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李佳  李言阔  缪泸君  谢光勇  袁芳凯  黄燕  许鹏 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5522-5529
分析了1985—2011年鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)越冬种群数量的年际变化趋势,检验了白琵鹭种群年际数量变化与越冬地气候变化的相关性,气候变量包括月平均气温、月平均最高气温、月平均最低气温和月降水量。研究结果表明,1985—2011年鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区白琵鹭种群数量为(4 632±470)只,呈显著的线性增长趋势,但年际波动较大。在越冬地,白琵鹭的种群数量与白琵鹭越冬期当年冬季各月的气温和降水变量相关系数较小,且均没有显著的相关性。同时,发现越冬地的气候条件对白琵鹭种群数量的影响存在显著的时滞效应:越冬期的月值气候变量与1—9a后的白琵鹭种群数量几乎都存在显著正相关性;10月降水量与2a后的白琵鹭种群数量存在显著负相关,12月平均最高气温与8a后的白琵鹭种群数量存在显著负相关。多元线性回归分析结果表明,越冬地2a前的10月平均最高气温、4a前的11月平均最高气温、8a前的11月降水量、4a前的12月平均气温是白琵鹭种群数量变化的显著预测变量,共同解释了白琵鹭种群数量年际变化的78.9%;其中前3个变量可以共同解释白琵鹭种群数量变化的72.1%,这两个月份正是白琵鹭的越冬初期,是结束长距离迁徙的阶段,可能是白琵鹭补充能量的关键时期,这个时期越冬地恶劣的天气可能导致白琵鹭无法获得充足的能量,不利于能量的恢复,从而可能给种群造成不利的影响。  相似文献   

自然保护区是生物多样性保护的重要形式, 对于迁徙水鸟而言, 它的规划尤为重要。本研究于2016-2018年间在中国、蒙古国和俄罗斯捕捉6只斑头雁(Anser indicus)、5只白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)和10只东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)进行卫星追踪, 探讨了黄河流域自然保护区对它们栖息地的保护现状。基于4年累积获取的844,592条高频数据, 分析了这21只水鸟在黄河流域活动的时间和利用的土地类型, 并使用核密度法拟合了3种鸟类的家域。结果表明: 3种鸟类均利用黄河流域湿地作为迁徙途中的停歇地, 其中一部分白琵鹭幼鸟利用黄河流域湿地作为度夏地, 一部分东方白鹳利用黄河三角洲湿地作为越冬地; 3种水鸟在黄河流域内的土地利用情况存在差异, 斑头雁对草地(49.0%)、裸地(26.2%)与水体(22.5%)的利用率较高, 白琵鹭对农田(42.1%)、草地(19.8%)和湿地(19.6%)的利用率较高, 东方白鹳对湿地(49.8%)、农田(34.5%)和水体(4.6%)的利用率较高; 斑头雁核心的50%家域被现有保护区完全覆盖, 而白琵鹭和东方白鹳核心的50%家域被现有保护区的覆盖度分别为1.6%和0, 表明后2种水鸟的栖息地极大可能存在保护空缺; 同时对覆盖范围内土地类型自身占比进行分析, 发现3种鸟类对于裸地、草地和农田的利用偏向于被动选择, 而对于湿地和水体的利用表现为主动选择。基于卫星追踪获得的高频数据可以准确反映3种水鸟在黄河流域的停歇情况、土地利用情况及潜在栖息位点。在黄河流域自然保护区的进一步规划中, 应关注白琵鹭和东方白鹳适宜生境的保护状况, 并建立覆盖全面的保护区。  相似文献   

白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)为我国国家Ⅱ级保护野生动物,目前已知的白琵鹭繁殖生境分布较为破碎。近年来,在全球气候变化的背景下,人类对地下水超采、湿地开垦等致使作为白琵鹭主要繁殖地的我国东北地区湿地面积缩减,因此有必要制定科学的保护计划去减轻东北地区环境变化导致的白琵鹭生境破碎化。本研究的主要目的是运用MaxEnt模型与GIS空间技术对东北地区白琵鹭的生境适宜性及其主要影响因子进行分析。受试者工作特征曲线下面积(训练AUC和测试AUC)分别为0.918和0.945,显示了模型预测能力较高,适合白琵鹭的潜在生境预测。研究发现:影响白琵鹭繁殖生境分布的主要环境因子是海拔(36.8%)和植被覆盖度(32.6%),其次是等温性(11.5%)、距湖泊距离(8.6%)和最干季降水量(4.0%),影响较少的是距道路距离(2.7%)、最湿月降水量(2.4%)、距居民地距离(0.8%)、土地利用类型(0.4%)和距河流距离(0.2%)。白琵鹭在东北地区的适宜栖息地集中在低海拔、气候适宜和离水源较近的地方。获得了适宜白琵鹭生境的自然保护地(自然保护区、湿地公园)分布。本研究为白琵鹭的保护提供了科学信息,并为其栖息地管理提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖四种水鸟的栖息地利用与水深和食物的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了了解水深和食物资源对水鸟栖息地利用的影响,2012 ~ 2013年越冬期,采用样方法,对鄱阳湖沙湖的白鹤 (Grus leucogeranus)、小天鹅 (Cygnus columbianus)、东方白鹳 (Ciconia boyciana) 和白琵鹭 (Platalea leucorodia) 4种水鸟的数量、觅食地和休息地的水深以及主要食物——沉水植物冬芽的密度和生物量进行了调查。每个样方为150 m? 150 m的栅格,全湖共设置152个样方。结果显示,10月份沉水植物冬芽的平均水深为 (124.2 ± 12.0) cm。4种水鸟觅食地的水深均显著高于其休息地的水深 (白鹤:Z = 11.96, 小天鹅:Z = 4.69, 东方白鹳:Z = 14.44, 白琵鹭:Z = 29.33, 所有P < 0.01);对于2种食冬芽的水鸟,白鹤觅食地的水深、冬芽生物量、取食深度以及休息地水深均显著低于小天鹅 (觅食地水深: Z = 8.56, 冬芽生物量: Z = 2.93, 取食深度: Z = 14.69, 休息地水深: Z = 4.34, 所有P < 0.05),但两者觅食地的冬芽密度差异不显著 (Z = 0.6, P = 0.55);对于2种食鱼性水鸟,东方白鹳觅食地水深、取食深度和休息地水深均显著大于白琵鹭 (觅食地水深: Z = 10.60; 取食深度: Z = 9.35; 休息地水深: Z = 8.47, 所有P < 0.01)。回归分析表明,白鹤、东方白鹳、白琵鹭的觅食个体数量均与水深呈二次项关系,个体数量最大的觅食地水深分别为23.9 cm,33.0 cm和22.6 cm;白鹤、小天鹅的觅食个体数量均与冬芽生物量呈线性关系。3种涉禽均只能分布在一定的水深范围内,且同种食性的水鸟利用不同的水深从而减少在空间生态位的重叠。  相似文献   

黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)属鹳形目、鹮科、琵鹭属,仅分布于亚洲东部,在我国东北(Schauensee,1984)和朝鲜(Kennerley 1989)繁殖,多在我国东南沿海越冬。由于数量稀少我国列入二级保护动物,是国际组织(IUCN)关注的世界濒危鸟类。据1994~1995年冬季黑脸琵鹭分布及数量的报道(Thomas D. D and Mary L. F, 1995),全世界发现有黑脸琵鹭越冬栖息地8处,总数量为422只(图1)。  相似文献   

2020年5月—2021年4月,对河北衡水湖国家级自然保护区进行了水鸟调查,共记录水鸟82种,隶属于7目14科。其中,鹬科、鹭科和鸭科鸟类共同组成了该区域水鸟群落的优势类群,涉禽种类多、种群规模小,游禽种类少、种群规模大。豆雁、苍鹭、灰翅浮鸥等为自然保护区内水鸟群落的优势种。不同月份水鸟群落的物种丰富度、种群数量、物种多样性指数差异较大,其最大值分别出现在3—4、1和5月。总体上,衡水湖自然保护区水鸟物种丰富度维持较高水平,迁徙期水鸟物种丰富度和Shannon多样性指数更高,越冬期水鸟种群数量更大,7月水鸟物种丰富度最低、Pielou均匀度指数最高。迁徙期的水鸟群落相似度普遍较高,春季迁徙期鸻鹬类种数占比高,秋季迁徙期和越冬期雁鸭类种数占比高、种群数量大。此外,本次调查共记录国家重点保护水鸟18种,集中出现在越冬期及早春和晚秋。  相似文献   

李凌晨  周立志  程磊  姚简  宋昀微 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7731-7745
水鸟是湿地生境质量的重要指示性动物类群,可敏感地反映湿地环境变化。浅水通江湖泊消落带具有复杂多样的生境和丰富的食物资源,是水鸟特别是越冬水鸟的重要聚集区,其食物资源的丰富度和可获得性受水文节律影响。在极端洪水作用下,消落带生境变化对越冬水鸟群落结构及其多样性的影响是一个值得关注的水鸟及湿地生态学问题。选择了具有典型消落带生境的升金湖作为研究区域,对2019年(正常水位)和2020年(异常水位)两个越冬季水鸟的数量、种类进行调查统计,分析了消落带的生境变化情况对越冬水鸟群落结构的影响。2019年越冬期,记录到水鸟(50984.20±9595.71)只(n=5),隶属7目13科51种;2020年越冬期,记录到水鸟(27923.00±13808.47)只(n=5),隶属7目12科53种。整个越冬季消落带的水鸟种类略增但数量减少,2019年游禽中的优势种为豆雁,2020年游禽中的优势种增加为豆雁和斑嘴鸭,但涉禽中的优势种由白琵鹭、反嘴鹬、凤头麦鸡转变为苍鹭、大白鹭和反嘴鹬。洪水导致的草滩-水域混合区生境面积减小使湿生植物退化,可能是导致以豆雁为主的食苔草水鸟数量大幅度减少的重要原因;因湖水延迟...  相似文献   

湖北沉湖自然保护区鸟类多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
根据1981-2003年的调查,记录沉湖自然保护区鸟类133种,隶属15日39科78属,占湖北省鸟类种数456种的29.2%,其中,湿地水禽84种,占63.2%,隶属7日17科43属。国家重点保护鸟类26种(其中Ⅰ级8种,Ⅱ级18种),列入世界自然保护联盟红皮书名录12种,列入中国濒危动物红皮书名录16种,列入CITES附录19种。其中,东方白鹳、白琵鹭和白头鹤的种群数量超过全球地理种群数量的1%。  相似文献   

海南岛越冬水鸟资源状况调查   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
2003~2004年冬季,对海南岛沿海及其内陆湿地49个地点的越冬水鸟状况进行了全面调查,旨在为海南湿地的保护和管理提供科学依据。记录到越冬水鸟6目10科,共67种。发现了6种海南的新记录,分别为白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)、鸳鸯(Aix galericulata)、针尾鸭(Anas acuta)、绿头鸭(A.platyrhynchos)、红腰杓鹬(Numenius madagoscariensis)和流苏鹬(Philomachus pugnax)。  相似文献   

郑州地区夜鹭越冬生态调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
20 0 0~ 2 0 0 3年在郑州森林公园对夜鹭 (Nycticoraxnycticorax)的越冬种群进行了调查。结果表明 ,每年 9月越冬夜鹭在此集群 ,1 2月达到高峰 ,数量为 ( 1 697± 49)~ ( 1 95 0± 73 )只。越冬种群以成体为主 ,亚成体不超过种群的 7 84%。夜鹭在越冬地滞留的时间超过 5个月 ,至翌年 3月初离开越冬地迁往 7km外的市区繁殖。越冬期间 ,夜鹭白天静卧树枝上休息 ,日落后 8~ 3 2min外出觅食 ,日出前约 1h返回林中。隆冬季节部分夜鹭推迟觅食或并非每天外出觅食。在郑州森林公园安全越冬的个体仅为越冬最大种群的 3 4 46% ,导致夜鹭数量减少和死亡的原因主要为低温引起的食物短缺 ,致使部分个体扩散到其它区域或饥饿致死。本区为已报道的夜鹭越冬最北界 ,夜鹭由此产生一系列生态适应 ,白天活动减少 ,下树避风取暖 ,觅食习性也有所改变。  相似文献   

There is now ample evidence of the effects of anthropogenic climate change on the distribution and abundance of species. The black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor) is an endangered migratory species and endemic to East Asia. Using a maximum entropy approach, we predicted the potential wintering distribution for spoonbills and modeled the effects of future climate change. Elevation, human influence index and precipitation during the coldest quarter contributed most to model development. Five regions, including western Taiwan, scattered locations from eastern coastal to central mainland China, coastal areas surrounding the South China Sea, northeastern coastal areas of Vietnam and sites along the coast of Japan, were found to have a high probability of presence and showed good agreement with historical records. Assuming no limits to the spread of this species, the wintering range is predicted to increase somewhat under a changing climate. However, three currently highly suitable regions (northeastern Vietnam, Taiwan and coastal areas surrounding the South China Sea) may face strong reductions in range by 2080. We also found that the center of the predicted range of spoonbills will undergo a latitudinal shift northwards by as much as 240, 450, and 600 km by 2020, 2050 and 2080, respectively. Our findings suggest that species distribution modeling can inform the current and future management of the black-faced spoonbill throughout Asia. It is clear that a strong international strategy is needed to conserve spoonbill populations under a changing climate.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Colonial-nesting waterbirds such as ibis and spoonbills (Threskiornithidae) can account for a significant proportion of energy flow through wetlands, particularly...  相似文献   

Many migratory waterbird populations are declining and wetland connectivity is a major conservation challenge. The importance of stopover sites has been typically assessed by peak counts of birds, which underestimate the total number of individuals using the site over a migratory season, especially in small wetlands. We analysed the accuracy of different daily count schemes to estimate the total number of Eurasian Spoonbill that stop over at two tidal wetlands during their autumn migration and compared them with the birds observed leaving the area each day. Total number of birds was obtained by combining numbers of each flock of birds leaving during the season. We obtained different accurate predictors for birds departing daily from each stopover area. Daily low-tide counts were the best predictor of the daily number of birds that stopover in a tidal wetland mainly used to refuel (staging site), whereas daily high-tide counts were best at a wetland mainly used to rest (stopover site). Each measure also accurately predicted annual trends for each area, respectively. Daily low-tide counts could be used as an easy census method to estimate the daily number of individuals using a staging site consistently during the entire migratory season, as well as indicating trends, without the necessity of estimating turnover rates. By contrast, daily high-tide counts would be especially suitable for determining the minimum relevance and the population trends of other tidal wetlands (especially the smaller ones), which regularly support moderate numbers of spoonbills during migration where birds use to stop over for less than one day. This method developed for the spoonbill, a flagship and umbrella species, could represent a first step in improving the conservation of other endangered migratory waterbird populations.  相似文献   

Six microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized to assess genetic diversity and determine parentage in three captive roseate spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja) populations. Analysis of 61 individuals from three zoological parks and one wild population at five polymorphic loci revealed an average of six alleles per locus and expected heterozygosities from 59% to 81% (average 70%). Since spoonbills do not exhibit obvious sexual dimorphism, Aaju4, which exhibited ZW‐specific alleles, was exceptionally useful for sex identification. These loci will be valuable tools for investigating genetic diversity and documenting patterns of parentage in captive roseate spoonbill populations.  相似文献   

Long-distance migration is widespread among birds, connecting breeding and wintering areas through a set of stopover localities where individuals refuel and/or rest. The extent of the stopover is critical in determining the migratory strategy of a bird. Here, we examined the relationship between minimum length of stay of PVC-ringed birds in a major stopover site and the remaining flight distance to the overwintering area in the Eurasian spoonbill (Platalea l. leucorodia) during four consecutive autumn migrations. We also analysed the potential effect of timing (arrival date), as well as the role of experience in explaining stopover duration of spoonbills. Overall, birds wintering in Africa, and facing long-distance travel from the stopover site (ca. 3,000 km) stay for longer (2.7 ± 0.4 days) than Iberian winterers (1.5 ± 0.2 days) that perform a much shorter migration (ca. 800 km). These differences were consistent between years. Stopover duration was not significantly affected by the age of the bird. However, there was a significant reduction as migration advanced. Our results suggest that spoonbills develop different stopover strategies depending on the expected distance to the wintering grounds. Adults, especially long-distance migratory ones, could reduce the potential negative effects of density-dependence processes by avoiding stopover at the end of the migration period. These findings are of significant relevance for understanding differences in migratory behaviour within single populations, especially for declining waterbirds, as well as stress the relevance of preserving stopover localities for the conservation of intraspecific diversity in migratory species.  相似文献   

The digenetic trematode Cotylotretus grandis is redescribed on the basis of 130 specimens recovered from the body cavity and small intestine of 5 roseate spoonbills Ajaia ajaja (Aves, Ciconiiformes, Threskiornithidae) captured in the Pantanal do Mato Grosso, Brazil. The spoonbill A. ajaja is the only host recorded for specimens of C. grandis since 1819, when the species was proposed by Rudolphi as Distoma grande. The synonymy of Mesaulus Braun, 1902, with Cotylotretus Odhner, 1902, is discussed and confirmed after morphological analysis of the specimens.  相似文献   

M. P. Kahl 《Ibis》1983,125(3):324-338
Breeding colonies of the African Spoonbill Platalea alba were studied in Kenya and South Africa during 1980. In Kenya nesting was in trees and in South Africa in reedbeds; the nesting area in both colonies was shared with other species of waterbirds.
During the breeding season, adult African Spoonbills acquire a more immaculate plumage and brighter soft-part coloration. Sexes are distinguishable by the larger size and more robust proportions of males.
Males are more sedentary and aggressive during pair formation, and females are more mobile and submissive. The general pattern of pair formation is described, with a variety of ritualized courtship displays acting to bring and keep the sexes together.
Comfort movements, vocalizations, and 14 distinct ritualized social displays are described and illustrated for the African Spoonbill. Some similarities and possible homologies with displays of other ciconiiform birds are mentioned. This paper represents the first part of a continuing study of the comparative ethology of the five species of spoonbills of the world.  相似文献   

Boshoff, A.F., Palmer, N.G. & Piper, S.E. 1991. Spatial and temporal abundance patterns of water-birds in the southern Cape Province. Part 3: Wading birds. Ostrich 62:197-214.

Wading birds (herons, egrets, spoonbills, flamingoes and waders) were counted, and water-level and water transparency measured, on a monthly basis from 1980 to 1983 or 1984, at the six waterbodies comprising the Wilderness-Sedgefield Lakes Complex, southern Cape Province. The fluctuating status of the submerged aquatic macrophytes, and the trophic status of the waterbodies, was documented. The counts reflect the monthly status of the birds, and allow the calculation of densities (birds/ha). Linear and logarithmic models aided the interpretation of the count data. Spatial and temporal patterns and trends are described, and discussed in relation to changes in water-level, water transparency and aquatic macrophyte biomass regimes in the study area. Water-level was an important environmental parameter and was generally negatively correlated with abundance.  相似文献   

Variations in visual field topography among birds have been interpreted as adaptations to the specific perceptual challenges posed by the species’ foraging ecology. To test this hypothesis we determined visual field topography in four bird species which have different foraging ecologies but are from the same family: Puna Ibis Plegadis ridgwayi (probes for prey in the soft substrates of marsh habitats), Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita (surface pecks for prey in dry terrestrial habitats), African Spoonbill Platalea alba and Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia (bill‐sweeps for prey in shallow turbid waters). All four species employ tactile cues provided by bill‐tip organs for prey detection. We predicted that the visual fields of these species would show general features similar to those found in other birds whose foraging is guided by tactile cues from the bill (i.e. bill falling outside the frontal binocular field and comprehensive visual coverage of the celestial hemisphere). However, the visual fields of all four species showed general features characteristic of birds that take food directly in the bill under visual guidance (i.e. a narrow and vertically long binocular field in which the projection of the bill tip is approximately central and with a blind area above and behind the head). Visual fields of the two spoonbills were very similar but differed from those of the ibises, which also differed between themselves. In the spoonbills, there was a blind area below the bill produced by the enlarged spatulate bill tip. We discuss how these differences in visual fields are related to the perceptual challenges of these birds’ different foraging ecologies, including the detection, identification and ingestion of prey. In particular we suggest that all species need to see binocularly around the bill and between the opened mandibles for the identification of caught prey items and its transport to the back of the mouth. Our findings support the hypothesis that sensory challenges associated with differences in foraging ecology, rather than shared ancestry or the control of locomotion, are the main determinants of variation in visual field topography in birds.  相似文献   

The effect of water level changes and wading birds' abundance on the foraging behaviour of the blacknecked stork (BNS)Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus was studied from January 1995 to June 1997 in Dudwa National Park, Uttar Pradesh. Our observations indicate that BNS territoriality increased as food levels became depleted, resulting in increased rates of aggression towards intruders. Chasing or aggression was more intense during the early period (February and March) than the late period (April, May and June). Most of (> 50%) the aggressive encounters were observed between 0600 and 1000 h of the day. Seventeen species (including BNS) were observed interacting with BNS, throughout the study period. Most interactions were with the spoonbill,Platalea leucorodia (67.4%), followed by the whitenecked stork,Ciconia episcopus (16.6%). The distance (while foraging) between BNS and other wading birds varied significantly (P < 0001) between years indicating that BNS and other water birds foraged at different water depths and thereby explored the wetlands fully. Spoonbills were chased often; the number varied from 1 to 43 birds. BNS occasionally accepted the presence of other wading birds, including spoonbills and started foraging amidst them. This led to successful foraging of BNS (solitary feeder). Other fish-eating bird species and their numbers also limited the food consumption of foraging BNS as they had to spend time chasing away the intruders. Availability of the preferred prey fish species,Heteropnestus fossilis, forced BNS to stay throughout the year in their respective territories. High (> 60 cm) water levels were not suitable for BNS even though the patch had high prey abundance.  相似文献   

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