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This paper concentrates on the system that controls the femur-tibia joint in the legs of the stick insect, Carausius morosus. Earlier investigations have shown that this joint is subject to a mixture of proportional and differential control whereby the differential part plays a prominent role. Experiments presented here suggest another interpretation: single legs of a stick insect were systematically perturbed using devices of different compliance and compensatory forces and movements monitored. When the compliance is high (soft spring), forces are generated that return the leg close to its original position. When the compliance is low (stiff spring), larger forces are generated but sustained changes in position occur that are proportional to the force that is applied. Selective ablation of leg sense organs showed that the leg did not maintain its position after elimination of afferents of the femoral chordotonal organ. Ablation of leg campaniform sensilla had no effect. These data support the idea that different control strategies are used, depending upon substrate compliance. In particular, what we and other authors have called a differential controller, is now considered as an integral controller that intelligently gives up when the correlation between motor output and movement of the leg is low.We would like to dedicate this article to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bässler. Starting in the 1960s, his seminal work stimulated a long series of fruitful studies that, even today, reveal exciting insights into motor control.  相似文献   

Abstract:  After comparing the persistence of four marking techniques, a mark–release–resight study was performed to characterize mid-season movement of the Colorado potato beetle [ Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say); Col., Chrysomelidae] simultaneously in a fallow and in a wheat field. Isolated patches of potatoes were installed in a random spatial arrangement on both fields similarly. Overwintered beetles were individually marked and released. Beetles showed limited inter-patch movement activity (15.9% of recovery events) with an overall mean daily dispersal of 0.309 m (0.0–7 m). There was a significant difference in the insects' movement distance between the fallow and wheat field but there was no difference between the movement distances of males and females. The distance between the patches varied between 1 and 7.81 m, and inter-patch movement was infrequent (15.9%). Results suggest that surrounding fields by wheat rather than fallow grounds should be studied as a possible strategy to reduce the movement of overwintered beetles between potato fields.  相似文献   

Leg movements of stick insects (Carausius morosus) making turns towards visual targets are examined in detail, and a dynamic model of this behaviour is proposed. Initial results suggest that front legs shape most of the body trajectory, while the middle and hind legs just follow external forces (Rosano H, Webb B, in The control of turning in real and simulated stick insects, vol. 4095, pp 145–156, 2006). However, some limitations of this explanation and dissimilarities in the turning behaviour of the insect and the model were found. A second set of behavioural experiments was made by blocking front tarsi to further investigate the active role of the other legs for the control of turning. The results indicate that it is necessary to have different roles for each pair of legs to replicate insect behaviour. We demonstrate that the rear legs actively rotate the body while the middle legs move sideways tangentially to the hind inner leg. Furthermore, we show that on average the middle inner and hind outer leg contribute to turning while the middle outer leg and hind inner leg oppose body rotation. These behavioural results are incorporated into a 3D dynamic robot simulation. We show that the simulation can now replicate more precisely the turns made by the stick insect. This work was supported by CONACYT México and the European Commission under project FP6-2003-IST2-004690 SPARK.  相似文献   

The resistance reflex in the femur-tibia joint of stick insects shows a great variability in its strength which allows the animal to adapt to different environmental requirements. This paper presents the modulations in the neural reflex pathways which occur during an increase of the gain of the resistance reflex after tactile stimulation. The gain increase was associated with a short-term, reversible increase of slow extensor tibiae depolarization. Because membrane properties like resting potential and input resistance of this motoneuron remained unchanged during the gain changes, the increase of depolarization appeared to result from an increase of stimulus-related inputs and thus was due to modulations of the premotor neuronal network containing afferents of the femoral chordotonal organ and interneurons. However, no changes of spike activity of sensory neurons and amount of their presynaptic inhibition was found during gain changes. In contrast, recordings from different types of identified premotor non-spiking interneurons demonstrated a correlation between the amplitude of stimulus-related inputs to particular non-spiking interneurons and gain changes, while other non-spiking interneurons appeared unaffected. Thus, an increase in gain of the resistance reflex must be due to a specific weighting of synapses between sense organ and particular non-spiking interneurons. Accepted: 3 July 1998  相似文献   

As humans walk or run, external (environmental) and internal (physiological) disturbances induce variability. How humans regulate this variability from stride-to-stride can be critical to maintaining balance. One cannot infer what is “controlled” based on analyses of variability alone. Assessing control requires quantifying how deviations are corrected across consecutive movements. Here, we assessed walking and running, each at two speeds. We hypothesized differences in speed would drive changes in variability, while adopting different gaits would drive changes in how people regulated stepping. Ten healthy adults walked/ran on a treadmill under four conditions: walk or run at comfortable speed, and walk or run at their predicted walk-to-run transition speed. Time series of relevant stride parameters were analyzed to quantify variability and stride-to-stride error-correction dynamics within a Goal-Equivalent Manifold (GEM) framework. In all conditions, participants’ stride-to-stride control respected a constant-speed GEM strategy. At each consecutively faster speed, variability tangent to the GEM increased (p ≤ 0.031), while variability perpendicular to the GEM decreased (p ≤ 0.044). There were no differences (p ≥ 0.999) between gaits at the transition speed. Differences in speed determined how stepping variability was structured, independent of gait, confirming our first hypothesis. For running versus walking, measures of GEM-relevant statistical persistence were significantly less (p ≤ 0.004), but showed minimal-to-no speed differences (0.069 ≤ p ≤ 0.718). When running, people corrected deviations both more quickly and more directly, each indicating tighter control. Thus, differences in gait determined how stride-to-stride fluctuations were regulated, independent of speed, confirming our second hypothesis.  相似文献   

The known nonlinearities of the femur-tibia control loop of the stick insect Carausius morosus (enabling the system to produce catalepsy) are already present in the nonspiking interneuron E4: (1) The decay of depolarizations in interneuron E4 following slow elongation movements of the femoral chordotonal organ apodeme could be described by a single exponential function, whereas the decay following faster movements had to be characterized by a double exponential function. (2) Each of the two corresponding time constants was independent of stimulus velocity. (3) The relative contribution of each function to the total amount of depolarization changed with stimulus velocity. (4) The characteristics described in (1)–(3) were also found in the slow extensor tibiae motoneuron. (5) Single electrode voltage clamp studies on interneuron E4 indicated that no voltage dependent membrane properties were involved in the generation of the observed time course of decay. Thus, we can trace back a certain behavior (catalepsy) to the properties of an identified, nonspiking interneuron.Abbrevations FETi fast extensor tibiae motor neuron - FT-joint femur-tibia joint - FT-control loop femur-tibia control loop - SETi slow extensor tibiae motor neuron - R regression coefficient  相似文献   

1. Biparental care is stabilised if parents perform different tasks during care. Specialised parental roles may require different time and energy budgets that in turn are expected to influence the activity and space use of sexes. 2. Here we investigate movement patterns of the biparental Lethrus apterus beetle using a grid of pitfall traps in their natural habitat. 3. Sexes of the burrow building L. apterus perform different roles during caregiving, as females collect most of the leaves, which serve as food for the offspring while paired males stay mostly in the burrow. We hypothesised that sex differences in mate search and parental activities are reflected in movement patterns. 4. We found that females frequently travelled short distances, whereas males were detected less often but when detected, they travelled significantly longer distances than females. 5. Our results are consistent with the notion that efficient parental food provisioning requires more localised movement and activity patterns. Furthermore, the long distance movements of some males may indicate active mate searching behaviour.  相似文献   

To detect and avoid collisions, animals need to perceive and control the distance and the speed with which they are moving relative to obstacles. This is especially challenging for swimming and flying animals that must control movement in a dynamic fluid without reference from physical contact to the ground. Flying animals primarily rely on optic flow to control flight speed and distance to obstacles. Here, we investigate whether swimming animals use similar strategies for self-motion control to flying animals by directly comparing the trajectories of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) moving through the same experimental tunnel. While moving through the tunnel, black and white patterns produced (i) strong horizontal optic flow cues on both walls, (ii) weak horizontal optic flow cues on both walls and (iii) strong optic flow cues on one wall and weak optic flow cues on the other. We find that the mean speed of zebrafish does not depend on the amount of optic flow perceived from the walls. We further show that zebrafish, unlike bumblebees, move closer to the wall that provides the strongest visual feedback. This unexpected preference for strong optic flow cues may reflect an adaptation for self-motion control in water or in environments where visibility is limited.  相似文献   

In theory, carbon is highly mobile in aquatic systems. Recent evidence from carbon stable isotopes of crabs (Parasesarma erythrodactyla and Australoplax tridentata), however, shows that in subtropical Australian waters, measurable carbon movement between adjacent mangrove and saltmarsh habitats is limited to no more than a few metres. We tested whether the pattern in crab δ13C values across mangrove and saltmarsh habitats was explained by crab movement, or the movement of particulate organic matter. We estimated crab movement in a mark–recapture program using an array of pitfall traps on 13 transects (a total of 65 traps) covering an area of 600 m2 across the interface of these two habitats. Over a 19-day period, the majority of crabs (91% for P. erythrodactyla, 93% for A. tridentata) moved <2 m from the place of initial capture. Crab movement cannot, therefore, explain the patterns in δ13C values of crabs. δ13C values of detritus collected at 2-m intervals across the same habitat interface fitted a sigmoidal curve of a similar form to that fitting the δ13C values of crabs. δ13C values of detritus were 2–4‰ more depleted in saltmarsh (−18.5±0.6‰), and 4–7‰ more depleted in mangroves (−25.9±0.1‰) than δ13C values of crabs recorded previously in each habitat. Assimilation by crabs of very small detrital fragments or microphytobenthos, more enriched in 13C, may explain the disparity in δ13C values. Nevertheless, the pattern in δ13C values of detritus suggests that crabs obtain their carbon from up to several metres away, but without themselves foraging more then a metre or so from their burrow. Such detailed measurements of carbon movement in estuaries provide a spatially explicit understanding of the functioning of food webs in saltmarsh and mangrove habitats.  相似文献   

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