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采用TPS-2便携式光合仪对淮南市9种园林绿化灌木树种的夏季光合特性进行了测定。结果表明, 各树种光合生理参数(Pn、Ci、Tr、Gs、Ls、WUEt)日均值差异显著, 日变化趋势不尽相同, 且金边黄杨和腊梅的Pn日变化曲线为双峰曲线, 桂花的Pn日变化曲线为三峰曲线, 皆出现了“光合午休”现象。根据Pn、Tr、WUEt 3个指标的日均值进行聚类分析, 可将供试树种分为3个类群。Ⅰ类为低光合、低水分利用型(桂花、红檵木、金边黄杨、腊梅、紫荆、紫叶李), Ⅱ类为低蒸腾、高水分利用型(栀子), Ⅲ类为高光合、高蒸腾型(海桐、紫薇)。从生态效益的角度出发, 海桐和紫薇的固碳释氧、降温增湿能力俱佳, 节水降耗效果处于中等水平, 可作为淮南市生态园林建设的优先树种。  相似文献   

城市绿地作为城市生态系统的重要组成部分,在改善城市环境质量上发挥了重要作用。特别是在城市大型工业区,其环境质量的改善更是依赖于绿地生态服务功能。以城市绿地固定二氧化碳、释放氧气、蒸腾吸热、减少污染物、滞尘、减噪等6项生态服务功能作为城市工业区生态效益计量评价的指标体系,在对武汉钢铁公司厂区绿地实地调查的基础上,并结合绿地GIS和各层片叶面积指数,对厂区绿地叶面积绿量进行了定量研究。并通过各层片单位叶面积生态效益值的测定,定量研究了城市工业区绿地的生态服务功能。结果表明,厂区绿地叶面积总绿量是1694.21 hm2,以乡土乔木树种为主,其中落叶乔木绿量为399.8 hm2,常绿乔木绿量为409.0 hm2。城市绿地的生态效益取决于绿地叶面积绿量和植被生态功能,植被生态功能由组成植物本身的冠形、叶表面特性及生理特性决定。单位叶面积日固碳释氧量和蒸腾吸热量均以草本类最大;常绿乔木叶片对SO2污染物的年吸收量最大,为0.81 g.m-2.a-1;而常绿灌木和落叶灌木叶片的滞尘能力较强,草本类滞尘能力最弱。武钢厂区园林绿地生态服务功能的年总货币值为人民币20100.21万元,以夏季蒸腾吸热效益的货币值最高,达16330.56万元。其次是固定二氧化碳效益的货币值为2969.39万元,固定CO2量为23850.50 t.a-1。吸收SO2量为6563.44 kg.a-1,其货币化值所占比重最小,只有0.39万元。厂区园林绿地年释放O2量为17345.82 t.a-1,年滞尘量2884.51 t.a-1。在城市工业区绿化中,应根据绿地功能需要,配置适应环境且生态功能强的树种,并通过绿地合理的复层结构来增加单位绿地面积上的绿量水平,以增强绿地的生态服务功能,有效地改善工矿企业的环境质量。  相似文献   

高温天气植被蒸腾与遮荫降温效应的变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开展城市中不同树种植被遮荫与蒸腾降温效应的量化研究是科学优化植被温度调控服务的重要基础。以南京市栖霞区某小型绿地单元为研究区,对高温晴朗天气下不同树种典型植株树干液流进行了观测,采用"单位叶面积上的平均液流速率×叶面积指数"的扩展方法实现了由单株到林分尺度上冠层蒸腾量与蒸腾降温效应的估算,并根据林上、林下太阳辐射值计算了不同树种与整个绿地单元的遮荫降温效应,进而阐明了蒸腾与遮荫降温对总降温效应贡献率的变化特征。研究结果表明:1)3个树种树干液流均呈现昼高夜低的变化趋势,树干液流通常在6:00左右启动,正午前后达到峰值,且存在明显的"午休"现象,而在同一树种内树干液流会随着胸径的增大而显著增大;2)林分尺度上的冠层蒸腾量与蒸腾降温效应均为杨树雪松香樟,杨树峰或谷出现的时间(11:00—19:00)均明显晚于雪松(10:00—15:00)和香樟(9:00—16:00);3)3个树种遮荫降温效应总体上与太阳辐射的日变化规律基本一致,但树种间日平均降温效应的差异较小;4)3个树种与整个小型绿地单元的总降温效应在夜间均非常微弱,且全部为蒸腾降温,而在白天遮荫对总降温的贡献率(60%—75%)则明显高于蒸腾降温(25%—40%)。  相似文献   

城市绿化树种的滞尘效应——以哈尔滨市为例   总被引:125,自引:10,他引:115  
提出以植物材料的滞尘功能作为城市绿地设计中重要依据 ,对哈尔滨市 2 8个树种进行滞尘测定和叶表电镜扫描 ,结果表明 ,不同的树种滞尘量差异显著 ,树种之间的滞尘能力可相差 2~ 3倍以上 .常绿针叶树种中 ,红皮云杉、杜松是优良的滞尘树种 ,4周后滞尘分别达到 5 .7和 4.4g·m-2 .落叶阔叶树种中 ,银中杨、金银忍冬、山桃稠李是优良的阔叶滞尘树种 ,两周后滞尘分别达到 1.9、2 .0和 2 .45 g·m-2 .电镜观察发现 ,叶表皮具沟状组织、密集纤毛的树种滞尘能力强 ,叶表皮具瘤状或疣状突起的树种滞尘能力差 ,并结合滞尘测定对滞尘方式进行了讨论 .  相似文献   

不同树种叶片微观结构对其滞纳空气颗粒物功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空气颗粒物能够危害人体健康,而植被可以有效减少空气中颗粒物的浓度,提高环境质量。本文利用原子力显微镜、扫描电镜检测不同树种叶片表面微特征(气孔密度、蜡质层、油脂、绒毛、纹理等)、粗糙度和湿润性,研究了城市中不同树种叶片微结构对滞纳空气颗粒物功能的影响。结果表明:不同树种之间滞尘能力存在差异,针叶树种滞尘能力要高于阔叶树种;叶片表面结构对于树种滞尘能力的影响非常显著(P0.05),其中测试树种中油松、白皮松叶片滞尘主要受气孔密度、蜡质层厚度、油脂、纹理的影响,而旱柳、五角枫、银杏和杨树叶片滞尘能力主要受叶片表面粗糙度的影响;叶片表面湿润性与叶片的滞尘能力存在显著负相关(P0.05)。  相似文献   

半干旱黄土丘陵区五种植物的生理生态特征比较   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
通过测定陕北黄土丘陵区5种植物在旱季的光合速率、蒸腾速率和叶水势日变化,将植物划分为不同的水分生态适应类型.结果表明:柳枝稷的光合生理特征属于高光合、低蒸腾和高水分利用效率类型,其抗旱适应性特征属于高水势延迟脱水类型;苜蓿属于高光合高蒸腾低水分利用效率类型,耐旱性为高水势延迟脱水型;达乌里胡枝子属于低光合、低蒸腾、低水分利用效率类型,耐旱性为高水势延迟脱水型;白羊草属于高光合、蒸腾较高的水分利用效率中等型,耐旱性属于能忍耐脱水造成的低水势的一类.沙打旺属于高光合中等蒸腾速率中等水分利用效率类型,耐旱性为低水势延迟脱水型.  相似文献   

塔里木河上游胡杨与灰杨光合水分生理特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王海珍  韩路  李志军  彭杰  马春晖 《生态学报》2009,29(11):5843-5850
在自然条件下对塔里木河上游优势树种-胡杨、灰杨的光合水分生理特性进行比较研究.结果表明,整个生长季胡杨、灰杨的光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr,除8月份)日进程均为单峰曲线,水分利用效率(WUE)变化无明显规律性.胡杨与灰杨12:00后Pn的下降主要取决于非气孔因素限制.胡杨Pn、WUE高于灰杨,而Tr低于灰杨,表明胡杨属高光合、低蒸腾、高WUE型树种,灰杨属低光合、高蒸腾、低WUE型树种.胡杨、灰杨枝水势(Ψw)、清晨与正午水势日进程均呈"V"字型曲线,胡杨水势日变幅、正午水势月变幅均小于灰杨,但两树种水势间无显著差异.胡杨与灰杨具有较强的水分吸收和减少水分丧失的能力,但胡杨调节气孔导度(Gs)控制蒸腾失水的能力较强,对干旱环境表现出更强的生态适应性,从而导致两树种产生了种群地理分化.  相似文献   

以大连市园林6种常用园林树种为研究材料,利用LI-6400便携式光合测定仪测定树木的光合生理生态指标,对6种树种的光合固碳释氧能力、光响应参数以及光合速率影响因子进行分析。结果表明:在不同季节同种植物的单位叶面积固碳释氧能力表现为夏季最强。日均单位叶面积固碳释氧能力由强到弱为龙爪槐(Sophora japonica var.pendula)合欢(Albizia julibrissin)光叶榉(Zelkova serrata)槲树(Quercus dentata)悬铃木(Platanus acerifolia)枫杨(Pterocarya stenoptera);日均单株固碳释氧能力由强到弱为悬铃木槲树合欢光叶榉枫杨龙爪槐。气孔导度、蒸腾速率、光合有效辐射和大气CO2浓度是影响光合速率的主要因子。悬铃木、合欢对环境的适应能力较强。根据树种的固碳释氧能力及生理特性,建议在大连地区进行绿化时优选悬铃木、合欢,槲树、龙爪槐也可作为高固碳树种推广。  相似文献   

成都市沙河主要绿化树种固碳释氧和降温增湿效益   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张艳丽  费世民  李智勇  孟长来  徐嘉 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3878-3887
以成都市沙河植物廊道广泛应用的8种绿化植物为材料,利用LI-6400XT便携式光合测定系统进行了光合生理生态指标的测定,并对其固碳释氧与降温增湿效应进行了量化研究.结果表明:整个生长季节同类植物各季节的单位叶面积固碳释氧和 降温增湿能力表现出夏季>秋季>春季.日固碳释氧能力由强到弱为桂花、垂柳、香樟、黄葛树、山杜英、银杏、天竺桂、水杉,年固碳释氧能力由强到弱为垂柳、香樟、黄葛树、银杏、桂花、天竺桂、水杉、山杜英,日降温增湿效果由强到弱为垂柳、山杜英、水杉、天竺桂、黄葛树、香樟、银杏、桂花.据估算,整个沙河植物群落中乔木树种年总固碳量约为5.87×104 t,总释氧量约为4.27×104 t.根据对主要树种固碳释氧和降温增湿能力的分析表明,在树种配置时,垂柳、桂花、山杜英、香樟为优选乔木树种,而银杏的固碳释氧和降温增湿能力较弱,可作为长寿树种和观赏树种适量引种,不宜大面积绿化.  相似文献   

北京市8种常绿阔叶树种滞尘能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范舒欣  蔡妤  董丽 《生态学杂志》2017,28(2):408-414
为筛选适用于北京地区的具有优良滞尘能力的常绿阔叶型绿化树种,提高城市植被滞尘能力,选取北京地区园林绿化应用广泛的8种常绿(含半常绿)阔叶绿化树种,应用洗脱-质量差值法,于2014年冬、春季节对其单位叶面积滞尘量进行测定,计算单叶滞尘量和单株滞尘量,并对树种综合滞尘能力进行聚类分析.结果表明: 小叶黄杨、冬青卫矛、小叶女贞、金叶女贞、胶东卫矛、箬竹、早园竹和黄槽竹8种主要常绿(含半常绿)阔叶树种的滞尘能力存在较大差异,冬青卫矛具有最大的单位叶面积与单株滞尘能力,为1.36 g·m-2和59.63 g·plant-1,而箬竹的单叶滞尘能力最强(1.62 mg·leaf-1).选择不同的滞尘量计量单位,树种滞尘量排序会发生变化.对8种常绿(含半常绿)阔叶树种做基于多指标综合滞尘能力的聚类分析可得到相应的分类,各类别代表不同级别的综合滞尘能力水平.其中,冬青卫矛、早园竹的综合滞尘能力较优良,而小叶黄杨、金叶女贞和黄槽竹的综合滞尘能力较弱.  相似文献   

硬秆子草(Capillipedium assimile)、双穗雀稗(Paspalum distichum)和狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)在经受与三峡水库水位运行节律基本一致的水淹时间和水淹持续时期,但淹水深度(0、5、15和25m)不同的处理后,对其进行了恢复生长和光合特性研究。结果表明:(1)3种草本植物之间相比,狗牙根的存活率最高,所有处理植株存活率达到了100%;硬秆子草和双穗雀稗随着水淹深度的增加,存活率呈降低趋势,5in深处理存活率达到了100%,15in和25m深处理存活率在80%以上。(2)3种草本植物恢复生长后的叶片净光合速率Pn、蒸腾速率Tr、气孔导度Gs、水分利用效率WUE和表观CO2利用效率CUEapp与未淹对照相比没有显著差异;不同物种相同水淹处理之间比较,狗牙根的各光合指标显著高于硬秆子草和双穗雀稗。(3)结合三峡库区消落带植被恢复物种筛选的基本条件和本试验不同处理植株的恢复生长及其光合特性的研究,结果表明,硬秆子草、双穗雀稗和狗牙根是能够忍耐长期深淹胁迫的、适宜于三峡库区消落带植被恢复与重建的优良物种。三者之间的耐淹能力从大到小依次为:狗牙根〉硬秆子草〉双穗雀稗。  相似文献   

Central paradigms of ecophysiology are that there are recognizable and even explicit and predictable patterns among species, genera, and life forms in the economics of water and nitrogen use in photosynthesis and in carbon isotope discrimination (delta). However most previous examinations have implicitly assumed an infinite internal conductance (gi) and/or that internal conductance scales with the biochemical capacity for photosynthesis. Examination of published data for 54 species and a detailed examination for three well-characterized species--Eucalyptus globulus, Pseudotsuga menziesii and Phaseolus vulgaris--show these assumptions to be incorrect. The reduction in concentration of CO2 between the substomatal cavity (Ci) and the site of carbon fixation (Cc) varies greatly among species. Photosynthesis does not scale perfectly with gi and there is a general trend for plants with low gi to have a larger draw-down from Ci to Cc, further confounding efforts to scale photosynthesis and other attributes with gi. Variation in the gi-photosynthesis relationship contributes to variation in photosynthetic 'use' efficiency of N (PNUE) and water (WUE). Delta is an information-rich signal, but for many species only about two-thirds of this information relates to A/gs with the remaining one-third related to A/gi. Using data for three well-studied species we demonstrate that at common WUE, delta may vary by up to 3 per thousand. This is as large or larger than is commonly reported in many interspecific comparisons of delta, and adds to previous warnings about simplistic interpretations of WUE based on delta. A priority for future research should be elucidation of relationships between gi and gs and how these vary in response to environmental conditions (e.g. soil water, leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit, temperature) and among species.  相似文献   

宁夏陆地生态系统水分利用效率特征及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宫菲  杜灵通  孟晨  丹杨  王乐  郑琪琪  马龙龙 《生态学报》2019,39(24):9068-9078
生态系统水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency, WUE)是表征生态系统碳水耦合程度的重要指标,能反映生态系统碳水循环规律及其相互作用关系。基于MODIS数据以及宁夏生态系统类型数据,分析2000—2017年宁夏不同生态系统WUE的变化特征,探讨了NPP和ET两种因子对WUE年际与年内变化的影响。结果表明:(1)全区陆地生态系统的年均WUE为1.03 g·C/kg·H_2O,值域在0.55—2.98 g·C/kg·H_2O之间,总体上呈现南北高、中部低的特征。(2)不同生态系统的WUE差异较大,由高到低为水体及湿地、森林、农田、草地、聚落、荒漠和其他生态系统,在同类生态系统中,植被生物量和盖度越高的亚类生态系统,其WUE也越高。(3)宁夏陆地生态系统WUE存在着每年0.0141 g·C/kg·H_2O的下降趋势,年内WUE呈典型的单峰形态,变化范围在0.02—2.16 g·C/kg·H_2O之间。(4)年际尺度上,宁夏陆地生态系统WUE与年蒸散(Evapotranspiration,ET)有极显著负相关性(P0.01),而与净初级生产力(Net Primary Production,NPP)没有相关性;年内尺度上,WUE变化与ET呈显著正相关(P0.05),与NPP呈极显著正相关(P0.01),这与植被的年内季节性生长过程有关。(5)根据ET强弱和WUE高低,可将宁夏陆地生态系统水分利用效率特征划分为4类,即低ET低WUE区、低ET高WUE区、高ET低WUE区和高ET高WUE区。宁夏的生态恢复工程在增强植被生产力的同时,也增强了区域水分消耗,致使陆地生态系统整体水分利用效率下降,这为宁夏未来水资源调控和生态重建提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Trade‐offs are central to many topics in biology, from the evolution of life histories to ecological mechanisms of species coexistence. Trade‐offs observed among species may reflect pervasive constraints on phenotypes that are achievable given biophysical and resource limitations. If so, then among‐species trade‐offs should be consistent with trade‐offs within species. Alternatively, trait variation among co‐occurring species may reflect historical contingencies during community assembly rather than within‐species constraints. Here, we test whether a key trade‐off between relative growth rate (RGR) and water‐use efficiency (WUE) among Sonoran Desert winter annual plants is apparent within four species representing different strategies in the system. We grew progeny of maternal families from multiple populations in a greenhouse common garden. One species, Pectocarya recurvata, displayed the expected RGR–WUE trade‐off among families within populations. For other species, although RGR and WUE often varied clinally among populations, among‐family variation within populations was lacking, implicating a role for past selection on these traits. Our results suggest that a combination of limited genetic variation in single traits and negative trait correlations could pose constraints on the evolution of a high‐RGR and high‐WUE phenotype within species, providing a microevolutionary explanation for phenotypes that influence community‐level patterns of abundance and coexistence.  相似文献   

Variation in the stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition (δ(13) C, Δ(18) O) of co-occurring plant species may reflect the functional diversity of water use strategies present in natural plant communities. We investigated the patterns of water use among 10 coexisting plant species representing diverse taxonomic groups and life forms in semiarid southeast Spain by measuring their leaf δ(13) C and Δ(18) O, the oxygen isotope ratio of stem water and leaf gas exchange rates. Across species, Δ(18) O was tightly negatively correlated with stomatal conductance (g(s) ), whereas δ(13) C was positively correlated with intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE(i) ). Broad interspecific variation in Δ(18) O, δ(13) C and WUE(i) was largely determined by differences in g(s) , as indicated by a strong positive correlation between leaf δ(13) C and Δ(18) O across species The 10 co-occurring species segregated along a continuous ecophysiological gradient defined by their leaf δ(13) C and Δ(18) O, thus revealing a wide spectrum of stomatal regulation intensity and contrasting water use strategies ranging from 'profligate/opportunistic' (high g(s) , low WUE(i) ) to 'conservative' (low g(s) , high WUE(i) ). Coexisting species maintained their relative isotopic rankings in 2?yr with contrasting rainfall, suggesting the existence of species-specific 'isotopic niches' that reflect ecophysiological niche segregation in dryland plant communities.  相似文献   

研究了NaCl胁迫下大米草净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr),叶片气孔导度(Gs)、细胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、株高、叶长、叶宽、茎粗、叶绿素含量、气孔限制值和水分利用效率。结果表明:当NaCl浓度高于300mmol/L时,大米草Pn、Tr、Gs、株高、叶长以及叶绿素含量受到显著抑制(P〈0.05),叶宽及茎粗则无显著性差异。NaCl胁迫下,大米草光合速率的降低是气孔因素和非气孔因素综合导致的结果,Pn、Tr、Gs、株高以及叶绿素含量的降低可作为大米草受NaCl胁迫的症状.而WUE则保持在较高的水平.因此在防治大米草荨延时.排水处理不是最佳选择。  相似文献   

The thermal response of gas exchange varies among plant species and with growth conditions. Plants from hot dry climates generally reach maximal photosynthetic rates at higher temperatures than species from temperate climates. Likewise, species in these environments are predicted to have small leaves with more-dissected shapes. We compared eight species of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) selected as phylogenetically independent contrasts on leaf shape to determine whether: (1) the species showed plasticity in thermal response of gas exchange when grown under different water and temperature regimes, (2) there were differences among more- and less-dissected leafed species in trait means or plasticity, and (3) whether climatic variables were correlated with the responses. We found that a higher growth temperature led to higher optimal photosynthetic temperatures, at a cost to photosynthetic capacity. Optimal temperatures for photosynthesis were greater than the highest growth temperature regime. Stomatal conductance responded to growth water regime but not growth temperature, whereas transpiration increased and water use efficiency (WUE) decreased at the higher growth temperature. Strikingly, species with more-dissected leaves had higher rates of carbon gain and water loss for a given growth condition than those with less-dissected leaves. Species from lower latitudes and lower rainfall tended to have higher photosynthetic maxima and conductance, but leaf dissection did not correlate with climatic variables. Our results suggest that the combination of dissected leaves, higher photosynthetic rates, and relatively low WUE may have evolved as a strategy to optimize water delivery and carbon gain during short-lived periods of high soil moisture. Higher thermal optima, in conjunction with leaf dissection, may reflect selection pressure to protect photosynthetic machinery against excessive leaf temperatures when stomata close in response to water stress.  相似文献   

Regulation of Transpiration to Improve Crop Water Use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Decreasing fresh water supplies and increasing agricultural drought threaten sustainable worldwide crop production. Consequently, there is a global priority to develop crops with higher water use efficiency (WUE): biomass production or yield per unit of water used. Water use efficiency varies substantially among species and genotypes within a species, and a major effort is now underway to identify the genetic determinants of WUE. Today, it is known that genotypes in primary gene pools exhibit allelic variation for WUE through mechanisms that regulate transpiration, which is the conductance of water through stomata, the cuticle, and the boundary layer. Because of the differential diffusion properties of water and carbon dioxide (CO2) through these pathways, it is feasible that WUE could be improved by decreasing transpiration without a concomitant reduction in CO2 uptake. Since CO2 uptake and transpirational water loss occur predominantly through stomatal pores, it is not surprising that genes involved in stomatal development and stomatal opening/closing impact WUE. Furthermore, loss- and gain-of-function genetic screens have identified genes that regulate transpiration and WUE by yet undetermined mechanisms. This review will discuss the genetic determinants that regulate transpiration and WUE in the context of the modern agricultural goal of improving WUE while sustaining biomass and yield.  相似文献   

We compared water relations and adaptations to drought stress in native and invasive exotic dandelions, Taraxacum ceratophorum and T. officinale. Photosynthesis (A), transpiration (E), and water use efficiency (WUE; carbon gained/water lost) were measured for the two species under extreme drought in the alpine tundra of Colorado, USA. We also subjected both species and F(1) hybrids to a dry-down experiment to determine how relative physiological performance varied with water availability. Photosynthesis and transpiration in the field were low and did not differ between Taraxacum congeners; however, native T. ceratophorum had higher WUE than T. officinale. After 6 days of greenhouse drought, photosynthesis and transpiration were reduced in T. officinale compared to T. ceratophorum. Taraxacum ceratophorum maintained high WUE under control and drought treatments. Conversely, WUE in T. officinale was highly plastic between watered (low WUE) and dry-down (high WUE) treatments. Hybrids did not exhibit heterosis; instead, they were similar to T. officinale in A and E and intermediate to the parental species in WUE. Overall, results suggest that native dandelions are more drought tolerant than invasive congeners or their hybrids, but have less plasticity in WUE. Arid habitats and occasional drought in mesic sites may provide native dandelions with refugia from negative interactions with invasives.  相似文献   

土壤干旱条件下保水剂对多年生黑麦草光合特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne Linn.)为研究对象,对土壤干旱条件下(土壤含水量12.6%、10.5%、8.4%和6.3%)使用保水剂后叶片光合特性的动态变化进行了分析。结果显示:随土壤含水量的降低和胁迫时间(12d)的延长,多年生黑麦草叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和光能利用效率(LUE)呈逐渐下降的趋势;随土壤含水量的降低,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)逐渐升高、瞬时水分利用效率(WUE)逐渐降低,但随胁迫时间的延长Ci和WUE则呈现不同的变化趋势;总体上,在土壤含水量不同的条件下及不同的胁迫时间各指标均有显著差异(P〈0.05)。与未添加保水剂的各处理组相比,添加质量分数2%保水剂后多年生黑麦草叶片的Pn、Gs、WUE和LUE值均增大,而Ci和Tr值则降低,差异达显著水平(P〈0.05)。研究结果表明:合理使用保水剂能提高多年生黑麦草叶片的光合能力以及土壤的保水能力,增强多年生黑麦草对干旱环境的适应性。  相似文献   

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