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随着城市人口增加,工业迅速发展,城市各类废物也随之增加,城市废物包括生活垃圾、生活污水与工业三废。城市废物如不进行妥当的管理、处置与处理,任意堆积或排放,不仅影响城市景观、而且污染环境、影响人体健康。  相似文献   

黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的EKC检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李达  林龙圳  林震  张绍文  安黎哲 《生态学报》2021,41(10):3965-3974
黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展是国家重大发展战略。运用黄河流域29个市2007-2017年的面板数据,对黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的关系进行了EKC检验。结果显示,流域内污水处理厂集中处理率和生活垃圾无害化处理率的EKC曲线呈"N"型,一般工业固体废物综合利用率的EKC曲线呈"倒U"型,工业废水排放量和工业SO2排放量的EKC曲线呈"倒N"型。黄河流域生态保护的人均GDP拐点出现在11.8-14.4万元/人,截止到2017年,各市均未跨过第一拐点,由此可见,该区域生态保护力度及经济高质量发展水平均有待提升。政府部门应继续加大生态保护力度,防止出现污染排放与经济共同增长的现象;同时,应促进人口集聚和发展服务业以抑制生态污染排放并提高污染处理率。  相似文献   

王翠平  丁黎 《生态学报》2017,37(23):8058-8066
作为区域空间组织的重要形式,城市群已经成为促进城市化快速发展的重要地区,同时也逐渐成为生态环境问题高度集中的地区。采用夜晚灯光影像在分析京津冀、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲城市群空间扩张进程的基础上,从空气质量、工业固体废物处置利用情况以及植被覆盖度3个方面对三大城市群环境问题的区域性特征及其敏感区进行分析。结果表明:三大城市群空间扩张进程不断加快,并逐渐形成城市用地连绵区,长江三角洲城市群城市用地连绵区范围最大,珠江三角洲城市群城市用地连绵区范围高于京津冀城市群;从城市群层面看,三大城市群在空气质量、工业固体废物综合利用率以及植被覆盖度演变方面已呈区域性特征,城市化水平与工业固体废物综合利用率呈正相关,与城市群植被覆盖度呈负相关;从城市层面来看,空间扩张较快的宁波市和北京市为长江三角洲和京津冀城市群在空气质量、工业固体废物综合利用率以及植被覆盖度方面的敏感区,中山市为珠江三角洲在工业固体废物综合利用率以及植被覆盖度方面的敏感区。环境问题的区域特征以及环境敏感区分析对环境治理工作具有一定的指导作用,对区域的可持续发展具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

张健  周侃  陈妤凡 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4024-4038
生活垃圾治理失效导致的污染胁迫已成为青藏高原生态安全屏障建设面临的突出威胁,精准评估城乡生活垃圾治理的生态环境风险并科学制定应对路径,对改善人居环境品质、筑牢生态安全屏障具有重要意义。以青海省4306个居民点为研究对象,在定量测度城乡各类生活垃圾的产生量及其治理水平基础上,从生活垃圾治理体系的收集、转运与处理全过程视角,综合考虑危险度、暴露度、脆弱度因子构建生态环境风险评价指标体系,应用基于主客观综合赋权的TOPSIS方法和风险管控障碍度评价方法,多尺度评价生活垃圾治理生态环境风险并识别管控阻滞因子。结果显示:青海省城乡生活垃圾产生呈整体分散、局部组团式集中分布特征,全省生活垃圾集中治理率仅62.33%;全省生活垃圾治理的生态环境风险总体处于中风险等级,属于中高风险及高风险等级的居民点占36.90%,且河湟谷地区向柴达木盆地区、环青海湖及祁连山地区和青南高原地区呈风险递增;现行生活垃圾治理体系在镇级转运环节的生态环境风险最高,在祁连山脉、昆仑山脉东段以及青南高原峡谷地带转运风险突出;自然地理环境高寒性、分散式垃圾处理技术滞后性是风险管控的主要阻滞因子。建议以生活垃圾全处置和生态环境零胁...  相似文献   

赵薇  梁赛  于杭  邓娜 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8197-8206
结合城市生活垃圾管理系统特征,系统归纳基于生命周期评价(Life cycle assessment,LCA)方法的城市生活垃圾管理模型的发展现状,并对LCA方法在城市生活垃圾管理中的实践以及在我国开展城市生活垃圾管理LCA研究的应用前景进行评述。分析表明,LCA是城市生活垃圾管理领域的重要工具之一,基于LCA方法的城市生活垃圾管理模型在全生命周期环境影响评价与识别、处置工艺选择与改进、可持续生活垃圾管理决策支持等方面具有十分重要的应用价值。中国在本地化生活垃圾管理系统LCA模型开发、清单数据库和评价指标体系构建以及与其他研究方法集成等方面面临挑战。  相似文献   

针对广州市城市生活垃圾的收运和处置现状 ,采用一种新型的微生物除臭剂及自行研发的高效除臭自动喷雾装置对城市垃圾压缩、转运过程中产生的臭气污染进行控制 ,并对其除臭效果进行了评估。  相似文献   

武娟妮  石磊 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6208-6217
以江苏宜兴经济开发区为例,基于物质流分析构建了工业园区的氮代谢网络和分析方法,解析了工业园区中产业系统和污水处理系统的氮代谢途径和通量。研究表明,氮物质流系统的源和汇比磷物质流系统多,流通量大且较为集中;氮肥生产、纺织印染和食品加工行业是宜兴经济开发区的主要氮排放源;企业自备处理设施除氮效果较好,去除率约79%,而污水处理厂由于设计和运行等原因氮去除率较低,约57%;生活污水氮去除率低;直接排入水体的降水造成的水体负荷约28%。由此,建议企业继续完善企业内处理设施,对集中污水处理厂进行脱氮除磷提标改造,同时加强对园区内生活污水、生活垃圾和企业固体排放物的管理。  相似文献   

塑料广泛应用于人类的生活中,其中约80%的塑料垃圾被填埋,最终成为陆地和海洋垃圾。由于管理与处置不善,这些废弃物造成了巨大的环境污染,目前回收再利用是较好的处置方式,但对某些塑料废弃物并没有妥善的处置方式。生物降解作为环境友好的处置方式,具有巨大的应用潜力。本文对聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯、聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯和聚氨酯这6种常用塑料的降解微生物及生物降解机制进行了总结,对目前微生物降解塑料存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了促进微生物降解塑料应用的途径,为生物降解塑料菌株和降解酶的开发应用、降解机制研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

氧化亚氮(N2O)是第三大温室气体和最主要的臭氧层破坏气体.填埋是目前城市生活垃圾处理处置的主要方式,而垃圾填埋场是N2O的排放源之一.实验室研究和现场测定均表明,生活垃圾填埋场可以有高的N2O释放通量,但不同填埋场测定数据差异很大.目前,对生活垃圾填埋场N2O排放量的原位准确测定以及排放机理和重要性的认识仍有很多不足.本文概述了生活垃圾填埋场N2O排放研究现状,从垃圾堆体和覆土层两部分探讨了传统厌氧卫生填埋场的N2O产生和排放机理,并就此对新型脱氮型生物反应器填埋场做了相应探讨.最后,就静态箱法、涡度相关法等N2O通量测定方法在填埋场的适用性进行了讨论,并展望了填埋场N2O排放的研究方向.  相似文献   

工业园区磷代谢分析——以江苏宜兴经济开发区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武娟妮  石磊 《生态学报》2010,30(9):2397-2405
工业园区是工业活动的重要载体,也是水污染控制与治理的焦点对象。运用物质代谢分析方法解析水中主要污染主导元素在工业园区的代谢途径、结构与动力机制,有助于寻求提高水资源利用效率和减缓水环境污染压力的举措。以江苏宜兴经济开发区为案例,基于物质流分析方法构建了工业园区的磷代谢网络,详细解析了工业系统和污水处理模块的磷代谢途径和通量。研究表明,印染、食品加工和机械(磷化)行业是宜兴经济开发区的主要磷排放源;企业自备处理设施除磷效果不佳,磷去除率大约为60%,集中污水处理厂可以有效除磷,去除率约75%;生活污水磷去除率低;不经处理直接排入水体的降水给水体造成了较大的负荷,为34%。由此,建议企业完善简单的处理设施,污水处理厂提高企业纳管率,同时园区加强对生活污水、生活垃圾和企业固体排放物的管理。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an experimental activity aimed at investigating the technical feasibility and the environmental performance of using municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash to produce glass frit for ceramic glaze (glaze frit). The process includes an industrial pretreatment of bottom ash that renders the material suitable for use in glaze frit production and allows recovery of aluminum and iron. The environmental performance of this treatment option is assessed with the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The goal of the LCA study is to assess and compare the environmental impacts of two scenarios of end of life of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI): landfill disposal (conventional scenario) and bottom ash recovery for glaze frit production (innovative scenario). The main results of the laboratory tests, industrial simulations, and LCA study are presented and discussed, and the environmental advantages of recycling versus landfill disposal are highlighted.  相似文献   

Industrial hazardous waste is a special kind of toxic substance, which poses risks to the environment as well as human health. With the speeding up of industrialization in China, the collecting, recycling, treatment and disposal of industrial hazardous waste gradually become a severe problem to both the environmental protection and the resource management. In this paper, we laid an emphasis on prospective optimization, used integer program method, and selected the optimal locating approach to the collecting and handling of industrial hazardous waste on the basis of covering location model. We also selected an industrial intensive district in Hebei Province in China as an empirical object and examined our model result. Compared to previous results, this one bears the characteristics of immediacy, dynamism and predictability.  相似文献   

Microbiological degradation of pesticides in yard waste composting.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Changes in public opinion and legislation have led to the general recognition that solid waste treatment practices must be changed. Solid-waste disposal by landfill is becoming increasingly expensive and regulated and no longer represents a long-term option in view of limited land space and environmental problems. Yard waste, a significant component of municipal solid waste, has previously not been separated from the municipal solid-waste stream. The treatment of municipal solid waste including yard waste must urgently be addressed because disposal via landfill will be prohibited by legislation. Separation of yard waste from municipal solid waste will be mandated in many localities, thus stressing the importance of scrutinizing current composting practices in treating grass clippings, leaves, and other yard residues. Yard waste poses a potential environmental health problem as a result of the widespread use of pesticides in lawn and tree care and the persistence of the residues of these chemicals in plant tissue. Yard waste containing pesticides may present a problem due to the recalcitrant and toxic nature of the pesticide molecules. Current composting processes are based on various modifications of either window systems or in-vessel systems. Both types of processes are ultimately dependent on microbial bioconversions of organic material to innocuous end products. The critical stage of the composting process is the thermophilic phase. The fate and mechanism of removal of pesticides in composting processes is largely unknown and in need of comprehensive analysis.  相似文献   

Several studies have examined the relationship between environmental degradation and population growth. However, most of them do not take into account the difference between local population and tourist arrivals, which is considerably important for mature tourist destinations. This article contributes to the literature by separating these two groups within the framework of IPAT‐based models to measure the impact of tourist arrivals in terms of municipal solid waste generation for Mallorca. The model leads to a stochastic differential equations system, which shows that this mature tourist destination has higher population elasticity than industrial economies. Moreover, the model allowed us to measure the elasticity of substitution between lower‐ and higher‐income tourists. Results showed that an increase of 1% on tourist arrivals growth rate would generate an increase in waste disposal generation of 1.25%. Furthermore, an increase of tourist expenditures by 1% on the destination would lead to an increase of municipal solid waste generation of 0.51%.  相似文献   

The safety and acceptability of many widely used solid waste management practices are of serious concern from the public health point of view. Such concern stems from both distrust of policies and solutions proposed by all tiers of government for the management of solid waste and a perception that many solid waste management facilities use poor operating procedures. Waste management practice that currently encompasses disposal, treatment, reduction, recycling, segregation and modification has developed over the past 150 years. Before that and in numerous more recent situations, all wastes produced were handled by their producers using simple disposal methods, including terrestrial dumping, dumping into both fresh and marine waters and uncontrolled burning. In spite of ever-increasing industrialisation and urbanisation, the dumping of solid waste, particularly in landfills, remains a prominent means of disposal and implied treatment. Major developments have occurred with respect to landfill technology and in the legislative control of the categories of wastes that can be subject to disposal by landfilling. Even so, many landfills remain primitive in their operation. Alternative treatment technologies for solid waste management include incineration with heat recovery and waste gas cleaning and accelerated composting, but both of these technologies are subject to criticism either by environmentalists on the grounds of possible hazardous emissions, failure to eliminate pathogenic agents or failure to immobilise heavy metals, or by landfill operators and contractors on the basis of waste management economics, while key questions concerning the effects of the various practices on public health and environmental safety remain unanswered. The probable and relative effects on both public health and environmental safety of tradition and modern landfill technologies will be evaluated with respect to proposed alternative treatment technologies.  相似文献   

在生物安全管理的各环节中,感染性废弃物的处理是控制实验室生物安全的关键环节.为此,我国制定了关于感染性废弃物处理的法律、法规,以避免污染实验室或环境.本三级生物安全实验室运行的3年中,在处理感染性废弃物时遇到了若干需要认真对待的细节,如固体感染性废弃物处理过程中的灭菌环节、消毒剂使用对压力蒸汽灭菌器的损伤、液体感染性废...  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾代谢的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市代谢是导致城市发展、能量生产和废物排放的社会、经济和技术过程的总和。生活垃圾管理系统是一类典型的、具备社会、经济、自然要素的复杂系统,它不仅同管理体制、技术水平和居民素质有关,也贯穿生产、消费、流通、还原过程,更和水体、土壤、大气、生物、矿产等自然环境紧密联系。综述了近年来基于城市生态系统代谢思路,在生活垃圾碳、重金属、营养元素和能量的城市代谢等方面的研究进展,分析了未来该领域研究需重点关注的方向。生活垃圾在城市生态系统中的能量流动、物质循环、代谢效率等方面的研究,可为生活垃圾管理系统的评价、规划、工程、管理研究提供科学基础。  相似文献   

The widespread application of conventional activated sludge treatment process has been employed to deal with a variety of municipal and industrial sewage. While the generation of waste activated sludge (WAS) was considerably huge, the management and disposal expenses were substantially costly. A promising process aimed for WAS reduction during the operation process is urgently needed. Thus, increasing attentions emphasizing on the improved or novel sludge reduction processes should be intensively recommended in the future. This review presents the current and emerging technologies for excess sludge minimization within the process of sewage treatment. The ultimate purpose of this paper is to guide or inspire researchers who are seeking feasible and promising technologies (or processes) to tackle the severe WAS problem.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background The disposal phase of a product’s life cycle in LCA is often neglected or based on coarse indicators like ‘kilogram waste’. The goal of report No. 13 of the ecoinvent project (Doka 2003) is to create detailed Life Cycle Inventories of waste disposal processes. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the models behind the waste disposal inventories in ecoinvent, to present exemplary results and to discuss the assessment of long-term emissions. This paper does not present a particular LCA study. Inventories are compiled for many different materials and various disposal technologies. Considered disposal technologies are municipal incineration and different landfill types, including sanitary landfills, hazardous waste incineration, waste deposits in deep salt mines, surface spreading of sludges, municipal wastewater treatment, and building dismantling. The inventoried technologies are largely based on Swiss plants. Inventories can be used for assessment of the disposal of common, generic waste materials like paper, plastics, packaging etc. Inventories are also used within the ecoinvent database itself to inventory the disposal of specific wastes generated during the production phase. Inventories relate as far as possible to the specific chemical composition of the waste material (waste-specific burdens). Certain expenditures are not related to the waste composition and are inventoried with average values (process-specific burdens). Methods The disposal models are based on previous work, partly used in earlier versions of ecoinvent/ETH LCI data. Important improvements were the extension of the number of considered chemical elements to 41 throughout all disposal models and new landfill models based on field data. New inventories are compiled for waste deposits in deep salt mines and building material disposal. Along with the ecoinvent data and the reports, also Excel-based software tools were created, which allow ecoinvent members to calculate waste disposal inventories from arbitrary waste compositions. The modelling of long-term emissions from landfills is a crucial part in any waste disposal process. In ecoinvent long-term emissions are defined as emissions occurring 100 years after present. They are reported in separate emission categories. The landfill inventories include long-term emissions with a time horizon of 60’000 years after present. Results and Discussion As in earlier studies, the landfills prove to be generally relevant disposal processes, as also incineration and wastewater treatment processes produce landfilled wastes. Heavy metals tend to concentrate in landfills and are washed out to a varying degree over time. Long-term emissions usually represent an important burden from landfills. Comparisons between burdens from production of materials and the burdens from their disposal show that disposal has a certain relevance. Conclusion The disposal phase should by default be included in LCA studies. The use of a material not only necessitates its production, but also requires its disposal. The created inventories and user tools facilitate heeding the disposal phase with a similar level of detail as production processes. The risk of LCA-based decisions shifting burdens from the production or use phase to the disposal phase because of data gaps can therefore be diminished. Recommendation and Perspective Future improvements should include the modelling of metal ore refining waste (tailings) which is currently neglected in ecoinvent, but is likely to be relevant for metals production. The disposal technologies considered here are those of developed Western countries. Disposal in other parts of the World can differ distinctly, for logistic, climatic and economic reasons. The cross-examination of landfill models to LCIA soil fate models could be advantageous. Currently only chemical elements, like copper, zinc, nitrogen etc. are heeded by the disposal models. A possible extension could be the modelling of the behaviour of chemical compounds, like dioxins or other hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

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