份)和越冬末期(3月份)中华通草蛉自然越冬成虫其子代种群在25℃、光周期15L∶9D和9L∶15D条件下的生长发育及种群动态变化。【结果】长光周期(15L∶9D)下不同越冬时期对中华通草蛉子代的成虫前期并没有显著性影响,但越冬中期的子代成虫历期显著短于其他两个越冬时期;产卵前期以越冬中期子代显著高于其他两个越冬时期;单雌平均产卵量则以越冬末期显著高于越冬初期和越冬中期;内禀增长率、周限增长率和净增殖率均以越冬末期子代最高;平均世代周期以越冬中期子代最长。短光周期(9L∶15D)下中华通草蛉子代成虫历期以越冬末期最长,越冬初期次之,越冬中期最短;子代产卵前期以越冬初期最长,越冬中期次之,越冬末期最短;产卵历期以越冬末期最长;单雌平均产卵量以越冬末期最高;子代生命表参数变化趋势与长光照处理一致;子代种群存活率以越冬末期最高,越冬初期次之,越冬中期最低。【结论】相比越冬初期和越冬中期,越冬末期中华通草蛉子代种群表现出较强的增殖能力;短光周期可诱导中华通草蛉成虫滞育,产卵前期的长短可代表滞育深度,母代越冬经历对子代种群滞育诱导有一定的削减作用,母代越冬时间越长,削减作用越明显。  相似文献   

【目的】滞育诱导期进行短光照处理可影响昆虫耐寒性。为明确光周期对中华通草蛉Chrysoperla sinica (Tjeder)耐寒性的影响, 针对中华通草蛉滞育解除过程及非滞育虫态的耐寒性进行了一系列研究。【方法】测定了中华通草蛉自然越冬成虫的过冷却点(supercooling point, SCP)以及长光周期(15L∶9D)和短光周期(9L∶15D)条件下自然越冬成虫在滞育解除过程中在-12℃下的死亡率, 并测定了室内长、 短两种光周期下实验种群2龄和3龄幼虫的过冷却点(SCP)、 结冰点(freezing point, FP)以及-7℃下的死亡率。【结果】中华通草蛉12月份的自然越冬成虫SCP集中在-10~-14℃之间。SCP低于-12℃的个体占43.70%, 且-12℃处理1 d死亡率为62.00%。-12℃处理1 d条件下的长、 短光周期处理自然越冬成虫, 除处理0 d外, 长光周期处理死亡率均高于短光周期处理的, 且在处理15 (P=0.012), 20 (P=0.01)和25 d (P=0.001)差异显著。中华通草蛉试验种群相同龄期幼虫在短光周期下的SCP和FP均高于长光周期下, 但差异不显著(P>0.05); 但在-7℃下, 2龄幼虫短光周期下的低温死亡率为67.00%±4.04%, 显著低于长光周期下的低温死亡率(78.00%±1.33%)(P=0.011), 3龄幼虫短光周期条件下低温死亡率为24.33%±1.33%, 显著低于长光周期下的低温死亡率(53.00%±3.46%)(P=0.002)。【结论】中华通草蛉为结冰敏感型, 诱导滞育的短光照处理可提高其幼虫期及滞育解除过程中成虫的耐寒能力。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确外源保幼激素(juvenile hormone, JH)在中华通草蛉Chrysoperla sinica滞育快速解除过程中的使用剂量及最佳使用时期。【方法】测定点滴不同剂量(0, 5, 15, 25和35 μg/成虫)外源JH后中华通草蛉滞育成虫的产卵前期、产卵历期、雌虫寿命及单雌产卵量,以及15 μg/成虫外源JH处理对不同日龄(0, 5, 10, 20, 30和40日龄)滞育成虫处理后这4个指标的变化。【结果】在不同点滴剂量处理中,15和25 μg/成虫外源JH处理的中华通草蛉滞育成虫的产卵前期分别为6.82和6.29 d,显著短于点滴丙酮的对照组(10.55 d),且15 μg/成虫外源JH处理组产卵历期、雌虫寿命及单雌产卵量均最大,均显著大于对照组。不同日龄的中华通草蛉滞育成虫点滴15 μg/成虫外源JH,0, 5, 10和20日龄处理的成虫产卵前期均显著短于未经外源JH处理的对照组。10, 20和30日龄处理的成虫产卵历期和雌虫寿命均与未经外源JH处理的对照组无显著差异,但10, 20和30日龄处理的成虫生殖力显著降低,而20日龄处理时对照组和外源JH处理组均有较高的生殖力。【结论】综合考虑产卵前期、产卵历期、产卵量和雌虫寿命4个指标,15 μg/成虫的外源JH剂量是中华通草蛉快速解除滞育的最佳剂量;最佳使用时期为滞育20 d的成虫,此时对中华通草蛉成虫滞育解除后的生殖能力影响最小。本研究解决了中华通草蛉滞育解除耗费时间长的瓶颈问题,为成虫滞育天敌的高效存储利用与滞育的快速解除提供了新思路。  相似文献   

稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)的卵子发生-飞行共轭   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1994~1996年对双季稻区稻水象甲发生消长和迁飞动态的系统研究表明,稻水象甲的飞行肌和卵巢发育随生活史的季节性变化出现兴衰交替,从而迁入迁出稻田和越冬场所,表现出典型的卵子发生-飞行共轭:春季越冬代成虫从越冬场所迁入早稻田后飞行肌消解而卵巢发育,繁殖形成一代致害种群。夏季一代成虫生殖滞育,飞行肌和脂肪体发达,绝大部分个体迁出早稻田行夏蛰并越冬;少量落入秧田者和早稻收割时散落田内而晚稻插秧时尚未迁离的个体卵巢恢复发育,飞行肌消解而构成二代虫源。秋季二代成虫羽化后生殖滞育,迁飞上山越冬;10月中旬后羽化的个体卵巢和飞行肌均不再发育而滞留田内外越冬。取食高质量食料时,一代夏蛰成虫飞行肌再生,新羽一代成虫则首先发育飞行肌,而后解除生殖滞育。  相似文献   

在22℃条件下,研究中华通草蛉对光周期的敏感性,结果表明:中华通草蛉属短日照滞育型,在短光照条件下饲养获得的成虫进入滞育状态,诱导成虫滞育的临界光周期为12.5小时到13小时。成虫期本身是诱导成虫滞育的最关键虫期,只有当羽化的成虫处于短光照条件下时才能进入滞育状态。成虫期之前其它虫期的短光周期经历能延长成虫在长光照条件下的产卵前期。三龄幼虫和预蛹期比成虫期前的其它虫期对光周期的变化更为敏感。  相似文献   

本文研究了中华通草蛉滞育成虫在越冬期间的存活动态,结果表明,成虫在越冬前产卵量逐渐减少至停止产卵,部分产卵的雌虫可以进入滞育并开始越冬.利用较密闭的器具(如罐头瓶)贮存越冬成虫和提供充足的食物,能明显提高越冬成虫的存活率,提高越冬能力.至3月2日雄虫的存活率为71.31%,雌虫的存活率为84.74%.而3月中旬以后,越冬代成虫的存活率急剧下降,至4月30日,雌虫的存活率为41.88%,雄虫的存活率为5.36%.越冬代成虫在春季死亡率高,生殖成功率低,田间猎物量少,这可能是导致春季该虫在田间种群数量低的主要原因.  相似文献   

【目的】为了开展枯叶蛱蝶Kallimainachus(Doyére,1840)野生种群保育、人工繁育与利用,研究了近自然实验种群越冬雌成虫生殖休眠的性质、自然休眠期及其进展过程。【方法】根据卵母细胞的成熟度,划分繁殖季直接发育雌成虫的生殖发育进度等级;主要根据越冬早期雌成虫是否即时响应适宜条件恢复发育,判定其休眠性质为滞育或静息;通过定期检查放养在近自然条件下的越冬雌成虫的生殖发育进度,阐明其自然休眠期;通过定期将越冬成虫转至25℃、光照L︰D=15︰9和RH70%条件下保育不同天数后解剖检查其生殖细胞的发育情况,判断其滞育期和后滞育静息期。【结果】(1)繁殖季雌成虫在2日龄即开始卵黄沉积,至14日龄均已发育出成熟卵母细胞,其生殖发育被划分为4个等级,日龄与发育等级呈显著线性相关。(2)将羽化于10月上旬、放养在近自然条件下的越冬雌成虫从其11日龄开始,保育在25℃条件下12 d,其生殖发育仍无启动迹象。(3)羽化于9月8日、放养于近自然条件下的雌成虫,在其10日龄时,绝大多数处于休眠状态,少量个体继续发育;羽化于10月1日的雌成虫,从10月中旬至12月下旬,几乎所有个体均处于休眠状态;次年1月上旬,部分个体的卵母细胞发育开始启动。(4)12月上旬,所有检查的近自然实验种群雌成虫均不能在25℃条件下迅速恢复生殖发育;12月下旬,大部分个体在25℃条件下恢复发育。但仍有少量个体未显示发育恢复迹象,体现了个体间存在滞育强度的差异。【结论】枯叶蛱蝶的越冬生殖休眠为典型的滞育;近自然条件下,绝大多数雌成虫从9月中旬到1月下旬处于休眠状态,部分个体在次年1月初开始生殖发育;越冬雌成虫在12月上旬前处于滞育维持阶段,自12月下旬开始逐渐进入后滞育静息期。  相似文献   

稻水象的卵子发生—飞行共轭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟保平  商晗武 《生态学报》1999,19(2):242-249
1994-1996年对双季稻区稻水象甲发生消长和迁飞动态的系统研究表明,稻水象甲的飞行肌和卵巢发育随生活史的季节性变化出现兴衰交替,从而迁入迁出稻田和越冬场所,表现出典型的卵子发生-飞行共轭;春季越冬代成虫从越冬场所迁入早稻田后飞行肌消解而卵巢发育,繁殖形成一代致害种群。夏季一代成虫生殖滞育,飞行肌和脂肪体发达,绝大部分个体迁出早稻田行夏蛰并越冬;少量入秧田竿笔早稻收割时散落田内而晚稻插秧时尚未迁  相似文献   

摘要: 光周期在昆虫滞育中起重要作用, 而昆虫光敏感性差异导致了光在昆虫滞育解除过程中作用机制的多样性。为明确光周期在中华通草蛉Chrysoperla sinica (Tjeder)滞育解除过程中的调控机制, 本研究测定了长光周期(15L∶9D)和短光周期(9L∶15D)条件下, 中华通草蛉自然越冬种群成虫在滞育解除过程中的干重、 含水量、 过冷却点(supercooling point, SCP)、 结冰点(freezing point, FP)及蛋白质和糖原含量变化。结果表明: 雌成虫干重在长光照下处理30 d低于短光照下, 其他处理时间的干重均高于短光照下, 但处理间差异不显著(P>0.05); 雄成虫在长光照下处理5 d的干重高于短光照下, 其余处理时间的干重均低于短光照下, 其中处理30 d 时差异显著(P<0.05)。雌、 雄成虫含水量总体呈上升趋势, 长光照下上升显著(P<0.05), 短光照下上升不显著(P>0.05)。雌、 雄成虫的SCP、 FP在短光照下处理不同时间均无显著性差异(P>0.05), 而长光照下表现出先降后升的趋势且处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。成虫蛋白含量在短光照条件下雄虫处理10 d以及雌虫处理15 d均显著低于长光照(P<0.05), 其他处理之间没有显著性差异。短光照处理成虫体内糖原含量均高于长光照, 且有显著性差异(P<0.05)。多因素方差分析表明, 不同光周期对中华通草蛉成虫滞育解除过程中的SCP、 FP、 糖原变化均有显著性影响(P<0.05), 而对干重、 含水量及蛋白质含量影响不显著;性别只对成虫FP与糖原有显著影响(P<0.05); 处理时间对干重、 含水量、 SCP、 FP、 蛋白及糖原含量均有显著影响(P<0.01)。3种因素的交互作用对SCP、 FP、 蛋白及糖原含量均有显著影响, 对干重及含水量影响不显著。初产卵成虫体内物质含量变化测定发现, 长光照(处理10 d)下雌、 雄成虫体内蛋白和糖原含量极显著低于短光照(处理25 d)下(P<0.01), 雄成虫体内含水量显著高于短光照下(P<0.05)。结果说明, 中华通草蛉自然越冬成虫在长、 短两种光周期下均逐渐解除滞育, 但在滞育解除过程中呈现出不同的生理生化变化。  相似文献   

光周期和温度对中华通草蛉成虫生殖的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究表明,在25℃和长光周期(L:D=15:9)条件下饲养至产卵高峰的中华通草蛉成虫,经短光周期(L:D=9:15)处理后,与长光周期相比,虽然产卵速度有所下降,但产卵期延长,产卵量明显提高;在15℃和短光周期条件下处理后,成虫的生殖受到强烈抑制,产卵速度显下降,部分个体逐渐停止产卵,并进入滞育状态。  相似文献   

In Ithaca, New York, diapause incidence in Chrysopa carnea exceeds 50 per cent among adults emerging between 31 August and 3 September. Apparently, decreasing late summer day lengths, which exceed the stationary critical photoperiod in the laboratory, act on the sensitive stages and induce diapause. Full diapause intensity occurs about 2 weeks after adult emergence; complete winter coloration appears approximately 2 weeks later. Photoperiodic stimili in combination with the geographic strain largely determine diapause depth.Decreasing autumn day lengths decelerate diapause development and maintain diapause until the winter solstice. Subsequently, short day lengths and cold temperatures slow diapause development. In nature, neither long days, increasing day lengths, nor chilling hasten diapause termination. Diapause duration is largely determined by the interaction between inducing photoperiod, maintaining photoperiodic and thermal stimuli, and geographic strain. In Ithaca, diapause ends (all response to photoperiod ceases) between 22 January and 12 March.After diapause ends, the animals retain their diapause characteristics until temperatures exceed 4°C. Post-diapause reproductive development in females requires approximately 100 heat units above 4°C; however, below 8°C mating and oviposition are absent. Although the winter coloration remains, mating occurs within 1 day after transfer from 4 to 24°C. Temperature determines the rate at which the green summer colour returns.  相似文献   

Defensive coloration that reduces the risk of predation is considered to be widespread in animals. Many closely related species adopt differing coloration strategies during the life cycle, including crypsis, conspicuousness, and ontogenic change between the two coloration types. Here, we use a dynamic state-dependent approach to use ecological and intrinsic factors to predict the proportion of the developmental period of immature animals that should be spent as cryptic or conspicuous, and when conspicuous coloration should be reliably associated with investment in defenses. The model predicts that animals should change color more than once during development only in specific circumstances. In contrast, change from crypsis to conspicuous can occur over a range of conditions related to the frequency of detection by predators, but may also depend on the opportunity costs of crypsis and the effect of size on the deterrent effect of conspicuous coloration. We also report the results of a survey of coloration strategies in lepidopteron larvae, and note a qualitative agreement with the predictions of our model in the relationship between body size and coloration strategy. Our results provide explanations for several widespread antipredator coloration phenomena in prey animals, and provide a comprehensive predictive framework for the types of coloration strategies that are employed in nature.  相似文献   

Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) recently expanded its distribution range in Japan and reached Osaka. In the southern temperate zone, the species overwinters in the adult stage and reproductive diapause is associated with a body colour change from green to russet. In Osaka, the reproductive diapause is only induced in September–October and nymphs from late egg masses are destined to die during winter. However, the fate of adults emerging late in the season remained unknown. Survival, body colour change, and post‐diapause reproduction were studied under quasi‐natural conditions in Osaka in 1999–2000 in those adults that attained adulthood as late as in November. Two experimental cohorts were used: in the Outdoor cohort, insects were reared outdoors starting in their second instar (28 September); in the Laboratory cohort, nymphs and subsequently adults were reared from the same day under diapause‐inducing conditions (L10:D14 at 25 °C), then acclimatized (5 days at 20 °C and 5 days at 15 °C; L10:D14) and transferred outdoors on 1 December. Adults in both cohorts did not reproduce in autumn and survived the winter with a low mortality. More than 20% of adults in the Outdoor cohort failed to change body colour from green to russet during winter, apparently because of the low ambient temperature, suggesting that the environmental conditions required for colour change do not completely coincide with those required for diapause induction, and that the colour of the adults is not always a reliable indicator of diapause in this species. After overwintering, females from the Outdoor cohort produced significantly fewer egg masses and eggs and had a significantly shorter period of oviposition than females that entered diapause under short‐day conditions in the Laboratory cohort. Thus, if progeny from the late egg masses attain adulthood late in the autumn, these adults have high chances of successful overwintering, but their reproductive output after the winter diapause is significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Physiological color change in camouflage and mating is widespread among fishes, but little is known about the regulation of such temporal changes in nuptial coloration and particularly concerning female coloration. To better understand regulation of nuptial coloration we investigated physiological color change in female two-spotted gobies (Gobiusculus flavescens). Females of this species develop an orange belly that acts as an ornament. The orange color is caused by the color of the gonads combined with the chromathophore based pigmentation and transparency of the skin. Often during courtship and female–female competition, a rapid increase in orange coloration, in combination with lighter sides and back that increases skin and body transparency, gives the belly an intense ‘glowing’ appearance. To understand how this increased orange coloration can be regulated we analysed chromatic and transparency effects of neurohumoral agents on abdominal skin biopsies in vitro. We found prolactin and α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) to increase orange coloration of the skin. By contrast, melatonin and noradrenaline increased skin transparency, but had a negative effect on orange coloration. However, mixtures of melatonin and MSH, or melatonin and prolactin, increased both orange coloration and transparency. This effect mimics the chromatic ‘glow’ effect that commonly takes place during courtship and intra sexual aggression. Notably, not only epidermal chromatophores but also internal chromatophores lining the peritoneum responded to hormone treatments. There were no chromatic effects of the sex steroids 17β-estradiol, testosterone or 11-ketotestosterone. We hypothesize that similar modulation of nuptial coloration by multiple hormones may be widespread in nature.  相似文献   

To clarify the control mechanism of diapause hormone (DH) secretion in the silkworm Bombyx mori a series of anatomical and pharmacological experiments were carried out. The arrangement of 'diapause' and 'non-diapause' eggs in the ovarioles of the moths was determined by the coloration method to estimate the accumulation of 3-hydroxykynurenine in the eggs. The females destined to lay non-diapause eggs (non-diapause producers) had diapause eggs in their ovaries if their subesophageal ganglions (Sg) had been surgically removed at 2days after larval-pupal ecdysis or later. In contrast when the surgical extirpation extended to the brain and the corpora cardiaca (CC)-corpora allata (CA) complex in addition to the Sg, the non-diapause producers had no diapause eggs. When the Sg was removed from the females destined to lay diapause eggs (diapause-producers), diapause eggs appeared in response to the treatment at 2days after larval-pupal ecdysis, but the appearance of diapause eggs was delayed by 2days when the brain-CC-CA complex was included among the organs removed. These observations suggested that DH is produced in Sg and transferred to the CC-CA complex, and that the secretion of DH from the complex is suppressed in non-diapause producers. The pattern of diapause and non-diapause eggs induced by the transection of the subesophageal connective in diapause and non-diapause producers suggested a regenerative and secretory capacity of the neurosecretory cells after the operation. The appearance of diapause eggs in non-diapause producers with transected protocerebrum of the brain confirmed that there was an inhibitory center in the protocerebrum. Changes in parts of the ovarioles containing diapause and non-diapause eggs with time of injection of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and picrotoxin suggested that a GABAergic inhibitory mechanism in DH secretion may be active in non-diapause producers but inactive in diapause producers throughout the pupal stage.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that the sex linkage of sexually selected traits can influence the direction and rate of evolutionary change, and also itself be subject to selection. Theory abounds on how sex-specific selection, mate choice, or other phenomena should favor different types of sex-linked inheritance, yet evidence in nature remains limited. Here, we use hormone assays in Trinidadian guppies to explore the extent to which linkage of male coloration differs among populations adapted to varying predation regimes. Results show there is consistently higher degree of X- and autosomal linkage in body coloration among populations adapted to low-predation environments. More strikingly, analyses of an introduced population of guppies from a high- to a low-predation environment suggest that this difference can change in 50 years or less.  相似文献   

Comparison of biological characteristics between diapausing and non‐diapausing strains of insects provides some insights into the mechanisms regulating diapause. In this study, biological characteristics, especially diapause characteristics and life‐history traits, of a non‐photoperiodic‐diapause (NPD) strain of the cabbage beetle Colaphellus bowringi were compared with those of a normal, high‐diapause (HD) strain that enters diapause in response to either long day length or low temperature. The NPD strain did not enter diapause at any photoperiod at 22°C or higher, but still had a capacity to enter diapause at low temperatures. Although diapause could be induced in both strains by exposure to 20°C, the proportion of individuals having shorter diapause duration was greater in the NPD strain compared to the HD strain. The NPD strain had significantly lower hatching and larval survival rates, longer developmental duration of immature stages, smaller body size and lower longevity and female fecundity compared to the HD strain. The NPD strain of this species is a promising model for investigating diapause regulation in insects in general.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The effects of day length on adult diapause development, associated with diapause body colour change as well as postdiapause reproduction are studied in Nezara viridula from Japan. Facultative diapause spontaneously terminates under three constant short-day and near-critical photoperiods at 25 °C without low temperature treatment. The period required for body colour change from russet to green and the precopulation and preoviposition periods differ significantly between the photoperiodic treatments, being shortest under LD 13 : 11 h, intermediate under LD 12 : 12 h and longest under LD 10 : 14 h. Photoperiodic conditions do not affect postdiapause reproductive performance: the total egg production, duration of the period of oviposition and other reproductive indices do not differ significantly between the photoperiodic conditions. The total egg production depends on the duration of the period of oviposition but not on how long females remained russet during diapause. It is concluded that diapause in N. viridula does not require low temperature for its successful completion and diapause duration affects winter survival but not postdiapause reproductive performance or longevity. Such independence of the postdiapause reproductive performance from the duration of diapause may have contributed to the continuous worldwide range expansion of this species into temperate zone.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the link between the exaggeration of male sexual ornaments and ejaculate quality has received much attention. When males with conspicuous sexual ornaments have high-quality ejaculate, females are believed to obtain benefits, such as high fertilization success and offspring with good genes, by choosing mates on the basis of male ornamentation. In this study, we examined the relationships among male body coloration, female mate preference, and sperm longevity in the sexually dichromatic fish Puntius titteya. Males of this species assume a bright red coloration over the entire body, and neither sex invests in the parental care of eggs. In the female preference test, females preferred males with redder body coloration over their counterpart males with duller coloration. In addition, the sperm longevity test indicated that redder males had sperm with greater longevity. These results suggest that the red coloration of males in this species may signal sperm longevity and that females can mate with males with higher quality sperm by choosing redder males.  相似文献   

The embryonic diapause of the silkworn,Bombyx mori, is induced by the diapause hormone (DH) which is secreted from the suboesophageal ganglion of pupae. The diapause nature of bivoltine strains uses environmental stimuli as the initial signal to determine the diapause nature. The experiments showed that DH gene expreon is a direct response to the environmend stimulus, such as high incubation temperature. The cDNA from the embryonic stage wa cloned and sequenm analysis showed the cDNA encoding DH. Expmion patterns of the DH gene in embryonic stage are different ar incubation temperatures 15°C and 25°C, suggesting that the incubation tempcreturt as an environmental signal is kept within the body to control the DH gene expmion at the pupal stage, so that the embryonic diapause of next generation can be determined.  相似文献   

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