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在本实验室研制出的多株针对H5N1血凝素的鼠单抗中,10F7对34株H5N1病毒株都有血凝抑制和中和活性,具有特异性高、反应性强、识别谱广的特点。通过基因工程构建10F7单链抗体(scFv)表达重组质粒,在大肠杆菌中表达并纯化scFv,经血凝抑制实验及中和实验检测其活性。结果在针对3株病毒的血凝抑制实验中,10F7scFv蛋白对其中2株H5N1病毒均显示出结合活性,而对H9毒株没有反应。在针对7株H5N1病毒的中和实验中,10F7scFv对5株病毒具有较好的中和能力。H5N1广谱中和抗体10F7的单链抗体构建,为进一步研制针对H5N1禽流感病毒的治疗性抗体奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以禽流感病毒株Ck/HK/Yu22/02(H5N1)作为免疫原,利用常规杂交瘤技术和血凝抑制试验法成功地筛选出6株稳定分泌抗高致病性H5亚型禽流感病毒血凝素的单克隆抗体(单抗),分别命名为2F2、3C8、3FC1、7C6、10HD4和13G4.经血凝抑制试验法分析,结果发现这6株单抗具有特异性高、反应性强、识别谱宽且互补等特点.基于单抗2F2,初步建立了三种H5N1病毒诊断方法,经评估证实均具有很好的特异性.由此说明,研究制备的抗H5亚型禽流感病毒血凝素单抗可适用于H5N1病毒的诊断.  相似文献   

以H5N1禽流感病毒株Ck/HK/Yu22/02作为抗原,应用常规杂交瘤技术和血凝抑制实验筛选出抗H5亚型禽流感病毒血凝素蛋白的单抗8H5,单抗8H5经免疫荧光鉴定具有很好的H5特异性.选择33株2002~2006年不同地域,不同宿主中分离的不同遗传变异亚系的H5N1病毒代表株,对单抗8H5分别进行血凝抑制实验及中和试验分析,结果显示单抗8H5对所有H5亚型病毒均有较强反应,而对非H5亚型标准病毒株均不反应,说明8H5是一株广谱性抗H5特异性中和单抗,并提示单抗8H5的HA识别表位可能是一个相当保守的中和表位.并且单抗8H5双抗夹心系统的初步评价显示了其在诊断应用上的前景.  相似文献   

H5亚型禽流感病毒单抗-生物素捕获ELISA的建立   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的建立一种单克隆抗体介导的、经生物素—亲和素系统放大的H5亚型禽流感病毒捕获ELISA检测方法,为进一步研究检测试剂盒提供基础。方法用亲和层析法纯化抗禽流感病毒H5亚型血凝素单克隆抗体,包被微量反应板,用于捕获病毒抗原,再用生物素标记的单抗和酶标亲和素来检测病毒血凝素抗原,经方阵试验优化ELISA反应体系。用该方法检测H1—H15亚型AIV标准毒株和H5、H7、H9亚型AIV分离株,并与血凝和血凝抑制试验比较,评价其敏感性和特异性。结果纯化后的单抗具有良好的反应活性,生物素标记单抗工作浓度为1∶5000;ELISA对H5亚型AIV的检出限为025个血凝单位。该ELISA反应体系能检出H5N3标准株和所有20株国内H5亚型AIV分离株,而与其他14个血凝素亚型的AIV标准株、15个H9亚型AIV分离株和2个H7亚型AIV分离株均无交叉反应。结论初步建立了检测H5亚型禽流感病毒的单抗—生物素捕获ELISA方法,为研制试剂盒和进一步应用试验提供了基础。  相似文献   

运用噬菌体表面呈现技术,从禽流感病人恢复期血中获得淋巴细胞,通过基因工程手段,构建了人源抗H5NI禽流感病毒基因工程抗体文库.用纯化的人源H5N1禽流感病毒颗粒(A/Anhui/1/2005)及重组血凝素蛋白HA(A/Viet Nam/1203/2004)对Fab噬菌体抗体库进行富集筛选,成功地获得了抗禽流感病毒H5N1血凝素蛋白HA的人源单抗Fab段基因,并在大肠杆菌中获得有效表达.通过序列测定确定抗体轻重链型别,然后将阳性克隆的轻链和重链Fd段基因分别克隆入全抗体表达载体pAC-L-Fc后转染昆虫Sf9细胞,利用杆状病毒/昆虫细胞系统实现全抗体的分泌型表达.用ELISA、IFA和流式细胞术对所获人源单抗的功能特性进行鉴定.结果表明,我们获得了2株特异性针对H5N1禽流感病毒血凝素蛋白HA而与甲1型和甲3型人流感病毒无交叉反应的人源单抗(AVFlulgG01、AVFlulgG03).微量中和试验结果表明,除A/Guangdong/1/2006外,AVFlu-IgG01能够广泛地中和HA基因进化上属于Clade 2的中国南方、北方及中部地区的H5N1禽流感病毒分离株,同时还对属于Clade Ⅰ的越南H5N1分离株A/Viet Nam/1203/2004具有中和活性;AVFluIgG03虽然不能中和A/Viet Nam/1203/2004,但是对属于Clade 2的所有中国H5N1分离株均具有中和作用.人源中和性抗禽流感病毒H5N1基因工程全抗体的获得不仅为高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1的预防和治疗带来了希望,同时也为其疫苗研制提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

利用杆状病毒-昆虫细胞表达H5N1型禽流感病毒的血凝素蛋白(HA),纯化后的重组蛋白HA免疫小鼠并制备杂交瘤单克隆抗体,用H5N1型禽流感病毒的全病毒进行筛选,成功地获得了抗H5N1型禽流感病毒血凝素蛋白HA的单抗.MDCK细胞微量中和试验表明,单抗8G10D7可对clade2和clade9的H5N1型禽流感病毒起中和作用.Western-blot及血凝抑制实验进一步证明了该单抗的结合位点位于HA蛋白的HA1亚基上.鸡胚感染病毒预防试验结果表明,8G10D7对禽来源的和人来源的H5N1型禽流感病毒均可达到100%的保护率;在治疗试验组中,8G10D7对禽来源的病毒感染具有较高的保护率,可达100%,对人来源的H5N1型禽流感病毒最高也可达87.5%的保护率.该抗体的获得不仅为H5N1型高致病性禽流感病毒的预防和治疗带来了希望,同时其中和位点的发现也为以后亚单位疫苗的研制提供新的思路.  相似文献   

流感病毒血凝素蛋白(hemagglutinin,HA)的茎部区相对保守,是广谱疫苗、抗体与病毒检测制剂的重要靶点.前期研究获得了一株与H7N9亚型禽流感病毒HA蛋白茎部多肽(aa 428-452)反应的单克隆抗体(5D3-1B5).为系统评价其生物学特性,本研究测定了5D3-1B5的抗体效价(IgG、血凝抑制与病毒中和...  相似文献   

H5N1禽流感病毒HA基因在昆虫细胞中的表达及生物活性鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经RT-PCR扩增了H5N1亚型禽流感病毒血凝素基因(HA)片断,限制性内切酶酶切后将其克隆到pFastBacHTA杆状病毒转座载体,经酶切鉴定及测序,筛选出阳性重组转座载体pFastBac-H5。将pFastBacH5转化含有杆状病毒穿梭载体(bacmid)的DH10Bac感受态细胞,通过蓝白斑筛选和PCR鉴定获得重组杆状病毒穿梭载体rBacmid-H5。rBacmid-H5在脂质体介导下转染sf9昆虫细胞,SDS-PAGE蛋白电泳、Western blot、血凝试验和血凝抑制试验分析表明:分子量约63Kd重组血凝素蛋白(rH5)在sf9昆虫细胞中实现了高效表达。rH5具有血凝活性,而且其血凝活性能够被H5N1禽流感病毒高免血清所抑制;rH5免疫鸡诱导产生针对H5N1禽流感病毒亚型特异的血凝抑制抗体,说明表达的重组蛋白具有与天然蛋白相似的生物活性。  相似文献   

构建并表达H5N1亚型禽流感病毒血凝素蛋白单链抗体,为禽流感靶向治疗药物的研制制备靶向载体。从分泌血凝素单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株中提取mRNA,采用RT-PCR法扩增出重链和轻链可变区基因,通过SOE-PCR法将重链和轻链通过Linker连接起来构建单链抗体基因,将获得的单链抗体基因装入原核表达载体pET28a(+)中,构建重组质粒并表达,以Western blot鉴定单链抗体的特异性。结果成功构建了单链抗体基因,全长714bp,经原核表达,所构建的单链抗体可与H5亚型禽流感病毒HA蛋白特异结合,为禽流感的靶向治疗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

抗H5N1亚型禽流感病毒血凝素单克隆抗体的制备及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的建立稳定分泌抗H5N1亚型禽流感病毒血凝素单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞系,为进一步研究禽流感诊断技术奠定基础。方法以纯化的H5亚型禽流感病毒按常规方法免疫BALBc小鼠,最后一次免疫后第3天取其脾细胞与SP20细胞在聚乙二醇作用下融合,用选择性培养、有限稀释法克隆和血凝抑制试验进行筛选,对获得阳性克隆株用ELISA方法进行亚型鉴定,并用37株H5、H7、H9亚型AIV测定其特异性、覆盖性。结果最后获得了3株分泌特异性抗体的杂交瘤细胞,命名为1E5、4A4、4B1,经长期体外培养和冻存后复苏能稳定地分泌抗体。经鉴定,其亚型均为IgG1、kappa链。腹水HI效价1∶210~1∶216,细胞培养上清HI效价1∶26~1∶28。3株杂交瘤所分泌的单克隆抗体均能与本中心保存的全部20株H5亚型禽流感病毒分离株发生反应,而与15株H9亚型禽流感病毒分离株、2株H7亚型禽流感病毒分离株以及H1H4、H6H15亚型禽流感病毒标准毒株均不反应,与鸡新城疫病毒、鹅新城疫病毒、鹅腺病毒和鸡产蛋下降综合征病毒等均无交叉反应。结论所获3株单克隆抗体可用于禽流感病毒特异性诊断试剂的研制。  相似文献   

Two human monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) (2F5 and 4E10) against the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope g41 cluster II membrane proximal external region (MPER) broadly neutralize HIV-1 primary isolates. However, these antibody specificities are rare, are not induced by Env immunization or HIV-1 infection, and are polyspecific and also react with lipids such as cardiolipin or phosphatidylserine. To probe MPER anti-gp41 antibodies that are produced in HIV-1 infection, we have made two novel murine MAbs, 5A9 and 13H11, against HIV-1 gp41 envelope that partially cross-blocked 2F5 MAb binding to Env but did not neutralize HIV-1 primary isolates or bind host lipids. Competitive inhibition assays using labeled 13H11 MAb and HIV-1-positive patient plasma samples demonstrated that cluster II 13H11-blocking plasma antibodies were made in 83% of chronically HIV-1 infected patients and were acquired between 5 to 10 weeks after acute HIV-1 infection. Both the mouse 13H11 MAb and the three prototypic cluster II human MAbs (98-6, 126-6, and 167-D) blocked 2F5 binding to gp41 epitopes to variable degrees; the combination of 98-6 and 13H11 completely blocked 2F5 binding. These data provide support for the hypothesis that in some patients, B cells make nonneutralizing cluster II antibodies that may mask or otherwise down-modulate B-cell responses to immunogenic regions of gp41 that could be recognized by B cells capable of producing antibodies like 2F5.  相似文献   

To study the antigenic conservation of epitopes of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates of different clades, the abilities of human anti-HIV-1 gp120 and gp41 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to bind to intact HIV-1 virions were determined by a newly developed virus-binding assay. Eighteen human anti-HIV MAbs, which were directed at the V2, V3 loop, CD4-binding domain (CD4bd), C5, or gp41 regions, were used. Nine HIV-1 isolates from clades A, B, D, F, G, and H were used. Microtiter wells were coated with the MAbs, after which virus was added. Bound virus was detected after lysis by testing for p24 antigen with a noncommercial p24 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The anti-V3 MAbs strongly bound the four clade B viruses and viruses from the non-B clades, although binding was weaker and more sporadic with the latter. The degrees of binding by the anti-V3 MAbs to CXCR4- and CCR5-tropic viruses were similar, suggesting that the V3 loops of these two categories of viruses are similarly exposed. The anti-C5 MAbs bound isolates of clades A, B, and D. Only weak and sporadic binding of all the viruses tested with anti-CD4bd, anti-V2, and anti-gp41 MAbs was detected. These results suggest that V3 and C5 structures are shared and well exposed on intact virions of different clades compared to the CD4bd, V2, and gp41 regions.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the recently emerged Asian H5N1 virus (A/crow/Kyoto/53/2004) were generated. From five anti-hemagglutinin (HA) MAbs, four antibodies (3C11, 4C12, 3H12, and 3H4) broadly in vitro recognized and neutralized H5 subtypes, including H5N1. By contrast, the 4G6 MAb specifically reacted with H5N1-HA and not with H5N2- or H5N3-HAs from previous epidemics. The 4G6 MAb was useful for immunofluorescence assays but not for immunoblotting, suggesting that this antibody recognizes a conformational epitope of the H5N1-HA protein. An intensive epitope-mapping analysis demonstrated that the 4G6 MAb recognizes Asp59, which is highly conserved among currently circulating H5N1 lineages. Further, a 4G6-based antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detected H5N1 even that derived from clade 2.2 (A/chicken/Egypt/CL-61/2007) from infected chicken lung before virus isolation. Taken together, these results suggest that the established MAbs, especially 4G6, are useful for rapid and specific detection of Asian H5N1 viruses.  相似文献   

Renibacterium salmoninarum is a gram-positive bacterium that causes bacterial kidney disease in salmonid fish. The virulence mechanisms of R. salmoninarum are not well understood. Production of a 57-kDa protein (p57) has been associated with isolate virulence and is a diagnostic marker for R. salmoninarum infection. Biological activities of p57 include binding to eukaryotic cells and immunosuppression. We previously isolated three monoclonal antibodies (4D3, 4C11, and 4H8) that neutralize p57 activity. These monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) bind to the amino-terminal region of p57 between amino acids 32 though 243; however, the precise locations of the neutralizing epitopes were not determined. Here, we use transposon mutagenesis to map the 4D3, 4C11, and 4H8 epitopes. Forty-five transposon mutants were generated and overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The ability of MAbs 4D3, 4H8, and 4C11 to bind each mutant protein was assessed by immunoblotting. Transposons inserting between amino acids 51 and 112 disrupted the 4H8 epitope. Insertions between residues 78 and 210 disrupted the 4C11 epitope, while insertions between amino acids 158 and 234 disrupted the 4D3 epitope. The three MAbs failed to bind overlapping, 15-mer peptides spanning these regions, suggesting that the epitopes are discontinuous in conformation. We conclude that recognition of secondary structure on the amino terminus of p57 is important for neutralization. The epitope mapping studies suggest directions for improvement of MAb-based immunoassays for detection of R. salmoninarum-infected fish.  相似文献   

Renibacterium salmoninarum is a gram-positive bacterium that causes bacterial kidney disease in salmonid fish. The virulence mechanisms of R. salmoninarum are not well understood. Production of a 57-kDa protein (p57) has been associated with isolate virulence and is a diagnostic marker for R. salmoninarum infection. Biological activities of p57 include binding to eukaryotic cells and immunosuppression. We previously isolated three monoclonal antibodies (4D3, 4C11, and 4H8) that neutralize p57 activity. These monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) bind to the amino-terminal region of p57 between amino acids 32 though 243; however, the precise locations of the neutralizing epitopes were not determined. Here, we use transposon mutagenesis to map the 4D3, 4C11, and 4H8 epitopes. Forty-five transposon mutants were generated and overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The ability of MAbs 4D3, 4H8, and 4C11 to bind each mutant protein was assessed by immunoblotting. Transposons inserting between amino acids 51 and 112 disrupted the 4H8 epitope. Insertions between residues 78 and 210 disrupted the 4C11 epitope, while insertions between amino acids 158 and 234 disrupted the 4D3 epitope. The three MAbs failed to bind overlapping, 15-mer peptides spanning these regions, suggesting that the epitopes are discontinuous in conformation. We conclude that recognition of secondary structure on the amino terminus of p57 is important for neutralization. The epitope mapping studies suggest directions for improvement of MAb-based immunoassays for detection of R. salmoninarum-infected fish.  相似文献   

Five murine monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were developed against purified sporozoites of Hammondia hammondi. Despite a large antigenic similarity between the 2 closely related coccidia, H. hammondi and Toxoplasma gondii, these MAbs only reacted with H. hammondi. Three MAbs, ID3, 3F2, and 4C9-7, recognized antigens of 38 kDa localized in rhoptries (1D3), in rhoptries and in oocyst and cyst walls (3F2), and in rhoptries and the apical region (4C9-7). Another MAb, 4C9-10, reacted with a 27-kDa antigen in dense granules of sporozoites and tachyzoites, and MAB 11B3 labeled an antigen of >94 kDa located in the pellicular membrane of the 3 stages of the parasite. These MAbs could be used for a rapid discrimination of the 2 coccidia in epidemiological studies or for diagnostic purposes in tissues.  相似文献   

Antigenic analysis of potato virus A particles and coat protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were prepared to particles of potato virus A (PVA), isolate B11. In immunoblots, MAbs A1D8 and A5B6 reacted only with full length molecules of PVA coat protein (CP). Pepscan tests with overlapping octapeptides representing the whole sequence of PVA CP showed that the epitope detected by MAb A5B6 is contained in its N-terminal octapeptide. MAbs A9A4, A3H4 and A6B8 reacted with CP molecules that lacked about 5 kD of sequence at their end(s) and detected epitopes at residues 52 to 62, 64 to 73 and 75 to 82 respectively, all of which lie in the protease-resistant core of the CP. The epitope which reacts with MAb A3H4 is in a region predicted to be hydrophobic and is not detected in intact virus particles, indicating it is a cryptotope. In contrast, MAbs A6B8 and A9A4 reacted with freshly purified PVA particles but more strongly with partially degraded ones. Pepscan tests with polyclonal antibodies to PVA isolate B11 identified five additional immunogenic sequences in PVA CP and showed that regions at the N-termini of the intact and core molecules are immunodominant. PVA isolate B11 was not transmitted by aphids, and its CP N-terminal octapeptide contains the sequence DAS, which is associated with aphid-non-transmissibility in other potyviruses. MAb A5B6, which detects this region, reacted strongly in ELISA with three out of four other aphid-non-transmissible PVA isolates but only weakly with three aphid-transmissible ones, suggesting that differences in N-terminal sequence may underlie most of the differences in aphid transmissibility.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin of the torafugu, Takifugu rubripes, was purified by a combination of precipitation by low ionic strength dialysis and gel filtration. The Ig was used to immunise mice for the production of monoclonal antibody (MAb). Supernatants of hybridoma cultures were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using purified-torafugu Ig-coated plates, and two stable hybridomas producing MAbs against torafugu Ig were obtained. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions and Western blotting indicated that one MAb (16F3) was specific for the deglycosylated heavy chain of torafugu, and the other MAb (4H5) did not bind to the reduced Ig, suggesting that 4H5 recognised the higher-order structure of Ig. Under non-reduced conditions, both MAbs recognised mainly a 750 kDa band and also minor bands of 672, 410 and 205 kDa. MAb 16F3- and 4H5-primed magnetic beads (Dynabeads) adsorbed 84.9+/-3.3% and 63.6+/-4.4% of the torafugu Ig, respectively. The Ig adsorbed by MAb 16F3-primed Dynabeads was reactive to 4H5 on immunoblotting, and vice versa, indicating that the epitopes for both MAbs are held on the same Ig molecule. Both of these MAbs cross-reacted extensively with the Ig of other Takifugu species, but not with other genus. The MAbs were used to identify surface Ig-positive lymphocytes in the spleen, pronephros, peripheral blood and thymocytes of torafugu by flow cytometry. Flow cytometric analysis of the cells in the lymphocyte-enriched fraction revealed that 50.2+/-6.9% in the PBL, 11.8+/-1.7% in the mesonephros, 13.3+/-2.1% in the pronephros, 42.5+/-4.3% in the spleen and 3.2+/-0.6% in thymus were reactive to 4H5 or 16F3.  相似文献   

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