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Aim To analyse the structure of pteridophyte assemblages, based on phylogenetic relatedness and trait properties, along an elevational gradient. Ecological theory predicts that co‐occurring species may be: randomly selected from a regional pool; ecologically sorted so that they are functionally different hence resulting in reduced competition (overdispersion); or functionally similar as an adaptation to specific ecological conditions (clustering). Location Braulio Carrillo National Park and Cerro de la Muerte, Costa Rica, Central America. Methods We used an empirical dataset of the quantitative pattern of species occurrences and individual numbers of ferns within 156 plots along a tropical elevational gradient to test whether directed ecological sorting might cause deviations in patterns of trait and phylogenetic diversity. Mean pairwise distances of species based on phylogenetic and trait properties were compared with two different sets of null assemblages, one maintaining species frequency distributions (constrained) and one not (unconstrained). Results Applying different null models resulted in varying degrees of overdispersion and clustering, but overall patterns of deviation from random expectations remained the same. Contrary to theoretical predictions, phylogenetic and trait diversity were relatively independent from one another. Phylogenetic diversity showed no patterns along the elevational gradient, whereas trait diversity showed significant trends for epiphytes. Main conclusions Under stressful environmental conditions (drought at low elevations and frost at high elevations), epiphytic fern assemblages tended to be clustered with respect to trait characteristics, which suggests environmental filtering. Conversely, under less extreme environmental conditions (middle of the transect), the sorting was biased towards high differentiation (overdispersion), presumably because of interspecific competition and trait shifts among closely related species (character displacement).  相似文献   

Aim The objective of this study was to comprehensively document and examine the alpha and gamma patterns of species richness in non-volant, small mammals (rodents, shrews and mouse opossums) along a tropical elevational gradient. These data were used to determine the support for existing hypotheses of species richness encompassing mid-domain null models, as well as climatic, and community overlap hypotheses. Location Field studies were conducted along a Caribbean slope of the Río Peñas Blancas watershed in the north-eastern region of Costa Rica between 750 and 1850 m at 10 sampling sites. Methods Species richness and abundances of small mammals were surveyed for four seasons including three temporal replicates at each of five elevational sites: late wet season (2000), early wet season (2001), and dry season (2002), and one spatial replicate at five different sites within the same elevations during the late wet season (2001). Species richness at elevations below 700 m was compiled from specimen records from 23 US national and international collections. Predictions of a null model based solely on geometric constraints were examined using a Monte Carlo simulation program, Mid-Domain Null. Results In 16,900 trap nights, 1561 individuals from 16 species were captured. Both alpha and gamma species richness peaked at mid-elevation between 1000 and 1300 m, with richness declining both at higher and lower elevations. Most of the empirical curves of species richness occur within 95% prediction curves of the mid-domain model, although deviations from the null model exist. Regression of the empirical richness on the null model predictions explained nearly half of the variation observed (r2 = 0.45, P = 0.002). Main conclusions The geometric constraints of montane topography appear to influence the diversity pattern of small mammals, although climatic conditions including an intermediate rainfall and temperature regime, and distance from the persistent cloud cap also are correlated with the pattern of species richness. The predictions of productivity, and community overlap hypotheses are not supported with the empirical data.  相似文献   

Assessment of forest responses to climate change is severely hampered by the limited information on tree death on short temporal and broad spatial scales, particularly in tropical forests. We used 1‐m resolution panchromatic IKONOS and 0.7‐m resolution QuickBird satellite data, acquired in 2000 and 2002, respectively, to evaluate tree death rates at the La Selva Biological Station in old‐growth Tropical Wet Forest in Costa Rica, Central America. Using a calibration factor derived from ground inspection of tree deaths predicted from the images, we calculated a landscape‐scale annual exponential death rate of 2.8%. This corresponds closely to data for all canopy‐level trees in 18 forest inventory plots, each of 0.5 ha, for a mostly‐overlapping 2‐year period (2.8% per year). This study shows that high‐spatial‐resolution satellite data can now be used to measure old‐growth tropical rain forest tree death rates, suggesting many new avenues for tropical forest ecology and global change research.  相似文献   

Aim The factors affecting the distribution of dioecious species have received surprisingly little attention and, as a consequence, are poorly understood. For example, there is a well‐documented negative association between dioecy and latitude, for which we have no candidate mechanisms. Conversely, it has been suggested that the relative proportion of dioecious species should be positively correlated with changes in elevation. Location Costa Rica, Central America. Methods We made use of data on the distribution of 175 seed plant species from a series of plots along a transect in Costa Rica that ranged from 30 to 2600 m a.s.l. to test the prediction that dioecy is correlated with elevation. Specifically, we examined relationships between the proportion of dioecy, at the species and individual levels, and the elevation, species richness, number of individuals, and phylogenetic diversity (PD) of plots. For comparison, we repeated all analyses with monoecious species, which also have unisexual flowers but do not suffer from reduced mate assurance and the seed shadow effect that may be the outcomes of having spatially separated sexes. Results The relative proportions of dioecious species and individuals displayed a unimodal relationship with elevation, both peaking at 750 m a.s.l. In contrast, the relative proportions of monoecious species and individuals displayed negative associations with elevation. In addition, the proportion of dioecious species was significantly positively associated with species richness and with the PD of plots. The proportion of monoecious species was not associated with species richness and was weakly positively associated with the PD of plots. Main conclusions Our results suggest that the selection pressure of elevation on the pollinators and life‐history strategy of dioecious species is much less than expected, and is overshadowed by the as‐yet unexplained correlation of dioecy with species richness. Additional studies of the ecology of cosexual and unisexual (i.e. dioecious and monoecious) species along large environmental gradients are needed.  相似文献   

The research about species richness pattern and elevational Rapoport's rule (ERR) have been carried out mostly in the temperate regions in the recent years and scarcely in the tropical mountains; meanwhile, it is unclear whether the ERR is consistent among different life‐forms and phytogeographic affinities. Here, we compiled a database of plant species of Mount Kenya, a tropical mountain of East Africa, and divided these species into twelve groups depending on the life‐form and phytogeographic affinity of each species. We inspected the species richness pattern of each group along the elevation gradient and also tested ERR of each group using Stevens' method. Our results showed that species richness of the total species showed a positively skewed (hump‐shaped) pattern along the elevation gradient and different life‐forms and phytogeographic affinities showed similar hump‐shaped patterns as the total species. The average elevation range size of the total species and herbaceous species showed increasing patterns along the elevation gradient, while lycophytes and ferns, and woody species showed an obvious downward trend after peaking in the high elevation regions. We concluded that the widely distributed herbaceous species which also have broad elevation range sizes are more applicable to ERR, while the narrowly distributed woody species with small elevation range sizes occurring in the higher elevations could reverse ERR. Therefore, we concluded that the ERR is not consistent among different organisms in the same region.  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric [CO2] could theoretically lead to increased forest productivity (‘CO2 fertilization’). This mechanism was hypothesized as a possible explanation for biomass increases reported from tropical forests in the last 30+ years. We used unique long‐term records of annually measured stands (eighteen 0.5 ha plots, 10 years) and focal tree species (six species, 24 years) to assess the effects of rainfall, temperature, and atmospheric [CO2] on annual wood production in a neotropical rain forest. Our study area was a meso‐scale section (600 ha) of old‐growth Tropical Wet Forest in NE Costa Rica. Using the repeated remeasurements we directly assessed the relative effects of interannual climatic variation and increasing atmospheric [CO2] on wood production. A remarkably simple two‐factor model explained 91% of the interannual variance in stand‐level tree growth; the statistically independent factors were total dry season rainfall (positive effect, r2=0.85) and night‐time temperature (negative effect, r2=0.42). Stand‐level tree mortality increased significantly with night‐time temperature. After accounting for dry season rainfall and night‐time temperature, there was no effect of annual [CO2] on tree growth in either the stand or focal species data. Tree growth in this Tropical Wet Forest was surprisingly sensitive to the current range of dry season conditions and to variations in mean annual night‐time temperature of 1–2°. Our results suggest that wood production in the lowland rainforests of NE Costa Rica (and by extension in other tropical regions) may be severely reduced in future climates that are only slightly drier and/or warmer.  相似文献   

Aim To calculate the degree to which differences between local and regional elevational species richness patterns can be accounted for by the effects of regional area. Location Five elevational transects in Costa Rica, Ecuador, La Réunion, Mexico and Tanzania. Methods We sampled ferns in standardized field plots and collated regional species lists based on herbarium and literature data. We then used the Arrhenius function S = cAz to correct regional species richness (S) for the effect of area (A) using three slightly different approaches, and compared the concordance of local and regional patterns prior to and after accounting for the effect of area on regional richness using linear regression analyses. Results We found a better concordance between local and regional elevational species richness after including the effect of area in the majority of cases. In several cases, local and regional patterns are very similar after accounting for area. In most of the cases, the maximum regional richness shifted to a higher elevation after accounting for area. Different approaches to correct for area resulted in qualitatively similar results. Main conclusions The differences between local and regional elevational richness patterns can at least partly be accounted for by area effects, suggesting that the underlying causes of elevational richness patterns might be the same at both spatial scales. Values used to account for the effect of area differ among the different study locations, showing that there is no generally applicable elevational species–area relationship.  相似文献   

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