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本文就离体培养的植物组织对生长调节物质的吸收和代谢,外源生长调节物质对内源激素水平的影响,内源激素对细胞脱分化和再分化的调控,生长素和细胞分裂素基因与器官发生的关系,与器官发生有关的基因和特异蛋白等问题的研究进展进行了评述,并对下一步研究提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

女性生殖功能的正常维持受多种因素的影响,既与生殖细胞和体细胞之间的相互作用密切相关,又有赖于激素、细胞因子和基因等调节物质及时准确的调节。这些调节因素调控生殖系统各个器官的细胞活动,包括细胞生长、增殖、分化和凋亡,其功能紊乱会导致生殖功能障碍,如不孕、多囊卵巢综合征、生殖道肿瘤的发生等。microRNA(miRNA)是一类单链的,内源性非编码的小RNA,大小一般为18~24核苷酸,通过调节靶基因的转录后水平,调节细胞的发育、增殖、凋亡、分化和功能等。目前研究发现miRNA在卵巢、子宫、输卵管、胚胎发育及病变过程中有调控作用。本文将对miRNA的生物合成,以及其表达在女性生殖系统正常和病理条件下可能的调控作用作一综述。  相似文献   

段续接  刘淑英 《生命科学》2023,(10):1249-1258
Hippo信号通路是20世纪末在黑腹果蝇中进行基因筛选时发现的,该通路受各种生化、物理和结构信号的影响,调控细胞生长、分化,组织和器官发育以及内环境稳态等基本生物学过程。研究表明Hippo信号通路失调会引起一系列疾病的发生。本文阐述了目前Hippo信号通路在胚胎发育、器官和组织稳态调节、肿瘤的发生发展和细胞自噬等一系列生物学过程以及靶向治疗中的研究进展,其中Hippo信号通路通过细胞自噬来维持机体细胞内环境稳态成为新的研究热点。对该通路的功能和调控机制的深入研究也为组织器官修复再生医学及癌症治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

一、植物生长物质的概念 生长物质的分类 植物生长物质是指能够调节和控制植物生长发育的一类化学物质。可分为植物自身合成的内源激素和人工合成的生长调节剂。前者包括生长素类(IAA)、赤霉素类(GA)、细胞分裂素类(CTK)、脱落酸  相似文献   

miRNA(miRNAs)是一类长约18~24个核苷酸的高度保守性的小分子非编码RNA,主要通过与特异性靶基因mRNA 3’-UTR区结合来调控基因的表达。miRNAs与细胞增殖、分化、凋亡、胚胎发育、组织器官等形成以及多种疾病的发生发展密切相关。新近研究显示,miRNAs对血管心血管平滑肌细胞功能及心血管疾病的发生发展起着重要的调节作用。本文就miRNAs对血管平滑肌细胞功能的调节及心血管疾病的病理生理学意义作一概述。  相似文献   

在外源激素调节烟草愈伤组织器官分化类型的研究中,细胞激动素类物质对芽器官形成的促进作用是显而易见的。但是这一类物质究竟怎样使高等  相似文献   

花同源异型基因FBP2调节叶片中过氧化物酶的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对碧冬茄和烟草的野生型以及FBP2转化植株(transformant)叶片中过氧化物酶 (POD)的特性做了分析 ,结果表明FBP2在花中的表达可以调节叶片特异POD的表达 ,并影响其活性。此外 ,FBP2在花中的表达还影响叶片内源植物生长物质的水平以及多酚氧化酶 (PPO)和过氧化氢酶 (CAT)的活性。结果表明 :花同源异型基因不仅调控花器官的发育 ,而且参与营养器官代谢的调节 ,使之适应于生殖器官的生长发育  相似文献   

微RNA(MicroRNA,miRNA)是一类在转录后水平调节基因表达的大约22 nt的非编 码内源单链RNA.已经表明,它们与许多重要的生理和病理过程相关,包括发育、分化、细胞 凋亡、脂肪代谢、病毒感染和癌症.越来越多的证据表明,miRNA参与了获得性免疫的调节. 有趣的是,不同于开关式的调节,miRNA表现出定量的基因调节,它们能精细调节细胞免疫 反应以响应外界刺激.深入理解miRNAs对获得性免疫的调节作用有助于调节宿主免疫应答和 保护感染组织间的平衡,鉴定免疫调节新靶标和开发基于miRNA的有效疗法.本文综述了miRN A包括病毒miRNA对获得性免疫的调节作用,特别是miRNA在调节免疫活性细胞、T细胞功 能和抗体产生中的作用.  相似文献   

花分生组织的维持与终止在植物花器官发生和世代交替起着至关重要的作用。成功的花分生组织决定能够确保植物正常的生殖发育和生命周期进程。诸多研究表明AGAMOUS(AG)基因作为花器官分化和开花决定的主效调节因子,能够协调花发育过程中多种细胞命运决定。然而,关于AG参与调控植物世代交替及花分生组织维持与终止的分子调控机制尚不清晰。综述了近年来AG基因参与调控植物花分生组织维持与终止的研究进展及现状,以期为深入研究植物花器官分化过程中干细胞的维持和终止,以及干细胞活动与其他发育过程之间的分子调控过程提供参考。  相似文献   

植物界中 ,不论是低等的藻类还是高等的被子植物 ,都是由 1个细胞发育而来的 ,或者是低等藻类的孢子 ,或者是高等植物的合子——受精卵。从 1个细胞发育成具有多种组织结构的植物体 ,在这一过程中离不开分化。1 分化的概念狭义的分化是指细胞分化 ,即产生出不同类型的细胞。广义的分化则包括了组织分化与器官分化 ,即形成不同的组织和器官 ,主要侧重于从细胞或分子角度研究构成植物体的各部分如何发生差异。分化与生长是不同的 ,生长是植物体积的增大 ,而分化是不同组织或器官的形成 ,如果 1个细胞分裂成两个完全相同的细胞则是生长。如果…  相似文献   

以‘龙茭二号’为研究对象,通过在茭白植株不同生长发育阶段分别喷施杀菌剂敌磺钠和植物生长调节剂,比较分析其对茭白结茭的促进效果。对6个不同处理组合及对照材料的株高、内源激素含量变化及结茭情况的统计分析发现:喷施一定浓度的敌磺钠对茭白结茭具有明显的促进作用,以敌磺钠(标准浓度)+营养液和敌磺钠(标准浓度)对茭白结茭产量的提高最为明显。植物生长调节剂处理能明显促进茭白早期植株生长,但对最终株高影响不大。采用间接酶联免疫法对茭白茎部3种激素(IAA、ABA和GA3)含量进行的比较分析表明:敌磺钠处理能够明显降低ABA含量,但对IAA和GA3含量没有明显影响;茭白结茭前ABA含量的降低可能有助于茭白结茭。  相似文献   

Osmotic stress and endogenous hormone levels may have a role in shoot organogenesis, but a systematic study has not yet to investigate the links. We evaluated the changes of the endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) levels in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Tainan 5) callus during shoot organogenesis induced by exogenous plant growth regulator treatments or under osmotic stress. Non-regenerable callus showed low levels of endogenous ABA and IAA, with no fluctuation in level during the period evaluated. The addition of 100 μM ABA or 2 mM anthranilic acid (IAA precursor) into Murashige and Skoog basal induction medium containing 10 μM 2,4-D enhanced the regeneration frequency slightly, to 5 and 35%, respectively, and their total cellular ABA or IAA levels were increased significantly, correspondingly to the treatments. However, the regeneration frequency was greatly increased to 80% after treatment with 0.6 M sorbitol or 100 μM ABA and 2 mM anthranilic acid combined. Both treatments produced high levels of total cellular ABA and IAA at the callus stage, which was quickly decreased on the first day after transfer to regeneration medium. Thus, osmotic stress-induced simultaneous accumulation of endogenous ABA and IAA is involved in shoot regeneration in rice callus.  相似文献   

植物激素糖基化修饰研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物激素对植物的生长发育有重要的调节作用。由于激素的作用依赖于其浓度,所以植物内源活性激素的水平必须受到严格控制,而糖基化修饰被认为是调控激素活性水平的重要方式之一。随着植物激素糖基化修饰相关糖基转移酶基因不断被克隆与鉴定,多种植物激素的糖基化修饰机制和功能作用逐渐被揭示。该文重点介绍了近年来植物生长素、细胞分裂素、脱落酸、油菜素内酯、水杨酸、茉莉酸等植物激素的糖基转移酶活性鉴定与功能研究进展。同时,对植物激素糖基化修饰领域存在的问题和发展前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Ethylene is a gaseous plant growth hormone produced endogenously by almost all plants. It is also produced in soil through a variety of biotic and abiotic mechanisms, and plays a key role in inducing multifarious physiological changes in plants at molecular level. Apart from being a plant growth regulator, ethylene has also been established as a stress hormone. Under stress conditions like those generated by salinity, drought, waterlogging, heavy metals and pathogenicity, the endogenous production of ethylene is accelerated substantially which adversely affects the root growth and consequently the growth of the plant as a whole. Certain plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) contain a vital enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, which regulates ethylene production by metabolizing ACC (an immediate precursor of ethylene biosynthesis in higher plants) into α-ketobutyrate and ammonia. Inoculation with PGPR containing ACC deaminase activity could be helpful in sustaining plant growth and development under stress conditions by reducing stress-induced ethylene production. Lately, efforts have been made to introduce ACC deaminase genes into plants to regulate ethylene level in the plants for optimum growth, particularly under stressed conditions. In this review, the primary focus is on giving account of all aspects of PGPR containing ACC deaminase regarding alleviation of impact of both biotic and abiotic stresses onto plants and of recent trends in terms of introduction of ACC deaminase genes into plant and microbial species.  相似文献   

Corolla elongation and the roles of plant hormones in this process in Gaillardia grandiflora Van Houtte ray flowers were examined. The sterile ray flowers elongated during a 2-day period, and corolla growth was accompanied by fresh and dry weight increases and epidermal cell elongation (greatest near the base of the corolla) but not by cell division. Corollas excised from young ray flowers were measured during treatment in vitro with solutions of plant growth regulators. They elongated in response to gibberellins and fusicoccin but did not respond to auxins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, ethylene, or inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis. Sequential and simultaneous hormone applications indicated no additive or synergistic effects between hormones, but auxin did reduce gibberellin-promoted growth. Analyses of endogenous auxins showed no significant variation, and ethylene production decreased prior to elongation, while a 20-fold increase in endogenous gibberellin activity was observed just prior to rapid corolla elongation. It appears that corolla growth in Gaillardia is accomplished by an increase in gibberellin activity alone, that multiple hormone interactions are not important in the control of corolla growth, and that part of the mode of action of gibberellin is acid-induced growth.  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂是合成植物激素, 其可以调节植物的代谢和生理功能, 并且已广泛用于农业、林业和其他领域。而植物生长调节剂本身存在的毒副作用所引起的安全问题也不容忽视, 在使用调节剂时应保证其安全性和有效性。文章概述了植物生长调节剂的种类、作用功效、国内外植物生长剂的研究和应用情况及在使用中存在的问题, 分析了调节剂药效的影响因素, 就植物生长调节剂的进一步应用提出了建议, 进行了展望, 并对其应用于生态修复领域的可行性进行了分析。植物生长调节剂在使用时应注意: (1)适时适量; (2)多种药型谨慎搭配, 科学调控植物生长剂的使用; (3)植物生长调节剂不能随意与农药搭配以避免不良反应的发生。  相似文献   

During the last decade a genetic approach based on the Arabidopsis 'triple response' to the hormone ethylene has allowed the identification of numerous components of the signal transduction pathway. Cloning of the genes and biochemical analysis of the proteins that they encode are uncovering the molecular mechanisms that allow a plant cell to perceive and respond to this gaseous regulator of plant growth/stress responses.  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂的研究与应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
主要综述了植物生长调节剂的概况、植物生长调节剂的种类及其作用、植物生长调节剂的应用以及植物生长调节剂的安全使用原则,并展望了植物生长调节剂的应用前景。  相似文献   

Cell-cycle regulation plays a crucial role in organogenesis, morphogenesis, growth and differentiation and conceptually offers a means to design a next generation of crop plants that outperform traditionally bred ones. However, cell-cycle regulation involves a large, highly redundant, set of genes, which complicates unravelling of function in the context of a higher plant. Nevertheless, ten years of molecular cell-cycle research, primarily in the model plant Arabidopsis, have demonstrated its potential for altering plant development.  相似文献   

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