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记述了采自台湾和云南的斑腿蝗科Catantopidae切翅蝗属Coptacra stal2新种,即台湾切翅蝗C.aiwanensis sp.nov.和云南切翅蝗C.yunnanensis sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

记述了采自江苏泗阳县网翅蝗科1新属-苏蝗属Suacris gen.nov.及1新种-Suacris siyan-gensis sp.nov.。该新属近似于牧草蝗属Omocestus I.Bol.,其主要区别特征为:前胸背板侧隆线微微弯曲,最宽处为最窄处的1.6-1.8倍;前翅肘脉域几乎等宽或略宽于中脉域;鼓膜器雄性宽卵形、雌性狭缝状。该新属也近似于拟草地蝗属Stenobothroides Xu et Zheng,其主要区别特征为:侧隆线明显且弯曲;雄性腹部末节无尾片;雄性下生殖板长锥形。新种模式标本保存于中国科学院西北高原生物研究所。1 苏蝗属,新属Suacris gen.nov.模式种:泗阳苏蝗Suacris siyangensis sp.nov.正模:1♂;副模:1♀,江苏泗阳,1957-Ⅸ-16,采集者未知。体小型。头大而短,较短于前胸背板。头侧窝明显,呈长方形。颜面向后倾斜。中单眼较小于侧单眼。触角丝状,基部触角节宽大于长,向端部触角节渐渐变狭。前胸背板中隆线明显,侧隆线在沟前区微微弯曲,其最宽处约为最窄处的1.6-1.8倍;前胸背板后级中央钝角形。前、后翅发达,超过后股节中部,前翅顶端圆形,无凹陷,前翅肘脉域几乎等宽或略宽于中脉域。中、后胸腹板侧叶全长均明显地分开。后足股节内侧具发音齿,可与前翅纵脉磨擦发音。后足胫节缺外端刺。鼓膜器:雄性宽卵形,雌性宽缝状。  相似文献   

记述采自新疆地区网翅蝗科雏蝗属 Chorthippus 短翅亚属1新种,即果子沟雏蝗 Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) guozigouensis sp. nov.。新种近似于姜氏雏蝗Ch. charpini Chang, 1939 与积石山雏蝗 Ch. jishishanensis Zheng et Xie, 2000。与后两者的主要区别为:♂头侧窝长为宽的3.00倍;♂触角短,刚不到达后足股节基部;♂前翅到达第7节腹节背板后缘,其前缘脉域宽为中脉域宽0.67倍,前后肘脉合并,肘脉域消失;♂后翅到达第7节腹节背板中部;尾须顶端到达肛上板长的一半,膝部与后足胫节端部棕色,非黑色。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川省网翅蝗科雏蝗属Chorthippus(Altichorthippus)1新种:周氏雏蝗Chorthippus(Altichorthippus)choui sp.nov.。本新种同昌都雏蝗Chorthippus(A.)changtunensis Yin,1984近似,其区别特征为:后足股节和胫节桔红色;雄性腹部末端桔红色;前翅中脉域宽为肘脉域宽的1.2倍;本新种同西藏雏蝗Ch.(A.)tibetanus Uvarov,1935也近似,其区别特征为前胸背板侧隆线在沟前区明显,呈角状弯曲,在前横沟和后横沟之间不消失。  相似文献   

本文记述了采自中国新疆的网翅蝗科1新属:短翅蝗属及1新种:尼勒克短翅蝗。模式标本存于陕西师范大学动物研究所蝗虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自新疆西部网翅蝗科雏蝗属 Chorthippus 1新种,即新源雏蝗 Ch. xinyuanensis sp. nov.。新种近似于狭窝雏蝗Ch. foveatus Xia & Jin, 1982和长角雏蝗Ch. longicornis (Latreille),1804。与二者的主要区别为:前胸背板沟前区与沟后区等长;前胸背板侧隆线间最宽处为最狭处的1.7倍;前翅到达第6节背板中部(♂);中脉域约与肘脉域等宽(♂)。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室。  相似文献   

本文记述采自内蒙古贺兰山地区金色蝗属Chrysacris 1新种, 即白纹金色蝗Chrysacris albonemus Zheng, Zhang et Zeng sp. nov. 该新种近似于山间金色蝗Chrysacris montanis Zhang et Zheng, 1993, 主要区别为: 1)头顶及头部背面具中隆线; 2)前胸背板沟前区长为沟后区长的1.6~1.8倍; 3)前翅前缘脉域宽为中脉域宽的1.5~2倍。附有金色蝗属分种检索表。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国西藏网翅蝗科拟康蝗属Kangacrisoides Wang et al.,2006 1新种:江达拟康蝗Kangacrisoides jiangdaensis sp. nov.。新种同霍城拟康蝗K. huochengensis Wang, Zheng & Niu, 2006近似,其区别特征为:头背面具中隆线;雄性头侧窝长为宽的2.5–3倍,而雌性为3倍;雌性前翅在背面狭分开,而雄性刚刚相连;雄性前翅顶到达第5–6腹节背板,而雌性到达第4腹节背板;雄性中脉域为肘脉域宽2倍,而雌性为3倍;后足胫节内侧之上、下距近等长;鼓膜孔宽卵形;雌性下生殖板后缘角形突出。  相似文献   

滇、桂蝗虫新属和新种(直翅目,蝗总科)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
记述采自云南西双版纳地区及广西河池地区蝗总科昆虫1新属、3新种及1新亚种,即云南板胸蝗Spathosternum prasiniferum yunnanense ssp.nov.,黑股切翅蝗Coptacra nigrifemura sp nov.,脊背蝗属Tectiacris gen.nov.,斑腿脊背蝗Tectiacris maculifemura sp.nov.及勐腊束颈蝗Sphingonotus menglaensis sp.nov..模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

记述新疆蝗属1新种,黄胫新疆蝗Xinjiangacris flavitibis sp. nov.。新种近似于红胫新疆蝗Xinjiangacris rufitibisZheng,1993,但区别于后者为:前翅超过后足股节顶端;肘脉域宽为中脉域宽的3倍:后足股节下侧黄色后足胫节黄褐色。模式模本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自浙江的膜翅目三节叶蜂科平颜三节叶蜂属1新种:短顶平颜三节叶蜂Aprosthema brevivertexis Wei sp.nov..该种与同域分布的天目平颜三节叶蜂A.tianmunicum Wei& Wen,2000近似,但前翅翅痣下方具明显烟褐色横斑,1Rs显著长于2Rs室,Rs脉第2段1.3倍于Rs脉第3段长;单眼后区宽长比等于2.2,后部不高于单眼面;颚眼距稍窄于单眼直径;中胸背板前叶无中纵沟,具细纵脊;背面观锯鞘互相远离,侧面观锯鞘端部急尖等,与后者不同.  相似文献   

记述采自浙江的膜翅目三节叶蜂科平颜三节叶蜂属1新种:短顶平颜三节叶蜂Aprosthema brevivertexis Wei sp.nov..该种与同域分布的天目平颜三节叶蜂A.tianmunicum Wei& Wen,2000近似,但前翅翅痣下方具明显烟褐色横斑,1Rs显著长于2Rs室,Rs脉第2段1.3倍于Rs脉第3段长;单眼后区宽长比等于2.2,后部不高于单眼面;颚眼距稍窄于单眼直径;中胸背板前叶无中纵沟,具细纵脊;背面观锯鞘互相远离,侧面观锯鞘端部急尖等,与后者不同.  相似文献   

报道了采自黑龙江省的蝗总科昆虫一新种:佳木斯金色蝗Chry sacris jiamusi sp.nov.,并与其近似种辽宁金色蝗Ch.liaoningensis Zheng和秦岭金色蝗Ch.qinlingensis Zheng做了比较。模式标本保存于东北师范大学生命科学学院动物标本室。  相似文献   

任炳忠  赵卓  郝锡联 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):22-24
 报道了采自黑龙江省的蝗总科昆虫一新种:佳木斯金色蝗Chry sacris jiamusi sp.nov.,并与其近似种辽宁金色蝗Ch.liaoningensis Zheng和秦岭 金色蝗Ch.qinlingensis Zheng做了比较。模式标本保存于东北师范大学生命科学学院 动物标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国海南省的方头泥蜂科Crabronniae、大头泥蜂亚科Philanthinae、节腹泥蜂属Cerceris 1新种:褐节腹泥蜂Cerceris rubigina,sp.nov..模式标本保存在云南农业大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

Hitherto unknown metacercariae were found encysted in loaches (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) from China. They were experimentally fed to golden hamsters, and gravid adults were recovered 1 week post-infection from their small intestines. A new species, Massaliatrema misgurni n. sp. (Heterophyidae), is described from the adults. This new species is different from M. gyrinicola Dollfus and Timon-David, 1960, in having a smaller acetabulum/oral sucker ratio, less branched vitellaria widely entering the intercecal anteroacetabular area and an almost median seminal receptacle; and from M. yamashitai Kamiya and Ohbayashi, 1975, in having a larger acetabulum/oral sucker ratio, with the seminal vesicle situated in the uterine loop and the vitellaria entering the intercecal anteroacetabular area. This report is the first record of M. anguillicaudatus as a second intermediate host of the genus Massaliatrema Dollfus and Timon-David, 1960.  相似文献   

报道采自中国云南的小腹茧蜂亚科Microgastrinae绒茧蜂属Apanteles Forsters.str,1新种,即瘦鞘绒茧蜂Apanteles petilicaudium sp.nov。模式标本保存于福建农林大学植物保护学院益虫室。  相似文献   

Three species of the parasitic isopod genus Minicopenaeon Bourdon, 1981 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) are reported from China, one new to science and two new records from mainland China. Minicopenaeon crosnieri (Bourdon, 1979) formerly known from Madagascar, the Philippines and Taiwan, is recorded from Zhejiang province. Minicopenaeon intermedium Bourdon, 1981 previously recorded from the Philippines and Japan, is recorded from China for the first time. The new species Minicopenaeon liuruiyui n. sp. is recorded from the East and South China Seas. As with other species of the genus, females of the new species have rudimentary coxal plates on the second pereomeres on the short side. The new species can be distinguished from other species by the presence of a widely open brood pouch, head with bilobate anterior edge and median concave groove, and male head with curved posterior margin of the pleon. A key to species of Minicopenaeon is provided and the subspecies M. intermedium curvatum Bourdon, 1981 is synonymised with M. intermedium Bourdon, 1981. Metapenaeopsis philippii (Bate, 1881) and M. coniger (Wood-Mason, 1891) are newly recorded as host species for bopyrids.  相似文献   

Schizopholis Waagen, 1885 is a genus of linguliform brachiopod, which is known from Cambrian Stage 4 to the Wuliuan Stage of Australia, Antarctica, Pakistan and China. Recently, new material of Schizopholis was discovered from the upper part of the Tsinghsutung Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) near Balang village, Jianhe County, Guizhou Province, China. These specimens display the oval pedicle opening in the ventral valve, a median tongue and a pair of tubercles in the dorsal valve that are characteristic features of Schizopholis napuru (Kruse, 1990). This is the first time that this species has been described from Guizhou Province, China. Previously, fossils of this species are usually preserved in carbonate deposits, but the new material documented herein preserved in mudstone of the Tsinghsutung Formation, providing new information regarding both the paleogeographic distribution and paleoecology of this species.  相似文献   

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