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目的 :观察枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂对家兔皮肤创伤愈合的影响。方法 :采用家兔皮肤创伤为模型 ,连续给药 6 d,第 11天测定创面面积 ,并于第 17天记录创面愈合数。结果 :枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂高剂量组和磺胺嘧啶银组创面面积显著小于空白对照组 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;枯草杆菌喷雾剂的愈合率显著高于空白对照组( P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂能够缩小家兔创面愈合 ,增加创面愈合率  相似文献   

枯草芽胞杆菌微生态制剂的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用液体发酵工艺,确定枯草芽胞杆菌的最适发酵条件为:发酵温度30℃,初始pH值7.2,并以1%海藻酸钠和3%明胶组成的混合胶体溶液为囊壁材料,以4%氯化钙作固化剂将枯草芽胞杆菌制成微胶囊剂,稳定性试验结果显示经微胶囊包埋的枯草芽胞杆菌制剂,室温下保存1个月,活菌存活率为98.8%,保存3个月,活菌存活率为50.6%,保存6个月,活菌存活率为15.7%,均高于未经微胶囊化的样品;在4℃冷藏下保存3个月,未经微胶囊化的样品活菌存活率仅为经微胶囊包埋制剂的66.2%。该微胶囊制剂提高了活菌存活率,延长了活菌常温保存期。  相似文献   

本制品根据微生态学原理,利用微生物间的拮抗作用,由枯草芽孢杆菌BS224活菌体制成的生物制品,喷涂于创面,达到治疗烧伤创面感染的目的。为了研究用药后枯草杆菌是否会扩散而造成环境污染,由北京解放军三○四医院和北京积水潭医院等四家单位,联合对本制品进行了用药前后病房、环境空气及被服的细菌学监测。结果表明,应用本品治疗烧伤创面,病房及周围环境的枯草芽胞杆菌始终维持在相对低值水平,并未因应用时间延长而使该菌持续增多,亦未发现任何危害。所以应用本制品不仅不会造成环境污染,而且有利于环境的生态平衡  相似文献   

目的:观察枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂对小鼠创伤创面金黄色葡萄球菌感染的治疗效果。方法:采用小鼠创伤感染模型,切取创面组织做细菌定量检查,第4天活杀取肺、肝组织做细菌定量检查,同时做心血培养。结果:枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂可显著抑制小鼠创伤创面金黄色葡萄球菌的生长,无菌血症发生。结论:枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂对金黄色葡萄球菌引起的体表创伤感染有较强的防治效果。  相似文献   

地衣芽胞杆菌在土壤等环境中普遍存在,体外研究显示该菌株的代谢产物可对致病菌的生长产生抑制作用。地衣芽胞杆菌活菌制剂进入肠道后可产生多种抗菌物质,并可通过生物夺氧作用改善肠道内环境,具有调节肠道微生态,改善消化道屏障功能,减轻炎症反应,增强免疫功能等作用,在肠道菌群失调相关疾病中应用前景广阔。地衣芽胞杆菌活菌制剂已广泛应用于腹泻疾病的治疗,并在炎症性肠病、某些肝病及幽门螺杆菌根除等治疗的研究中显示出其在改善肠道内环境,促进病情缓解的疗效。本文将对地衣芽胞杆菌活菌制剂及其消化系统疾病中的应用进行简要的叙述,并对该益生菌的研究方向做初步的探讨。  相似文献   

常见4种微生态制剂菌种产淀粉酶的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探索常见4种微生态制剂菌种地衣芽胞杆菌、枯草芽胞杆菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌和纳豆芽胞杆菌产生淀粉酶的能力,以筛选和研制动物微生态制剂和饲料添加剂的使用菌种。方法 将各菌种接于淀粉酶试验培养基,培养后滴加稀碘溶液,观察透明圈,判定产酶能力。结果 地衣芽胞杆菌、枯草芽胞杆菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌和纳豆芽胞杆菌都能产生淀粉酶,以蜡样芽胞杆菌产生的淀粉酶较多。结论 4种常见芽胞杆菌产淀粉酶能力依次为:蜡样芽胞杆菌>纳豆芽胞杆菌>枯草芽胞杆菌>地衣芽胞杆菌。  相似文献   

拮抗Bacillus subtilis的筛选及发酵条件对拮抗能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筛选了3株对大肠埃希菌具有拮抗活性的枯草芽胞杆菌,并对这3个菌株的拮抗能力最强的Bf菌株的发酵条件进行了初步研究。先将不同枯草芽胞杆菌菌株与株大肠埃希菌进行拮抗试验,根据抑菌率,筛选出对大肠埃希菌拮抗效果较好的枯草芽胞杆菌Bf。然后,在不同pH值、温度以及不同的培养时间下观察记录Bf对大肠埃希菌的拮抗作用。根据实验结果分析得到:筛选到的枯草芽胞杆菌在pH值为7.0,37℃下培养40 h后抑菌效果最好。  相似文献   

目的了解临床使用消毒饮用水稀释益生菌产品,对益生菌活菌数的影响。方法配制不同有效氯水溶液,测定不同放置时间四个菌种活菌数变化情况。结果微囊包被屎肠球菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌在有效氯5 ppm和10ppm中使用有效活菌数不受任何影响;微囊包被粪肠球在有效氯5 ppm中浸泡2 h内使用,不影响其有效活菌;而在10ppm中1 h之内使用有效活菌数不受影响;微囊包被枯草芽胞杆菌在有效氯5 ppm中1 h之内活菌数不受影响,而增加浸泡时间及有效氯浓度都会影响其有效活菌数。结论在临床使用微生态产品可以使用含氯消毒饮用水稀释但是需尽快用完不要超过否则影响部分菌株的使用效果。  相似文献   

目的研究双歧杆菌四联活菌片中的蜡样芽胞杆菌对小鼠腹泻治疗作用的影响。方法将SPF小鼠采用抗生素联合伤寒沙门菌和志贺菌诱导建立腹泻模型,取112只造模成功后的小鼠随机分为7组,其中三组分别喂养3种不同剂量的四联活菌片,三组分别喂养3种不同剂量的不含蜡样芽胞杆菌的三联活菌片,余下一组为对照组灌胃生理盐水。比较各组小鼠腹泻的治愈时间,测定粪便菌群、结肠组织耗氧能力及氧化还原电势、肠内sIgA含量及脾脏指数变化。结果相同剂量条件下,含蜡样芽胞杆菌的四联活菌片治愈腹泻时间比三联活菌片缩短48~72h。治疗48h后,四联活菌片组肠内sIgA水平明显增加,与三联活菌片组相比差异有统计学意义(t=5.5783,P=0.0002);治疗结束后,四联活菌片组的脾脏指数也显著高于三联活菌片组(t=18.8648,P=0.0001)。结论含蜡样芽胞杆菌的四联活菌片对小鼠腹泻的治疗及肠道菌群的恢复作用比三联活菌片效果更佳,能显著促进腹泻小鼠肠黏膜局部免疫力的提高。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 分离小菌虫肠道可培养细菌,并研究其产消化酶活性,探讨肠道细菌对小菌虫消化食物的影响。方法 采用传统细菌分离培养方法分离小菌虫肠道细菌,利用16S rDNA序列进行细菌分子鉴定;利用筛选培养基鉴别各细菌的产蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶活性。结果 在小菌虫肠道中分离到4种可培养细菌,分别是枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)、肺炎克雷伯菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)、Pseudocitrobacter faecalis和芽胞杆菌(Bacillus sp.)。其中,2种芽胞杆菌属细菌有产消化酶活性。枯草芽胞杆菌有产纤维素酶、淀粉酶和蛋白酶活性;芽胞杆菌仅有产蛋白酶活性,但产酶能力低于枯草芽胞杆菌。结论 小菌虫肠道细菌中可培养细菌结构简单,但其中的芽胞杆菌属细菌有产纤维素酶、淀粉酶和蛋白酶能力,说明小菌虫肠道中的2种芽胞杆菌属细菌可能有协助小菌虫进行食物消化的功能。  相似文献   

The main goal of this work was monitoring the changes occurring in human burn fluid biological activity during normal burn healing. The fluid available in the burn until healing makes a good material for controlling biochemical microenvironment of burn cells. This environment involves factors, such as extracellular matrix proteins and matrix metalloproteinases. In this work our previous studies of the influence of wound and burn fluids on the functional activity of cells were extended to include the effect of burn fluid on fibroblasts and keratinocytes, i. e. human skin cells present in the wound and involved in wound healing. It was shown that human burn fluid biological activity depends on the time that passed after burning, and on the correctness of healing. Migration of human fibroblasts becomes more intensive under the influence of such a fluid independently on the time of fluid sampling. Unlike, keratinocyte migration was inhibited by burn fluid sampled 1-3 days after burning but was enhanced by fluids sampled 6 days following burning. The obtained data are to be necessarily taken into consideration at burn treatment and also at transplantation of cells for healing of wounds of different nature.  相似文献   

从土样中分离出枯草杆菌,采用梯度平板法,利用链霉素,氯霉素,红霉素,四环素四种抗生素,对自然界中和经过紫外线诱变的菌株进行了抗药性突变株的筛选,我们发现分离出自然状态下的枯草杆菌没有抗药性,而经过紫外线诱变后,能够筛选出对链霉素具有抗药性的菌株.  相似文献   

目的:探讨壳聚糖护创敷料用于烧伤创面的治疗效果和安全性。方法:采用回顾性方法分析,选取中国人民解放军空降兵军医院烧伤科(本院)自2014年1月-2018年9月就诊的80例烧伤患者的临床资料,根据治疗方法分为对照组(40例,给予单纯紫草油覆盖创面)与研究组(40例,给予壳聚糖护创敷料覆盖创面),比较两组创面愈合时间、疼痛度、瘢痕生长及不同时期分泌物细菌培养阳性率。结果:研究组的创面愈合时间(18.45±4.64)及瘢痕生长评分(3.23±1.12)均低于对照组(22.45±5.23、5.34±1.23),均有显著差异(P0.05)。治疗后7 d、14 d、21 d研究组的创面疼痛度低于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后3 d、7 d、14 d研究组的细菌培养阳性率低于对照组(P0.05)。两组治疗期间均没有出现不良事件和严重不良事件的发生。结论:壳聚糖护创敷料用于烧伤创面患者治疗中,可缩短创面愈合时间,抑菌,减少创面愈合后的瘢痕增生,从而减轻患者疼痛,安全性高,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

The events occurring early in the burn wound trigger a sequence of local and systemic responses that influence cell and tissue survival and, consequently, wound healing and recovery. Using high-density oligonucleotide arrays we identified gene expression patterns in skin samples taken from a region of injury in the burn rat model. The associated genomic events include the differential expression of genes involved in cell survival and death, cell growth regulation, cell metabolism, inflammation, and immune response. The functional gene cluster detected and their time appearance matched the time sequence known to occur in burn wound healing.  相似文献   

One of the problems of burn treatment is a creation of conditions providing most valuable skin rehabilitation. An experimental model of burn wound healing in a 0.9% NaCl solution is proposed. Synthetic activity of rat epidermis cells in the process of burn wound healing under a scab and in liquid environment was studied by luminescent microscopy. The effect of a 0.9% NaCl solution involves an increase of the basal layer cell synthetic activity of regenerating epidermis, and keeping a high level of this activity of hair follicle epithelial cells for a long time. Tissue-preserving effect of the 0.9% NaCl solution on burns healing has been confirmed in these results.  相似文献   

目的:探讨丹参酮IIA磺酸钠注射液对烧伤患者植皮创面愈合及瘢痕形成情况的影响。方法:选取2014年3月至2014年12月我院收治的烧伤植皮患者62例,根据临床用药分为试验组(使用丹参酮IIA磺酸钠注射组)与对照组(未使用丹参酮IIA磺酸钠注射液)。比较两组创面愈合情况,术后植皮成活率及愈合后瘢痕形成情况。结果:1经治疗,两组创面均愈合,试验组患者植皮成活率为(97.12±1.89)%,高于对照组(89.96±1.86)%,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);试验组愈合时间较对照组短,试验组创面愈合时间为10.1±1.9天,对照组为14.3±2.3天,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.001);瘢痕形成评价试验组均优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义,其中血肿面积(1.50±0.03 vs.3.04±0.08,P0.01)、畸形率[2(6.45)vs.8(25.81),P0.05]、感染率[2(6.45)vs.9(29.03),P0.05]。结论:丹参酮IIA磺酸钠注射液对于烧伤植皮创面的患者,能够提高植皮成活率,促进创面愈合,减轻瘢痕形成,改善创面愈合质量。  相似文献   

A major complication associated with burn injury is delayed wound healing. While healing of the burn injury site is essential, healing of distal injury sites caused by surgical interventions and other processes also is important. The impact of burn injury on healing of these distal wound sites is not understood clearly. To study this, mice were subjected to major burn injury or a sham procedure. Immediately following, excisional wounds were made on the dorsal surface caudal to the burn site and wound closure was monitored over a 7-d period by planimetry. In a second series of experiments, plasma and excisional wounds were collected for in vitro analysis of cyto- and chemokine levels, L-arginine metabolism, and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha expression. At 1-7 d post-injury, a significant inflammatory response was evident in both groups, but the healing process was delayed in the burn-injured mice. At 3 d post-injury, wound levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and keratinocyte-derived chemokine were suppressed in the burn group. This difference in the wound inflammatory response was independent of changes in L-arginine metabolism (nitrate levels, inducible nitric oxide synthase expression, arginase activity), but correlated with a marked reduction in HIF-1alpha protein levels. In conclusion, these findings suggest that HIF-1alpha and the inflammatory response play a significant role in wound healing, and reduced levels of HIF-1alpha contribute to the impaired healing response post-burn.  相似文献   

An experimental study was designed using Hartley guinea pigs, who received full-thickness burns covering 3 percent of their body surface area by direct contact with a hot plate. A total of 40 animals were equally divided among four modalities of closed burn wound management as follows: group I: silver sulfadiazine (Silvadine); group II: aloe vera gel extract (Carrington Dermal Wound Gel); group III: salicylic acid cream (aspirin); and group IV: plain gauze occlusive dressing only. The dressings were changed daily, and the size and appearance of each burn wound were recorded until complete healing. On the sixth postburn day, quantitative burn wound cultures were made. The average time to complete healing in the control group was 50 days, and the only significant difference was found in the aloe vera-treated animals, which healed on an average of 30 days (p less than 0.02). Wound bacterial counts were effectively decreased by silver sulfadiazine (p = 0.015) and by aloe vera extract (p = 0.015). From our data it appears that aloe gel extracts permit a faster healing of burn wounds.  相似文献   

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