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研究结果表明:抗旱性不同的小麦品种低水势下芽鞘长差异显著,抗旱性强的品种芽鞘长度高二抗旱性弱的品种。分析了低水势下芽鞘长度与大田干旱条件下产量的相关性,发现低水势下芽鞘长度与旱田产量,抗旱系数的相关性达显著或极显著水平。对低水势下牙鞘长度的遗传率进行了测定,证明了该指标的广义遗传率及狭义遗传率都很高,可以用这一指标在抗旱育种早代材料中进行抗旱个体选择。认为,低水势下芽鞘长度是抗旱鉴定与抗旱育种个体  相似文献   

本文以7个抗旱性不同的冬小麦品种(系)为材料,研究了低水势下芽鞘长度与大田干旱条件下叶片的渗透调节能力及大田产量的关系。结果表明:低水势下芽鞘长度与叶片的渗透调节能力及产量有极为密切的关系。为冬小麦抗旱鉴定及抗旱个体筛选提供了一个良好的指标。  相似文献   

渗透胁迫对不同抗旱性小麦品种胚芽鞘生长的影响   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
20%PEG-6000作渗透介质,室内模拟干旱条件下,不同抗旱性小麦品种萌发期的胚芽鞘长度与品种的抗旱性基本一致。据此认为,低水势下穿鞘长度是冬小麦抗旱鉴定及抗旱个体选择的良好指标。  相似文献   

水分胁迫条件下抗旱性不同小麦品种芽鞘生长的动态分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
提要 在30%PEG-6000室内模拟干旱条件下,对抗旱性不同的4个小麦品种萌发期的胚芽鞘长度进行了测定,用Logistic方程对芽鞘生长进行了模拟。对曲线参数的分析表明,水分胁迫下芽鞘生长的最快速度下降,生长最快的时间提前,最终导致芽鞘长度缩短。抗旱性强的品种生长速度下降小于抗旱性弱的品种,因而前者芽鞘最终长度长于后者。渗透调节能力强是抗旱性强的品种芽鞘较长的重要原因。  相似文献   

白菜型油菜品种萌发期的抗旱性鉴定与筛选   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
秋旱影响我国长江流域油菜的播种和生长。从遗传基础广泛的白菜型油菜资源中筛选抗旱材料,对于培育抗旱油菜品种具有重要意义。以不同浓度的PEG-6000溶液于萌发期对5份不同遗传背景的白菜型油菜进行模拟干旱胁迫处理,并测定种子萌发抗旱指数、相对发芽率、相对发芽势、相对根长、相对芽长。与对照相比,干旱胁迫下各指标均有显著差异,对各指标进行主成分分析,确定了抗旱性鉴定参数,并确立了白菜型油菜资源抗旱性筛选的工作液为200 g/L的PEG-6000。选用该工作液于萌芽期对203份白菜型油菜资源进行了抗旱筛选,结果表明,模拟干旱胁迫下,大部分材料的抗旱性与对照有显著差异,用隶属函数法和聚类分析对抗旱性鉴定指标进行分析,并对所有供试材料的抗旱性进行了排序,鉴定出了抗旱性最强的PI226505白菜型油菜,其来源为Iran,为油菜下一步抗旱性遗传改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为鉴定籼粳稻杂交衍生系的苗期抗旱性,以课题组自育的高代抗逆品系ZD15为母本、籼稻品种IR29为父本,以及杂交衍生的重组自交系群体120份为试验材料,利用PEG-6000对各材料苗期进行干旱胁迫处理,测定根长、根冠比、地上部鲜重、地下部鲜重、地上部干重和地下部干重;利用PEG-6000对各材料芽期进行干旱胁迫处理,测定芽鞘长和芽长。采用主成分分析和隶属函数法对各材料的抗旱性进行综合评价,根据综合抗旱D值可将122份材料分成3类,D值在0.201~0.400之间的有33份,属于不抗旱材料;D值在0.401~0.600之间的有79份,属于中等抗旱材料;D值在0.601~0.800之间的有10份,属于抗旱材料。利用D值进行逐步回归分析,结果表明根长、根冠比、地上部鲜重、地下部鲜重、地上部干重、地下部干重、芽鞘长和芽长8个性状均可作为水稻苗期抗旱性的评价指标。本研究筛选出的抗旱材料,可作为育种中间材料进一步培育,或作为育种资源加以利用,以丰富本区水稻育种的资源库。  相似文献   

薏苡种质资源萌发期抗旱性鉴定及抗旱指标筛选   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
干旱是影响薏苡生产的主要因素之一,鉴定薏苡种质资源的抗旱性,筛选抗旱指标,培育抗旱品种,对薏苡产业的发展具有重要意义。本研究首先以抗旱性不同的6份薏苡种质为材料,通过调查5个不同浓度的PEG-6000水溶液模拟干旱胁迫下的发芽率,确定了薏苡萌发期模拟干旱胁迫的最适PEG-6000水溶液渗透势为-0.1 MPa。然后以-0.1 MPa的PEG-6000水溶液模拟干旱胁迫,探讨50份薏苡种质发芽势、发芽率、萌发指数、芽长、芽粗、芽鲜重、芽干重、根长、根粗、根鲜重和根干重的变化,利用综合评价法对50份薏苡种质进行萌发期抗旱性鉴定及抗旱指标筛选。结果表明,干旱胁迫对薏苡萌发期各指标均有极显著影响。筛选出萌发期抗旱性强的薏苡种质分别为yy18-1、yy14-3和yy13-1,可为薏苡抗旱育种、抗旱机理及干旱调控缓解机制的研究提供基础材料。芽长、芽干重、根长、根鲜重和根干重可作为薏苡种质资源萌发期简单、直观的抗旱性评价指标。  相似文献   

谷子品种抗旱性的苗期快速鉴定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
报道了在苗期快速鉴定谷子品种抗旱性的实验结果.通过比较种子在甘露醇渗透胁迫条件下的相对萌发率和芽生长抑制率、幼苗在适度控水条件下的相对含水量和水势、幼苗严重失水恢复供水后的存活率等几个指标,对5个谷子品种(鲁7060、羊角黄、豫谷5号、Jun 24和Mar 51)的苗期抗旱性进行鉴定.结果表明,Mar 51在所鉴定的品种中具有相对的抗旱优势,可以作为谷子苗期抗旱性研究的代表性材料.谷子种子在甘露醇渗透胁迫条件下的相对萌发率与幼苗在适度控水条件下相对含水量的变化趋势一致,初步认为这两个指标可以作为苗期快速鉴定谷子抗旱性的筛选指标.  相似文献   

普通菜豆种质资源芽期抗旱性鉴定   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
摘要:干旱是影响我国普通菜豆生产的主要因素之一,筛选芽期抗旱性种质资源,培育抗旱品种,有利于提高普通菜豆品种的出苗率和幼苗长势,对发展我国普通菜豆生产具有重要意义。本研究首先以4份普通菜豆种质为材料,检测了不同渗透势PEG6000溶液模拟旱胁迫下的发芽率和发芽势,确定了PEG6000溶液的最适渗透势为-0.7MPa(浓度为19.6%);以-0.7MPa的PEG6000溶液对121份普通菜豆种质进行芽期模拟旱胁迫,测定发芽率、发芽势、下胚轴长、胚根长、干重和鲜重等10项指标;通过主成分分析筛选出相对发芽率、相对发芽势、相对鲜重、相对干重、相对胚根长,相对总芽长,相对胚根/下胚轴指数、相对发芽指数、相对活力指数等9项指标可以有效评价普通菜豆的芽期抗旱性;利用隶属函数分析法对121份种质的芽期抗旱性进行综合评价,筛选出跃进豆(F0000156)、白扁豆(F0000613)等芽期抗旱性种质,为普通菜豆抗旱生理与机制研究、抗旱育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水分对小麦生长发育具有重要的作用。山西省水资源严重匮乏,鉴定山西省主推小麦品种的抗旱性,对于培育优异抗旱品种具有重要意义。本研究以40份山西省各麦区主推小麦品种为试材,分别在芽期和苗期对其进行模拟干旱(20%PEG-6000)处理,分析干旱胁迫对小麦芽期和苗期形态指标的影响,并利用隶属函数和抗旱综合评价值,对参试小麦品种的抗旱性进行评价。结果表明:小麦芽期和苗期的各项指标均不同程度受干旱胁迫的影响,芽期的芽长、根长、芽鲜重、根鲜重和苗期的叶鲜重、根鲜重受干旱胁迫的影响较大;芽期共筛选出抗旱型品种21个(52.5%),其中山农17综合评价值最高,达0.783;苗期共筛选出抗旱型品种5个(12.5%),分别为山农24、晋麦66、长麦6135、晋麦62、长麦3897;芽期和苗期皆为抗旱型的小麦品种是长麦3897;拟合芽期和苗期抗旱性综合评价值之间的关系表明,参试品种2个时期的抗旱性之间无显著相关性。本研究结果可为山西省选取旱地小麦生产用品种以及抗旱性的改良提供参考。  相似文献   

以T6代转抗旱相关基因GhDREB小麦株系‘G鲁麦23’及其受体对照‘鲁麦23’为材料,通过PEG-6000人工模拟干旱胁迫处理观察小麦萌发期胚芽鞘长度、胚根数、胚根长度,采用大田不同水分处理试验研究其不同生育时期的生理生化、形态指标与抗旱指数,以明确转基因材料的抗旱性.结果表明:(1)在种子萌发期20%(W/V)PEG-6000干旱胁迫条件下,‘G鲁麦23’及其受体对照‘鲁麦23’的胚芽鞘长度、胚根长度和胚根数均比非胁迫时降低,且‘G鲁麦23’的降幅较小但均显著高于受体对照;(2)与对照鲁麦23相比,‘G鲁麦23’具有较高的叶片相对含水量和可溶性蛋白含量;(3)随干旱胁迫程度的增强‘G鲁麦23’与‘鲁麦23’株高均有不同程度的降低,但G鲁麦23株高始终高于‘鲁麦23’;在不浇水条件下,‘G鲁麦23’穗叶距显著长于‘鲁麦23’;而3种水分处理下‘G鲁麦23’与‘鲁麦23’穗长几乎没有变化;(4)‘G鲁麦23’在不浇水和浇1次水条件下分别比对照增产11.68%和9.05%,其抗旱指数为1.22,属较强抗旱等级,表现出比‘鲁麦23’更强的抗旱、节水性能.  相似文献   

In this study, the seedlings of two wheat cultivars were used: drought-resistant Chinese Spring (CS) and drought-susceptible (SQ1). Seedlings were subjected to osmotic stress in order to assess the differences in response to drought stress between resistant and susceptible genotype. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the changes in physiological and biochemical characteristics and to establish the optimum osmotic stress level in which differences in drought resistance between the genotypes could be revealed. Plants were subjected to osmotic stress by supplementing the root medium with three concentrations of PEG 6000. Seedlings were grown for 21 days in control conditions and then the plants were subjected to osmotic stress for 7 days by supplementing the root medium with three concentrations of PEG 6000 (D1, D2, D3) applied in two steps: during the first 3 days of treatment ?0.50, ?0.75 and ?1.00 and next ?0.75, ?1.25 and ?1.5 MPa, respectively. Measurements of gas exchange parameters, chlorophyll content, height of seedlings, length of root, leaf and root water content, leaf osmotic potential, lipid peroxidation, and contents of soluble carbohydrates and proline were taken. The results highlighted statistically significant differences in most traits for treatment D2 and emphasized that these conditions were optimum for expressing differences in the responses to osmotic stress between SQ1 and CS wheat genotypes. The level of osmotic stress defined in this study as most suitable for differentiating drought resistance of wheat genotypes will be used in further research for genetic characterization of this trait in wheat through QTL analysis of mapping population of doubled haploid lines derived from CS and SQ1.  相似文献   

The impact of osmotic stress on growth, physiology, and metabolism of winter oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.)was investigated by detailed analysis of biomass traits,hormone metabolites and osmolytes in two genetically unrelated drought-tolerant genotypes and two unrelated drought-sensitive genotypes. Seedlings were grown in vitro under controlled conditions and osmotic stress was simulated by applying a gradual treatment with polyethylene glycol(PEG6000), followed by hypo-osmotic treatment of variants used for metabolite determination. The results provide a basis for the identification of reliable selection criteria for drought resistance in oilseed rape. The in vitro cultivation system established during this study enabled effective discrimination of early osmotic stress responses between drought-resistant and -susceptible oilseed rape genotypes that also show large differences in relative seed yield under drought conditions in the field. Clear physiological and metabolic differences were observed between the drought-resistant and drought-sensitive genotypes, suggesting that osmotic adjustment is a key component of drought response in oilseed rape. Unexpected ly, however, the drought-resistant genotypes did not show typical hormonal adjustment and osmolyte accumulation suggesting that they possess alternative physiological mech anisms enabling avoidance of stress symptoms.  相似文献   

The impact of osmotic stress on growth, physiolo- gy, and metabolism of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) was investigated by detailed analysis of biomass traits, hormone metabolites and osmolytes in two genetically unrelated drought-tolerant genotypes and two unrelated drought-sensitive genotypes. Seedlings were grown in vitro under controlled conditions and osmotic stress was simulated by applying a gradual treatment with polyethylene glycol (PEG 6ooo), followed by hypo-osmotic treatment of variants used for metabolite determination. The results provide a basis for the identification of reliable selection criteria for drought resistance in oilseed rape. The in vitro cultivation system established during this study enabled effective discrimination of early osmotic stress responses between drought-resistant and -susceptible oilseed rape genotypes that also show large differences in relative seed yield under drought conditions in the field. Clear physiological and metabolic differences wereobserved between the drought-resistant and drought-sensitive genotypes, suggesting that osmotic adjustment is a key component of drought response in oilseed rape. Unexpected- ly, however, the drought-resistant genotypes did not show typical hormonal adjustment and osmolyte accumulation, suggesting that they possess alternative physiological mech- anisms enabling avoidance of stress symptoms.  相似文献   

KAUL  R.; MUNDEL  H.-H. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(6):653-656
A technique is described to induce slowly increasing water deficitsin wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings by rooting them indamp vermiculite and growing them in a humid atmosphere. Aftereight weeks, drought-resistant genotypes can be identified eitherby drought avoidance or by drought tolerance responses. Genotypeswith lesser drought resistance become dormant or produce sterilespikes. The test roughly predicts the relative yield performanceof cultivars in dry field conditions. Triticum aestivum, wheat, matric water deficits, drought resistance, yield selection  相似文献   

The effects of drought stress on seedlings?? growth and grain yield of 13 single cross maize hybrids and 11 breeding lines and cultivars of spring triticale were studied in greenhouse and field experiments. In the field experiment, the drought susceptibility index (DSIGY) was calculated by determining the change in grain yield (GY) in conditions with two soil moisture levels (IR, irrigated; D, drought). In the greenhouse experiment the response to soil drought was evaluated using DSIDW, by determining changes in the dry weight (DW) of vegetative plant parts. Marked variations in GY and DW were observed among the studied genotypes. In control conditions, the GY and DW in drought-sensitive genotypes were higher compared to the drought-resistant ones; but in drought conditions, the decreases in GY and DW in resistant genotypes were smaller than in drought-sensitive ones. DSIGY and DSIDW revealed variations in the degree of drought tolerance among the examined maize and triticale genotypes. The values of DSIGY in the field experiment and DSIDW in the greenhouse experiment enabled a division of the studied genotypes into drought-resistant or -sensitive groups. A close correlation between DSIGY and DSIDW was found. The positive linear correlation and determination coefficients between DSIGY and DSIDW were statistically significant (P?=?0.05), being equal to R 2?=?0.614 (maize) and R 2?=?0.535 (triticale). The ranking of the studied genotypes based on DSIGY was in most cases consistent with the ranking based on DSIDW, which indicates that genetically conditioned drought tolerance is similar for plants in the seedling and reproductive growth stages or may at least partly have a common genetic background.  相似文献   

不同生育时期干旱对冬小麦氮素吸收与利用的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以抗旱性强的‘石家庄8号’和抗旱性弱的‘偃麦20’冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)为材料, 在田间遮雨棚条件下, 研究返青-拔节期、拔节-开花期和灌浆后期3个生育期不同干旱程度对冬小麦产量、氮素吸收、分配和利用的影响。结果表明, 在干旱条件下, 抗旱性强的‘石家庄8号’产量高于抗旱性弱的‘偃麦20’, 并且其3个生育时期轻度干旱均可提高产量。拔节-开花期干旱对两个冬小麦品种氮素的吸收和运转影响均最大, 其次为返青-拔节期, 而灌浆后期影响较小。不同生育期中度和重度干旱均降低了花前贮藏氮素向籽粒中的转移, 并且氮肥利用效率和生产率也较低, 而在返青-拔节和灌浆后期轻度干旱有利于营养器官的氮素向籽粒中转移, 提高了氮肥利用效率和生产率。在干旱条件下, 抗旱性强的‘石家庄8号’籽粒氮素积累对花前贮藏氮素再运转的依赖程度高, 而‘偃麦20’对花后氮素的积累和转移依赖较高。综合产量和氮素的转移特点, 在生产实践中, 返青-拔节期和灌浆后期要注意对小麦进行适度的干旱处理, 在拔节-开花期要保证冬小麦的充分灌溉, 从而有利于氮素的积累和分配。  相似文献   

MORGAN  J. M. 《Annals of botany》1988,62(2):193-198
Differences in osmoregulation between genotypes of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) were identified by measuring responses of coleoptilesto water stress. Seeds were germinated in Petri dishes on germinationpads. Water stress was applied when coleoptiles were 1 cm longby either adding polyethylene glycol 6000 (20% w/w) or by removingthe lids of the dishes and allowing the pads to dry by evaporationfor a period of 2 d, or from the beginning of germination byvarying the amount of water in the germination pads. Measurementsof the water and osmotic potentials of shoots and roots (usingthermocouple psychrometers) were used to estimate turgor pressures.Wheat genotypes showed the same segregation for shoot and rootlengths and turgor pressures as they had done in previous studiesfor flag-leaf osmoregulation and yield. It was concluded thatobservations of the responses of coleoptile length to waterstress could be used in plant-breeding applications to identifydifferences in osmoregulation between genotypes of wheat. Triticum aestivum, osmoregulation, turgor maintenance, coleoptile growth, root, selection criterion  相似文献   

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