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以"三大物质的鉴定"实验为例,从任务分工、时间规划、内容安排、关注实验材料的多元化和生活化、设置对照实验等5个方面,阐述提高生化分析类生物学实验有效性的措施。  相似文献   

临床路径知识库是实现病人诊疗流程中个性化诊疗与标准化路径有机结合的有效技术手段。为满足医院医疗质量提升与病人个性化诊治的需要,提出了智能自适应临床路径系统的信息技术建设方案,系统框架由语义层、中间层以及临床路径执行层3层架构组成,重点讨论了基于临床路径本体的知识库模型及建设方法,对下一阶段临床路径电子化应用工作进行了规划和展望。  相似文献   

何云梅 《蛇志》2014,(3):313-315
目的观察临床护理路径在白内障患者中的应用效果。方法对我院2013年6月~2014年6月收治的132例白内障手术患者采用数字表随机法分为观察组和对照组,观察组66例采用临床护理路径进行护理,对照组66例采用常规护理,比较两组住院时间、治疗费用、白内障相关知识掌握情况及并发症发生率。结果观察组平均住院时间、治疗费用及并发症发生率与对照组比较,差异均具有显著性(均P0.05)。观察组90.91%的患者掌握白内障相关知识,7.58%的患者基本掌握,观察组患者对白内障相关知识的掌握明显高于对照组,差异具有显著性(P0.05)。结论临床护理路径使护理工作科学化、系统化,相比传统护理具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

目的 了解我国公立医院临床医师对临床路径实施工作及效果的评价。方法 对我国东、中、西3省(直辖市)1638名临床医师进行问卷调查。结果 我国公立医院临床医师对临床路径实施工作和实施效果的总体评价分别为3.16分和3.41分。并且,不同地区、等级公立医院临床医师的评价存在一定差异。结论 我国公立医院临床医师对临床路径实施工作的认可度不高;西部地区和二级医院的临床医师更偏好实施临床路径;临床医师对临床路径实施可提高医疗服务过程质量的认同度相对较高。  相似文献   

Zhang ZQ  Shu SY  Liu SH  Guo ZY  Wu YM  Bao XM  Zheng JL  Ma HZ 《生理学报》2008,60(4):504-510
本研究用功能磁共振成像技术观察了人脑进行不同难度数字加减计算时的脑区激活情况,并探讨大脑皮层和皮层下结构在数字计算中的作用.用Siemens 1.5 Tesla磁共振机对16名右利手健康志愿者进行简单及复杂数字加减任务的fMRI扫描.实验采用组块设计.刺激任务分为简单加减计算任务、复杂加减计算任务和基线任务.用SPM99软件进行数据分析和脑功能区定位.分别比较同一任务各个脑区平均激活强度和同一脑区在两种任务中的激活强度.结果显示,简单及复杂加减计算激活的被试者的脑区基本相同,激活的皮层区主要见于额叶、顶叶、枕叶、扣带回、丘脑及小脑;简单及复杂加减计算激活的皮层下结构包括两侧尾状核、左纹状体边缘区等基底核结构和丘脑.在简单及复杂计算中,纹状体与皮质结构(额叶、顶叶)间激活强度均无显著性差异.简单计算与复杂计算比较,右顶叶,在复杂任务时出现激活,在简单任务时未出现激活.上述结果提示,完成数字计算任务的脑区除了额叶、顶叶、扣带回等皮层结构外,大脑皮层下的一些结构如纹状体、纹状体边缘区,也是参与数字计算的重要部位.皮层下结构纹状体和优势半球的纹状体边缘区参与了数字工作记忆,可能是进行数字计算神经环路的重要组成部位.右项叶(缘上回)只在复杂任务出现激活,该区可能是视空间记忆和加工的重要部位.  相似文献   

通过对评价因子的研究,力图探索并建立一套对临床路径的使用和管理进行比较全面完整评价的指标体系和标准,并对评价方法进行了深入探讨,对临床路径的运用及改进提供了有效可行的、评价工具,推动临床路径工作的持续进展。  相似文献   

数字疗法(digital therapeutics, DTx)是指使用基于证据的、经过临床评估的软件直接向患者提供医疗干预措施,以预防、管理或治疗疾病。作为数字健康的一个重要子领域,数字疗法在推动医疗智能化进程中起到重要作用,受到各个国家/地区的重点关注,具有一定的潜在商业价值。本文基于数字疗法领域专利,在阐述基本发展态势的基础上,对国际专利分类技术主题与关键词聚类进行分析,揭示全球主要国家/地区及主要机构的专利布局重点,并筛选Pear Therapeutics等3个有代表性的专利申请机构进行重点研究,分析其技术布局情况,进一步提出我国未来在数字疗法领域技术布局的建议,促进数字疗法的健康发展。  相似文献   

中学生物实验园地引起生物教师的重视不是偶然的。特别是当苏联共产党决定要在中学进行综合技术教育,要实施一些过渡到普遍的综合技术教育的措施时,正确地安排中学生物实验园地的工作是有着极其重要的意义。有赖于中学生物实验园地来协助完成的任务概要地表述在加里宁(以前的苏联最高  相似文献   

森林生态产品价值实现面临供需对接难、交易成本较高、质量溯源机制欠缺、产品同质化等诸多现实困境,而数字技术的蓬勃发展为推进森林生态产品价值实现创造了新机遇。从数字技术视角首次探讨森林生态产品价值实现的理论逻辑及路径,对完善森林生态产品价值实现机制具有重要现实意义和理论意义。研究发现:(1)森林生态产品价值实现关键在于打通转化通道,构建“监测评价-资源开发-市场经营-支持保障”森林生态产品价值实现全链条机制,进而运用数字技术赋能来解决“森林生态资源变森林生态产品”、“森林生态产品变森林生态商品”两大核心问题。(2)数字技术赋能森林生态产品价值实现理论逻辑体现于:数字技术赋能产品四个基本环节,为产品价值实现提供新动能新活力;数字技术赋能生态产业化经营,提升产品价值增值空间;数字技术赋能产品市场主体行为,激发更强“长尾效应”;数字技术赋能产品市场交易信息,降低信息摩擦;数字技术赋能产品市场交易成本,降低交易成本。(3)数字技术赋能森林生态产品价值实现的路径,即利用数字技术做好森林生态产品权属登记和信息普查、森林生态产品价值核算数字化、搭建森林生态产品数字经济平台和市场交易平台、数字技术强化森林...  相似文献   




The fundamental determinants of division of labor among honey bee workers are age, genotype, and environment. These determinants work through intermediate physiological channels to realize particular patterns of division of labor. The change of juvenile hormone (JH) titer in worker bees is one such channel. Previous studies concentrated on the impact of JH on timing of in-hive and foraging activity. Here we examined the effects of JH on task specialization and the collection of pollen or nectar by same-age bees and we tested the possible impact on JH titer on foraging performance. Methoprene treatments were conducted after workers began to forage inside a flight room. We found that methoprene, a JH analogue, had no effect on preferences for pollen or nectar and, also, did not influence nectar foraging rate, nectar load size, and foraging span.  相似文献   

Age-related division of labor in honeybees is associated with plasticity in circadian rhythms. Young nest bees care for brood around the clock with no circadian rhythms while older foragers have strong circadian rhythms that are used for sun compass navigation and for timing visits to flowers. Since juvenile hormone (JH) is involved in the coordination of physiological and behavioral processes underlying age-related division of labor in honey bees, we tested the hypothesis that JH influences the ontogeny of circadian rhythms and other clock parameters in young worker bees. Treatments with the JH analog methoprene or allatectomy did not influence the onset of rhythmicity, overall locomotor activity, or the free-running period of rhythmic locomotor behavior. There were, however, significant differences in the onset of rhythmicity, overall locomotor activity, and longevity between bees from different source colonies, suggesting that there is significant genetic variation for these traits. Our results suggest that JH does not coordinate all aspects of division of labor in bees and that coordination of task performance with circadian rhythms is probably mediated by other regulatory systems.  相似文献   

A twelve-step program for evolving multicellularity and a division of labor   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The volvocine algae provide an unrivalled opportunity to explore details of an evolutionary pathway leading from a unicellular ancestor to multicellular organisms with a division of labor between different cell types. Members of this monophyletic group of green flagellates range in complexity from unicellular Chlamydomonas through a series of extant organisms of intermediate size and complexity to Volvox, a genus of spherical organisms that have thousands of cells and a germ-soma division of labor. It is estimated that these organisms all shared a common ancestor about 50 +/- 20 MYA. Here we outline twelve important ways in which the developmental repertoire of an ancestral unicell similar to modern C. reinhardtii was modified to produce first a small colonial organism like Gonium that was capable of swimming directionally, then a sequence of larger organisms (such as Pandorina, Eudorina and Pleodorina) in which there was an increasing tendency to differentiate two cell types, and eventually Volvox carteri with its complete germ-soma division of labor.  相似文献   

 相互连接的克隆植物分株分别处于资源互补性的不同斑块时, 将可能发生形态结构的特化, 以更有效地吸收利用所处斑块中丰富的资源, 形成分株的功能分化, 即克隆内分工。生境的斑块对比度, 作为资源或环境异质性的主要素, 在一定程度上决定克隆内分工的发生状况。该文以鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)为材料, 在自然条件下将多组分株对置于不同的斑块对比度处理下, 比较了它们克隆内分工的发生状态, 试图发现分工与斑块对比度的关系, 同时考察在克隆分工过程中分株的可塑性变化及其与分工的关系。该实验的理论假设是: 分株发生分工的程度与分株所处斑块的资源对比度成正相关。研究结果表明, 鹅绒委陵菜分株的高度和叶面积对局部光照环境产生强烈的可塑性反应, 反应的结果是增加了对匮乏的光资源的获取。从分株根冠比和我们提出的分工指数来看, 分工的程度在一定的斑块对比度范围内随斑块对比度的增强而增强, 但到达一个最大值后又迅速降低。鹅绒委陵菜分株之间的分工和结构特化往往滞后于分株对所处局部环境的适应性可塑性变化, 而后者往往在分株之间具有独立性和局部特征。克隆内分工主要依赖于生物量分配的调节而实现, 其发生状态都是分株系统在分工收益、分工代价与分工风险之间权衡的结果, 而这种结果在很大程度上取决于分株所处的斑块对比度。  相似文献   

LIN-42, the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of the Period (Per) family of circadian rhythm proteins, functions as a member of the heterochronic pathway, regulating temporal cell identities. We demonstrate that lin-42 acts broadly, timing developmental events in the gonad, vulva, and sex myoblasts, in addition to its well-established role in timing terminal differentiation of the hypodermis. In the vulva, sex myoblasts, and hypodermis, lin-42 activity prevents stage-specific cell division patterns from occurring too early. This general function of timing stage-appropriate cell division patterns is shared by the majority of heterochronic genes; their mutation temporally alters stage-specific division patterns. In contrast, lin-42 function in timing gonad morphogenesis is unique among the known heterochronic genes: inactivation of lin-42 causes the elongating gonad arms to reflex too early, a phenotype which implicates lin-42 in temporal regulation of cell migration. Three additional isoforms of lin-42 are identified that expand our view of the lin-42 locus and significantly extend the homology between LIN-42 and other PER family members. We show that, similar to PER proteins, LIN-42 has a dynamic expression pattern; its levels oscillate relative to the molts during postembryonic development. Transformation rescue studies indicate lin-42 is bipartite with respect to function. Intriguingly, the hallmark PAS domain is dispensable for LIN-42 function in transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Division of labor is a hallmark of eusocial insects and their ecological success can be attributed to it. Honey bee division of labor proceeds along a stereotypical ontogenetic path based on age, modulated by various internal and external stimuli. Brood pheromone is a major social pheromone of the honey bee that has been shown to affect honey bee division of labor. It elicits several physiological and behavioral responses; notably, regulating the timing of the switch from performing in-hive tasks to the initiation of foraging. Additionally, brood pheromone affects future foraging choice. In honey bees, sucrose response threshold is a physiological correlate of age of first foraging and foraging choice. Brood pheromone has been shown to modulate sucrose response threshold in young bees, but its effects on sucrose response thresholds of bees in advanced behavioral states (foragers) are not known. In this study we examined the sucrose response thresholds of two different task groups, foragers (pollen and non-pollen) and non-foraging bees, in response to honey bee brood pheromone. Sucrose response thresholds were not significantly different between brood pheromone treatment and controls among both non-pollen and pollen foragers. However, the sucrose response threshold of non-foraging bees was significantly higher in the brood pheromone treatment group than in the control group. The switch to foraging task is considered a terminal one, with honey bee lifespan being determined at least partially by risks and stress accompanying foraging. Our results indicate that foragers are physiologically resistant to brood pheromone priming of sucrose response thresholds.  相似文献   

Kraus PR  Harris SD 《Genetics》2001,159(2):557-569
In Aspergillus nidulans, germinating conidia undergo multiple rounds of nuclear division before forming a septum. Previous genetic results suggest that the ability to separate nuclear division and septum formation depends upon a threshold level of activity of the cyclin-dependent kinase NIMX(cdk1). Mutations in nimX and nimT, the gene encoding the NIMX(cdk1)-activating phosphatase, have revealed that Tyr-15 phosphorylation is important for determining the timing of the formation of the first septum. Here, we describe a screen for suppressors of nimT23 (snt), designed to identify additional components of the pathway regulating septum formation. We show that a subset of the snt mutants are defective in the temporal regulation of septum formation and in cell cycle checkpoint responses. Molecular characterization of sntA shows that it is allelic to the previously described ankA gene, which encodes the NIMX(cdk1) Tyr-15 kinase. Additional experiments described in this study show that nutritional conditions modulate the timing of septum formation and alter the phenotypes displayed by the snt mutants. A model that suggests that the timing of septum formation is influenced by DNA damage and glucose availability via the sntA and sntB gene products is proposed.  相似文献   

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