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超低能重离子注入作物育种的原初物理机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从原子核物理学观点出发,采用理论分析与实验测量并举的方法对超级能(〈200kev)重离子(Z≥6)注入作物(小麦)种子进行诱变育种的原初物理机制进行了研究,结果表明,无论是注入离子本身的射程,还是次级电子,自由基扩散,高温热穗,级联原子和冲击波等次级作用范围都无法触及表皮下面的胚细胞,但注入离子在麦胚内主要元素(C,N,O,S,P,K,Ca)上激发出的特征X-射线,在其强度减弱为原来的10^-3时  相似文献   

氮离子束对小麦种子不同部位作用的突变效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述了荷能重离子束(^14氮^1 和^14氮^7 )在作物改良上的应用。为了探讨离子束轰击小麦种子不同部位(例如:种皮,种胚和整粒种籽,包括胚乳、胚和种皮)后的不同反应,采用了不同能量的氮离子。轰击不同部位是通过改变离子能量来实现的。在这个研究中,我们选择了三种能量以达到轰击不同部位的目的,它们是超低能区的110keV,低能区的15.7MeV/u和中能区的72MeV/u.根据TRIM 91程序计算,它们在种子内的射程依次为0.44μm,0.61mm和9.6mm。所以,110keV的离子不能贯穿种皮,因为它的厚度72μm,只能极浅层注入种皮而不能触及胚细胞(称这种情况为轰击部位1),15.7MeV/u的离子能够贯穿种皮并注入胚内(厚度约1mm),但不能进入胚乳(称这为轰击部位2),72MeV/u的离子能从种子的胚部到顶部贯穿整个麦粒(麦粒长约7mm)(称这为轰击部位3)。上述三种能量的氮离子辐照了三个品种(定西24、88-12、82-579)的春小麦种子。而后进行了室内实验和大田培育,得到了50%出苗率时的剂量D50,统计了上述三个轰击部位下根尖细胞中的微核率及染色体畸变率,大田中产生了一些新的变异,例如增产(达百分之几十),早熟(五天左右),矮杆(低约20cm),抗(条锈)病,并且显示了轰击不同部位的突变频率与突变谱,还简略地讨论了三种情况的突变机理。  相似文献   

通过控制单核能大小 ,将 1 2 C离子注入小麦种子胚乳 ,结果引起 M1 代植株的较大变化。这些变化包括 :生物学性状的变异 ;根尖细胞染色体畸变率和微核率的显著提高 ;POD酶活性显著提高和 CAT酶活性、MDA含量和蛋白质含量的较大程度的下降等。本文也讨论了诱变胚乳对胚作用的可能机理  相似文献   

^12C^6+注入小麦种子胚乳引起M1代的变化   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
通过控制单核能大小,将^12C离子注入小麦种子胚乳,结果引起M1代植株的较大变化。这些变化包括:生物学性状的变异;根尖细胞染色体畸变率和微核率的显著提高;POD酶活性显著提高和CAT酶活性、MDA含量和蛋白质含量的较大程度的下降等。本文也讨论了诱变胚乳对胚作用的可能机理。  相似文献   

进行了杉木属(CuruninghamiaR.Br.)与柳杉属(CryptomeriaD.Don)的属间人工杂交,结果如下:1.从76个经人工授粉后获得的球果中脱落的种子大量是空瘪的,对我观较饱满的种子628粒进行了软X-射线检查,其中无胚的597粒(95.6%)胚发育不全的17粒(2.7%)胚发育完全的只有14粒(2.2%),2.种子萌发试验表明,经软X-射线照射判断的,具发育完全的种子可以萌发形  相似文献   

用低能氮离子注入决明子种胚,种子浸泡液电导率显著增加,发芽势和发芽指数显著降低,幼苗主根长度减少,平均鲜重和活力指数显著降低.直接接受离子注入的种胚,其SOD酶活性随注入剂量的增加呈现出先下降再轻微上升的趋势.而没有直接接受离子注入的胚乳,其SOD酶活随注入剂量的增加呈马鞍形曲线.  相似文献   

用壳寡糖和脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)以不同方式处理小麦(Triticum aesivum L.)种子,测定从G1期启动进入S期和G2-M遥胚细胞百分率和小麦黄化苗的生长。结果表明:壳寡糖可促进小麦肿胚细胞周期启动并促进小麦根数目增加,说明壳寡糖对小麦种子的胚细胞分裂有促进作用;壳寡糖预处理小麦种子可解除DON对小麦黄化苗生长及胚细胞启动的抑制作用,表明寡聚糖可提高植物对病原基本菌毒素的抗耐性,这可能是寡聚糖诱导植物提高抗病性的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

低能离子注入对大豆种子吸胀冷害的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分别从浸种液中无机离子的浓度、可溶性糖的浓度以及溶液的pH值,研究了低能离子注入对大豆种子吸胀冷害的影响。结果发现一定剂量的氮离子注入大豆种子后,其无机离子、可溶性糖、酸性物质的泄漏量均有低于对照组的趋势,而且其长势好于对照组,说明离子注入能在一定程度上减轻大豆遭受的吸胀冷害。  相似文献   

山羊草叶片染色体的压片法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁淑安  汪永祥 《遗传》1979,1(1):40-41
用植物根尖压片观察和鉴定植物染色体的 方法在遗传和育种的研究中得到了广泛的应 用,但是它仍有一定的局限性,如小麦花药培养 诱导出的花粉植株的频率和小麦孤雌生殖的结 实率还不很高,作物远缘杂交中,虽然采取各 种措施来克服其杂交不亲和性和杂交后代不育 性,但其杂交的结实率仍然很低。得到的少量宝 贵种子用于根尖细胞学观察均有一定困难。一 方面是材料宝贵,剪去根尖作细胞染色体检查 影响植株的成活率;另外一方面每粒种子发芽 后只能剪1--2个根尖制片,由于制片技术的限 制,通过1-2次压片观察,往往不易得到清晰 可数的分裂相。为了解决上述这些问题,我们 用半凸山羊草(Aegilops ventricosa)的叶片进行 了细胞染色体的观察研究。  相似文献   

通过和玉米杂交诱导硬粒小麦单倍体   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
硬粒小麦(Triticum durum Desf.)DR147授以超甜玉米(Zea m ays L.) ss 7700的花粉后,在83.4% 的柱头上观察到花粉萌发及花粉管长入胚囊,有9.9% 的子房发生了卵细胞的单受精,1.9% 的子房发生了中央细胞的单受精,32.7% 的子房发生了双受精。尽管双受精后可同时形成胚和胚乳,但胚乳往往发育迟缓,甚至败育。硬粒小麦×玉米形成的杂合子核型高度不稳定,在最初的几次细胞分裂中,来自父本玉米的染色体逐步被排除,最后形成硬粒小麦单倍体胚。在授以玉米花粉4 h 后用100 ppm 2,4-D溶液浸蘸硬粒小麦穗部,可以有效地促进幼胚在缺乏胚乳或胚乳败育情况下的生长和发育。授粉9—13 d 后由533个硬粒小麦子房解剖出25个胚,得胚率为4.7% 。通过幼胚拯救获得11棵正常植株,植株获得率为2.1% 。根尖细胞染色体计数表明,它们为单倍体(2n= 2x= 14)。  相似文献   

Humans and many non-human primates exhibit large sexual dimorphisms in vocalizations and vocal anatomy. In humans, same-sex competitors and potential mates attend to acoustic features of male vocalizations, but vocal masculinity especially increases perceptions of physical prowess. Yet, the information content of male vocalizations remains obscure. We therefore examined relationships between sexually dimorphic acoustic properties and men's threat potential. We first introduce a new measure of the structure of vocal formant frequencies, 'formant position' (Pf), which we show is more sexually dimorphic and more strongly related to height than is the most widely used measure of formant structure, 'formant dispersion', in both a US sample and a sample of Hadza foragers from Tanzania. We also show large sexual dimorphisms in the mean fundamental frequency (F0) and the within-utterance standard deviation in F0 (F0-s.d.) in both samples. We then explore relationships between these acoustic parameters and men's body size, strength, testosterone and physical aggressiveness. Each acoustic parameter was related to at least one measure of male threat potential. The most dimorphic parameters, F0 and Pf, were most strongly related to body size in both samples. In the US sample, F0 predicted testosterone levels, Pf predicted upper body strength and F0-s.d. predicted physical aggressiveness.  相似文献   

在自然环境中,人和动物常在一定的背景噪声下感知信号声刺激,然而,关于低强度的弱背景噪声如何影响听皮层神经元对声刺激频率的编码尚不清楚.本研究以大鼠听皮层神经元的频率反应域为研究对象,测定了阈下背景噪声对79个神经元频率反应域的影响.结果表明,弱背景噪声对大鼠初级听皮层神经元的听反应既有抑制性影响、又有易化性影响.一般来说,抑制性影响使神经元的频率调谐范围和最佳频率反应域缩小,易化性影响使神经元的频率调谐范围和最佳频率反应域增大.对于少数神经元,弱背景噪声并未显著改变其频率调谐范围,但却改变了其最佳频率反应域范围.弱背景噪声对63.64%神经元的特征频率和55.84%神经元的最低阈值无显著影响.神经元频率调谐曲线的尖部比中部更容易受到弱背景噪声的影响.该研究结果有助于我们进一步理解复杂声环境下大脑听皮层对听觉信息的编码机制.  相似文献   

To test the generality of radiofrequency radiation-induced changes in 45Ca2+ efflux from avian and feline brain tissues, human neuroblastoma cells were exposed to electromagnetic radiation at 147 MHz, amplitude-modulated (AM) at 16 Hz, at specific absorption rates (SAR) of 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, and 0.0005 W/kg. Significant 45Ca2+ efflux was obtained at SAR values of 0.05 and 0.005 W/kg. Enhanced efflux at 0.05 W/kg peaked at the 13-16 Hz and at the 57.5-60 Hz modulation ranges. A Chinese hamster-mouse hybrid neuroblastoma was also shown to exhibit enhanced radiation-induced 45Ca2+ efflux at an SAR of 0.05 W/kg, using 147 MHz, AM at 16 Hz. These results confirm that amplitude-modulated radiofrequency radiation can induce responses in cells of nervous tissue origin from widely different animal species, including humans. The results are also consistent with the reports of similar findings in avian and feline brain tissues and indicate the general nature of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

酵母基因中转录正调控内含子序列特征的统计分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
大量实验研究显示,真核基因的许多内含子具有调控转录的功能,但是对此问题尚缺乏全面的研究.观察一些酵母基因的转录频率与基因的内含子序列后,发现一个值得注意的现象:转录频率高的基因内含子序列一般都比较长,而转录频率低的基因内含子一般都比较短.这提示高效转录基因的较长内含子中可能含有某些增强基因转录的特征性结构.于是选取两组酵母基因的内含子进行详细研究,第一组的基因具有较高的转录频率(>30),第二组的基因转录频率较低(≤10).对寡核苷酸(主要是四核苷酸、五核苷酸)的出现频率进行统计比较分析,探测到一批寡核苷酸,它们在第一组内含子中出现的频率显著高于在第二组内含子中出现的频率,同时也显著高于与第一组内含子相邻的外显子中的出现频率.其中一些寡核苷酸与实验研究得到的转录调控元件相同.从这批寡核苷酸在内含子和外显子序列中的分布看,高效转录基因内含子的序列结构确实有利于基因的转录.  相似文献   

HLA haplotype analysis has important application value in human population genetics, anthropological research and HLA matching transplantation. Based on HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1 and -DQB1 genotyping data from 663 families including 663 leukemia patients and 991 related donors, the allele frequency (AF) and haplotype frequency (HF) of two-, three- and five-locus haplotype distribution patterns in the Chinese Han population were determined by family segregation. A total of 38 alleles at A locus, 75 alleles at B locus, 35 alleles at C locus, 53 alleles at DRB1 locus and 22 alleles at DQB1 locus were discovered in this population. The frequencies of these alleles were basically consistent with those of previous reports except for some tiny differences. The study found 11 A-C, 15 C-B, 4 B-DRB1 and 11 DRB1-DQB1 two-locus haplotypes with a frequency over 2%. The number of A-C-B and A-B-DRB1 three-locus haplotype with a frequency over 1% were 11 and 3 respectively. The most common HLA-A-C-B-DRB1-DQB1 haplotype (HF>1%) were A*3001-C*0602-B*1302-DR*0701-DQ*0202 (4.30%), A*0207-C*0102-B*4601-DR*0901-DQ*0303 (3.07%), A*3303-C*0302-B*5801-DR*0301-DQ*0201 (1.49%) and A*1101-C*0102-B*4601-DR*0901-DQ*0303 (1.01%). The results are helpful for finding matching donors for hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients and also contribute to transplant immunology, HLA-related diseases, research of human genetics and other fields.  相似文献   

The radiofrequency absorption rates of five male human volunteers have been measured from 3 to 41 MHz. The subjects were exposed at about 10 microW /cm2 inside a very large transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell and never absorbed more than 1 W. Both the EKH and EHK orientations were employed under both free-space and grounded conditions. Absorption rates for the EKH orientation exceed those of the EHK orientation by 40% in free space, but only by 6% when grounded. The absorption rates for the grounded men vary with frequency, f, as f1.9 from 3 to 25 MHz and then level off at peak. The free-space absorption rates vary as f1.7 from 3 to 18 MHz and as f2.9 from 18 to 41 MHz. The average measured absorption rates at 10 MHz exceed the average of the standard model calculations by a factor of three (for free space) or four (grounded). The average man, when exposed grounded in an EKH orientation to the maximum permitted exposure levels under ANSI standard C95 .1-1982, will absorb 0.58 +/- 0.14 W/kg over most of the 3 to 41-MHz frequency range. This slightly exceeds the whole-body maximum of 0.40 W/kg underlying the standard.  相似文献   

用数学方法推导出了自交作物群体遗传组成的分析公式。根据所推出的公式,可以计算出任何自交世代群体的基因型频率和同一表现型中各基因型的频率。对自交群体遗传组成的分析可用于质量性状的选择,确定选择时需要的有效群体大小和选出有效群体的大小,亦有助于确定选择的最佳世代。  相似文献   

Prediction Configural Frequency Analysis is reconceptualized in terms of orthogonal Chi-Square decomposition. The predictor-criterion contingency table is subdivided into fourfold tables. The chisquare components of these tables, calculated using Kimball's shortcut formulas, sum up to the total chi-square of the r × c table. As a result of this decomposition, the number of r × c prediction tests of classical Prediction CFA is reduced to R = (r - 1) (c - 1) biprediction types. The resulting version of Prediction CFA is termed orthogonal Prediction CFA. Orthogonal Prediction CFA is illustrated using data describing pupils' performance in German language as predicted from performance in two verbal tests.  相似文献   

In members of the cricket subfamily Eneopterinae (Orthoptera, Grylloidea), songs with powerful high-frequency (HF) harmonics have evolved, which likely represents a distinctive acoustic adaptation. In this study, we analysed or reanalysed the songs of the three eneopterine genera present in the Neotropics to evaluate whether they also possess high-amplitude HF components. We present new data and combine several lines of evidence to interpret or reinterpret the calling signals of a representative species for each genus. We used new recordings in order to detect and analyse potential HF components of the songs. Stridulatory files were measured, and stridulation was studied using high-speed video recordings. The results suggest that all eneopterine genera from the Neotropics use HFs to communicate, based on the rich harmonic content of their songs. Strikingly, the Neotropical eneopterines possess high dominant frequencies, recalling the patterns observed in the tribe Lebinthini, the most speciose tribe of the subfamily distributed in the Western Pacific region and in Southeast Asia: Ligypterus and Ponca show dominant harmonic peaks, whereas Eneoptera possesses unique features. The three species under study, however, deal differently with HFs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the intercorrelation between three genetic assays in 112 subjects. The group was pooled from two originally separate but homogeneous subgroups of 56 persons each. Procedures included assays for hprt mutant frequencies, micronuclei in human lymphocytes, and mutations at the glycophorin A (gpa) loci. We found no statistically significant or biologically important intercorrelations among the three biomarkers. We did, however, observe significant correlations between loge hprt mutant frequency and cloning efficiency (inverse correlation for these 2 variables), age and loge hprt mutant frequency, an inverse relationship between cloning efficiency and age, and an important differential sex effect favoring a greater micronuclei frequency in females than males. No significant correlations between the covariates of interest and glycophorin A variant frequencies NN or NO were observed. Using multivariable linear regression, age was found to account for the majority of the variability in hprt mutant frequency (greater than sex and/or smoking); for micronuclei data, only sex contributed a statistically significant and biologically important proportion to the total variation. We conclude that despite observing no significant intercorrelations between the three assays performed simultaneously from the same individuals in a large population database, a significant correlation between age and hprt mutant frequency and an inverse association between cloning efficiency and hprt do exist; furthermore, we verified the strong differential sex-specific effect on micronucleus frequencies.  相似文献   

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