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黑龙江省完达山东部林区是东北马鹿(Cervus elaphus xanthopygus)种群密度较高的分布区之一,本文对2年冬季采集的167份马鹿粪便进行了7个微卫星座位的个体识别,评价了马鹿种群遗传多样性,并分析近期马鹿数量的急剧下降对种群遗传结构的影响。结果表明:167份粪便DNA分属66只个体;种群平均等位基因数9.00±2.77;平均有效等位基因数3.97±0.99;平均多态信息含量0.69±0.09;平均期望杂合度0.74±0.08;平均观察杂合度0.69±0.08。整个种群显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡,但种群固定系数Fis为0.060,没有显著偏离零。可见,完达山东部林区马鹿种群遗传多样性较高,数量的急剧下降近期还没有表现在种群遗传结构上。  相似文献   

开展野生动物种群分布数量和生境适宜性评价研究是制定物种科学保护决策的基础和关键。以东北马鹿(Cervus canadensis xanthopygus)为研究对象,于2015—2020年在黑龙江省老爷岭南部穆棱林区,采用大样方调查方法收集马鹿在雪地留下的足迹信息分析马鹿种群数量;通过相机监测、足迹链跟踪和大样方调查3种方法综合收集马鹿活动点信息,利用最大熵(MaxEnt)建模分析马鹿生境适宜性。马鹿种群分布数量研究结果表明,穆棱林区马鹿种群密度为(0.0645±0.009)只/km~2,种群数量为47—61只,主要分布在研究地区南部的和平、龙爪沟和共和林场。生境分析结果表明:人为干扰因子中,居民区对MaxEnt模型的贡献率为44%,马鹿主要在距居民区距离约5 km和10—15 km的区域活动,在偏僻的林间小道和乡村道路马鹿生境适宜性较高,其对模型贡献率分别为16.8%和10.2%;植被因子中,在距常绿针叶林和针阔混交林距离4 km范围内,随距离增加马鹿生境适宜性逐渐降低。生境适宜性分析结果表明,研究地区马鹿适宜生境和次适宜生境面积为87.09 km~2,仅占研究区域的10.39%,主要...  相似文献   

东北马鹿(Cervus canadensis)种群面临着地理隔绝和生境破碎化等问题,对其种群遗传多样性和性别结构的研究,有助于了解其隔离种群的生存现状,为保护与管理工作提供科学依据。本研究利用8对微卫星分子标记,对内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区的456份马鹿粪便样品进行遗传多样性分析。结果识别出2015年冬季56只个体,2016年秋季41只个体;微卫星位点平均期望杂合度为0.650 1,平均多态信息含量为0.603 5,表明该地区马鹿种群的遗传多样性处于中等偏上水平。种群遗传分化系数为-0.053 99、近交系数为0.086 67、基因流为2.942 11,说明该马鹿种群基因交流普遍,近交水平低。基于SRY基因的方法进行性别鉴定,种群雌雄性比在冬季为1.8:1,秋季为0.71:1。本研究显示,该区域马鹿种群目前遗传多样性较为丰富,但现有种群集中分布于保护区内,处于相对隔离状态,长期发展则存在种群内部近交的风险。因此,加强对种群遗传结构和生存状态的监测,并促进与附近区域马鹿个体的交流,将有助于保持区域性东北马鹿种群长期繁盛。  相似文献   

黑龙江省完达山东部林区马鹿冬季环境容纳量估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005 年和2006 年冬季,在黑龙江省完达山东部林区采用分层抽样技术,测定马鹿生境中主要食物的生物量供给量。通过食物营养成分分析,确定野外生境食物营养供给量。经饲喂实验,测定圈养马鹿冬季的日营养需求。结合研究地区马鹿生境食物资源类型,以干物质、代谢能和氮为基础估算了完达山东部林区野生马鹿的营养容纳量。研究结果表明:以干物质为估算基础,完达山东部林区冬季马鹿容纳量为11 115 ± 1 419头,以代谢能为基础估算值为5 845 ± 1 077头,而基于氮的计算结果为16 958 ± 2 983头;显示该地区马鹿主要食物含氮量超出马鹿日平均需求量,而代谢能供给量则略显不足,成为种群增长的主要限制因子,所以本文以代谢能为基础估算的容纳量作为该地区冬季马鹿种群环境容纳量。此外,由于受雪被厚度、食物生物量、光照等环境因子的影响,两年估算的容纳量数值存在一定差异。   相似文献   

黑龙江省完达山东部林区东北虎猎物生物量   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究一个地区猎物种群生物量能否满足捕食动物种群数量的需求,这对于了解濒危大型食肉动物是否受到来自于食物缺乏的威胁和制定相应的保护措施极其重要。为了掌握黑龙江省完达山东部林区东北虎食物需求与猎物生物量之间的关系,于2008年冬季至2009早春积雪覆盖期采用随机布设样线,通过收集有蹄类动物在雪地上留下的足迹等活动的方法,在东方红林业局和迎春林业局管辖境内3 692.06 km2的区域布设大样方48个,并在大样方里共布设样线240条开展有蹄类动物种群数量调查,确定东北虎猎物生物量。调查结果表明:研究地区野猪(成体502 606只,亚成体209 210只)、马鹿(成体331 357只,亚成体67 72只)和狍子(成体810 815只,亚成体202 203只)的生物量分别为74 767.50 87 825.00 kg、79 744.50 85 984.50 kg 和 31 337.00 31 525.50 kg,3种有蹄类动物生物量共计1 85 849.00 205 335.00 kg。研究地区猎物总生物量为209 619.89 231 598.24 kg。如果按8%的生物提供给东北虎,3种主要猎物生物量可满足5.22 6.92只东北虎个体的食物需求,研究地区猎物总生物量则可满足5.89 7.81只东北虎个体的食物需求。此外,对足迹遇见率与抽样强度、抽样强度与足迹遇见率的均值标准误差之间关系的分析表明,在完达山东部林区布设120条样线(抽样距离600 km)、150条样线(抽样距离750 km)和115条样线(抽样距离675 km)能满足野猪、马鹿、狍子种群数量调查准确性的最低需求。  相似文献   

东北马鹿(Cervus canadensis xanthopygus)为国家二级重点保护野生动物,近些年其种群数量急剧下降、分布区不断退缩、种群基因交流受阻,很多地区更是难觅其踪迹。亟需对其种群的遗传变化,特别是遗传多样性和近交衰退等种群遗传信息开展进一步评价,增强保护与管理的针对性。本研究在大、小兴安岭和长白山脉的6个重点研究区域,共收集409份疑似马鹿粪便样本。首先基于mtDNA Cyt b基因测序技术进行物种鉴定,并对鉴定为马鹿的阳性样本利用微卫星技术进行个体识别。结果共识别出172只东北马鹿个体;Cyt b基因序列共检测出14个变异位点和11个单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.849 (0.105~0.732),核苷酸多样性为0.678%(0.099%~0.775%)。10个微卫星位点检测出种群平均等位基因数为5.7 (5.2~7.2),有效等位基因数为3.3 (2.5~4.1),观测杂合度为0.687 (0.644~0.725),期望杂合度为0.619 (0.564~0.689),近交系数为-0.113 (-0.160~-0.037)。结果表明,东北马鹿种群遗传多样性处于中等水平,其...  相似文献   

基于粪便DNA的雪豹种群调查和遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雪豹 (Panthera uncia) 是仅分布于亚洲高海拔山区的珍稀濒危猫科动物.本研究在印度西南部(Ladakh)、中国青海和蒙古国的南部(南Gobi)3个独立的雪豹分布区共采集109份粪便样品.应用线粒体DNA(mtDNA) cyt b基因特异性引物对109份粪便样品进行鉴定,发现有31份粪便来自雪豹,其中印度Ladakh、我国青海和蒙古国南Gobi的雪豹样品分别为17份、3份和11份.利用重新筛选设计的7对家猫(Felis catus)微卫星引物,对雪豹粪便样品进行了基因分型分析,结果发现在Ladakh和南Gobi检测到的雪豹粪便样品分别来自4只和5只不同的雪豹个体,而青海的样品则来自同一只雪豹;遗传多样性统计分析表明,蒙古国南Gobi的雪豹微卫星遗传多样性水平低于印度的Ladakh.研究结果表明了粪便DNA在雪豹种群监测和遗传多样性研究中的可行性.  相似文献   

查清新疆东部哈密山区野生天山马鹿(Cervus elaphus songaricus)种群的现状,可为有效保护与合理利用野生马鹿资源提供科学依据。我们通过截线抽样法和遥感技术,弄清哈密山区天山马鹿的栖息地范围,估算马鹿的种群数量及种群密度。在哈密山区野生天山马鹿分布区域共设计了28条样线,总长度60.1 km,遇见马鹿233头,通过计算得到该地区马鹿天山亚种种群平均密度为(2.83?1.01)头/km2。栖息地面积374.35 km2,估计马鹿总数为(1 057.56?379.71)头左右。雌雄比例2.24:1,幼体和亚成体的总数量多于成体和老体总数。研究区域内马鹿的种群密度和资源总数量比往年的调查结果有所上升;马鹿的分布海拔高度比较一致,但种群的大小具有不均匀性;从性比和年龄结构来看该研究区域的马鹿种群面向着数量的增长趋势。  相似文献   

大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的迁地保护工作已开展了近70年,基本实现了圈养种群的自我维持。根据2019年大熊猫谱系,现存圈养大熊猫种群(n=612)的总性比为1.22∶1 (♀336/♂276),与1∶1的性比有显著性差异(P=0.015),目前尚未开展性比失衡现象产生机制的探究工作。本研究以全国最大的圈养大熊猫种群为研究对象,梳理了该种群36年的出生性比、11年的分年龄雌雄个体数量和分年龄死亡雌雄个体数量,计算了出生性比和预期寿命等数据,旨在探究性比失衡的内在原因。结果显示,圈养大熊猫种群的出生性比为1.01∶1,与1∶1的性比无显著性差异(P=0.926);雄性大熊猫在幼年阶段死亡的比例高于雌性(♀38.24%/♂48.72%);圈养大熊猫的出生预期寿命中位数为21.4岁,其中雌性为23.5岁,雄性为19.8岁,雌性预期寿命比雄性长3.7岁。研究表明,圈养大熊猫种群性比失衡的内在原因是雄性大熊猫幼年阶段的死亡比例高于雌性,且雌性大熊猫预期寿命更长。本研究聚焦圈养大熊猫种群的性比失衡问题,首次计算了圈养大熊猫的预期寿命,可为圈养大熊猫种群的饲养管理和野外大熊...  相似文献   

分布于内蒙古森林—草原交错带的东北马鹿(Cervus elaphus xanthopygus)种群,受冬季低温和雪被的影响,对营养和能量的需求发生变化,同时,交错带内植物区系复杂,草本植物覆盖率高,而野生东北马鹿冬季主要以木本植物的嫩枝为食,因此分布于该地区的野生东北马鹿种群将面临食物资源短缺、营养缺乏的潜在威胁。本研究于2019年和2020年冬季,在内蒙古高格斯台罕乌拉国家级自然保护区内,采集野生东北马鹿粪便样本共98份。采用粪便显微分析法了解内蒙古森林—草原交错带中东北马鹿冬季的食物组成,结合去趋势分析法揭示了东北马鹿冬季食物组成模式。对东北马鹿粪便残渣分析发现,东北马鹿冬季共采食22种(科)植物,其中2020年冬季发现东北马鹿大量采食云杉(Picea asperata,9.88%)为其新食物。对东北马鹿食物组成进行去趋势分析发现,两年冬季中多数东北马鹿呈现出以蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)、细叶沼柳(Salix rosmarin? ifolia)和家榆(Ulmus pumila)等落叶乔木和灌木为主要食物,同时采食高比例禾本科(Poaceae spp.)植物的食物组成模式;少数个体因食物短缺而呈现出以云杉为主要食物的特殊组成模式。禾本科和云杉是引起东北马鹿冬季食物组成变化的主因。本研究揭示了内蒙古森林—草原交错带中东北马鹿冬季的食物组成模式,为该地区东北马鹿营养生态学的进一步研究与保护管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Eleven populations of wapiti (Cervus elaphus) were analysed for genetic diversity using 12 microsatellite loci. Samples were taken from Vancouver Island, British Columbia; Burwash and French River herds in Ontario; Ya Ha Tinda Ranch, Alberta; and Banff, Elk Island, Jasper, Kootenay, Riding Mountain, Yellowstone and Yoho National Parks. Overall, wapiti populations have on average three to four alleles per locus and an average expected heterozygosity that ranged from 25.75 to 52.85%. The greatest genetic distances were observed between the Vancouver population and all other populations. Using the assignment test, Roosevelt wapiti (C. e. roosevelti Merriam 1897) assigned only to the Vancouver Island population. The distance and assignment values suggest a divergence of the Roosevelt wapiti from other populations and support the subspecific status for the Vancouver Island population. No evidence was found for the existence of unique Eastern wapiti (C. e. canadensis Erxleben 1777) in the Burwash or French River herds in Ontario. The overlapping distribution of genotypes from indigenous populations from Riding Mountain, Elk Island and Yellowstone National Parks suggests that wapiti were once a continuous population before settlers decimated their numbers. The lack of differentiation between these populations raises questions about the status of Manitoban (C. e.manitobensis Millais 1915) and Rocky Mountain (C. e.nelsoni Bailey 1935) subspecies.  相似文献   

The cDNA sequences for Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase from two Cervus elaphus subspecies, North American wapiti and European red deer, were determined. The derived amino acid sequences showed two differences: residue 8 was Leu in wapiti and Met in red deer and residue 25 was His in wapiti and Asn in red deer. The extra positive charge at position 25 in the wapiti isoform accounted for its greater mobility towards the cathode during non-denaturing electrophoresis, a procedure widely used in the genetic analysis of deer. There was no difference in specific activity between the two Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase isoforms, but the wapiti isoform was slightly more susceptible to heat denaturation.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic comparison of red deer and wapiti using mitochondrial DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A phylogeny was constructed for red deer/wapiti (Cervus elaphus) subspecies using sequence data from the control region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The tree was rooted using Cervus nippon (sika deer), Cervus albirostris (Thorold's white-lipped deer), and several Odocoileinae species. A division between the mtDNA haplotypes of red deer (European) and wapiti (Asian/North American) corresponds to subspecies found on opposite sides of the Himalayan Mountains and Gobi, which suggests wapiti should be reconsidered for the status of C. canadensis. Using parsimony and distance analysis, red deer and wapiti are derived from a single recent common ancestor, which is consistent with current taxonomy that recognizes the subspecies of Cervus elaphus as monophyletic group. However, maximum-likelihood analysis using weighted transitional substitutions caused red deer to form a sister group to sika deer (Cervus nippon) and wapiti. A phenetic comparison revealed wapiti also share more nucleotide similarities with sika deer, although approximately 5% sequence divergence separates wapiti, sika, and red deer. Phylogenetic evidence from the cytochrome b sequences corroborated observations from the control region. Observations from this study suggest that the species status of wapiti should be reinstated.  相似文献   

We determined the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (1140 bp) of one subspecies of the European red deer (Cervus elaphus in Europe), three subspecies of the wapiti (C. elaphus in Asia and North America), and six subspecies of the sika deer (C. nippon in Japan). Our phylogenetic analysis revealed the monophyly of the European red deer, that of the wapiti, and that of the sika deer. The wapiti, however, was shown to be more closely related to the sika deer than to the European red deer. This is in conflict with traditional morphological results, which suggest a close sister group relationship between the wapiti and the European red deer. The divergence time between the European red deer and the wapiti plus the sika deer was estimated to be approximately 0.80 Ma, and that between the wapiti and the sika deer was estimated to be 0.57 Ma. The sika deer was subdivided into two subspecies groups, and the wapiti was also found to consist of an Asian group and a North American group.  相似文献   

Diseases of wapiti utilizing cattle range in southwestern Alberta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Specimens from 28 wapiti (Cervus elaphus canadensis) were collected by hunters in southwestern Alberta in 1984. Various tests were performed to detect infections and conditions that could affect cattle sharing the range or cause disease in wapiti. Serum antibodies were present against leptospiral serovars autumnalis (25%), bratislava (4%), and icterohaemorrhagiae (8%), and the viruses of bovine virus diarrhea (52%), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (45%), and parainfluenza type 3 (13%). No serological evidence of bovine respiratory syncytial virus, Brucella, Anaplasma, bluetongue virus, or epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus was found, nor were any lesions of vesicular diseases, necrotic stomatitis or nutritional myopathy evident. Focal interstitial nephritis and sarcocystosis were diagnosed histologically in 40% and 75%, respectively, of the wapiti tested. The prevalence of giant liver flukes (Fascioloides magna) was 50% and of lungworms (Dictyocaulus viviparus) 32%. Leptospiral serology on cattle in the area did not indicate that wapiti or cattle were a serious source of infection to each other. The giant liver fluke was the parasite most likely to be amplified by wapiti for cattle. Within the limits of this study, the results indicated that wapiti in the Waterton area do not pose a disease threat to the cattle with which they range, but periodic observational studies in these wapiti would be a useful means of early detection of any changes in the interspecies relationship.  相似文献   

Forty captive wapiti (Cervus elaphus) and thirty-two bison (Bison bison bison) were tested in April and October 1988, respectively, for their response to the sedative R51163. Treatment animals were injected with either 0.1, 0.2, or 0.3 mg of R51163/kg and then observed for 72 hr. Behavior was significantly altered by the drug. Hyperactive, aggressive, and milling behavior was characteristic of treated wapiti and they were extremely dangerous and reared when hind quarters were touched. Although treated plains bison displayed some milling behavior, they were generally more calm than wapiti. There was a marked difference between sexes in plains bison for all behavioral categories. Male bison were more ataxic, often observed in sternal or lateral recumbency, less conscious, and were slower to respond than females or controls. Respiratory rate increased in treated wapiti and plains bison, and heart rates of treated wapiti increased. Because of the powerful sedative effect on large, male bison, R51163 may be useful for handling unmanageable or dangerous animals and warrants further studies.  相似文献   

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