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福建省生态足迹和生态承载力的动态变化   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用生态足迹理论,计算分析了福建省1999~2003年5年间的生态足迹变化过程.结果表明,福建省人均生态足迹由1999年的1.428 hm2上升至2003年的1.658 hm2,人均生态承载力由1999年的0.683 hm2减少到2003年的0.607 hm2,生态赤字逐年提高,生态足迹与生态承载力之间的矛盾加剧,生态环境处于不安全状态.生态足迹供需结构分析表明,福建省人均生态足迹供需存在严重的不平衡,其需求以草地和化石燃料为主,两者占总量的55.74%~63.43%,而供给以耕地为主,草地仅占人均生态承载力的0.77%~0.82%,化石燃料的供给几乎为零.5年间万元GDP生态足迹总体上呈下降趋势,表明福建省的资源利用率不断提高.与此同时,结合福建省经济发展现状和资源分布特点,提出了减少区域生态赤字的对策.  相似文献   

中国2002年省域生态足迹分析   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
采用中国实际单产法计算和分析了2002年中国各省市生态足迹及其构成,发现各省市生态足迹及其构成差异较大,其中人均耕地足迹由陕西的0.078 hm2增加到北京的0.126 hm2,人均草地足迹由江西的0.020 hm2增加到西藏的0.372 hm2,人均林地足迹由贵州的0.020 hm2增加到北京的0.209 hm2,人均水域足迹由西藏的0.001 hm2增加到上海的0.011 hm2,人均建筑用地足迹由贵州的0.013 hm2增加到内蒙古的0.054 hm2,人均化石能源足迹由广西的0.251 hm2增加到山西的2.854 hm2.东部、南部省市各地类多处于生态赤字状态,北部、西部省市各地类多处于生态盈余状态.从生态足迹、人均GDP和万元GDP足迹的相互关系来看,各地区存在较大的差异,如人均生态足迹为1 hm2·cap-1的省份包括福建、河南、四川、安徽、云南、陕西和贵州,其人均GDP由福建的1.35万元降至贵州的0.3万元,而万元GDP足迹却由福建的0.74 hm2增至贵州的3.51hm2.因此,要缓解中国资源短缺与经济发展之间的矛盾,要首先从人均生态足迹大、经济发展落后、万元GDP足迹高的省市入手,改变其经济增长方式和产业结构,使经济的发展对资源的依赖性逐渐降低,提高资源利用效率,提高其足迹经济产出率,大力发展经济,实现生态、资源、经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Under the dual pressures of the socio-economic development and the increase in population density, the ecological environmental quality issues in Anhui Province have become increasingly prominent, which seriously handicap the sustainable development of regional economy, and it is more important to evaluate ecological environmental quality. By using the data of ecological environment, society, economy and population in Anhui Province, this paper measures ecological footprint, ecological environmental carrying capacity and ecological deficit and surplus in Anhui Province based on ecological footprint. The results show that ecological environmental quality in Anhui Province is not in the best state of the coordinated development, and the relationship between the supply and the demand of per ecological footprint almost is not in balance.  相似文献   

China has experienced unprecedented economic development in recent years and is now facing severe challenges caused by the over-consumption of resources and by ecological and environmental degradation. To assess the influence of resource exploitation and ecological trade, we have developed an index of excessive resource consumption based on the concepts of ecological deficit and ecological over-shoot, and we have used the ecological trade deficit to assess the pressure created by the export and import of resources and products. Our analysis indicated that China's consumption footprint surpassed its biocapacity in 1983, leading to an ecological deficit, and the production footprint surpassed its biocapacity in 1986, leading to an ecological over-shoot, as the over-consumption of natural resources grew. By 2010, 3.6 times the current area of bioproductive land was needed to provide sufficient resources to meet the consumption. China has been encouraging the development of exporting enterprises by implementing a series of financial and tax incentives, which have stimulated the economy in the short-term but have gradually increased the ecological trade deficit since 2000.  相似文献   

福州市旅游生态足迹动态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
曹辉  陈秋华 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4686-4695
基于生态足迹的理论,分析了城市旅游生态足迹的概念内涵、测算依据和计算方法。从旅游者消费结构特征出发,将城市旅游生态足迹模型分为旅游交通、餐饮、住宿、购物、游览、娱乐等6个子模型,并对1996年、2001年和2006年福建省福州市的旅游生态足迹分别进行了测评,计算出1996年、2001年和2006年福州市的人均均衡旅游生态足迹分别为0.053550、0.039537hm2和0.042167hm2。实证分析结果表明:(1)人均旅游生态足迹与游客量并不一定呈正相关关系;(2)影响城市旅游生态足迹总体变化的关键因子主要有旅游流的数量与方式、旅游者的消费水平和结构、旅游者的空间行为和旅游目的地(景区)的利用与经营发展水平等因素;(3)旅游饭店的能源生态消费实际上比建筑生态消费大,但随着旅游业的发展和游客需求的变化,特别是对高星级饭店需求的增加,这种规律有弱化的趋势;(4)旅游交通生态足迹一直是各年旅游生态占用中最大的部分,并且有逐步增大的趋势,倡导交通工具的合理选择与安排,是减少旅游生态占用,实现城市旅游可持续发展的最有效途径;(5)2006年福州市旅游者人均均衡旅游生态足迹是当地人均生态足迹的10.59倍,超过当地生态承载力的26.41倍,城市旅游活动是一种对自然资源需求和消耗较高的生活方式。  相似文献   

山东省生态空间占用的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据生态空间占用理论与方法,判定了山东省目前的生态空间占用和生态容量,进行了生态空间核算并计算了生态赤字.研究表明,山东省2001年的人均生态空间占用为1.37720hm2.人均生态容量为0.58755hm2,生态赤字达0.78965hm2,表明该省对生态生产性土地的需求已严重超出其供给能力,其经济发展过程中的生态状况不容乐观.山东人均生态占用虽明显高于本省人均生态容量,但仍低于全球人均生态容量,属于“地方不可持续-全球可持续”的地区.文末指出重化工业在工业结构中的突出地位及以煤炭为主的能源消费结构是导致该省生态占用偏高的主要原因,另外,人口众多使本省人均生态容量偏小,从而导致生态赤字偏大.为使山东社会经济持续健康发展,优化工业结构和能源消费结构,控制人口数量,建立资源节约型的社会生产和消费体系势在必行.  相似文献   

中国1999年生态足迹计算与发展能力分析   总被引:334,自引:8,他引:334  
可持续发展的定量评估是可持续发展研究的关键领域,其核心是确定人类的生存是否处于生态系统的承载力范围之内.新近提出和发展起来的生态足迹指标是一种测算人类对自然利用程度的新的综合指标,该方法通过将区域的资源和能源消费转化为提供这种物质流所必需的各种生物生产土地的面积(生态足迹),并同区域能提供的生物生产土地面积(生态承载力)进行比较,能定量判断一个区域的发展是否处于生态承载力的范围内.以中国和部分省(区市)1999年的统计数据为基础,对中国和部分省(区市)1999年的生态足迹计算结果表明,1999年中国的人均生态足迹为1.326hm^2,而人均生态承载力为0.681hm^2,人均生态赤字为0、645hm^2;分省的计算结果也表明大部分省(区市)的生态足迹超过了当地的生态承载力.生态赤字的存在表明,区域的经济社会发展处于一种不可持续的发展状态.同时,将生态足迹计算中得到的不同土地类型面积作为测算生态经济系统多样性的指标,测算了中国及部分省(区市)1999年生态足迹的多样性,并采用Ulanowicz的发展能力公式分析了各省的发展能力.发展能力是一个较好的预测产出的指标,增加多样性是增加发展能力的有效途径、另外,还分析了生态足迹的多样性与资源利用效益的关系,讨论了生态足迹及其多样性的政策含义.  相似文献   

复合生态系统动态足迹分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
王健民  王伟  张毅  胡梦春  唐晓燕  陈敏 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2920-2926
由Rees W E.于1992年提出、由Wackernagel M.于1996年完善的生态占用(生态足迹)原理与方法,其主要成果是评价出全球52个有代表性的国家和地区的生态占用盈亏情况,进一步得出全球人均生态占用阈值为1.74hm^2(量纲,下同)、基准值为2.0hm^2,而人均实际生态占用为2.4hm^2,人均生态赤字达0.4hm^2以上,评价结果表明全球生态环境进人了危机阶段,因此具有重要的预警战略意义。但是该方法也存在一些不足之处,如:(1)主要是反映自然生态系统承载力,未能全面反映出社会经济反馈力(人力、物资、资金、管理等方面的投人效用),尤其是忽略了现代科学技术在提高复合生态系统承载力方面的巨大作用和贡献;(2)将各生态类型加权抽象化后所得到的等量化综合指标,难于反映复合生态系统要素与要素间的复杂变化规律;(3)最初创建的方法未反映动态变化情况:(4)新开发的4种时间序列的方法,仍不能反映复合生态要素间生动地相关关系。针对以上主要缺陷,旨在将复合生态系统进行要素分解,进行要素与时间相关分析及要素间动态相关分析。将社会经济冲击力、自然生态环境资源承载力及社会经济科学技术反馈力三者相结合进行分析综合性研究的基础上,于2002年创建了复合生态系统动态足迹(生态史迹)分析原理、方法和研究案例。鉴于社会经济系统对自然生态系统的冲击力、生态环境资源系统的承载力及社会经济科学技术的反馈力都是在变动的,必需进行复合生态系统动态足迹的相关分析。在做出复合生态系统单要素(含因子,下同)随时间要素动态变化、双要素间动态相关分析的基础上;进一步建立了可反映出复合生态系统冲击力、承载力及反馈力的多要素间动态足迹相关模式图。模式图的基本原理是:反映冲击力的人均生态需求(I/P)应小于或等于复合生态承载力的人均有效生态空间(E/P)与单位有效生态空间产出(I’/E)的乘积。以E/P为横轴、I’/E为纵轴作图,图中各点为I/P;图中系列I/P理论等值线可构成复合生态系统承载力基准和序列标准曲线。模式图的基本功能和作用有:(1)通过理论研究和经验分析,可以绘制出复合生态系统有关要素承载力基准与序列标准曲线;(2)通过历史统计资料,可以绘制出复合生态系统相关生态因子冲击力的动态变化曲线;(3)可以对冲击力与承载力基准与标准序列间进行静态和动态评价;(4)可以对反馈力增加复合生态系统承载力的情况进行评价;(5)进一步再进行针对性的原因分析及包括提高反馈力在内的对策性研究。  相似文献   

张家口市坝上地区生态足迹初步研究   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:42  
1 引  言张家口市坝上地区是我国重要的农牧交错区 .长期以来在农牧交错区 ,由于人类对自然资源的强度利用 ,已经超过了生态系统的承载力 ,生态退化非常严重 .定量地计算农牧交错区生态系统承载力 ,确定其阈值 ,是生态保护和建设急需解决的问题 .加拿大生态经济学家WillianRees等提出的生态足迹的概念以及生态足迹、生态承载力的计算方法[2~ 4 ] ,为这一问题的解决 ,指出了简洁的思路和方法 .国内已介绍和进行区域研究[1,5,6 ] .本文应用该方法 ,以张家口市坝上地区为例 ,研究了农牧交错区的生态承载力阈值和人口容限值 ,提…  相似文献   

As resources become scarcer measuring resource productivity (RP) is more important. Quantifying the value of natural resources is challenging but the ecological footprint (EF) concept provides one method of uniformly describing a variety of natural resources. Current assessments of RP mainly revolve around output efficiency of resources, namely the ratio of GDP to natural resource usage.This paper develops a new method of calculating the RP by using the EF as an indicator of the natural resource input and gross domestic product (GDP) as the output in the equation of RP = GDP/EF. A regression analysis is carried out using GDP per capita and RP of China from 1997 to 2011, and a comparative analysis with the members of the G20 countries according to their RP and per capita GDP in 2008. The results indicate that RP correlates with the per capita GDP, showing that RP is a valid indicator which can be used to measure a country’s level of economic development.  相似文献   

重庆市生态足迹与生态承载量研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
孙凡  孟令彬 《应用生态学报》2005,16(7):1370-1374
以重庆市2001年统计数据为基础,对重庆市2001年生态足迹计算结果表明,该地区人均生态足迹为1.65366 hm2,人均生态承载力为0.280393 hm2,人均生态赤字为1.373173 hm2,与全国平均水平相比,人均生态足迹高0.5335 hm2(增加47.64%),人均生态承载力低0.5196 hm2(下降64.95%),生态赤字是全国平均赤字的3.43倍,表明该地区生态足迹超过了当地生态承载能力,区域经济社会发展处于一种不可持续的发展状态.另外,还分析论述了多种渠道解决生态系统超负荷人口、增加科技财政投入、控制环境污染等减少该地区生态足迹的对策.  相似文献   

The construction industry is well known for its high impact on the environment; an even higher impact has taken place in recent years due to the real-estate bubble which has resulted in a surplus in the construction of dwellings in many countries. In Spain, about 500,000 dwellings were constructed during 2006–2010, which represent a 2% increase in four years. In the present work, a methodology is defined as the first step towards the creation of an effective assessment of the Ecological Footprint of this type of construction. The procedure is based on the project budget and its bill of quantities, organized by means of a systematic construction-work breakdown structure which divides the work into three major categories: materials, manpower, and machinery. Each stream generates partial footprints (i.e. energy, food, mobility, construction materials, and waste).Ninety-two dwelling construction projects, which represent the most commonly built dwellings in Spain per statistical data from the authorities, are evaluated and their ecological footprints are determined. The indicator is sensitive to various building typologies, which range from detached houses to multi-family buildings. Detached houses generate an ecological footprint per square metre constructed of 1.5 times higher than that of 4-floor multi-family buildings and the indicator remains practically constant for taller buildings. This emphasises that not only is the traditional Spanish construction of a compact city with multi-storey buildings environmentally better from the mobility standpoint, but also from the building construction standpoint.  相似文献   

生态足迹分析方法研究进展   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
作为可持续发展的指标,生态足迹模型得到了广泛的关注和应用.同时,对生态足迹理论和方法的研究也不断深化,出现了将生态足迹分析与物流能流分析、产品生命周期分析、投入产出分析相结合的适用于宏观和微观尺度的各种方法,尤其是最近出现了分配足迹到最终需求类型的“标准化”方法.本文介绍了生态足迹不同方法的产生情况,指出生态足迹分析方法分为过程分析和投入产出分析两套体系,并具体介绍了各种分析方法的特点、适用范围、研究进展和应用情况,建立了较为明晰的生态足迹发展的方法框架.针对当前国内外生态足迹方法的应用现状和趋势,提出重点把握3个方向:统一综合法在国家和区域尺度的研究;探索投入产出法、成分法等方法在国内的应用;加强时间序列研究和多情景预测分析.  相似文献   

The ecological footprint (EF) method represents the suitability of a given population on the carrying capacity of the total system. It was developed in order to measure the relationship between nature and humans, being supported on the premise that each individual requires a surface area that provides goods and services essential to life. In this article only in EF for universities is studied, but most of the underlying concepts and methods are valid for any other human activity for which EF may be applied.In this study an uncertainty analysis of EF of universities is made. This is, to the authors’ knowledge, the first time such a study is published on the subject. The intention is to demonstrate the usefulness of uncertainty analysis in the evaluation of results, inter-comparability, and on communication of EF outcomes.Results showed that EF model uncertainties have large impact on EF estimates, in particular in what regards the decision about accounting or not the contribution of key parameters. Inclusion or not of very sensitive parameters, for which there is also high uncertainty, in the estimation of EF may have a strong impact on the estimated values and also in the inter-comparability of EF estimates. This is the case of mobility.Uncertainty analysis, by studying model uncertainty, parameter uncertainty and variability, can provide a robust framework for the inter-comparison of ecological footprints of universities. In fact, the method may prove useful for the assessment of ecological footprints of any kind.  相似文献   

台州市城市生态足迹   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
城市生态足迹分析可定量反映城市人类活动对自然生态环境产生的压力和影响程度,这种方法为城市生态系统研究提供了新的思路和研究方向。本文在介绍生态足迹的理论和计算模型的基础上,以台州市为例,计算了台州市2002年的生态足迹。结果表明,2002年台州市生态足迹为1.33084hm^2·人^-1,可利用的生态承载力为0.25800hm^2·人^-1,生态赤字为1.07284hm^2·人^-1,反映了台州市的生产、生活强度超过了生态系统的承载能力。因此,台州市需注重提高其资源利用效率,提倡节约型的生产和生活消费模式,减少其生态足迹,通过生态城市建设,实现城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Sustainability evaluation of mariculture is needed for policy decision-making in its development. Zhao et al. (2013) developed the method of emergy ecological footprint to evaluate an offshore small fish farm in the East China Sea. After re-examination of their method, data analysis process and results, three questions are presented (1) what is the nature of this method? (2) How much impact do the recognition and classification of input flows on the results? (3) Do their evaluated results confirm to the real situation of this farm? Further discussions are also made on several main studies about the emergy ecological footprint method. Our results imply: (1) there is a need to improve this method; (2) the input flows should be carefully processed due to their great impacts on the results; (3) the essential data and comparative analysis are needed to support this evaluation.  相似文献   

The quantity and quality of available information is one of the major constraints for the calculation of the ecological footprint, particularly for sub-national or sub-regional territorial levels. At the national or even regional level, the information that allows for computing the ecological footprint is generally available. However, when trying to calculate the footprint for lower-level territorial realities (e.g., cities or municipalities), this information is insufficient or non-existent. In this article, we propose an indirect method for calculating the ecological footprint of such territorial spaces through Principal Component Analysis. The case study utilises the ecological footprint of Andalusia (a Spanish region) as a starting point for footprint assignment to each of the 771 municipalities included in the Andalusian region. A set of variables related to the consumption levels in these municipalities has been utilised and is expressed in physical units. These variables make it possible to obtain a weighting factor to determine the ecological footprint of each municipality. This procedure also makes it possible to identify which variables or indicators have the greatest impact on the ecological footprint for a given territory. According to the results, the method also shows how inappropriate it is to consider the population as a way to distribute the ecological footprint; there are relevant differences between the weight of the population in municipalities and their generated footprint. There are also significant differences between the magnitude of economic indicators, such as GDP, and the estimated ecological footprint; for municipalities with higher income levels, the ecological impact is more than proportional to the weight of the monetary indicators.  相似文献   

基于旅游生态足迹模型的西安市旅游可持续发展评估   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王保利  李永宏 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4777-4784
基于生态足迹模型、结合旅游者的生态消费及结构特征,将旅游生态足迹引入区域旅游可持续发展评估,阐述了旅游生态足迹的概念,并构建了旅游交通、住宿、餐饮、购物、游览等旅游生态足迹计算子模型。以西安市作为实证研究对象,计算分析了2004年西安市游客的旅游生态足迹。研究结果表明:2004年西安市游客的人均旅游生态足迹为0.1194hm2,人均旅游生态承载力为0.0198hm2,人均旅游生态赤字达0.0996hm2,反映出西安市的旅游业处于"不可持续发展状态",因此必须采取有效措施,合理利用生态资源,才能保证旅游业持续发展。  相似文献   

表达生态承载力的生态足迹模型演变   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
生态足迹是一种表达区域生态承载力的重要指标.其基本模型具有方法简单、综合、可比、结果表达生动等优点,但在预测性、结构性、用户适用性等方面均存在一定的缺陷.为了克服这些缺陷,人们从不同方面对模型进行了补充与完善,推动了生态足迹研究由最初的单一时间尺度静态模型向多样化发展与演变.截止目前,主要生态足迹模型包括:时间序列足迹模型、投入产出法足迹模型、综合评价法足迹模型、土地干扰度足迹模型、生命周期法足迹模型(或组分法足迹模型).这些模型不同程度地改进了生态足迹作为生态承载力表达指标的性能,但生态足迹核算的准确性和完整性仍有待进一步完善.  相似文献   

基于改进生态足迹模型的浙江省域生态足迹分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
在全球公顷和国家公顷的模型基础上,建立了省公顷生态足迹模型.采用2005年浙江省平均土地单位产量核算了浙江省各地的生态足迹,并与全球公顷和国家公顷法的结果进行了比较分析.从省公顷模型的结果可以看出,浙江省生态足迹达1.18s-nhm2/人(省公顷,记为:s-nhm2),而生物承载力只有0.24s-nhm2/人,生态赤字达0.94s-nhm2/人,生态压力指数达4.91,是典型的生态赤字地区.另外,浙江省各地生态足迹空间差异较大,与全省平均水平相比,舟山和温州处于高强度生态压力,宁波、杭州、台州、金华和绍兴处于中强度生态压力,而丽水、衢州、湖州和嘉兴处于低强度生态压力.最后借助IPAT的分析,发现杭州、金华、嘉兴、湖州和衢州等地的万元GDP占用足迹不同程度地高于全省平均水平,并指出在一定条件下,应结合当地的经济发展程度合理提升资源利用效率的技术水平.  相似文献   

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