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11种地被植物的耐荫性研究   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
选取11种地被植物为材料并引种试验,对其耐荫性进行了定量和定性研究,结果表明,可将11种地被植物分为三组:(1)耐荫性较强的3种,(2)耐荫性较弱的3种,(3)耐半荫的5种。所有11种植物均于在武汉地区推广,此外,文中还就所用方法及测定指标进行了探讨。  相似文献   

报道了紫金牛科紫金牛属的一个新变种:窄叶山血丹Ardisia lindleyana D.Dietr.var.angustifolia C.M.Hu&X.J.Ma,并比较了此变种与本属中具有类似叶形种类的区别。  相似文献   

氮、磷、钾施肥对紫金牛(Ardisia japonica)的生长及生理特性产生明显影响, 但是最佳施肥比例缺少研究报道。论文根据不同施肥处理对紫金牛的生长及生理的影响, 筛选出适宜的施肥组合, 为紫金牛苗木的施肥管理提供指导。以三年生紫金牛苗木为试验材料, 采用三因素四水平的正交试验设计方法。结果表明: 不同施肥处理能显著促进紫金牛苗木的生长, 提高碳氮代谢产物的含量和叶绿素的含量, 显著提升净光合速率。氮肥对紫金牛茎和叶的生物量、可溶性蛋白含量、叶绿素含量、净光合速率的影响达到显著性水平(P<0.05,下同); 磷肥对紫金牛叶绿素含量的影响达到显著性水平; 钾肥对紫金牛可溶性糖含量的影响达到显著水平。综合分析紫金牛生长指标及生理指标得出最适合的施肥量为尿素1.0 g·株–1、过磷酸钙1.0 g·株–1、硫酸钾1.5 g·株–1, 能提高紫金牛的观赏性和加速其生长。  相似文献   

紫金牛为紫金牛科低矮观赏性小灌木,耐荫性强,在园林广泛用作地被。研究其在不同盐浓度土壤中的生长及适应机量对于推广其在盐碱地上进行园林绿化具有重要意义。以三年生盆栽紫金牛苗为试验材料,红黄壤-椰糠-黑土(体积比为1:1:1)为基质,研究了不同盐对其的影响。设置七种处理,CK、A1(0.30%NaCl)、A2(0.60%NaCl)、B1(0.30%Na2CO3)、B2(0.60%Na2CO3)、C1(0.15%NaCl+0.15%Na2CO3)、C2(0.30%NaCl+0.30%Na2CO3)。对植株株高、MDA、可溶性蛋白、叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数等进行了测定。随着胁迫程度的增加,紫金牛的株高增量、根茎含水量逐渐降低;同时,细胞膜受到伤害,细胞膜透性发生变化,作为膜脂过氧化作用的主要产物MDA随之增加;紫金牛的可溶性蛋白先升高后降低,这说明胁迫达到一定程度后,可溶性蛋白降解,低浓度的盐胁迫初期会有一定的促进作用,所以会呈现先下降再升高的趋势;胁迫期间Fv′/Fm′、ETR、Fv/Fm值下降。结果表明,紫金牛具有一定的耐盐性,紫金牛可在含轻度中性盐和混合盐土地区栽植,不适宜栽植于碱性盐地区。  相似文献   

经仔细核对标本和野外实地考察,确认将Ardisia argenticaulis Y. P.Yang作为A.cymosa Blume的一新异名,并对华紫金牛亚属(subg.Chinensia)的地位进行了讨论.  相似文献   

香港乡土树种幼苗在次生林下生长的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过苗木移植试验,测定了21种香港乡土树种在次生林下的成活率及生长状况。结果表明,大多数种类的幼苗具有一定的耐荫性,可在林下生长;只有极少数种类表现出极耐荫或极不耐荫,导致林下先锋树种幼苗死亡率高的主要原因是荫蔽或因荫蔽而生长不良受病虫害致死。在香港次生林演替中占优势的种类通常具有生长快、稍耐荫,或生长稍慢但耐胁迫等特点。这是对香港退化土地长期适应的结果。鸟播植物在香港次生林中占有重要地位,建议加  相似文献   

1植物名称堇叶紫金牛[Ardisia violacea(T.Suzuki)W.Z.Fang&K.Yao](方文哲和姚淦1979),又名裹堇紫金牛(Huang1998)、锦花紫金牛(Chen和Pipoly1996)。  相似文献   

报道了发现于浙江苍南县的紫金牛属一新变型--黄果朱砂根(Ardisia crenata Sims f.xanthocarpa F.Y.Zhang et G.Y.Li),该新变型果实为黄色,而原变型为鲜红色.  相似文献   

甘肃省植物分布新记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了甘肃省植物分布新记录2属5种.新记录属是紫金牛科(Myrsinaceae)的杜茎山属(Maesa)和紫金牛属(Ardisia).新记录种是湖北杜茎山(M.hupehensis)、紫金牛(A.japonica)、豆科(Leguminosae)的肉色土(圈)儿(A pios carnea)、凤仙花科(Balsaminaceae)的四川凤仙花(Impatiens sutchuenensis)和菊科(Asteraceae)的粗毛牛膝菊(Galinsoga quadriradiata).  相似文献   

朱砂根复合群形态性状的数量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱砂根复合群—朱砂根(Ardisia crenata Sims)、红凉伞(A. crenata var. bicolor (E. Walker) C. Y. Wu C. Chen),和岭南紫金牛(A. linangensis C. M. Hu)之间存在一些过渡类型,很难依据少数几个关键性状对它们明确划分。本文运用E. Anderson的形象化散点图和柱状图的方法对全国14个省区135份标本的9个性状进行了分析,结果表明:岭南紫金牛应为独立的种,支持将红凉伞归并。  相似文献   

吉安市野生地被植物资源及其园林应用综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对吉安市典型山地野生地被植物资源进行实地调查,在初步确定具有良好观赏价值的87种野生地被植物基础上,采用线性加权综合法数学模型对吉安市野生地被植物作了综合评价,重点推荐在吉安地区具有园林应用价值的野生地被植物5种,为野生地被植物的合理开发应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

合肥市野生地被植物种类构成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外调查和统计分析的基础上,运用五点随机取样法对合肥市的野生地被资源进行了系统的调查,并根据调查结果,选取发生频率大于30%的野生地被植物作为统计分析的对象。运用Spss10.0软件,对综合值采用组间连接法进行聚类分析,找出合肥市不同类型的野生地被植物的常见种类,并分析其发生特点。结果表明:合肥市野生地被植物种类有119种,涉及43科,105属,其中菊科16种,禾本科10种,蓼科9种,十字花科8种。不同类型的野生地被植物种类构成主要有16种:冬春型野生地被植物4种,夏秋型野生地被植物5种,全光照型野生地被植物4种,蜀山森林生态系统型野生地被植物3种。  相似文献   

舟山海岛野生地被植物资源及园林应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舟山群岛属亚热带气候,野生地被植物资源十分丰富。经过2年的调查研究,报道野生地被植物共有82科,207属,357种,结合地被植物选择原则,筛选出观赏价值较高的20种乡土地被植物用于城市绿化,针对不同园林用途提出不同的地被种类,并对开发海岛乡土地被植物的工作提出建议。  相似文献   

Wrack (vegetation debris) deposited by storm surges of major hurricanes along the northern Gulf of Mexico produces depressant effects that vary from partial to complete mortality of groundcover vegetation in coastal savannas. As wrack decomposes or is relocated by a subsequent hurricane, patches are opened to colonization. We postulated that patterns of wrack deposition and removal, coupled with differential responses by savanna plant species should produce alternate states of groundcover vegetation. We explored extreme effects of wrack deposited by Hurricane Katrina (2005) in savannas dominated by slash pine Pinus elliottii and cordgrass Spartina patens and located above mean high tide at the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, USA. In 2008, we established plots in adjacent areas with and without wrack deposits. Almost no groundcover plant species occurred in wrack deposits compared to adjacent groundcover without wrack. We simulated redistribution of wrack during a new storm surge by removing wrack from replicated plots and depositing it in plots without wrack, recording plant species in treatment and control plots before, then one month and one year after manipulations. One year later, about half the species present before wrack addition (especially dominant graminoids) grew back through redistributed wrack, suggesting that some species were resistant to burial of limited amounts of wrack. Wrack removal resulted in germination and establishment of numerous herbaceous plant species not in undisturbed groundcover, doubling total aboveground numbers of species in the pine savanna and shifting groundcover communities to alternate states not present prior to Katrina. Removal of wrack opens space colonized by resilient species, including those transported in wrack and those surviving intervals between disturbances belowground. Wrack dynamics (deposition and removal) generated alternate states that resulted from resistance‐ and resilience‐driven changes in different patches of groundcover in coastal savannas.  相似文献   

为探讨不同入侵压力下入侵植物对本地植物功能性状土壤碳、氮、磷化学计量特征的影响,以入侵植物曼陀罗(Datura stramonium)及共存本地植物为研究对象,调查了无入侵区、轻度入侵区和重度入侵区(按入侵种盖度比例划分)的植物种类、株数、株高及本地植物群落的物种多样性,分析了各区入侵植物和本地植物叶片的比叶面积、碳含量、氮含量、碳氮比、叶片建成成本以及不同土层的碳、氮、磷化学计量特征。结果显示:随曼陀罗入侵压力的增加,本地植物种类及株数逐渐减少;曼陀罗株高和叶片氮含量在不同入侵压力下均显著高于本地植物,且随入侵压力的增加具有升高趋势;叶片碳氮比显著低于无入侵区本地植物;比叶面积、叶片碳含量和叶片建成成本等与入侵区本地植物相比不具有显著差异。随曼陀罗入侵压力的增加,土壤全氮含量、全碳含量、氮磷比与碳磷比显著增加,而全磷含量与碳氮比显著下降;土壤碳氮化学计量特征呈现出一定的表聚效应。这些研究结果表明,曼陀罗具有较高的资源捕获能力,并且改变了入侵地土壤特性,进而增强自身竞争能力以提高入侵力,这些可能是曼陀罗成功入侵的原因之一。  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper was to study the responses of mountain plants in relation to the time of snowmelt. Three mountain areas situated along an oceanic–continental gradient were selected as study sites, and the sample plots ranged from 182 m below to 473 m above the climatic forest limit. In total, 185 quadrats (2 m × 2 m), stratified to include only oligotrophic and mesotrophic mountain vegetation types, were selected to represent a topographic range along altitudinal gradients. In each quadrat, the percentage groundcover of the species was recorded. From the beginning of April until July 2004, snow thickness was monitored, and the Julian day when the snow had completely melted was determined for all plots. The relationship between species abundances and Julian day of snowmelt were analysed by two different numerical methods: (1) relative values for species optimum and tolerance were given by Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) with Julian day of snowmelt as the constraining variable. (2) Species responses were modelled by Generalized Linear Models (GLM). For species with significant unimodal responses, optimum and tolerance were calculated. For species with significant linear models, different species response models were identified by the regression intercepts. One hundred and twenty six species (taxa) were tested, and 103 evidenced statistically significant (p < 0.05) distribution responses. Several common alpine plants had a distribution that appeared to be independent of snow. On the basis of the results of the numerical methods, the species were separated into nine Snow Indicator (SI) classes, as a parallel to the Ellenberg indicator values. The species’ SI values were used to calculate weighted average SI values to examine the relationships between previously described plant communities and vegetation transects which experience different snow conditions.  相似文献   

朱砂根(Ardisia crenata)原产于东亚和东南亚地区, 现已入侵美国南部等地区。为了探讨AM真菌对朱砂根入侵能力的影响, 我们以根段接种的方法扩繁了源自入侵地美国德克萨斯州和原产地广东东莞、四川峨眉山和湖北兴山的朱砂根根系中的AM真菌, 研究了这些不同来源的AM真菌对朱砂根生长和生理状况的影响。结果表明4个不同来源的AM真菌均能够提高朱砂根的叶面积比(LAR)和相对生长速率(RGR), 而对其饱和净光合速率(Pn)、呼吸速率(Rd)、根冠比(R/S)和各器官中氮、磷营养元素含量均没有显著影响。四个不同来源的AM真菌对朱砂根的作用略有差异, 其中入侵地德克萨斯州与原产地广东东莞AM真菌对朱砂根生长的促进作用较强, 但入侵地AM真菌对朱砂根的促进作用并不普遍高于原产地, AM真菌的作用可能并不是导致入侵种群密度远高于本土种群密度的因素。  相似文献   

Tillage and groundcover are the two mainly used management practices in orchard. Only small portion of orchard has been treated with groundcover in China, which would restrict our understanding of the scientific management of apple orchard. This study aimed to investigate the impact of different groundcover treatments on the plant growth of groundcover species and soil properties in an apple orchard near Beijing, northern China. Six commonly used groundcover species were chosen to grow underground. Our results showed that groundcover species had significant greater maximum photosynthesis rate (Pmax) than weeds in control plots. Meanwhile, groundcover treatments could largely improve the microclimate of orchard compared with tillage treatment. Among all the groundcover species, alfalfa was proven to be the most appropriate species grown underground in apple orchard for its high Pmax and high above-ground biomass. Groundcover treatments had little impact on soil bulk density, soil porosity and surface soil organic carbon (SOC) content. However, significantly greater deep soil organic carbon contents were found in two grass species, and significantly higher soil available nitrogen (N) contents were found in two leguminous species respectively. Our results indicated that groundcover treatment would be a sustainable management practice for apple orchard in northern China.  相似文献   

We tested whether the intensity of hardwood midstory reduction causes commensurate improvements of herbaceous groundcover in fire‐suppressed Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) sandhills. Using a complete randomized block design, we compared the effects of three hardwood reduction techniques (spring burning, application of the ULW® form of the herbicide hexazinone, chainsaw felling/girdling) and a no‐treatment control on plant species richness, and on life form and common species densities at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, U.S.A., from 1995 to 1998. ULW® and felling/girdling plots were burned for fuel reduction two years after initial treatment application. We also sampled the same variables in frequently‐burned reference sandhills to establish targets for restoration. Spring burns achieved partial topkill of oaks (17.6–41.1% from 1995 to 1998) compared to reductions of 69.1–94% accomplished by ULW® and of 93.2–67.8% by felling/girdling treatments. We predicted that plant species richness and densities of herbaceous groundcover life forms would increase according to the percent hardwood reductions. Predictions were not supported by treatment effects for species richness because positive responses to fire best explained increases in plant richness, whereas ULW® effects accounted for the largest initial decreases. Legumes, non‐legume forbs, and graminoids did not respond to treatments as predicted by the hypothesis. Again, positive responses to fire dominated the results, which was supported by greater herbaceous densities observed in reference plots. Overall, we found that the least effective and least expensive hardwood midstory reduction method, fire, resulted in the greatest groundcover improvements as measured by species richness and herbaceous groundcover plant densities.  相似文献   

Bees rely on floral pollen and nectar for food. Therefore, pollinator friendly plantings are often used to enrich habitats in bee conservation efforts. As part of these plantings, non‐native plants may provide valuable floral resources, but their effects on native bee communities have not been assessed in direct comparison with native pollinator friendly plantings. In this study, we performed a common garden experiment by seeding mixes of 20 native and 20 non‐native pollinator friendly plant species at separate neighboring plots at three sites in Maryland, USA, and recorded flower visitors for 2 years. A total of 3,744 bees (120 species) were collected. Bee abundance and species richness were either similar across plant types (midseason and for abundance also late season) or lower at native than at non‐native plots (early season and for richness also late season). The overall bee community composition differed significantly between native and non‐native plots, with 11 and 23 bee species being found exclusively at one plot type or the other, respectively. Additionally, some species were more abundant at native plant plots, while others were more abundant at non‐natives. Native plants hosted more specialized plant–bee visitation networks than non‐native plants. Three species out of the five most abundant bee species were more specialized when foraging on native plants than on non‐native plants. Overall, visitation networks were more specialized in the early season than in late seasons. Our findings suggest that non‐native plants can benefit native pollinators, but may alter foraging patterns, bee community assemblage, and bee–plant network structures.  相似文献   

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