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2003—2005年的冬季,在黑龙江省完达山地区的五泡林场,通过样线调查,利用逐步判别分析的方法,对冬季马鹿和狍子在森林采伐区和非采伐区生境选择的差异进行了比较研究,其结果表明,在该地区虽然两物种在生境选择上发生部分重叠,但在生境利用方式上均存在显著差异在采伐区马鹿主要利用中坡位或上坡位、半阴半阳或阳坡、人为干扰距离大于1000m、海拔相对较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小、灌木密度较高的灌丛或杂木林生境;狍子主要利用中坡位或下坡位、阳坡、海拔相对较低、食物丰富度适中、乔木胸径较大、灌木密度较低、人为干扰距离要求不严格的杂木林或柞树林生境。在非采伐区,马鹿主要选择距人为干扰大于1000m、海拔较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小的杂木林生境;狍子主要选择中坡位或下坡位、人为干扰距离要求不严格、海拔较低、食物丰富度较适中和乔木胸径较大的杂木林或杨-桦混交林生境。  相似文献   

2003—2005年的冬季,在黑龙江省完达山地区的五泡林场,通过样线调查,利用逐步判别分析的方法,对冬季马鹿和狍子在森林采伐区和非采伐区生境选择的差异进行了比较研究,其结果表明,在该地区虽然两物种在生境选择上发生部分重叠,但在生境利用方式上均存在显著差异:在采伐区马鹿主要利用中坡位或上坡位、半阴半阳或阳坡、人为干扰距离大于1 000 m、海拔相对较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小、灌木密度较高的灌丛或杂木林生境;狍子主要利用中坡位或下坡位、阳坡、海拔相对较低、食物丰富度适中、乔木胸径较大、灌木密度较低、人为干扰距离要求不严格的杂木林或柞树林生境。在非采伐区,马鹿主要选择距人为干扰大于1 000 m、海拔较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小的杂木林生境;狍子主要选择中坡位或下坡位、人为干扰距离要求不严格、海拔较低、食物丰富度较适中和乔木胸径较大的杂木林或杨-桦混交林生境。  相似文献   

2014年2月、2014年12月—2015年1月和2015年6—7月,在陕西省周至自然保护区,采用样带法对斑羚冬季和夏季生境选择进行研究。结果表明,斑羚夏季对14种生境因子有选择性,而在冬季斑羚对16种生境因子有选择性。夏冬季斑羚对植被类型、坡位、海拔、坡度、郁闭度、乔木大小、乔木距离、灌木密度、灌木距离、灌木盖度、草本盖度、草本种类、距隐蔽物距离和距人为干扰距离的选择存在显著差异。逻辑斯蒂回归分析表明,坡向、坡位、乔木大小、乔木距离、灌木大小、隐蔽级、距隐蔽物距离、距人为干扰距离是斑羚夏季生境选择的主导因子。坡向、坡位、郁闭度、乔木距离、灌木大小、灌木距离、草本种类、隐蔽级、距水源距离是斑羚冬季生境选择的主导因子。  相似文献   

吴鹏举  张宏  张恩迪 《生态学杂志》2007,26(10):1569-1573
2002年3—5月,在藏东南的慈巴沟自然保护区随机设置14条样线,对主要偶蹄类动物在春季的垂直分布和栖息地分化情况进行了调查。结果表明:野猪、黑麂、(赤)斑羚、羚牛和鬣羚都有非常明显的海拔相对集中的分布区,除了羚牛和鬣羚的空间垂直生态位高度重叠外,其它类群之间重叠较小;为进一步研究羚牛和鬣羚之间的共存机制,设置了187个10m×10m样方,调查了10类生态因子,通过联结检验和判别分析,发现羚牛和鬣羚之间并没有空间联结关系,栖息地差别明显;通过计算Vanderloeg选择系数和Scavia选择指数,发现羚牛和鬣羚在饮水距离、林分郁闭度、隐蔽度、乔木密度具有明显的选择差异;食物的不同需求导致了这些偶蹄类动物垂直分化的差异,而羚牛和鬣羚对小尺度生态因子上的选择差异和在时间维度点的差异则是维持同域共存的机制。  相似文献   

唐家河自然保护区鬣羚春冬季对生境的选择   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
1998年3月~1999年2月在四川省青川县唐家河自然保护区,对鬣羚(Capricornis sumatraensis)春冬季的生境利用进行了研究。结果表明:影响鬣羚春季生境选择的主要生态因子为人为干扰、植被型、乔木距离、乔木密度、坡度、岩石距离、乔大小和坡位;影响其冬季生境选择的主要生态因子为人为干扰、植被型、坡位、郁闭度、水源、乔木距离、乔木密度、乔木大小、岩石距离、坡向、动物干扰度;鬣羚春冬  相似文献   

生境是野生动物的栖息基底,卧息地是野生动物重要的功能性生境。为深入了解野生马麝(Moschus chrysogaster)冬季卧息地生境的特征及选择利用,于2021年12月至2022年1月对甘肃兴隆山国家级自然保护区的野生马麝的功能性生境开展了基于生境取样的研究。通过样线调查法获取马麝卧息痕迹位点,采用主成分分析和资源选择函数法进行其卧息生境选择的研究。结果表明,野生马麝冬季卧息地生境的海拔较低[(2 488.5±26.6)m]、灌木较高[(1.3±0.3)m]、灌木盖度(31.08%±3.14%)和地表植被盖度(38.36%±3.27%)较大、倒木较多[(0.5±0.1)个]且积雪较浅[(1.0±0.3)cm];马麝冬季卧息地多选择位于南坡的下坡位灌丛生境,而且距水源较近、隐蔽度较好。主成分分析表明,乔木因子、食物因子、安全因子和地形因子的累计贡献率达67%;马麝的卧息生境资源选择函数为:Logit(x)=﹣4.967+0.001×海拔﹣0.02×坡度+0.03×乔木郁闭度+0.104×乔木高度+0.17×灌木盖度﹣0.466×雪被深度﹣1.015×坡向,模型预测正确率为91.1%。...  相似文献   

从2001年12月到2002年7月,在西藏东南部的慈巴沟自然保护区随机选择样线起始点,采用机械布点法设置了187个10m×10m的固定样方,记录了样方所在的植被类型与海拔、坡度等9个数量化因子,并分别在冬、春、夏三季检查样方是否被羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor)和鬣羚(Capricornis sumatraensis)利用。冬季,羚牛最喜爱杜鹃针叶林,而鬣羚仅喜爱箭竹针叶林。对9个数量化因子的判别分析表明,冬季,羚牛与鬣羚之间在栖息地利用上没有显著性差异。春季,羚牛最喜欢箭竹针叶林,其次是针阔混交林,而鬣羚最喜爱针阔混交林,其次是箭竹针叶林;判别分析显示种间达到了显著性差异;其中,坡度、坡向和水源距离3个因子的种间差异最显著。夏季,羚牛最喜爱高山草甸,鬣羚对针阔混交林、箭竹针叶林和杜鹃针叶林都喜爱;判别分析显示种间达到了显著差异,其中,海拔、隐蔽度、郁闭度、乔木密度和箭竹密度5个因子的种间差异最显著。本文从动物行为模式、食性和选择因子尺度等方面讨论了羚牛与鬣羚栖息地分化的机理及其共存的机制。  相似文献   

为揭示影响高山姬鼠和中华姬鼠夏季空间分布的生态因素,采用样线法和样方取样法,于2009年6—8月在四川省唐家河国家级自然保护区内对两种姬鼠的生境选择进行了比较研究。结果表明:两种姬鼠主要利用坡度平缓,郁闭度、落叶层盖度、乔木胸径和高度较小,灌木、竹子和草本密度适中而草本盖度较大的生境;高山姬鼠频繁出现在海拔较低(1400 m左右)、草本植物较大(平均高度为16—30 cm)的生境中,而中华姬鼠频繁出现在海拔较高(1900 m左右)、草本植物较小(平均高度<15 cm)的生境中。此外,高山姬鼠频繁出现在竹林较矮(平均高度<1 m)、水源距离较近(<50 m)、植被演替阶段较低(小树林)的常绿-落叶阔叶混交林中,而中华姬鼠对这4种生态因子无明显的选择性。两种姬鼠在对生境的利用上虽具一定重叠性,但对诸多生境变量选择上的差异表明各自具有不同的生境利用模式。海拔、植被演替阶段、郁闭度和草本高度4个生境变量判别函数系数的绝对值明显大于其他变量,表明高山姬鼠和中华姬鼠在生境上的分割可能主要与这4个变量有关。生境利用模式的不同有助于两种姬鼠同域共存。  相似文献   

四川唐家河自然保护区黑腹绒鼠对夏季生境的选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为揭示影响黑腹绒鼠夏季空间分布的生态因素,采用样线法和样方取样法,于2009年6~8月在四川省唐家河国家级自然保护区对该物种夏季生境选择进行了研究.野外工作期间,共调查生境样方和对照样方各58个.在21个生境变量中,海拔、坡度、坡向等16个变量在生境样方和对照样方间存在显著差异,表明该地黑腹绒鼠对夏季生境的利用具有明显的选择性.该地黑腹绒鼠夏季频繁出现的生境为:坡向朝南,偏好选择处于较早植被演替阶段,海拔较低,乔木和竹子较矮,离水源较近,乔木层郁闭度、乔木胸径、竹子盖度、竹子密度和落叶层盖度较小,而草本层较高,草本盖度、密度及灌木密度均较大.Logistic回归分析表明坡向和草本盖度是影响该地黑腹绒鼠夏季生境选择的主要生态因子,可能反映了来自食物丰富度和捕食两方面的选择压力决定着该物种空间分布.在此基础上构建了黑腹绒鼠夏季生境资源选择函数logit(P)=8.027+2.792×草本盖度+0.325×坡向,其对生境的选择概率为P=elogit(P)/(1+elogit(P)),可用于预测夏季黑腹绒鼠在该保护区内的空间分布.  相似文献   

金苗  姚志诚  石锐  白云峰  高惠  滕丽微  刘振生 《生态学报》2022,42(18):7676-7684
为明确对贺兰山西坡啮齿动物生境选择起关键作用的主要环境因子,探讨各鼠种之间的相互作用如何影响鼠种的生境选择,选取地理因子(海拔、坡度、坡向)、植被因子(植被盖度、植被高度、灌木/乔木高度)和其他因子(距水源距离、距道路距离、距灌木/乔木距离)等9种生境因子,利用资源选择函数模型和logistic回归模型对啮齿动物生境选择和种间关系进行分析。结果表明,在贺兰山西坡,捕获数量最多的6种啮齿动物对的生境选择存在差异,大林姬鼠(Apodemus peninsulae)偏好高海拔、多灌木(乔木)的生境;子午沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)偏好海拔较低的半荒漠稀疏生境,对道路和人为干扰不回避;灰仓鼠(Cricetulus migratorius)偏好距水源较远、多灌木(乔木)、距道路较近的生境;阿拉善黄鼠(Spermophilus alaschanicus)偏好低海拔、植被丰富的生境;短尾仓鼠(Cricetulus eversmanni)偏好高海拔、距道路较近的生境;社鼠(Niviventer niviventer)偏好海拔较高、坡度较大、距水源较远的生境。鼠种间的相互关系主要呈现回避或随机关系。研究结果有助于了解啮齿动物分布的变化及种群动态规律,可为贺兰山生物资源保护,区域性鼠害的预测、预报和综合治理提供基础资料和科学依据。  相似文献   

Field pea (Pisum sativum), a major grain legume crop, is autogamous and adapted to temperate climates. The objectives of this study were to investigate effects of high temperature stress on stamen chemical composition, anther dehiscence, pollen viability, pollen interactions with pistil and ovules, and ovule growth and viability. Two cultivars (“CDC Golden” and “CDC Sage”) were exposed to 24/18°C (day/night) continually or to 35/18°C for 4 or 7 days. Heat stress altered stamen chemical composition, with lipid composition of “CDC Sage” being more stable compared with “CDC Golden.” Heat stress reduced pollen viability and the proportion of ovules that received a pollen tube. After 4 days at 35°C, pollen viability in flower buds decreased in “CDC Golden,” but not in “CDC Sage.” After 7 days, partial to full failure of anthers to dehisce resulted in subnormal pollen loads on stigmas. Although growth (ovule size) of fertilized ovules was stimulated by 35°C, heat stress tended to decrease ovule viability. Pollen appears susceptible to stress, but not many grains are needed for successful fertilization. Ovule fertilization and embryos are less susceptible to heat, but further research is warranted to link the exact degree of resilience to stress intensity.  相似文献   

Cadmium transport, resistance, and toxicity in bacteria, algae, and fungi   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Cadmium is an important environmental pollutant and a potent toxicant to bacteria, algae, and fungi. Mechanisms of Cd toxicity and resistance are variable, depending on the organism. It is very clear that the form of the metal and the environment it is studied in, play an important role in how Cd exerts its effect and how the organism(s) responds. A wide range of Cd concentrations have been used to designate resistance in organisms. To date, no concentration has been specified that is applicable to all species studied under standardized conditions. Cadmium exerts its toxic effect(s) over a wide range of concentrations. In most cases, algae and cyanobacteria are the most sensitive organisms, whereas bacteria and fungi appear to be more resistant. In some bacteria, plasmid-encoded resistance can lead to reduced Cd2+ uptake. However, some Gram-negative bacteria without plasmids are just as resistant to Cd as are bacteria containing plasmids encoding for Cd resistance. According to Silver and Misra (1984), there is no evidence for enzymatic or chemical transformations associated with Cd resistance. Insufficient information is available on the genetics of Cd uptake and resistance in cyanobacteria and algae. Mechanisms remain largely unknown at this point in time. Cadmium is toxic to these organisms, causing severe inhibition of such physiological processes as growth, photosynthesis, and nitrogen fixation at concentrations less than 2 ppm, and often in the ppb range (Tables 2 and 3). Cadmium also causes pronounced morphological aberrations in these organisms, which are probably related to deleterious effects on cell division. This may be direct or indirect, as a result of Cd effects on protein synthesis and cellular organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Cadmium is accumulated internally in algae (Table 4) as a result of a two-phase uptake process. The first phase involves a rapid physicochemical adsorption of Cd onto cell wall binding sites, which are probably proteins and (or) polysaccharides. This is followed by a lag period and then a slow, steady intracellular uptake. This latter phase is energy dependent and may involve transport systems used to accumulate other divalent cations, such as Mn2+ and Ca2+. Some data indicate that Cd resistance, and possibly uptake, in algae and cyanobacteria is controlled by a plasmid-encoded gene(s). Although considerable information is available on Cd toxicity to, and uptake in fungi, further work is clearly needed in several areas. There is little information about Cd uptake by filamentous fungi, and even in yeasts, information on the specificity, kinetics, and mechanisms of Cd uptake is limited.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   



This cross-sectional study assessed the frequency of discrimination, harassment, and violence and the associated factors among a random sample of 1000 lesbian, gay men, and bisexual women and men recruited from randomly selected public venues in Italy.


A face-to-face interview sought information about: socio-demographics, frequency of discrimination, verbal harassment, and physical and sexual violence because of their sexual orientation, and their fear of suffering each types of victimization.


In the whole sample, 28.3% and 11.9% self-reported at least one episode of victimization because of the sexual orientation in their lifetime and in the last year. Those unmarried, compared to the others, and with a college degree or higher, compared to less educated respondents, were more likely to have experienced an episode of victimization in their lifetime. Lesbians, compared to bisexual, had almost twice the odds of experiencing an episode of victimization. The most commonly reported experiences across the lifetime were verbal harassment, discrimination, and physical or sexual violence. Among those who had experienced one episode of victimization in their lifetime, 42.1% self-reported one episode in the last year. Perceived fear of suffering violence because of their sexual orientation, measured on a 10-point Likert scale with a higher score indicative of greater fear, ranges from 5.7 for verbal harassment to 6.4 for discrimination. Participants were more likely to have fear of suffering victimization because of their sexual orientation if they were female (compared to male), lesbian and gay men (compared to bisexual women and men), unmarried (compared to the others), and if they have already suffered an episode of victimization (compared to those who have not suffered an episode).


The study provides important insights into the violence experiences of lesbian, gay men, and bisexual women and men and the results may serve for improving policy initiatives to reduce such episodes.  相似文献   

The Precautionary Principle is in sharp political focus today because (1) the nature of scientific uncertainty is changing and (2) there is increasing pressure to base governmental action on more “rational” schemes, such as cost-benefit analysis and quantitative risk assessment, the former being an embodiment of ‘rational choice theory’ promoted by the Chicago school of law and economics. The Precautionary Principle has been criticized as being both too vague and too arbitrary to form a basis for rational decision making. The assumption underlying this criticism is that any scheme not based on cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment is both irrational and without secure foundation in either science or economics. This paper contests that view and makes explicit the rational tenets of the Precautionary Principle within an analytical framework as rigorous as uncertainties permit, and one that mirrors democratic values embodied in regulatory, compensatory, and common law. Unlike other formulations that reject risk assessment, this paper argues that risk assessment can be used within the formalism of tradeoff analysis—a more appropriate alternative to traditional cost-benefit analysis and one that satisfies the need for well-grounded public policy decision making. This paper will argue that the precautionary approach is the most appropriate basis for policy, even when large uncertainties do not exist, especially where the fairness of the distributions of costs and benefits of hazardous activities and products are a concern. Furthermore, it will offer an approach to making decisions within an analytic framework, based on equity and justice, to replace the economic paradigm of utilitarian cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

Short men are less likely to be married or live in a permanent relationship than their taller counterparts. This pattern is not due to their social status. While blue-collar workers are shorter on average than managers, the effects of height on finding a mate are similar in the two social groups. Being tall is also economically advantageous for men. With identical educational attainment levels, tall men have better careers than short men as they are given greater supervisory responsibilities. In making a commitment, some women might take height into account as an anticipated indicator of future resources of the household. Choice of partner is also influenced by social norms--i.e., partners should be physically well-matched--which is more difficult for shorter men.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) levels of aqueous humor, lens, and serum in nondiabetics and diabetics and to determine the effects of diabetes on Fe, Zn, and Cu contents in the lens. Fe, Zn, and Cu contents of aqueous humor, lens, and serum samples of 19 patients (9 nondiabetic patients with a mean age of 62.3±5.4 yr, and 10 diabetic patients with a mean age of 59.5±5.9 yr) were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry using a prospective study design. The lens levels of Cu in diabetic patients were significantly higher compared with nondiabetic patients (p=0.02); however; there was no difference in the other elements (Zn, Fe; p=0.28, p=0.74, respectively). The levels of Fe, Zn, and Cu in the aqueous humor and serum of diabetic patients were not found to be statistically significant when compared to nondiabetics (p=0.46, p=0.11, p=0.18, and p=0.22, p=0.43, p=0.72, respectively). These results demonstrate that increased Cu content of the lens presumably has a greater association with the development of lens opacification in diabetics than Zn and Fe content.  相似文献   

Pregnant women in developing countries are vulnerable to multiple micronutrient deficiencies. Studies assessing serum levels of the micronutrients and magnitude of their deficiencies are very scarce in African subjects. This study was aimed at determining serum levels of micronutrients in 375 pregnant (42 HIV seropositive) and 76 non-pregnant women (20 HIV seropositive) who visited the University of Gondar Hospital, Gondar, Ethiopia. Serum concentrations of zinc,\ copper, selenium, calcium, and magnesium were determined using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Irrespective of HIV serostatus, pregnant women had significantly higher serum concentrations of copper and copper/zinc ratio and significantly lower magnesium compared to those in non-pregnant women (P < 0.05). Except for selenium, which was significantly lower in HIV-seropositive pregnant women (P < 0.05), the mean serum concentrations of zinc, copper, calcium, and magnesium were not significantly different between pregnant women by HIV serostatus. The prevalence of deficiency in zinc, magnesium, selenium, and calcium in the pregnant women, irrespective of their HIV serostatus, was 66.7%, 25.6%, 21.9%, and 9.3%, respectively. The magnitude of deficiency in zinc, magnesium, and selenium was significantly higher in HIV seropositive pregnant women (76.2%, 52.4%, and 45.2%) than that in HIV-seronegative pregnant women (65.5%, 22.2%, and 18.9%) and in HIV-seronegative non-pregnant women (42.9%, 8.1%, and 30.4%; P < 0.05). Deficiency in one, two, three, or four mineral elements was observed in 44.8%, 14.4%, 9.9%, and 5.1% of the pregnant women, respectively. Only 25.9% of the pregnant women and 44.7% of the non-pregnant women were not deficient in any of the micronutrients. The high prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in pregnant and non-pregnant women in Gondar, Ethiopia warrants the need for strategies on prevention and control of the deficiencies.  相似文献   

Meals of 12 diets were prepared from conventional foods with precautions against contamination by metallic elements because of epidemiologic associations between ischemic heart disease and the metabolism of magnesium, calcium, copper, and zinc. Magnesium, calcium, copper, and zinc were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry with satisfactory accuracy and precision. The mean daily amount of copper in the diets was less than the apparent adult requirement. Mean amounts of magnesium and zinc were close to apparent requirements; however, adults consuming amounts less than one standard deviation below these means may be depleting body stores and be at risk of pathology. Magnesium and copper were highly correlated (r=0.849,P=0.0001) in meals. This and other significant correlations probably will prevent the relationships of these elements to ischemic heart disease from being elucidated by epidemiology. Metabolic experiments will be necessary to differentiate among several hypotheses.  相似文献   

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