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为了解唐鱼两性异形及其与游泳能力关系,检测了性成熟阶段唐鱼躯干部和鱼鳍形态特征以及爆发游泳速度(Uburst)和临界游泳速度(Ucrit)在雌雄之间的差异,旨在从形态适应角度探究长期进化中雌雄唐鱼各自面对选择压力所产生的游泳能力差异及其机制,从而为野生唐鱼保护提供基础数据.结果表明: 雌性唐鱼的体长、头高、头宽、尾鳍面积以及吻端至枕骨后末端、腹鳍起点至背鳍末端等长度均与雄性无显著差异.而体高、体宽、腹鳍起点至背鳍起点等反映腹腔大小的形态参数以及吻端至背鳍起点、吻端至臀鳍起点、枕骨后末端至背鳍起点等反映躯干部大小的形态参数均显示为雌性显著大于雄性,但头长以及胸鳍面积、腹鳍面积、背鳍面积和臀鳍面积均显示为雄性显著大于雌性.对所有数据进行主成分分析,结果显示第1主成分贡献率为74.2%,负载量较大的是体长、头长、头高、体高、头宽、体宽以及各鳍之间距离等主要反映唐鱼躯干整体特征的参数;第2主成分贡献率为15.7%,负载量较大的是胸鳍面积、腹鳍面积、背鳍面积和臀鳍面积等主要反映鱼鳍特征的参数.唐鱼性别在第1主成分上无法区分,但在第2主成分却可以明显区分.根据体宽、胸鳍面积、腹鳍面积、背鳍面积和臀鳍面积等建立的性别判别方程对雌雄判断准确率达到91.8%~92.5%.唐鱼游泳能力测定结果显示,雌性Uburst与雄性无显著差异,但Ucrit显著小于雄性.以上结果表明,雌雄唐鱼两性异形主要集中在与游泳能力相关的鱼鳍特征上.相比雄性,雌性唐鱼虽然胸鳍等鱼鳍面积较小导致其Ucrit小于雄性,却具有更长的躯干部以保证其同样具有较高的爆发游泳能力,从而有利于在流速波动很大的溪流中躲避捕食和进行其他应急活动;相比雌性,雄性唐鱼则具有较大的鱼鳍面积保证其Ucrit高于雌性,以利于日常活动及在繁殖过程中追逐雌性等相对持久性游泳运动.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution patterns of the main zooplankton groups in two small experimental ponds, one which contained fish and one which did not, were measured over a twelve month period from March 1983. Populations of all zooplankton groups were generally distributed non-randomly and with varying degrees of aggregation. The aggregation ofDaphnia longispina populations was inversely related to ambient wind speed, indicating a breakdown of behavioural clumping by wind-induced water currents. Evidence that populations ofDaphnia aggregate in response to fish predation was inconclusive. In contrast cyclopoid nauplii showed no evidence of behavioural clumping and the degree of aggregation was not related to wind speed. Nauplii aggregations were however greater in the absence than in the presence of fish.  相似文献   

1. The swimming speed of two forms, an extreme and a typical, within the cladoceran subgenus Eubosmina were examined using a three-dimensional video-technique. The extreme form has a very high carapax and extremely long antennule, features probably involved in predator defence.
2. It was found that the extreme form swam almost 40% slower than the typical form.
3. Calculations show that the extreme form had to work at least 12% harder to swim at the same speed, or if it used the same amount of energy to swim, the extreme form would swim 6% slower. Increased drag, because of its distinguishing carapax and antennule, is thus the most likely explanation for the slower swimming speed of the extreme form, assuming it selects the same power output.
4. Swimming speed can be correlated to food intake either by the frequency of hits to edible food particles or by the time to swim from a poor food patch to a good one. So the reduced speed is probably a great cost for the extreme form.  相似文献   

Studies on tropical freshwater zooplankton which commenced in the mid-19th century have been intensified during the past twenty years or so. The whole region, barring a few areas, has been investigated, including very recently tropical Australia. The widely scattered literature is briefly summarized with comments. Some general distributional patterns are emerging. There is a dearth of ecological studies especially on seasonality and production. Systematics lags behind the North Temperate zone in most tropical regions.  相似文献   

Simultaneous and sequential tests of pump sampling equipment showed that sampling mortality of Lake Michigan zooplankton collected from the cooling water intake of a nuclear power plant was dependent on the sampling method used. Two sampling devices and two pump types were tested to determine which combination resulted in the lowest sampling mortality. An in-line filter trap located on the suction side of the pump provided the lowest sampling mortality. Higher sampling rates were achieved with a centrifugal pump without increasing sampling mortality.  相似文献   

Recording reaction forces from primates during behaviors on vertical substrates, such as leaping, climbing, or biting trees, typically requires the design and construction of customized recording devices or mounting commercially available force platforms in a vertical position. The technical difficulties imposed by either option have hindered in vivo research on the kinetics of primate behaviors on vertical substrates. We describe a simple, inexpensive apparatus for recording forces from primate behaviors on vertical substrates. The apparatus includes an instrumented beam fastened directly to a horizontal force platform and a surrounding vertical substrate that does not contact the instrumented beam or platform. The contact piece at the end of the instrumented beam is positioned flush with the noninstrumented vertical substrate, and reaction forces elicited on this instrumented section are directed to the force platform. Because most of the vertical substrate is not instrumented, we can isolate and record forces from a single limb or jaw during a behavior. Biewener and Full ([1992] Biomechanics Structures and Positions: A Practical Approach; New York: Oxford University press, p. 45-73) gave seven criteria to consider when designing a customized force-recording device. Where appropriate, we tested if our apparatus met their criteria. The apparatus accurately records forces in three orthogonal directions, has low cross-talk, maintains a high frequency response, exhibits a linear response up to at least 200 Newtons, and displays a uniform response to a given force across the instrumented contact piece. Our design does not easily facilitate the identification of the point of force application. Therefore, joint moments cannot be easily calculated. This limitation, however, does not affect the apparatus's ability to accurately record the magnitude and direction of a force (as shown by other tests). We developed this apparatus to measure jaw forces during tree gouging in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), but the general design can be readily modified to study a variety of primate behaviors on vertical substrates.  相似文献   

The paper describes a new type of zooplankton sampler, which combines the concepts of the Pennak core sampler and the Schindler-Patalas plankton trap. The new sampler, called Trap Tube Sampler, consists of a PVC water pipe (1.5–2.0 m, long; 10 cm diameter) provided, at the bottom end, of a filtering unit and closing mechanism which alternatively closes the mouth of the tube and the mouth of the filtering unit. The new device is particularly suitable for collecting samples from the entire water column in shallow vegetated water bodies, fish ponds and mesocosm tanks.  相似文献   

In winter, post-smolts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar exposed to continuous additional light of different intensities (LL) in 14 m deep sea cages maintained a constant swimming speed in circular polarized schools with maximum fish density in the warmest water layers at 11 m depth. By contrast, fish exposed to natural light only (NL) ceased swimming at dusk, ascended from the warm layer to the thermocline c. 3 m depth and were more dispersed in the whole water column during the dark phase. In early spring, fish exposed to LL of medium (LL-MED) or high (LL-HIGH) light intensity ascended and maximum fish density was at 5 m depth. A similar ascent was delayed to late spring in both the low intensity group (LL-LOW) and the NL group, coinciding with a shift in maximum temperature to this depth. The advanced ascent in the LL-HIGH and LL-MED groups is interpreted as a light-induced shift in a seasonal rhythm of feeding motivation. In summer, most of the fish in all four treatment groups were observed in the warm and less saline 4 m surface layer. It is suggested that the seasonal and diel changes in vertical distribution of Atlantic salmon are related inversely to feeding motivation, with preferences for maximum temperature and darkness acting as modifying factors.  相似文献   

Mobility is essential to the fitness of many animals, and the costs of locomotion can dominate daily energy budgets. Locomotor costs are determined by the physiological demands of sustaining mechanical performance, yet performance is poorly understood for most animals in the field, particularly aquatic organisms. We have used 3‐D underwater videography to quantify the swimming trajectories and propulsive modes of bluegills sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus, Rafinesque) in the field with high spatial (1–3 mm per pixel) and temporal (60 Hz frame rate) resolution. Although field swimming trajectories were variable and nonlinear in comparison to quasi steady‐state swimming in recirculating flumes, they were much less unsteady than the volitional swimming behaviors that underlie existing predictive models of field swimming cost. Performance analyses suggested that speed and path curvature data could be used to derive reasonable estimates of locomotor cost that fit within measured capacities for sustainable activity. The distinct differences between field swimming behavior and performance measures obtained under steady‐state laboratory conditions suggest that field observations are essential for informing approaches to quantifying locomotor performance in the laboratory.  相似文献   

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