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有关山黧豆毒素ODAP的生物合成途径的前体物和合成程序已经证实,但其关键合成酶尚未分离与鉴定,因而无法克隆相应基因和利用反义RNA技术以控制其生物合成。研究表明,利用相应的抑制剂控制ODAP生物合成前体物可降低ODAP的积累量。山黧豆中ODAP含量与其抗逆性之间密切相关,这与其能有效地清除山黧豆中·OH自由基有关,外源ODAP处理获同样效果。此外,因ODAP既是含氮化合物,又是游离氨基酸,极易溶于水,可在逆境胁迫下与脯氨酸和多胺一样大量而迅速地积累,推测它也可能作为细胞渗透调节物质和防脱水剂,并在氮代谢和能量代谢方面起重要作用。对今后该领域的重点研究方向也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为了研究水分胁迫下山黧豆 (LathyrussativusL .)叶片中多胺代谢与 β_N_草酰_L_α,β_二氨基丙酸 (ODAP)积累的相关关系 ,利用聚乙二醇 (PEG)对山黧豆幼苗进行水分胁迫处理 ,同时加入腐胺 (Put) ,α_二氟甲基精氨酸(DFMA)和Put DFMA。实验结果表明 ,随PEG处理时间的延长 ,山黧豆幼苗叶片中Put、亚精胺 (Spd)和精胺 (Spm)含量逐渐增加 ,特别是Spm含量增加显著 ,同时ODAP逐渐积累 ;在PEG处理的同时 ,加入Put使得Put、Spd含量显著增加 ,但对Spm影响不大 ,同样对ODAP含量影响也较小 ;加入DFMA可显著抑制Put、Spd、Spm的积累 ,同时也抑制了ODAP的积累 ;加入Put DFMA ,Put可以部分地减缓DFMA对两种内源多胺 (Put和Spd)合成的抑制作用 ,但对Spm所受DFMA的抑制作用影响不大 ,这时ODAP的积累也受到抑制。由此可见 ,水分胁迫对山黧豆幼苗叶片中多胺特别是Spm含量的增加与ODAP的积累密切相关。  相似文献   

用PEG经根部处理 15d龄的山黧豆幼苗 ,取幼苗叶片为实验材料 ,测定过氧化氢酶 (CAT)、过氧化物酶 (POD)活性、过氧化氢 (H2 O2 )和毒素 ( β N oxalyl α ,β diaminopropionicacid ,ODAP)的含量。结果表明 ,随着PEG处理时间的延长 ,POD和CAT活性降低 ,而H2 O2 和ODAP含量显著升高 ;在PEG处理液中加入二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠 (diethyldithiocarbamate ,DDC)和氨基三唑 (aminotriazole ,AT)后分别抑制和促进H2 O2 的产生 ,DDC可降低叶片中ODAP的含量 ,AT则使ODAP积累。由此我们推测 ,水分胁迫条件下活性氧代谢与ODAP的积累有关  相似文献   

水分胁迫下山黧豆中ABA及ODAP的积累研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用PEG、PEG+ABA、ABA分别处理15d龄的山黧豆幼苗,取其叶片为实验材料,测定内源ABA、ODAP、MDA和H2O2含量以及几种抗氧化酶活性,结果表明,与对照相比处理材料叶片中ABA和ODAP含量显著增加;外源ABA的加入降低了PEG胁迫引起的MDA和H2O2含量的增加,延缓了PEG胁迫引起的CAT活性的衰减,提高了GR活性.用外源ABA长时间处理山黧豆,发现叶片中ABA含量显著增加,随后出现ODAP的积累;ABA处理初期(0~3d)对叶片中活性氧代谢影响不大,随着ABA处理时间的延长(7~15d),可引起叶片中SOD、POD、CAT、GR活性的降低,MDA、H2O2含量的增加,表明ABA确实可促进ODAP的积累.  相似文献   

渗透胁迫对山黧豆幼苗H2O2及毒素积累的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用PEG经根部处理15d龄的山黧豆幼苗,取幼苗叶片为实验材料,测定过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、过氧化氢(H2O2)和毒素(β-N-oxalyl-α,β-diaminopropionic acid,ODAP)的含量。结果表明,随着PEG处理时间的延长,POD和CAT活性降低,而H2O2和ODAP含量显著升高;在PEG处理液中加入二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠(diethyldithiocarbamate,DDC)和氨基三唑(aminotriazole,AT)后分别抑制和促进H2O2的产生,DDC可降低叶片中ODAP的含量,AT则使ODAP积累。由此我们推测,水分胁迫条件下活性氧代谢与ODAP的积累有关。  相似文献   

山黧豆胚胎发育过程中ODAP和一些大分子物质含量的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用微量分析方法检测了山黧豆胚胎发育过程中ODAP毒素含量和核酸、蛋白质、糖类等大分子物质的含量变化。结果表明:每粒种子的ODAP含量随着胚的发育而增加。每粒种子DNA量随着细胞的迅速分裂而增加,R、蛋白质、淀粉含量随着胚的发育而成倍地增加,当进入心形胚时这些物质的增加更为迅速。如以每克干重中的含量来表示,那么ODAP、DNA及可溶性糖含量则随胚的发育而下降,其它大分子物质含量在胚发育前期升高,进入心形胚时,这些物质达到最高峰;到鱼雷胚时,这些物质含量开始下降,直到胚基本分化完全时,降到最低点;只有酸性蛋白质含量一直保持增长。  相似文献   

应用微量分析方法检测了山黧豆胚胎发育过程中ODAP毒素含量和核酸、蛋白质、糖类等大分子物质含量变化。结果表明:每粒种子的ODAP含量随着胚的发育而增加。每粒种子DNA量随着细胞的迅速分裂而增加,R、蛋白质、淀粉含量随着胚的发育而成倍地增加,当进入心形胚时这些物质的增加更为迅速。如以每克干重中的含量来表示,那么ODAP,DNA及可溶性糖含量则随胚的发育而下降,其它大分子物质含量在胚发育前期升高;进入心形胚时,这些物质达到最高峰;到鱼雷胚时,这些物质含量开始下降;直到胚基本分化完全时,降到最低点;只有酸性蛋白质含量一直保持增长。  相似文献   

在全球范围内曾多次发生因过量食用山黧豆导致神经中毒事件,使得国内外对于山黧豆的种植和利用存在一定的误解和偏见,山黧豆的优良农艺价值和潜在功能食品利用价值也受到一定限制。但山黧豆适应性强、分布范围广,是全球气候变化条件下农业可持续发展和地力维持的优选作物,在食品安全、生态文明建设和乡村振兴新形势下,进一步研究和挖掘利用这一古老的优良作物具有重要的战略意义。山黧豆相关研究报道可追溯到1861年,距今已有160年的历史。在同行学者的不懈努力下,山黧豆基础研究及种质资源利用等方面均取得了显著的阶段性成果。该文系统回顾了山黧豆研究160年以来的发展历程,依托历史文献进行了梳理和分析。首先,基于山黧豆神经活性物质β ODAP的分离和鉴定、神经山黧豆中毒机制的探索、β ODAP生物合成途径解析等重要研究节点将整个山黧豆研究进程划分为山黧豆中毒因素的探索、神经山黧豆中毒机理解析和神经山黧豆中毒及β ODAP生物学功能的再认识等三个阶段。其次,总结了山黧豆在毒理学研究、种质资源利用、品质改良基础研究等方面取得的重要进展。特别是以兰州大学为代表的中国学者在β ODAP的分析检测、生物合成途径、山黧豆生理生态学研究及种质资源利用等方面进行了深入探讨,确立了中国在国际山黧豆研究中的主流地位。最后,针对目前山黧豆分子生物学基础研究相对滞后、种质资源缺乏系统利用等问题进行了展望,提出了未来的重点发展方向,为山黧豆种质资源的进一步深入挖掘和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

家山黧豆及其毒素ODAP的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家山黧豆作为人类的食物及动物的饲料,最早可追溯到新石器时代。长期以来,因其营养丰富,具有耐旱、耐寒等优良生产性状,广受世界各地的青睐。特别是在大旱年份,在其它粮食作物绝收的情况下,仍有较好的收成,因此,被视为干旱及半干旱地区首选的优良作物。但由于其含有毒素β-ODAP,使山黧豆的种植受到限制。近年来,由于人类对肉质品的量与质的多元化的需求,家山黧豆这一潜在的、丰产的、高营养的豆科作物,已引起各国学者的广泛关注。从家山黧豆在植物学、遗传学、分子生物学、生态学、营养学、山黧豆中毒、毒理学、毒素ODAP、ODAP的分析方法、ODAP的生物合成途径、养殖业等几个方面的研究进展作了简要综述。  相似文献   

陈红  曾鹏  徐全乐 《西北植物学报》2021,41(11):1954-1961
为研究山黧豆(Lathyrus sativus)硫酸盐转运蛋白(sulfate transporter,SULTR)与内源活性物质β N 草酰 L α,β 二氨基丙酸(β N oxalyl L α,β diaminopropionic acid,β ODAP)含量之间的关系,该研究采用序列比对的方法,从山黧豆转录组数据(SRP145030)中查找SULTR基因序列,并进行生物信息学分析;采用PCR方法克隆基因全长序列并进行组织特异性表达分析,以筛选与β ODAP含量相关的SULTR基因。结果表明:(1)经序列比对共查找到13条SULTR基因序列,其编码蛋白分别隶属于SULTR Ⅰ-Ⅳ。其中LsSULTR3;3和LsSULTR3;5具有SULTR蛋白家族保守的STAS结构域 (PF01740) 和Sulfate_transp结构域(PF00916),且二者活性受到转录因子MYB和激素响应等多个顺式作用元件的共同调节,并受蛋白水平互作及磷酸化等翻译后修饰调控。(2)成功获得LsSULTR3;3和LsSULTR3;5基因全长cDNA分别为1 962 bp和1 923 bp,分别编码653和640个氨基酸。(3)半定量RT PCR分析显示,LsSULTR3;3在山黧豆主根、成熟叶、茎、花、盛荚初期(S2)种子和鼓粒满期(S6)种子中表达,并在茎中的表达量较高;LsSULTR3;5在山黧豆主根、侧根、花、S2时期种子中均有表达,且花中的表达量最为显著。该研究结果为进一步研究山黧豆中硫酸盐的吸收、转运及同化、β ODAP的生物合成途径等奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The iron-deficient culture supernatant of a soil bacterial strain identified as Erwinia sp. was analyzed using a new high-resolution polyamide thin layer chromatography (TLC) and a silica TLC. The results showed both TLC methods were very effective for separating simple catechol compounds such as 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,3-DHBA) and catechol. However, in the analysis of more complicated catechol compounds or true catechol-type siderophores (conjugates of 2,3-DHBA and amino acids), the polyamide TLC had the higher resolution. Polyamide TLC analysis showed that strain S1 produced three distinct catechol-type siderophores.  相似文献   

β-N-Oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), the toxic amino-acid isolated from the seeds of Lathyrus sativus1,2, has been implicated in human neurolathyrism, a crippling disease found in central India and attributed to the consumption of this vetch3. ODAP causes convulsions in young animals when injected intraperitoneally4,5. The toxin induces hind leg paralysis in monkeys when introduced into the immediate environment of the brain through the lumbar route6. ODAP is a potent excitant amino-acid in the Betz cells of cat spinal cord7 and produces biochemical changes in the rat brain typical of an excitant amino-acid8. Chronic ammonia toxicity has been implicated in the mode of action of ODAP, leading to convulsions in young rats9. Protein degradation in the brain may be an early event in ODAP-induced convulsions10. Nucleotides have also been found to accumulate in the brain of young rats injected with ODAP (our unpublished data). Thus, a generalized increase in the catabolism of protein and nucleic acids in ODAP induced convulsions has been indicated by earlier investigations. We have examined the effect of ODAP on chick brain lysosomes possibly leading to a liberation of acid hydrolases.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method of separating optical isomers of amino acids on a reversed-phase TLC plate, without using impregnated plates or a chiral mobile phase, is described. Amino acids derivatized with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrophenyl-5- -alanine amide were spotted on a reversed phase pre-coated TLC plate. Enantiomers of glutamate and aspartate were separated most effectively with solvent consisting of 25% acetonitrile in triethylamine-phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 5.5) (v/v). Separation of - and -serine was achieved with 30% of acetonitrile solvent. The enantiomers of threonine, proline and alanine were separated with 35% of acetonitrile solvent, and those of methionine, valine, phenylalanine and leucine with 40% of acetonitrile solvent. The possibility of using TLC for quantitative determination of amino acid enantiomers was shown by the quantitative recovery of - and -alanine from the TLC plate in the range of 0.56–4.48 nmol.  相似文献   

A human opioid peptide hormone, β-endorphin, was expressed in Escherichia coli as the C-terminal portion of a fused protein. The fused protein consisting of the N-terminal 62% of E. coli anthranilate synthetase (323 amino acids), a peptide corresponding to the linker DNA (7 amino acids), and the precursor form of β-endorphin (47 amino acids), was highly expressed under the control of a tryptophan promoter. The level of expression of β-endorphin was estimated to be 17 mg/liter broth by radioimmunoassay, and 51 mg/liter broth by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by a densitometric analysis. β-Endorphin was cleaved from the fused protein and purified by HPLC, and is presumed to be identical with human β-endorphin because of its amino acid composition and amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Summary. A method based on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was developed for the rapid and non-destructive determination and quantification of solid and dissolved amino acids. The statistical results obtained after optimisation of measurement conditions were evaluated on the basis of statistical parameters, Q-value (quality of calibrations), R2, standard error of estimation (SEE), standard error of prediction (SEP), BIAS applying cluster and different multivariate analytical procedures. Experimental optimisation comprised the selection of the highest suitable optical thin-layer (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 mm), sample temperature (10–30 °C), measurement option (light fibre, 0.5 mm optical thin-layer; boiling point tube; different types of cuvettes) and sample concentration in the range between 100 and 500 ppm. Applying the optimised conditions and a 115-QS Suprasil? cuvette (V = 400 μl), the established qualitative model enabled to distinguish between different dissolved amino acids with a Q-value of 0.9555. Solid amino acids were investigated in the transflectance mode, allowing to differentiate them with a Q-value of 0.9155. For the qualitative and quantitative analysis of amino acids in complex matrices NIRS was established as a detection system directly onto the plate after prior separation on cellulose based thin-layer chromatography (TLC) sheets employing n-butanol, acetic acid and distilled water at a ratio of 8:4:2 (v/v/v) as an optimised mobile phase. Due to the prior separation step, the established calibration curve was found to be more stable than the one calculated from the dissolved amino acids. The found lower limit of detection was 0.01 mg/ml. Finally, this optimised TLC-NIRS method was successfully applied for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of L-lysine in apple juice. NIRS is shown not only to offer a fast, non-destructive detection tool but also to provide an easy-to-use alternative to more complicated detection methods such as mass spectrometry (MS) for qualitative and quantitative TLC analysis of amino acids in crude samples.  相似文献   

The activity of the enzyme involved in catalyzing the formation of fatty acid anilides can be measured by quantitating the fatty acid anilides formed. We have shown earlier that oleic acid is the most preferred substrate among other fatty acids studied for the conjugation with aniline. The reaction product (oleyl anilide) could be separated by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and then quantified by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Using [1-14C]oleic acid as substrate, the fatty acid anilide forming activity can be determined in a single step by TLC analysis. The conventional TLC methods used for the separation of the fatty acid esters, however, could not resolve oleyl anilide from the residual [1-14C]oleic acid. Therefore, a simple and reliable TLC method was developed for the separation of oleyl anilide from oleic acid using a freshly prepared solvent consisting of petroleum ether–ethyl acetate–ammonium hydroxide (80:20:1, v/v). Using this solvent system the relative flow (Rf) values were found to be 0.54 for oleyl anilide and 0.34 for aniline, whereas oleic acid remained at the origin. The TLC procedure developed in the present study could be used to determine the fatty acid anilide forming activity using [1-14C]oleic or other fatty acids as substrate and was also found suitable for the analysis of fatty acid anilides from the biological samples.  相似文献   

Several species of the tribe Viceae (Leguminosae) produce non-proteinamino acids that are toxic to man and animals. The neurotoxinß-N-oxalyl-L-,ß-diamino propionic acid (ODAP)in cultivated Lathyrus sativus causes human neurolathyrism,a neurological disease resulting in the paralysis of lower limbs.Surveys have shown that there are large scale variations betweenspecies of Lathyrus and varieties of L. sativus for the amountof cellular ODAP. In the present investigation, thin-layer chromatographyand chemical analysis were used to study developmental variationin the amount of ODAP in tissues and organs of L. sativus. Theresults confirmed that the rate of synthesis and accumulationof ODAP varied during plant development. Increased rates ofsynthesis were confirmed in young seedlings and in the developingfruits of L. sativus.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Lathyrus sativus, neurotoxin, ODAP, plant development  相似文献   

The neurotoxic lathyrogen, α-amino-β-oxalylaminopropionic acid (β-oxalyldiaminopropionic acid, ODAP) accumulates in the seeds of 13 species of Crotalaria and 17 species of Acacia as well as in seeds of Lathyrus. The compound was not detected in seeds representing 250 other legume genera—these are listed.  相似文献   

Natural DNA was introduced to thin layer chromatography (TLC) with an aim to separate chemicals like DNA-affinity compounds and enantiomers. By cross-linking polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with glutaraldehyde (GA) and subsequent cross-linking DNA with a UV irradiation, a DNA/PVA interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) is formed and was used to coat the surface of the porous silica particles of the TLC. Three typical DNA-binding compounds and eight amino acid enantiomers were used as model chemicals to investigate the chromatographic behavior of the modified TLC, and high separation efficiency was observed in both classes of the chemicals. On the practical side, the DNA-modified TLC have high prospects in diverse applications, including efficacy evaluation of a medicine, toxicity assessment of a pollutant at the molecular level, as well as separation of enantiomers such as dyes, amino acids, peptides, proteins, nucleotides, and drugs.  相似文献   

A proteolipid was isolated from the chloroform–methanol (2:1, by vol.) extract of defatted soybean meals by a modified Folch method. The proteolipid gave a yield of 0.05% of the defatted meals, and the ratio of protein and lipid was neary 3:4. The complex gave a single band containing both protein and lipid on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. TLC analysis of the lipid moiety showed that the major components were glycolipids and phospholipids. The protein moiety contained more hydrophobic amino acids and less acidic amino acids in comparison with the amino acid composition of soybean globulin. The protein moiety contained two kinds of protein component (I and II) which have molecular weights of 13,000 (I) and 15,000 (II) on SDS-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and N-terminal amino acids of alanine (I) and glutamic acid (II). The apoprotein is a new protein and different from the whey proteins or globulins of soybean.  相似文献   

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