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目的:观察12周的核心力量训练对篮球专业大学生受试者平衡控制能力及血液某些生化指标的影响。方法:对14名受试者进行每周3次,每次90 min,为期12周的核心力量训练,所有受试者在训练前1周及训练第12周后进行睁眼和闭眼状态下的左右腿单脚站立重心移动面积和重心移动速度等平衡能力指标及BU、CK、WBC、HB、T、C和T/C等常规生化指标测试。结果:①12周的核心力量训练后睁眼和闭眼状态下的左右脚重心移动面积和移动速度都较训练前非常显著性降低(P<0.01);②睁眼及闭眼状态下的左右脚重心移动面积和移动速度在训练前及训练后均存在明显的差异性和不平衡性(P<0.01)。③核心力量训练后睁眼及闭眼状态下的双侧重心移动面积差异都较训练前有所减小,其中睁眼状态下的双侧重心移动面积差异较训练前明显减小(P<0.01);而睁眼及闭眼状态下的双侧重心移动速度差异都较训练前有所变大,且睁眼状态下的双侧重心移动速度差异较训练前明显增大(P<0.01)。④核心力量训练后BU和CK较训练前明显降低(P<0.05),WBC、HB、T和C较训练前大幅升高(P> 0.05),T/C较训练前则轻微地降低(P>0.05)。结论:12周的核心力量训练有助于篮球专业大学生下肢平衡控制能力的提高,机体对训练负荷适应能力的增强,使身体机能保持在较好的水平。  相似文献   

精神分裂症是一种复杂的精神疾病,全世界约有1%的人患有这种疾病。以往的研究发现精神分裂症患者的脑容量比正常人小,且一些精神分裂症易感的DNA序列多态性也同时与脑的结构异常有关,这与精神分裂症的神经发育假说是吻合的。最近研究发现人的GULP1基因的两个SNP(rs2004888和rs4522565)与精神分裂症显著相关。为了研究这两个精神分裂症易感的SNP是否也符合神经发育假说,我们检测了791个正常人的这两个SNP的基因型并测量它们的脑容量,相关性分析发现这两个SNP和脑容量无关,说明GULP1的精神分裂症易感性存在更加复杂的机制。  相似文献   

本文考察3—4岁儿童在圆形空间中重新定位和找回玩具的能力。让儿童把玩具放到一个路标物体里。闭眼转圈后找回玩具,观察儿童寻找玩具的位置,并将它跟睁眼转圈后儿童寻找玩具的位置比较,从而考察儿童的认路能力。实验结果说明儿童不能利用路标物体所形成的几何结构和具有延展性信息的表面来认路,但可以根据环境中的可靠信息来认路,即路标物体的独特性信息。因此,我们认为儿童是根据环境中的可靠信息——路标物体的独特性来认路的。  相似文献   

精神分裂症是一种复杂的精神疾病,全世界约有1%的人患有这种疾病。以往的研究发现,精神分裂症患者的脑容量比正常人小,且一些精神分裂症易感基因的DNA序列多态性也同时与脑的结构异常有关,这与精神分裂症的神经发育假说是吻合的。最近研究发现,人的DKK4基因的SNP(rs2073665)与精神分裂症显著相关。为了研究DKK4精神分裂症易感SNP是否与脑发育相关,本文检测了961个正常人rs2073665的基因型并测量了他们的脑容量。相关性分析发现,rs2073665在加性模型下和显性模型下都与脑容量存在显著相关性,这为精神分裂症易感基因同时能影响脑容量提供了证据,同时也为精神分裂症的神经发育异常假说提供了佐证。  相似文献   

目的:评定持续性军事职业活动对平衡能力的影响及视觉系统在其中的作用,为精准军事运动训练提供依据。方法:54名健康男性受试者,年龄(20.28±3.72)岁;身高(173.21±5.67)cm;体重(64.29±5.12) kg,在36 h的时间内完成多项军事科目,记录全程运动负荷(随机抽取11人),军事活动结束后进行睁眼平衡能力测试(54人)和闭眼平衡能力测试(随机抽取27人)。结果:内部负荷,与安静状态相比,军事职业活动中的心率(HR)、运动后的过氧消耗(EPOC)和运动冲量(TRIMP)值均显著增加(P<0.05);平衡能力,与睁眼安静值相比,军事职业活动后睁眼状态下整体、前后和左右方向的重心动摇距离和速度均显著增加(P<0.05),而整体、前后和左右动摇面积,前后和左右方向的最大动摇径,以及运动椭圆面积无显著变化(P>0.05);与闭眼安静值相比,军事活动后闭眼状态下平衡能力所有指标均显著增加(P<0.05)。结果表明视觉可控制持续性军事职业活动后人体重心动摇的幅度和面积。结论:长时间军事职业活动会损害人体的平衡能力,持续性的军事职业活动后,闭眼状态下平衡能力的破坏程度较睁眼状态大,表现为重心动摇幅度和范围的增加,表明视觉系统在控制姿态稳定方面起一定作用。  相似文献   

目的:完善健康青年静态立位平衡参数常模和探讨人处于不利站立条件下姿势控制变化规律。方法:从某军校本科学员中随机抽取108名,对8种不同站立条件下的立位平衡功能进行测试,同时比较不同站立姿势下重心晃动的变化。结果:与睁眼站立相比,闭眼站立和闭眼站立于脚垫上,人体重心会不自主地向脚掌移动,同时重心晃动的轨迹长度和面积明显增加,而单位面积轨迹长度明显降低。另外,人体前后方向晃动的程度较大,而左右晃动的程度稍小。结论:健康人姿势控制由视觉、前庭和下肢本体感觉等共同维持的,任何系统受到限制,都会影响平衡功能。当人处于不利站立条件时,人的身体会本能地向前倾斜来维持平衡,同时本研究为涉及人体立位平衡方面的研究提供了新的研究方法和思路。  相似文献   

基于大脑皮层信息传输的脑电信息图示方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种基于大脑皮层信息传输的脑电地形图示方法—脑电信息图(Brain InformationMapping - BIM) 。其原理是从不同导联电极上采集脑电信号经相空间重建构成头皮电位信息传输矩阵, 将各导联信息传输时间序列的信息传输量和复杂度数据绘制成头皮拓扑分布图, 以直观地反映脑电信息传输分布模式在不同时相中的变化进程。该方法不仅是从新的角度观察大脑功能变化, 而且可克服传统的脑电频谱分段地形图不能表达长程脑电模式变化的不足。对局限性癫痫病患者的试用表明,脑电信息图能较好地反映癫痫发作前后的信息传输动向和复杂度(Kc 、C1 、C2) 的变化趋势。结果提示,脑电信息图(BIM) 有可能成为一种新的观察大脑功能活动的图示诊断方法,值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

目的:探讨利用非线性动力学理论特征值来区分老年人和青年人脑电的差异。方法:采用非线性动力学的关联维数和lyapunov指数对老年组和青年组的安静闭眼、安静睁眼和N-back字母记忆事件等的高频脑电进行特征提取,对特征值进行统计分析,分析两组特征值之间的差别。结果:安静闭眼和安静睁眼事件下,老年组多数导联的关联维数和lyapunov指数的特征值与青年组的特征值存在显著差异(P均0.05);N-back字母记忆事件下,老人多数导联的关联维数特征值大于青年的特征值,但老年组只有14导联的lyapunov指数特征值大于青年组的特征值(P均0.05)。不管有无思维活动,人脑在矢状线上的五个导联Fz、FCz、Cz、CPz、Pz的关联维数和lyapunov指数的特征值都处在峰值处。结论:老年人相比青年人脑功能弱、能量发放少;在思维活动情况下,老年需要更多地发放能量来完成相同的思维活动。安静闭眼和睁眼以及N-back字母记忆事件等三个事件的关联维数和lyapunov指数特征值可用来区分老年组和青年组脑电的差异。  相似文献   

长期微量元素摄入异常对皮纹的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
席刚明  黄铁柱 《遗传》1994,16(6):34-36
对鄂西长期居住严重缺碘环境的克汀病人(173例)和长期居住高氟环境的氟中毒病人(322例)的手纹进行了比较分析.发现克汀病人、氟中毒病人除与正常人的手纹有显著差异外,克汀病人与氟中毒病人之间在手纹上也有一定差别.本文对这种异同的可能原因进行了探讨.  相似文献   

血钙浓度对青霉素引起的家兔大脑皮层痫样放电的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Ca~(2 )能降低细胞膜通透性和神经肌肉的兴奋性。当体液中Ca~(2 )抖浓度稍微降低时,神经肌肉的兴奋性增高。在临床上也发现原发性癫痫病人血钙偏低的现象,为研究Ca~(2 )与癫痫的关系,我们用记录家兔大脑皮层自发放电的方法,观察了Ca~(2 )对青霉素引起的家兔大脑皮层痫样放电的影响,旨在探讨有关离子在抗癫痫中的作用。  相似文献   

As compared to normal people, the lymphocytes of patients with schizophrenia were found to have an impairment of ATP. Mg-dependent protein phosphatase activation. More importantly, the impaired protein phosphatase activation in the lymphocytes of schizophrenic patients could be consistently and completely restored to normal by exogenous pure protein kinase FA /glycogen synthase kinase-3α (kinase FA /GSK-3α) (the activating factor of ATP.Mg-dependent protein phosphatase), indicating that the molecular mechanism for the impaired protein phosphatase activation in schizophrenic patients may be due to a functional loss of kinase FA /GSK-3α immunoblotting and kinase activity analysis in an anti-kinase FA /GSK-3α immunoprecipitate further demonstrate that both cellular activities and protein levels of kinase FA /GSK-3α in the lymphocytes of schizophrenic patients were greatly impared as compared to normal controls. Statistical analysis revealed that the lymphocytes isolated from 37 normal people contain kinase FA /GSK-3α activity in the high levels of 14.8 ± 2.4 units/mg of cell protein, whereas the lymphocytes of 48 patients with schizophrenic disorder contain kinase FA /GSK-3α activity in the low levels of 2.8 ± 1.6 units/mg, indicating that the different levels of kinase FA /GSK-3α activity between schizophrenic patients and normal people are statistically significant. Taken together, the results provide intial evidence that patients with schizophrenic disorder may have a common impairment in the protein levels and cellular activities of kinase FA /GSK-3α, a multisubstrate protein kinase and a multisubstrate protein phosphatase activator in their lymphocytes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reduced monoamine oxidase was found in the sera of fourty five schizophrenic patients with enzyme level (10 units), only five of these patients show enzyme level identical with minimum range of normal controls. Michaelis constants of schizophrenic patients show great difference from that of the normal controls. Our result suggests that schizophrenic patients possess a qualitatively different monoamine oxidase with an altered molecular structure. Four and five multiple forms were found in sera of normal human and schizophrenic patients respectively, using sepharose 6B, indicated that these different forms were of different molecular weight. Each multiple form is identified by cellulose acetate electrophoresis as they attached to different fraction of serum proteins.  相似文献   

M Ofuji  H Kaiya  M Nozaki  K Tsurumi 《Life sciences》1989,45(22):2135-2140
Cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) formation via prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)-or forskolin-stimulation were determined in washed intact platelets from 32 schizophrenic patients and 30 normal controls. Regarding basal cAMP levels in the platelets, there were no differences between schizophrenic patients and normal controls. Both PGE1-and forskolin-stimulated cAMP response reduced in platelets from schizophrenics compared with normal controls. These results suggested that platelets in schizophrenics were impaired not only in the adenylate cyclase unit per se but also extensively in the cAMP generating system coupled to a PGE1 receptor.  相似文献   

High level of polyamine oxidase activity is detected in sera of depressed as well as in schizophrenic patients. ECT treatment of depressed and schizophrenic patients reduced significantly the level of polyamine oxidase activity in their sera. After ECT treatment, clinically improved depressed and schizophrenic subjects were found to have sera polyamine oxidase activity not significantly differ from that of normal subjects. Possible biochemical mechanisms, which link polyamine oxidase activity, schizophrenia, depression and ECT effect are discussed here.  相似文献   

Schizophrenic patients have higher smoking rates than the general population. Studies show that smoking may be a form of self-medication in an attempt to alleviate cognitive deficits in schizophrenic patients of European background. This study examined the relationships between smoking and cognitive deficits in Chinese schizophrenic patients, which have previously received little systemic study. We recruited 580 male chronic patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia and 175 male control subjects who were matched on age and education. The subjects completed a detailed cigarette smoking questionnaire, the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), and the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). Patients also were rated on the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS), the Simpson and Angus Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (SAES), and the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS). All five RBANS subscales except for the Visuospatial/Constructional index showed significantly lower cognitive performance for schizophrenics than normal controls. The schizophrenic smokers scored lower than the schizophrenic non-smokers on the RBANS total score and the Visuospatial/Constructional and Immediate Memory indices. Similarly, the control smokers scored lower than the control non-smokers on the RBANS total score and the Immediate Memory index . Also, the schizophrenic smokers consistently performed the poorest on the cognitive domains of the RBANS. Among the schizophrenic patients, smokers displayed significantly fewer negative symptoms than non-smokers. Using multivariate regression analysis the following variables were independently associated with the RBANS total score: years of education, PANSS negative symptom score, age at schizophrenia onset, and number of hospitalizations. Our results show that smoking is associated with significant cognitive impairment in both schizophrenic patients and normal controls, but the smokers with schizophrenia had a reduced level of negative symptoms, suggesting that the benefits of smoking for those with schizophrenia may be limited to certain aspects of a given clinical phenotype.  相似文献   

Serum interleukin-6 in schizophrenic patients   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We examined serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) in 90 schizophrenic patients in remission and 90 normal controls using enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). We found a significant difference in variation between the schizophrenic and the control groups (F = 10.9, P less than .002). The difference in distribution was also statistically significant by Kolmogorov-Smirnov (chi-square = 45.0, P less than .001). Eight patients had aberrantly high serum levels of interleukin-6. Since the higher levels of IL-6 are characteristically found in several autoimmune disorders, our finding suggests a link between schizophrenia and immune response, which could be either autoimmune or a process induced by reactivation of viruses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study has been to describe motor activity data obtained by using wrist-worn actigraphs in patients with schizophrenia and major depression by the use of linear and non-linear methods of analysis. Different time frames were investigated, i.e., activity counts measured every minute for up to five hours and activity counts made hourly for up to two weeks. The results show that motor activity was lower in the schizophrenic patients and in patients with major depression, compared to controls. Using one minute intervals the depressed patients had a higher standard deviation (SD) compared to both the schizophrenic patients and the controls. The ratio between the root mean square successive differences (RMSSD) and SD was higher in the schizophrenic patients compared to controls. The Fourier analysis of the activity counts measured every minute showed that the relation between variance in the low and the high frequency range was lower in the schizophrenic patients compared to the controls. The sample entropy was higher in the schizophrenic patients compared to controls in the time series from the activity counts made every minute. The main conclusions of the study are that schizophrenic and depressive patients have distinctly different profiles of motor activity and that the results differ according to period length analysed.  相似文献   

Calmodulin and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activities were measured in hemolysates prepared from 18 normal and 17 schizophrenic subjects. No significant difference between groups was found for either activity. The results suggest that calmodulin is present in normal amounts in patients with schizophrenia. This is compatible with the idea that the interaction of calmodulin with antipsychotic agents is structurally non-specific.  相似文献   

The results of the present study showed the presence of a high-affinity and saturable binding of [3H]-ketanserin to frontal and parietal brain membranes obtained postmortem from bipolar, depressed, schizophrenic patients and normal controls. The human brain samples (60 frontal cortex and 51 parietal cortex), were donated by the Stanley Foundation Brain Collection. The overall data showed that normal controls, depressed and schizophrenic patients had a higher density in the frontal than in the parietal cortex, while bipolar patients did not show any difference. When the data were analysed according to the two hemispheres, some additional, intriguing observations were made: it emerged that [3H]-ketanserin binding sites did not show any difference in the two frontal cortices, while they were less represented in the right parietal cortex of normal and bipolar patients and more dense in schizophrenic patients. In conclusion, our study has demonstrated the presence of heterogenous alterations of [3H]-ketanserin binding sites in healthy controls and different psychiatric disorders that may be of help in a further elucidation of the specific role that 5-HT(2A) receptors may play in these disorders.  相似文献   

The work is aimed at the study of correlations between the measures of spectral power and cortical interactions of EEG rhythms in healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients ("acute" and chronic cases). All brain rhythms in healthy subjects appeared to be symmetrical and synchronous both in phase and frequency. In "acute" schizophrenics, opposite to healthy subjects, the distribution of cortical activity is asymmetrical, and in the chronic cases, the spectral power of most cortical rhythms is decreased as compared to healthy subjects. In the "acute" patients, interhemispheric connections are absent in all rhythms but alpha. In the chronic patients, the number of cortical connections is slightly higher than in the acute patients; and they are located in the posterior areas in the gamma rhythm. These neurophysiological aberrations evidently underlie the multiple mental activity disorders in schizophrenic patients. Thus, the correspondence between the brain rhythms and their synchronization is a necessary condition for normal perception, emotions and cognition evidently influencing behavior and consciousness.  相似文献   

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