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树轮数据是晚全新世古气候研究中最重要的代用指标。树轮参数各具优缺点,蓝光强度(BI)是一种获取成本低廉的最大晚材密度(MXD)的光学替代参数,其蓝色光反射率或强度最小值(256-BI)与相应的MXD值高度相关,被很多的学者认为是树轮气候学研究中一个具有重要潜能的新兴参数。该研究以吉林老白山3个海拔(900、1 200和1 500m)的鱼鳞云杉(Picea jezoensis)为例,分析鱼鳞云杉的BI及轮宽指数(RWI)与气候因子的响应差异,以期为BI参数在树轮气候学的进一步应用提供参考。结果表明:不同海拔鱼鳞云杉BI或RWI对气候的响应趋势基本一致。BI与温度主要呈正相关关系,而RWI与温度主要呈负相关关系,其中BI与当年夏季及生长季最高温度显著正相关,而RWI(低、中海拔)与全年平均气温、当年生长季和全年最低温度显著负相关。BI与当年夏季标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)显著负相关, RWI与夏季SPEI负相关关系较弱或为正相关; BI和RWI几乎相反的生长-气候关系可能是早、晚材权衡关系的体现。研究区域鱼鳞云杉的BI参数可能与年轮宽度记录不同的气候信号,在空间尺度上对于当年夏季降水、最高温度以及SPEI的响应好于传统宽度指标。BI与主要气候因子相关关系的时间稳定性好于RWI,因此, BI在树轮气候学的研究中具有一定的应用潜能。  相似文献   

为研究滇西北高原树木径向生长与气候关系随海拔的变化规律, 分别在玉龙雪山低、中、高海拔采集丽江云杉(Picea likiangensis)年轮样本, 建立了不同海拔丽江云杉树轮宽度残差年表, 将年轮指数与气候因子进行响应分析、冗余分析以及滑动响应分析。结果表明: 玉龙雪山丽江云杉径向生长受气温和降水共同影响, 但不同海拔径向生长响应模式存在差异。其中当年1-3月降水与不同海拔丽江云杉径向生长均呈显著正相关关系; 当年生长季后期降水与中、低海拔树木生长呈显著负相关关系, 与高海拔树木生长呈显著正相关关系; 中、低海拔树木生长还受当年春季干旱胁迫; 而当年7月气温升高促进高海拔丽江云杉生长。冗余分析与响应分析结果基本一致, 说明冗余分析能够有效量化树轮宽度指数与气候因子的关系。滑动响应分析显示气温和降水在小时间尺度上的变化也会影响树木生长。结合不同海拔丽江云杉生长对气候因子的响应模式及未来气候预测, 玉龙雪山高海拔丽江云杉生长将得到加强, 而中、低海拔丽江云杉生长则表现出不确定性。  相似文献   

为研究滇西北高原树木径向生长与气候关系随海拔的变化规律, 分别在玉龙雪山低、中、高海拔采集丽江云杉(Picea likiangensis)年轮样本, 建立了不同海拔丽江云杉树轮宽度残差年表, 将年轮指数与气候因子进行响应分析、冗余分析以及滑动响应分析。结果表明: 玉龙雪山丽江云杉径向生长受气温和降水共同影响, 但不同海拔径向生长响应模式存在差异。其中当年1-3月降水与不同海拔丽江云杉径向生长均呈显著正相关关系; 当年生长季后期降水与中、低海拔树木生长呈显著负相关关系, 与高海拔树木生长呈显著正相关关系; 中、低海拔树木生长还受当年春季干旱胁迫; 而当年7月气温升高促进高海拔丽江云杉生长。冗余分析与响应分析结果基本一致, 说明冗余分析能够有效量化树轮宽度指数与气候因子的关系。滑动响应分析显示气温和降水在小时间尺度上的变化也会影响树木生长。结合不同海拔丽江云杉生长对气候因子的响应模式及未来气候预测, 玉龙雪山高海拔丽江云杉生长将得到加强, 而中、低海拔丽江云杉生长则表现出不确定性。  相似文献   

利用树轮生态学方法, 研究了长白山阔叶红松林和暗针叶林过渡带优势树种红松(Pinus koraiensis)和鱼鳞云杉(Picea jezoensis var. komarovii)的生长特征及其与气候因子的关系, 以期揭示气候响应关系的种间差异性。结果表明, 红松和鱼鳞云杉年平均径向生长量与生理年龄显著相关, 红松先于鱼鳞云杉达到最大年生长量, 且红松年平均生长速率显著高于鱼鳞云杉(p < 0.001); 红松和鱼鳞云杉对气候的响应存在差异, 红松与7月份的月平均温度和降水显著正相关, 而鱼鳞云杉与5月平均温度显著正相关, 与5月降水显著负相关。响应面分析进一步证实, 红松生长主要与生长季温度和降水相关, 而生长季初期的降水是限制鱼鳞云杉生长的主要原因。全球变暖有利于红松径向生长, 红松种群有向高海拔上升的可能。  相似文献   

为研究乌苏和石河子地区雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)径向生长对气候变暖的响应差异状况,利用响应函数及滑动相关分析等树轮气候学方法,研究了2个地区森林下限雪岭云杉径向生长与气候因子的响应关系。结果表明:乌苏和石河子地区雪岭云杉生长均与生长季的气候因子呈显著相关关系。但乌苏和石河子地区雪岭云杉生长对当地气候因子的响应也存在差异,乌苏地区雪岭云杉径向生长与上一年7、9月平均气温呈显著负相关,与当年8月降水、上一年9月及当年8月平均相对湿度和上一年7~10月的scPDSI呈显著正相关。石河子地区雪岭云杉径向生长与当年1月平均湿度和当年1、2月的scPDSI呈显著正相关。此外,乌苏地区树轮宽度指数具有与温度升高而下降的“分离现象”,而石河子地区树轮宽度指数具有与温度升高相一致的趋势。升温导致的水分胁迫是造成乌苏地区雪岭云杉径向生长与温度变化趋势相反的重要因素。生长季的温度和降水的增加对石河子地区雪岭云杉径向生长有促进作用。乌苏地区雪岭云杉径向生长对5~7月平均气温和降水量变化敏感性上升;石河子地区雪岭云杉径向生长对5~7月降水量变化敏感性上升,而对5~7月平均气温变化敏感性下降。结果显示,气候变化的区域差异是造成乌苏和石河子地区雪岭云杉径向生长趋势不同以及各年表序列对温度和降水变化敏感性变化的主要气候因素。  相似文献   

使用树轮生态学方法研究了山西芦芽山建群种白杄(Picea meyeri)径向生长对气候变暖的响应状况, 发现随着气温升高, 不同海拔白杄生长与气候因子关系的变化存在差别。研究区气温可以分为1958-1983年的气温降低阶段和1984-2007年的气温升高阶段。由气温降低阶段进入气温升高阶段, 低海拔白杄树轮年表的序列间相关系数和第一主成分解释量均增大, 而高海拔白杄树轮年表的序列间相关系数和第一主成分解释量均减小, 表明气候条件对低海拔白杄生长的影响增强而对高海拔白杄生长的影响减弱。随着气温升高, 不同海拔白杄径向生长与气候因子的关系均出现了变化。1958-1983年, 低海拔(2 060 m)白杄生长与7月降水量显著正相关(p < 0.05), 而在1984-2007年, 这一关系表现为极显著正相关(p < 0.01), 同时与生长季中5-7月平均气温呈现显著负相关(p < 0.05)。海拔2 330 m, 白杄在1958-1983年与7月降水量极显著正相关(p < 0.01), 进入1984-2007年后与气候因子没有显著相关关系。海拔2 440 m, 白杄生长由1958-1983年的与气候因子没有显著相关关系转变为1984-2007年的与上一年10月平均气温显著负相关(p < 0.05)。高海拔(2 540 m)白杄生长在1958-1983年与上一年11月平均气温极显著负相关(p < 0.01), 在1984-2007年与上一年10月、当年1月平均气温和6月降水量均显著负相关(p < 0.05)。滑动相关分析结果表明, 随着气温升高, 低海拔主要气候因子对生长的影响增强, 而高海拔主要气候因子对生长的影响减弱, 这可能成为高海拔白杄生长对气温升高敏感性降低的原因。在气候变暖的驱动下, 海拔引起的白杄生长与气候因子关系的差异发生了变化。  相似文献   

为阐明不同树种间树木径向生长对气候变化的响应及其时间稳定性,本研究以长白山北坡高海拔处(1600~1750 m)落叶松和鱼鳞云杉为研究对象,运用年轮年代学方法探究树木径向生长与气候的关系.结果表明: 研究区落叶松生长与当年6月最高气温呈显著正相关,与当年6月降水呈负相关;鱼鳞云杉与当年5月最高温度呈显著正相关.冗余分析进一步表明,落叶松生长主要受夏季温度的影响,鱼鳞云杉生长主要受春季温度的制约.在1959—2014年,落叶松生长-夏季温度关系相对稳定;对于鱼鳞云杉,自1986年以来其与春季温度的相关性减弱,可能由于最高温度降低导致树木生长减慢.本研究结果可以为预测气候变化情景下长白山针叶树种生长的响应趋势提供数据支持和理论参考.  相似文献   

基于树木年代学方法,利用小兴安岭低海拔阔叶红松林优势树种红松和鱼鳞云杉树轮宽度资料,分别建立年轮宽度年表,探讨影响2个树种径向生长的关键气候因子.结果表明:2个树种对气候因子的响应存在差异,红松较鱼鳞云杉对气候因子的响应更加敏感,更适合用于年轮气候学研究;响应函数分析表明,红松径向生长与当年6月平均温度呈显著负相关,与当年6月降水量呈显著正相关,而鱼鳞云杉与气候因子未表现出显著相关关系;空间相关分析揭示,红松年表具有较大的空间代表性,相关性最高出现在研究区域附近;升温导致的干旱胁迫是限制红松树木生长的主要原因,如果未来全球气温进一步增加,将对红松产生不利的影响;一些大尺度的大气-海洋变化的耦合作用可能对小兴安岭红松径向生长产生影响.  相似文献   

为了解影响罗霄山南部树木径向生长的主要气候要素, 该研究运用树木年轮气候学研究方法, 建立罗霄山南部4个针叶树种的树轮宽度标准化年表, 阐明影响该区域4个针叶树种径向生长的主要气候要素, 研究各树种在气温突变前后的径向生长特征及其对气候要素响应的异同。结果表明: 年表特征参数显示, 福建柏(Fokienia hodginsii)与其他树种相比, 其树轮宽度年表所包含的气候信息可能较少。与气候要素的相关分析显示, 铁杉(Tsuga chinensis)的径向生长同时受气温和降水的影响: 与上年10月的降水量呈显著正相关关系, 与气温的响应总体上呈负相关关系; 资源冷杉(Abies beshanzuensis var. ziyuanensis)仅与上年8月的降水量呈显著正相关关系; 马尾松(Pinus massoniana)与上年3月和当年1月的最高气温呈显著正相关关系, 与上年7月和当年8月的最低气温呈显著负相关关系; 福建柏仅与当年3月的降水量呈显著正相关关系。气温发生突变后, 4个树种树轮宽度指数的变化趋势相同, 均呈下降趋势, 除资源冷杉外, 各个树种的径向生长对气候要素的响应总体上有所增强, 且升温后产生的干旱胁迫抑制了各树种的生长。  相似文献   

为了弄清树木径向生长对气候响应的稳定性及其海拔差异,本研究以长白山自然保护区北坡3个海拔(1200 m(低海拔)、1400 m(中海拔)和1600 m(高海拔))的鱼鳞云杉(Picea jezoensis var.komarovii)为研究对象,利用年轮学方法分析了其径向生长的年际变化与气候的关系及其动态。结果表明,鱼鳞云杉的总体气候敏感度不高,在0.12~0.16之间,相比较而言,低海拔鱼鳞云杉的气候敏感度较大。鱼鳞云杉径向生长主要与5月的最高温度呈正相关,而中、低海拔鱼鳞云杉还与当年5月降水呈显著负相关。在3个海拔,鱼鳞云杉径向生长与气候的关系都不是稳定的。自1986年以来,5月平均最高温度表现出降低的趋势,导致高海拔鱼鳞云杉生长与5月温度的相关性减弱,且敏感性由显著相关到不相关的转折点位于5月均温的11.8℃,最高温度的19.9℃;中、低海拔鱼鳞云杉与5月降水相关性增强主要受近年来5月份降水量增加的影响,相关性发生转折的5月降水量为72.2mm。本研究为鱼鳞云杉年轮气候重建、气候变化情境下的生长预测等提供了数据参考。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖背景下, 西南地区气候呈现出明显的暖干化特征, 但区域优势树种云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)对气候暖干化的响应存在不确定性。该研究根据树木年代学方法选择研究区域87株云南松样本进行树芯采集, 构建云南松树轮年表, 结合1952-2016年的气温和降水等气象资料, 利用响应分析、多元回归分析以及滑动相关分析等方法研究了影响南盘江流域云南松径向生长的关键气候因子及其对气候暖干化的响应规律。研究结果表明: 1985年以来, 研究区域气候暖干化特征明显, 气温上升和降水量下降的速率是1984年前的5和6倍, 年平均气温、年平均最高气温、年平均最低气温的上升速率为0.044、0.041和0.050 ℃·a -1, 年降水量的下降速率为 6.02 mm·a -1。气候暖干化使云南松的生长对温度响应的敏感度降低, 对水分响应的敏感度增强, 气温的解释率由暖干化前的44.95%下降到21.97%, 水分的解释率由暖干化前的55.05%上升到78.03%。暖干化增强了当年气候因子对径向生长的影响, 减弱了上年气候因子的影响, 与径向生长显著相关的当年气候因子增加了3个, 当年气候因子对径向生长的解释率增加了16.05%。暖干化减弱了云南松生长的“滞后效应”, 气候变化对树木生长影响的时效性增强。在5-7月和9-11月, 气候变暖使径向生长与气温、水分的响应关系变得不稳定。该研究可为气候暖干化区域云南松林的经营、管理以及区域气候重建提供理论依据和基础数据。  相似文献   

研究人工林径向生长与气候变化的关系对全球气候变暖背景下人工林合理经营有着重要的意义。该文对在辽东山区广泛栽培的黄花落叶松(Larix olgensis)和日本落叶松(Larix kaempferi)人工林, 运用树木年轮气候学方法建立了辽宁草河口和湾甸子林场落叶松人工林年表, 分析了落叶松径向生长对气候变化的响应以及气候条件、树种、立地条件和林分因子(林龄、密度、蓄积量等)的相对影响程度。结果发现在影响年轮-气候关系的因素中, 气象因子的潜在蒸发散(PET)的影响力最大; 林龄、密度和蓄积量同时也具有重要的影响作用。中龄落叶松人工林径向生长主要与气温呈正相关关系, 成熟落叶松人工林径向生长主要与气温呈负相关关系; 而其他因素, 如树种、立地条件等的影响作用不大。这表明在气候变暖背景下随着林龄增加, 林分会逐渐受到气温升高导致的水分亏缺的限制, 导致明显的生长下降趋势, 因而气候变暖对成熟落叶松人工林威胁更为严重, 所以要注重对成熟林的优先保护, 同时可以预测, 随着东北地区今后气候进一步变暖, 可能将逐步影响到林龄更小的林分的生长, 因此需要进一步研究如何在落叶松人工林经营中采取科学的措施来更好地应对未来气候变化。  相似文献   

大兴安岭是我国气候变化最为显著的地区之一,兴安落叶松和樟子松是该地区最为重要的树种,研究它们径向生长对气候变化的响应差异,可以为预测气候变化下我国北方森林动态提供科学依据。在大兴安岭地区选择6个样点共采集兴安落叶松树轮和樟子松树轮样芯451个,建立了12个标准年表。比较了1900年以来树木径向生长趋势,利用Pearson相关分析法分析各样点兴安落叶松和樟子松生长对气候因子的响应,运用线性混合模型探讨温度和降水对兴安落叶松和樟子松年径向生长的影响,通过滑动相关对比两个树种生长-气候关系的时间稳定性。结果表明: 兴安落叶松径向生长与3月平均温度呈负相关,与上一年冬季和当年7月降水呈正相关。樟子松径向生长与当年8月温度呈正相关,与当年生长季(5—9月)降水呈正相关。冬季降雪对兴安落叶松径向生长起到重要的促进作用,夏季过多降水对樟子松径向生长起到显著的限制作用。兴安落叶松和樟子松生长对气候变化的响应存在明显差异,因此,气候变化可能会影响北方森林生态系统的树木生长、物种组成以及空间分布等。  相似文献   

Aims Carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) play important roles in plant growth and physiological functions. We aimed at exploring the intrinsic relationships of C, N and P in Myrica nana—a common shrub in Yunnan Province—as well as their relationships with pant biomass and soil nutrients.
Methods We measured the concentration of C, N and P of M. nana from 29 sites for their magnitudes and correlations with soil nutrients.
Important findings 1) The arithmetic mean value of C, N and P concentration in the roots, stems and leaves of M. nana was 45.94%, 0.54%, 0.03%, and 46.32%, 0.58%, 0.03%, and 49.05%, 1.70%, 0.06%, respectively. C, N and P concentrations in the leaves were significantly higher than those in the roots and the stems. The C:N:P in roots, stems and leaves was 1531:18:1, 1544:19:1, and 818:10:1, respectively. 2) The C concentration and N:P in leaves of M. nana decreased with the increase of biomass of M. nana; the leaf C concentration was significantly correlated with biomass (p < 0.01), while the correlation between N:P and biomass was not significant (p > 0.05). The leaf N increased with the increase of plant biomass, the P was significantly correlated with biomass (p < 0.05), but the correlation between N concentration and biomass was not significant (p > 0.05). N:P in leaves was 34.2, suggesting that plant growth was limited by P. 3) C, N and P concentration in the roots were significantly correlated with soil P (p < 0.05), with N, P concentrations correlated with soil P positively (p < 0.01) and C negatively (p < 0.05). C concentration in the stems was significantly and negatively correlated with soil C, N, with significant correlation with C, N, and P concentration (p < 0.01). P concentration in the stems was significantly and positively correlated with soil P concentration (p < 0.01), while leaf P significantly and positively correlated with soil C, N and P (p < 0.01); leaf C concentration was significantly and negatively correlated with soil P (p < 0.01).  相似文献   

Aims Pinus massoniana is one of the major plantation tree species in the low hilly lands along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Valley in China’s “Grain for Green” project. The objective of this study was to explore the edge effects of forest gap on the ecological stoichiometry of dominant tree species in a P. massoniana plantation forest.Methods We collected Cinnamomum longepaniculatum leaves in a 39-year-old P. massoniana plantation forest with seven forest gap sizes (G1: 100 m2; G2: 225 m2; G3: 400 m2; G4: 625 m2; G5: 900 m2; G6: 1 225 m2; G7: 1 600 m2, and the control: closed canopy) located in Gao County, south Sichuan Province during different seasons. The contents of C, N and P in leaves were measured, and the effects of edges, seasons and their interaction on leaf C, N and P contents and C:N:P stoichiometry were evaluated.Important findings The leaf C content, C:N and C:P of C. longepaniculatum at the edge of forest gaps in different seasons were all significantly higher than those of understory plants in P. massoniana plantation. With increasing size of forest gaps, leaf C content and C:N ratio, C:P and N:P of C. longepaniculatum increased initially and then decreased with the maximum at medium size (400-900 m2). From spring to winter, leaf N and P contents of C. longepaniculatum increased after an obvious decrease; and the C:N and C:P increased first but then decreased. However, the inflection point all appeared in the summer. The nutrient utilization of C. longepaniculatum at the edge of forest gaps was more efficient in summer and autumn than in spring and winter, indicating significant edge effects. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) suggested that gap size, relative light intensity and monthly average air temperature were the main environmental factors affecting the stoichiometry of C. longepaniculatum at the different edge of forest gaps in the P. massoniana plantation. These results indicated that forest gap with size 625 m2 had the highest organic matter storage and nutrient utilization efficiency in the edge areas in all seasons, and therefore had the most significant edge effect on leaf element stoichiometry.  相似文献   

温度与植物种类是生态系统土壤微生物群落组成与结构的重要影响因子。气候变暖背景下, 不同树种及树种互作对土壤微生物群落产生的影响仍不清楚。该文以西南亚高山针叶林主要建群种粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)和岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)为研究对象, 采用红外加热器模拟增温, 通过不同种植方式(云杉、冷杉单种和二者混种, 以及裸地对照), 研究不同物种及增温对土壤微生物磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)含量与群落结构的影响。结果表明: (1)无论增温与否, 与裸地相比, 云杉与冷杉单种均显著增加了土壤微生物群落主要类群及总PLFAs含量, 而混种仅在非增温条件下增加了微生物群落PLFAs含量; 另一方面, 增温显著促进了裸地真菌(F)和云杉根区革兰氏阴性菌(GN)的生长, 但对冷杉与冷杉-云杉混种小区微生物群落具有显著的抑制作用。(2)主成分分析(PCA)表明, 非增温条件下, 植物种植对土壤微生物群落组成的影响更为明显。非增温情况下云杉、冷杉单种和混种均对微生物群落结构有显著影响, 显著降低了土壤革兰氏阳性菌/阴性菌(GP/GN), 增加了土壤真菌细菌比(F/B)(64.29%-35.71%), 而增温时, 仅冷杉单种对GP/GN和F/B有显著影响。(3) PLFAs含量与土壤碳含量显著正相关, 微生物群落结构(F/B)则与土壤pH及无机氮含量有显著相关关系。以上结果说明, 在非增温情况下, 无论单种还是混种均有利于土壤微生物生长, 但在增温情况下混种对微生物群落PLFAs含量无显著影响, 两个物种对微生物群落结构的影响在增温条件下也有减弱的趋势。  相似文献   

Aims This study aimed to reveal how ginsenosides content in Panax ginseng varied spatially and the regulating roles of environmental factors.Methods Twenty eight P. ginseng samples were collected from Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces, and nine kinds of ginsenosides content in P. ginseng were measured. The one-way ANOVA was used to evaluate their spatial variations. The method of UPLC was employed to determine the content of nine kinds of ginsenosides in P. ginseng. The principal component analysis (PCA), correlation analysis (CA) and redundancy analysis (RDA) were used to analyze the relationship between ginsenosides content and ecological factors (including climate and soil factors).Important findings The results showed that the content of ginsenosides in P. ginseng from Jilin and Liaoning was similar, and higher than that in Heilongjiang. Precipitation was the most important climate factor affecting the contents of ginsenosides. High temperature and strong sunshine limited the content of ginsenosides. The analysis on ginsenosides and soil factors indicated that soil nitrogen content, Fe, K, organic matter, pH value, Mn, P, Zn all had significant influences on the content of ginsenosides.  相似文献   

Aims Populus deltoides is an important plantation tree species in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and in Huai River Plain. The extensively cultivated varieties are consisted of both females and males of P. deltoides. The objective of this paper was to characterize the difference in cadmium (Cd) tolerance between the sexes and the effects of symbiosis with Rhizophagus intraradices on their Cd tolerance.
Methods The experiment was carried out under semi-controlled conditions in a natural light greenhouse, protected from rain. Rhizophagus intraradices was inoculated on roots of both females and males when transplanting to a sand culture substrate. After one month, half of cuttings were exposed to Cd pollution (10 mg·kg-1). All cuttings were irrigated with sterile water to avoid infection by other microorganism. About three months later, the gas exchange rate, net photosynthesis rate (Pn)-intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) curve, chlorophyll fluorescence, osmotic adjustment and phytohormone content of both females and males of P. deltoides were measured.
Important findings Our main results are as follows: (1) when compared to the controls, decreases in Pn, stomatal conductance, Ci, transpiration rate, maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PSII), effective quantum yield of PSII, photo-chemical quenching coefficient, maximum rate of carboxylation of Rubisco, photosynthetically active radiation-saturated rate of electron transport and rate of triose phosphate utilization to a different degree in both sexes of P. deltoides under Cd pollution were found, and females exhibited a greater decrease in such parameters than males. Rhizophagus intraradices inoculation mitigated the toxic effect of Cd on such parameters to a different degree in females, not in males. (2) Under Cd pollution, there was an increase in proline content in both sexes when compared to the controls. A further increase in proline content occurred in females, not in males, when inoculated with R. intraradices. (3) When compared to the controls, there was a decrease in indoleacetic acid, but an increase in abscisic acid in leaves of both sexes when exposed to Cd pollution. The amplitude changed in both phytohormones in females was greater than that in males. Rhizophagus intraradices inoculation was helpful for recovery of phytohormone balance in females, which was not observed in males. Therefore, our results indicated that (1) there were a greater negative effect exerted by Cd pollution on gas exchange rate, carbon fixation capacity and phytohormone balance and a more impairment of photosynthetic apparatus in females when compared to males, showing a less tolerance to stress conditions in females; (2) Rhizophagus intraradices inoculation could enhance the osmotic adjustment capacity in females, thus mitigate the negative effect of Cd stress on ability of carbon fixation and phytohormone balance in females. However, such positive effects derived from R. intraradices symbiosis were not observed in males.  相似文献   

Aim In the loess hilly region, drought stress frequently occurs during the late spring and early summer as a result of insufficient water supply and asynchronous changes between temperature and precipitation. Our objective was to quantify the characteristics of water-consumption through transpirations and their responses to precipitation in the dominant plantations in this region. Methods Thermal dissipation probe (TDP) was used to measure the sap flow density (Fd) of Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis from April through October in 2009 in Ansai National Ecological Experimental Station. Environmental variables, including meteorological factors and soil water content, were simultaneously measured. Important findings The diurnal variation of Fd exhibited a single-peak curve during the growing season of R. pseudoacacia and P. orientalis. The maximum Fd was three times greater in R. pseudoacacia (0.12068 m3·m-2·h-1) than that in P. orientalis (0.03737 m3·m-2·h-1). Except in the rapid-growth season (July to August), the Fd of these two species during the post-precipitation period were significantly higher than that during the pre-precipitation period. The Fd of P. orientalis and R. pseudoacacia was well fitted with transpiration (VT), an integrated index calculated from both vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and solar radiation (Rs), using an exponential saturation function. Generally, Fd increased in response to rising VT, while these values tended to be stable when VT reached about 50 kPa (W·m-2)1/2. Furthermore, R. pseudoacacia showed more sensitive to precipitation (p < 0.001) than P. orientalis, according to different hydraulic conductance model coefficients (fitting parameter b) between pre- and post-precipitation periods. Therefore, R. pseudoacacia could be considered as a precipitation-sensitive species, while P. orientalisasa precipitation-insensitive species. Through analyzing the different responses of plantation species to precipitation in the loess hilly region, this study provides a scientific basis for the local plantation management from the aspect of tree water use during ecological restoration.  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的背景下, 北半球中高纬度地区出现了树轮径向生长对气候变化的分异响应现象, 但是阿尔泰山优势针叶树种对气候因子响应的稳定性还存在不确定性。该研究选择阿尔泰山中段高海拔西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)样本建立了树轮宽度年表, 并对年表特征及树木径向生长-气候的动态关系进行了分析。结果表明: 生长季初期和中期的气温是研究区树木生长的主控气候因子; 树木径向生长与当年4月的气温显著负相关, 与当年6-7月的气温显著正相关; 研究区西伯利亚落叶松径向生长与当年4月和6-7月的气温发生了分异现象, 表现为随着气候变化, 树木径向生长对生长季初期由高温引起的干旱的响应敏感性越来越强, 而对生长季中期气温的敏感性表现出先减弱再增强的趋势。阿尔泰山西伯利亚落叶松径向生长对气候变化的响应比较敏感, 适合开展树木生长-气候变化的研究; 检验树木径向生长对气候变化分异响应为该区域基于树木年轮开展历史气候重建和提高未来森林生态系统发展趋势预测的准确性提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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