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流感病毒通过感染呼吸道黏膜上皮细胞而入侵机体,呼吸道黏膜是机体最先接触大量病毒、细菌等吸入抗原的部位。呼吸道黏膜既可以在黏膜局部又可以引起全身对病原体感染的保护性免疫应答。近年来,随着呼吸道黏膜免疫疫苗的发展,诱导呼吸道黏膜的防御机制得到进一步深入研究。黏膜免疫分子、细胞在其中的作用逐步明确,又为黏膜免疫疫苗的发展奠定了基础。本文将从呼吸道黏膜免疫角度论述流感病毒呼吸道免疫防御机制及其滴鼻疫苗的应用。  相似文献   

目的评价PorA、PorB和Class4对流感裂解疫苗的免疫增强作用,从中挑选出最有效的流感黏膜佐剂,为发展流感黏膜疫苗提供理论基础。方法流感三价裂解抗原按比例与PorA、PorB和Class4非共价结合,滴鼻免疫Balb/c小鼠3次,采取间接ELISA检测血清特异性IgG抗体及抗体亚型,检测鼻咽、肺、小肠和阴道冲洗液中IgA效价,采用血凝抑制试验检测血清中HAI效价。结果PorB重组蛋白佐剂组较无佐剂的流感裂解抗原组在提高小鼠早期免疫应答的同时诱导较强的系统免疫应答和黏膜免疫应答;PorA组也有黏膜佐剂的功能,但和无佐剂的流感裂解抗原组相比,差异无统计学意义。结论在蛋白体的三分子中,以PorB为佐剂的流感黏膜疫苗不仅提高了抗原的系统免疫应答,而且诱导了较强的小鼠呼吸道、生殖道的局部黏膜免疫应答,为流感黏膜疫苗的研制奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

<正>黏膜免疫系统是大部分人类病原体的主要靶标,因而,黏膜区室特异、强烈、先前存在的免疫应答也许能预防感染。但是,关于黏膜部位保护机制的矛盾的观点证明缺乏认识人类黏膜免疫系统的知识。开发黏膜疫苗的另一个主要障碍是,应用于黏膜的抗原诱导的免疫应答通常比较弱。为了产生强烈的免疫应答,需要有潜在的黏膜佐剂和/或投递系统。佐剂通过延长抗原的释放、靶向APCs以及直  相似文献   

研究重组戊型肝炎抗原(HEVAg)-乳酸/乙醇酸共聚物(PLGA)纳米颗粒抗原能否在动物体内诱导产生免疫应答。制备HEVAg-PLGA纳米颗粒抗原后,通过皮下、滴鼻、口服途径接种Balb/c小鼠,每隔4周加强免疫两次,HEVAg与铝盐佐剂(铝佐剂疫苗Al_2O_3-Ag)为对照组,一定时间内检测抗体及细胞因子的应答水平。结果HEVAg-PLGA纳米颗粒抗原在小鼠体内诱导产生有效的体液免疫、细胞免疫。滴鼻、口服途径黏膜系统中诱导产生较高滴度的IgA抗体,ELISPOT结果显示鼻腔、唾液腺中IgA ASCs数量显著增加;皮下途径诱导产生较高滴度的IgG抗体;常规铝佐剂疫苗相比于HEVAg-PLGA纳米颗粒抗原诱导较强的IgG抗体水平,未诱导产生黏膜免疫应答;HEVAg-PLGA纳米颗粒抗原诱导产生较强细胞免疫应答,皮下接种途径IFN-γ、IL-4生成细胞数量显著高于其它免疫组。与铝佐剂疫苗相比,HEVAg-PLGA纳米颗粒抗原能有效诱导产生系统免疫及黏膜免疫应答,显示HEVAg-PLGA有潜力成为备选HEV黏膜疫苗抗原,同时展示PLGA颗粒作为黏膜系统抗原递送载体及黏膜佐剂的优越性。  相似文献   

免疫佐剂是加入疫苗制剂后能促进、延长或增强对疫苗抗原特异性免疫应答的物质。好的免疫佐剂可使少量的抗原诱导机体产生早期、高效和持久的免疫应答。本文主要就近几年国内外对黏膜免疫佐剂种类(主要包括细菌性物质、各种细胞因子、某些无机成分、可增强抗原呈递的相关载体)及作用机理的研究近况作一综述。  相似文献   

佐剂对于增强疫苗的免疫效果以及改变免疫应答类型发挥着非常重要的作用。然而,在人用疫苗中可使用的佐剂数量有限,尤其是有效的黏膜免疫佐剂缺乏。黏膜免疫佐剂能有效提高抗原的免疫原性,减少抗原用量或免疫接种次数,促进抗原提呈细胞的提呈作用,从而增强特异性免疫应答;但黏膜免疫佐剂安全性、有效性、免疫效力仍未达到理想的效果,需进一步深入研究。就目前常用的几种黏膜免疫佐剂的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

黏膜是很多病原体入侵机体的重要入口,黏膜疫苗能诱导产生黏膜保护性免疫应答和系统性免疫应答,阻止病原微生物黏附、入侵和繁殖。但多数候选黏膜疫苗的安全性、稳定性、免疫效力及保护作用还无法达到理想的效果,佐剂或载体的使用改善了黏膜疫苗存在的不足,使黏膜疫苗有了广阔的发展前景。文章综述了提高黏膜免疫的方法及研究进展。  相似文献   

M细胞是肠道一种免疫细胞,同时,也是一种特殊的抗原运转细胞。M细胞具有特殊的形态结构特点,与肠黏膜免疫功能密切相关。目前认为,位于肠淋巴滤泡上皮中特化的M细胞是大多数黏膜病原体侵入机体的靶细胞,它能特异性的结合肠道大分子物质及微生物,并将其摄取、转运至位于其下的APC进行识别、处理,并激活T、B淋巴细胞,继而激发肠道黏膜免疫应答作用。本研究就目前国内外学者所做M细胞在肠黏膜免疫中作用的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

乳酸乳球菌作为黏膜免疫活载体疫苗传递抗原的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
乳酸菌是人和动物肠道内的常见细菌,被公认为安全级(generally recognized as safe,GRAS)微生物。近年来,对于乳酸菌作为宿主菌表达外源蛋白或抗原的研究取得了一定进展。乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)是乳酸菌的代表菌种,以其生长迅速、易于操作等优点成为表达外源抗原,作为黏膜免疫活载体疫苗的理想菌株。随着对乳酸乳球菌基因工程的研究逐渐深入,已发展了一系列组成型和诱导型乳酸乳球菌表达系统以及蛋白定位系统。破伤风毒素片段C、布氏杆菌L7/L12蛋白等多种病原微生物抗原已成功在乳酸乳球菌中表达,并已证明部分重组乳酸乳球菌作为黏膜免疫疫苗可以同时刺激局部黏膜免疫应答和系统免疫应答。目前,如何使活载体乳酸乳球菌以最佳方式向黏膜免疫系统提呈抗原继而诱导有效免疫反应是该领域的研究热点,也是巨大挑战。实现外源抗原在乳酸乳球菌中的准确定位及与细胞因子的共表达是未来研究的重要方向之一。乳酸乳球菌作为黏膜免疫活载体疫苗传递外源抗原具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

粘膜免疫系统是机体免疫系统的重要组成部分,外来抗原可选择性的与M细胞相结合并被内吞入M细胞以诱导粘膜免疫应答或造成机体的感染.本文介绍了M细胞的结构、分化来源、生物学功能、与微生物感染的关系、及其在粘膜疫苗、药物传送中的应用.  相似文献   

Oral vaccination requires an antigen delivery vehicle to protect the antigen and to enhance translocation of the antigen to the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. A variety of antigen delivery vehicles including liposomes have been studied for mucosal immunization. The advantages of liposome formulations are their particulate form and the ability to accommodate immunomodulators and targeting molecules in the same package. Many conventional liposomes are variably unstable in acids, pancreatic juice and bile. Nevertheless, carefully designed liposomes have demonstrated an impressive efficacy in inducing mucosal IgA responses, compared to free antigens and other delivery vehicles. However, liposomes as an oral vaccine vehicle are not yet optimized. To design liposomes that are stable in the harsh intestinal environment and are efficiently taken up by the M cells remains a challenge. This review summarizes recent research efforts using liposomes as an antigen carrier for oral vaccines with practical attention to liposome designs and interaction with the M cells.  相似文献   

Oral mucosal immunization is a feasible and economic vaccination strategy. In order to achieve a successful oral mucosal vaccination, antigen delivery to gut immune inductive site and avoidance of oral tolerance induction should be secured. One promising approach is exploring the specific molecules expressed on the apical surfaces of M cells that have potential for antigen uptake and immune stimulation. We previously identified complement 5a receptor (C5aR) expression on human M-like cells and mouse M cells and confirmed its non-redundant role as a target receptor for antigen delivery to M cells using a model antigen. Here, we applied the OmpH ligand, which is capable of targeting the ligand-conjugated antigen to M cells to induce specific mucosal and systemic immunities against the EDIII of dengue virus (DENV). Oral immunization with the EDIII–OmpH efficiently targeted the EDIII to M cells and induced EDIII-specific immune responses comparable to those induced by co-administration of EDIII with cholera toxin (CT). Also, the enhanced responses by OmpH were characterized as Th2-skewed responses. Moreover, oral immunization using EDIII–OmpH did not induce systemic tolerance against EDIII. Collectively, we suggest that OmpH-mediated targeting of antigens to M cells could be used for an efficient oral vaccination against DENV infection.  相似文献   

Vaccination is an effective strategy to prevent infectious or immune related diseases, which has made remarkable contribution in human history. Recently increasing attentions have been paid to mucosal vaccination due to its multiple advantages over conventional ways. Subunit or peptide antigens are more reasonable immunogens for mucosal vaccination than live or attenuated pathogens, however adjuvants are required to augment the immune responses. Many mucosal adjuvants have been developed to prime desirable immune responses to different etiologies. Compared with pathogen derived adjuvants, innate endogenous molecules incorporated into mucosal vaccines demonstrate prominent adjuvanticity and safety. Nowadays, cytokines are broadly used as mucosal adjuvants for participation of signal transduction of immune responses, activation of innate immunity and polarization of adaptive immunity. Desired immune responses are promptly and efficaciously primed on basis of specific interactions between cytokines and corresponding receptors. In addition, some other innate molecules are also identified as potent mucosal adjuvants. This review focuses on innate endogenous mucosal adjuvants, hoping to shed light on the development of mucosal vaccines.  相似文献   

Conventional treatment approaches for malignant tumors are highly invasive and sometimes have only a palliative effect. Therefore, there is an increasing demand to develop novel, more efficient treatment options. Increased efforts have been made to apply immunomodulatory strategies in antitumor treatment. In recent years, immunizations with naked plasmid DNA encoding tumor-associated antigens have revealed a number of advantages. By DNA vaccination, antigen-specific cellular as well as humoral immune responses can be generated. The induction of specific immune responses directed against antigens expressed in tumor cells and displayed e.g., by MHC class I complexes can inhibit tumor growth and lead to tumor rejection. The improvement of vaccine efficacy has become a critical goal in the development of DNA vaccination as antitumor therapy. The use of different DNA delivery techniques and coadministration of adjuvants including cytokine genes may influence the pattern of specific immune responses induced. This brief review describes recent developments to optimize DNA vaccination against tumor-associated antigens. The prerequisite for a successful antitumor vaccination is breaking tolerance to tumor-associated antigens, which represent "self-antigens." Currently, immunization with xenogeneic DNA to induce immune responses against self-molecules is under intensive investigation. Tumor cells can develop immune escape mechanisms by generation of antigen loss variants, therefore, it may be necessary that DNA vaccines contain more than one tumor antigen. Polyimmunization with a mixture of tumor-associated antigen genes may have a synergistic effect in tumor treatment. The identification of tumor antigens that may serve as targets for DNA immunization has proceeded rapidly. Preclinical studies in animal models are promising that DNA immunization is a potent strategy for mediating antitumor effects in vivo. Thus, DNA vaccines may offer a novel treatment for tumor patients. DNA vaccines may also be useful in the prevention of tumors with genetic predisposition. By DNA vaccination preventing infections, the development of viral-induced tumors may be avoided.  相似文献   

Mucosal immunity and vaccination.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gut mucosal immune system is a critical component of the body's defense against pathogenic organisms, especially those responsible for enteric infections associated with diarrhoeal disease. Attempts to vaccinate against infections of mucosal tissues have been less successful than vaccination against systemic infections, to a large extent reflecting a still incomplete knowledge about the most efficient means for inducing protective local immune responses at these sites. Secretory IgA (SIgA) is the predominating immunoglobulin along mucosal surfaces, and SIgA antibodies generated in gastrointestinal, respiratory or genito-urinary mucosal tissues can confer protection against infections affecting or originating in these sites. An efficacious intestinal SIgA immunity-inducing oral vaccine against cholera has been developed recently, and development of oral vaccines against other enteric infections such as those caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Shigella and rotaviruses is in progress as well. Based on the concept of a common mucosal immune system through which activated lymphocytes from the gut can disseminate immunity to other mucosal and glandular tissues, there is currently also much interest in the possibility of developing oral vaccines against infections in the respiratory and urogenital tracts. However, the large and repeated antigen doses often required to achieve a protective immune response still makes this vaccination approach impractical for many purified antigens. There is, therefore, a great need to develop strategies for enhancing delivery of antigen to the mucosal immune system as well as to identify mucosa-active immunostimulating agents (adjuvants). These and other aspects of mucosal immunity in relation to immunization and vaccine development are discussed in this short review article.  相似文献   

Mucosal immunity and vaccination   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract The gut mucosal immune system is a critical component of the body's defense against pathogenic organisms, especially those responsible for enteric infections associated with diarrhoeal disease. Attempts to vaccinate against infections of mucosal tissues have been less successful than vaccination against systematic infections, to a large extent reflecting a still incomplete knowledge about the most efficient means for inducing protective local immune responses at these sites. Secretory IgA (SIgA) is the predominating immunoglobulin along mucosal surfaces, and SIgA antibodies generated in gastrointestinal, respiratory or genito-urinary mucosal tissues can confer protection against infections affecting or originating in these sites. An efficacious intestinal SIgA immunity-inducing oral vaccine against cholera has been developed recently, and development of oral vaccines against other enteric infections such as those caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Shigella and rotaviruses is in progress as well. Based on the concept of a common mucosal immune system through which activated lymphocytes from the gut can disseminate immunity to other mucosal and glandular tissues, there is currently also much interest in the possibility of developing oral vaccines against infections in the respiratory and urogenital tracts. However, the large and repeated antigen doses often required to achieve a protective immune response still makes this vaccination approach impractical for many purified antigens. There is, therefore, a great need to develop strategies for enhancing delivery of antigen to the mucosal immune system as well as to identify mucosa-active immunostimulating agents (adjuvants). These and other aspects of mucosal immunity in relation to immunization and vaccine development are discussed in this short review article.  相似文献   

Almost all vaccinations today are delivered through parenteral routes. Mucosal vaccination offers several benefits over parenteral routes of vaccination, including ease of administration, the possibility of self-administration, elimination of the chance of injection with infected needles, and induction of mucosal as well as systemic immunity. However, mucosal vaccines have to overcome several formidable barriers in the form of significant dilution and dispersion; competition with a myriad of various live replicating bacteria, viruses, inert food and dust particles; enzymatic degradation; and low pH before reaching the target immune cells. It has long been known that vaccination through mucosal membranes requires potent adjuvants to enhance immunogenicity, as well as delivery systems to decrease the rate of dilution and degradation and to target the vaccine to the site of immune function. This review is a summary of current approaches to mucosal vaccination, and it primarily focuses on adjuvants as immunopotentiators and vaccine delivery systems for mucosal vaccines based on protein, DNA or RNA. In this context, we define adjuvants as protein or oligonucleotides with immunopotentiating properties co-administered with pathogen-derived antigens, and vaccine delivery systems as chemical formulations that are more inert and have less immunomodulatory effects than adjuvants, and that protect and deliver the vaccine through the site of administration. Although vaccines can be quite diverse in their composition, including inactivated virus, virus-like particles and inactivated bacteria (which are inert), protein-like vaccines, and non-replicating viral vectors such as poxvirus and adenovirus (which can serve as DNA delivery systems), this review will focus primarily on recombinant protein antigens, plasmid DNA, and alphavirus-based replicon RNA vaccines and delivery systems. This review is not an exhaustive list of all available protein, DNA and RNA vaccines, with related adjuvants and delivery systems, but rather is an attempt to highlight many of the currently available approaches in immunopotentiation of mucosal vaccines.  相似文献   

Kweon MN 《Cytokine》2011,54(1):1-5
Needle-free vaccine delivery has become a global priority, both to eliminate the risk of improper and unsafe needle use and to simplify vaccination procedures. In pursuit of greater ease of vaccination, a number of needle-free delivery routes have been explored, with mucosal routes being perhaps the most prominent. Since the vaccine administration route significantly affects immune responses, numerous researchers are attempting to develop alternative vaccine delivery methods including a mucosal route. My group's recent studies demonstrate the potential of the sublingual (s.l.) route for delivering vaccines capable of inducing mucosal as well as systemic immune responses. Sublingual administration conferred effective protection against a lethal challenge with influenza virus (H1N1) or genital papillomavirus. Moreover, CCR7-CCL19/CCL21-regulated dendritic cells are responsible for activation of T and B cells following s.l. administration. This review highlights current knowledge about the safety and effectiveness of s.l. vaccination and describes how s.l. vaccination can induce both systemic and mucosal immunity.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Yang J  Bao R  Chen Y  Zhou D  He B  Zhong M  Li Y  Liu F  Li Q  Yang Y  Han C  Sun Y  Cao Y  Yan H 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24296
The induction of a strong mucosal immune response is essential to building successful HIV vaccines. Highly attenuated recombinant HIV vaccinia virus can be administered mucosally, but even high doses of immunization have been found unable to induce strong mucosal antibody responses. In order to solve this problem, we studied the interactions of recombinant HIV vaccinia virus Tiantan strain (rVTT-gagpol) in mucosal epithelial cells (specifically Caco-2 cell layers) and in BALB/c mice. We evaluated the impact of this virus on HIV antigen delivery and specific immune responses. The results demonstrated that rVTT-gagpol was able to infect Caco-2 cell layers and both the nasal and lung epithelia in BALB/c mice. The progeny viruses and expressed p24 were released mainly from apical surfaces. In BALB/c mice, the infection was limited to the respiratory system and was not observed in the blood. This showed that polarized distribution limited antigen delivery into the whole body and thus limited immune response. To see if this could be improved upon, we stimulated unpolarized budding of the virus and HIV antigens by treating both Caco-2 cells and BALB/c mice with colchicine. We found that, in BALB/c mice, the degree of infection and antigen expression in the epithelia went up. As a result, specific immune responses increased correspondingly. Together, these data suggest that polarized budding limits antigen delivery and immune responses, but unpolarized distribution can increase antigen expression and delivery and thus enhance specific immune responses. This conclusion can be used to optimize mucosal HIV vaccine strategies.  相似文献   

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