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In many activities the knee joint flexes and extends actively with the involvement of both knee extensor and flexor muscle groups. Consequently the examination of the muscle activity during reciprocal movements may provide useful information on the function of these two muscle groups during fatigued conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the activity of antagonist muscles during a reciprocal isokinetic fatigue test of the knee extensors and flexors. Fifteen healthy pubertal males (age 13.8+/-0.8 years) performed 22 maximal isokinetic concentric efforts of the knee extensors at 60 degrees s(-1). The EMG activity of vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps femoris (BF) was recorded using surface electrodes. The motion ranged from 100 to 0 degrees of knee flexion. The average moment and average EMG (AEMG) at 10-30 degrees, 31-50 degrees, 51-70 degrees and 71-90 degrees angular position intervals were calculated for each repetition. Twenty efforts were further analyzed. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests indicated a significant decline of moment during the test (p<0.025). The VM and VL AEMG at longer muscle lengths increased significantly as the test progressed whereas the AEMG at short muscle lengths (10-30 degrees ) did not significantly change. The agonist AEMG of BF during the first repetition demonstrated a significant increase after the ninth repetition (p<0.025). The antagonist AEMG of all muscles did not change significantly during the test. These results indicate that there is consistent antagonist activity during both extension and flexion phases of an isokinetic reciprocal fatigue test. It can be concluded that during an isokinetic reciprocal fatigue test, both knee extensors and flexors are fatigued. However, this condition does not have a significant effect on the EMG patterns of these muscles when acting as antagonists during the test.  相似文献   

Examination of the effects of fatigue on antagonist function can provide information on the role of antagonists in limiting the resultant joint moment and stabilizing the knee. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the moment, agonist and antagonist electromyographic (EMG) activity levels at different angular positions during an isokinetic muscular endurance knee extension test. Fifteen healthy males (age 22.6+/-1.9 yr) performed 34 maximal isokinetic concentric efforts of the knee extensors at 120 degrees s(-1). The EMG activity of vastus medialis and biceps femoris was recorded using surface electrodes. The motion ranged from 90 degrees to 0 degrees of knee flexion. The average moment and average EMG (AEMG) at 10-35 degrees, 36-55 degrees and 56-80 degrees angular position intervals were calculated for each repetition. Twenty eight efforts were further analysed. The moment of force demonstrated a decline of 70% at the end of the test. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance tests indicated that this decline was significant (p < 0.05). No significant effects of angular position on fatigue moment characteristics were found. The agonist (vastus medialis) AEMG during the first repetition demonstrated a significant increase of 40-60% towards the middle part of the test (p < 0.05). In the second part of the test, the VM AEMG at longer muscle lengths was significantly higher compared to the initial efforts whereas the AEMG at short muscle lengths returned to initial values. The antagonist AEMG at all angular positions did not change significantly during the test. The decline in the resultant joint moment could be attributed to the effects of fatigue on the agonist muscle function. The agonist AEMG fatigue-patterns are dependent on the length of the muscle and may be due to alterations in the motor unit recruitment and/or activation failure in the quadriceps muscle. The biceps femoris maintains constant submaximal (21-33% of the maximum) AEMG activity which may play an important role in the stability of the knee joint. The contribution of antagonist activity to the resultant joint moment increases during the last part of an isokinetic concentric muscle endurance test.  相似文献   

Determining the mechanisms of co-activation around the knee joint with respect to age and sex is important in terms of our greater understanding of strength development. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of age, sex and muscle action on moment of force and electromyographic (EMG) activity of the agonist and antagonist muscle groups during isokinetic eccentric and concentric knee extension and flexion. The study comprised nine pubertal boys [mean age 12.6 (SD 0.5) years], nine girls [12.7 (SD 0.5) years] nine adult men [23.1 (SD 2.1) years] and nine adult women [23.7 (SD 3.1) years] who performed maximal isometric eccentric and concentric efforts of knee extensors and flexors on a dynamometer at 30 degrees x s(-1). The moment of force and surface EMG activity of vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles were recorded. The moment of force:agonist averaged EMG (aEMG) ratios were calculated. The antagonist aEMG values were expressed as a percentage of the aEMG activity of the same muscle, at the same angle, angular velocity and muscle action when the muscle was acting as agonist. Three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) designs indicated no significant effects of age or sex on moment:aEMG ratios. Eccentric ratios were significantly higher than the corresponding concentric ones (P < 0.05). The results also indicated no significant effect of age and sex on the aEMG of the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles when acting as antagonists. The antagonist aEMG was significantly greater during concentric agonist efforts compared with the corresponding eccentric ones (P < 0.05). These findings would suggest that the moment exerted per unit of agonist EMG and the antagonist activity are similar in children compared with adults and are not sex dependent. Future comparisons between eccentric and concentric moments of force and agonist ENG should take into consideration the antagonist effects, irrespective of age or sex.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the EMG-joint angle relationship during voluntary contraction with maximum effort and the differences in activity among three hamstring muscles during knee flexion. Ten healthy subjects performed maximum voluntary isometric and isokinetic knee flexion. The isometric tests were performed for 5 s at knee angles of 60 and 90 degrees. The isokinetic test, which consisted of knee flexion from 0 to 120 degrees in the prone position, was performed at an angular velocity of 30 degrees /s (0.523 rad/s). The knee flexion torque was measured using a KIN-COM isokinetic dynamometer. The individual EMG activity of the hamstrings, i.e. the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, long head of the biceps femoris and short head of the biceps femoris muscles, was detected using a bipolar fine wire electrode. With isometric testing, the knee flexion torque at 60 degrees knee flexion was greater than that at 90 degrees. The mean peak isokinetic torque occurred from 15 to 30 degrees knee flexion angle and then the torque decreased as the knee angle increased (p<0.01). The EMG activity of the hamstring muscles varied with the change in knee flexion angle except for the short head of the biceps femoris muscle under isometric condition. With isometric contraction, the integrated EMGs of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles at a knee flexion angle of 60 degrees were significantly lower than that at 90 degrees. During maximum isokinetic contraction, the integrated EMGs of the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and short head of the biceps femoris muscles increased significantly as the knee angle increased from 0 to 105 degrees of knee flexion (p<0.05). On the other hand, the integrated EMG of the long head of the biceps femoris muscle at a knee angle of 60 degrees was significantly greater than that at 90 degrees knee flexion with isometric testing (p<0.01). During maximum isokinetic contraction, the integrated EMG was the greatest at a knee angle between 15 and 30 degrees, and then significantly decreased as the knee angle increased from 30 to 120 degrees (p<0.01). These results demonstrate that the EMG activity of hamstring muscles during maximum isometric and isokinetic knee flexion varies with change in muscle length or joint angle, and that the activity of the long head of the biceps femoris muscle differs considerably from the other three heads of hamstrings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of moment of antagonistic muscle on the resultant joint moment during isokinetic eccentric and concentric efforts of the knee extensors. Ten males performed maximum eccentric and concentric knee extension and flexion efforts on a Biodex dynamometer at 0.52 rad · s−1 (30° · s−1). Electromyographic (EMG) activity of vastus medialis and biceps femoris (hamstrings) was also recorded. The antagonistic moment of the hamstrings was determined by recording the integrated EMG (iEMG)/moment relationship at different levels of muscle effort. The iEMG/moment curves were fitted using second-degree polynomials. The polynomials were then used to predict the antagonistic moment exerted by the hamstrings from the antagonist iEMG. The antagonistic moment had a maximum of 42.92 Nm and 28.97 Nm under concentric and eccentric conditions respectively; paired t-tests indicated that this was a significant difference (P < 0.05). These results indicate that the resultant joint moment of knee extensors is the result of both agonist and antagonist muscle activation. The greater antagonist muscle activity under concentric activation conditions may be partly responsible for the lower resultant joint concentric moment of knee extensors compared with the corresponding eccentric activation. The antagonist moment significantly affects comparisons between the isokinetic moments and agonist EMG and in vitro force measurements under different testing (muscle action and angular velocity) conditions. Accepted: 25 February 1997  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In this study, the influence of using submaximal isokinetic contractions about the knee compared to maximal voluntary contractions as input to obtain the calibration of an EMG-force model for knee muscles is investigated. METHODS: Isokinetic knee flexion and extension contractions were performed by healthy subjects at five different velocities and at three contraction levels (100%, 75% and 50% of MVC). Joint angle, angular velocity, joint moment and surface EMG of five knee muscles were recorded. Individual calibration values were calculated according to [C.A.M. Doorenbosch, J. Harlaar, A clinically applicable EMG-force model to quantify active stabilization of the knee after a lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament, Clinical Biomechanics 18 (2003) 142-149] for each contraction level. RESULTS: First, the output of the model, calibrated with the 100% MVC was compared to the actually exerted net knee moment at the dynamometer. Normalized root mean square errors were calculated [A.L. Hof, C.A.N. Pronk, J.A. van Best, Comparison between EMG to force processing and kinetic analysis for the calf muscle moment in walking and stepping, Journal of Biomechanics 20 (1987) 167-187] to compare the estimated moments with the actually exerted moments. Mean RMSD errors ranged from 0.06 to 0.21 for extension and from 0.12 to 0.29 for flexion at the 100% trials. Subsequently, the calibration results of the 50% and 75% MVC calibration procedures were used. A standard signal, representing a random EMG level was used as input in the EMG force model, to compare the three models. Paired samples t-tests between the 100% MVC and the 75% MVC and 50% MVC, respectively, showed no significant differences (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The application of submaximal contractions of larger than 50% MVC is suitable to calibrate a simple EMG to force model for knee extension and flexion. This means that in clinical practice, the EMG to force model can be applied by patients who cannot exert maximal force.  相似文献   

The objectives were to examine knee angle-, and gender-specific knee extensor torque output and quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle recruitment during maximal effort, voluntary contractions. Fourteen young adult men and 15 young adult women performed three isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC), in a random order, with the knee at 0 degrees (terminal extension), 10 degrees, 30 degrees, 50 degrees, 70 degrees, and 90 degrees flexion. Knee extensor peak torque (PT), and average torque (AT) were expressed in absolute (N m), relative (N m kg(-1)) and allometric-modeled (N m kg(-n)) units. Vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and rectus femoris (RF) muscle EMG signals were full-wave rectified and integrated over the middle 3 s of each contraction, averaged over the three trials at each knee angle, and normalized to the activity recorded at 0 degrees. Muscle recruitment efficiency was calculated as the ratio of the normalized EMG of each muscle to the allometric-modeled average torque (normalized to the values at 0 degrees flexion), and expressed as a percent. Men generated significantly greater knee extensor PT and AT than women in absolute, relative and allometric-modeled units. Absolute and relative PT and AT were significantly highest at 70 degrees, while allometric-modeled values were observed to increase significantly across knee joint angles 10-90 degrees. VM EMG was significantly greater than the VL and RF muscles across all angles, and followed a similar pattern to absolute knee extensor torque. Recruitment efficiency improved across knee joint angles 10-90 degrees and was highest for the VL muscle. VM recruitment efficiency improved more than the VL and RF muscles across 70-90 degrees flexion. The findings demonstrate angle-, and gender-specific responses of knee extensor torque to maximal-effort contractions, while superficial QF muscle recruitment was most efficient at 90 degrees, and less dependent on gender.  相似文献   

Although the possibility that the vastus intermedius (VI) muscle contributes to flexion of the knee joint has been suggested previously, the detail of its functional role in knee flexion is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the antagonist coactivation of VI during isometric knee flexion. Thirteen men performed 25–100% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) at 90°, 120°, and 150° knee joint angles. Surface electromyography (EMG) of the four individual muscles in the quadriceps femoris (QF) was recorded and normalized by the EMG signals during isometric knee extension at MVC. Cross-talk on VI EMG signal was assessed based on the median frequency response to selective cooling of hamstring muscles. Normalized EMG of the VI was significantly higher than that of the other synergistic QF muscles at each knee joint angle (all P < 0.05) with minimum cross-talk from the hamstrings to VI. There were significant correlations between the EMG signal of the hamstrings and VI (r = 0.55–0.85, P < 0.001). These results suggest that VI acts as a primary antagonistic muscle of QF during knee flexion, and that VI is presumably a main contributor to knee joint stabilization.  相似文献   

Hamstrings activation when acting as antagonists is considered very important for knee joint stability. However, the effect of hamstring antagonist activity on knee joint loading in vivo is not clear. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the differences in antagonistic muscle force and their effect on agonist muscle and intersegmental forces during isokinetic eccentric and concentric efforts of the knee extensors. Ten males performed maximum isokinetic eccentric and concentric efforts of the knee extensors at 30 degrees s(-1). The muscular and tibiofemoral joint forces were then estimated using a two-dimensional model with and without including the antagonist muscle forces. The antagonist moment was predicted using an IEMG-moment model. The predicted antagonist force reached a maximum of 2.55 times body weight (BW) and 1.16 BW under concentric and eccentric conditions respectively. Paired t-tests indicated that these were significantly different (p<0.05). A one-way analysis of variance indicated that when antagonist forces are included in the calculations the patella tendon, compressive and posterior shear joint forces are significantly higher compared to those calculated without including the antagonist forces. The anterior shear force was not affected by antagonist activity. The antagonists produce considerable force throughout the range of motion and affect the joint forces exerted at the knee joint. Further, it appears that the antagonist effect depends on the type of muscle action examined as it is higher during concentric compared to eccentric efforts of the knee extensors.  相似文献   

This paper examined if an electromyography (EMG) driven musculoskeletal model of the human knee could be used to predict knee moments, calculated using inverse dynamics, across a varied range of dynamic contractile conditions. Muscle-tendon lengths and moment arms of 13 muscles crossing the knee joint were determined from joint kinematics using a three-dimensional anatomical model of the lower limb. Muscle activation was determined using a second-order discrete non-linear model using rectified and low-pass filtered EMG as input. A modified Hill-type muscle model was used to calculate individual muscle forces using activation and muscle tendon lengths as inputs. The model was calibrated to six individuals by altering a set of physiologically based parameters using mathematical optimisation to match the net flexion/extension (FE) muscle moment with those measured by inverse dynamics. The model was calibrated for each subject using 5 different tasks, including passive and active FE in an isokinetic dynamometer, running, and cutting manoeuvres recorded using three-dimensional motion analysis. Once calibrated, the model was used to predict the FE moments, estimated via inverse dynamics, from over 200 isokinetic dynamometer, running and sidestepping tasks. The inverse dynamics joint moments were predicted with an average R(2) of 0.91 and mean residual error of approximately 12 Nm. A re-calibration of only the EMG-to-activation parameters revealed FE moments prediction across weeks of similar accuracy. Changing the muscle model to one that is more physiologically correct produced better predictions. The modelling method presented represents a good way to estimate in vivo muscle forces during movement tasks.  相似文献   

This paper examined the feasibility of using different optimization criteria in inverse dynamic optimization to predict antagonistic muscle forces and joint reaction forces during isokinetic flexion/extension and isometric extension exercises of the knee. Both quadriceps and hamstrings muscle groups were included in this study. The knee joint motion included flexion/extension, varus/valgus, and internal/external rotations. Four linear, nonlinear, and physiological optimization criteria were utilized in the optimization procedure. All optimization criteria adopted in this paper were shown to be able to predict antagonistic muscle contraction during flexion and extension of the knee. The predicted muscle forces were compared in temporal patterns with EMG activities (averaged data measured from five subjects). Joint reaction forces were predicted to be similar using all optimization criteria. In comparison with previous studies, these results suggested that the kinematic information involved in the inverse dynamic optimization plays an important role in prediction of the recruitment of antagonistic muscles rather than the selection of a particular optimization criterion. Therefore, it might be concluded that a properly formulated inverse dynamic optimization procedure should describe the knee joint rotation in three orthogonal planes.  相似文献   

Static optimization is commonly employed in musculoskeletal modeling to estimate muscle and joint loading; however, the ability of this approach to predict antagonist muscle activity at the shoulder is poorly understood. Antagonist muscles, which contribute negatively to a net joint moment, are known to be important for maintaining glenohumeral joint stability. This study aimed to compare muscle and joint force predictions from a subject-specific neuromusculoskeletal model of the shoulder driven entirely by measured muscle electromyography (EMG) data with those from a musculoskeletal model employing static optimization. Four healthy adults performed six sub-maximal upper-limb contractions including shoulder abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, internal rotation and external rotation. EMG data were simultaneously measured from 16 shoulder muscles using surface and intramuscular electrodes, and joint motion evaluated using video motion analysis. Muscle and joint forces were calculated using both a calibrated EMG-driven neuromusculoskeletal modeling framework, and musculoskeletal model simulations that employed static optimization. The EMG-driven model predicted antagonistic muscle function for pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and teres major during abduction and flexion; supraspinatus during adduction; middle deltoid during extension; and subscapularis, pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi during external rotation. In contrast, static optimization neural solutions showed little or no recruitment of these muscles, and preferentially activated agonistic prime movers with large moment arms. As a consequence, glenohumeral joint force calculations varied substantially between models. The findings suggest that static optimization may under-estimate the activity of muscle antagonists, and therefore, their contribution to glenohumeral joint stability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide evidence on the fact that the observed decrease in EMG activity of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) at pronounced knee flexed positions is not only due to GM insufficiency, by examining muscle fascicle lengths during maximal voluntary contractions at different positions. Twenty-two male long distance runners (body mass: 78.5+/-6.7 kg, height: 183+/-6 cm) participated in the study. The subjects performed isometric maximal voluntary plantar flexion contractions (MVC) of their left leg at six ankle-knee angle combinations. To examine the resultant ankle joint moments the kinematics of the left leg were recorded using a Vicon 624 system with 8 cameras operating at 120 Hz. The EMG activity of GM, gastrocnemius lateralis (GL), soleus (SOL) and tibialis anterior (TA) were measured using surface electromyography. Synchronously, fascicle length and pennation angle values of the GM were obtained at rest and at the plateau of the maximal plantar flexion using ultrasonography. The main findings were: (a) identifiable differences in fascicle length of the GM at rest do not necessarily imply that these differences would also exist during a maximal isometric plantar flexion contraction and (b) the EMG activity of the biarticular GM during the MVC decreased at a pronounced flexed knee-joint position (up to 110 degrees ) despite of no differences in GM fascicle length. It is suggested that the decrease in EMG activity of the GM at pronounced knee flexed positions is due to a critical force-length potential of all three muscles of the triceps surae.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to compare the effect of different optimisation methods and different knee joint degrees of freedom (DOF) on muscle force predictions during a single legged hop. Nineteen subjects performed single-legged hopping manoeuvres and subject-specific musculoskeletal models were developed to predict muscle forces during the movement. Muscle forces were predicted using static optimisation (SO) and computed muscle control (CMC) methods using either 1 or 3 DOF knee joint models. All sagittal and transverse plane joint angles calculated using inverse kinematics or CMC in a 1 DOF or 3 DOF knee were well-matched (RMS error<3°). Biarticular muscles (hamstrings, rectus femoris and gastrocnemius) showed more differences in muscle force profiles when comparing between the different muscle prediction approaches where these muscles showed larger time delays for many of the comparisons. The muscle force magnitudes of vasti, gluteus maximus and gluteus medius were not greatly influenced by the choice of muscle force prediction method with low normalised root mean squared errors (<48%) observed in most comparisons. We conclude that SO and CMC can be used to predict lower-limb muscle co-contraction during hopping movements. However, care must be taken in interpreting the magnitude of force predicted in the biarticular muscles and the soleus, especially when using a 1 DOF knee. Despite this limitation, given that SO is a more robust and computationally efficient method for predicting muscle forces than CMC, we suggest that SO can be used in conjunction with musculoskeletal models that have a 1 or 3 DOF knee joint to study the relative differences and the role of muscles during hopping activities in future studies.  相似文献   

Neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) modeling is a valuable tool in orthopaedic biomechanics and motor control research. To evaluate the feasibility of using electromyographic (EMG) signals with NMS modeling to estimate individual muscle force during dynamic movement, an EMG driven NMS model of the elbow was developed. The model incorporates dynamical equation of motion of the forearm, musculoskeletal geometry and musculotendon modeling of four prime elbow flexors and three prime elbow extensors. It was first calibrated to two normal subjects by determining the subject-specific musculotendon parameters using computational optimization to minimize the root mean square difference between the predicted and measured maximum isometric flexion and extension torque at nine elbow positions (0-120 degrees of flexion with an increment of 15 degrees ). Once calibrated, the model was used to predict the elbow joint trajectories for three flexion/extension tasks by processing the EMG signals picked up by both surface and fine electrodes using two different EMG-to-activation processing schemes reported in the literature without involving any trajectory fitting procedures. It appeared that both schemes interpreted the EMG somewhat consistently but their prediction accuracy varied among testing protocols. In general, the model succeeded in predicting the elbow flexion trajectory in the moderate loading condition but over-drove the flexion trajectory under unloaded condition. The predicted trajectories of the elbow extension were noted to be continuous but the general shape did not fit very well with the measured one. Estimation of muscle activation based on EMG was believed to be the major source of uncertainty within the EMG driven model. It was especially so apparently when fine wire EMG signal is involved primarily. In spite of such limitation, we demonstrated the potential of using EMG driven neuromusculoskeletal modeling for non-invasive prediction of individual muscle forces during dynamic movement under certain conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 2 days of isokinetic training of the forearm flexors and extensors on strength and electromyographic (EMG) amplitude for the agonist and antagonist muscles. Seventeen men (mean +/- SD age = 21.9 +/- 2.8 years) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: (a) a training group (TRN; n = 8), or (b) a control group (CTL; n = 9). The subjects in the TRN group were tested for maximal isometric and concentric isokinetic (randomly ordered velocities of 60, 180, and 300 degrees x s(-1)) torque of the dominant forearm flexors and extensors before (pretest) and after (posttest) 2 days of isokinetic strength training. Each training session involved 6 sets of 10 maximal concentric isokinetic muscle actions of the forearm flexors and extensors at a velocity of 180 degrees x s(-1). The subjects in the CTL group were also tested for strength but did not perform any training. Surface EMG signals were detected from the biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles during the strength testing. The results indicated that there were no significant (p > 0.05) pre- to post-test changes in forearm flexion and extension torque or EMG amplitude for the agonist and antagonist muscles. Thus, unlike previous studies of the quadriceps femoris muscles, these findings for the forearm flexors and extensors suggested that 2 days of isokinetic training may not be sufficient to elicit significant increases in strength. These results may have implications for the number of visits that are required for rehabilitation after injury, surgery, or both.  相似文献   

A deterministic model was developed and validated to calculate instantaneous ankle and knee moments during walking using processed EMG from representative muscles, instantaneous joint angle as a correlate of muscle length and angular velocity as a correlate of muscle velocity, and having available total instantaneous joint moments for derivation of certain model parameters. A linear regression of the moment on specifically processed EMG, recorded while each subject performed cycled isometric calibration contractions, yielded the constants for a basic moment-EMG relationship. Using the resultant moment for optimization, the predicted moment was proportionally augmented for longer muscle lengths and reduced for shorter lengths. Similarly, the predicted moment was reduced for shortening velocities and increased if the muscle was lengthening. The plots of moments predicted using the full model and those calculated from link segment mechanics followed each other quite closely. The range of root mean square errors were: 3.2-9.5 Nm for the ankle and 4.7-13.0 Nm for the knee.  相似文献   

Although activity of the rectus femoris (RF) differs from that of the other synergists in quadriceps femoris muscle group during physical activities in humans, it has been suggested that the activation pattern of the vastus intermedius (VI) is similar to that of the RF. The purpose of present study was to examine activation of the VI during isometric hip flexion. Ten healthy men performed isometric hip flexion contractions at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of maximal voluntary contraction at hip joint angles of 90°, 110° and 130°. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to record activity of the four quadriceps femoris muscles and EMG signals were root mean square processed and normalized to EMG amplitude during an isometric knee extension with maximal voluntary contraction. The normalized EMG was significantly higher for the VI than for the vastus medialis during hip flexion at 100% of maximal voluntary contraction at hip joint angles of 110° and 130° (P < 0.05). The onset of VI activation was 230–240 ms later than the onset of RF activation during hip flexion at each hip joint angle, which was significantly later than during knee extension at 100% of maximal voluntary contraction (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the VI is activated later than the RF during hip flexion. Activity of the VI during hip flexion might contribute to stabilize the knee joint as an antagonist and might help to smooth knee joint motion, such as in the transition from hip flexion to knee extension during walking, running and pedaling.  相似文献   

The muscles of the triceps surae group are important for performance in most sports and in the performance of activities of daily life. In addition, hypertrophy and balance among these muscles are integral to success in bodybuilding. The purpose of this study was to compare the muscle utilization patterns of the 2 major muscles of the triceps surae group, the soleus (SOL) and gastrocnemius (lateral head = LG and medial head = MG), and the tibialis anterior (TA) as an antagonist muscle to the group. Their electromyographic (EMG) signals were compared during 50 constant external resistance contractions at a level established before the testing session. Eleven experienced subjects contributed data during plantar flexion at 3 different knee angles (90, 135, and 180 degrees ). Both root mean square amplitude and integrated signal analyses of the EMGs revealed that the MG produced significantly greater activity than either the SOL or TA at 180 degrees, whereas the LG was not different from the SOL at any knee angle measured. Data also revealed that the SOL produced less electrical activity at 180 degrees than at the other knee angles, whereas the MG produced greater electrical activity. As would be expected, the TA produced lower EMG values than any of the triceps surae muscles at all angles tested. These data indicate that selective targeting of the SOL and MG is possible through the manipulation of knee angle. This targeting appears to be controlled by the biarticular and monoarticular structures of the MG and SOL, respectively. The LG appears less affected by knee position than the MG. Results suggest that the SOL can be targeted most effectively with the knee flexed at 90 degrees and the MG with the leg fully extended. The LG appears to also be more active at 180 degrees; however, it is not as affected as the MG or SOL by knee angle.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional dynamic simulation of walking was used together with induced position analysis to determine how kinematic conditions at toe-off and muscle forces following toe-off affect peak knee flexion during the swing phase of normal gait. The flexion velocity of the swing-limb knee at toe-off contributed 30 degrees to the peak knee flexion angle; this was larger than any contribution from an individual muscle or joint moment. Swing-limb muscles individually made large contributions to knee angle (i.e., as large as 22 degrees), but their actions tended to balance one another, so that the combined contribution from all swing-limb muscles was small (i.e., less than 3 degrees of flexion). The uniarticular muscles of the swing limb made contributions to knee flexion that were an order of magnitude larger than the biarticular muscles of the swing limb. The results of the induced position analysis make clear the importance of knee flexion velocity at toe-off relative to the effects of muscle forces exerted after toe-off in generating peak knee flexion angle. In addition to improving our understanding of normal gait, this study provides a basis for analyzing stiff-knee gait, a movement abnormality in which knee flexion in swing is diminished.  相似文献   

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