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萜类化合物是以异戊二烯为基本单元的一大类天然化合物,广泛存在于植物、微生物及昆虫中。其中,单萜类化合物主要用于高级香料及化妆品、食品添加剂、杀虫剂、除草剂和新型燃料等的生产,具有广泛的应用潜力。近年来,研究人员已构建出多种萜类化合物的酿酒酵母工程菌株,且通过代谢工程和合成生物学的方法有效提高了产品的产量。但是单萜的微生物合成却相对落后,其中前体供给不足及单萜对微生物毒性强等因素限制了其高效合成。主要从以下几个方面阐述了利用酿酒酵母合成单萜类化合物的目前研究进展:包括单萜合成酶在酿酒酵母中的表达,利用动态调控、蛋白质工程等策略增强酿酒酵母中前体香叶基焦磷酸的合成通量,减少单萜的内源性转化,提高酿酒酵母菌株对单萜的耐受性。在此基础上,结合本课题组的前期工作,针对微生物合成单萜过程中依然存在的瓶颈问题提出可能的解决策略,旨在为进一步优化酿酒酵母单萜合成细胞工厂提供参考。  相似文献   

代谢工程在芳香化合物生物合成研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物技术和代谢工程的发展促进了生物合成研究。概述了近年来利用微生物莽草酸途径进行芳香化合物生物合成研究的现况、代谢工程在提高天然芳香化合物产量和扩大合成非天然产生的芳香化合物范围的应用的进展 ,特别是整体代谢工程对提高第二代工程菌产量的作用。指出了生物合成法是生产氨基酸及其它生物小分子如奎尼酸、维生素和抗生素等的未来趋势 ,在工业化生产中有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

萜类生物合成的基因操作   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
萜类是一组结构迥异的化合物家族,其中很多具有较大的应用价值,如青蒿素和紫杉醇等,它们在多种微生物和植物中合成,但其天然产量低。萜类代谢工程通过DNA重组技术改造萜类合成细胞中的代谢途径,以提高萜类最终产量或在不含萜类的生物中合成萜类,为促进有用萜类合成提供了新的机会。以萜类化合物生物合成途径的基因转移与表达为切入点,综述了目前在微生物及植物中应用代谢工程提高萜类产量的研究进展。  相似文献   

芳香族化合物在香料中占很大的比重,传统生产方式有化学合成和植物提取。化学合成依赖于石油资源,并具有环境不友好、反应条件恶劣等缺点。植物提取方法受限于植物资源,且占用耕地。近年来,随着代谢工程和合成生物学技术的发展,利用可再生原料,微生物合成芳香族香料化合物成为一种新的生产方式。文中介绍了大肠杆菌和酵母菌等模式微生物合成芳香族香料的研究进展,包括利用莽草酸途径合成香兰素等,聚酮途径合成覆盆子酮等。综述重点介绍了生物合成途径解析、人工合成途径创建及代谢调控等,为微生物发酵法生产芳香族香料化合物提供参考。  相似文献   

代谢工程从20世纪90年代初期发展至今已有近30年历史,对微生物菌种改良和选育工作起到了极大的推动作用。芳香族化合物是一类可以通过微生物发酵生产的化学品,广泛应用于医药、食品、饲料和材料等领域。利用代谢工程手段对莽草酸和芳香族氨基酸合成途径进行理性改造,微生物细胞可以定向地大量积累人们需要的各种芳香族化合物。笔者对近30年来国内外代谢工程改造微生物合成各种芳香族化合物的研究策略和生物合成途径进行了梳理和总结,以期为开展相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

聚酮类化合物生物合成的代谢工程研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
聚酮化合物是一类重要的具有生物活性的次级代谢物。本文讨论了以聚酮生物合成酶为核心的聚酮化合物生物合成途径,以及近年来有关代谢工程在聚酮类化合物生物合成方面的研究工作进展,主要包括将聚酮生物合成途径引入新的宿主、代谢流量分析在提高聚酮化合物中的应用及合成新的聚酮化舍物等。  相似文献   

黄酮糖苷类天然产物是植物中黄酮类化合物的主要存在形式,通过糖基化修饰,可以改变其水溶性、稳定性等,赋予其新的生物活性和功能。黄酮类化合物的糖基化修饰通常由植物源或微生物源的糖基转移酶催化,根据糖基的位置、类型和数量的不同,可形成多种类型的黄酮糖苷类产物。随着合成生物学和代谢工程的快速发展,在微生物中合成植物源黄酮糖苷类天然产物取得了重要进展。综述了糖基转移酶的聚类分析及糖基供体的途径改造,并对代谢工程优化黄酮糖苷类天然产物的微生物合成进行了分析讨论,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

张帆  王颖  李春 《生物工程学报》2022,38(2):427-442
单萜类化合物是萜类化合物的一种,一般具有挥发性和较强的香气,部分单萜还具有抗氧化、抗菌、抗炎等生理活性,是医药、食品和化妆品工业的重要原料。近年来,利用微生物异源合成单萜类化合物的研究引起了科研人员的广泛关注,但因产量低、生产成本高等限制了其大规模应用。合成生物学的迅猛发展为微生物生产单萜类化合物提供了新的手段,通过改造微生物细胞可以得到不同种类的重组菌株,用于生产不同性能的单萜类化合物。文中将围绕单萜类化合物生物合成途径的设计与改造、高产单萜类化合物底盘细胞的设计与优化等几个方面阐述合成生物学应用于微生物生产单萜类化合物中的最新策略与进展。  相似文献   

植物源二萜类天然产物结构复杂且功能多样,具有抗癌、抗炎和抗菌等多种药理活性,在药品、化妆品和食品添加剂等方面广泛应用。近年来,基于植物源二萜类化合物(diterpenoids)生物合成途径中功能基因的逐步揭示和合成生物技术的发展,科研人员采用代谢工程技术构建了多种二萜类化合物的微生物细胞工厂,且多个化合物达到克级产量。本文对植物源二萜类化合物微生物细胞工厂的构建情况进行综述,介绍并探讨植物源二萜类化合物微生物合成的研究进展和改造策略,为高产二萜类化合物细胞工厂构建和工业化生产提供参考。  相似文献   

柠檬烯和红没药烯均为植物天然产物,分别属于单萜类和倍半萜类化合物,能够预防和治疗癌症等多种疾病。以其作为前体物,还可以转化合成多种具有高附加值的工业产品,例如药品、保健品、化妆品及生物燃料等。目前柠檬烯和红没药烯的工业生产主要是通过植物提取法实现的,但从植物组织中提取柠檬烯和红没药烯存在着产物含量低和分离纯化困难等缺点。微生物代谢工程的快速发展为这些植物天然产物的生产提供了一条更具潜力的生物合成路线。利用微生物代谢工程技术构建生产这些有价值的植物天然产物的微生物细胞工厂具有绿色清洁、可持续发展和经济效益好等独特优势。文中系统综述了近年来代谢工程技术在微生物合成柠檬烯和红没药烯过程中的应用进展,包括所涉及的宿主菌株、关键酶、代谢途径及其改造等,并探讨了其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Terpenes are an important and diverse class of secondary metabolites widely produced by fungi. Volatile compound screening of a fungal endophyte collection revealed a number of isolates in the family Xylariaceae, producing a series of terpene molecules, including 1,8-cineole. This compound is a commercially important component of eucalyptus oil used in pharmaceutical applications and has been explored as a potential biofuel additive. The genes that produce terpene molecules, such as 1,8-cineole, have been little explored in fungi, providing an opportunity to explore the biosynthetic origin of these compounds. Through genome sequencing of cineole-producing isolate E7406B, we were able to identify 11 new terpene synthase genes. Expressing a subset of these genes in Escherichia coli allowed identification of the hyp3 gene, responsible for 1,8-cineole biosynthesis, the first monoterpene synthase discovered in fungi. In a striking example of convergent evolution, mutational analysis of this terpene synthase revealed an active site asparagine critical for water capture and specificity during cineole synthesis, the same mechanism used in an unrelated plant homologue. These studies have provided insight into the evolutionary relationship of fungal terpene synthases to those in plants and bacteria and further established fungi as a relatively untapped source of this important and diverse class of compounds.  相似文献   

Phytotoxicity and chemical composition of essential oils from four selected Eucalyptus species in Australia were investigated. Essential oils had stronger inhibitory effects on germination and seedling growth of silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.) when compared with a commercial eucalyptus oil and with 1,8-cineole. E. salubris oil had the highest inhibition index for silverleaf nightshade germination, root growth and shoot growth, while E. spathulata had the lowest inhibitory effect except root growth. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis revealed 56 compounds present in E. salubris oil, with 1,8-cineole (57.6?%), ??-pinene (10.9?%) and p-cymene (8.3?%) predominant. E. dundasii oil contained 55 identified compounds with 1,8-cineole (65.5?%) and ??-pinene (19.9?%) being the richest fractions. There were 56 compounds identified from E. brockwayii oil with ??-pinene (31.1?%), isopentyl isovalerate (20.2?%) and 1,8-cineole (16.9?%) as the most abundant components. E. spathulata oil contained 60 compounds, predominantly 1,8-cineole (52.9?%) and ??-pinene (31.0?%). Further study is required to determine the phytoxicity of the individual identified compounds on silverleaf nightshade and whether the observed phytotoxicity is attributable to a single compound or to the synergistic effects of several compounds.  相似文献   

The eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is a major pest of eucalyptus plantations worldwide. To date, no pheromones have been identified for this species, despite their valuable potential as tools in monitoring or control strategies. Here we report the detection and identification of pheromones candidates of G. platensis. The weevil's volatile compounds were collected by solid phase micro extraction (SPME) and monolithic material sorption extraction (MMSE). Using Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis, eleven insect specific compounds were detected and identified: verbenene, cis-verbenol, trans-verbenol, verbenone, 2-oxo-1,8-cineole, 9-hydroxy-1,8-cineole, 2-α-hydroxy-1,8-cineole, 3-oxo-1,8-cineole, 2-β-hydroxy-1,8-cineole, 3-α-hydroxy-1,8-cineole and 7-hydroxy-1,8-cineole. Three of these compounds, verbenene, cis-verbenol and trans-verbenol, were shown to be male-specific. Antennal sensitivity towards ten compounds emitted by G. platensis was detected using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry/Electroantennographic Detection (GC-MS/EAD). Extracts from virgin males proved to be attractive to virgin females in olfactometer bioassays. Further behavioural bioassays showed that both virgin females and virgin males were attracted to the male-specific compound cis-verbenol and that virgin females were attracted to trans-verbenol. Verbenone was attractive to mated females. Regarding 2-α-hydroxy-1.8-cineole and 2-oxo-1,8-cineole, which are produced by both sexes, the alcohol was attractive to virgin males and both the alcohol and the ketone were repellant to mated females. This is, to our knowledge, the first identification of pheromones candidates in Gonipterus spp. and also the first evidence of cineole metabolites acting as semiochemicals.  相似文献   

York gum (Eucalyptus loxophleba Benth) is widely planted in semi-arid regions of Australia for the production of Eucalyptus oil, a mixture of terpenes dominated by the monoterpene 1,8-cineole. Increasing oil yield in this species would improve the profitability of this crop and enhance its use in sustainable land management systems in Australia. To this end, we sequenced ten structural genes in the terpene biosynthetic pathway of ~400 individuals of E. loxophleba. Of the 4353 allelic variants identified, 1347 had a minor allele frequency >0.01. These were associated with three key traits of essential oil yield (concentration of 1,8-cineole, α-pinene and total terpenes). Three variants associated with α-pinene, two with 1,8-cineole and eight with total terpenes (13 total). The variants were mostly located in introns of the final three biosynthetic steps of the 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) pathway (mcs, hds and hdr). Effect size varied from 2.7 to 6.8%, comparable to similar studies in forest trees. The cumulative effect size of the unlinked variants was 34.8% for total terpenes, although this is likely to be a high estimate. These results provide the basis for the development of molecular breeding methods for improving essential oil yield in this industrially important species.  相似文献   

The composition and yield of oil in 615 trees representing the natural populations of Melaleuca alternifolia, or tea tree, was investigated. A sixth distinct oil chemotype was identified. Of the six chemotypes, one chemotype is dominated by terpinen-4-ol, one by 1,8-cineole, one by terpinolene and the remaining three chemotypes are all dominated by 1,8-cineole and differ in either terpinen-4-ol or terpinolene content. Whilst most chemotypes are present throughout the distribution range, a definite correspondence of oil types with geographic location was found. Terpinen-4-ol types predominate in and around the Bungawalbin basin in the Casino area of northern New South Wales (NSW), high 1,8-cineole types predominate toward the southern end of the distribution around Grafton and terpinolene types predominate in southern Queensland. Preliminary formulae have been developed to allow comparisons of oil data obtained by steam distillation with a static headspace gas chromatography method.  相似文献   

The functionalization of terpenes using cytochrome P450 enzymes is a versatile route to the production of useful derivatives that can be further converted to value-added products. Many terpenes are hydrophobic and volatile making their availability as a substrate for P450 enzymes significantly limited during microbial production. In this study, we developed a strategy to improve the accessibility of terpene molecules for the P450 reaction by linking terpene synthase and P450 together. As a model system, fusion proteins of 1,8-cineole synthase (CS) and P450cin were investigated and it showed an improved hydroxylation of the monoterpenoid 1,8-cineole up to 5.4-fold. Structural analysis of the CS-P450cin fusion proteins by SEC-SAXS indicated a dimer formation with preferred orientations of the active sites of the two domains. We also applied the enzyme fusion strategy to the oxidation of a sesquiterpene epi-isozizaene and the fusion enzymes significantly improved albaflavenol production in engineered E. coli. From the analysis of positive and negative examples of the fusion strategy, we proposed key factors in structure-based prediction and evaluation of fusion enzymes. Developing fusion enzymes for terpene synthase and P450 presents an efficient strategy toward oxidation of hydrophobic terpene compounds. This strategy could be widely applicable to improve the biosynthetic titer of the functionalized products from hydrophobic terpene intermediates.  相似文献   

AIMS: Thymus species are wild species mostly found in the arid lands of Portugal. Possible antimicrobial properties of Thymus essential oils have been investigated. The chemical composition of the essential oils and the antimicrobial activity of Thymus mastichina (L) L. subsp. mastichina, T. camphoratus and T. lotocephalus from different regions of Portugal were analysed. METHODS AND RESULTS: Hydrodistillation was used to isolate the essential oils and the chemical analyses were performed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC coupled to mass spectrometry. The antimicrobial activity was tested by the disc agar diffusion technique against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus. Pure linalool, 1,8-cineole and a mixture (1 : 1) of these compounds were included. Linalool, 1,8-cineole or linalool/1,8-cineole and linalool/1,8-cineole/linalyl acetate were the major components of the essential oils, depending on the species or sampling place. The essential oils isolated from the Thymus species studied demonstrated antimicrobial activity but the micro-organisms tested had significantly different sensitivities. CONCLUSIONS: The antimicrobial activity of essential oils may be related to more than one component. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Portuguese endemic species of Thymus can be used for essential oil production for food spoilage control, cosmetics and pharmaceutical use. Further studies will be required to elucidate the cell targets of the essential oil components.  相似文献   

Essential and fixed oils have been researched as alternatives to chemical acaricides. The activity of volatile compounds from essential oils (1,8-cineole, citral and eugenol) at 1.0% (w/v) and fixed oil (castor oil) at 0.3% (w/v) dissolved in 2.0% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) + 0.2% (w/v) Tween 80® was assessed against Rhipicephalus microplus using immersion tests. 1,8-cineole (29.0%) and castor oil (30.2%) had the highest reproductive inhibition rate. A second experiment was performed to verify the effect of the 1,8-cineole (10.0% w/v) and, or castor oil (0.3% w/v) on tick reproduction using different solubilizing agents. The highest reproductive inhibition was observed for the combination of 1,8-cineole/castor oil (94.1%) and 1,8-cineole in 2.0% (w/v) sodium lauryl ether sulphate (SLES) (92.8%). A third experiment showed morphological changes in R. microplus oocytes at different stages of development, as well as in pedicel cells. The most intense effects were observed when ticks were immersed in the formulation containing 1,8-cineole (10.0% w/v) and castor oil (0.3% w/v) dissolved in 2% (w/v) SLES. These findings highlight the potential of this formulation as an alternative for managing cattle ticks as their cytotoxic effects can reduce R. microplus reproductive success.  相似文献   

In the present study, anti-IBV (infectious bronchitis virus) activity of 1,8-cineole was studied by MTT assay, as well as docking and molecular dynamic (MD) simulations. The CC50 of 1,8-cineole was above 10 mM. And the maximum noncytotoxic concentration (TD0) of 1,8-cineole was determined to be 3.90 ± 0.22 mM, which was much higher than that of ribavirin (0.78 ± 0.15 mM). 1,8-cineole could inhibit IBV with an IC(50) of 0.61 mM. MTT assay showed that the inhibition of IBV by 1, 8-cineole appears to occur moderately before entering the cell but much strongly after penetration of the virus into the cell. In silico simulations indicated that the binding site of 1,8-cineole was located at the N terminus of phosphorylated nucleocapsid (N) protein, with interaction energy equaling -40.33 kcal mol(-1). The residues TyrA92, ProA134, PheA137, AspA138 and TyrA140 had important roles during the binding process and are fully or partially conserved in various IBV strains. Based on spatial and energetic criteria, 1,8-cineole interfered with the binding between RNA and IBV N-protein. Results presented here may suggest that 1,8-cineole possesses anti-IBV properties, and therefore is a potential source of anti-IBV ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

Thirty-three oil samples isolated from aerial parts of Myrtus communis L. harvested in seven localities, from Northern to Central Morocco, have been analyzed by combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. The 33 compositions have been subjected to statistical analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). Two groups have been differentiated on the basis of their myrtenyl acetate and α-pinene contents and each one was sub-divided in two sub-groups according to the contents of 1,8-cineole and linalool. The compositions of our 33 myrtle oil samples may be named as follow by their main components: sub-group IA (13/33): α-pinene/1,8-cineole/linalool; sub-group IB (6/33): 1,8-cineole/α-pinene; sub-group IIA (10/33): 1,8-cineole/myrtenyl acetate; sub-group IIB (4/33): myrtenyl acetate.  相似文献   

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