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报道了青藏高原通泉草科(Mazaceae)肉果草属(Lancea)粗毛肉果草(Lancea hirsuta Bonati)新分布。该种分布于西藏八宿县(30°12′3.8″N,97°16′48″E)、西藏林周县(30°4′58.8″N,91°16′48″E)、西藏当雄县(30°32′24″N,91°20′24″E)和青海杂多县(33°4′48″N,95°9′36″E),该次发现将中国该种自然分布区扩大到西藏、青海等地,海拔分布也增加至4 300m。凭证标本现存于中国科学院青藏高原生物标本馆(HNWP)。  相似文献   

正2016年1月6日,在西藏自治区乃东县泽当镇羌哉村(29°16′29.634″N,95°49′44.202″E,海拔3 557 m)观察到2只雁,该雁全身以灰褐色为主,尾下覆羽为白色,脚为橙黄色,喙黑色、喙端有黄斑,嘴甲和鼻孔间有白色斑点,两胁具灰褐色黄斑。经鉴定为豆雁(Anser fabalis)(约翰·马敬能等2000,Mark 2009,曲利明2014)。查阅相关文献(中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队1983,赵正阶2001,郑光美2011,刘迺发等2013),确认  相似文献   

正2016年4月,在西藏雅鲁藏布江中游干流下段的派镇段(29°31′9″N,94°52′12″E,海拔2 897 m),6月在米林段(29°12′1″N,94°5′16″E,海拔2 947 m),2017年7月在里龙段(29°8′32″N,93°54′34″E,海拔2 960 m),使用定置刺网共捕获到15尾疑似黄斑褶(Pseudecheneis sulcatus)的鱼类标本(图1a,b)。2017年4月在雅鲁藏布江下游墨脱段(29°18′10″N,95°16′52″E,海拔682 m)采集到一批黄斑褶标本(图1c,d),并与中游的黄斑褶进行了形态学比较鉴定。  相似文献   

西藏墨脱县发现长尾阔嘴鸟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
正2015年10月21日,在西藏自治区墨脱县德兴乡(29°20′9.97″N,95°19′13.20″E,海拔780 m)观察到阔嘴鸟2只,该鸟体长约25 cm,顶冠及颈背黑色,头顶具蓝色小点斑,喙呈黄绿色,脸及喉部呈黄色,眼后有一黄色点斑,体呈绿色且两翼有蓝斑,尾呈楔形(图1),经鉴定为长尾阔嘴鸟(Psarisomus dalhousiae)。MacK innon等(2000)认为该鸟种分布于西藏东南部,而Bruce(2003)在《世界鸟类手册》中引用了前者的描述。然而,因缺乏实际观察记录,之后我国鸟类学者的著作中均未将长尾阔嘴鸟列为在西藏有分布的鸟类(郑光美2011)。虽  相似文献   

<正>2015年4月5至6日,在西藏自治区拉萨河中上游、米拉山西侧(墨竹工卡县境内)的尼玛加热乡直孔电站水库(30°01′44.39″N,91°50′36.99″E,海拔3 898 m)观察到1只亚成年鸥类,该鸟较棕头鸥(Larus brunnicephalus)个体大,嘴为浅粉色,喙尖端黑色,跗跖和趾为粉色,全身大体白色,羽有褐色纵纹,背羽和尾羽具有更显著褐色纵纹(图1),经鉴定为北极鸥(L.hyperboreus)(约翰·马敬能等2000,Mark 2009,曲利明2014)。查阅相  相似文献   

西藏墨脱发现棕腹隼雕   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
正2019年4月15日在西藏林芝市墨脱县墨崩公路段(95°13′23″E,29°16′02″N,海拔800 m)、4月18日在波墨公路80k附近(95°29′28″E,29°39′33″N,海拔2 097 m)分别发现1只棕腹隼雕(Lophotriorchis kienerii)亚成体,并拍摄到其中1只的照片(图1)。该鸟具有白色的眉纹,深色的过眼纹向后延伸至后颈,脸颊、颈侧和喉部白色,翅形宽大,初级飞羽基部腹面有较明显的深色条带,尾黑褐色具黑色  相似文献   

正在开展西藏第二次陆生野生动物资源调查工作过程中,于2015年6月18日在西藏自治区札达县底雅乡底雅村(31°46′55.5″N,78°52′5.1″E,海拔2 977 m)观察并拍摄到1只雄性噪鹃(Eudynamys scolopaceus)。另一组调查人员曾于2015年5月1日在西藏自治区林芝市米林县羌纳乡岗嘎村遮磨岗(29°18′28.15″N,94°21′44.23″E,3 000 m)听到过噪鹃的叫声。  相似文献   

<正>2016年6月19日,在西藏自治区察隅县竹瓦根镇(97°27'20.03″E,28°39'14.04″N,海拔2 302 m)观察到1只灰色涉禽,该鸟全身呈灰褐色,喙呈黄色,喙端有黑斑,头灰色,胸前有黑色条状斑,腹部白色,飞行时背部褐色,翅初级飞羽黑色、次级飞羽白色,尾白色。经鉴定,该鸟为灰头麦鸡Vanellus cinereus(MacK innon et al.,2000),通过查阅文献(中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队,1983;郑光美,2011;刘迺发等,2013;曲利明,2014),发现该鸟为西藏鸟类新纪录。  相似文献   

正采用夜鹰HD-SG-009红外相机对宁夏泾源县六盘山国家级自然保护区的哺乳动物及地面活动的鸟类进行监测期间,于2018年6月10日在二龙河林场安放的红外相机(35°16′24.35″N,106°20′56.84″E,海拔2 535 m)拍摄到一种雀形目鸟类(图1a)。该鸟除翅和尾羽黑褐色外,其余全为橄榄褐色;嘴橘黄色,眼圈黄色,腿和爪暗肉色。2019年3月9日在六盘山国家级自然保护区(35°24′19.38″N,106°23′13.08″E,海拔1 782 m)拍摄到一种雀形目鸟类(图1b)。其额、头顶、枕、眼先、眼周均为黑色;耳羽灰褐或棕褐色,背、肩、腰至尾上覆羽土  相似文献   

<正>2014年6月2日至6月5日,笔者在天津大黄堡湿地自然保护区(39°26'39.82″N,117°15'03.81″E,海拔5 m)观察到水雉Hydrophasianus chirurgus 1只,并拍照记录;同年6月30日至31日,在天津北大港湿地自然保护区独流减河(38°48'09.47″N,117°24'40.29″E,海拔5 m)再次观察到水雉1只。两次所见水雉均为繁殖羽;头顶、面颊、喉和前颈白色,后枕黑色并往两侧延  相似文献   

紫蓬山区三种鹭雏鸟的食物多样性比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
池鹭(Ardeolabacchus)、白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)和夜鹭(Nycticoraxnycticorax)4~7月在紫蓬山区国家级森林公园集群繁殖[7]。有关三者的繁殖生态报道较多[6,10~12,23],但甚少较系统的研究雏鸟的食性,尚缺乏通过食性研究进行鹭类资源管理和生物多样性保护方面的探讨。笔者1996年4~7月在紫蓬山区国家级森林公园的圆通山对池鹭、白鹭和夜鹭雏鸟的食性进行了观察,整理报道如下。1 工作方法收集称量雏鸟吐出的食物[13],或逆向挤压嗉囊使其吐出食物,统计食物的种类、数量。食物量百分比、食物…  相似文献   

广西防城7种鹭类混群繁殖的空间生态位研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叶芬  黄乘明  李汉华 《四川动物》2006,25(3):577-583
2002年3~8月对广西防城万鹤山营巢的鹭类繁殖种群进行了调查研究,结果表明:万鹤山栖息有大白鹭(Egretta alba)、中白鹭(Egretta intermedia)、白鹭(Egretta garzetta)、黄嘴白鹭(Egretta eulophotes)、牛背鹭(Bubulcus ibis)、池鹭(Ardeda bacchus)、夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)7种鹭类种群。除黄嘴白鹭为均匀分布之外,其他6种均为成群分布。鹭类在万鹤山上营巢繁殖具有明显的水平分布和垂直分布现象。对影响鹭类混群繁殖时空间分布的因素及各种群间的相互关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

2007年春、夏季,采用瞬时扫描取样法和焦点动物取样法,在广西北伦河口国家级自然保护区的农田进行池鹭Ardeola bacchuss、白鹭Egretta garzetta和牛背鹭Bubulcus ibis日取食动态研究。结果表明3种鹭在各个时间段内的取食个体数、取食时间存在较大差异,其取食个体的日变动均呈现较规则的"U"型。池鹭和牛背鹭各时间段内的取食个体数、休息个体数、休息时间差异极显著(F>F0.01),取食时间差异显著(F>F0.05)。池鹭和白鹭的取食时间和休息时间差异显著(F>F0.05),各时间段内的取食个体数、休息个体数呈不显著差异(FF0.05),而取食时间和休息时间差异不显著(F相似文献   

The breeding biology of the little egret (Egretta garzetta) was studied in 20 nests within the mixed-species breeding colonies at Nanchong, Sichuan, Southwest China, in 2006. By measuring a set of physical characteristics of vegetation at the nests and at a set of 20 randomly chosen sites we showed that birds preferentially used taller trees in areas with fewer shrubs of higher species diversity. Nests at lower locations in trees had marginally lower hatching success due to their destruction by humans; this destruction contributed marginally significantly to lowering of the total nesting success in all studied nests. Although gale winds also had a negative effect on breeding success, the anthropogenic influences were a greater factor in reproductive failure. We found similar effects in our review of literature on breeding success of the little egret from various geographical areas. Our results may be of use by conservation organizations in their actions to protect colonies of the little egret.  相似文献   

Using the universal P2/P8 primers, we were able to obtain the gene segments of chromo-helicase-DNA binding protein (CHD)-Z and CHD-W from ten species of ardeid birds including Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes), little egret (E. garzetta), eastern reef egret (E. sacra), great egret (Ardea alba), grey heron (A. cinerea), Chinese pond-heron (Ardeola bacchus), cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis), black-crowned night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), cinnamon bittern (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus) and yellow bittern (I. sinensis). Based on conserved regions inside the P2/P8-derived sequences, we designed new PCR primers for sex identification in these ardeid species. Using agarose gel electrophoresis, the PCR products showed two bands for females (140 bp derived from CHD-W and the other 250 bp from CHD-ZW), whereas the males showed only the 250 bp band. The results indicated that our new primers could be used for accurate and convenient sex identification in ardeid species.  相似文献   

三种重金属元素在鹭卵中富集特征的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2004年4~6月,采集了合肥地区大蜀山、肥西圆通山、肥东太子山集群繁殖的夜鹭、小白鹭、池鹭和牛背鹭鸟卵及组织样品,用原子吸收法测定了卵壳、内容物及组织中Cd、Pb、Cr的残留量.结果表明,4种鹭卵壳、内容物及组织的绝大多数样品中均检出相当高水平的Cd、Pb和Cr残留量,且卵壳和骨骼是重金属富集的主要场所,表明通过卵壳可以排出体内部分重金属污染物.卵壳中重金属显著高于卵内容物,卵壳中重金属残留量为Cr>Pb>Cd,4种鹭卵壳中重金属残留量的种间差异都极其显著,Cr残留水平的种间波动幅度最大,池鹭卵壳中的最高,牛背鹭的最低;Pb的种间波动幅度相对较小,Cd的种间波动幅度最小;而卵内容物中3种重金属残留量的种间差异都不显著,Cr残留量种间波动幅度最大,池鹭卵内容物中,Cr含量最高,牛背鹭卵内容物中没有检出;Pb的种间波动幅度相对较小,Cd的种间波动幅度最小.由于鹭的卵壳取样容易,可用作重金属污染物的指示物,监测和评价湿地生态系统中重金属的污染状况.  相似文献   

Two species of Clinostomum previously described from Australia, C. hornum from Botaurus poiciloptilus (Australian bittern) and Nycticorax caledonicus (Nankeen night heron) and C. australiense from Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian pelican), which have previously been synonymised with C. complanatum, are redescribed and recognised as valid species. In addition, C. complanatum is recorded from Egretta alba (large egret), E. garzetta (little egret), E. intermedia (plumed egret), N. caledonicus and Ardea novaehollandiae (white-faced heron). C. wilsoni n. sp. is described from E. intermedia from Queensland. C. wilsoni differs from the other three species in size and shape of the body and in the oral collar, oral sucker, intestinal caeca, caecal diverticula and position of testes. Taxonomic problems within the genus Clinostomum are discussed.  相似文献   

This study analysed heavy metals from little egret (Egretta garzetta). Egret’s Eggs, egg shells, food (fish and insects), blood, meat samples (thigh, liver, and chest), water, soil and sediments samples were collected from the two selected sites of the study area. Samples were analysed on flame atomic absorption spectrometer after acid digestion. Detected metals were found almost inline of concentrations when compared with the both sites. Among detected metals Mn was found higher in concentration (µg/g) i.e. 18.509 followed by Zn i.e. 9.383, Ni, Cu, Pb and Cd. Sediment exhibited higher levels (µg/g) of metals (25.061) followed by the meat (19.044) egrets food (18.825), excreta (16.26), blood serums (4.577), eggs (3.626) and water samples (2.432).The level of metals in sediments of the study are showed environmental concerns. Health risks were also investigated that were compared to guidelines of WHO and FAO threshold limits. It was found a marginal health risk to life through detected metals. This study revealed that little egret are good bio-indicator for the screening and investigation of contaminates presence in the environment.  相似文献   

Behavioral games predators play among themselves may have profound effects on behavioral games predators play with their prey. We studied the behavioral game between predators and prey within the framework of social foraging among predators. We tested how conspecific interactions among predators (little egret) change the predator–prey behavioral game and foraging success. To do so, we examined foraging behavior of egrets alone and in pairs (male and female) in a specially designed aviary consisting of three equally spaced pools with identical initial prey (comet goldfish) densities. Each pool was comprised of a risky microhabitat, rich with food, and a safe microhabitat with no food, forcing the fish to trade off food and safety. When faced with two versus one egret, we found that fish significantly reduced activity in the risky habitat. Egrets in pairs suffered reduced foraging success (negative intraspecific density dependence) and responded to fish behavior and to their conspecific by changing their visiting regime at the different pools—having shorter, more frequent visits. The time egret spent on each visit allowed them to match their long-term capture success rate across the environment to their capture success rate in the pool, which satisfies one aspect of optimality. Overall, egrets in pairs allocated more time for foraging and changed their foraging tactics to focus more on fish under cover and fish ‘peeping’ out from their shelter. These results suggest that both prey and predator show behavioral flexibility and can adjust to changing conditions as needed in this foraging game.  相似文献   

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