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对分布于我国南方的飞虱科两个属:细突飞虱属Neoterthrona Yang et Yang及等胸飞虱属Paraconon Yang et Yang进行了分类概要,修订了2属的属征,并记述3个新种:直茎细突飞虱Neoterthrona recta sp.nov.,具瘤细突飞虱Neoterthrona tubercularis sp.nov.和中华等胸飞虱Paraconon sinensis sp.nov..文中分别给出了2属所有种的检索表.新种模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

记述纹石蛾科弓石蛾亚科1新纪录属,美赛弓石蛾属Maesaipsyche,及1新种,即细齿美赛弓石蛾Maesaipsyche serrulata Sun et Yang ,sp.nov.(广西),其阳具缺阳基侧突而与Maesaipsyche mekongensis Mey相似,但新种中附肢背缘近端部具齿突、外侧缘具细齿.并记述绒弓石蛾属Parapsyche 1新种,即北京绒弓石蛾Parapsyche beijingensis Sun et Morse,sp.nov.(北京),该种肛上附肢与第10节完全愈合,阳具特别发达,与Parapsyche kchina Schmid相似;但新种阳茎基背突为1对瘤状突,其上着生短刺,阳茎基背突上方具1兜状结构,背面观时端部膨大成圆盘.新种模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

描述采自内蒙古贺兰山自然保护区的毛翅目2新种,即多刺闭室沼石蛾Apataniana spinosa Yang et Tao,sp.nov.和贺兰光突沼石蛾Astratodina helanensis Yang et Jia,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

Salmela J 《ZooKeys》2012,(162):43-58
All available type material of Tipula stackelbergi Alexander, Tipula usuriensis Alexander and Tipula subpruinosa Mannheims were examined. Tipula (Yamatotipula) stackelbergistat. rev. is elevated from a subspecies of Tipula (Yamatotipula) pruinosa Wiedemann to a valid species. Two new synonyms are proposed: Tipula usuriensissyn. n. proved to be a junior synonym of. Tipula (Yamatotipula) pruinosa and Tipula subpruinosasyn. n. a junior synonym of Tipula (Yamatotipula) freyana Lackschewitz. Tipula (Yamatotipula) stackelbergi is redescribed, male and female terminalia of Tipula (Yamatotipula) pruinosa are illustrated and discussed. Female terminalia of Tipula (Yamatotipula) freyana are described and illustrated for the first time. A key to both sexes of Tipula (Yamatotipula) stackelbergi and Tipula (Yamatotipula) pruinosa, and a key to females of Tipula (Yamatotipula) chonsaniana, Tipula (Yamatotipula) freyana and Tipula (Yamatotipula) moesta are provided. Subspecies are not uncommon among crane flies, but their ranges and traits are poorly known. An interdisciplinary approach (genetics, ecology, taxonomy) is suggested if subspecific ranks are to be used in tipuloid systematics.  相似文献   

描记了采自云南西双版纳的飞虱科(半翅目)2新种:弯突淡背飞虱,新种Sogatellana curva sp.nov和刺茎奇臀飞虱,新种Miranus spinaphallus sp.nov.新种弯突淡背飞虱Sogatellana curva sp.nov与属内其它种的区别在于该种的阳基侧突略为弯曲,端部细且外端角不突出,而其它种阳基侧突的内端角和外端角都突出,另外该种膈背缘的形状不同于属内其它种;新种刺茎奇臀飞虱Miranusspinaphallus sp.nov.以阳茎左侧背面有一排刺状突起以及右腹侧面有一排小刺可与奇臀飞虱属其它种类相区别.报道了我国大陆的两个新纪录种,迪索西飞虱Syndelphax disonymos(Kirkaldy)(分布:广东湛江)和蜿蜒茎刺飞虱Sinolacme sinuosa Yang(分布:广西阳朔).新种的模式标本和其它研究标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所标本馆.  相似文献   

记述采于中国海南省的飞虱科隆脊飞虱属一新种:海南隆脊飞虱Carinodelphax hainanensis sp.nov,并对该属的属征进行了修订,编制了目前已知2种的检索表,模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

记述小石蛾属Hydroptila 的4新种,双钩小石蛾H.biuncialis Zhou et Yang,sp.nov.(江西),细角小石蛾H.leptocera Zhou et Yang,sp.nov.(江西,广西),内刺小石蛾H.introspinata Zhou et Sun,sp.nov.(黑龙江)和长板小石蛾H.longitabularis Zhou et Yang,sp.nov.(广西);编写了我国小石蛾属分种检索表.模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

The achilid genus Rhotala is taxonomically revised based on specimens from China. Four species are recognized in this paper as valid: R. vittata Matsumura, 1914; R. dimidiata Jacobi, 1944; R. fanjingshana Chen et Yang, 2008; and one new species: R. jiangxiensis sp. nov. (southern China: Jiangxi). Male genitalia of these species are described and illustrated. In addition, hind tibia, forewings and hindwings are illustrated for the male of R. jiangxiensis sp. nov. A diagnosis of the genus is redefined. A key to the species of Rhotala in China is presented.  相似文献   

本文记载了希奇;宁条的麦蛾一新种,即锦鸡儿条麦蛾Anarsia caragana Yang et Li,sp.nov.。该种与Anarsia sibireca Park et Ponomarenko外部特征相似,但雄性外生殖器左抱器腹有一个出血内面的细长突起,盐池县,以幼虫叶丝缀叶危害柠条。一年发生两代,第1代发生在6、7月份,株被害率在40%~60%,第2代出现在8、9月份,以蛹越冬。文中提供了  相似文献   

Tipula (Pterelachisus) recondita Pilipenko & Salmela, sp. n. is described. The new species is collected from two localities: Finland, Kittilä (North boreal ecoregion) and Russia, Primorski kray (Zone of temperate broadleaf and mixed forests). Although variation in the structure of male hypopygium between the Finnish and Russian populations is observed, DNA barcode sequences differ only by three nucleotides (0.2 % K2P distance), supporting presence of one widespread species. K2P minimum distances between the new species and 17 other species of the subgenus range from 5.3 to 15.8 % (mean 8.8 %). The new species is forest-dwelling, known from an old-growth herb-rich forest (Finland) and Quercus mongolica forest (Russia). The new species is perhaps closest to Tipula (Pterelachisus) imitator Alexander and in lesser extent to Tipula (Pterelachisus) pauli Mannheims; the inner gonostylus of both species are illustrated.  相似文献   

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