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我国害鼠不育控制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘汉武  王荣欣  张凤琴  李秋英 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5484-5494
害鼠给人类带来巨大的经济损失,导致严重的生态问题。人们采用各种方法防治鼠害,其中不育控制是一种新的方法。不育控制即通过某种手段使雄性或和雌性绝育,或阻碍胚胎着床,甚至阻断幼体生长,以降低生育率。不育控制的概念最早在20世纪60年代提出,近年来,我国在利用不育技术控制害鼠方面做了大量研究,总结了国内该领域研究的部分结果。在实验室测试了多种不育剂。被测试的不育剂对相应的鼠类几乎都有不育作用;一些不育剂会影响鼠类的行为,这会减弱竞争性繁殖干扰的作用;一些不育剂在达到一定剂量后有致死作用,不育和灭杀的双重作用会产生更好的控制效果;还观察到不育个体的复孕现象,这会减弱控制效果;关于不育剂安全性的研究发现更昔洛韦和M001雄性不育灭鼠剂对家鸽没有任何毒性作用。大量野外实验证实不育剂对害鼠大都有较好的控制效果,实际控制中,控制面积不宜太小。利用数学模型所作的理论分析表明不育控制有不比灭杀控制差的效果;在决定种群是否灭绝上,不育率、灭杀率、选择性收获率等的作用是相同的。根据研究的实际情况,本文提出了一些今后研究中应注意的问题。无论在实验室还是野外,除了种群动态外,还要记录更详细的数据,以期对不育控制有更详细的了解。要加大不育剂对非靶向动物和环境影响的研究。在不育控制这种干扰下,害鼠种群的变化必然导致与其相关的种群也作出相应的变化,这一方面的研究需要进行。每种控制方式都有自己的特点,多种控制方法联合使用会达到更理想的效果。竞争性繁殖干扰现象是存在的,它使种群规模更小,在数学模型中,应体现出这一因素。  相似文献   

短效不育剂控制下季节性繁殖害鼠种群的动态模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
害鼠给人类带来很大的危害,人们可以利用杀鼠剂和不育剂对其进行控制.害鼠在摄食不育剂后导致不育,但有时不育鼠会恢复生育能力,生育后代,使种群规模增大.本文建立了灭杀控制和短效不育控制下害鼠种群的动态模型,在模型中每隔固定时间施行两种控制,在害鼠的繁殖具有季节性的前提下,分析了模型的形态以及害鼠不育率、灭杀率、控制间隔、不育剂有效期等参数对种群动态的影响.结果表明:较高的不育率和灭杀率,以及较短的控制间隔会达到更好的控制效果,可以使种群较小,甚至灭绝.短效不育剂限制了不育剂在控制害鼠上的作用,也降低了控制的效果.在使用短效不育剂控制害鼠的情况下,在繁殖季节后期,害鼠种群会有小的恢复.  相似文献   

雄性不育对布氏田鼠交配行为和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用雄性结扎不育方法研究雄性结扎不育对布氏田鼠交配行为和繁殖的影响。结果表明:雄性结扎不育后不影响布氏田鼠雌雄两性的交配行为;不育雄性的存在对雌性的正常交配产生了干扰,降低了雌性的有效交配次数,并导致雌性怀孕率和产仔数的下降。结果一方面说明结扎不育雄性方法可用于布氏田鼠的不育控制研究,另一方面为不育后的竞争性繁殖干扰假设提供了实验证据。  相似文献   

复方避孕药物(EP-1)对雄性大仓鼠繁殖器官的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
鉴于传统化学灭杀方法存在的不足和缺陷,各国都在致力于研究无公害、可持续的鼠害防治技术与策略,其中不育控制是当前研究的一个热点:近年来我国在鼠类不育控制方面也开展了一些研究(张知彬等,1997a,1997b,2001;Shi et a1..2002;Li et a1.,2006)。  相似文献   

不育和"灭杀”对围栏内大仓鼠种群繁殖力和数量的影响   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本文采用结扎不育的方法研究了不育和“灭杀”对围栏内大仓鼠(Cricetulus triton)实验种群繁殖力和数量的作用,主要验证模型的两个预测:不育能够达到灭杀的效果;双性不育优于单性不育,同时探讨了大仓鼠种群调节中的关键因子。本实验设4个处理(2个重复)来模拟67%的不育率或灭杀率:对照组(9正常♂,9正常♀);灭杀组(3正常♂,3正常♀);雌雄不育组(3正常♂,6不育♂;3正常♀,6不育♀);雌性不育组(9正常♂;3正常♀,6不育♀)。研究结果表明:对照组和灭杀组的平均繁殖力接近且较高,雌性不育组居中,雌雄不育组最低,不育成体鼠与正常成体鼠、正常雄性成体鼠与正常雌性成体鼠、新生雄性与雌性幼鼠之间的存活率差异都不显著。新生幼鼠雌:雄性比为53:49=1.0816,与1:1 无显著性差异。大仓鼠体重增长基本符合Logistic模型,不育雌鼠的体重相对增长率比正常雌鼠高,且最大体重也比正常雌鼠大;正常雌鼠的体重相对增长率比正常雄鼠较高,在食物和水分充分供应的情况下,围栏内种群密度的高低对雌鼠繁殖力的影响不大,说明食物可能是引起野外大仓鼠种群繁殖力变化的关键因素,而社群因素的作用不大。在围栏内,雄鼠的存活率比雌鼠略低,但幼鼠的存活率比成体鼠的存活纺低很多;围栏内大仓鼠成体的存活率与自然种群比较接近,而幼体存活率却比自然状况下低了很多,说明与密度关联的大仓鼠社群调节可能主要是通过影响存活率,特别是幼体存活率却比自然状况下低了很多,说明与密度关联的大仓鼠社群调节可能主要是通过影响存活率,特别是幼体的存活率而起作用。  相似文献   

利用不育技术防治高原鼠兔的理论模行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘汉武  周立  刘伟  周华坤 《生态学杂志》2008,27(7):1238-1243
高原鼠兔数量的激增加剧了高寒草甸的退化,采取化学灭杀的方法控制高原鼠兔,只能暂时降低高原鼠兔的数量,在较短的时间内种群又会恢复到原来的水平.本文从理论上探讨不育控制对高原鼠兔种群的影响,建立了具有性别结构的高原鼠兔种群的数学模型,探讨在不育控制中两性的不育率对种群动态的影响并比较不育控制与化学灭杀的区别.结果表明:不育控制比化学灭杀在抑制和消灭种群上都具有更好的效果;在不育控制中雌性的不育率具有更为重要的作用,所以在利用不育技术控制高原鼠兔时要特别注意雌性不育率.  相似文献   

利用不育技术防治高原鼠兔的理论模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高原鼠兔数量的激增加剧了高寒草甸的退化,采取化学灭杀的方法控制高原鼠兔,只能暂时降低高原鼠兔的数量,在较短的时间内种群又会恢复到原来的水平。本文从理论上探讨不育控制对高原鼠兔种群的影响,建立了具有性别结构的高原鼠兔种群的数学模型,探讨在不育控制中两性的不育率对种群动态的影响并比较不育控制与化学灭杀的区别。结果表明:不育控制比化学灭杀在抑制和消灭种群上都具有更好的效果;在不育控制中雌性的不育率具有更为重要的作用,所以在利用不育技术控制高原鼠兔时要特别注意雌性不育率。  相似文献   

实施不育后高原鼠兔攻击行为及激素水平变化的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
魏万红  樊乃昌 《兽类学报》1999,19(2):119-131
在高原鼠兔的繁殖盛期选定怀孕雌鼠和发情雄鼠各20只,采用所选雌性不育剂和雄必不育剂的半不育剂量分别对10只雌鼠和10只雄鼠进行处理,通过室内雌雌,雌雄,雄雄配对实验对20只处理个体和20只对照个体的攻击行为进行了研究,同时对其生殖激素的水平进行了测定。结果表明:(1)不育处理后,雌雄动物的活动性降低,亲昵行为持续时间增加,攻南 及防御行为持续的时间和发生频次明显低于对照组个体;(2)在各组内,雌雄  相似文献   

张知彬 《兽类学报》2015,35(2):203-210
由于当前传统灭杀带来的一系列问题,鼠害不育控制逐渐受到重视。自张知彬等2004年率先报道左炔诺孕酮和炔雌醚复合物(EP-1)对野生鼠类不育效果的研究以来,国内多个研究团队对EP-1及其组分的不育效果、剂量、饵料制作、环境安全性、行为与分子机理等方面开展了大量的验证和完善研究,取得了许多重要的进展。这些结果进一步说明EP-1及组分对鼠类具有很好的不育效果,并具有两性不育、高效低量、可持续、相对环保与安全、野外投放方便、经济可行等特点。EP-1或炔雌醚毒饵的不育剂量约为10-50μg/m L(0.001%-0.005%),甚至更低;其组分在土壤和水体的半衰期约为5-16 d和小于3 d。在鼠类繁殖的早期,采取野外一次饱和投放即可有效降低全年鼠类的繁殖,效果可延续至第二年。可见,EP-1及其组分有望成为鼠害控制的一个新手段。建议今后进一步加强野外不育与跨年持续效应的验证、环境安全性评价和行为生态学机制等研究工作。  相似文献   

岩白菜(虎耳草科)不同海拔居群的繁殖分配   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
资源分配策略是植物生活史研究的重要内容之一,植物用于繁殖的相对资源比例(即繁殖分配)与植株的生活史特征、个体大小及植株的生境密切相关。本文研究了藏东南色季拉山一个阴坡上海拔4200m~4640m范围内6个不同居群的虎耳草科多年生草本植物岩白菜(Bergenia purpurascens)的繁殖分配特征,结果发现:(1)繁殖器官生物量、营养器官生物量、地上部分总生物量、花数目、花序轴长度均随海拔的升高而显著降低,而叶数目随海拔变化不大,繁殖分配值则先降低后升高,转折点在林线过渡带(海拔4400m)处;(2)各居群(海拔4300m居群除外)营养器官生物量与繁殖器官生物量均显著正相关,而营养器官生物量与繁殖分配则负相关,但各居群的显著性不同;(3)各居群繁殖器官生物量与植株个体大小(营养器官生物量)呈不同程度的异速增长,而繁殖分配则与植株个体大小负相关;(4)各居群植株都存在一个繁殖所需的个体大小阈值,而且这一阈值在林线以下区域随海拔的升高而显著增大,在林线以上区域变化不显著。研究结果表明,海拔并不是影响岩白菜繁殖分配策略的唯一生态因子,不同居群的生境状况和植株个体大小都与其资源分配策略密切相关,高山地区林线的存在对植物资源的权衡方式会产生巨大影响。  相似文献   

A spatial stochastic simulation model was used to assess the potential of fertility control, based on a yet-to-be-developed oral bait-delivered contraceptive directed at females, for the control of bovine tuberculosis in badger populations in south-west England. The contraceptive had a lifelong effect so that females rendered sterile in any particular year remained so for the rest of their lives. The efficacy of fertility control alone repeated annually for varying periods of time was compared with a single culling operation and integrated control involving an initial single cull followed by annually repeated fertility control. With fertility control alone, in no instance was the disease eradicated completely while a viable badger population (mean group size of at least one individual) was still maintained. Near eradication of the disease (less than 1% prevalence) combined with the survival of a minimum viable badger population was only achieved under a very limited set of conditions, either with high efficiency of control (95%) over a short time period (1-3 years) or a low efficiency of control (20%) over an intermediate time period (10-20 years). Under these conditions, it took more than 20 years for the disease to decline to such low levels. A single cull of 80% efficiency succeeded in near eradication of the disease (below 1% prevalence) after a period of 6-8 years, while still maintaining a viable badger population. Integrated strategies reduced disease prevalence more rapidly and to lower levels than culling alone, although the mean badger group size following the onset of control was smaller. Under certain integrated strategies, principally where a high initial cull (80%) was followed by fertility control over a short (1-3 year) time period, the disease could be completely eradicated while a viable badger population was maintained. However, even under the most favourable conditions of integrated control, it took on average more than 12 years following the onset of control for the disease to disappear completely from the badger population. These results show that whilst fertility control would not be a successful strategy for the control of bovine tuberculosis in badgers if used alone, it could be effective if used with culling as part of an integrated strategy. This type of integrated strategy is likely to be more effective in terms of disease eradication than a strategy employing culling alone. However, the high cost of developing a suitable fertility control agent, combined with the welfare and conservation implications, are significant factors which should be taken into account when considering its possible use as a means of controlling bovine tuberculosis in badger populations in the UK.  相似文献   

Management of the feral Horse (Equus caballus) in the Australian Alps bioregion is a difficult and emotive issue, with interested parties working from vastly differing perspectives. Compounding this, information regarding ecology and distribution of horses, and the cost and effectiveness of management strategies is often unknown or uncertain. Resolving these issues requires an objective approach with the flexibility to incorporate different potential scenarios. We used a spatially explicit population model to compare the potential effects of two different management strategies on populations of horses in the Australian Alps bioregion: culling from helicopters versus trapping and mustering. We populated the model using the results of population surveys conducted in 2014, vegetation data and cost estimates. We then provided an estimate of the effect of each strategy on population size across the Alps, and their corresponding costs, compared to no management. To account for uncertainties, we simulated different scenarios for horse population densities, dispersal rates and population growth rates. Management using aerial culling was more effective than mustering in every scenario modelled, and three to six times cheaper. Aerial culling was only slightly more effective within its control region. However, because mustering is necessarily restricted by road access, this translated to a substantial improvement in population control – up to 2000 horses where growth and dispersal rates were high. Our results unequivocally suggest aerial culling as the only strategy that could effectively control horses within the modelled range of scenarios; this result stands in addition to its other potential benefits of lower cost, animal stress and landscape disturbance. A major advantage of this modelling approach is that we can easily update it with new data, test different measures of effectiveness and add new scenarios to adapt to the rapidly changing situation on the ground, both in terms of the ecology and the political climate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review how mate-finding Allee effects enter population dynamical models that consider both sexes, highlight possible limitations of the more widely used “one-sex” models, and outline the links between the different model classes. We further explore interactions between the mate-finding Allee effect and other mechanisms relevant to pest-control strategies: release of natural enemies, sterile male release, and culling. Many of these strategies impose an additional component Allee effect on the population, and we discuss which of them might be efficient in the control of pest species that also suffer from the failure to locate mates. We focus primarily on eradication thresholds; our simple models show that most of the strategies yield similar results, and depending on the costs, one strategy or a combination of several can lead to the most efficient control.  相似文献   

Several models used to study the effectiveness of abortion in population limitation are examined. The Keyfitz model, based on the probability that an individual woman will conceive in a given month, is extended and public implications of legal abortions are discussed. A model more appropriate for a population of women rather than a single woman can be developed by relating the probability of conception and the sterile intervals to the number of birth and the number of women in the population. The effectiveness of abortion as a birth control method is studied using this model and includes: 1) abortion effectiveness combined with efficient contraception (95% effective); 2) the sensitivity of abortion to gestation when a contraceptive of lower efficiency is used; 3) these effects modified for prolonged lactation; 4) the effect of changing the monthly probability of conception and the monthly efficiency of contraception. Abortion later in pregnancy is advantageous when efficient contraception is absent. The effectiveness of abortion to gestation is approximately the same whether lactation is included or absent, although abortion is more effective at all gestations and for all contraceptives efficiencies in the absence of lactation. The sensitivity of the effectiveness of abortion to the probability of conception decreases as monthly effectiveness of contraception increases. The probability of conception and the monthly effectiveness of contraception are difficult parameters to measure in the population. The effect of abortion averaged over the entire population at risk of pregnancy is different from its effect on certain subgroups. For U.S. females the probability of conception may be between .06 and .16, and from the model it is indicated that the effectiveness of abortion would be from 1 to 1.13 abortions per live birth. The application of the model suggests that the expenditures for abortion services in this population are a reasonable investment, although investment for efficient contraception is also suggested.  相似文献   

Culling is often considered as a tool for controlling wildlife diseases that can also infect people or livestock. Culling European badgers Meles meles can cause both positive and negative effects on the incidence of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in cattle. One factor likely to influence the outcome of different badger-culling strategies for cattle TB is the reduction in badger population density achieved. However, this reduction is difficult to measure because badgers, being nocturnal and fossorial, are difficult to count. Here, we use indices of badger abundance to measure the population impacts of two culling strategies tested in Britain. The densities of badger setts and latrines recorded before culling were correlated with the densities of badgers captured on initial culls, suggesting that both were indices of actual badger abundance. Widespread 'proactive' culling was associated with a 73% reduction in the density of badger latrines, a 69% reduction in the density of active burrows and a 73% reduction in the density of road-killed badgers. This population reduction was achieved by a coordinated effort entailing widespread and repeated trapping over several years. However, this strategy caused only modest reductions in cattle TB incidence in culled areas and elevated incidence in neighbouring unculled areas. Localized 'reactive' culling caused a 26% reduction in latrine density, a 32% reduction in active burrow density and a 10% reduction in the density of road-killed badgers, but apparently increased the incidence of cattle TB. These results indicate that the relationship between badger population reduction and TB transmission to cattle is strongly non-linear, probably because culling prompts changes in badger behaviour that influence transmission rates. These findings raise serious questions about the capacity of badger culling to contribute to the control of cattle TB in Britain.  相似文献   

为检验施用炔雌醚对农牧交错带长爪沙鼠家群大小与巢域行为的影响,于2006年5月至9月对内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特市农牧交错区域分布的长爪沙鼠家群使用炔雌醚进行种群不育控制实验。分设投药区和对照区两个组别,分别于5月、7月与9月份采用1/4样圆面积有效洞口计数法,随机选取24个长爪沙鼠家群,调查对照区域和投药区内沙鼠的家群洞口数量以及家群大小。另在对照区和投药区,随机测定了30个沙鼠的家群活动范围,对比使用炔雌醚前后长爪沙鼠巢域平均半径和活动面积的影响。结果为:对照区家群平均洞口数58个,投药区仅23个,在炔雌醚投药区长爪沙鼠家群受炔雌醚影响,洞口数仅为23个,表明其对长爪沙鼠家群大小控制效果显著。投药区内长爪沙鼠家群密度在投药后连续下降,最大下降幅度较对照区家群密度低70%,表明炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠的家群密度影响较大,可显著降低长爪沙鼠家群密度(P<0.05)。炔雌醚对长爪沙鼠家群平均半径和活动面积的研究结果显示,施用炔雌醚后家群巢域半径与活动面积均显著缩小(P<0.05),与对照区巢域平均面积相比缩小15%、平均活动半径缩小30%。通过以上结果可得出:单独施用炔雌醚对控制野外长爪沙鼠家群以及降低长爪沙鼠巢域、活动面积效果显著。炔雌醚可有效降低农牧交错带长爪沙鼠种群数量和有效活动范围,这对于农牧交错带的鼠害防控,同时降低鼠源性疾病,包括鼠疫的传播都有一定的意义。  相似文献   

The 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic was controlled by culling of infectious premises and pre-emptive culling intended to limit the spread of disease. Of the control strategies adopted, routine culling of farms that were contiguous to infected premises caused the most controversy. Here we perform a retrospective analysis of the culling of contiguous premises as performed in 2001 and a simulation study of the effects of this policy on reducing the number of farms affected by disease. Our simulation results support previous studies and show that a national policy of contiguous premises (CPs) culling leads to fewer farms losing livestock. The optimal national policy for controlling the 2001 epidemic is found to be the targeting of all contiguous premises, whereas for localized outbreaks in high animal density regions, more extensive fixed radius ring culling is optimal. Analysis of the 2001 data suggests that the lowest-risk CPs were generally prioritized for culling, however, even in this case, the policy is predicted to be effective. A sensitivity analysis and the development of a spatially heterogeneous policy show that the optimal culling level depends upon the basic reproductive ratio of the infection and the width of the dispersal kernel. These analyses highlight an important and probably quite general result: optimal control is highly dependent upon the distance over which the pathogen can be transmitted, the transmission rate of infection and local demography where the disease is introduced.  相似文献   

Sterilization has rarely been considered as an alternative to culling or vaccination to control wildlife diseases. Disease control by sterilization, as by culling, has most promise when the host'ss ability for compensatory growth following the removal of density-dependent inhibitions is limited, and when moderate reductions in population density cause disproportionately large reductions in disease prevalence, or even eliminate the disease. For many host/disease examples this will not be the case and vaccination may have overwhelming advantages or may be the only practical option. The impact of sterilization on host density and disease prevalence will develop relatively slowly because sterilization can prevent the recruitment of only one age-cohort at a time. Moreover, unless there is vertical transmission, this age-cohort will consist only of susceptibles. Culling, on the contrary, removes infected as well as susceptible animals. However, for certain disease/host examples, the r elative effectiveness of the different control strategies may be altered considerably if their variable effects on the probability of disease transmission are taken into account. Social perturbation or stress could render certain culling strategies ineffective or even counter-productive. Depending on how disease dynamics are influenced by the host'ss age-structure and reproductive investment, fertility control could offer epidemiological advantages that have been ignored by most disease/host models. We illustrate some of these principles by investigating the theoretical and practical feasibility of an hypothetical sterilization campaign to control bovine tuberculosis in badgers (and hence cattle) in Britain.  相似文献   

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