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对蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)叶轴中导管分子进行了观察。结果表明,其导管分子十分细长,均具长、且十分倾斜的梯状穿孔板,穿孔没有纹孔膜的残余,与侧壁上的梯纹纹孔有着明显的差异。  相似文献   

国产对囊蕨亚科(蹄盖蕨科)植物的管状分子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑玲  徐皓  王玛丽 《植物学通报》2008,25(2):203-211
利用扫描电镜观察了国产蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)对囊蕨亚科(Deparioideae)10种植物及双盖蕨属(Diplazium Sw.)3种植物根状茎的管状分子。结果显示,这些管状分子端壁和侧壁的形态及结构分别相同且侧壁具有穿孔板(多穿孔板)。根据穿孔板的形态特征,将该亚科的管状分子分为5种类型:(1)梯状穿孔板,无穿孔的二型性现象:(2)梯状穿孔板,有穿孔的二型性现象:(3)网状穿孔板:(4)梯状-网状混合的穿孔板:(5)大孔状穿孔板。按照纹孔膜残留的程度又可分为3种:部分区域有完整的纹孔膜、残留呈网状或线状以及很少或无纹孔膜残留。结合前人的研究资料,发现蕨类植物的管状分子与被子植物的导管分子在形态和输导机理上存在明显差异,管胞和导管分子不能仅仅根据纹孔膜的存在与否来确定,而应根据穿孔板存在于端壁还是侧壁进行判断,即穿孔板仅存在于端壁的管状分子为导管分子:端壁和侧壁形态及结构分别相同,有或无穿孔板的管状分子为管胞。由此可以推测蕨类植物和裸子植物中输导水分和矿物质的管状分子主要为管胞。单叶双盖蕨属(Triblemma(J.Sm.)Ching)与双盖蕨属管状分子的特征并不相似,显示了将单叶双盖蕨属从双盖蕨属独立出来归人对囊蕨亚科的合理性。根据管状分子的特征,推测假蹄盖蕨属(Athyriopsis Ching)和蛾眉蕨属(Lunathyrium Koidz.)可能是比较进化的属,而介蕨属(Dryoathyrium Ching)相对比较原始,单叶双盖蕨属的系统位置应介于假蹄盖蕨属与介蕨属之间。  相似文献   

对蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)叶轴中导管分子进行了观察。结果表明,其导管分子十分细长,均具长、且十分倾斜的梯状穿孔板,穿孔没有纹孔膜的残余,与侧壁上的梯纹纹孔有着明显的差异。  相似文献   

罗敏蓉 《广西植物》2021,41(1):123-132
导管分子的演化与植物的进化相关联。毛茛科是联系基部被子植物和核心真双子叶植物的关键类群,对其导管穿孔板的研究具有重要的系统学意义。为研究毛茛科毛茛族不同属植物导管穿孔板类型及其与环境的相关性,该文利用新的扫描电子显微镜和半薄切片技术,对该族7属8种植物次生木质部导管状分子进行了比较观察。结果表明:木质部管状分子以单穿孔板为主,除了茴茴蒜、鸦跖花和角果毛茛外,其他类群均具有梯状穿孔板;侧金盏花属的蜀侧金盏花导管分子穿孔板的类型多样,有单穿孔板、梯形穿孔板、买麻藤式穿孔板、网状穿孔板和梯-网混合型穿孔板;碱毛茛属的圆叶碱毛茛具单穿孔板、梯形穿孔板和网状穿孔板;在水毛茛属水毛茛的根和茎中未离析出导管,半薄切片显示其具原始的环纹导管。对不同类型导管纹孔膜进行了观察,发现有对列纹孔、互列纹孔,纹孔膜完整或有残余。毛茛族植物导管长度的多样性较高。该文还对不同导管类型的适应性意义和毛茛族的系统位置进行了探讨,揭示了导管分子微形态结构特征与其所处的环境存在一定的适应性。太白美花草、蜀侧金盏花、鸦跖花的导管类型与高寒环境相关,角果毛茛、水毛茛的导管类型分别与其旱生、水生环境相关。  相似文献   

张小卉 《植物研究》2011,(3):277-283
运用扫描电子显微镜法(SEM)对木通科(Lardizabalaceae)4属植物茎的次生木质部导管分子进行观察,结果表明:(1)端壁均具有单穿孔板;(2)串果藤属的导管分子具有丰富的穿孔板类型,包括网状、梯状、单穿孔及过渡类型,穿孔具有网状、丝状、片状的纹孔膜残余;大血藤属和八月瓜属的导管分子具有相似的特征,端壁具有梯状、单穿孔及梯—单混合穿孔板;野木瓜属只具有单穿孔板;(3)侧壁上具有穿孔板,多为梯状或梯—网混合类型(除了野木瓜属);(4)野木瓜属的导管侧壁具有独特的螺旋状加厚。各属导管的不同特征为木通科的系统演化提供比较可靠的依据。  相似文献   

类叶升麻(毛茛科)次生木质部管状分子的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用扫描电子显微镜对毛良科类叶升麻(Artaea asiaticaHara)根和根状茎次生木质部中的管状分子进行观察.发观其管状分子类型丰富,主要有:管胞、管胞状导管、纤维导管和典型的导管分子,其中管胞、管胞状导管和纤维导管为在该类群中首次报道;在导管分子中.存在着梯状穿孔板、网状穿孔板、混合型穿孔板和单穿孔板.其中网状穿孔板和混合型穿孔板为在陔类群中的首次报道;对其导管分子上的侧壁穿孔板、多穿孔板和纹孔膜残余也进行了描述。根据类叶升麻次生木质部中多变的管状分子类型,认为以往积累的有关毛茛科植物管状分子类型及导管穿孔板类型是小个面的,因此以该性状为参考作出的有关某一个类群的原始性和进化性的推论也是不可靠的。同时探讨了不同类型管状分子作类叶升麻不同器官的分布与其生理功能和生态环境的关系,同时将该植物作为毛莨科的代表类群.与其它基邴类群植物导管分子进行了比较。  相似文献   

蹄盖蕨科三属植物管状分子的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐皓  王玛丽 《广西植物》2009,29(3):300-303
扫描电镜观察假冷蕨属4种、冷蕨属3种、蹄盖蕨属3种植物根状茎中的管状分子,结果显示:这些管状分子端壁和侧壁的形态、结构相同且侧壁具有穿孔板(多穿孔板)。根据穿孔板的类型和穿孔的纹孔膜残留程度,我们发现假冷蕨属与蹄盖蕨属亲缘关系较近,进化地位较高,冷蕨属的进化地位相对原始。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜对东亚特有植物黄三七(Souliea vaginata(Maxim.) Franch.)茎的次生木质部离析材料进行了观察,结果表明,黄三七茎次生木质部中的导管分子端壁上具网状穿孔板(麻黄式穿孔板)、梯状穿孔板、网状-梯状混合穿孔板、网状-梯状-单穿孔混合型穿孔板、梯状-单穿孔混合型穿孔板及单穿孔板,同时也观察到了端壁多穿孔板和侧壁穿孔板,并对不同类型穿孔板中纹孔膜的残留也进行了观察。其中,网状穿孔板、各种过渡类型的穿孔板均为毛茛科植物中首次报道。根据观察结果,对导管分子穿孔板的演化及黄三七属植物的系统位置进行了分析。  相似文献   

郑玲    徐皓    王玛丽 《植物学报》2008,25(2):203-211
利用扫描电镜观察了国产蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)对囊蕨亚科(Deparioideae)10种植物及双盖蕨属(Diplazium Sw.)3种植物根状茎的管状分子。结果显示, 这些管状分子端壁和侧壁的形态及结构分别相同且侧壁具有穿孔板(多穿孔板)。根据穿孔板的形态特征, 将该亚科的管状分子分为5种类型: (1)梯状穿孔板, 无穿孔的二型性现象; (2)梯状穿孔板, 有穿孔的二型性现象; (3)网状穿孔板; (4)梯状-网状混合的穿孔板; (5)大孔状穿孔板。按照纹孔膜残留的程度又可分为3种: 部分区域有完整的纹孔膜、残留呈网状或线状以及很少或无纹孔膜残留。结合前人的研究资料, 发现蕨类植物的管状分子与被子植物的导管分子在形态和输导机理上存在明显差异, 管胞和导管分子不能仅仅根据纹孔膜的存在与否来确定, 而应根据穿孔板存在于端壁还是侧壁进行判断, 即穿孔板仅存在于端壁的管状分子为导管分子; 端壁和侧壁形态及结构分别相同, 有或无穿孔板的管状分子为管胞。由此可以推测蕨类植物和裸子植物中输导水分和矿物质的管状分子主要为管胞。单叶双盖蕨属(Triblemma(J. Sm.) Ching)与双盖蕨属管状分子的特征并不相似, 显示了将单叶双盖蕨属从双盖蕨属独立出来归入对囊蕨亚科的合理性。根据管状分子的特征, 推测假蹄盖蕨属(Athyriopsis Ching)和蛾眉蕨属(Lunathyrium Koidz.)可能是比较进化的属, 而介蕨属 (Dryoathyrium Ching)相对比较原始, 单叶双盖蕨属的系统位置应介于假蹄盖蕨属与介蕨属之间。  相似文献   

猫儿屎导管分子穿孔板新类型的发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用扫描电镜(SEM)对木通科(Lardizabalaceae)猫儿屎属(Decaisnea Hook.f. & Thoms.)植物猫儿屎[Decaisnea insignis (Griff.) Hook.f.et Thoms.]茎的次生木质部导管分子进行观察,以期为该属的系统演化提供依据.结果表明,猫儿屎的导管分子具有多个穿孔板,端壁穿孔板除了梯状以外,还有梯-网、梯-网-单、梯-单混合穿孔板等类型;侧壁穿孔板包括梯状、网状、梯-网混合状穿孔板;穿孔板上纹孔膜的残余有丝状、网状和片状.同时对导管分子的长度、宽度及端壁倾斜度等特征进行统计,并讨论了木通科各类群的穿孔板特征.  相似文献   

领春木茎次生木质部中导管穿孔板的变异   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
领春木Euptelea pleiosperma Hook. f. &; Thoms.隶属领春木科Eupteleaceae。该科为东亚特有的单型科,其系统位置一直颇有争议。本文对中国产领春木茎次生木质部中导管穿孔板的变异进行了观察,以期为它的系统位置提供进一步的解剖学证据。结果表明,领春木茎次生木质部中包括无明显穿孔板的管胞状导管和典型的导管两种类型。在无明显穿孔板的导管中,穿孔中的纹孔膜全部或部分消失,但穿孔无规则排列或聚集,不形成具典型的形态特征的穿孔板;在典型的导管中,穿孔板形态变异较大,包括几个类型:网状穿孔板(含麻黄式穿孔板)、网状和梯状混合型穿孔板、梯状穿孔板、梯状穿孔板向单穿孔板的过渡。在上述导管穿孔板类型中,只有梯状穿孔板的穿孔中可以观察到纹孔膜的残余。在领春木次生木质部中也观察到了端壁多穿孔板及侧壁穿孔板。根据观察结果,我们认为领春木次生木质部导管穿孔板的许多特征说明该科可能处于毛茛目中比较原始的系统位置。  相似文献   

Plants have efficient water-transporting vascular networks with a self-recovery function from embolism, which causes fatal discontinuity in sap flow. However, the embolism-refilling process in xylem vessel is still unclear. The water-refilling processes in the individual xylem vessels of excised Arabidopsis roots were visualized in this study using synchrotron X-ray micro-imaging technique with high spatial resolution up to 1 μm per pixel and temporal resolution up to 24 fps. In normal continuous water-refilling process, we could observe various flow patterns affected by the morphological structures of the xylem vessels, especially when water passed through perforation plates. A simple criterion based on the variation in dynamic pressure was suggested to evaluate the contribution of individual perforation plates to the water-refilling process. Meanwhile, the water-refilling embolized sections of xylem vessels through radial pathways were also observed. Separated water columns were formed from this discontinuous water-refilling process and the water influx rates through the radial pathways were estimated to be 478 and 928 μm3 s?1. The dynamic behavior of the separated water columns were quantitatively analyzed from the stoppage of volume growth to the translational phase. These water-refilling processes in excised roots of Arabidopsis may shed light on understanding the water refilling in the embolism vessels of intact plants and the interconnectivity of xylem vessel networks in vascular plants.  相似文献   

东北刺人参茎次生木质部结构植物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东北刺人参为五加科植物,本文对其茎次生木质部进行结构植物学研究,发现其为环孔材,射线为异形Ⅱ型。在离析材料中,发现其导管分子穿孔板有单穿孔板和梯状穿孔板2种。具不同穿孔板的导管分子可分为8种。还有维管管胞、纤维管胞和韧型木纤维。8种导管分子是只有中央具1个单穿孔的导管;中央有2个穿孔的导管,其中一个孔是单穿孔,另一个是梯状穿孔;一端是梯状穿孔板,另一端为孔纹增厚的导管;一端是单穿孔。另一端是孔纹增厚的导管;一端为单穿孔板。另一端为梯状穿孔板的导管;两端都是梯状穿孔板的导管;侧壁具有3个穿孔的导管;两端都具单穿孔的导管。在东北刺人参的个体发育中重演了系统发育过程中导管分子穿孔板的演化过程。  相似文献   

The distribution of scalariform and simple perforation plates along vessels in Arthrophyllum otopyrenum, Meryta tenuifolia, and Polyscias multijuga (Araliaceae) is examined. In all three species, most vessels bear simple perforation plates only, but the combination of simple and scalariform perforation plates in variable ratios also occurs. Aggregated arrangement of scalariform perforation plates along the vessels was statistically confirmed in some vessel portions. The scalariform perforation plates occur mostly in narrow vessels that are grouped in multiples. Within the clade represented by Polyscias and Arthrophyllum, the evolutionary transition from scalariform to simple perforation plates is realized as the gradual elimination of vessels or vessel portions with scalariform perforation plates, but is not accompanied by a gradual decrease of the number of bars per perforation plate. The narrow vessels that are grouped in vessel multiples are likely to retain the ability to develop scalariform plates, which could promote the evolution from simple to scalariform perforation plates as is the case within Meryta.  相似文献   

We have studied macerated xylem of ferns, supplemented by sections, by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in a series of 20 papers, the results of which are summarized and interpreted here. Studies were based mostly on macerations, but also on some sections; these methods should be supplemented by other methods to confirm or modify the findings presented. Guidelines are cited for our interpretations of features of pit membranes. Fern xylem offers many distinctive features: (1) presence of numerous vessels and various numbers of tracheids in most species; (2) presence of vessels in both roots and rhizomes in virtually all species; (3) presence of specialized end walls in vessels of only a few species; (4) multiple end-wall perforation plates in numerous species; (5) lateral-wall perforation plates in numerous species; (6) porose pit membranes associated with perforation plates in all species; and (7) pit dimorphism, yielding wide membrane-free perforations alternating with extremely narrow pits. Multiple end wall perforation plates and lateral wall perforation plates are associated with the packing of tracheary elements in fascicles in ferns: facets of tips of elements contact numerous facets of adjacent elements; all such contacts are potential sites for conduction by means of perforations. This packing differs from that in primary xylem of dicotyledons and monocotyledons. Porosities in pit membranes represent a way of interconnecting vessel elements within a rhizome or root. In addition, these porosities can interconnect rhizome vessel elements with those of roots, a feature of importance because roots are adventitious in ferns as opposed to those of vascular plants with taproots. Fully-formed or incipient (small-to-medium sized porosities in pit membranes) perforation plates are widespread in ferns. These are believed to represent (1) ease of lysis of pit membranes via pectinase and cellulase; (2) numerous potential sites for perforation plate formation because of fasciculate packing of tracheary elements; (3) evolution of ferns over a long period of time, so that lysis pathways have had time to form; (4) lack of disadvantage in perforation plate presence, regardless of whether habitat moisture fluctuates markedly or little, because ferns likely have maintaining integrity of water columns that override the embolism-confining advantage of tracheids. Although all ferns share some common features, the diversity in xylem anatomy discovered thus far in ferns suggests that much remains to be learned.  相似文献   

A wilty mutant of rice has impaired hydraulic conductance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rice CM2088 mutant is the wilty phenotype and wilts markedly under well-watered sunny conditions. The leaf water potential and epidermal (mainly stomatal) conductance of CM2088 plants decreased significantly under conditions that induced intense transpiration, as compared with those of wild-type plants, revealing that the wilty phenotype was not the result of abnormal stomatal behavior but was due to an increase in resistance to water transport. The resistance to water transport was dramatically elevated in the node and the sheath and blade of a leaf of the mutant, but not in the root or stem. The diameter of xylem vessels in the large vascular bundles of the leaf sheath and the internode tended to be small, and the numbers of vessel elements with narrowed or scalariform perforation plates in the leaf blade and sheath were greater in the mutant than in the wild type. Most xylem vessels were occluded, with air bubbles in the leaf sheath of the mutant during the midday hours under intense transpiration conditions, while no bubbles were observed in plants that were barely transpiring, revealing that the significant increase in resistance to water transport was a result of the cavitation. The additive effects of cavitation in xylem vessels and the decreased diameter and deformed plates of vessel elements might be responsible for the wilty phenotype of CM2088.  相似文献   

Apostasiads, systematic anatomy, and the origins of Orchidaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anatomical study of several species of the putatively primitive orchids Apostasia and Neuiviedia was based on specimens of leaves, stems and rootS. Research was carried out in the hope of providing objective information from anatomy towards unravelling the relationships of these plants, and especially towards answering the question of whether extant orchids evolved from these two genera, or from plants like them. The morphology of Apostasia and Neuwiedia has evoked the dogma of primitiveness because of the two or three anthers borne on separate filaments and the free style and stigma which characterize the flowerS. In most other orchids there is only one anther and filaments and styles are fused to form the column (gynostemium). The general anatomical structure of apostasiads shows features present in other orchids; none is restricted to Apostasia and Neuwiedia. Tracheary anatomy, however, shows vessels in roots, but not in any part of the shoot system. Vessel members are characterized by chiefly simple perforation plates in contrast with other orchids where scalariform perforation plates predominate in vessel members of the root. These phenomena, considered from the phylogenetic standpoint, would cast serious doubt on the possibility that plants with scalariform perforation plates, the ancestral, or primitive condition, could have arisen from plants with simple perforation plates, the derived, or advanced condition. On this basis the apostasiads could not have given rise to the di- and monandrous orchidS. Of the several suggested origins for orchids, Hypoxidaceae, or plants similar to them, whether in Asparagales, Liliales or Haemadorales of different authors, could have been the progenitors of orchids as a group, including the apostasiadS. Because of the unique combination of floral features in the apostasiads, their predominantly simple perforation plates, and their overall anatomical similarity to orchids in general, it would appear appropriate to consider them as a subfamily, Apostasioideae, of Orchidaceae sensu lato.  相似文献   

Through SEM observation, we found that there are vessels as well as tracheids in the secondary wood of Tetracentron sinense Oliv. The vessel elements are as narrow and as long as or slightly shorter than the tracheids and generally have 1 to 3 very long, or sometimes relatively short and oblique end-wall perforation plates; such perforation plates are also present on the lateralwalls. The perforation plates of the vessels include scalariform and reticulate-scalariform types, with various degrees of membrane remnants present in the end walls.  相似文献   

The occurrence and variation among vessels in available parts of 41 species in 16 genera of Rapateaceae and of 20 species in the four genera of Xyridaceae were determined. The vessels in Xyridaceae are more specialized in all organs of the plant than they are in Rapateaceae. Simple and scalariform perforation plates occur in the inflorescence axes and leaves of nearly all species of Xyridaceae but only scalariform plates occur in these organs of Rapateaceae – infrequently vessels are lacking in stems and leaves, at least in early metaxylem. Vessels in roots and stems of Mono–tremeae are most specialized (simple and scalariform plates) among tribes of Rapateaceae, with those in Rapateeae intermediate, and those in Schoenocephalieae and Saxofridericieae most primitive (only scalariform perforation plates). Brief comments are made about vessels as possible indicators of relationships with other families.  相似文献   

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